Monday, April 29, 2019

The Waste-To-Energy-Plant ( Regular trash pick-up)

(Another Threaded Spin-Off of "Plan A The Waste-To-Energy-Plant (Continued 1 & 2)
A story about six cloth diapered trash that arrived at Misses Newell's daycare for disposal, wearing cloth diapers, plastic pants onesies and footed sleepers. What happens to each of the cloth diapered trash as they get disposed of and taken to the Waste-To-Energy Plant by the regular trash company.

It was 9:30 am on a semi cloudy Tuesday when Adam was brought to misses Newell's daycare along with all of the five 13 gallon force-flex trash bags full of his clean and formerly wet cloth diapers, two large addidas duffle bags full of his printed and non-printed plastic pants as well as two backpacks full of his white onesies, not to mention his stroller. Adam's caseworker filled out all the paperwork, paid misses Newell the $2,500 fee, added an additional $600 to put him into the solar diaper dryer before disposal. Misses Newell reluctantly agreed and then shook hands with Adam's caseworker before she left.
Misses Newell went over to Adam standing just inside the door along side all of his things as he looked around. Adam was wearing a stained up, slightly damp onesie bodysuit that was slightly ripped  just under the right-hand armpit seam, two thick and layered cloth diapers and a pair of Mickey mouse printed plastic pants.

Misses Newell: Well.....hi there name is Misses Newell. What is yours?

Adam: A.....dam......

Misses Newell: Welcome know why you are here?

Adam: No.....

Misses Newell: Well....sweetie......your.....caseworker....dropped you off here to be thrown away in the trash with all your diapers. My....daycare here.....doesn't deal with cloth diapers......because they are gross!
Know what I do with all of the cloth diapers, onesies and footed sleepers we get here?

Adam: No

Misses Newell: We throw them.....and boys and girls wearing them.......right......into the trash. where you are going in a few minutes hon.

Adam: Do I get to have my diapers changed if they are wet?

Misses Newell: No sweetie.....I'm afraid not. You.....are just .....gonna have to stay in what you have on.

Adam: Hey! doing? Why......are you taking my onesie off?

Misses Newell: Because hon, that is how we do things here. will be a lot more comfy with it off. (Taking the onesie off and wadding it up) There.....that ought to be a lot cooler....

Adam: (after the onesie comes off) Do I....even get....a diaper....check?

Misses Newell: Nope. I....don't care...if your diapers are wet...or dry.....or what condition they are like to be a good helper for me and carry a few of your .....cloth diapers to the toter for me hon?

Adam: (shrugging shoulders) .....sure.

As Adam was handed one of the white force-flex trash bags full of his formerly wet cloth diapers to carry, misses Newell grabbed one of the white force-flex trash bags with more of his formerly wet cloth diapers and then she grabbed Adam's left hand in her right firmly before she forcefully led him outside to the backyard where the four black 97 gallon toters where the regular trash was tossed.  Misses Newell lifted the lid of one toter that had with large black draw-string trash bags laying inside and then she remembered that everything had to be in bags. 
Misses Newell tossed both the bags into the toter then she grabbed Adam's left hand in her right, firmly and brought him back into the daycare and into a small hall closet where she kept the large black contractor trash bags.
She opened the closet door, reached up to grab and take out one of the trash bags.
She takes the new bag and closes the closet door. Then she brings Adam back to where the two remaining white force-flex trash bags were and then she drops Adam's hand so she can open the new, contractor trash bag. She gets it open and then....she looks Adam over, getting ready to put Adam and the remaining diapers into the bag.

Adam: (Looking at Misses Newell) Miss?

Misses Newell: is. You and.....all your diapers will go in here with you too. will be time for disposal. Now....come lay down on your back or your belly....I don't care which...

Adam lays down onto his belly on the floor before misses Newell crouches down to begin working the bag over Adam's legs, cloth diapered waist, up past his belly and up to his neck. Then, once the bag was completely around Adam's body, misses Newell went over to the force-flex bags containing the remaining clean cloth diapers, and she opened each bag, then shoved, slung and tossed the cloth diapers into the bag with Adam inside.

Adam: Miss? Miss.... 

Misses Newell: Yes....sweetie?

Adam: When....are the....trash men coming?

Misses Newell: They.....will be here tomorrow between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.

Adam begins to play with his cloth diapers getting a little horny. Misses Newell tries to overlook and ignore what Adam is doing as she finishes emptying the last of the cloth diapers into the bag. Then misses Newell opens the large backpack full of plastic pants and she begins hand flinging them a handful at a time into the bag. Adam likes the smells of the used plastic pants with his own scent of dried urnine on them.
As misses Newell empties the last of the onesies and Adam's footed sleepers into the bag, she pulls the black contractor trash bag's handles up and then she gets ready to drag the bag over to another 13 gallon trash can that has all the onesies and clothing from other diapered trash in it, waiting for disposal. Adam feels every bump as misses Newell drags the bag across the floor to the can.

Adam: Miss? Hey....miss?

Misses Newell: Yes hon?

Adam: How....many more cloth diapers will be going in here?

Misses Newell: want....I could...empty the ones from the other two bags in the toter....otherwise, there are a few more to go in there, once the bag is full....I have to tie it shut.

Adam: But.....but.....but.....I....don't wanna be in here! How come I have to be thrown away like this without a diaper change?

Misses Newell: Well here for disposal....and two.....I don't deal with cloth diapers! They are icky and gross! Third.....I...don't clean up trash.....I like to dispose of you in a wet diaper if at all possible.

Adam: Please.....please......don't throw me away.......Please.....PLEASE.......don't throw me away!

Misses Newell: Trash day is tomorrow hon....trash like you....doesn't get to pick when or where it gets thrown away!'s time.....for your disposal......

Adam tries to get out of the thick heavy trash bag but misses Newell prevents the feeble attempt.

Misses Newell: Now.....if you don't stay in the regular trash does......I am going to have to tie this bag shut sooner!

Adam: OHHHH! Please....let me out....I....promise....I'll be good.....

Misses Newell: No and your diapers are trash! Trash.....gets thrown away. Since.....I don't like or use cloth diapers here, anyone wearing them gets disposed of immediately. just how we do things here sweetie.

Adam: Where will the trash men take me?

Misses Newell: They will take you and your cloth diapers to the landfill.

Adam: What do they do with my diapers and I?

Misses Newell: Well, they will dump you out onto the ground at the tip-face then at some point, a large front-end bucket loader will come, scoop you and the load up, then take it over to a large solid waste shredder and load everything onto the feeder belt. get shredded up into tiny pieces before buried under 10 inches of solid dirt and clay!

Adam: Please! Please! Don't throw me away! Please! I...don't wanna go!

Misses Newell: Too bad! You matter what! In fact.....the trash men are expecting you!

Misses Newell grabs the bag and drags it outside to the black trash toter where she tossed the bags of formerly wet cloth diapers. She flings the lid open and then takes the two white force-flex trash bags out and tears them open before emptying them both into the larger black trash bag.
Once she was done, she tossed the torn and empty trash bags inside the bag. Then misses Newell tosses Adam's diaper bags in, that still have clean, folded cloth diapers, onesies, a ziploc bag full of wipes, four baby bottles full of whole milk, two pacifiers and four pair of plastic pants inside.

Misses Newell: There.....your...diaper bags are in there with you....and they have some clean changes in them...and your bottles with milk still in them.
Now.....I have to tie the bag shut's....time for disposal I'm afraid.....

Adam: Miss? MISS? HEEEY! MISS!!!!! WAAAAAIT! NOT......YET! It's....getting HOT in here! PLLLLEASE! 

Misses Newell pulls the Handles up and tightly before tying them up in two knots. Then she grunts a little as she picks the now heavy bag up from underneath and heaves it into the toter. The bag falls in and comes to rest on it's side about half way down.
Then misses Newell flips the lid closed and walks back into the daycare. Misses Newell knew she was going to receive two more in cloth diapers in the next two weeks. One each week. She planned to dispose of each of them almost as soon as they got there too.
Around 6:00 pm, Daniel Newell comes home and misses Newell asks him to empty the large yet heavy 2 32 gallon cans full of cloth diapers into the larger 97 gallon toter. He sighs then goes and does it. After Daniel empties the 2 cans of loose, wet and clean cloth diapers, the toter is full. Daniel rolls it out to the front to the curb and leaves it there.
Inside the toter full of trash, Adam gets aroused in his wet cloth diapers.....the smells of his own urine which is full of pheromones, turn him on so much, he has to "take care" of the problem inside his cloth diaper and plastic pants.
Adam turns over and begins the process of of.....his.....arousal the dark, smelly trash, laying on top of his cloth diapers with more waded up cloth diapers stuffed and crammed into the thick, black, crinkly trash bag, Adam "wet" his already nearly soaked cloth diaper a lot! Once he was done, he lay there......completely relaxed and nearly ready to pass out. Finally....he did.

It was morning now, Adam had fallen asleep and lost track of time. Before he knew what was happening......the loud sound of a large.....trash truck was heard by Adam inside the can nearby. He opened his eyes......blinked a few times.....sweating profusely, the holes torn in the sides of the bag when the bag was tossed into the toter, made some colder air draw into the Adam began to the sound of the truck pulling up in front of the toter he was in.....made him frantically wet his diaper a lot! As the can suddenly was jerked up into the air, he found the bag he was in, violently falling and then tumbling down and then coming to a rest on top of some other trash bags.
Then.....the sound of the engine racing and the sudden feeling of other bags and other stuff being crushed against the bag he was in and also the cloth diapers and plastic pants pressed against him and as a large wad of his formerly wet cloth diapers forced themselves between his legs, up his chest and into his face! The cloth diapers that were really soaked began to have the wetness squeezed out which trickled along the plastic of the bag and into Adam's cloth diapers through the waistband elastics of his plastic pants.
Another toter full of regular trash was emptied and the bagged trash fell down on top of the bag Adam was in as the compactor blade began to retract then cycle again. 

......more to come soon.......

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The Covid-19 Era Death-With-Dignity Disposal

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