Monday, June 29, 2015

SIGN My PETITION and stand up against Judicial Corruption!

SIGN My PETITION and stand up against Judicial Corruption!
Here is a BIG developing news story that is going to start gaining momentum very quickly!!!! I will be filing two lawsuits one to each for $500,000 each but will settle for between $50,000 each out of court. that is on top of the complaints filed with the judicial review board, the Colorado Bar Association the ACLU Nationwide regarding how these two colluded, the judge used an unfair and biased jury to convict because he refused to dismiss the jury once he was informed by one of the female jurors that there was a feeling of guilt among the jury members before ever hearing the facts of the case! these two are criminals!!!! NO way to set an example now is it? This isn't's corruption of justice and if these two did this, there are certainly other judges that ‪#‎BrianCaplanDDA‬ worked with and worked on cases in other courtrooms that also need to be immediately reviewed!
Judge Thomas Kelly Kane boldly ignored a mandated judicial procedure in my case and if he did it to me, he HAS already done it to lots and lots of others!!!!! I...will NOT stop until these two and any OTHER judge that Brian Caplan has worked cases with are also investigated for collusion, corruption, Jury tampering....among other serious allegations! IF this is ignored...the problems are at the state level and I WILL...submit this to the Federal prosecutors and I will NOT stop there until SOMEONE takes point and joins me in my fight for REAL justice and stands behind me as I stand tall against Corruption!!!!!
Have as MANY people in your organization sign my petition so that the message is sent: We-the-People will NOT tolerate judicial corruption, collusion between judge and prosecutor, jury tampering, and corruption of justice!!!! If they did this to me, we already KNOW that they have been getting away with it on lots and lots of other cases and what do you think they will continue to do if we don't put a stop to this?
Help me get my case dismissed and by doing so, will also expose the corrupt, fabricated charges that they have trumped up against me to bury me because they are afraid that I am going to take them down...they are afraid that I have discovered their corrupt ways! Do NOT allow these two to continue to administer their brand of corrupt justice!!!!…

I will NOT sleep nor rest until I have successfully taken these two down! I want to see them both escorted out of their offices and the courthouse by the security!!!! I plan on getting the media involved....and it is MY hope that by the media filming all of the developments in this case, we give HOPE back to our people, and our country...that there IS real justice still and that I have left Colorado Springs BETTER than I found it for generations to come!!!!

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