Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Daycare Trash Room

                                    The Daycare Trash Room

It was a little after noon when I was changed and put into my crib for a nap. my caregiver got me down from the changer and then tossed my cloth diaper lined disposable diaper into the large 32 gallon diaper pail. Then my caregiver ordered the two assistants to carry me over to my crib and put me down into it then they could go back to helping the others that needed their help. Then my caregiver raised the side and then lowered the top and then locked it before she went over to her desk to log the diaper change and do some more paperwork relating to what was going to happen to me next.
It took me a while to fall asleep but finally I did, listening to the mobile above my crib play Brahms lullaby.
I woke up three hours later, lying on my diaper changing table with my semi wet layered cloth pre-fold diapers inside my already thick disposable diaper lying open. My caregiver was busy scrounging around in one of the old cloth diaper rag bins to find some cloth diapers that she could use to put into my disposable diaper to replace the wet cloth diapers. She finds three extra, extra large youth cloth diapers and brings them over to the changing table.
Isabel: hello my boy. Sorry you had to wake up like this, but I was hoping you'd stay asleep just a little longer before I had to tell you, I have orders to throw you and your diapers away! This is going to be your LAST diaper change for quite some time I think! That is why I am going to make sure that you are getting some really, really nice, thick and comfy diapers before I dispose of you. You will be in the diaper pail for a few more hours until the cleaning crew comes in to take the trash out. Don't worry though, I am also ordered to throw away all of your cloth diapers, all of your packs of disposable diapers, opened or not, and all of your onesies and footed sleepers too. I will let the cleaning crew take care of all of that for me.
Then my caregiver inserts the three thick and very bulky cloth diapers into my disposable diaper that already has three booster pads and six layers of toddler sized semi-wet pre-folds, folding those inwards slightly so that they don't poke out of the leg elastics. Then she pulls my diaper up and then fastens the tapes. Then she uses painter's grade masking tape over the fastening tapes to ensure that the tapes hold. Then the woman motions for the two assistants to come back and carry me over to the waiting large, wide-mouth 32 gallon diaper pail where they lower me into it and then walk away. Since I can't walk or talk well, and my mental age is only 1.5, I can only make little gurgling noises and move my legs slightly. My chronological age is 32 years old but I am only 4 foot 2 inches tall and weigh only 94 lbs.
It is now after 4 O'clock pm and the nursery has cleared out. Everyone has left. I start to fall asleep when I hear footsteps and a woman talking to others as they walk into the room. The woman talking seems to be giving some type of instructions to the others while she comes over to the diaper pail I am in and then she looks down.
Isabel: LOOK at what they have thrown away this week! This will be the fourth one this week I have taken out!
Look at all of these packs of unused disposable diapers I have to also throw away! What a waste!
Julie, I want you to go and gather up all of the cloth diapers on this list from the closet, clean and dirty ones, Joe, I want you to go gather up all of the packs of disposable diapers on this list from the diaper pantry. There will be about 200 packs. Says here some are already opened. Hmmm they MUST have got a new shipment or something. Casey, I want you to go to the boy's dresser and take out all of his onesies and footed sleepers as well as take the crib sheets from his crib and throw them all in here. Then once everything is done on this list, Julie, I want you to bring all of the diaper pails into the trash room where we will all meet by 7:00 pm. Mac's Diaper collection comes at 11:30 pm tonight and I want to be completely finished with taking out all of the trash from Nurseries 1-6 by 11:00 tonight. Nurseries 4, 5 and six all will have youth and toddler diapers in them as well as lots of their old rag cloth diapers.
The trash cans WILL be over stuffed and probably spilling diapers onto the ground but we have to get this done.
Then everyone started working as Isabel begins to pull the large amounts of packs of disposable diapers out of the diaper pantry helping Julie with each of the large and heavy packs of large and medium adult diapers with cute prints on them.
Julie: HEY! Some of these boxes are full of brand new Pampers for Adults! They have the classic Blue Waist shields. LOOK! Some old dusty, classic LUVS diapers for adults too! What a shame they are being disposed of!
Isabel: Yea, I know. But they are being disposed of and we aren't allowed to save any of them even if we wanted to. We could loose our jobs if we did.
Julie: But, what about the boy and his diapers?
Isabel: It's too bad for him! He looks like a very cute man, but he is in the diaper pail and they want to dispose of him. We don't have time tonight to mess with him. He stays in there and gets more diapers tossed in on top of him. He is trash now, even if he is or isn't wet.
Julie: What if I want to hand him over to the trash men by hand?
Isabel: I would be ok with that. As long as he gets given directly to the trash men and they take him. Mac will LOVE to take the boy and toss him into his truck and compact all of those diapers we are collecting. I think the diapers are going to be taken to a diaper recycling facility or maybe a landfill or something for just diapers.
Julie: How do you know this....Mac?
Isabel: Oh Mac? He and I go back eight years. He took four of my boys at his scrap yard for me and I have NO idea what he did with them. He told me that they would be taken care of and then i brought him all of their diapers and I had a box truck FULL of cloth and disposable diapers and he said that this was NOTHING! he put my four boys into the back of the truck with their diapers and then drove the truck over to the back of his scrap yard and I never saw or heard from them again. He even paid me $6,000 too! The weight alone was worth it. Then three years later, one of my friends needed to get rid of their one girl and one boy and they asked me if i knew anyone who would take them. I told them that I had this friend named Mac and he has a diaper collection truck that would come and take them if they paid him to. They paid him his fees and then he came and took them and their diapers and clothing too. Then a year later I was given a rather bratty girl who wore thick disposable diapers and I didn't really want her so I called Mac up and he came in his new Special Vacuum truck. He got out, and I walked the girl over to the side of the truck and then Mac took the giant hose and sucked the girl and all of her diapers into the truck. I then heard the truck compact and then squeeze the diapers for their juices and then the girl was then deposited somewhere inside the tank. Then he left. Then, I got a call from Mac a couple of weeks ago and he told me that he got a few new boys in diapers from a couple of families that didn't want them. He told me that he was going to leave one of them at his brother's house until he returned from vacation. He then told me that I could take any subjects that needed to be disposed of, that were wearing cloth diapers, and flush them down one of the special wet disposal toilets in Landfill Park near the landfill. The landfill had just created these new flushing stalls for flushing cloth diapered subjects. The toilets would take the diapers and the subjects and the pipes would bring the diapers and the subjects to a recycling facility where the cloth diapers, clothing and the subject's diapers would be shredded off of them and then the subjects would be diapered in flushable and recyclable disposable diapers and then taken to get reprogrammed. The subjects would then be used as training subjects at diaper collection facilities that hired new trainees. The subjects would be disposed of over and over again until these subjects were no longer useful. Then they would be disposed of for good.
As Isabel explained all of this to Julie, I watched as more and more diapers were tossed into the can I was in. Then, a few new packs of disposable diapers were tossed in and then a pile of old ragged and ripped cloth pre-fold diapers as well as quite a few loose brand new cloth diapers and plastic pants. Then, when the can was full, the two pushed it out of the room and into a long hall. Isabel and Julie continued to talk as the can rolled along. I made some cooing noises but Julie wouldn't look down for more than a few seconds until the can stopped. Then Julie looked down at me with longing in her eyes. Her sad look in her eyes told me that something was going to happen to me that I wasn't going to like.
The door opened and a sweet odor hit me. In this room, there was a large, deep trash cart that was already half way filled with diapers, packs of diapers and lots and lots of cloth diapers, new and old, clean and formerly wet. The poopy cloth diapers were flushed down special toilets along with the subjects that were wearing them. As both Isabel and Julie lifted the can I was in up and began to dump the diapers and I into the large and deep trash cart on wheels, the sweet New Luvs baby powder scent got stronger. As I fell into the cart and landed onto the diapers inside, I found the diapers to be slightly moist from being misted with some deodorizing misting system.
Mikey: (The diapered trash) HEY! Where are you going? Are you going to leave me here? Can’t I at least get a diaper change? HEY! EEEEW! What IS this stuff that is being sprayed all over me?
Julie: Sorry sweetie, you are being disposed of! I can’t help you now! That stuff that is getting sprayed all over you is deodorizing mist! It helps keep the smells down until the trash is taken out! Now you will be in here with all of these diapers for at least 12 more hours until it is time to take the trash out! Then, the trash truck will be here to pick you and those…stinky wet diapers! I KNOW your diaper wasn’t wet, but….you and it are trash now! The door will be locked so you won’t be able to get out! You WILL be getting sprayed a LOT between now and then! Bye-bye now! Julie then closes the door and it locks.

In the next few hours, four more very LARGE loads of wet cloth and disposable diapers were brought in and emptied into the cart on top of Mikey. There were even quite a few packs of fresh and clean disposable diapers too! Then a couple of over-loaded carts full of clean and dirty cloth pre-fold diapers are brought in and emptied into the large bin that Mikey is in.
Mikey: Sir? Oh SIR….can YOU tell me something? What happens to my diapers and I?
The two men don’t listen to Mikey but continue to empty all of the clean and dirty cloth diapers into the bin before rolling their empty carts back out of the room.
The room gets quiet again. Then the misters begin spraying their baby powder, new LUVS diaper scent onto the diapers and Mikey. Mikey lies down again and is JUST trying to get comfortable in the bin when MORE diapers are emptied into the bin, covering him completely. Then the misters start up again and almost soak the diapers and Mikey. Then the bin gets full and then as soon as the last load was in and the door was closed and locked, Mikey begins to fall asleep.
Mikey suddenly starts to wake up to the weird feeling that things are shaking, vibrating and jiggling.
Mikey: HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHH! (Yawning and stretching some) HEY! What is going on here? Where are you taking me??? It’s a little breezy out here! What is THAT loud noise? It’s getting louder????
Mikey sees a LARGE front loading trash truck waiting as the bin gets closer and closer to the trash truck. The two men don’t answer Mikey but just look at each other with evil grins. Mikey also sees both Julie and Isabel walking behind the two men as the bin gets rolled up to the side of the large dumpster. The bin stops, then the two men start taking large armfuls of diapers and trash and begin to toss it into the dumpster.
Mikey: UM…I’m not going IN there am I?
Then suddenly, the two guys pick Mikey up under each arm and then pick him up and out of the bin and toss him through the air and into the dumpster on top of all of the diapers already inside.

Mikey: HEY! I don’t belong in here! What am I doing in here! I’m NOT trash! HEY! STOP! Those are MY diapers! THOSE are MY packs of clean diapers! Why are you throwing them away???
A few short minutes later, the bin is now completely empty and Mikey is covered with all of the diapers, clean and dirty cloth and disposable diapers. Then the two men roll the empty bin away while both Julie and Isabel stand nearby and watch the trash truck pick the dumpster up and empty it.
Mikey: HEY! STOP! Let me OUT! This thing SCARES ME! It’s, IT’S….AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Thump! BOOM! Tumble, tumble, crinkle, crinkle, and crinkle.
Mikey falls into the hopper of the front loading trash truck along with all of the diapers from the dumpster and he then tumbles and rolls to the middle of the load before settling to a stop.
Shaking his head a little, Mikey tries to climb up to the top of the load when…
The compactor comes to life. Mikey gets completely covered in the avalanche of diapers that are NOW moving and beginning to bunch up and press against him and bury him as they all are pushed into the packer container in the back of the truck. Then the truck backs up and then it pulls forward and then inserts the forks into the second dumpster. Then it picks up the second FULL dumpster and dumps it in. The truck then lowers the dumpster back down and then it backs up again and starts to drive off to the next stop.
The compactor started up again and poor Mike is wedged and buried under two dumpsters worth of daycare trash.

More to cum later.......

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