Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Cement Plant-Waste-To-Energy (Diaper-Fuel)

(This for Daniel and his wonderful wife Misses Newell, an extension of the "Plan A-The Waste-to-Energy Plant-Continued-2" )

The Waste-to-Energy Plant had a contract with a local Cement Plant for the overflow waste that it wasn't able to take at the time.
The Cement Plant requested diapers from the waste-to-energy plant as well as anything diaper related. When the WTE plant wasn't able to take diapers and diapered trash, the diapers and diapered trash was diverted to the Cement Plant for use as fuel for it's power plant.
The Cement Plant didn't care about the condition of the diapers, if they were clean, packaged or wet or messy or if there were "diapered trash with the loads. They also liked using the nice, very moist and wet diapered trash as fuel for their plant's steam turbine electrical plant. Their furnaces were always ran between 1450 and 2000 degrees.
High process temperatures are required to convert the raw material mix to Portland cement clinker. Kiln charge temperatures in the sintering zone of rotary kilns range at around 1450 °C. To reach these, flame temperatures of about 2000 °C are necessary.

Daniel Newell and misses Newell went to the Cement Plant to speak with the Owner and the plant manager about being contracted to bring the plant, some of the loads of diapers and diapered trash to use as fuel to make their cement.
The plant knew that sometimes the Waste-to-energy plant wasn't able to take the loads and the diapered trash.

Plant Owner: When the Waste-to-energy plant can't take the load, bring the entire load over there and dump it here. We pay $400 per diapered trash and then $180 a pound for the diapers. Here is....the contract....look it does that sound?

Daniel: WOW! That.....really sounds great.

Misses Newell: I have a few long.....will the diapered trash be around before they go into the rotory kilns?

Plant Manager: Well.....once the loads are dumped in the receiving area and on the tipping floor, everything is weighed again....then brought over to the kilns in containers. The diapers and diapered trash......will only wait in the containers while the loads are continuously fed into the kilns. We use about 20 containers of diapers as well as an additional 12 to 14 containers worth of diapers and plastics. We have to shred and or grind everything up first before it all gets sent into the rotary kilns.

Daniel Newell: We brought two of the diapered trash with us today. We wanted to show them what was going to happen to them. You can also see them and decide what will happen to them as well.
Is it alright if wife goes and gets them?

Plant Manager: Sure.....We will weigh and measure them to be sure they will fit in our.....shredder and grinders. We will also introduce them to our staff that will be handling their disposal.

Misses Newell: I will be right back.

While misses Newell goes and gets the two disposees, Daniel talks tech with the Director and the Plant Manager.
A few minutes later, misses Newell returns with a Blonde boy wearing a semi wet Fitti diaper and another dark haired boy wearing a Huggies Story-Time For Him diaper. She brings them both over trailing on each side of her.

Misses Newell: To my Jack....say...Hi Jack.....

Jack is shy and hides behind misses Newell.

Misses Newell: To my Tommy. Say...Hi Tommy....

Plant Manager: They are good looking boys.....too bad they are being disposed of.....well.....(walking over towards the tipping pads where there already are a couple trash trucks dumping old baby clothing, onesies, footed sleepers and old cloth diapers, the manager motions for Daniel, misses Newell and the two boys to follow) over where the boys and diapers will be dumped out of your truck. At some ....point, they will get processed and then taken over to a pile .....way over to the shredder hopper. (Walking over towards the piles of cloth diapers, footed sleepers and onesies and motioning them all to follow him) Now.....once they get some......point.....they will get loaded by that...big .... tine-crane you see taking loads up and dropping them into the shredder hopper. Once......they are in takes the shredder about 12 to 15 minutes to process a half-hopper-full. The shredded pieces are immediately fed right into the rotary kiln where everything is burned between 1450 to 2000 degrees.

Misses Newell: What have too many diapered disposees? What do you do with the ones you can'

Plant Manager: Well....I'm glad you asked.
Come.....with me and I will show you where we......keep them till we are ready for them.

The plant manager, Daniel, Misses Newell and the two diapered boys, are led over to the back of the building where the offices are and then down a short hall and at the end......there are two large rooms, with 15 steel cribs with locking tops and packs of Luvs Baby Pants Diapers, Pampers Ultra diapers with the blue waist shield, Huggies Supertrim diapers, and several large, white 100 gallon plastic barrels already full of quite a few wet and messydisposable diapers. Next to the white barrels, were blue plastic barrels of the same size full of cloth diapers, onesies and footed sleepers. Inside the cribs in the last row along the back wall, were boys and girls wearing cloth diapers, onesies or footed sleepers. In the second to last row, there were boys and girls wearing just cloth diapers and plastic pants, the third to last row, there were boys and girls wearing just cloth diapers and no plastic pants. In the fourth to last row, there were boys and girls wearing disposable diapers with cloth diapers underneath them. Across from that row....with a wide walking path between the rows, we're boys and girls wearing only disposable diapers with no onesies or footed sleepers on.

Misses Newell: where you....keep them until it's time for their disposal?

Plant Manager: Yes.....and we keep the ones wearing cloth diapers separate from the ones in disposable diapers because the ones wearing cloth diapers stay wetter longer and need to dry out some first. Now.....if you'd be willing to.....leave the boys here for a few minutes......I can show you both how we prepare them for the shredder.

Misses Newell: Wait.....they.....won't mistakenly get.....disposed of....will they?

Plant Manager: Nope ma'am. Our nursery techs will inspect them, change their diapers if they need it and......they will be taken care of til it's time to pick them up.

Misses Newell: We ......wouldn't mind .....leaving them here.......

Plant Manager: Well.....we WOULD gladly take them, after you fill out the transfer of custody papers......

Misses Newell looks at Daniel Newell then his glance said no.

Misses Newell: Eh.....ok we will have them brought to you on diaper collection day I guess.

Plant Manager: Sounds good. We....will be glad to......dispose of them.

Just then, one of the boys that was being brought back over to Misses Newell came over to ask her a question;

Tommy: Miss Newell.....Miss Newell?

Misses Newell: Yes hon?

Tommy: Is...THIS place where people like us.....get......burned?

Misses Newell: Sorry is. where you and your......diapers will be coming to become fuel to make cement.

Tommy: (To Jack) See? .....Told!

Jack: NO....fair! I...don't wanna.....come here!!! (Pouting and hanging his head)

Misses Newell: Sorry't have a choice. This Cement Plant has already paid us for you......they....need you and your diapers for's the has to be sweetie.

Jack: Hey...mister.....

Plant Manager: Yes?

Jack: When brought here....where am I going?

Plant Manager: We...shall wait and see when you get here....what will be done with you. and misses Newell decide to leave you here with us could.....go into the nursery until we need you.

Jack: Will I get my....diapers changed when I am in there?

Plant Manager: That all depends on how long you will be here. are only going to be here for a few will not. will be here for a few days to a week, will be on an as-needed basis.

Daniel Newell: We will take them now and bring the loads of diapers and these two as well as a couple by 4:00 pm at the latest. Will you be open then?

Plant Manager: Yes.....we will be open then. We accept loads 24/7....we have someone here all the time.

Daniel Newell: Oh.....that's great. Good to know. Ok....well, (Shaking the plant manager's hand) Thank you...and we will see you when I drop the loads off.

Plant Manager: We will be seeing you soon. Bye bye. See you two....soon.

Daniel and Misses Newell leave with Jack and Tommy. Misses Newell gets back to their home daycare and she changes Jack's diaper then Tommy's before giving them both full bottles of tea with a mild diuretic in it, to make them wet their diapers.
Misses Newell keeps their bottles full, which keeps both Jack and Tommy wetting their diapers. The next day comes, misses Newell changes everyone's wet morning diapers and then by 11:00, nap-time, Misses Newell decides that it is time for Jack and Tommy to be disposed of.

Misses Newell: Jack? Sweetie? Know.....what is?

Jack: No.....

Misses Newell: It's time.....for your disposal hon. Come here.....I will check your diaper and put some powder in it for ya.

Jack reluctantly toddler over towards misses Newell whom lays him down on a mat. She then unfastens the tapes, pulls the front of Jack's diaper down and open flat. She then begins to use a lot of wipes to clean him up, leaving the pile of used wipes in the slightly wet padding of his diaper before shaking a ton of baby powder into the diaper and onto the pile of used wipes.

Misses Newell: Now.....that.....ought to make it feel better.....huh baby?

Jack: leaving all those.....wipes in my diaper like that?

Misses Newell:'t matter since you, your diaper are all going into the diaper pail. diaper trash day hon. I have to take the diaper trash out so my husband can take everything to the nice cement plant where they are going to burn you and the diapers as fuel to make cement.

Jack: Do I.....get to have my....diaper changed and a bottle before I am thrown away?

Misses Newell: Sure. I will check your diaper 45 minutes before I throw you and it away and then I will add a lot of nice baby powder and I will wipe you up some, leaving the dirty wipes in your diaper.....for disposal. I will be sure to give you your last bottle then. There are four of your bottles in your diaper bag and after I fill the bottles, I will put some of your wet diapers into the diaper bag before I throw you and it away, ok sweetie? Let's get you....nice...and ready for your....disposal ok hun? Let's start....with taking that....onesie off.....shall we?

Jack:! Does have to be.....NOW?

Misses Newell: here.....and I will cut your torn onesie off you.

More to come soon..........

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