The Waste-To-Energy Plant (Continued-5)
It was nearly 5 O'clock in the evening when Daniel Newell and Jeff walked into the Newell Daycare. Daniel kissed his adoring wife and then told her that he had three diapered trash that were not accepted at the Waste-to-energy plant.
Daniel Newell: Hello....hon, (Kiss) I have.....three diapered trash that..... couldn't get accepted at the Waste-to-energy plant. Where.....would me to....put them?
Misses Newell: OH? Well.....let them into disposee nursery and put them into the....empty cribs in there. I....will check their diapers and change them into and white compactor diapers until I can schedule each of them for their disposals.
Daniel left the daycare and went back out to his pickup truck to bring Adam and the other boy and girl into the disposee nursery where he and Jeff brought Adam in and the diapered girl into the nursery where they put Adam into crib 4 and the diapered girl in and put her into crib 3.
Then Jeff went and brought the diapered boy in and put him into crib 5 before leaving and closing the door.
Daniel spoke to Jeff before he left to go home while Daniel went inside to change and shower. Misses Newell had all of her regular clients go home so....she went into the disposee nursery to begin getting Adam, the Diapered girl and the diapered boy changed into the custom-made special compactor diapers.
Misses Newell: OK.....everyone who is in this new Nursery is getting diapered in my new.....Blue and White Special Disposal Compactor diapers. In just a few hours, some....of you.....will be placed into either a diaper pail, one of my.... custom-made special disposal trash bags or into our compactor. I have to....make some room for more disposees that are already on their way here.
Now......One of you....gets to go into one of, powdered and scented special disposal trash bags that has triple elastics at the legs that fit so tightly, that they leave marks. of you.....would be my bag-boy?
Adam: Not.....Me.....please.....
Andrea: No..... don't pick ME!
William: how the bag smells.....
Misses Newell: Good. You feel what it's like to ......spend time in one of my disposal bags. They EVEN....have tapes like diapers do. Wanna see?
William: Yes....please......
Misses Newell: be changed into one of our.....Blue and White Special Disposal Compactor diapers. Then, I will put the custom-made special disposal trash bag on you. OK hon?
William: Is....the bag going to....get filled with diapers?
Misses Newell: Well.....of course it will sweetie. That IS.....what trash bags are.....for.......
Misses Newell slides William's semi-wet and dirty diaper (dirty from being in the compactor and hopper of the Newell Diaper Disposal truck) out from under him, setting it onto his chest while she opened the thick, very crinkly, baby powder scented blue and white special disposal compactor diaper up and then lifted his legs and butt up, sliding the bulky and crinkly diaper underneath him before putting his legs back down and beginning to use about 10 to 15 baby wipes to clean him up a little, dropping each used wipe into the diaper, before she shook in a lot....of baby powder before pulling the front of the diaper up and fastening the tapes.
Misses Newell: There.....ya go hon......all....nice and.......comfy in our....compactor diaper. Now......when it is even a little will be dispose of you.
William: How.....long....will this bag?
Misses Newell: Till it's full hon.
Misses Newell opens the box the trash bags come in, pull one from the roll, then she opens it up, gets it ready to slide onto and over William.
Misses Newell: (Lifting William up almost to a standing position before working the bag up) for some.....nice wet and messy diapers?
Misses Newell drags the now heavy trash bag with William's legs dangling out from the tight-fitting elastic banded leg-holes, over to one of the 5 gallon diaper pails and then she began to empty the diapers into the bag, with them tumbling and rolling into the bag and settling down around the crotch of the bag and William's diaper. Then, Misses Newell left for a few minutes to get the other two 5 gallon diaper pails to empty into the bag. Once she had emptied both of them, she took the empty pails back and then grabbed two boxes of the vintage Pampers Wing-fold diapers that she had a lot of, and tossed two leftover , opened boxes with 6 diapers left in one and 8 diapers left in the other, into the bag. Then, she used the tie-handles to pull the bag closed before leaving the bag next to one of the 13 gallon diaper pails
that had Aaron still inside. Then, Misses Newell went to the regular nursery to spend some time reading stories to the regular clients of the Newell Daycare before they went down for naps. After she finished with story-time and all of her regular clients were sleeping, misses Newell, went to welcome two more disposees to the disposee nursery. Angela and Arlen were sister and brother whom were diapered 24/7 and were regular clients of a lab whom tested diapers.
Both Angela and Arlen were used in place of the test mannequins to conduct baby hygiene absorbency and quality control tests for 8 hours a day for 4 days a week.
Arlen, was a doppleganger to Adam whom was now in the disposee nursery, waiting to get scheduled for disposal.
Angela and Arlen's mom and dad had made arrangements to drop their kids off and give them up for adoption by Misses Newell and Daniel Newell. Misses Newell and Daniel Newell, already have a son in diapers, a daughter in diapers and a new baby on the way that they can't afford to diaper even one more of their own. Misses Newell and Daniel Newell will accept the adoption agreement signed by the former parents then once the adoption is final, both Angela and Arlen will be disposed of. Until then, Angela and Arlen will continue to make Misses Newell and Daniel Newell loads and loads of money from the contracts with the labs that test diapers and the diaper company that pays to dispose of their test subjects after they are done being tested.
Misses Newell brought Angela and Arlen to the disposee nursery along with their diapers. Angela got crib 1 and Arlen got crib 2. Every day, Monday through Thursday, 9 am to 5:30 pm, Angela and Arlen were gone, testing more diapers at the labs until the labs brought them back to the Newell Daycare.
Arlen, was a doppleganger to Adam whom was now in the disposee nursery, waiting to get scheduled for disposal.
Angela and Arlen's mom and dad had made arrangements to drop their kids off and give them up for adoption by Misses Newell and Daniel Newell. Misses Newell and Daniel Newell, already have a son in diapers, a daughter in diapers and a new baby on the way that they can't afford to diaper even one more of their own. Misses Newell and Daniel Newell will accept the adoption agreement signed by the former parents then once the adoption is final, both Angela and Arlen will be disposed of. Until then, Angela and Arlen will continue to make Misses Newell and Daniel Newell loads and loads of money from the contracts with the labs that test diapers and the diaper company that pays to dispose of their test subjects after they are done being tested.
Misses Newell brought Angela and Arlen to the disposee nursery along with their diapers. Angela got crib 1 and Arlen got crib 2. Every day, Monday through Thursday, 9 am to 5:30 pm, Angela and Arlen were gone, testing more diapers at the labs until the labs brought them back to the Newell Daycare.
Angela: Miss? Miss? How.....come.....we have to here?
Misses Newell: Well, because this way, you are all together, easier to take out to the toters, are separate from our regular daycare operations.
Misses Newell helps Angela into crib 1 then she raised the side? Latched then locked it before lowering the top, latching and locking it before helping Arlen into crib 2.
Arlen: Miss? How come......we have in these cribs like this?
Misses Newell: So that we know.....right......where you are....all the times.
Arlen: true.....that we won't be wearing any of our.....clothes while we are here?
Misses Newell: Yes sweetie, afraid it is.
Arlen: our....clothes and blankets?
Misses Newell: They.....get thrown the trash or go to another one of the daycares we send some of our.....cloth diapered disposees to....
Arlen: What....will happen to me when my diaper and I get thrown away?
Misses Newell: Well, when it's time for your.....disposal, my employee or I will take you and any diapers that need to be disposed of, over to the diaper pail,
where you will be placed into it with the diapers and where you will stay.....until it's time to take the trash out. If...the waste-to-energy plant is taking diapered trash, husband and his employees will take you to the Waste-to-energy plant and you will get burned for energy. If....they are not taking diapered trash, you and the diapers go to a nice cement plant and will get burned for energy. If they won't take you and the diapers, then you and the diapers will go into our nice.....compactor where you will get squished over......and over until it's time to go into our burn barrel for final disposal.
where you will be placed into it with the diapers and where you will stay.....until it's time to take the trash out. If...the waste-to-energy plant is taking diapered trash, husband and his employees will take you to the Waste-to-energy plant and you will get burned for energy. If....they are not taking diapered trash, you and the diapers go to a nice cement plant and will get burned for energy. If they won't take you and the diapers, then you and the diapers will go into our nice.....compactor where you will get squished over......and over until it's time to go into our burn barrel for final disposal.
Arlen: isn't wet? Will I still be disposed of?
Misses Newell: Yes hon, you will. It doesn't matter what condition you...OR your....diapers are in when it's time for disposal.
Arlen: What was it....that...I heard my mom say......something about some.....special diapers that I have to....wear for disposal???
Misses Newell: OH.....yes.....about those......they are special diapers made to last in the compactor either here....or in the trash truck. We use regular disposable diapers here on you until it's time for your disposal.
Arlen: How...many of my diapers will I be able to save while I am here? the...soft, squishiness of my semi-wet diapers. I ask the Diaper Company when they change me, if I can save certain diapers. They let me. That's why I have quite a few diapers in my diaper company diaper bag when they bring me back.
Misses Newell: As many as you want sweetie. They all are going to end up in the same place you are anyhow. It doesn't matter.
Aaron: Is....THAT.....the one that you tossed one diapers into when you.......changed me in the.....bathroom?
Misses Newell: is one of them.
Aaron: After you toss in more diapers, going to....crush them...and me again????
Misses Newell: Most of the time.....I run the packer when I put diapers in....when it shuts off, it stays off until I start it again. come more of your...stinky diapers!
Arlen: How come.... I don't get to test diapers while playing?
Lab Tech: Because..... you.... are going to test the absorbency of 20 brands of diapers and you will get to wear diapers that no one else will until we are done testing them. When.... you are done testing..... you get to go back to the daycare for disposal. Until all of the diapers in all of those boxes are gone, then.... you will be here every day.
Disposal Day: (Week 2: Adam's Cement Plant Disposal)
It was early in the cool morning of November 17, when Misses Newell
came into the disposal nursery to wake Adam up. Misses Newell knew that Adam was a very heavy wetter and that all of his favorite wet diapers were also there in several piles inside the crib that Adam was in. Misses Newell came in with a large, compactor trash bag with the two bottom corners poked out and ready to put Adam into before being put into the kitchen compactor.
Misses Newell: Good.....morning you have a nice.... soaking wet diaper on right now.... Good thing too.... Know what.... today is?
Adam: (Wiping his eyes, yawning and stretching) um.. .I.. ...I.. ..don't know miss Newell.....
Misses Newell: It's .....time for disposal..... and.... all your diapers in here......are going into the compactor. You get.... to wear one of our custom compactor diapers and then..... I am going to...put you into this........nice comfy compactor diaper. Now..... would..... you like to wear your onesie or just your diaper?
Adam: I want...YOU to decide miss Newell. I have my onesie on now.....and the people at the waste-to-energy plant put it on get to choose.
Misses Newell: are going to go without your onesie then. We like it when you have just...your diaper on. Don't worry though hon, your onesie will go in there with you and all of the diapers. Later on, your...onesie will be a good way to help start burning you and the diapers once you and they are in the burn barrel.
Misses Newell then changes Adam's diaper, puts the used wipes into his clean diaper, pulls the clean, custom-made, thick compactor diaper up and then fastens the tapes. Misses Newell puts Adam into one of her custom-made special disposable diapers made for lasting a bit longer while in the compactor, before standing him up and handing him all of the piles of his favorite semi-wet diapers from his crib. Adam's arms could only carry 8 of his diapers so misses Newell carried the other 10 diapers as Misses Newell forced Adam over to the diaper pail for disposal.
Misses Newell: OK hon, time to take you and the diapers over to the diaper pail now.
Arlen: When am I going to be...going back to the.....diaper factory again?
Misses Newell: Oh.....sometime in the morning tomorrow.
Arlen: Will.....they take me.....even if....I am still sleeping?
Misses Newell: Yes hon.....they.......will.
They tell me that when they drop you off here, sometimes you are dirty, sometimes all stained up and or stinky from not being changed as often. We told them.....that we don't care.....that ....the stinkier you are....the....faster you go into our diaper pail.
Arlen: Which diaper pail.....will I be going into??? show me?
Misses Newell: Sure....come with me hon.
Misses Newell takes Arlen over to one of the diaper pails and shows him.
Arlen: and I will be going into?
Misses Newell: Yes is.
Arlen: I am fit all the way in there though....
Misses Newell: It doesn't matter......hon.....when it's time to dispose of you, I don't care...if...your legs dangle over the side, if you are....comfy or if your diaper is wet or not. You're going in matter what.
Arlen: No.....matter what???
Misses Newell: Yep....No....matter what.
Misses Newell takes Arlen into the bathroom where there is a 5 gallon trash can almost full of diapers and tosses in a bunch of loose diapers.
Arlen: Miss...Miss.....May......I diaper that is in with the......barney on the front?
Misses Newell: sweetie?
Misses Newell reaches down, grabs the vintage 90s era Luvs diaper
then hands it to Arlen.
Misses Newell: No.....problem hon.....
Arlen: Who was it......that was in the diaper pail....making all that....rustling noise?
Misses Newell: One of the disposees....Aaron....I think.....he is about to....go into the compactor.
Misses Newell walks over to the 13 gallon diaper pail that Aaron is in, covered with a pile of loose, mostly wet, folded over diapers, and looks.
Misses Newell: (Speaking outloud the mental note) Yep! Time to put this load into the compactor.
Aaron: WAIT!!! WAIT!!! Please! Miss? Miss......please.....Not in there! Will my diaper stay on me?
Misses Newell: Probably.....though it won't matter if it does or not, and sorry about this load of diapers HAS to go into the compactor now! (Lifting Aaron up and into her arms for a few seconds before laying him down onto his back inside the compactor. )
Aaron: UH! How....many times......will you crush my diaper and I????
Misses Newell: Taking a handful of diapers from the diaper pail and tossing them into the compactor on top of Aaron) .....As many needed to make more room in there until the bag is full.
Aaron: Miss? Hold....ON!!! WAIT! How are throwing some of those......boxes of leftover clean Pampers away? Are....they coming in here too?
Misses Newell: Yes.....they are....and....I have....too many of them in the closet right now.....we are making room for the diapers that we are using on the others.
Misses Newell tosses in a bunch more of Aaron's own diapers that he had saved before being disposed of. Misses Newell puts the boxes of Pampers in on top of Aaron and the other loose diapers, then Misses Newell begins to slowly slide the compactor door closed so to crush the diapers and Aaron down some so that the rest of the diapers will fit.
Aaron: Whoah!!!
Misses Newell closes, latches then locks the door, pushes the start button then.....the first of two compactor cycles begins.
The compactor blade slowly comes down and begins to press down nice and hard into Aaron and the diapers that are inside the compactor on top of him which then press hard against Aaron and his diaper which then Aaron forces the diapers below him to buckle up and bunch up as they crinkle and cumpme during the first cycle. With the nearly 2X compression ratio, the compactor pressure is JUST enough to flatten Aaron's diaper out a little which springs right back after the blade begins to retract. Aaron groaned in annoyance as the uncomfortable lack of room and the feeling that the diapers all around him felt like almost as if they could burst as well as the pressure blade felt cold and unrelenting as it pressed downwards. Aaron's legs dangling over the edge of the container began to get rubbed on the edge as they began to get forced to go downwards, the bends in the back of his legs moving down the side of the crinkly plastic compactor trash bag as his legs straightened out with his feet sticking out and almost straight the compactor released.....his legs went slowly back to dangling over the side again. Then, the second compactor cycle began and the same thing happened again. Aaron could feel the cold, slimy plastic of the wet diapers on his chest....being pressed down hard as the second compactor cycle pressed down seemingly harder than the first. The wet Huggies Story-time diapers opened up and the wet padding now faced against his chest with the front side hanging over his left side of his chest right about where his left nipple was. Then.......the second compactor cycle began to retract into it's starting po
sition. Then, misses Newell unlocked, unlatched then opened the compactor door again to toss in the rest of the diapers from his diaper pail.
Misses Newell: Wasn't All of those.....comfy diapers being....all....nice and....crushed against you?
Aaron: Noooooo! It....felt like some of the diapers were going to burst!
Misses Newell: Well.....maybe....some will.....if....some are soaked enough.....yeah....they will....I don't doubt it.
Aaron: Miss? Are.....there more diapers than what is in that diaper pail I was in coming in here?
Misses Newell: Sure there is.....there are two of our 5 gallon cans, the one from the bathroom and.......the one from the diaper changer.
Misses Newell: is one of them.
Aaron: After you toss in more diapers, going to....crush them...and me again????
Misses Newell: Most of the time.....I run the packer when I put diapers in....when it shuts off, it stays off until I start it again. come more of your...stinky diapers!
Misses Newell empties the rest of the diapers from the diaper pail that Aaron had come from, into the compactor on top of Aaron and nkw, all over hos head and face as well as covering his diaper and tummy as well as his chest before misses Newell began to slide the door closed again.
Aaron: Miss? Miss! NOT......ready just yet!
Misses Newell: (Sliding the door closed, locking and latching it before hitting the buttons to start the compactor) Sorry! It's.......compactor time again! Enjoy! I......set it for ......four whole cycles then it goes to auto mode.
Misses Newell walks away to get Arlen and Angela's clothing ready to put on them that the diaper factory requested they both wear to their tests the next day. As the evening progressed, Arlen, Angela, Adam, Andrea were going through at least 3 wet diapers between noon and 5 o'clock when it was getting closer to their bed-time.
Misses Newell came into the Disposal Nursery to change everyone's diapers for the evening, the next diaper changes would be into their nighttime diapers......
At 6:30 am.....Misses Newell woke up, got showered, dressed, went outside to smoke her morning cigarette and drink a cup of morning coffee before she had to go get both Arlen and Angela ready for the Diaper Testing Labs to take them for testing for the next 8-9 hours.
Both Arlen and Angela served in place of one of the test mannequins to give the diapers a better and a more real-world absorbency test.....
Misses Newell finishes her cigarette and then goes into the disposal nursery to get Arlen and Angela diapered, dressed and into the regular daycare to wait till the test labs come to pick them up and take them for testing.
Misses Newell: OK...Arlen.....Wake up hon....time to change your diaper and get you...nice and.....ready for the diaper test! Your!!!
Arlen: (Waking up and Yawning then stretching) Morning....Miss Newell..... Is....MY diaper....going into that....compactor thing....after you take it off?
Misses Newell: Yes is....unless you....want it.....
Arlen: No.....I just wanted to know if the poor boy in the compactor was going to have my diaper smashed on him....
Misses Newell: Yep.....he will, JUST as you will when it comes time for.....YOUR disposal. Ok.....I am supposed to have you diapered into one of the new Pampers Lumi diapers.....
Misses Newell opens the Pampers Lumi Smart Diaper and begins to slide it underneath Arlen before pulling the diaper up and fastening the tapes. Then....misses Newell gets the special white onesie opened up and puts it over his head before working it down and fastrning the snaps in the crotch.
Misses Newell:'re up....over here for me.....while I get your sister nice and ready....ok hon?
Misses Newell opens Angela's crib then has her lay with her legs dangling over the edge while she gets the Pampers Lumi Diaper ready.
Then misses Newell unfastens the tapes before opening the diaper and pulling it down.
Misses Newell: Wow! You......are....soaked! Today, you are going to go test a lot of diapers. You will be getting all nice and dirty too. They will force-wet your diapers with sodium chloride as well as by your urine.
They even told me that you will also get some blue dyes used on you during some of the product endurence tests so they can see where the leaks are. Sorry to say, the blue stains will not.... come out from clothing or out of your skin.
Angela: My.. ..onesie is going to get....stained??? My.... Skin will get stained too?
Misses Newell: Yep! Afraid so hon. It's the way it is. It really doesn't matter anyhow. After they are done with you, you will get thrown away once you are brought back here.
Angela: Will I still be wearing my onesie when I get thrown away???
Misses Newell: Afraid not hon...unless you want will be. Otherwise, I will rip your onesie off and tear it up, use it for a wipe before throwing it away with your diapers.
Angela: You.......would do that...... to me?
Misses Newell: Yep! I will. You and.....whatever you have on.... will be trash. Trash........doesn't get to decide what happens to it. a... good girl for me while they do their tests and then.... when you get back..... your disposal mommy will give you any.... kind of the disposable diapers you want. If.......I hear that you were bad.... in any way, when you get back..... you will spend time in one of our diaper pails for the night..... ok?
Angela: Yes Miss Newell. I promise I will be good.
Misses Newell adds some baby powder then pulls the front of the diaper up and fastens the tapes. Then she pulls the onesie down before helping Angela down to her feet then taking both of their hands and leading them outside and then through the backyard and into the main daycare where misses Newell led them both into a waiting area before locking the gate and leaving both Angela and Arlen for the diaper test labs to take for testing.
About 15 minutes later, two ladies came over to where Angela and Arlen were and opened the gates.
Blonde Woman: Ok........Time to take you both..... to our..... nice testing labs..... We have a... TON of diapers for you two to test.
Dark haired woman: Come.. .on Arlen.. ..I know.. ...that it's hard.. ..we will try to make fun as possible.
Misses Newell: Bye-bye you two..... be good.
Misses Newell closes the front door and goes to make some bottles and sippy cups for a few clients at her daycare.
Meanwhile, along the way to the diaper testing labs at the diaper factory.......
Arlen: What.... kind of ....tests will I be doing today??
Dark haired woman: Well, little one.... we have.... six brands that need to be tested every day. Today, one of you....will get to leak-test a lot of diapers while you move and play. We use blue dyes to see where the leaks are.... You and what you will have on.... will get stained.
The blonde haired woman parked the diaper testing lab panel van in the parking lot where it is always supposed to be parked in it's designated parking spot, before both ladies unbelted both Arlen and Angela and then walked them both into the labs. The blonde woman grabbed Arlen and picked him up, setting him up and onfo a counter with his legs dangling over the edge before forcing him to lie down on his back. Then, the blonde woman logged Arlen in on a piece of paper π on a clipboard π before another woman dressed in a lab coat came over to change his diaper, putting on one of the test diapers and inserting a long clear tubing line into the front of his diaper, taping the end of the tubing to his penis.
Arlen: What...are you DOING to me?
Lab Tech: going to test the diaper with you wetting it, as well as the machine wetting it. This way....we have an accurate couple of tests. Then, you are going to get another test diaper put on you, will get to run around in our playground for a bit with some blue dye-packs inside your diaper that when they get wet, will mix with your wetness inside the diaper and show us where the leaks are. It uses the same technology as laundry gel packs do.
Then, once the lab tech was done diapering Arlen, she went over to Angela, led her over to the counter then picked her up and then laid her down onto her back, to change her diaper into the test diaper.
Lab Tech: OK little's diaper testing getting one of our....overnight diapers to test. We are going to use this....nice tubing inside your diaper like your brother over fill it up as much as it can before it leaks. We have to make it will be flipping you two over onto your bellies once the diapers are wet to see if they leaked and to see if the front of the diaper absorbs when you flip over. Then while you two are in your bellies, we will fully check your diapers for absorption and leakage.
Angela: Can.... you put that tubing down the back of my diaper instead of the front?
Lab Tech: No..... It has to go in where we put it. Then, after the wetness test, you get another diaper and we do a diaper tape test to see how well the tapes stick while they are full.
OK...... Get ready...... it's testing time.
The lab tech steps back and goes over to the flow control valves to begin the tests. The chemicals flow like simulated urine into the diaper as the diaper absorbs everything. Once the liquids quit flowing, the lab tech comes to flip the mannequins and both Arlen and Angela over to their bellies. Once Arlen is flipped over, the lab tech begins checking and adjusting the leg elastics.
Arlen: How come.... I don't get to test diapers while playing?
Lab Tech: Because..... you.... are going to test the absorbency of 20 brands of diapers and you will get to wear diapers that no one else will until we are done testing them. When.... you are done testing..... you get to go back to the daycare for disposal. Until all of the diapers in all of those boxes are gone, then.... you will be here every day.
Disposal Day: (Week 2: Adam's Cement Plant Disposal)
It was early in the cool morning of November 17, when Misses Newell
came into the disposal nursery to wake Adam up. Misses Newell knew that Adam was a very heavy wetter and that all of his favorite wet diapers were also there in several piles inside the crib that Adam was in. Misses Newell came in with a large, compactor trash bag with the two bottom corners poked out and ready to put Adam into before being put into the kitchen compactor.
Misses Newell: Good.....morning you have a nice.... soaking wet diaper on right now.... Good thing too.... Know what.... today is?
Adam: (Wiping his eyes, yawning and stretching) um.. .I.. ...I.. ..don't know miss Newell.....
Misses Newell: It's .....time for disposal..... and.... all your diapers in here......are going into the compactor. You get.... to wear one of our custom compactor diapers and then..... I am going to...put you into this........nice comfy compactor diaper. Now..... would..... you like to wear your onesie or just your diaper?
Adam: I want...YOU to decide miss Newell. I have my onesie on now.....and the people at the waste-to-energy plant put it on get to choose.
Misses Newell: are going to go without your onesie then. We like it when you have just...your diaper on. Don't worry though hon, your onesie will go in there with you and all of the diapers. Later on, your...onesie will be a good way to help start burning you and the diapers once you and they are in the burn barrel.
Misses Newell then changes Adam's diaper, puts the used wipes into his clean diaper, pulls the clean, custom-made, thick compactor diaper up and then fastens the tapes. Misses Newell puts Adam into one of her custom-made special disposable diapers made for lasting a bit longer while in the compactor, before standing him up and handing him all of the piles of his favorite semi-wet diapers from his crib. Adam's arms could only carry 8 of his diapers so misses Newell carried the other 10 diapers as Misses Newell forced Adam over to the diaper pail for disposal.
Misses Newell: OK hon, time to take you and the diapers over to the diaper pail now.
I'm sorry to have to dispose of you again like this, it's a shame to have to throw away such a good-looking diapered boy like you.
Adam: Miss? How much longer will I have to be in that can?
Adam: Miss? How much longer will I have to be in that can?
Misses Newell: Until it's full hon, then, you and the diapers get to go into our....nice compactor for a while until the bag in there gets full. Then, you and the diapers get to go out to a nice Cement Plant where you and the diapers will get nice and burned for energy. OK hon, drop your diapers into the pail turn around and face me.....good sit down.....into the pail....yes....there ya go.....there. are the rest of your diapers.....(lowering the arm-load of the folded over loose wet diapers into the pail and dropping the stack onto Adam's chest) there....see you when I have more diapers to throw what you want in there.....until it's time to go into the compactor.
Then Misses Newell walked away.
Over the next 10 hours, Misses Newell tossed in more....and more diapers. Each time, she put them in either around his head and over his face with the diaper open and the padding facing his face or she dropped them into the pail on his chest and over his diaper. Adam didn't really want to be in there at all. He was stuck inside the pail because his hips locked him into the narrow side of the 5 gallon pail sitting next to the toilet.
Adam: Miss Newell? Miss Newell.... it....stinks in here! My diaper is wet! When can I get out?
Misses Newell:'re not getting out! You're trash! You are going to stay in there, wet diaper or not, until it's time to take the trash out. Enjoy yourself now while you can. Once you go into the compactor, you get as many compactor cycles as I want you to have .....then when it's full.... It's......time to take the trash out so my husband can take you and the diapers to the cement plant in our NICE diaper collection trash truck.
Adam layed inside the small 5 gallon trash can with loads and loads of diapers piling up on top of him. He got horney a few times and used a few of the wet diapers to rub against his diaper to make himself cum and hard each time. Then...he was so relaxed that he could barely move..... so he layed back, and fell asleep. He awoke to misses Newell tossing in a few more diapers which landed on his face as she turned and walked away. Misses Newell went into the kitchen to take Aaron and the load of diapers outside to awaiting loading into the 97 gallon diaper collection trash totes. leaving Aaron and the diapers next to one of the 32 gallon aluminum daycare trash cans that was almost full. Then she returned inside to the kitchen to put a new compactor trash bag into the container. Then, misses Newell came over to Adam and the little can and she began to drag it over to the compactor to begin loading it.
Adam: (awaking with a snort) Hey.......what's happening? What.... are you doing?
Misses Newell: It's time to go into the compactor all of the diapers are going to get all the wetness..... nice and squeezed out so that you and the diapers will be a little drier when it's time to go to the cement plant.
Misses Newell slides the can over and then starts tossing diapers into the compactor bag before the ones on top of Adam were now in the container and as misses Newell helped Adam up and out of the can and into the compactor, she made Adam lay down on his back after she kind if sat him down into the container on top of a few of the
diapers before she emptied the rest of the can worth of diapers into the bag on top of him. Once she was done, she went to get another larger 13 gallon diaper pail that was full that needed emptied into the compactor. Adam got a lot of diapers tossed against him and all over his face while he lay in the compactor as it was loaded. Then, misses Newell slid the door closed and then started the compactor.
The compactor kicked on and the loud whine of the hydraulic fluid pump filling the rams with fluid as the ram continued to come down as it began to press the diapers on top of Adam into and against his own diaper and as his diapered crotch began to get squished down against the other diapers below, Adam let out a low moan as the pressure rose and rose. His diapered crotch buckled hard before the compactor blade began to retract and rise back up to it's starting position.
Then, the door slid open again and misses Newell tossed in more diapers before the door slid closed again and another compactor cycle
started. The compactor crushed all of the diapers down against Adam's chest, face and diapered waist as the wet ones began to squeeze their gels out all over his face, into his hair and running all over his chest and down into his diaper waist elastic.
As the compactor blade continued it's downward press, Adam was pressed hard letting out a groan as the packer blade reached pinnacle pressure. Then, as the compactor blade let up and began to retract, the diapers below him sprung back allowing Adam to rise a little bit inside the crincly white plastic compactor bag. Oddly enough, Adam wasn't the ONLY thing the diapers gave rise to.....
as Adam lay inside the crincly white compactor trash bag filling up with compacted diapers, Adam utilized the opportunity to "get rid of" that which gave rise underneath all the diapers. Once that pressure was off, he completely relaxed to the point of falling into a deep slumber. He hardly noticed when misses Newell had slid the door open again and tossed in some wet pull-ups before sliding the door closed again. The afternoon slowly and monotonously rolled on, hour by hour, as Adam lay in the crinckly compactor bag underneath all of the diapers. Misses Newell tossed in three more wet diapers, a Fitti large diaper, a Pampers Lumi Smart diaper, some Luvs diapers that were swollen and soaked, as well as some of the vintage Huggies Disney Print diapers.Misses Newell hit the compactor button again and down came the compactor blade. It woke Adam up from a sound sleep just in time to have the diapers on top of his face begin to get squished down against his facial skin with the wet padding of some of the diapers pressing against his cheeks. As this was happening, the diapers laying on top of his diaper he had on began to sqeeze themselves against it as he was forced down and pressed against the diapers below him.
Adam: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh! Oooooh! My........ diaper!!! UuuuuuuuH sssssstooooop it! Ooooooouch! Uuuuuuuuh!!!
(Sighing as the compactor blade retracted)
With the compactor nearly full, the pressure became slightly more as more diapers and pull-ups were tossed in.
Misses Newell came back in with four more wet diapers to toss in before she ran the compactor four or five more times before sliding the door open again, getting ready to pull the sides of the very heavy compactor bag out and take the full one outside. Misses Newell begins removing the plastic from the sides of the compactor container, pulling on them as she removed them.
Adam: time to .....get out of the compactor already?
Misses Newell:'s time to take the trash out. Gees! You stink! Better...... get you outside.
Adam: Please, please! Don't eave me outside!
Misses Newell: I have to! You have no choice! Soon as I have a little time this weekend, it will be time to load the diaper collection trash totes, then you get to wait till my husband comes to take you and the diapers to the NICE cement plant where they burn everything for energy to make cement.
Misses Newell ties the bag up then leaves Adam and the bag of diapers outside on the porch next to a large 13 gallon trash can full of more diapers before walking back into the daycare to attend to the now empty compactor where she opens up a fresh, new compactor trash bag and puts it into the compactor container before she attends her regular clients. After nap-time has begun, misses Newell walks outside to the disposal daycare to check and change the diapers of those inside.
Misses Newell: Good.....morning everyone......I have some nice, fresh, clean and comfy diapers for you. Who would like to have their diapers changed first?
Andrea: I need my diaper changed. What kinds do you have?
Misses Newell: I have..... Huggies Story-time diapers, I have Luvs Deluxe for him and for her, I have some Huggies Disney Print diapers and for one of you, I have one of our special and custom-made compactor diaper. It is very, very thick and bulky with a nice and crinkly plastic backing too. Would you like to know which one of you will get this diaper?
Angela: I hope..... it's not me...
Arlen: Yeah..... I don't want it....
Misses Newell: Arlen.... .you won't have a choice when it comes time for your disposal.... It is now Angela's turn in the compactor..... sorry hon..... you get the custom-made compactor diaper. It's time for your disposal.
Angela: Don't I get to go into the diaper pail first?
Misses Newell: No, afraid not. You.... and your diapers will go into our compactor so your diapers can get the extra moisture squeezed out of them to help dry them out more for final disposal.
Angela: How come I........have to be.....disposed of now?
Misses Newell: Because.....trash....doesn't decide when it gets disposed of or what condition it's in when it's thrown away and........I need the room for a couple of new disposees coming in.
Angela: Is where I am going after my diaper change......going to be full if wet diapers and other trash or just diapers?
Misses Newell: Mainly just diapers.......unless there are a few things that need to be compacted then they go in with you.
Angela: Like....what else goes in there?
Misses Newell: Whatever needs to be disposed of.....could be plastic pants, a diaper bag, a leftover box or pack of diapers, leftover food sometimes, old onesies and clothing with plastic liners that sort of thing. Now.....let me get your diaper changed ok? Then. .... I may let you wet your diaper some before you go into the compactor.....ok..... lay down hon......there... would you like me to.....wipe you clean or just.....put the diaper on?
Angela: Clean me please.....
Misses Newell: much baby powder do you want in your diaper sweetie? A little ir a lot?
Angela: Um.....a lot a lot please.
Misses Newell: Ok.....will do.
Misses Newell unfastened the tapes of Angela's Huggies Storytime diaper and lays the front down seeing that it was just a little wet. She pulled the diaper out from underneath Angela setting it on her chest while she opened the custom, thick, bulky, plastic-backed compactor disposal diaper and then slid it underneath Angela, before opening the wipes container up, taking out six wipes, and using them to Thoroughly clean Angela's skin around her hips, crotch and all of the cracks before tossing each used wipe into her clean, custom-made compactor disposable diaper.
Angela: Why are you putting the dirty wipes into my....clean diaper that I am going to wear miss Newell?
Misses Newell:, your wet diaper and the wipes are all going to the same place for disposal and it doesn't matter which diaper they go into.
Misses Newell uses 8 more wipes to clean Angela up with, dropping the wipes into the clean diaper before shaking in a ton of baby powder into her diaper and onto her. Then.....she pulled the powdery diaper up and fastened the tapes before grabbing the wet Huggies Storytime diaper from Angela's chest while helping Angela to her feet.
Misses Newell: There.....I know the bulky part of your diaper between your legs makes it hard to put your legs together, it's just the way the diapers were used to is your wet diaper. Carry it with you to the compactor hon.....I have chosen to toss you into the compactor so that your crib is available for the next client.....they will be here soon.
Ok.....ready? I have to......gather up a few of the 5 gallon diaper pails around the daycare to empty them.....wanna help me?
Angela: Do I.....have much of a choice?
Misses Newell: No.....not really. You're going into the trash compactor like it or not. You have to come with me though so you might as well help.
Misses Newell forces Angela to go around gathering up diaperpails and carrying loose diapers that had fallen out as the pails were brought over to the compactor.
Angela: What happens if my diaper falls off? Will you put it back on?
Misses Newell: No, I won't. It won't matter if you have a diaper on or not. In a few days, hopefully the Waste-to-energy plant will start taking you all again and my husband can take you in our nice diaper trash truck. I want you and the diapers we throw away, to make us lots and lots of electricity that we need to charge our phones, cook, watch TV, even to get on the internet with......don't you want to help make us electricity?
Angela: You mean......that the place that takes our diapers makes electricity from our diapers and us?
Misses Newell: Yes hon, they do....and we pay them for taking you. They will burn your diapers and you to make energy like a log under a kettle of water. (Handing Angela a pile of folded over diapers) Here....carry these for me....that-a-girl now.....let's get you and everything over to the nice compactor ok?
Misses Newell and Angela both walk through the daycare to the kitchen with full diaper pails and armloads of diapers. Misses Newell unlocks and then slides the compactor open and the stench of wet diapers hits Angela in the face.
Misses Newell: OK hon.....drop your diapers in then turn around and ok? Angela's shoulders) go ahead and sit down into the container with all the diapers sweetie....
Angela: They.....stink.....badly!
Misses Newell: I don't care! Time to get in and get do I have to force you in or are you going in on your own?
Angela: It's all.....wet and...squishy in there!
Misses Newell: Ok....looks like I will force you in then!
Misses Newell pushes Angela down into the diapers in the compactor bag then tucks her legs in before tossing some of the diapers from the 13 gallon diaper pail in on top of her. Once the diapers were starting to pile up some.....misses Newell slid the compactor door closed then locked it before starting the compactor. Inside, the loud whining of the compactor hydraulic rams pushing the compactor blade steadily down until it began to press against the diapers on top of Angela which began pressing Angela down against the diapers below her. Angela's diaper began to buckle and bunch up as the diapers on top of her pressed themselves against her exposed skin and her diaper. One of the wet pull-ups opened up and began getting forced over her head like a squishy, wet and stinky disposable hat! The inner liner began to press hard against her nose forcing Angela to turn her head to the right as the compactor came down and pressed its maximum pressure.
Then the blade began to go back up. It stopped for a second then it started again! Angela felt cramped and felt her diaper being buckled and bunched up as the compactor pushed down for a second time.
Then, as the maximum pressure was reached, Angela wet her diaper a lot while the compactor blade seemed to stay there in the down position for a few seconds before it began to retract. Once the second cycle stopped, misses Newell opened the compactor and began tossing in more and more wet and squishy diapers.
Some of the diapers happened to be Angela's.
Angela: Hey miss? Some of those diapers look like mine! They don't seem that wet.
Misses Newell: You're right. Some of these ARE yours and yes....some of them aren't that wet. They are still trash. Trash goes into the you.
Angela: The first time that....thing came down...sort of felt good, then.....that second seemed .....harder than the first.
Misses Newell: Well....the first cycle was just a packing cycle....the second cycle was.....a pressure cycle. I have to make more room in there for as many diapers as possible. come....more comfy wet diapers of yours.........
Misses Newell tossed in five more wet Pampers Lumi Smart diapers as well as four dollar-store diapers, and some wet pull-ups. The piles of diapers now laying on Angela rose up to the top edge of the compactor can.
Misses Newell: OK....get ready for a bunch more compactor cycles....
Misses Newell slides the compactor closed and then locks it. She selects the power cycle and then she waits till the cycle is done. Misses Newell can hear the diapers and Angela being forcefully pushed down and packed nice and hard in the compactor as the ram struggles to push the loads down harder and harder.
Just then, Daneil walks in and kisses his wife.
Daniel Newell: Hi sweetie, how was your day? Busy I bet.....
Misses Newell: Yes.....always busy here as usual....this weekend we have a lot to dispose of in our burn barrel.
Daniel Newell: Actually, I think that we will only have to dispose of two in the burn barrel, I am taking a couple of truck-loads of diapers to the Cement Plant where they burn them for fuel. Decide which ones will go into the burn barrel and then I will take the rest to the cement plant in our diaper collection trash truck.
Misses Newell: Really? Cooooool! That sounds.....REALLY hot! At least for does.....OK.....well, how about Aaron and William, in the trash bag...get disposed of in the burn barrel and you....take everyone the cement plant?
Daniel Newell: OK....let's get everyone that is going to the cement plant, loaded into the 97 gallon totes so we can dump them and the diapers into my truck. I will be by to take them on Tuesday.
Adam: Hey! Hey! What's going on? Where....are you taking me?
Daniel Newell: Sorry son, you.....and all your....stinky diapers are going into one of these.....trash cans until I come take you and the diapers to a nice.....cement plant where they burn diapers for energy.
I am going to have LOADS of fun....crushing you then watching as your diaper gets smooshed!
Adam: But, but, But.....I don't want to be smooshed! Please!!! Please don't put me in there!!!
Daniel Newell: Tough!! You're trash and trash goes out for disposal!!
Adam: Moooomy! Please! Tell daddy that I am not supposed to be trash!!! Please!
Misses Newell: (Stepping outside to help load the diapers into the trash barrels) It's time to go into the nice trash barrel now. Sorry hon, it's the way things go around here!'re going in one of these barrels no matter what. My husband and I don't care what happens to you once you are in the trash! Now.....get ready, it's put you into the barrel now.
(Lifting Adam up and laying him onto his back inside the 97 gallon diaper trash barrel on top of a half a barrel's worth of loose wet and messy diapers with his legs dangling over the left side of the barrel.) come a....BUNCH of stinky diapers.... you.....LIKE these! These are the diapers from your crib.
Adam: (Seeing four of his onesies being tossed in) HEY! Those......are MINE! They aren't trash!
Daniel Newell: Yes, they ARE trash! They are all... yucky and full of piss! Nasty YOU!!! (Tossing in two of Adam's fully stocked diaper bags)
Adam: (First diaper bag landing on his chest) Hey! That's MY diaper bag! It feels heavy too!
Misses Newell: That's because it still has everything in it! I left the six Ultra Pampers Plus diapers (with the blue waist shield) in there! Yes, they are still nice and clean! Your bottles full of milk and Juice, and some leftover baggies of wipes are also in there! Here comes your second diaper bag!
Adam: (The second diaper bag lands on his face then settles next to his head to the left.) My....comfy......diapers!!! No! Don't throw them away!!!
Misses Newell: (Tossing a couple of Adam's slightly wet Pampers diapers and a couple of his slightly wet Luvs Deluxe For him (with the blue stripes and white plastic background)
onto his face and chest as well as the Pampers diapers landing on his tummy and diaper he has on) Everything of trash! You are no longer useful to us. The nice people at the cement plant are expecting you and your diapers on Tuesday. They will own you and get to do.....whatever they want with you!
Adam: What..... do they the diapers and us at the Cement Plant?
Daniel Newell: Well, they first let everything dry out completely before they put you and a load of diapers into a shredder. The shredder tears you and the diapers into little tiny pieces before every piece gets sent into a rotary kiln that burns everything.
Adam: WAIT! NO! I......don't wanna go there! Don't make me!
Daniel Newell: Tough!!! You are going! I don't care what happens to you....OR the diapers! The Cement plant actually pays US to take you there!!! They bought and paid for you and your diapers, not to mention anything..... else.
Daniel Newell and Misses Newell begin tossing diapers from the can that Adam is in, into one of the 97 gallon trash tote-cans a few at a time. The can is already close to being half full. The last diapers from on top of Adam were tossed into the 97 gallon trash can, Daniel waited for his wife to grab Adam's legs so they both could pick him up and lay him down inside the can on his back. Since Adam was just a bit too long to completely fit into the can, Adam's legs had to be left dangling over the left side of the can.
Adam: Hey! What....about my legs? Are they allowed over the side like that?
Daniel Newell: Yep! I don'! On Tuesday, when I come to crush you and these diapers and take you and them to the cement plant, you and your....legs will be all....nice and folded up for easy storage among the diapers! Son? Personally, I....can't get rid of you and....all of these....diapers!!!! We have......NO more use for you!
Adam: Hey! Quit that! Stop......pushing down.....on me like that! Uuuuuuuuh! Uh!
Daniel Newell: We make more room in there! You will get a LOT worse than.......that in my nice......diaper trash collection truck son!
Now.....I don't care......WHAT happens to ya in there! I don't care if you.diaper is wet or not! You......and ALL these diapers, clean or not, are going into my trash truck......and my employee and I will enjoy watching the packer blade crush that diaper of yours!
Adam: How long will it be until you come take my diapers and I?
Daniel Newell: It's Friday today, so you will have 3 days until it's diaper collection day.
Misses Newell: Here come......some more wet and stinky diapers........
Misses Newell and Daniel Newell pour in and empty three 13 gallon trash cans as well as four 5 gallon trash cans full of diapers, on top of Adam inside tote 2. Once all the cans were empty, Misses Newell went inside to take a few of the now empty trash cans back into the nursery then bring out four unopened boxes of white Luvs Baby Pants diapers, then three boxes of Pampers preemie wing-fold diapers, then she went back inside and brought out four boxes of Pampers Toddler sized wing-fold diapers, (never worn, still in the unopened box....)
and she put the diapers down on the ground in front of the toter that Adam was now in.
Adam saw all the boxes coming out and wondered why he didn't get to wear any of them and why the diapers were being thrown away.
Adam: Why......are those diapers in the boxes.....being thrown away? How come......I didn't get to wear any of them?
Misses Newell: (Pausing to reply to Adam before going back into the daycare for the rest of the boxes of diapers) We are throwing these away because these diapers are too thin and leak.....they aren't good diapers and they don't work as swiffer wet-jet pads either. Yes.....all of those....are going in there with you!
Then Misses Newell went back into the daycare to bring out a few packs of old Huggies Storytime diapers that the tapes didn't work any more, out for disposal.
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Daniel Newell: Yep!!! These diapers.....are trash now! Their tapes.....don't work and they are too old. They are going in there with you.....son!
Daniel Newell opens one of the Toddler sized boxes of Pampers Wing-fold diapers and begins tossing the diapers into the toter on top of Adam.
Adam: (Picking one of the diapers up and moving some of the wet diapers from his face, before propping himself up using his elbows)
These diapers......look really comfy!!!
Daniel Newell: have 3 days to.....enjoy them whatever you want with them before you....and them are.....MINE! (Poking at Adam's slightly wet diapered crotch) Yep! You're almost ready for my trash truck's packer blade! You're gonna make it watch as it crushes you!!!
Adam: Why is it......going to to dispose of my diaper and I?
Daniel Newell: I have always liked watching diapers and diapered trash being squished by the strong packer blade of a trash truck. My employees and I also like watching as you get all of those.....stinky, wet diapers all.....bunched up and crushed against you and your bulky, saggy diaper!!! Sometimes, diapers pop under the pressure! Then....all the.....wet, slimy and nasty gels and padding goes all over the place and all over the one wearing the diaper that burst! We like betting on if your diaper will burst or just .....bunch up hard against ya during the packer cycles.
Misses Newell returns with a few more opened boxes of Pampers Wing-fold diapers to toss in.
Misses Newell: Well.....there.....ya go. The can isn't even completely full yet.....almost....not quite yet. There is enough room in there for three more 13 gallon diaperpails worth of diapers.
Don't worry, I will be back several times to toss in more diapers. We have to....go back inside now.....(lowering the toter lid and letting the heavy lid rest across Adam's knees as his legs dangle over the left side of the toter. Daniel and his wife walk back into the daycare carrying the now empty 5 gallon trash cans and the 13 gallon white trash can then the brown, square 13 gallon trash can. It became quiet around the can, except for the ambient sounds of cars passing on the roads a half-block away and the sounds of kids laughing and giggling.
Adam lay there.... feeling his legs getting numb as the heavy toter lid made his legs fall asleep. Adam felt the tingling of his legs falling asleep and his muscles began to ache. Then, in about four hours, he wasn't able to feel his legs let alone move them anymore.
The lid was just heavy enough that he hadn't the strength to push it up enough to pull his legs in. Laying there on all of the diapers, he began to grab one of the Huggies diapers from one of the opened packages and one of the Pampers Wing-fold diapers from inside the toter on top of him. He opened the Huggies diaper and then moved a few of the diapers around inside the toter so he could smell the clean Huggies padding that still had a strong scent of Baby Powder. He began to take whatever diapers were on top of him, and began to rub them against the front if his own semi-wet disposable diaper.The boxes that were on top of the diapers that were piled on his chest and around his diapered waist, where pressing down on him from the pressure of the heavy lid, not giving him too much room to move around easily. Adam moves around inside the toter trying to get as comfy as possible with his legs stuck under the pressure of the heavy toter lid. He rubbed the front of his diaper with the diapers that were on top of him, a folded-over Huggies diaper and a Luvs Barney diaper on top of that. This made him feel like his whole body was he rubbed and rubbed the diapers across the front of his diaper, he came hard into his diaper......groaning loudly with pleasure before sighing and completely relaxing. Soon, he fell into a deep slumber. Late that evening, Misses Newell came out with a full 13 gallon black diaper pail that was being emptied into the toter that Adam was in. Misses Newell sets the full and heavy black 13 gallon trash can down
in front of the 97 gallon toter then flips the lid open so the lid is fully open. Then, misses Newell picked the heavy can up, began to empty the can by shaking it so the diapers would all fall out like a short diaper-avalanche. Misses Newell poured the diapers all over Adam and a lot of the diapers fell around his head and chest and the last few diapers fell all over Adam's diaper near the left side of the can.
Adam: (Mumbling underneath all of the diapers) Miss......miss? Do YOU have.... to close the lid? It's heavy and now.....I can't feel my legs!!!
Misses Newell: Yes, You don't need your legs to work anyhow! I will be out here again tomorrow to empty a few more of our diaper pails. I am going to have to secure the lid with a bungee cord so that it doesn't fly open suddenly.
Misses Newell finishes emptying the black 13 gallon diaper pail into the 97 gallon trash toter before she lowered the lid back down and then used a bungee cord to keep the wind from blowing it open suddenly. Then she took the now empty diaper pail back inside with her into the daycare.
Saturday morning, Adam heard the sounds of Misses Newell and Daniel Newell bringing Aaron and his trash can he was in, over to the Burn barrel so they could begin loading the burn barrel for final disposal. Aaron didn't want to be loaded into the burn barrel and was resisting and fighting hard!!! Daniel finally got an idea. He had his wife hold onto Aaron while he went to get some plastic zip-ties. Daniel came back with the plastic zip ties and he first put them around Aaron's feet at his ankles before misses Newell and Daniel zip-tied his hands together behind him.
Daniel Newell: There!!!! That......will keep you from getting away and resisting so much! Now.....Sweetie pie? hold onto him for me for a few minutes while I go get the.....diesel fuel, and the.....rags to bathe him and his diaper in the diesel fuel?
Misses Newell: problem.
Aaron: Miss? What is he going to do to me?
Misses Newell: Well, you....are going to stand in the burn barrel while my husband fills your diaper with diesel fuel then he will pour the diesel fuel.....all over you from head to toe, using some old cloth diapers as rags to make sure the oily diesel fuel gets all over you evenly. Then, we are going to lay you down on the diapers in this.....burn barrel while my husband goes to chop some kindling and grab some firewood. Then, you and the diapers will have about an hour or two to soak in the diesel fuel before getting another shower in it will be time to....start your final disposal.
Aaron: NO! NO!! NO! You....can' this to me! I'm not.....trash!!! Stop it! Let....go!
Daniel Newell: Hold the diapered trash up so that I can pour the diesel fuel into his diaper......yeah......good.....OK going to feel NICE and....cold coming into your diaper.........
Daniel Newell stands behind and to Aaron's left while he pulls the waistband of his diaper back, holding it open while he pours 16 ounces of diesel fuel down the back of his disposable diaper. Aaron's diaper begins to balloon as the diesel fuel fills the padding and is captured by the Super Absorbent Polymers. (Diaper Gel granules)
Aaron: MOOOOMY!!!!! Stooooop it! It's....COLD's making my....diaper wet!!!!
Misses Newell: Just......HOLD on for a few more minutes sweetie... my husband is.....AL.......MOST.....done. Just a few.....more times hon....
Daniel Newell: Ok.....(Coming around to his front side around from the left rear to his left front, then pulling the waistband elastics back again with his index finger. ) Now.......for the.... .front of your diaper son......It's bath time.........for you and the diapers!
Aaron: (Almost starting to cry, whimpering and pouting;)! My.....comfy....diaper!!! Now......I am.....full of that.....stuff!
Daniel Newell: Get......ready son, going to pour this stuff....down your head and into your hair! Close......your eyes now......
Daniel Newell begins to pour the diesel fuel down Aaron's head, which spilled and ran down across his face, dripping down onto his chest, running down into his diesel fuel soaked diaper and along his legs.
Daniel stopping pour the diesel fuel, then poured some onto a couple of old onesies and a couple of cloth diapers which he was about to use as rags to spread the diesel fuel over the rest of Aaron's body.
Daniel Newell begins to slowly pour diesel fuel directly from the 5 gallon fuel can, over Aaron's head. The fuel begins to run down his face,neck, down his chest and all over his diaper.
Aaron: UUUUHH!!! UHck! Blub, blub.....spituah! Blah! Quit! Stop it! No more....please!
Misses Newell: Just.....a little bit longer......then it all.....will be over.
Aaron: Brrrrrr! It's cold miss Newell!
Misses Newell tosses some more loose diapers into the burn barrel before Daniel is done wiping Aaron down from head to toe, with the diesel fuel soaked cloth diaper. Then, Misses Newell makes Aaron lay down inside the burn barrel with his legs dangling over the side. Then Daniel Newell and Misses Newell begin tossing in small twigs and sticks as kindling before bringing over short yet thick and heavy chunks of pine wood, and mesquite.
Aaron: UH! UH! Ouch! Quit it! What is all the.....wood for?
Misses Newell: The wood and sticks will keep the fire burning longer so that you and.....the diapers burn all the way down. In JUST a few minutes, it will be time to......start your final disposal.
Aaron: May I.....ask for about 40 minutes with my favorite diapers before you do all that?
Misses Newell looks over at her husband Daniel Newell as he nods in agreement.
Misses Newell: I.....suppose.....we will be back to start your final disposal in 45 minutes......see you then.
Misses Newell puts the locking lid on the top of the burn barrel with Aaron's legs dangling over the side. She locks the lid down tightly around his dangling legs.
Aaron begins to play with the diapers that misses Newell had tossed in on top of him that were wet and folded over, that weren't full of diesel fuel yet. Rubbing the diapers all over himself, sniffing his own wetness inside the semi-wet Huggies Storytime diaper over his face, he climaxes hard into his diaper. He then becomes SO relaxed that he falls into a near unconscious state. Aaron hadn't noticed that Daniel and Misses Newell had come back outside, lit the diesel fuel soaked cloth diaper and started his final disposal. Aaron awoke suddenly, aware of the heat around him, to flames shooting out everywhere! His diaper had begun to burn as his skin was also seering! He let out a blood curdling scream that signaled that he was in deep pain.....and after a mere seven minutes of him screaming, suddenly there was deadly silence, except for the crackling of the fire.
All day Sunday, Adam laid in the 97 Gallon trash can with Misses Newell coming out at end of the day to empty a couple more full diaper pails into his can. She lifted the lid and the lid flipped back and hung while she picked up the white can full of Pampers diapers, which she promptly emptied all over Adam's face, head, chest, and all over his diapered pelvis. Adam was startled and awoke with a snort as the diapers pelted his face, head and chest.
Adam: Huh? happening? (Yawning)
Misses Newell: Nothing.....Just....emptying some more daycare trash. Tomorrow is diaper trash day. Whoohoo! My husband's favorite day.
He is looking forward to.....crushing you and the diapers.
Adam: NO! Please! Let me.....out.....I....don't want to go! Please miss Newell......I'll be good! I.....promise!
Misses Newell: Sorry hon, once you.....are in the trash toter, you no longer belong to me. You.....and all of the diapers, now belong to my husband's diaper collection company. I can't do anything with you or for you. Bye-bye little diapered trash. being crushed in the truck tomorrow....
Adam: WAAAIT! What........time will he be coming?????
Misses Newell: Some time in the morning between 7:30 am and 10:30 am.
Misses Newell tosses some more loose and folded over wet diapers and some rolled up diapers onto Adam's diapered lap before reaching over to the back of the toter to begin flipping the lid closed.
As Misses Newell stood at the front of the toter, holding the lid open for a few, she gave Adam her last words;
Misses Newell: Well, since......this will be the......last time.....I see you.....I....HOPE...... you enjoy being in much as possible, husband.....LOVES crushing you and diapers! Go make us lots of nice electricity....Bye-Bye diapered trash!
With that.....she lowers the heavy lid and then puts the bungee cord back on before carrying the last empty 13 gallon trash can inside.
The night seemed to go ever-so fast......that it almost seemed like only 2 hours went was light outside now and Adam began to hear the very distinct sound of the Newell Disposal diaper collection truck coming.
This made Adam really nervous and anxious! Adam soaked his diaper some more out of pure nervousness as Daniel and Jeff pulled up alongside the row of full 97 gallon trash toters.
Daniel and Jeff hopped out of the cab as the truck came to a stop, Daniel went to the closest toter, which happened to be the first one to the left, standing in front of the row, and brought the toter over to hook it to the tote-tipper. He then flipped the lid open as the tote-tipper was activated and the toter began to rise quickly. The diapers flew into the hopper as the avalanche of diapers spilled out. As Jeff lowered the now empty toter then set it back into place, Daniel grabbed the second can in the row, the one with the pair of legs dangling over the left side, the very one that Adam was in, and brought it over to the side of the Lodal Evo Semi Automated side loader diaper collection trash truck. He hooked the toter to the tote-tipper, flipped the lid open......Adam: Hey! What's going on?
Daniel Newell: It's time for your disposal! Ready to....go into my nice.....trash truck? Going......UP!
Daniel activates the tote-tipper and Adam and all of the diapers inside the 97 gallon toter suddenly crash down into the hopper.
There was already a quarter of the hopper-worth of diapers in the hopper as the diapers and Adam fell into the hopper on top of the loads already there.
Adam: Whooooah! UUUH!!! Thump, thump, crinkle, crincle!
Adam was covered by the avalanche of diapers from the toter he was in. Adam wasn't able to use his legs now, preventing him from being able to stand or kneel. Before Daniel activated the first of four compactor cycles, he paused to comment;
Daniel Newell: It's........packer time!!! Time to pack all of these yucky trashy pants!!!!
Daniel Newell hits the compactor cycle button then goes to grab the next toter to hook it up to the tote-tipper while the compactor cycles.
Adam lays there underneath all of the diapers and on top of the diapers from other stops prior, as the packer blade makes contact with Adam's diapered bottom.
The packer blade begins to press the loads of loose diapers very, very hard against his diapered bottom which in turn forces Adam to get pressed against the spongee wall of other loose diapers and large trash bags full of diapers inside the packer container.
Once Adam and the diapers were pushed and pressed into the packer container, the packer blade began to slowly retract and Adam sprung back into the hopper with a bunch of diapers as Daniel emptied the third toter full of bags of diapers and loose diapers, onto the compactor blade. Once the packer blade fully retracted, the diapers on top of it.....fell into the mostly empty hopper as Daniel banged the can, dropping in more loose diapers. Then, from the other side of the truck, Jeff emptied a toter full of old Wing-fold Pampers diapers that someone was throwing away. The boxes were unopened and still were full of diapers.
Jeff: There..... is nothing like.....watching the diapers get crushed against the diapered trash in the morning!!!
Daniel Newell: Yep! I fully.....agree! It's ....FUN their diapees getting...crushed and bunched up!
Daniel then empties the fourth toter from his wife's daycare into the hopper as Jeff empties a 32 gallon rubbermaid can full of loose, wet Huggies Storytime diapers, training pants and Ultra Pampers plus diapers into the hopper.
Adam: UH!!!!! out......
Jeff: (hitting the packer cycle button) Well......time for a couple more packer cycles.....
Then Jeff and Daniel wait with the last can-loads of diapers while the packer blade cycles, before they both emptied their cans into the hopper. Once the last cans were put back, they both got into the cab of the Newell disposal diaper collection trash truck and went to the next stop.
Meanwhile....back at the Newell Daycare, It was Angela's turn to get taken out of the compactor and taken outside to one of the freshly emptied toters for disposal.
Misses Newell: (Sliding the compactor open and inspecting the loads inside the compactor) Yep! take the trash out!
Angela: Huh? What's....going on?
Misses Newell: Grabbing the bag sides and releasing them from the can sides) It's time to take the trash outside to be disposed of.
Angela: Wait! Hold....ON! How....long will I be IN there?
Misses Newell: Oh....for about a week....till my husband's diaper collection trash truck comes and takes you and the diapers away.
Misses Newell unfurrows the sides of the bag then she uses the very thick and tough carry handles of the compactor bag to pull the very full and very heavy compactor bag up and then out, quickly setting the bag down on the floor so as to tie it shut.
Misses Newell: Now.....before I.....tie the bag shut, like to....go into the toter.....inside the bag or.....loose and outside the bag?
Angela: UM.....outside please.....
Misses Newell: (Helping Angela out of the compactor bag, spilling some of the smashed diapers onto the floor in the process) Damned!!! Hon, could you help toss these back into the bag for me? Better....yet, you can.....carry them to the trash toter you are going into.
Angela: OK.....
Misses Newell begins handing Angela all of the diapers that fell to the floor before pulling the tie handles up which cinched the bag opening closed, before guiding Angela, the load of diapers she is carrying and the bag full that Misses Newell carried, outside, through the back gate and over to the first empty blue and white diaper disposal toter. Misses Newell flipped the lid open, then tossed the bag in.
Misses Newell: Ok hon, toss those in and then climb up the step-ladder and get into the trash can......
Angela reluctantly did as she was told. Then as Angela began to lean back so that she would land onto her back, on top of the folded over wet Huggies Storytime diapers, the wet and messy Luvs Deluxe for him AND for her diapers, the Huggies Disney-Print Diapers, as well as the crinclz brand youth and medium adult diapers not to mention an entire box full of Pampers Wing-fold diapers, she plunged down to nearly the bottom of the toter, landing onto her back with her legs and feet sticking straight up.
Angela: Miss? Miss......could.....I get my.....raggedy Anne Doll in here?
Misses Newell: I.....don't have a problem with that. Sure, when I'm done emptying the last of these two 13 gallon diaper pails, I will bring it out for you....ok?
Angela: Thank you... miss Newell.
Misses Newell goes back into the daycare then over the next four hours, Misses Newell puts a quarter of a diaper pail worth of diapers in. Being that Arlen was at the Diaper Test Labs getting used to test diapers all day till they bring Arlen back. Yesterday, the labs used blue dyes to track where leaks were happening in Arlen's test diapers. This left his onesie and his skin around his diapering areas with deep, blue stains that won't come out for a while. When Arlen came back to Misses Newell's Daycare, she saw the blue stains all over his onesie and his hips and along the inner thighs where his diaper had intentionally leaked. She took his once white onesie off of him, and threw it into the diaper pail with the test diaper she changed later when it became wet.
When Misses Newell came to change Arlen's diaper to get him ready to go to the Diaper Test Labs, Misses Newell brought in a bag of Fitti diapers with the soft, crinkly plastic backing to diaper Arlen in.
Arlen: Misses Newell? When.....I get back here, may.... I go play in the backyard?
Misses Newell: Well, I shall see how busy we are and if I have the time to watch you out there. Maybe I can get everyone to go play outside at the same time.
Arlen: What....kind of diapers......are those?
Misses Newell: These? Oh...... just.......a bag of diapers that we have to use up. Our daycare got a lot of these and a lot of the New Pampers Lumi Smart Diapers and I am using the new Pampers diapers on our regular clients while I am using up all of the Luvs, Huggies and these... Fitti diapers that we have on all of you, until it's time for each of your disposals. will get one of my Compactor Plus diapers for disposal.
Arlen: Are the .....Compactor Plus diapers comfy?
Misses Newell: They.....are made to last for at least six compactor cycles before something would happen to them. They are considered "thin" only.....they are 1.5 times thicker than one of the Huggies Storytime diapers. They...will do well enough for where they and you end up. honey......I am going to leave your.....stained up onesie...unsnapped so that they can change you easier at the diaper test lab.
Arlen: O.......K miss Newell.
Misses Newell: We have.....a new client coming in today or tomorrow hon, you might know him. He is one of the other diaper testers at the lab.
Arlen: Really? How come he is coming here?
Misses Newell: Unfortunately, he needs to he disposed of. He will get to be around until next week, then it's time for his disposal. You may end up joining him....
Arlen: Miss..Miss? May......I choose if I want to wear say......more than one diaper or......if I want to wear one of my...….saved diapers I have here in my......what do you call this....bed thing?
Misses Newell: Well, it's called a crib, or a safety bed, and.....I don't care what you choose to wear......I am still going to make you wear one of the Compactor diapers for your disposal, even over what you have on.
Just then, a mother and a short blonde-haired boy wearing very thick, crinkly white disposable diapers on came into the daycare. Misses Newell went to greet them.
Misses Newell: Hi, I am miss Newell and welcome to the Newell Care Daycare.
Mother: Hi, I am Diane, and this... is...Justin. He is here for your....Diaper-Testing and disposal program......we spoke about over the phone.
Misses Newell: Yes.....come over here and have a seat.....
Does.....Justin need a diaper change?
Diane: No.....he just got one right before coming.
Misses Newell: ( Sitting down on one of the rocking chairs facing the couch that Diane and Justin are sitting in)'re leaving Justin here for our.....Diaper-Testing and disposal program? How come he needs to be disposed of?
Diane: Well, as you can see, he is an extremely heavy wetter. We have to use these......Race-Car diapers.....
on him because he is....such a heavy wetter. If you try to use Pampers, Luvs or even Huggies, the diapers leak....we even tried double and then triple diapering him.....they still....leaked until we used these diapers.
The drawback to using these diapers, is that... they cost way more than an entire case of Huggies. We both work two jobs and still have trouble affording his diapers!
Misses Newell: I....can personally relate to that. We here at Newell-Care, have several programs that we use to deal with the unwanted expenses of diapering a heavy wetter. The fees for diapering, feeding and then disposing of......all of the $2,000. Since you want Justin to test diapers, we can make a little money from the tests from the companies. Now, a few of the companies want to buy the test subject from us, and the rest just want the test subjects from us. Which would you prefer?
Diane: Well, it....doesn't matter to us.....we will decide what is best.
Misses Newell:, does he have any allergies to foods or to certain diapers or to baby powder?
Diane: Not that.....we are aware of. Here is...the $2,000......& here, is an additional $500 to buy him some more of the.....Race-Car diapers or......whatever brand you wish. Go ahead and throw away any that he doesn't use.
Misses Newell: Usually, we... try not to throw clean diapers away. With those, we... would have no use for once he is dispensed with.
Justin hon, know what you are doing here?
Justin: No, miss......what am I doing here?
Misses Newell:, is going to leave you here for us to... throw you away, after a diaper company gets done using you to test diapers. You will be getting really, really dirty and stinky before you're disposed of.
Justin: (Looking at his mom to his right) Is......this true mommy?
Diane: Yes, afraid it is. We can't afford to diaper you any more.
You now belong to Misses Newell and her husband and they get to do what they want with you and your diapers and clothing.
Justin: Mommmmmmy! Please!!! Don't....leave! going to....happen to me here??
Misses Newell: Hon, it's going to least for the next two weeks to a month. Then, when it's time, you will be going into the diaper pail where all of your wet and dirty diapers go.......
Justin: Really???? I......don't wanna go there! MOMMY! Don't leave me here......PLEEEEEASE?????
Diane: Sorry baby, the now officially belong to misses Newell and her husband. Now.......I have to go bring in the ten cases of your diapers that we bought you......and then I have to bring in your stroller and all of your clothes.....then, I will kiss you good-bye.....I will not be seeing you anymore.......
Diane gets up and goes out to her black Ford Excursion and begins taking one case at a time from the back until each of the ten cases had been stacked out on the porch in the backyard. Then Diane brought in a large, black trash bag full of onesies, footed sleepers, plastic-lined cargo shorts of different colors, and t-shirts with cute prints on them, into the daycare, leaving it behind the couch. Then she went to get the stroller which she left on the back porch as instructed by misses Newell.
Then, Diane knelt down to Justin and gave him a very tearful bunch of good-bye kisses before standing back up and leaving, never to return.
Justin stood there......watching, hoping that he would see his mother come back through the door, and sweep him into her arms and take him away from the daycare.
Misses Newell: Justin, Justin sweetie, why.....don't you come over here......I have a bunch of cool toys for you to look at.
Justin: Mommy is going to come..back and take me........I know it.......
Misses Newell: No......Honey, (Standing up and walking over to Justin by the front door) she is not coming are now ours........and until it's time for your.....disposal, you....get to go test a lot of nice, comfy don't you come over here......and play with these toys while I make some phone calls to arrange for you to test some diapers.....ok sweetie?
(Grabbing Justin's hand and leading him over to where the toys are then leaving him inside the gated play area and locking the gates so Justin can't get out.)
Misses Newell then went to her roll-top desk, opened it, then sat down to make some calls to the various Diaper factories, on a list that always needed more diaper testers.
After about 45 minutes on the phone, Misses Newell got two diaper factories that want to use Justin as a diaper tester. The One diaper company wants Justin Monday, Wednesday and Friday, which the second diaper factory wants Justin Tuesday, Thursday and two Saturday's a month.
Misses Newell did some math calculations on the income amounts and made a smile......she realized she and Daniel would make $8,000 by Justin testing diapers alone. Add the $2,000 and they just made a cool $10,000.
Today was only Monday so.....Tomorrow would be Justin's first day at the second diaper factory who would come and pick him up around 7:30 am on Tuesday and Thursdays and the First Diaper Factory would come and pick Justin up between 8:00 am and 10:00 am Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Misses Newell was approached by her daycare employee whom had a question about using some of the diapers in the diaper pantry. Misses Newell instructs her on which diapers to use up first. Misses Newell instructs her employee to get four bags of Fitti diapers
from the diaper pantry and start using them up. Then Misses Newell goes to empty some more wet diapers from the diaper pails into the compactor. Misses Newell grabs the fullest can and then drags it over to the compactor in the kitchen, then slides the door open and sees The boy enjoying the feel of his diaper.
Misses Newell: I are....enjoying the.....feel of your.....compacted diapers there......well, here are some more diapers for you to.......enjoy........(Misses Newell begins to toss in more and more folded over and unfolded wet diapers into the compactor can on top of Angela inside.
Boy: Miss Newell? Miss Newell?
Misses Newell: Yes???
Boy: How many times do you make the crusher thing crush me?
Misses Newell: As many times, as I think are necessary. If I want to crush you four times, you get crushed four times. I don't care what happens to you in there or what you do with the diapers in there either. Now, it won't be long before this can will get full and it will be time to go out to one of the diaper disposal totes. Then it will be someone else's turn to go into the compactor.
Misses Newell: (Continued) As for....all of the boxes of comfy, thick Pampers, they will be used on all of you that are here for disposal unless one or two of you require the use of another diaper, then they get whatever diapers they wear regularly.
Boy: Are... any of...MY diapers in here or are they in another diaper pail?
Misses Newell: Hon, they are in one of the other diaper pails. I will bring them and put them in there with you if you like...
Boy: I saw you stacking all of those........Pampers boxes yesterday, what....are you doing with them???
Misses Newell: Which ones? mean......ah....yes, well, some of them have tapes that are too dried out, and some of them are the thin kind that leak. We don't like those kinds......they will be thrown away.
Boy: Are they going to be put in here with me?
Misses Newell: No.....probably not. When you get thrown into one of the...toters outside, you might see a few of the boxes and diapers.
Too bad that the diaper company didn't need you for more's a shame to have to throw away such a good little boy like you.......
Boy: going the.....compactor on me after this?
Misses Newell: Yes hon, I am.
Boy: Could......I ask you to run it four or five times please?
Misses Newell: (Looking surprised) Um.....SURE......I don't see why not. I take it like......being crushed?
Boy: Well..... (Blushing) kind of feels good to me.....
Misses Newell: If you like THIS one.......just wait until you get tossed into our diaper collection truck! You and the diapers will......REALLY get crushed...and HARD too!
Misses Newell tosses in a bunch of loose, unrolled, folded-over disposable diapers, some Pampers, some Huggies Disney Print diapers, some Huggies Story-time white diapers, a bunch of Luvs Deluxe for him and for her as well as a bunch of the new Pampers Lumi smart diapers.
Misses Newell: With these....."smart diapers" we can track you all the way to the waste-to-energy-plant and even know right when they toss you and the diapers into the furnaces.....nifty......huh?
Boy: Is that......what they are going with me?
Misses Newell: Well, actually, it could take quite a while before you and the diapers actually get loaded into the funnel hopper that opens up into the hottest furnace you can imagine! You and the diapers might be there for a couple of days to a full week before you get loaded.
You may not even be.......alive then......if you even arrive there alive......because the compactor in my husband's truck, has about 3.2 thousand pounds of pressure per square inch and if you are lucky enough to end up on the top end of the load where the pressure isn't much at all, THEN you might end up arriving there alive. They don't care if you have a diaper on or not.....they won't care what you do with the diapers or if you are comfy or not. If you try to get out of the pile though, someone there WILL throw you back in.....and if you make trouble for them, then they may toss you in sooner! They have done that in the past.....
The reason we have this disposal program, is because we need to generate more electricity because we have more and more demand for it while our use of disposable diapers is getting higher and higher.....not to mention all the other consumer products that also get thrown away. So, with dwindling all of that.......we decided to do our part to help generate the necessary power we use a lot of. YOU.....and......(pointing down to all of the diapers in the compactor) all of these......comfy diapers.......will be burned to generate electricity. First......we have to......squeeeeeze as much of the moisture out of them as we that you and the diapers will burn better. Wet diapers don't burn well. I am......shocked actually LIKE how the compactor feels......if you want me to......crush you more......just tell me and I will run the crusher more......OK hon? I won't mind.
Boy: OH......thank you miss Newell. Thank you. May I also ask you to give me some of those......Pampers diapers that you are going to....throw away anyhow? I want to be able with them while I am in here.
Misses Newell: Hmmmmmmm........Well.......I don't see that being a problem.....When I get a few minutes......I will try to remember to put some in there for you......anything else......before I close, lock and start the cycles?
Boy: (Shaking his head) Noooooo.....
With that, misses Newell slid the compactor closed, locked it, then set the cycle to the power cycle then she started it. Then she dragged the now quarter-full diaper pail away and put it back where it had been.
Back on the route, Daniel Newell and Jeff were now at one of the diaper testing labs, just pulling up to begin emptying the first of 15 totes. Jeff jumped off the running boards and went right over to the first blue and white toter with a pair of legs dangling from the front and then rolled it over to the side of the truck where he hooked it to the tote-tipper, then flipped the lid open causing it to fly open and dangle on the backside.
Boy laying in the toter: HEY! Who.....are you?
Jeff: I am here to take you and the diapers for a nice ride to the waste-to-energy plant man!
Jeff activates the tote-tipper and the boy and the diapers suddenly fly into the hopper on top of the loads of diapers from a stop prior to this. The boy had on a very stained up formerly white onesie with lots and lots of blue stains all over it and his hair was very matted. He had on a very thick and saggy disposable diaper.
The boy falls into the hopper and lands onto his left side with his arms out on top of the loads of diapers from the stops just prior and then gets covered by more loose diapers and then large trash bags full of diapers. The boy sits up and the diapers that fell on him slid off as he waddles over to peer over the side of the deep and semi full hopper on his knees. Just as he gets there, Jeff dumps a full toter from the right side and the diapers nearly knock the boy against the hopper wall while Daniel Newell empties another one of the full toters into the hopper, giving the boy a heavy, stinky shower of diapers directly over his head as the boy peers over the left side edge.
Daniel Newell: Well son, it's time the crusher....gotta crush ya now.
Daniel hits the packer button and both Jeff and Daniel Newell watch as the packer blade forces the boy into the packer container and they forward to peer into the hopper to watch as the boy gets his diapers crushed against him and his diaper begins to bunch up between his legs.
Daniel Newell: Well.....another one in.....let's hurry up and get the rest of the loads in here.....
Jeff: Right with ya there.....
In the 8th toter, another pair of legs were dangling over the right side with large boxes of diapers half way full of unused diapers that were used in tests. The legs belonged to a girl with a very thick and bulky disposable diaper on that had reddish and blue stains all over it and her skin. There were large amounts of baby wipes sticking out of the leg elastics on the left side of her diaper down near the crotch. Daniel Newell hooked the toter to the tote-tipper and then flipped the lid open quickly. He then activated the tipper. The girl let out a screem as she fell out into the empty hopper and was covered by the diapers from her toter. Then, Daniel activated the packer. As the packer blade pushed forward, Jeff dumped another toter full of more diapers and another boy. The boy and the diapers out and onto the moving and advancing packer blade. The boy started to fall over the left side as Daniel caught him and pushed him back onto the blade just in time for the boy to get forced up against the pre-crusher blade as the boy and the diapers slid along the top of the compactor blade with his back against the surface of the pre-crusher blade as the diapers begin to pile up into the boy's diapered crotch as his legs spread out. Daniel and Jeff go to grab the next full toters as the packer blade begins to retract and the boy and the diapers suddenly drop straight down into the hopper on top of a few of the diapers and trash bags full of diapers that have sprung back into the hopper.
Then Daniel Newell hooked the toter he had up to the tote-tipper and flipped the lid open quickly before activating the tipper. The four bags of tested diapers and the four leftover unused packs of diapers flew into the hopper covering the boy's legs with the bags and then the leftover packs of diapers. Then, as the diapered boy looks pleadingly at Daniel Newell as he starts the compactor again. The boy then looks at the face of the compactor blade as the diapers are forced up against him and into his crotch as the loads force his legs open and he gets pushed into the packer container against the loads of other packed diapers.
With a very satisfied look on his face, Daniel puts the now empty toter back as Jeff comes to empty the toter he had. As the packer blade advanced, Jeff emptied the toter on top of the compactor blade as four of the loose diapers and one white trash bag full of diapers fell to the ground on the left side of the truck.Just then, a couple of the cleaning ladies came out to the truck carrying one force-flex trash bag full of diapers with a boy in her right hand as she approaches. The lady waits standing over near the cab as Daniel puts one of the toters back. Daniel takes the second to last toter and sees the woman standing there holding a large, full white force-flex trash bag in her left hand and holding a thickly diapered boy's left hand in her right hand. He motions for her to approach.
Cleaning lady: Hi, I....have some diapers and this.....boy here that needs thrown away. I wanted to make sure that this boy and these diapers made it to the truck in time.
Daniel Newell: Sure. Toss the bag in and then get the boy in after I empty this toter.
The cleaning lady tosses the bag into the hopper then helps the boy into the hopper as the boy pleads and begs not to be thrown away.
Cleaning Lady: It's going to be... ok.... just.....get in and lay down. Ok?
The cleaning lady then walks away, past the driver's side of the cab and back into the testing labs where she was working. Daniel then emptied the toter of diapers into the hopper all over the boy inside before starting the compactor. The boy had grabbed the left side of the hopper so as to peer over it and then got a face-full of diapers as Daniel emptied the toter. As the compactor started, the boy lost his grip on the sides as he got his diapered butt scraped across the hopper and then pressed into the loads of bagged and loose diapers.
The cleaning lady then walks away, past the driver's side of the cab and back into the testing labs where she was working. Daniel then emptied the toter of diapers into the hopper all over the boy inside before starting the compactor. The boy had grabbed the left side of the hopper so as to peer over it and then got a face-full of diapers as Daniel emptied the toter. As the compactor started, the boy lost his grip on the sides as he got his diapered butt scraped across the hopper and then pressed into the loads of bagged and loose diapers.
Jeff empties the last full toter into the hopper then puts the empty toter back before jumping onto the runningboards of the blue and white Lodal Evo side loader as it drove off to the next stop.
Meanwhile, at the Diaper Testing Lab, Arlen had just arrived and the testers were just getting him positioned and hooked up to the backup wetting system.
The woman who's job it is
to get every tester diapered for each round of tests came around to change Arlen's diaper and a few others whom were just brought out and laid out on the testing counters.
Diapering Tech: It's time to get you all nice and comfy in these nice....test diapers.
Arlen? Today, after these rounds of absorbency tests, our dye station wants you for testing. You....are going to get lots more blue and red dyes all over you. Then, the laundry detergent department wants you for testing. After that, the diaper test department needs you again for two hours more before you get to go back to the daycare. Here comes a nice.....comfy diaper....
The Diapering Tech then unfastens the tapes of the diaper that Arlen came there with then quickly pulls it down then out from underneath him, tossing it into the diaper pail across from the testing counter. Then the diapering tech opened the test-diaper up, lifting Arlen up a bit, sliding the diaper underneath him, then, the woman doing the diaper tests, came over while Arlen's diaper was open and laying flat, and she put a couple of blue dye packs into Arlen's diaper then sprinkled some kind of other powder in, which was NOT baby powder, before the diapering tech finished pulling the front half of the diaper up and fastening the tapes.
The Diapering Tech then unfastens the tapes of the diaper that Arlen came there with then quickly pulls it down then out from underneath him, tossing it into the diaper pail across from the testing counter. Then the diapering tech opened the test-diaper up, lifting Arlen up a bit, sliding the diaper underneath him, then, the woman doing the diaper tests, came over while Arlen's diaper was open and laying flat, and she put a couple of blue dye packs into Arlen's diaper then sprinkled some kind of other powder in, which was NOT baby powder, before the diapering tech finished pulling the front half of the diaper up and fastening the tapes.
Arlen: Miss? Hey Miss? May.....I have you save all of my diapers that you take off me?
Diapering Tech: No.....sorry, we can't. The test diapers and you test subjects are proprietary company property that need to be disposed of after each test.
This is why we use you test that the diapers and the test subjects all get disposed of.
Arlen: Where do all of the diapers you test on me go?
Diapering Tech: First, they go into one of the diaper pails then the cleaning ladies come and take the diapers and test subjects out to one of the four hot furnace rooms. There, the diapers wait till the people who work there, load the furnaces which generate electricity for our facilities. The only reason you go home to the daycare is because they are going to take you to the waste-to-energy plant. If we had our way, you would go down with the diapers to the furnace room after we're done with ya. See that....dark-haired boy with the thick, bulky diaper on? After we are done testing diapers on him, he and the diapers are going down to the furnace room for disposal. It may take.....a day, a week or two before he gets loaded, he will get loaded.
Arlen: So.....if....miss Newell gave me to you....and didn't want me back, are you saying that my diapers and I would go to that furnace room for disposal?
Diapering Tech: Yes....that is where all....of the trash goes.
Then the diapering tech went over to the test-package of diapers, took out two more diapers, then walked over to the test subject next to Arlen. She then unfastened the tapes on her diaper and then pulled it down. She took out a bunch of baby wipes from her scrubs front pocket and began to wipe her down with the wipes, dropping the used wipes into the diaper before folding the diaper over, rolling it up and fastening the tapes.
Jessica: Miss? When......they are done testing me, may......I get my usual diapers put back on me please?
Diapering Tech: Sorry, after they are done with all of the diapers you wore during the tests are being thrown away along with any of the leftover clean diapers from the pack of diapers they gave us to use for your tests.
Jessica: Wait! HUH? thrown away with the....wet test diapers?
Diapering Tech: and.....80% of the other testers laying there will also join you once we are done with you.
Then the diapering tech went over to the test-package of diapers, took out two more diapers, then walked over to the test subject next to Arlen. She then unfastened the tapes on her diaper and then pulled it down. She took out a bunch of baby wipes from her scrubs front pocket and began to wipe her down with the wipes, dropping the used wipes into the diaper before folding the diaper over, rolling it up and fastening the tapes.
Jessica: Miss? When......they are done testing me, may......I get my usual diapers put back on me please?
Diapering Tech: Sorry, after they are done with all of the diapers you wore during the tests are being thrown away along with any of the leftover clean diapers from the pack of diapers they gave us to use for your tests.
Jessica: Wait! HUH? thrown away with the....wet test diapers?
Diapering Tech: and.....80% of the other testers laying there will also join you once we are done with you.
Jessica: Do... I have a choice?
Diapering Tech: Nope. You...and all of the diapers you wear while you're here, belong to the diaper factory that we contract with. They explicitly told us that we had to dispose of all test-subjects and their diapers for these tests. Even....the leftover diapers and packages have to be disposed of....clean or not. We get paid lots and lots of money to throw you and the tested diapers away. Some of you......get thrown away in the trash cans that get taken outside, while some of you, that test other certain products related to the diapers, have to be disposed of here because the products can't leave the facility. OK......after these rounds of tests, it will be time to go back to the waiting area and you all will go back into the holding cribs until you are needed again for more tests.
Then, the diapering tech pulled the diaper out from under Jessica setting the folded-over diaper onto her chest while she opened the new test diaper and then lifted her butt, sliding the open diaper under her before reaching over to a box on the counter full of blue dye gel packs, dropping in two packs before pulling the diaper up and fastening the tapes. Then the diapering tech grabbed the wet diaper and tossed it into one of the diaper pails before going to the next test subject.
The next round of tests occurred during the next hour and then every one of the diaper testers were brought back to the waiting room and put back into the holding cribs until someone needed them for more testing, just as the diapering tech had said. A dark-haired woman came into the waiting area and then walked over to Arlen's crib, opened the side, then let him out onto his feet before hurrying him out of the room. Then, the woman whom watched over all of the testers in the waiting room, came over to sign a few of the documents on clipboards before the cleaning ladies in their scrubs came along and took a few of the diaper test subjects from their cribs, put them into the diaper pails with the leftover packages of the test diapers before emptying the pails into a large janitorial trash cart that was only half-full of bagged and loose diapers from the test labs alone.
The next round of tests occurred during the next hour and then every one of the diaper testers were brought back to the waiting room and put back into the holding cribs until someone needed them for more testing, just as the diapering tech had said. A dark-haired woman came into the waiting area and then walked over to Arlen's crib, opened the side, then let him out onto his feet before hurrying him out of the room. Then, the woman whom watched over all of the testers in the waiting room, came over to sign a few of the documents on clipboards before the cleaning ladies in their scrubs came along and took a few of the diaper test subjects from their cribs, put them into the diaper pails with the leftover packages of the test diapers before emptying the pails into a large janitorial trash cart that was only half-full of bagged and loose diapers from the test labs alone.
Dark-haired boy: Miss? Miss.....where are you taking me?
Blonde Cleaning Lady: It's time for your disposal. I am here to take you and the diapers to the furnace room. They will get to you and these diapers as soon as they can. They have six piles of diapers that are six foot high or more to load into the furnaces. Come...come with me while I take out all of the diapers from this facility and keep me company.
Dark-haired boy: Am I going into that....cart with all of those stinky, wet diapers?
Blonde Cleaning Lady:
Yep. where the trash goes until I bring it to the furnace room.
Meanwhile.........back at the Newell daycare.....
Angela was being compacted six times in a row before the compactor went into auto mode. Between compactor cycles, Angela played with the Pampers Wing-fold diapers that Misses Newell had tossed in. Arlen came back to the daycare with all sorts of red stains, blue stains and a few green stains and smelled like laundry detergent, wet diapers.
As Arlen was left near the door, Misses Newell took one look and a whiff of how Arlen looked and smelled and immediately took him into the disposal nursery.
Misses Newell: Well!!! Peeeew! You stink.....and look...awful!! Let's.....get you into the nursery and get you changed.....whew! Yuuuuck!!! Wow! You.....stink!
Arlen: How many more times am I going to go back to that.... diaper testing place????
Misses Newell: Well, you have another...week left before I have another diaper testing company that may want you to test their diapers. Seeing how you....look and how you may......get thrown away instead! Whew!
Arlen: Miss?
Misses Newell: Yes hon?
Arlen: Will allowed to choose what diapers I get to wear and many diapers I wear for my disposal?
Misses Newell: I....don't care hon....if you.....want to wear.....some of your favorite diapers, then, that is fine.
Arlen: What.....if.....I want to wear one of my.....semi-wet diapers that I still have in my crib?
Misses Newell: Sure. It doesn't matter. They are all going into the same place.
Misses Newell goes to quickly change Arlen's diaper before putting him into the crib and then giving him a couple of bottles full of his favorite drinks that have some diuretics in them to make him wet more diapers. She then leaves the nursery and goes back into the daycare to tend to her regular clients and later on,
get another diapered disposee, ready for later disposal and get Justin set up to go test some diapers.
Misses Newell calls three diaper factories and leaves them messages to call her back when they need a couple more disposable test subjects. One company returns her phone call;
Diaper Company Rep:
Hi, Misses Newell, yes, we need several of your test subjects here. We need them immediately. When would it be convenient to come get them you want them back or should be dispose of them here?
Misses Newell: Well, I have.....two that are available......a boy and a girl. I will want the boy back, the girl, can stay there and be disposed of after you're done.
Diaper Company Rep:
Ah......good. I will send someone there within the hour.
Misses Newell: Should......I send her with all of her things? She came here with a stroller, four cases of diapers, two bags of onesie bodysuits and four pair of footed pajamas.
Diaper Company Rep: Sure......we will take it.
Misses Newell: While I am thinking about it, I also........have a couple of boys whom arrived wearing cloth diapers and we... do not deal with cloth diapers here. don't want them, they will be disposed of shortly.
Diaper Company Rep: Yeah.... sure.....we'll take them too.
Misses Newell: Great. See you soon.
Misses Newell hangs the phone up and then begins getting Justin's things out and set up by the front door.
Then she goes to the closet and gets the girl's things set out by the front door. Then, she goes to the two boys in cloth diapers and puts them both into the playpen closest to the front door.
First dark-haired cloth diapered boy: Miss? Why are you putting me into this?
Misses Newell: are going to a diaper factory to become their.....diaper tester. If they didn't want you, then you would be disposed of in the regular trash here at my daycare.
Second sandy-haired boy in cloth diapers: Miss?
Misses Newell: Yes?
Second Sandy-Haired Boy in Cloth Diapers: We don't get to....have our.....diapers changed?
Misses Newell: me you won't. You two belong to the diaper factory now. They will decide when and if you get diaper changes. I won't be seeing you after this.
Second Sandy-Haired boy in cloth diapers: OHHHHWA!!!!
Misses Newell: Now, now's better this way. They get some use out of you, you get your......diapers changed, and I.......don't have to deal with your......nasty, wet cloth diapers. Now, it won't be long before the diaper company Rep will be here to take you and your things. I have a busy daycare to run. Bye-bye.
With that, Misses Newell goes to the daycare to change her regular clients for naptime. Once the regular clients are down for their naps, misses Newell begins to sort through the boxes of Pampers Wing-fold diapers deciding if she will just....throw them away or keep a few for use as swiffer wet-jet pads. She pulled aside six diapers before tossing the rest of them and the boxes into one of the diaper pails. The boxes that didn't fit, she set next to the diaper pail. Then Misses Newell went into the daycare's diaper disposal holding area on the back porch, to check to see how much room was still in the 32 gallon aluminum diaper disposal can.
Seeing that not enough room there to put one of the disposees into, she went out to the four diaper disposal toters to see how much room was in them.
Misses Newell lifted the lid of the first toter, full........
She went to the second toter....Full!
Misses Newell decides that all four toters are full but she will just have to load the disposees in on top of the diapers inside the toters.
Misses Newell decides that all four toters are full but she will just have to load the disposees in on top of the diapers inside the toters.
Misses Newell goes back into the daycare to begin getting one of the disposees ready for their disposals.
Misses Newell walks into the "disposee nursery" and directly over to the locking steel crib with a locking top on it, that Arlen was in, lifted the locking lid, lowered the steel side rails then took Arlen out and put him onto his feet.
Arlen: Where.....are you.. .....taking me miss Newell?
Misses Newell: It's........ time for your disposal. I am......taking you.......directly out to one of our.... diaper trash toters for disposal.
Now......I am going to give your diaper a quick check to make sure it's nice and wet.....before I put you into the toter.
Misses Newell forcefully tugs on Arlen's left arm as she practically drags Arlen out to the blue and white diaper disposal toters. She pulls him over right next to the last full toter and then makes him stand beside it while she begins unsnapping the buttons in the crotch of his dirty, stinky, stained up onesie bodysuit.
Arlen: Miss? Why......are you taking my....onesie off?
Misses Newell: Because......that is how this is done. You have to wear just your diaper when you get disposed of. The....waste-to-energy plant has told us that they will not accept any diapered trash with anything on over their diapers. It's...........just how they want ya.
Arlen: Is my.......onesie........going into the trash with me?
Misses Newell: No......sorry. It's going with a bunch of yucky cloth diapers to a textile recycling company or to that can dispose of them. Ok.....let's find out.........if your...... diaper is wet or not.....
Misses Newell inserts her right index and middle fingers into the right-hand leg elastics of Arlen's diaper to feel it for wetness.
Misses Newell: How.....nice. Your wet. get you and your.... diaper......disposed of.
Misses Newell inserts her left and right hands underneath Arlen's armpits and then lifts him up and sits him down onto all of the loose wet and messy diapers in the toter.
Misses Newell: OK.......UP.......ya down I can.... lower the lid.
Arlen: Do
Misses Newell: I'm lid has to be able to close hon. Lay down.......there........ok.....time to close the lid now. I bringing out more diapers until diaper collection day which is......three days from now.
Until then, enjoy being in here.......once my husband's diaper disposal truck comes, you and your diaper will get........crushed a lot! They......LOVE......watching diapers getting crushed!!!! You.....and all of these............diapers, now them now. Gotta go......bye-bye diapered trash.
Misses Newell lowered the lid of the toter and then added a bungee cord to keep the lid closed. Arlen's legs dangled over the left side of the toter as misses Newell walked back into the daycare.
Next to go out to one of the toters was going to be Angela in the compactor. Since she couldn't stay inside the compactor bag, misses Newell was going to have to take her out and walk her out to the trash toter. Misses Newell goes inside and directly over to the kitchen compactor. She unlocks the door and then slides it open.
Misses Newell begins taking some of the diapers out and putting them down on the floor next to the compactor until Angela is ccompletley uncovered.
Angela: Hey, what.....are you doing?
Misses Newell: It's.......time to take the trash out. Since......this......bag isn't strong enough to hold your weight, I have to take you out and.......walk you and these diapers.......out to the toters to wait for our diaper disposal truck to come.
Misses Newell pulls Angela out and to her bare feet. Angela has diapers with their tapes stuck to the back and right side of her diaper which now begin dangling from her diaper as she stood.
Angela: I......have.....diapers stuck to me!
Misses Newell: I see that will just have to go in like that.
Misses Newell stuffs a couple of Angela's other wet and folded over diapers into the front waistband of her diaper with half of the diapers hanging over.
Angela: Why......did you do that miss?
Misses Newell: doesn't and the diapers are all going to the same place. Besides, you and your diaper are trash. I sometimes use the diapers on diapered trash like trash bags.
Misses Newell gathers up the diapers she set on the floor and puts them back into the bag before pulling the ties shut and tying them before dragging the bag while holding Angela's left hand in her right. Misses Newell forced Angela outside, through the sliding glass door of the back porch through the green grass of the backyard, through the wooden backyard fence and then out to the wide alleyway where the four nearly full toters were.
Misses Newell flips the lid of the second Toter open and then inserts both hands underneath Angela's armpits as she lifted Angela up and sat her into the toter on top of the diapers.
Misses Newell: O......K......sweetie.....IN......ya go. There......lay down for me......there.....get comfy.....there....
Misses Newell puts Angela's legs over the left side of the toter before bending down to pick up the heavy bag of compacted diapers and then tosses it in on top of Angela.
Misses Newell: Ok.....time to close the lid now.
Misses Newell walks back into the daycare and just as she gets in, two of the Diaper factory Reps walk in with two diapered disposees, a girl, Rachel and a boy, Jack.
Misses Newell: Welcome to The Newell daycare. How may I help you?
Blonde Diaper Factory Rep:
Well.....we brought you......these two know.......(cupping her mouth with her hand and whispering)
Misses Newell: OK.....bring them over here so I can.....weigh them both. Do they.....come with diapers
Blonde Diaper Factory Rep:
Yes, these two do. We have.... two more for you in a day or so. Another girl and then maybe either another boy or girl. The... next two.....won't come with diapers. They will only come with what they have on.
These two, are....lucky. Our.....CEO, allowed us to......bring a case of the diapers that they gave us to test. These......diapers.....aren't even out yet! These diapers have to get disposed of, clean.....or not though....ok?
Misses Newell: product secrets. I will make sure....the diapers and these two testers get (cupping her mouth with her hand and whispering) Thrown away......
Ok? Which....plan do you want them on?
Diaper Factory Rep: The.....plan that our Company into her scrub pockets) here is.....a money order for the.....four others that we will be bringing you, and these two are the.....first. Let me.....go bring the case of diapers and then I have to go....
Misses Newell: Ok.....well.....hi.....welcome sweeties. Those..... diapers you both have on......look.....VERY......comfy and thick.
Rachel: Yes....Miss........those.....people there........are kind of.....mean.....
Misses Newell: you say that?
Rachel: They flip us over onto our bellies and stick things into our diapers, then......they flip us onto our backs and then press down on our diapers hard! Then.....someone comes and starts taking the tapes on and off, on and off a bunch of times! Then, after my diaper was wet, they put stuff into my diaper before they.....took me into some... room with a bunch of weird stuff and machines and I was put into some kind of machine that pressed into my diaper and a bunch of other wet diapers. That.....thing.......made my.....diaper squish up as the other diapers pressed hard against my diaper and I! The......wetness, dripped all over me! Then, after I was taken out, they put me in this diaper and now....I am here. I here miss?
Misses Newell: Well.....I am very...sorry to tell you this, you......are here to be thrown away. We have to throw you and your diapers away for that.....diaper factory that you came from.
Rachel: How long will I be here?
Misses Newell: Probably a.......week or less.
Rachel: What.....happens to my diapers and I when I am thrown away?
Misses Newell: Well, if you are a heavy wetter, you have to go into our compactor to have some of the wetness squeezed out, to help dry you and your diapers for the trip to the waste-to-energy plant where they will burn you and your diapers for electrical energy.
Rachel: When......I go.......into the......crusher many times will it crush my diaper and I?
Misses Newell: As many times as needed. I usually run a couple of cycles once you are in there, then I run a cycle every two or three days depending on how full it is in there.'re really wet, I may run some extra cycles just to make sure the diapers get plenty of wetness squeezed out.
Rachel: Those.....people at we came from.....didn't care what happened to our diapers or to us! I got.....really wet when they put me into that.....machine with all of the wet diapers!
Misses Newell: Well, I won't care what happens to you OR your diapers either once I throw you away. You and the boy that came with you are only going to be here long enough to wear some more diapers until I can get your disposals set up. Until then, either.....miss rosita or I will keep you in dry diapers.
Rachel: Miss? What diaper is.....only a little bit wet at changing time?
Misses Newell: I will change it anyhow.
Misses Newell takes both Rachel and Jack to the disposee nursery in the backyard and gets them put into assigned locking cribs.
Misses Newell: Ok hon, in......ya go. Get will be a while before I will have time to come check on you.
Rachel: What happens if my diaper leaks?
Misses Newell: That happens a lot here. That's why there are waterproof mattresses in the cribs. (Opening the second crib and helping Jack into it) Comfy? I will be back to change your diapers soon.
Misses Newell raises the steel crib sides then lowers the steel crib top before locking it just as she did for Rachel's. Then misses Newell walked out of the nursery and back into the daycare. An hour goes by and the diaper factory rep came to drop off four more diapered disposees before paying then leaving.
Two of the disposees had soaking wet saggy diapers on and needed to be changed before they went into the disposee nursery.
Adrian: (Being taken over to get his diaper changed on one of the waterproof mats.) Miss? What.....kind of.....diapers are those with that.....pointing boy on it?
Misses Newell: Which hon? OH.....those? Those are for when you go out to the toters or into our kitchen compactor. They are special .....compactor diapers.
Adrian: What kind of diaper are you putting on me miss?
Misses Newell: I have.....these Luvs deluxe for him diapers,
I have some Huggies diapers,
I have.....Luvs Barney diapers,
print diapers,
I have these.....nice Fitti diapers,
and....I have some of the diapers used for tests.
Which do you want?
Adrian: Ummmm, those.....ones with the.....balloons on them.
Misses Newell: Good. These are nice.......and comfy. leak a little though.
Misses Newell changes his diaper, hands him his folded over wet diaper and asks him to go put it into the diaper pail. He goes and does just that and then Misses Newell takes his right hand in her left and leads him and the three others to the disposee nursery in the backyard.
Adrian: How come that...girl is in the diaper pail like that?
Misses Newell: Because.... she is here to be thrown away just like you are going to be.
Adrian: Why?
Misses Newell: Because, No one wants you hon. It costs too much to keep you in diapers came from one of the diaper factories who tested diapers and chemicals on you. They pay us to throw you away.
Adrian: Am.....I.....going to go into the diaper pail like that girl?
Misses Newell: I think I am going to throw you into the compactor since your paperwork says that you are a very heavy wetter. Heavy wetters go into the compactor. I......LIKE......throwing diapers and diapered trash into the crusher!!! In fact hon, I can't wait till it's time to dispose of you! Since you're a heavy wetter, your diaper should be nice and squishy.
Adrian: Miss? Please.....don't crush me! Pleeeease??
Misses Newell: Sorry baby. You are going into the compactor no matter what. I don't care if your diaper is wet or not, when it's time for your disposal, you and the diaper you have on, are going in and getting a nice crushing!
Adrian: I going into the crusher thing miss?
Misses Newell: End of this week, latest, by Monday.
Adrian: How come....that....boy's diaper looks so.... fat on his butt like that?
Misses Newell looks at the other boys.
Misses Newell: do you mean?
Adrian: That.....ONE the crib over there.....the one with the white onesie bodysuit on.
Misses Newell: I.....don't know. He....came like that.
Jack: Miss?
Misses Newell: Yes hon?
Jack: Miss? I want to be....thrown away. I many wet diapers as you can......put all around me. I LOVE the smell!
Misses Newell: Really? Well, when would you like thrown away hon? I may have....a diaper pail to put you into.....
Jack: I...want to be thrown away as soon as you can. Today, tomorrow, and.....I go into that...thing that crushes the diapers......could I go in there?
Misses Newell: Sure......I don't see why not. It WILL have to be after the load that is in there is taken out though.
Jack: Does....that mean that I will go into one of the......diaper pails until then?
Misses Newell: Yes, hon, it does.
Jack: What happens if I am not wearing a wet disposable diaper when you throw me away? put me into a wet diaper of mine?
Misses Newell: No hon, I will just wait until you are even a little wet. Technically I can throw you away right after your final diaper change. Once any diaper goes on you, it can't be used on anyone else. It would have to be thrown away.
Jack: Miss? own us? nursery mommy?
Misses Newell: I.......never quite looked at it like that......hehehe.....yes, I.....kind of am. I am also your......daycare director and when....I give the order to dispose of you, it's happening no matter what.
Jack: Good! I...... need a good crushing when you throw me away! I think...... I am going to....... like it!
Misses Newell: Oh, you..... would huh? to get your last diaper change tonight, then be disposed of in the diaper pail so you may spend more time with the diapers you say you love so much?
Jack: May I miss? May I please?
Misses Newell: Actually, yes, you may. Do you.....want to be disposed of tonight or wait until tomorrow night?
Jack: Um.....may I.....see where I will be disposed of in before I answer?
Misses Newell: Sure. After the next round of diaper changes, you can help me carry all of the diapers to the diaper pail.
Jack: May I also see inside the thing that will be crushing my diaper and I?
Misses Newell: I....don't see why not. Ya know, my....husband and I love to....make sure that the diapers and diapered trash get plenty of crushing. You....are the that WANTS to be.....disposed of and crushed. We have never had anyone who.....wanted to be crushed AND disposed of.
Jack: Well, to me, it might feel good, and I have accepted that I am here for disposal. Do what you will with me, until I go to where ever it is that I am taken to.
Misses Newell: What.....a good.....attitude!
Jack: Miss? the smell, the feel and the comfort of my wet diapers. May.....I ask you ALL of my wet diapers in my pail with me until you put me into the crusher thing? Please? I also want all of the other things that are going to be thrown away with me in there too please.
Misses Newell: Sure hon, I don't have a problem with that. You can help put the diapers into the diaper pail too if you like until the compactor is available.
Jack: Don't worry miss, I......will stay in the diaper pail when you thrown me away.
Misses Newell: Good....good boy.
Jack: Do I.....get to choose which diapers I want to wear for my disposal?
Misses Newell: Of course you may hon.
Jack: What if....the diapers I want are the Huggies Storytime diapers and the Huggies Disney print Diapers?
Misses Newell: We can do that. I also have to diaper you in my custom-made compactor diapers too.
Jack: May I ask you for more compactor cycles if I want them?
Misses Newell: Sure. I won't mind at all. I....will be glad to give you extra compactor cycles if you want them hon. Well, Which diaper would you like to wear now? There are some of these.....extra large, overnight Fitti diapers, there are some of these.....Huggies Storytime diapers, and I have a few more of these......Pampers baby-dry diapers.
Jack: I want......the....Huggies Storytime diaper AND.....I want two of those Fitti diapers with please.
Misses Newell: problem. The.....Fitti diapers will be thrown away with you hon, clean or not. They won't be clean anymore after you're done.
Jack: How many more hours will it be until I get thrown away?
Misses Newell: Oh.......(looking at her watch) about......4 or 5 more hours.
Meanwhile.......Daniel Newell and Jeff have pulled up to a daycare that disposes of diapered trash and a lot of diapers. The daycare disposes of approximately 600 gallons worth of diapers on a weekly basis. They also dispose of 4 to six diapered trash weekly as well. Today, there were two diapered disposees in the totes, and three more waiting with the cleaning ladies for Daniel to motion them to come over to the side of the Newell Diaper Disposal Lodal Evo side loader truck.
Daniel and Jeff empty the first two totes into the hopper before putting the now empty totes back. Daniel motions for the cleaning lady to bring the diapered trash over.
The cleaning lady forcefully escorted the boy and the girl over to the side of the hopper. She then picked the girl up, and put her into the hopper on her side, facing the opening of the packer container. Then, Daniel ran the pre-crusher before starting the compactor blade. The compactor blade shoved the girl and the diapers into the container before Daniel Newell raised the pre-crusher blade as the compactor blade retracted. The cleaning lady waited till the compactor blade retracted to load the thickly diapered boy into the hopper before Jeff emptied a toter full of diapers into the hopper on top of the boy. The cleaning lady then walked away.
Thickly diapered Boy: (Kneeling at the side of the hopper while gripping the sides) What is this? Where am I?
Daniel Newell: You..... are in my truck son and you are trash. My truck.....loves little diapered trash like you! My truck loves you and the diapers so much, it has a constant "crush" on you! My truck is a hungry truck! It's going to eat you and all of these....dirty, stinky diapers!!! Ready????
Daniel Newell starts the compactor and as the cycle begins, the diapers start to bunch together as the compactor blade pressed forward. The kneeling boy was forcefully forced onto his tummy with his head facing the oncoming compactor blade. As the compactor blade pressed forward, the boy was forced on top of the rising load of diapers as his legs were bent behind him and his feet against his diapered butt, while his upper body was forced on top of the packer blade with a bunch of the diapers pressing against his face as the packer blade slid beneath him. The thickly diapered boy had his diapered waist crushed with a large mound of diapers as some of the diaper's tapes began to stick themselves to the plastic backing in the front and back of his diaper. As the compactor blade slides underneath the boy's chest, Jeff empties another toter full of diapers into the hopper then puts the empty toter back before tossing a couple of bags full of diapers into the hopper on top of the packer blade. The loose diapers and the bags rode along the top of the packer blade as the compactor blade retracted, falling into the hopper with the boy. Then, Daniel rolled another toter full of diapers over to the side of the diaper collection trash and then hooked it to the tote-tipper. He then flipped the lid open quickly as he activated the tipper. There were a pair of legs dangling over the side of the toter as the toter quickly rose and turned over. Another diapered girl wearing Luvs Deluxe for her with little pink flowers printed across the white background fell into the hopper before being covered by the large loads of diapers and six opened Luvs cardboard boxes that still had 8 clean diapers in them.
The girl sat up with her back against the packer blade with her legs out in front of her. Jeff tossed a couple more white force-flex trash bags full of diapers into the hopper which landed on their sides on the pile in the girl's lap. The girl looked around trying to get an idea of what was happening.
Diapered Girl: I? (Somewhat in a daze)
Jeff: YOU....are trash.....and you....and these.....stinky diapers are about to be crushed and taken to a waste-to-energy plant to be....burned for energy.
Diapered Girl: HUH? My....diaper and I are being.....burned? NOOOO! Please! Please! Don't take me! My diaper! I......need a diaper change!!!! It's wet!
Jeff: Sorry! It's crushy-crushy time....for you and these....diapers! I LOVE....crushing diapers and....stinky diapered trash!
Then, suddenly, the compactor started. At first, the girl began to slide across the smooth metal floor of the hopper, diapers beginning to get pressed against her bare chest and her face as she and the diapers were forced to get pressed by the compactor blade. The girl turned her head to the right as her legs began to fold up into her chest in an upright fetal position as the compactor blade shoved the girl and the diapers into and against the other diapers inside the packer container.
Diapered Girl: I? (Somewhat in a daze)
Jeff: YOU....are trash.....and you....and these.....stinky diapers are about to be crushed and taken to a waste-to-energy plant to be....burned for energy.
Diapered Girl: HUH? My....diaper and I are being.....burned? NOOOO! Please! Please! Don't take me! My diaper! I......need a diaper change!!!! It's wet!
Jeff: Sorry! It's crushy-crushy time....for you and these....diapers! I LOVE....crushing diapers and....stinky diapered trash!
Then, suddenly, the compactor started. At first, the girl began to slide across the smooth metal floor of the hopper, diapers beginning to get pressed against her bare chest and her face as she and the diapers were forced to get pressed by the compactor blade. The girl turned her head to the right as her legs began to fold up into her chest in an upright fetal position as the compactor blade shoved the girl and the diapers into and against the other diapers inside the packer container.
As she went into the packer container with her knees up, her diaper began to bunch up between her legs and the leg elastics began to crumple up as the crotch of her diaper crushed against her abdomen. Then, the compactor blade retracted and a bunch of the diapers fell down into the hopper as the girl fell backwards and then rolled onto her right-hand side with her diapered butt facing the flat side of the compactor blade. The Lodal Evo side loader took off quickly with Jeff riding on the the kick-boards and watching the loads of diapers and diapered trash getting plenty of crushing until they arrived at the next daycare.
The Three Bears Daycare had 12 toters and each week, they were always over-filled with the lids open and one pair of legs dangling from each the toters. This week, there were two diapered trash being disposed of and two pairs of legs dangling from two of the toters, one in the second toter and one in the sixth toter. As Daniel comes to a stop, Jeff hops down and grabs the first toter and brings it over to the side of the truck. He quickly hooks the toter up to the tote-tipper, quickly flips the lid as the toter rises then tips over, spilling a cascading avalanche of loose wet and messy diapers into the hopper. The second toter had a long pair of legs dangling from the front of the toter as Daniel rolled the over-filled toter over to the side of the Lodal Evo truck, spilling quite a few loose diapers onto the ground along the way. Daniel hooks the toter to the tote-tipper which causes more diapers to fall to the ground next to the truck. Daniel actives the tote-tipper and the toter quickly rises then tips over, spilling the boy and 97 gallons worth of diapers into the hopper.
The Boy falls into the hopper onto his back with his legs coming to rest with his legs dangling over the right side of the hopper. Jeff tries to flip the boy's legs into the hopper to no avail. The boy's legs come RIGHT back to the same position due to lack of room to put the legs. Jeff ends up waiting till Daniel finishes emptying the toter.
The hopper got full quickly and was time to run a couple of cycles of the compactor. Daniel hits the button which starts the compactor and Jeff waits a few minutes before emptying the loads of loose diapers from the third toter, onto the moving compactor blade. A few of the diapers fall over the left side of the truck to the ground before the compactor blade retracted and the diapers fell into the hopper. Then Daniel rolled the fourth toter over and hooked it to the tote-tipper on the left side of the hopper as Jeff was putting the third toter back and grabbing the fifth toter. Daniel empties the fourth toter's load into the hopper with the compactor blade just freshly retracted. Then he puts the now empty toter down and then flips the lid closed before rolling it over to it's spot, then grabbing the sixth toter with the legs dangling over the right side of the toter. Daniel rolled the toter over to the side of the truck's hopper, hooked it to the tote-tipper, flipped the lid open and as he did, he caught sight of what he thought to be Adam. Daniel thought; "Nah! This....can'! I....saw you being loaded into the......waste-to-energy plant's funnel-hopper!"
Daniel Dumped the load and the twin of Adam into the hopper on top of the large loads of diapers already in the hopper. The twin of Adam landed on his left side sort of curled up in a near fetal position in the hopper wearing a Tranquility All-Through-The-Night diaper with six booster pads inside of it. As Daniel put the toter down, he looked down and saw a large box of Ultra Pampers plus diapers stuck inside still. He reached in and pulled the box out and then put the box to the side for a few minutes until the hopper was cleared.
The Boy falls into the hopper onto his back with his legs coming to rest with his legs dangling over the right side of the hopper. Jeff tries to flip the boy's legs into the hopper to no avail. The boy's legs come RIGHT back to the same position due to lack of room to put the legs. Jeff ends up waiting till Daniel finishes emptying the toter.
The hopper got full quickly and was time to run a couple of cycles of the compactor. Daniel hits the button which starts the compactor and Jeff waits a few minutes before emptying the loads of loose diapers from the third toter, onto the moving compactor blade. A few of the diapers fall over the left side of the truck to the ground before the compactor blade retracted and the diapers fell into the hopper. Then Daniel rolled the fourth toter over and hooked it to the tote-tipper on the left side of the hopper as Jeff was putting the third toter back and grabbing the fifth toter. Daniel empties the fourth toter's load into the hopper with the compactor blade just freshly retracted. Then he puts the now empty toter down and then flips the lid closed before rolling it over to it's spot, then grabbing the sixth toter with the legs dangling over the right side of the toter. Daniel rolled the toter over to the side of the truck's hopper, hooked it to the tote-tipper, flipped the lid open and as he did, he caught sight of what he thought to be Adam. Daniel thought; "Nah! This....can'! I....saw you being loaded into the......waste-to-energy plant's funnel-hopper!"
Daniel Dumped the load and the twin of Adam into the hopper on top of the large loads of diapers already in the hopper. The twin of Adam landed on his left side sort of curled up in a near fetal position in the hopper wearing a Tranquility All-Through-The-Night diaper with six booster pads inside of it. As Daniel put the toter down, he looked down and saw a large box of Ultra Pampers plus diapers stuck inside still. He reached in and pulled the box out and then put the box to the side for a few minutes until the hopper was cleared.
Daniel Newell: Huh? Um....sure! I...don't care......NO....PROBLEM! the first cycle!
Daniel then runs the compactor the first time.....and a few minutes later, a second cycle, and then because the load still needed another cycle, a third compactor cycle started.
Meanwhile.....back at the Newell daycare........
Misses Newell was just changing diapers on the disposees and it was Jack's turn. Misses Newell lays Jack down on one of the mats that are used for taking naps on and begins ufastening the snaps in the crotch of Jack's onesie bodysuit. Then, she has Jack sit up for her while she rolls the stained up white onesie up so that she can take it off.
Jack: How come you took my onesie off? Don't I get to.....wear it for disposal?
Misses Newell: No, you don't hon. It's going into the regular trash. Our diaper collection company and the street sweeper company only accept disposable diapers and those wearing disposable diapers. Besides, you'll be more comfortable in just your diaper.
Jack: Will the diapers and I get put into a trash bag?
Misses Newell: Yes, you and the diapers will get put into one of my......nice, comfy pull-up trash bags. My bags even have comfy leg elastics to help seal in leaks and fit nice.....and.....tightly without leaving marks.
Jack: Will the trash bag go over my head?
Misses Newell: Well, I have several sizes of pull-up trash bags. The white force-flex draw-string bags, only go over your shoulders, while our larger blue bags, cover past your head once pulled up both of your legs will stick out from the bottom of the bag. The blue bags are for our toters that we use inside while the white bags are for the diaper pails. Sometimes we even put the white bags inside the blue bags and then fill the bag up with more diapers, like a large version of a Diaper Genie diaper sausage.
In fact, I have ordered some custom-made Diaper Genies made especially for taking larger amounts of larger diapers as well as you......stinky, dirty diapered trash. The first four will be delivered next week.
Jack: Will.....I.....get to....try those out?
Misses Newell: No.....afraid not. You.........will be in the nice compactor before then.
Jack: Miss Newell? My......Huggies Overnight diaper is......wet......could.....I get my diaper changed please?
Misses Newell looks at the back of Jack's diaper, sees it sagging between his legs, and notes that his Huggies Overnight diaper needs changing.
Misses Newell: OK...hon, come lay down over on your....mat there......let me go get some diapers and the changing supplies.....What kind of....diaper would you like to wear hon?
Jack: Miss Newell? My......Huggies Overnight diaper is......wet......could.....I get my diaper changed please?
Misses Newell looks at the back of Jack's diaper, sees it sagging between his legs, and notes that his Huggies Overnight diaper needs changing.
Misses Newell: OK...hon, come lay down over on your....mat there......let me go get some diapers and the changing supplies.....What kind of....diaper would you like to wear hon?
Jack: Well........What kinds do you have miss...Newell?
Misses Newell: We have Luvs Deluxe for him and for her, we have........Huggies Disney Print diapers, We have some........Huggies Story-time diapers, we also have.....some Pampers Baby-Dry diapers, AND.......I think I still have a couple of packs left.......yep....I have some of these.....Fitti diapers too. So.....which will it be?
Misses Newell: We have Luvs Deluxe for him and for her, we have........Huggies Disney Print diapers, We have some........Huggies Story-time diapers, we also have.....some Pampers Baby-Dry diapers, AND.......I think I still have a couple of packs left.......yep....I have some of these.....Fitti diapers too. So.....which will it be?
Jack: Ummmmmm........How about.......One of those......Huggies Story-time diapers, of those.....Fitti diapers?
Misses Newell: OK....Suit yourself. I don't care if you wear two diapers. The more diapers that will end up in the diaper pail at diaper changing time or your disposal time, whichever comes first.
Jack: Misses Newell? When am I going into the diaper pail?
Misses Newell: Oh, (taking Cellphone out, looking at the time, then putting it back into her pocket) Not long. Probably by this evening, or at the latest, by tomorrow morning.
Jack: I can't wait. I like that.....feeling that I get when the crusher thing presses all of the diapers against me. I like the smell and the slimy, gushy of the wet diapers as the padding sometimes oozes from the diapers like a squishy oatmeal from your fist.
Misses Newell: (Laughing) Yeah, that does....happen a lot when there are a lot of diapers in the container. At some point hon, that will happen to your diaper.
Jack: I saw.....this...poor girl getting loaded into some.....diaper crusher thing, at one of the diaper testing labs. I watched as her diaper was crushed over ten times in a row. There were a lot of diapers in there with her too. after the tenth crusher thing, her padding was starting to ooze from one of her leg elastics as the diapers all being crushed underneath her, against the back of her diaper, and the front and sides of her diaper......also began to get more and more smashed.
Misses Newell: You......Did? Yes, sometimes it takes more crusher cycles to crush the loads of diapers. what happens in the crusher hon. Things....ooze from diapers and from the diapered trash too after the pressure cycle of the compactor blade is run.
Misses Newell finishes up Jack's diaper change and then she hands his wet diaper to him to do...whatever it is that he wishes. Then Misses Newell helps Jack up to his feet then helps him take his diaper to his crib outside in the disposee holding nursery. Once inside the disposee nursery, Misses Newell, lowers the side, then helps Jack into the crib, tossing the diapers that she had momentarily taken from Jack while he got into the crib, in with the few others that were still in there, left over from some other past disposee.
Misses Newell: In ya go hon, Now, I will be back soon to check to see if your diaper needs changing. It your last diaper change at that time.
Jack: I....can't wait! I will get in there, when you bring me more.....diapers with.
Misses Newell: and that......I will do.....You will get to be disposed of by 2:30 pm today hon.....while everyone is just waking up from their afternoon naps, that is when your disposal will happen. Get ready hon.......
Then she raised the side and then lowered the locking top before walking away, closing the nursery door behind her, then walking back into the main daycare to go read to the regular clients for story-time. Meanwhile, Jack has joined Adrian and Rachel in the disposee nursery as they wait for their eventual disposal day.
Meanwhile............. Daniel Newell and Jeff were just driving out to the waste-to-energy plant to empty the loads of diapers and diapered trash that they have collected all morning. It is nearly noon now, and the Lodal Evo semi-automated side loader diaper collection truck is now completely packed out. A short lime later, they arrive at the waste-to-energy plant where they are greeted by the scale-house woman who knows Daniel Newell, Jeff, Misses Newell and the other workers of "Newell Diaper Disposal." Daniel drives onto the scale, punches in his company code, waits a few minutes, then a ticket emerges from the box, before he drives off the scale, and down to the tipping pad inside the waste-to-energy plant, running a few more compactor cycles even though the truck is very, very packed out. Daniel is directed over to an area away from the usual trucks where he backs in and up to a "special" tipping area. He then begins the process of opening the tailgate, and running the ejection cycle of the packer blade. As the loads of diapers begin to fall out of the back of the truck, mostly in a large, cube, with a few of the diapers and a couple of the unconscious diapered trash falling down onto the cement floor, Daniel then pulls forward some, allowing more of the diapers and some more of the diapered trash to fall out onto the cement floor. One of the diapered trash that had been pushed up and on top of the load, was still fully awake and his diaper looked as if it were missing some of it's padding, fell on top of a pile of diapers as Daniel pulled forward. A few minutes later, the packer container was now empty. Daniel closed the tailgate and then pulled over and out of the way so that he could go look at the piles of diapers and diapered trash that came out of the truck, with Jeff standing next to him.
Daniel Newell: See laying in that.....pile of diapers near the middle there?
Jeff: Yeah?
Daniel Newell: That boy really, really lucky! He made out of the truck...still alive and without bones or blood everywhere! I saw him struggling sit up......he looks as if he has been through a wringer!
Jeff: He....kind of has!!! His diaper padding oozed like squishy oatmeal from between your fingers, from his diaper! He probably.....won't have too......long before he gets loaded into the funnel hopper though. long WILL they keep him here any way?
Daniel Newell: Well, he could be here anywhere from a week to a couple of months before they get to loading him. Well, we have the second part of our.....daycare route to do......first.....I'm buying lunch.......Pizza sound....alright?
Jeff: SURE! I'm ready......whenever YOU are......
Daniel Newell and Jeff walk back to the Lodal Evo diaper collection truck and then they get in and take off to the closest pizza place to have lunch before they began the second half of the daycare collection route.
Meanwhile.......back at the daycare.........
Misses Newell had to go empty the compactor and take the load that was now in there, out and take it to the toters in the alley, then it would be time to load some of the diapers and one of the diapered trash into the compactor in the kitchen. Misses Newell goes over to the compactor and slides it open.
Misses Newell: (Sliding the compactor open and inspecting the loads inside the compactor) Yep! take the trash out!
Angela: Huh? What's....going on?
Misses Newell: Grabbing the bag sides and releasing them from the can sides) It's time to take the trash outside to be disposed of.
Angela: Wait! Hold....ON! How....long will I be IN there?
Misses Newell: Oh....for about a week....till my husband's diaper collection trash truck comes and takes you and the diapers away.
Misses Newell unfurrows the sides of the bag then she uses the very thick and tough carry handles of the compactor bag to pull the very full and very heavy compactor bag up and then out, quickly setting the bag down on the floor so as to tie it shut.
Misses Newell: Now.....before I.....tie the bag shut, like to....go into the toter.....inside the bag or.....loose and outside the bag?
Angela: UM.....outside please.....
Misses Newell: (Helping Angela out of the compactor bag, spilling some of the smashed diapers onto the floor in the process) Damned!!! Hon, could you help toss these back into the bag for me? Better....yet, you can.....carry them to the trash toter you are going into.
Angela: OK.....
Misses Newell begins handing Angela all of the diapers that fell to the floor before pulling the tie handles up which cinched the bag opening closed, before guiding Angela, the load of diapers she is carrying and the bag full that Misses Newell carried, outside, through the back gate and over to the first empty blue and white diaper disposal toter. Misses Newell flipped the lid open, then tossed the bag in.
Misses Newell: Ok hon, toss those in and then climb up the step-ladder and get into the trash can......
Angela reluctantly did as she was told. Then as Angela began to lean back so that she would land onto her back, on top of the folded over wet Huggies Storytime diapers, the wet and messy Luvs Deluxe for him AND for her diapers, the Huggies Disney-Print Diapers, as well as the crinclz brand youth and medium adult diapers not to mention an entire box full of Pampers Wing-fold diapers, she plunged down to nearly the bottom of the toter, landing onto her back with her legs and feet sticking straight up.
Angela: Miss? Miss......could.....I get my.....raggedy Anne Doll in here?
Misses Newell: I.....don't have a problem with that. Sure, when I'm done emptying the last of these two 13 gallon diaper pails, I will bring it out for you....ok?
Angela: Thank you... miss Newell.
Misses Newell closes the lid of the toter then goes back into the daycare to load the compactor with one of the disposees and some more diapers. Misses Newell goes out to the disposee nursery and then goes to look at a few of the disposees to see which one she was going to take out and over to the compactor to put in. She goes over to Jack's crib and decides that it's his turn to be disposed of since he......WANTED to be disposed of, she lowered the side, and then woke sleeping Jack so that he could walk to the compactor, carrying some of his diapers with him.
Misses Newell:'s.....time for your.....disposal hon. Time to go to the nice, compactor baby.
Jack: (Waking up and wiping his eyes) It's...time to go...where?
Misses Newell: It's time for disposal now hon.....come......out of the crib sweetie. Would you like.....a little something to drink first before I put you into the compactor or.....would you like me to put one of my....special compactor diapers on you first?
Jack: It's...time to go to the....crusher thing?
Misses Newell: Yep. Want getting out of the crib?
Jack: Yes.....
Misses Newell helps Jack out of the crib and onto his feet before laying him down on the floor next to the crib to put one of her special compactor diapers on him over the one he already has on.
Misses Newell takes one of the compactor diapers out of the box, then opens it up, before lifting Jack up, sliding the thick, puffy, crinkly, compactor diaper underneath his slightly wet diapered butt, then pulling the thick, puffy, crinkly diaper up between his legs, and fastening each of the clear tapes.
Misses Newell: are....all...nice ......and ready for disposal. Ready to......go to the compactor now sweetie?
Jack: Yes miss Newell. When you put me in, and you put the diapers in, could I get the....extra crusher times please?
Misses Newell: Yes hon, I will make sure that I run a few extra compactor cycles for you. Now, can you.....carry this......bag of diapers here......for me to the compactor? Thanks for being SUCH a GOOD BOY about this.....
Jack: I LIKE.....being compacted.......I can't WAIT to go.
Misses Newell hands Jack a white Force-Flex bag of his diapers to him to carry to the compactor while she carries one of the diaper bags of Jack's plus a bag of other diapers that need to be compacted. They both go from the disposee nursery, through the backyard, past the back porch, through the sliding glass door, and then into the kitchen to the compactor before misses Newell puts the trash bag she was carrying down and the diaper bag she had on her shoulder down. Then, she unlatched then slid the compactor open, before taking the force-flex trash bag of Jack's diapers from him and putting it down on the floor next to the compactor.
Misses Newell: OK......hon, which way would you like to lay in the.....container in the compactor? On your....back...or...on your....tummy?
Jack: UM.........may I......lay......on my......tummy?
Misses Newell: Yep. Let you in...ok sweetie?
Misses Newell helps Jack get into the compactor container so that he is laying on his tummy before she stands back up, unties one of the force-flex trash bags full of his wet diapers, and begins to toss in the diapers a few at a time.
Jack: (Looking over his left shoulder up at Misses Newell) Is....that MY......diaper bag and is it...coming in here....with me?
Misses Newell: Yes, hon, it's yours, and yes, it is going in there with you.
Jack: Does it...still...have the diapers that my.....mommy put in there to change me into?
Misses Newell: I haven't opened it since you came hon. I assume it still has everything that your mother put in it.
Jack: Where are you putting my.....diaper bag misses Newell?
Misses Newell: In there with you am going to put it on your back hon......that is where there is room.
Jack: How long will it be...until you run the....crusher thing three times?
Misses Newell: soon as I am done loading these......diapers in there.....shouldn't be more than a few minutes from now.
Misses Newell tosses Jack's diapers from the white force-flex trash bag into the compactor, covering his thickly diapered butt, his lower back up to his shoulder blade before she tossed the now empty bag in on top of the diapers. Then Misses Newell opened the larger black Force-Flex trash bag full of diapers and then she continued to toss the diapers in, which now began to cover Jack's diapered butt, fall down on each side of him before there was ONLY room around his neck, and head. Misses Newell then tossed a bunch of folded-over, wet Pampers, Luvs, Some slightly wet Huggies Super-trim white diapers in and around his neck and then she leaned down, and then opened one of the Huggies diapers up and placed it around the back of Jack's head (From left to right, the front to the right and the back part to the left) so that the slightly wet diaper would eventually wrap itself around his head at some point.
Then, misses Newell placed a few of the folded-over Huggies white diapers on top of the diaper that she opened and put over Jack's head. Once there were no more diapers and Jack's diaper bag was in the load, on Jack's lower back, misses Newell gave one last check to make sure that all of the diapers were in there before starting to slide the compactor door closed.
Misses Newell: (Sliding the door closed) OK's Crushing tiiiime!
Jack got excited! He couldn't wait to feel the crusher pressing down on him! Misses Newell closed the door, locked the latch then selected the cycle then pushed the start button. As the compactor began to whine, Misses Newell walked away and went to get the next disposee to one of the diaper pails. Inside the kitchen compactor, Jack was busy getting his diaper and himself crushed. The first cycle, the compactor blade came down slowly and began to crush the diapers down against his back, his thickly diapered butt, which made his diaper get really, really bunched up, also forcing the padding of both of his diapers, between his legs which were now being spread apart by force.
The diaper bag that was laying on his back just above the waistband of his diapers, was now crushed down hard along with all of the diapers and a few of the bottles full of milk that were still inside, the wipes that were in a zip-loc baggie, and the small travel sized bottle of baby powder that was left in the bag. Baby powder began to burst out of the top onto the items inside the diaper bag as the milk from a few of the bottles also began to leak out of the nipples mixing with the baby powder and forming a gooey paste which splattered all over the inside the the diaper bag. The diapers that misses Newell had placed over the back of Jack's head were now wrapping themselves around his head as the compactor blade forced his head down an into the diapers below him. Jack groaned in pleasure as the compactor strained and the whine of the hydraulics began to strain lower and lower before the compactor blade began to retract back upwards into it's starting position slowly. Once the compactor blade retracted, misses Newell came back over to the front of the compactor and started another cycle. The compactor started up again and the blade incrementally came down and began to press itself into the diapers that were on top of Jack's back and head, which bunched up, crumpled and pressed themselves against his bare skin and the diapers that he had on. The Special compactor diaper that she had put on Jack was now scrunching downwards between his legs forcing his legs apart with each cycle. The diapers on top of his diapered butt and he diapers between his legs began to press against one another like pressing six sponges together. The wetness of a few of the diapers began to ooze onto the back of his diaper and trickle onto his back then running over the sides of his back and round to his belly just above the waistband of his diaper. The wet diaper that had been placed around Jack's head by misses Newell, with the padding facing against his hair, the left and right sides of his face, had begun to leak some of the wetness down his neck which trickled down his spine and slowly made it's way into the waistband of his diaper. The wetness also began to trickle down the right side of his face which ended up running down the right hand cheek and then around his nose before dripping onto the diaper plastics below where his face was being pressed.
As the second cycle of the compactor began to retract, Jack nearly came into his diaper with utter pleasure. It was about a half hour later that Misses Newell came back to the compactor, unlatched the lock, then slid the compactor door open again. Misses Newell saw one of the diapers had been caught on the compactor blade as it began to retract and was now hanging down with the padding facing down.
Misses Newell: Looks like......the compactor sure did.....a number on you and your diapers!
Jack: (Mumbling from underneath the diapers over his head) Yes....miss Newell. It felt....GOOOD!
Misses Newell: Don't worry hon, I have some more diapers that need to go in there and then I am going to run a couple more cycles before it will be a while till the next time I have to run the compactor again.
Jack: Miss?
Misses Newell: how it in here?
Misses Newell: Oh, about.....a quarter of the way. You still have a while yet before you and the diapers will have to be taken out to the toters for diaper disposal collection day.
Jack: diaper look....smashed?
Misses Newell: I...can't see...there are a lot of diapers on it.....from what I can tell, the diapers on top sure look crushed well.
Jack: The crusher thing makes my legs spread out every time it pushes down! I can feel the padding of my diapers being crushed!
Misses Newell: Well, enjoy it while you can hon.......once the packer is full, you are going RIGHT out to the toters! My...husband and his employees will own you then. I LOVE that the diapers in here look as if they have leaked all over the place. get.....leaked on?
Jack: Yes's all OVER me! My..face, all down my back and all over my tummy too!
Misses Newell: You're a dirty mess! Good thing you're in there because you stink! PEWWWWW!'s.....compactor time again.......
Misses Newell then slides the compactor closed and then locks the latch before starting the compactor again. The diaper that had been caught on the compactor blade and had it's tapes on the right side, sticking to the bottom side of the blade, was now dangling from the bottom of the blade as it began to descend down to make contact with the diapers , Jack's thickly diapered butt and squish even more of the piss out of them! Misses Newell had a rather...satisfied smirky smile on her face as she walked away to go to the disposee nursery to go dispose of another one of the disposees.
Misses Newell walks out to the nursery in the backyard, opens the door then shuts it behind her. She comes over to the second, third, fourth, fifth and then the sixth cribs and looks at each and every one of the disposees and pokes at their diapers to see if they are wet yet.
Rachel: (In Assigned Crib 3) Miss? How are poking and looking into our diapers like that?
Misses Newell: I am....checking to see if your...diapers are wet...the one with the wettest diaper, gets to be disposed of next. Looks's going to be YOU Rachel. Now.....after I get you put into one of my......special compactor diapers, I of three diaper pails that you can go into......which one.....would you like to be put into? The one in the diaper changing room, the one in the bathroom, and the......white one in the nursery?
Rachel: Do...I...HAVE thrown away miss?
Misses Newell: (Rolling eyes) do and no matter being thrown away. It's time for your disposal and if you don't choose, I...will!
Misses Newell opens Rachel's crib, helps her out, then brings her outside, through the door, which she closes behind her, then through the backyard, across the back porch, through the sliding glass door, then into the daycare where misses Newell lays Rachel down onto one of the empty mats, so that she can put one of misses Newell's Compactor Plus diapers on Rachel.
Misses Newell lays Rachel down and begins taking her pants off, setting them aside before taking her onesie off leaving Rachel wearing only her Pampers disposable diaper.
Then Misses Newell began to take out one of her Special Compactor Plus diapers out to put on over the Pampers diaper that Rachel was already wearing.
Rachel: Miss?
Misses Newell: Yes?
Rachel: How are leaving the used wipes in my diaper like that? aren't I going to get a diaper change or am I not?
Misses Newell: Well......I am giving you wipe-down before disposal and since you, your diaper and the wipes are all going into the diaper really doesn't matter where I put them......
Misses Newell: OK....Suit yourself. I don't care if you wear two diapers. The more diapers that will end up in the diaper pail at diaper changing time or your disposal time, whichever comes first.
Jack: Misses Newell? When am I going into the diaper pail?
Misses Newell: Oh, (taking Cellphone out, looking at the time, then putting it back into her pocket) Not long. Probably by this evening, or at the latest, by tomorrow morning.
Jack: I can't wait. I like that.....feeling that I get when the crusher thing presses all of the diapers against me. I like the smell and the slimy, gushy of the wet diapers as the padding sometimes oozes from the diapers like a squishy oatmeal from your fist.
Misses Newell: (Laughing) Yeah, that does....happen a lot when there are a lot of diapers in the container. At some point hon, that will happen to your diaper.
Jack: I saw.....this...poor girl getting loaded into some.....diaper crusher thing, at one of the diaper testing labs. I watched as her diaper was crushed over ten times in a row. There were a lot of diapers in there with her too. after the tenth crusher thing, her padding was starting to ooze from one of her leg elastics as the diapers all being crushed underneath her, against the back of her diaper, and the front and sides of her diaper......also began to get more and more smashed.
Misses Newell: You......Did? Yes, sometimes it takes more crusher cycles to crush the loads of diapers. what happens in the crusher hon. Things....ooze from diapers and from the diapered trash too after the pressure cycle of the compactor blade is run.
Misses Newell finishes up Jack's diaper change and then she hands his wet diaper to him to do...whatever it is that he wishes. Then Misses Newell helps Jack up to his feet then helps him take his diaper to his crib outside in the disposee holding nursery. Once inside the disposee nursery, Misses Newell, lowers the side, then helps Jack into the crib, tossing the diapers that she had momentarily taken from Jack while he got into the crib, in with the few others that were still in there, left over from some other past disposee.
Misses Newell: In ya go hon, Now, I will be back soon to check to see if your diaper needs changing. It your last diaper change at that time.
Jack: I....can't wait! I will get in there, when you bring me more.....diapers with.
Misses Newell: and that......I will do.....You will get to be disposed of by 2:30 pm today hon.....while everyone is just waking up from their afternoon naps, that is when your disposal will happen. Get ready hon.......
Then she raised the side and then lowered the locking top before walking away, closing the nursery door behind her, then walking back into the main daycare to go read to the regular clients for story-time. Meanwhile, Jack has joined Adrian and Rachel in the disposee nursery as they wait for their eventual disposal day.
Meanwhile............. Daniel Newell and Jeff were just driving out to the waste-to-energy plant to empty the loads of diapers and diapered trash that they have collected all morning. It is nearly noon now, and the Lodal Evo semi-automated side loader diaper collection truck is now completely packed out. A short lime later, they arrive at the waste-to-energy plant where they are greeted by the scale-house woman who knows Daniel Newell, Jeff, Misses Newell and the other workers of "Newell Diaper Disposal." Daniel drives onto the scale, punches in his company code, waits a few minutes, then a ticket emerges from the box, before he drives off the scale, and down to the tipping pad inside the waste-to-energy plant, running a few more compactor cycles even though the truck is very, very packed out. Daniel is directed over to an area away from the usual trucks where he backs in and up to a "special" tipping area. He then begins the process of opening the tailgate, and running the ejection cycle of the packer blade. As the loads of diapers begin to fall out of the back of the truck, mostly in a large, cube, with a few of the diapers and a couple of the unconscious diapered trash falling down onto the cement floor, Daniel then pulls forward some, allowing more of the diapers and some more of the diapered trash to fall out onto the cement floor. One of the diapered trash that had been pushed up and on top of the load, was still fully awake and his diaper looked as if it were missing some of it's padding, fell on top of a pile of diapers as Daniel pulled forward. A few minutes later, the packer container was now empty. Daniel closed the tailgate and then pulled over and out of the way so that he could go look at the piles of diapers and diapered trash that came out of the truck, with Jeff standing next to him.
Daniel Newell: See laying in that.....pile of diapers near the middle there?
Jeff: Yeah?
Daniel Newell: That boy really, really lucky! He made out of the truck...still alive and without bones or blood everywhere! I saw him struggling sit up......he looks as if he has been through a wringer!
Jeff: He....kind of has!!! His diaper padding oozed like squishy oatmeal from between your fingers, from his diaper! He probably.....won't have too......long before he gets loaded into the funnel hopper though. long WILL they keep him here any way?
Daniel Newell: Well, he could be here anywhere from a week to a couple of months before they get to loading him. Well, we have the second part of our.....daycare route to do......first.....I'm buying lunch.......Pizza sound....alright?
Jeff: SURE! I'm ready......whenever YOU are......
Daniel Newell and Jeff walk back to the Lodal Evo diaper collection truck and then they get in and take off to the closest pizza place to have lunch before they began the second half of the daycare collection route.
Meanwhile.......back at the daycare.........
Misses Newell had to go empty the compactor and take the load that was now in there, out and take it to the toters in the alley, then it would be time to load some of the diapers and one of the diapered trash into the compactor in the kitchen. Misses Newell goes over to the compactor and slides it open.
Misses Newell: (Sliding the compactor open and inspecting the loads inside the compactor) Yep! take the trash out!
Angela: Huh? What's....going on?
Misses Newell: Grabbing the bag sides and releasing them from the can sides) It's time to take the trash outside to be disposed of.
Angela: Wait! Hold....ON! How....long will I be IN there?
Misses Newell: Oh....for about a week....till my husband's diaper collection trash truck comes and takes you and the diapers away.
Misses Newell unfurrows the sides of the bag then she uses the very thick and tough carry handles of the compactor bag to pull the very full and very heavy compactor bag up and then out, quickly setting the bag down on the floor so as to tie it shut.
Misses Newell: Now.....before I.....tie the bag shut, like to....go into the toter.....inside the bag or.....loose and outside the bag?
Angela: UM.....outside please.....
Misses Newell: (Helping Angela out of the compactor bag, spilling some of the smashed diapers onto the floor in the process) Damned!!! Hon, could you help toss these back into the bag for me? Better....yet, you can.....carry them to the trash toter you are going into.
Angela: OK.....
Misses Newell begins handing Angela all of the diapers that fell to the floor before pulling the tie handles up which cinched the bag opening closed, before guiding Angela, the load of diapers she is carrying and the bag full that Misses Newell carried, outside, through the back gate and over to the first empty blue and white diaper disposal toter. Misses Newell flipped the lid open, then tossed the bag in.
Misses Newell: Ok hon, toss those in and then climb up the step-ladder and get into the trash can......
Angela reluctantly did as she was told. Then as Angela began to lean back so that she would land onto her back, on top of the folded over wet Huggies Storytime diapers, the wet and messy Luvs Deluxe for him AND for her diapers, the Huggies Disney-Print Diapers, as well as the crinclz brand youth and medium adult diapers not to mention an entire box full of Pampers Wing-fold diapers, she plunged down to nearly the bottom of the toter, landing onto her back with her legs and feet sticking straight up.
Angela: Miss? Miss......could.....I get my.....raggedy Anne Doll in here?
Misses Newell: I.....don't have a problem with that. Sure, when I'm done emptying the last of these two 13 gallon diaper pails, I will bring it out for you....ok?
Angela: Thank you... miss Newell.
Misses Newell closes the lid of the toter then goes back into the daycare to load the compactor with one of the disposees and some more diapers. Misses Newell goes out to the disposee nursery and then goes to look at a few of the disposees to see which one she was going to take out and over to the compactor to put in. She goes over to Jack's crib and decides that it's his turn to be disposed of since he......WANTED to be disposed of, she lowered the side, and then woke sleeping Jack so that he could walk to the compactor, carrying some of his diapers with him.
Misses Newell:'s.....time for your.....disposal hon. Time to go to the nice, compactor baby.
Jack: (Waking up and wiping his eyes) It's...time to go...where?
Misses Newell: It's time for disposal now hon.....come......out of the crib sweetie. Would you like.....a little something to drink first before I put you into the compactor or.....would you like me to put one of my....special compactor diapers on you first?
Jack: It's...time to go to the....crusher thing?
Misses Newell: Yep. Want getting out of the crib?
Jack: Yes.....
Misses Newell helps Jack out of the crib and onto his feet before laying him down on the floor next to the crib to put one of her special compactor diapers on him over the one he already has on.
Misses Newell takes one of the compactor diapers out of the box, then opens it up, before lifting Jack up, sliding the thick, puffy, crinkly, compactor diaper underneath his slightly wet diapered butt, then pulling the thick, puffy, crinkly diaper up between his legs, and fastening each of the clear tapes.
Misses Newell: are....all...nice ......and ready for disposal. Ready to......go to the compactor now sweetie?
Jack: Yes miss Newell. When you put me in, and you put the diapers in, could I get the....extra crusher times please?
Misses Newell: Yes hon, I will make sure that I run a few extra compactor cycles for you. Now, can you.....carry this......bag of diapers here......for me to the compactor? Thanks for being SUCH a GOOD BOY about this.....
Jack: I LIKE.....being compacted.......I can't WAIT to go.
Misses Newell hands Jack a white Force-Flex bag of his diapers to him to carry to the compactor while she carries one of the diaper bags of Jack's plus a bag of other diapers that need to be compacted. They both go from the disposee nursery, through the backyard, past the back porch, through the sliding glass door, and then into the kitchen to the compactor before misses Newell puts the trash bag she was carrying down and the diaper bag she had on her shoulder down. Then, she unlatched then slid the compactor open, before taking the force-flex trash bag of Jack's diapers from him and putting it down on the floor next to the compactor.
Misses Newell: OK......hon, which way would you like to lay in the.....container in the compactor? On your....back...or...on your....tummy?
Jack: UM.........may I......lay......on my......tummy?
Misses Newell: Yep. Let you in...ok sweetie?
Misses Newell helps Jack get into the compactor container so that he is laying on his tummy before she stands back up, unties one of the force-flex trash bags full of his wet diapers, and begins to toss in the diapers a few at a time.
Jack: (Looking over his left shoulder up at Misses Newell) Is....that MY......diaper bag and is it...coming in here....with me?
Misses Newell: Yes, hon, it's yours, and yes, it is going in there with you.
Jack: Does it...still...have the diapers that my.....mommy put in there to change me into?
Misses Newell: I haven't opened it since you came hon. I assume it still has everything that your mother put in it.
Jack: Where are you putting my.....diaper bag misses Newell?
Misses Newell: In there with you am going to put it on your back hon......that is where there is room.
Jack: How long will it be...until you run the....crusher thing three times?
Misses Newell: soon as I am done loading these......diapers in there.....shouldn't be more than a few minutes from now.
Misses Newell tosses Jack's diapers from the white force-flex trash bag into the compactor, covering his thickly diapered butt, his lower back up to his shoulder blade before she tossed the now empty bag in on top of the diapers. Then Misses Newell opened the larger black Force-Flex trash bag full of diapers and then she continued to toss the diapers in, which now began to cover Jack's diapered butt, fall down on each side of him before there was ONLY room around his neck, and head. Misses Newell then tossed a bunch of folded-over, wet Pampers, Luvs, Some slightly wet Huggies Super-trim white diapers in and around his neck and then she leaned down, and then opened one of the Huggies diapers up and placed it around the back of Jack's head (From left to right, the front to the right and the back part to the left) so that the slightly wet diaper would eventually wrap itself around his head at some point.
Then, misses Newell placed a few of the folded-over Huggies white diapers on top of the diaper that she opened and put over Jack's head. Once there were no more diapers and Jack's diaper bag was in the load, on Jack's lower back, misses Newell gave one last check to make sure that all of the diapers were in there before starting to slide the compactor door closed.
Misses Newell: (Sliding the door closed) OK's Crushing tiiiime!
Jack got excited! He couldn't wait to feel the crusher pressing down on him! Misses Newell closed the door, locked the latch then selected the cycle then pushed the start button. As the compactor began to whine, Misses Newell walked away and went to get the next disposee to one of the diaper pails. Inside the kitchen compactor, Jack was busy getting his diaper and himself crushed. The first cycle, the compactor blade came down slowly and began to crush the diapers down against his back, his thickly diapered butt, which made his diaper get really, really bunched up, also forcing the padding of both of his diapers, between his legs which were now being spread apart by force.
The diaper bag that was laying on his back just above the waistband of his diapers, was now crushed down hard along with all of the diapers and a few of the bottles full of milk that were still inside, the wipes that were in a zip-loc baggie, and the small travel sized bottle of baby powder that was left in the bag. Baby powder began to burst out of the top onto the items inside the diaper bag as the milk from a few of the bottles also began to leak out of the nipples mixing with the baby powder and forming a gooey paste which splattered all over the inside the the diaper bag. The diapers that misses Newell had placed over the back of Jack's head were now wrapping themselves around his head as the compactor blade forced his head down an into the diapers below him. Jack groaned in pleasure as the compactor strained and the whine of the hydraulics began to strain lower and lower before the compactor blade began to retract back upwards into it's starting position slowly. Once the compactor blade retracted, misses Newell came back over to the front of the compactor and started another cycle. The compactor started up again and the blade incrementally came down and began to press itself into the diapers that were on top of Jack's back and head, which bunched up, crumpled and pressed themselves against his bare skin and the diapers that he had on. The Special compactor diaper that she had put on Jack was now scrunching downwards between his legs forcing his legs apart with each cycle. The diapers on top of his diapered butt and he diapers between his legs began to press against one another like pressing six sponges together. The wetness of a few of the diapers began to ooze onto the back of his diaper and trickle onto his back then running over the sides of his back and round to his belly just above the waistband of his diaper. The wet diaper that had been placed around Jack's head by misses Newell, with the padding facing against his hair, the left and right sides of his face, had begun to leak some of the wetness down his neck which trickled down his spine and slowly made it's way into the waistband of his diaper. The wetness also began to trickle down the right side of his face which ended up running down the right hand cheek and then around his nose before dripping onto the diaper plastics below where his face was being pressed.
As the second cycle of the compactor began to retract, Jack nearly came into his diaper with utter pleasure. It was about a half hour later that Misses Newell came back to the compactor, unlatched the lock, then slid the compactor door open again. Misses Newell saw one of the diapers had been caught on the compactor blade as it began to retract and was now hanging down with the padding facing down.
Misses Newell: Looks like......the compactor sure did.....a number on you and your diapers!
Jack: (Mumbling from underneath the diapers over his head) Yes....miss Newell. It felt....GOOOD!
Misses Newell: Don't worry hon, I have some more diapers that need to go in there and then I am going to run a couple more cycles before it will be a while till the next time I have to run the compactor again.
Jack: Miss?
Misses Newell: how it in here?
Misses Newell: Oh, about.....a quarter of the way. You still have a while yet before you and the diapers will have to be taken out to the toters for diaper disposal collection day.
Jack: diaper look....smashed?
Misses Newell: I...can't see...there are a lot of diapers on it.....from what I can tell, the diapers on top sure look crushed well.
Jack: The crusher thing makes my legs spread out every time it pushes down! I can feel the padding of my diapers being crushed!
Misses Newell: Well, enjoy it while you can hon.......once the packer is full, you are going RIGHT out to the toters! My...husband and his employees will own you then. I LOVE that the diapers in here look as if they have leaked all over the place. get.....leaked on?
Jack: Yes's all OVER me! My..face, all down my back and all over my tummy too!
Misses Newell: You're a dirty mess! Good thing you're in there because you stink! PEWWWWW!'s.....compactor time again.......
Misses Newell then slides the compactor closed and then locks the latch before starting the compactor again. The diaper that had been caught on the compactor blade and had it's tapes on the right side, sticking to the bottom side of the blade, was now dangling from the bottom of the blade as it began to descend down to make contact with the diapers , Jack's thickly diapered butt and squish even more of the piss out of them! Misses Newell had a rather...satisfied smirky smile on her face as she walked away to go to the disposee nursery to go dispose of another one of the disposees.
Misses Newell walks out to the nursery in the backyard, opens the door then shuts it behind her. She comes over to the second, third, fourth, fifth and then the sixth cribs and looks at each and every one of the disposees and pokes at their diapers to see if they are wet yet.
Rachel: (In Assigned Crib 3) Miss? How are poking and looking into our diapers like that?
Misses Newell: I am....checking to see if your...diapers are wet...the one with the wettest diaper, gets to be disposed of next. Looks's going to be YOU Rachel. Now.....after I get you put into one of my......special compactor diapers, I of three diaper pails that you can go into......which one.....would you like to be put into? The one in the diaper changing room, the one in the bathroom, and the......white one in the nursery?
Rachel: Do...I...HAVE thrown away miss?
Misses Newell: (Rolling eyes) do and no matter being thrown away. It's time for your disposal and if you don't choose, I...will!
Misses Newell opens Rachel's crib, helps her out, then brings her outside, through the door, which she closes behind her, then through the backyard, across the back porch, through the sliding glass door, then into the daycare where misses Newell lays Rachel down onto one of the empty mats, so that she can put one of misses Newell's Compactor Plus diapers on Rachel.
Misses Newell lays Rachel down and begins taking her pants off, setting them aside before taking her onesie off leaving Rachel wearing only her Pampers disposable diaper.
Then Misses Newell began to take out one of her Special Compactor Plus diapers out to put on over the Pampers diaper that Rachel was already wearing.
Rachel: Miss?
Misses Newell: Yes?
Rachel: How are leaving the used wipes in my diaper like that? aren't I going to get a diaper change or am I not?
Misses Newell: Well......I am giving you wipe-down before disposal and since you, your diaper and the wipes are all going into the diaper really doesn't matter where I put them......
Rachel: Where is that boy in those puffy cloth diapers and plastic pants going?
Misses Newell: He.....and all of his cloth diapers are going into the regular trash π hon.
We don't use or change cloth diapers here. The boys and girls that come here for disposal in cloth diapers, get put right into the regular trash or we put them out for the cement plant to come and take OR we sometimes call one of the other daycares who deal with just cloth diapers, to come pick them up. If NO one....comes or wants them, then, I usually will dispose of them in one of our burn barrels.
Rachel: What....does the Burn Barrel do?
Misses Newell: Well sweetie, when our daycare gets someone in cloth diapers that no one will take, then, we take that diapered trash, and we put them into one of our burn barrels outside. They then wait until there is a large enough load in there before we put some wood in there, pour some...diesel fuel in and then start their final disposal. Sometimes, we even have to give the diapered trash a nice....bath in diesel fuel so that they can soak up some of the oily fuel so that they will burn all the way.
Rachel: Burn? You mean......they are set on fire?
Misses Newell: Yes hon, that is what we do with some of the diapers and diapered trash when there is no other choice.
Rachel: Am......I....going to be....burned with fire?
Misses Newell: (Finishing putting one of the "Compactor Plus" diaper on over Rachel's diaper and then standing her up onto her feet)
Yes AND the diapers...are. Once you and the diapers get to the Waste-To-Energy plant, they keep you there in the large pile they have, until it's time to load you and the diapers into their nice, warm.....furnace. It sometimes takes 6 or 8 hours until you and the diapers actually drop down far enough into the funnel hopper before you and the diapers fall into the hot furnace. Now, which one.....of the diaper pails would you prefer to go in?
Rachel: How about......that.....white one over there?
Misses Newell: Sure......that almost won't that one for too long before you and the diapers are taken out.
Misses Newell leads Rachel over to the white diaper pail and then helps her up and then helps her lay back onto her back with her legs dangling over the rounded edge.
Rachel: My...legs won't it...ok if my legs....are like this?
Misses Newell: Yes, it doesn't matter hon......I don't care if your legs hang over or what happens to you....OR the diapers now.
You're trash...and you have to stay in the pail at all matter what, until either myself or someone else comes to...take you out. OK......I will be RIGHT.....back with some more diapers to add.
We don't use or change cloth diapers here. The boys and girls that come here for disposal in cloth diapers, get put right into the regular trash or we put them out for the cement plant to come and take OR we sometimes call one of the other daycares who deal with just cloth diapers, to come pick them up. If NO one....comes or wants them, then, I usually will dispose of them in one of our burn barrels.
Rachel: What....does the Burn Barrel do?
Misses Newell: Well sweetie, when our daycare gets someone in cloth diapers that no one will take, then, we take that diapered trash, and we put them into one of our burn barrels outside. They then wait until there is a large enough load in there before we put some wood in there, pour some...diesel fuel in and then start their final disposal. Sometimes, we even have to give the diapered trash a nice....bath in diesel fuel so that they can soak up some of the oily fuel so that they will burn all the way.
Rachel: Burn? You mean......they are set on fire?
Misses Newell: Yes hon, that is what we do with some of the diapers and diapered trash when there is no other choice.
Rachel: Am......I....going to be....burned with fire?
Misses Newell: (Finishing putting one of the "Compactor Plus" diaper on over Rachel's diaper and then standing her up onto her feet)
Yes AND the diapers...are. Once you and the diapers get to the Waste-To-Energy plant, they keep you there in the large pile they have, until it's time to load you and the diapers into their nice, warm.....furnace. It sometimes takes 6 or 8 hours until you and the diapers actually drop down far enough into the funnel hopper before you and the diapers fall into the hot furnace. Now, which one.....of the diaper pails would you prefer to go in?
Rachel: How about......that.....white one over there?
Misses Newell: Sure......that almost won't that one for too long before you and the diapers are taken out.
Misses Newell leads Rachel over to the white diaper pail and then helps her up and then helps her lay back onto her back with her legs dangling over the rounded edge.
Rachel: My...legs won't it...ok if my legs....are like this?
Misses Newell: Yes, it doesn't matter hon......I don't care if your legs hang over or what happens to you....OR the diapers now.
You're trash...and you have to stay in the pail at all matter what, until either myself or someone else comes to...take you out. OK......I will be RIGHT.....back with some more diapers to add.
Misses Newell goes to the daycare's diaper pails and brings two 5 gallon cans full of disposable diapers to the 13 gallon diaper pail where Rachel was in, to add more diapers to the pail.
Misses Newell comes back over to the diaper pail that Rachel is in and begins to empty the diapers from the two 5 gallon cans into the 13 gallon can on top of Rachel. The Luvs diapers fall onto Rachel's chest and a few fall onto the Luvs diaper then slide off onto her right side while most of the diapers fall right into her diapered lap and settle on both sides of her diaper-covered hips.
The second 5 gallon can full of diapers was dumped over Rachel's lap and stomach. Most of the diapers fell onto her lap then slid off on to either side of her in the 13 gallon can.
Rachel: Miss?
Misses Newell: Yes?
Rachel: Am....I going into the....crusher thing like that....boy that is in there now?
Misses Newell: Yes hon, all of the diapers and diapered trash that is wet, needs to be squeezed out so that they can dry out so that when they get to the waste-to-energy-plant, you and they will burn better. Besides, more room needs to be made in there for more diapers.
Rachel: How long do I have in HERE until I go in...there?
Misses Newell: OH....shouldn't be long......a few days maybe......I actually can't wait to crush you and these.....stinky diapers! I LOVE sending diapers and diapered trash to the waste-to-energy plant so that they generate electricity from the diapers and the diapered trash! My husband likes to see the diapers being crushed too!
Rachel: the.....lid off so that I can at least.....look around and see what's happening?
Misses Newell: NO, the lid stays swings back and you can look through it some if you want.
Rachel: O........K misses Newell.........Will it be.....much longer before I have to go into that......crusher thing?
Misses Newell: No......hun, as soon as the load in there is taken out to the barrels, you and the diapers in here will go in.
Misses Newell drops in six more unrolled, folded-over wet disposable diapers with plastic backing, (Huggies Story-Time diapers, Luvs Deluxe for her and for him, Pampers Baby-Dry, Huggies Disney Print) as well as four slightly wet pull-ups before putting the swinging lid back on with Rachel's legs still dangling over one side of the diaper pail. The diapers land and then settle on her chest right below her chin while the pull-ups land on her diapered waist and settle around between her legs.
Misses Newell goes back to the daycare activities, reading stories, putting the regular clients down for naps and then attending to the other disposees in the disposee nursery out in the backyard.
Misses Newell walks out to the disposee nursery in the backyard with a plastic shopping bag full of clean diapers, wipes and powder that she is going to use on all of those inside. She steps in and closes the door.
Misses Newell: OK sweeties, it's time....for diaper changes....and then...we get to go have something to drink and something to eat. WHO wants some Mac and cheese and your favorite drinks?
Misses Newell comes back over to the diaper pail that Rachel is in and begins to empty the diapers from the two 5 gallon cans into the 13 gallon can on top of Rachel. The Luvs diapers fall onto Rachel's chest and a few fall onto the Luvs diaper then slide off onto her right side while most of the diapers fall right into her diapered lap and settle on both sides of her diaper-covered hips.
The second 5 gallon can full of diapers was dumped over Rachel's lap and stomach. Most of the diapers fell onto her lap then slid off on to either side of her in the 13 gallon can.
Rachel: Miss?
Misses Newell: Yes?
Rachel: Am....I going into the....crusher thing like that....boy that is in there now?
Misses Newell: Yes hon, all of the diapers and diapered trash that is wet, needs to be squeezed out so that they can dry out so that when they get to the waste-to-energy-plant, you and they will burn better. Besides, more room needs to be made in there for more diapers.
Rachel: How long do I have in HERE until I go in...there?
Misses Newell: OH....shouldn't be long......a few days maybe......I actually can't wait to crush you and these.....stinky diapers! I LOVE sending diapers and diapered trash to the waste-to-energy plant so that they generate electricity from the diapers and the diapered trash! My husband likes to see the diapers being crushed too!
Rachel: the.....lid off so that I can at least.....look around and see what's happening?
Misses Newell: NO, the lid stays swings back and you can look through it some if you want.
Rachel: O........K misses Newell.........Will it be.....much longer before I have to go into that......crusher thing?
Misses Newell: No......hun, as soon as the load in there is taken out to the barrels, you and the diapers in here will go in.
Misses Newell drops in six more unrolled, folded-over wet disposable diapers with plastic backing, (Huggies Story-Time diapers, Luvs Deluxe for her and for him, Pampers Baby-Dry, Huggies Disney Print) as well as four slightly wet pull-ups before putting the swinging lid back on with Rachel's legs still dangling over one side of the diaper pail. The diapers land and then settle on her chest right below her chin while the pull-ups land on her diapered waist and settle around between her legs.
Misses Newell goes back to the daycare activities, reading stories, putting the regular clients down for naps and then attending to the other disposees in the disposee nursery out in the backyard.
Misses Newell walks out to the disposee nursery in the backyard with a plastic shopping bag full of clean diapers, wipes and powder that she is going to use on all of those inside. She steps in and closes the door.
Misses Newell: OK sweeties, it's time....for diaper changes....and then...we get to go have something to drink and something to eat. WHO wants some Mac and cheese and your favorite drinks?
Misses Newell changes all six diapers, then helps everyone out of their cribs before tossing the six diapers into a pile and handing them all to the boy in the front of the line.
Misses Newell: OK......Can....YOU carry all of these wet......diapers to the compactor for me please?
Diapered Boy in the Front of the line: Yes....miss Newell.
Misses Newell: So......have you thought about which diaper you want to be wearing when you are disposed of?
Diapered Boy: NO.......not....really......I was hoping wouldn't dispose of me....and you would change your mind.
Misses Newell: Unfortunately, are being disposed matter is just....a matter of time. I LIKE......crushing diapers and the diapered trash! SO husband. ALL of you....and all of your diapers, are here to be disposed of so that you and the diapers will eventually make us lots and lots of electricity that we need for our homes and businesses, daycare. It's also very good for our environment too.
Misses Newell leads everyone out of the disposee nursery in the backyard to the daycare where she led everyone into the Kitchen so that everyone could have something to eat and drink. Once everyone other than the boy holding the pile of wet diapers in his arms was seated, misses Newell went over to the compactor and then slid it open.
Misses Newell: OK.....drop the diapers into the compactor for me.....OK?
Diapered Dark-Haired Boy: (Looking down into the packer container full of diapers covering Jack who was laying there.) Why is.......that boy in there? He looks like he....likes it in there!
Misses Newell: Actually.....he DOES like being compacted. I like......seeing what happened to him and the diapers after the compactor cycles run! I LOVE to make sure...that the diapers and the diapered trash get...PLENTY of packing! Looks like......his wet diaper has burst a little near the right leg elastics there.......some of the squishy padding has leaked out! WHEW! Gross! Drop those diapers in there so that I can run a few more cycles........THERE!'s packer......time again!
Misses Newell slides the compactor door closed again and then starts the compactor. It kind of sounds like when you close the door of a dishwasher and start it, only with slightly more whining from the PTO.
Meanwhile.......back at the Diaper Testing Labs.............
Cleaning Lady: Al....right.......that was the the do all of those...nice....wet.....test diapers feel? HUH? I think......I need to make some in there.....HERE! smoosh everything...down more.......(The Cleaning lady pushes down really, really hard on the load of diapers inside the cart with the boy's legs dangling over the side of the cart. As she pushes down on the diapers, the diapers push down on the boy causing his legs to wiggle and dangle some more.
Cleaning Lady: THERE! NOW......more diapers will fit.
The Cleaning Lady drags the now empty can back into the room before dragging the very full 2nd can over and then emptying all of the test-diapers into the cart. Once the can was empty, the cleaning lady put the 2nd can back to grab the third. The can had a lot of mixed diapers in it. Pull-ups, plastic pants, changing pads, bed pads, old, stained-up onesie bodysuits, and old ragged t-shirts as well as a few old ragged cloth diapers that were used during the tests.
The cleaning lady empties the third can, then pushes down even harder on the diapers to make more room for the fourth can.
Dark-Haired-Boy: HEY!!! (Trying in vain to move some of the open, folded-over wet and tested diapers from his face) You're....making the diapers press....against my....face! I can barely breath with all of these.....wet diapers all over me!
Cleaning Lady: SO???? TOUGH! It's ......almost take the the furnace Here......we....go......
The Cleaning Lady pushes the cart down the hallway again then turns to the left, pushing the heavy and almost full cart past several other rooms where they test diapers and a few of the rooms where the test subjects are kept until they are needed. The cleaning lady then stops in front of a very large room that has five cans to empty and usually two full bags of diapers to dispose of. The cleaning lady went inside, dragged out the first full diaper pail and then emptied the diapers into the cart. Then she took the now empty can back inside before returning with another full can. She quickly emptied the can then went to put the empty can back. the third, the fourth and then the fifth can were emptied into the cart, a few of the loose, wet diapers falling over the right side of the cart. The cleaning lady leaned over, picked the fallen diapers up and tossed them in.
Cleaning Lady: take the the NICE.....furnace room.......are....YOU ready to.....make lots....and lots of nice electricity for us? I sure....hope
The cleaning lady pushed the very full cart down the hallway then into a freight elevator which took the load of diapers and the dark-haired boy down into the basement where the largest furnace room in the building looked more like a large laundry room with steam and grappling tines picking up large loads of diapers, old clothing and a few of the test subjects that were no longer needed and dropping them into a large funnel-hopper. At the far side of the room, there was a large crusher-compactor that was crushing load after load of diapers, old cloth diapers and clothing used by the test subjects.
The cleaning lady rolled the cart over to the side of the crusher-compactor and then walked over to a station where a couple of very butch looking women and a few very strong men were busy getting the next load ready to go into the compactor-crusher.
Cleaning Lady: (To the woman in charge) Hi.......I have.....another load for ya......where would you like it dumped?
Butch woman in charge: (Stepping away from the station and showing the cleaning lady where to dump the load) Right somewhere would be good. This will be where the loads from today will go.....
Cleaning Lady: OK...thanks.
The cleaning lady then walks back to the cart, then pushes it over to the area that was designated for the loads to be dumped in she then stops the cart and then begins to push the cart forward, and as she does, the loads of loose diapers and the bags of cloth diapers, onesies and a few footed PJs tumble out and land in a pile on the cement floor. Then, suddenly, the dark-haired boy found himself tumbling out of the cart and landing onto the pile of diapers before being completely covered by the remaining diapers from the cart. Then, once the cart was empty, the cleaning lady pushed the cart out to the hallway to continue the rest of her job, taking out the wet and dirty test diapers and unwanted test subjects.
It wasn't long, before the butch woman and a man came over to the pile that the cleaning lady had left there, to begin the process of getting the load over to the crusher-compactor that had a retractable floor that dropped everything down into a funnel hopper that went directly into the furnace at timed intervals. The Butch woman saw the thickly diapered, dark-haired boy and then she went over and picked him up under his arms. She held him over the pile with his feet dangling in the air for a minute while she looked him over.
Butch Woman: (Looking the boy over with her eyes) will be loaded into our......big diaper the next load after the one that is being loaded now. YOU will do.....nicely......
Dark-Haired Boy: What? Do....WHAT.....nicely?
Butch Woman: YOU....and have on.....are nice....and...moist! We need more....moisture to help lower the temps of the boiler some.......I am looking for....the wettest diapers too so that those can go in first.......and YOU can go....right in with them!
Misses Newell: OK......Can....YOU carry all of these wet......diapers to the compactor for me please?
Diapered Boy in the Front of the line: Yes....miss Newell.
Misses Newell: So......have you thought about which diaper you want to be wearing when you are disposed of?
Diapered Boy: NO.......not....really......I was hoping wouldn't dispose of me....and you would change your mind.
Misses Newell: Unfortunately, are being disposed matter is just....a matter of time. I LIKE......crushing diapers and the diapered trash! SO husband. ALL of you....and all of your diapers, are here to be disposed of so that you and the diapers will eventually make us lots and lots of electricity that we need for our homes and businesses, daycare. It's also very good for our environment too.
Misses Newell leads everyone out of the disposee nursery in the backyard to the daycare where she led everyone into the Kitchen so that everyone could have something to eat and drink. Once everyone other than the boy holding the pile of wet diapers in his arms was seated, misses Newell went over to the compactor and then slid it open.
Misses Newell: OK.....drop the diapers into the compactor for me.....OK?
Diapered Dark-Haired Boy: (Looking down into the packer container full of diapers covering Jack who was laying there.) Why is.......that boy in there? He looks like he....likes it in there!
Misses Newell: Actually.....he DOES like being compacted. I like......seeing what happened to him and the diapers after the compactor cycles run! I LOVE to make sure...that the diapers and the diapered trash get...PLENTY of packing! Looks like......his wet diaper has burst a little near the right leg elastics there.......some of the squishy padding has leaked out! WHEW! Gross! Drop those diapers in there so that I can run a few more cycles........THERE!'s packer......time again!
Misses Newell slides the compactor door closed again and then starts the compactor. It kind of sounds like when you close the door of a dishwasher and start it, only with slightly more whining from the PTO.
Meanwhile.......back at the Diaper Testing Labs.............
Dark-haired boy: Miss? Miss.....where are you taking me?
Blonde Cleaning Lady: It's time for your disposal. I am here to take you and the diapers to the furnace room. They will get to you and these diapers as soon as they can. They have six piles of diapers that are six foot high or more to load into the furnaces. Come...come with me while I take out all of the diapers from this facility and keep me company.
Dark-haired boy: Am I going into that....cart with all of those stinky, wet diapers?
Blonde Cleaning Lady: Yep. where the trash goes until I bring it to the furnace room.
Dark-haired boy: Miss? What is going to happen to all of the diapers that are in that package that they used on me? Aren't
Blonde Cleaning Lady: NO, those diapers are just....the ones they use to test on you. They will be used in some more tests on a few more test subjects and any of them left-over, will get thrown away.
The cleaning lady picked the dark-haired boy up and laid him down onto his back inside the diaper disposal tilt truck-trash cart that was about half way full of diapers. Then she walked over to a couple of the 32 gallon rubbermaid diaper pails and then removed the lids. she then pulled the first one over to the side of the trash tilt truck with the diapers and the dark-haired diapered boy laying inside.
She then picked the very heavy 32 gallon rubbermaid can up and then emptied all of the diapers from that can into the cart on top of the boy whom objected to the stinky wetness going all over him and now covering his face, chest lap and parts of his thighs too.
Dark-Haired Boy: HEY! UUUH! UH! Bleeeeck! YUCK! EEEEW it...stinks and the diapers are....all....slimy!
Cleaning Lady: SO? I don't care! YOU.....are trash and I don't care what happens to the trash! I am GLAD to haul you and all of these......stinky diapers to the furnace room! I hope that they crush you and the diapers a little first before they scoop you and the diapers into the furnace!
Dark-haired boy: Miss? What is going to happen to all of the diapers that are in that package that they used on me? Aren't
Blonde Cleaning Lady: NO, those diapers are just....the ones they use to test on you. They will be used in some more tests on a few more test subjects and any of them left-over, will get thrown away.
The cleaning lady picked the dark-haired boy up and laid him down onto his back inside the diaper disposal tilt truck-trash cart that was about half way full of diapers. Then she walked over to a couple of the 32 gallon rubbermaid diaper pails and then removed the lids. she then pulled the first one over to the side of the trash tilt truck with the diapers and the dark-haired diapered boy laying inside.
She then picked the very heavy 32 gallon rubbermaid can up and then emptied all of the diapers from that can into the cart on top of the boy whom objected to the stinky wetness going all over him and now covering his face, chest lap and parts of his thighs too.
Dark-Haired Boy: HEY! UUUH! UH! Bleeeeck! YUCK! EEEEW it...stinks and the diapers are....all....slimy!
Cleaning Lady: SO? I don't care! YOU.....are trash and I don't care what happens to the trash! I am GLAD to haul you and all of these......stinky diapers to the furnace room! I hope that they crush you and the diapers a little first before they scoop you and the diapers into the furnace!
Dark-Haired Boy: Miss! Miss! PLEASE! Don't........take me! I.....don't WANNA go! PLEASE! PLEASE! out!
Cleaning Lady: OH....SHUT.......UP trash! SHHHHHUSH! It's disposal time! HERE....come more.....stinky diapers....!!!
Dark Haired Boy: UUUUH! EEEEW! YUCK! Whew! Naaaaaasty!
Cleaning Lady: This is what happens with trash! It gets.all...nice and filthy dirty! is a nice, tall 32 gallon can....full of some of the cloth diapers they used as rags........ready? HERE.......they....come.......
The Cleaning Lady empties the can in and the cloth diapers tumble and spill out into the trash cart that is now almost 3/4 of the way full. Then, the Cleaning Lady pushes the cart out of the current room, and then into a hallway, and then down the hallway about three doors down to another room. She then leaves the cart in the go retrieve the disposable diapers from this testing room and the trashy rags and old clothing that were once on the test subjects.
Cleaning Lady: OK.......time to get the nice....dirty diapers from this......testing room......won't nice to have such....a clean room to be tested on in? YOU wait RIGHT here.....with all of the nice....filthy diapers......while......I......go and empty all of their diaper pails. Stay...put....OK?
The Cleaning Lady goes in and then drags out the first of four very full 32 gallon Brute trash cans, full of wet (unrolled and just folded over ) and messy (rolled up) diapers. She empties the can into the cart.
Cleaning Lady: OH....SHUT.......UP trash! SHHHHHUSH! It's disposal time! HERE....come more.....stinky diapers....!!!
Dark Haired Boy: UUUUH! EEEEW! YUCK! Whew! Naaaaaasty!
Cleaning Lady: This is what happens with trash! It gets.all...nice and filthy dirty! is a nice, tall 32 gallon can....full of some of the cloth diapers they used as rags........ready? HERE.......they....come.......
The Cleaning Lady empties the can in and the cloth diapers tumble and spill out into the trash cart that is now almost 3/4 of the way full. Then, the Cleaning Lady pushes the cart out of the current room, and then into a hallway, and then down the hallway about three doors down to another room. She then leaves the cart in the go retrieve the disposable diapers from this testing room and the trashy rags and old clothing that were once on the test subjects.
Cleaning Lady: OK.......time to get the nice....dirty diapers from this......testing room......won't nice to have such....a clean room to be tested on in? YOU wait RIGHT here.....with all of the nice....filthy diapers......while......I......go and empty all of their diaper pails. Stay...put....OK?
The Cleaning Lady goes in and then drags out the first of four very full 32 gallon Brute trash cans, full of wet (unrolled and just folded over ) and messy (rolled up) diapers. She empties the can into the cart.
Cleaning Lady: Al....right.......that was the the do all of those...nice....wet.....test diapers feel? HUH? I think......I need to make some in there.....HERE! smoosh everything...down more.......(The Cleaning lady pushes down really, really hard on the load of diapers inside the cart with the boy's legs dangling over the side of the cart. As she pushes down on the diapers, the diapers push down on the boy causing his legs to wiggle and dangle some more.
Cleaning Lady: THERE! NOW......more diapers will fit.
The Cleaning Lady drags the now empty can back into the room before dragging the very full 2nd can over and then emptying all of the test-diapers into the cart. Once the can was empty, the cleaning lady put the 2nd can back to grab the third. The can had a lot of mixed diapers in it. Pull-ups, plastic pants, changing pads, bed pads, old, stained-up onesie bodysuits, and old ragged t-shirts as well as a few old ragged cloth diapers that were used during the tests.
The cleaning lady empties the third can, then pushes down even harder on the diapers to make more room for the fourth can.
Dark-Haired-Boy: HEY!!! (Trying in vain to move some of the open, folded-over wet and tested diapers from his face) You're....making the diapers press....against my....face! I can barely breath with all of these.....wet diapers all over me!
Cleaning Lady: SO???? TOUGH! It's ......almost take the the furnace Here......we....go......
The Cleaning Lady pushes the cart down the hallway again then turns to the left, pushing the heavy and almost full cart past several other rooms where they test diapers and a few of the rooms where the test subjects are kept until they are needed. The cleaning lady then stops in front of a very large room that has five cans to empty and usually two full bags of diapers to dispose of. The cleaning lady went inside, dragged out the first full diaper pail and then emptied the diapers into the cart. Then she took the now empty can back inside before returning with another full can. She quickly emptied the can then went to put the empty can back. the third, the fourth and then the fifth can were emptied into the cart, a few of the loose, wet diapers falling over the right side of the cart. The cleaning lady leaned over, picked the fallen diapers up and tossed them in.
Cleaning Lady: take the the NICE.....furnace room.......are....YOU ready to.....make lots....and lots of nice electricity for us? I sure....hope
The cleaning lady pushed the very full cart down the hallway then into a freight elevator which took the load of diapers and the dark-haired boy down into the basement where the largest furnace room in the building looked more like a large laundry room with steam and grappling tines picking up large loads of diapers, old clothing and a few of the test subjects that were no longer needed and dropping them into a large funnel-hopper. At the far side of the room, there was a large crusher-compactor that was crushing load after load of diapers, old cloth diapers and clothing used by the test subjects.
The cleaning lady rolled the cart over to the side of the crusher-compactor and then walked over to a station where a couple of very butch looking women and a few very strong men were busy getting the next load ready to go into the compactor-crusher.
Cleaning Lady: (To the woman in charge) Hi.......I have.....another load for ya......where would you like it dumped?
Butch woman in charge: (Stepping away from the station and showing the cleaning lady where to dump the load) Right somewhere would be good. This will be where the loads from today will go.....
Cleaning Lady: OK...thanks.
The cleaning lady then walks back to the cart, then pushes it over to the area that was designated for the loads to be dumped in she then stops the cart and then begins to push the cart forward, and as she does, the loads of loose diapers and the bags of cloth diapers, onesies and a few footed PJs tumble out and land in a pile on the cement floor. Then, suddenly, the dark-haired boy found himself tumbling out of the cart and landing onto the pile of diapers before being completely covered by the remaining diapers from the cart. Then, once the cart was empty, the cleaning lady pushed the cart out to the hallway to continue the rest of her job, taking out the wet and dirty test diapers and unwanted test subjects.
It wasn't long, before the butch woman and a man came over to the pile that the cleaning lady had left there, to begin the process of getting the load over to the crusher-compactor that had a retractable floor that dropped everything down into a funnel hopper that went directly into the furnace at timed intervals. The Butch woman saw the thickly diapered, dark-haired boy and then she went over and picked him up under his arms. She held him over the pile with his feet dangling in the air for a minute while she looked him over.
Butch Woman: (Looking the boy over with her eyes) will be loaded into our......big diaper the next load after the one that is being loaded now. YOU will do.....nicely......
Dark-Haired Boy: What? Do....WHAT.....nicely?
Butch Woman: YOU....and have on.....are nice....and...moist! We need more....moisture to help lower the temps of the boiler some.......I am looking for....the wettest diapers too so that those can go in first.......and YOU can go....right in with them!
Dark-haired boy: Nooooo! Nooooo! Quit!! Let....GO of me! Stop! I....don't....wanna go in there! Yuck!!
Dark-haired man in lab coat: Ok.....time for be compacted. where.....we squeeze the.....piss out of your diapers! Then, after a certain weight is reached, the floor slides open and you....and these....diapers will drop down into a chute that puts everything RIGHT....into the large furnace. It's nearly a direct feed! A valve opens up every so often and let's a certain amount of diapers and trash in. It....should take....oh.....about three hours to....get you and these.......diapers into that nice.......warm furnace.'s crushy-crushy time!
Dark-Haired Boy: NOOOO! Please! DON'T!!! I...don't wanna be crushed! NOOOO! QUIT IT!
The man in the lab-coat starts the crusher cycle and then the diapers in the crusher hopper begin to bunch up, and begin to press against him and his diaper, causing his wet, bulging, saggy diaper to begin bunching up between his legs, spreading his legs apart. The padding of the boy's diaper began to feel as if it were going to burst from the inner liner of his diaper as the compactor continued it's cycle. Then, as the compactor retracted, the diapers began to spring back into shape, some of the diapers stayed in their crushed up forms. Then, some more diapers were added to the hopper from a large and overflowing 32 gallon can. Then, another 32 gallon can of more diapers was added before the compactor started again. The boy's diaper began to get the diapers that had been pressed against him as well as the new loads of diapers pressed against him and now, the pressure felt as if it was more than it was before! The boy groaned as he was now being forcefully pressed against the diapers that had been inside the container already. As the boy had his head and face firmly embedded into the plastic and padding of the other diapers, the squishy padding of his diaper began to slowly ooze from the leg gathers as the squishy, slimy wet disposable diaper fluff oozed like oatmeal from a zip-loc bag under pressure.
Soon, the dark-haired boy was pushed nearly against all of the diapers that had been loaded in before him and he was having his face pressed into the plastic backing of diapers as well as into the open padding of others as they curled around his head and face. The compactor kept running every 15 minutes or so with more.....and more diapers being loaded in. Then, as soon as the compactor seemed to be packed out, the compactor stopped, and about two hours later, a low-toned whining was heard and as the smooth, stainless steel floor slid out from underneath the dark-haired boy and all of the test diapers. The dark-haired boy could feel the floor moving and the vibrations as the compactor blade underneath him, began to retract so that the loads could fall down into the funnel chute that would drop certain amounts of the diapers and test subjects into a large furnace which was right underneath a large boiler full of water which was turning into steam that turned a steam turbine which generated large amounts of electricity for the city, for the diaper factory, and for the test labs.
Boy: UH!!! UH! My.....dia......per! Whoooooooooah! UH!
The boy landed onto some other diapers that were still inside the throat part of the funnel hopper, waiting to go down into the furnace.
The boy still was laying on top of the loads of diapers as another large crane-load of diapers came crashing down upon him.
Weak and unable to move much, the boy tried to just wait for the moment when the furnace to open up and the loads to fall in.
Meanwhile.........back at the diaper collection route...........
Daniel and Jeff began their afternoon route. The lodal Evo side loader was empty and ready to receive all of the diapers and diapered trash. π Daniel drives the empty diaper collection lodal Evo to the next stop, a large daycare for unwanted diapered people. There were always a row of six over-filled toters and at least 4 diapered trash waiting in the toters.
The janitorial ladies usually brought out between 2 and 4 more diapered trash for disposal collection. Upon arrival, Daniel Newell jumps out of the cab and goes over to the first over-filled toters with one of the diapered trash in it. He quickly rolled the toter over to the side of the truck, hooked the toter to the tote-tipper then he flipped the lid right before activating the tote-tipper. As the load of diapers and the diapered girl fall into the hopper, the diapered girl gets up to her knees to peer over the side, though just in time to get a face-full of more diapers as Daniel empties another toter. Once the diapered girl got back up to her knees at the edge of the hopper so she could get Daniel's attention;
Diapered Girl: Hey......mister? Is my......diaper squishy enough?
Daniel: (Reaching over to the girl's diaper to give it some poking and patting) Yep! Now......get ready.........I gotta run a few cycles of the packer.
Daniel reaches over to push the button with his closed fist on the side of the hopper. He gives the button a punch and suddenly the compactor blade begins to advance. As the blade advances, the diapered girl's grip on the the side of the
Thickly Diapered Boy: NO!!!! Stop....It!!!!!! My.............comfy diaper!
Continued in (Continued 6)
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