Monday, April 29, 2019

The Cloth Diaper Recycling Plant

(This story is a threaded spin-off from the storyline "The Waste-To-Energy-Plant (Coninued 1 & 2)

A Story about a diaper collection company, a cloth diaper sorting and washing facility and a textile recycling plant that only recycles, washes cloth diapers, onesies footed sleepers and diapered trash wearing cloth diapers. The collection company picks up cloth diapers from daycares, homes, car detailers and janitorial companies that use them. Misses Newell sends all of the diapered trash to the diaper sorting and washing facility when she calls the cloth diaper collection company to pick them up. They also take onesies and footed sleepers as well as plastic pants.

All of the diapered trash that came to the Newell Daycare wearing cloth diapers and plastic pants, got sent that same the diaper sorting and washing facility which prepared all the cloth diapers and cloth-diapered trash for textile recycling.
At least once or twice a week, Misses Newell received one or two cloth diapered trash for disposal. She didn't even bother to change their diapers or care if they were wet or not. Once the cloth diapered trash arrived with all their diapers, the diapers, clothing and the cloth diapered trash was picked up that day by a special on-call cloth diaper collection company with a small scout sized trash truck.

Jennifer and her mom arrived at misses Newell's daycare with all of the cloth diapers, plastic pants and onesies in four large 100 gallon black trash bags. Jennifer's mom wanted to be sure that Jennifer got disposed of because she was never getting out of diapers and she wet too many diapers, being a heavy wetter. Jennifer's mom always diapered her in two or three layered cloth diapers with cute printed plastic pants over them and occasionally a disposable diaper used in place of plastic pants when there none clean.
Jennifer's mom chose the disposal plan, paid then left. Misses Newell immediately took Jennifer outside to one of the white 97 gallon toters that was half full of cloth diapere, onesies and footed sleepers.

Misses Newell: Hi there sweetie. I am misses Newell. You and your....diapers are here for disposal. My daycare doesn't deal with cloth diapers at all, need to come with me......

Jennifer: Where.....are you taking me miss?

Misses Newell: all your cloth diapers, onesies and footed sleepers are being disposed of hon. I....din't like cloth diapers! I think they are gross! The cloth diaper trash company will be here soon to take you and your diapers away.

Jennifer: Wait! Wait! Stop! That's my onesie!!!

Misses Newell: You will be more comfortable with it off. It's how the trash companies want it.

Jennifer: My diapers are not wet! Mommy JUST...changed them right before I came here!

Misses Newell lifts Jennifer up and lays her into the toter on her back with her legs dangling over the left side of the toter before whipping Jennifer's onesie in with her. A couple of puffs of baby powder emminate from Jennifer's leg elastics as she is layed down in the toter.

Misses Newell: I...don't care if your diapers are clean, wet or messy! They...are all you! It's time for disposal hon. I will be back in a few to toss all your cloth diapers and onesies.

Misses Newell lowers the lid and adds the bungee chord so the lid can't be opened. Then she walks back into the nursery to gather up the four 100 gallon black trash bags full of cloth diapers and one of the bags with just onesies and footed sleepers.

Misses Newell brings the bags outside and then releases the bungee chord, then flips the lid open before emptying the cloth diapers loosely into the toter on top of Jennifer.

Jennifer: Yuck! Some if my diapers are still wet!!!! They....stink bad!

Misses Newell: Whew! You're right! Whew! Whoa! Gross! Glad that it's cloth diaper trash day for you and them!
Usually, the ones that come here in cloth diapers, go right into the regular trash. Tomorrow is regular trash day. There are a few cloth diapered trash that is being taken tomorrow. The regular trash men pay us less for the cloth diapered trash though so ......this cloth diaper trash company pays $200 more for cloth diapers and cloth diapered trash like you!

Jennifer: It.....stinks in here! I....don't wanna be in here!

Misses Newell: (emptying the diapers from the 100 gallon black trash bag into the toter on top of Jennifer.)'re trash now! It....doesn't matter what happens to ya....I don't care! Here! Take these ....gross.....nasty.....stinky diapers
and want while you're in there! The cloth diaper trash company is coming soon.....they will be here to.....take you and these....dis....gusting things away today!

Misses Newell empties the rest of Jennifer's clean cloth diapers into the toter then she tosses in all the 100 gallon black trash bags with the onesies and plastic pants into the toter before quickly lowering the lid, nearly gagging from the strong smell of wet diapers.....before going back into the daycare.

Jennifer was stuck.....she began to feel lonely and the strong smell of wet diapers loomed in the toter. Three hours go by and Jennifer hears a faint sound of a loud truck or something getting louder as it got closer. As the sound of the truck came to an idle, the sound of air releasing from the brakes was heard and then the toter suddenly moved and then the lid flew open as the toter began to rise suddenly and violently. Jennifer suddenly found herself landing on a pile of other wet, messy and clean cloth diapers, onesies and plastic pants inside a metal hopper. As the empty toter went back to where it had been, the second toter was quickly emptied into the hopper with the heavy wet cloth diapers, onesies and footed sleepers cascading down up in her like a sudden whitish avalanche. Then this... metal thing began to push Jennifer and the cloth diapers into the dark, smelly opening in the back of the truck as the truck suddenly lurched into motion.   
Jennifer was pressed against all the other loose cloth diapers, onesies, footed sleepers and plastic pants. The container was nearly full with only four more stops to make before arriving at the sorting and washing facility. The ride to the facility was spent getting more cloth diapers, old onesies, old clothing and plastic pants emptied into the hopper before the compactor was started. Once the last stop was made and the truck was nearly packed out, the truck drove to the tipping area where the truck backed up, the tailgate rose and the compactor blade began to eject the diapers, onesies, footed sleepers, clothing, plastic pants and four cloth diapered trash.
The empty scout trash truck pulled away and about ten to fifteen minutes later, a large tine crane came and picked the loads of cloth diapers and the two cloth diapered boys and two cloth diapered being Jennifer, and dropped the loads and the two cloth diapered trash into a large two-story pile next to a large sorting conveyor belt where all of the cloth items were separated from the plastic items and any clothing items that had plastic or rubber on or in them were going to first get washed before shredded for recycling.
Jennifer landed on the pile and tumbled down to the middle of the second story on the front side as more cloth diapers, onesies, footed sleepers and plastic pants fell onto the pile from the tine crane. Jennifer and the three other cloth diapered trash were spotted on the pile and then a smaller tine crane hovered over the pile and over Jennifer before lowering down, picking her up and putting her onto the sorting conveyor belt along with some of the clean and dirty cloth diapers from the huge pile. The conveyor belt moved fast! Before she knew it, seemingly tons of hands were groping her and moving plastic pants off the belt, tossing them into large bins behind them.
Jennifer had plastic pants on over her wet cloth diapers as she continued down the fast-moving conveyor belt. Before long, some man pulled her off the belt and carried her over to a large station nearby that had a changing table, four metal cribs with locking tops and three large janitorial tilt trucks partly full of cloth diapers.
The man lays Jennifer into one of the metal cribs, puts the locking side up and lowers the locking top, locking it before walking back to his asigned station. Jennifer looked around the open and loud warehouse like environment as she sat in the crib wondering what was going to happen next. A few minutes later, three other cloth diapered trash were brought over to the station and put into the vacant metal cribs and left there till someone came to take them out.
The boy wearing four layered pre-fold cloth diapers with Disney Print Plastic pants, the other girl wearing two layered pre-fold cloth diapers with Barney Print Plastic pants on, and another boy wearing four layered pre-fold cloth diapers with plain frosted plastic pants all looked at one another in the cribs silently as they looked around to see what was going in around them. Soon....two women dressed in scrubs and one other woman wearing a lab coat came over to the station, checked the cribs and then two of the women came over to the boy with the Disney Print Plastic pants on and the girl with the Barney Print Plastic pants and then took them out of the holding cribs and over to two changing tables, laying them both down on their backs. Both women removed the plastic pants and tossed the plastic pants into a bin full of other plastic pants. Then, after making sure there were no other plastic or disposable items inside their diapers, both the boy and the girl were taken back over to the conveyor belt and put back on it.
Once the sorters were done picking through the diapers and diapered trash,
the conveyor belt carried the cloth diapers and cloth diapered trash to a station that had huge canvas lined laundry carts full of cloth diapers.
Jennifer fell into one of the carts and then was quickly covered up with more and more cloth diapers. Before long, the cart moved and as it did, the cloth diapers began to shimmy and shake until the cart stopped in front of two industrial large capacity side-loading washing machines.
A woman wearing scrubs and a plastic apron, made from the same materials as plastic pants, began to hand load armfuls of the diapers from the cart into the large, round opening of the industrial side-loading washing machine. A few minutes later, the woman, wearing blue exam gloves picked Jennifer up and then inserted her into the opening of the washer legs first, before leaning in and forward some, so as to lay Jennifer down on the loads of diapers already inside. 

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