The Diaper Test Labs
It had been a financially rough year for Frankie and Mark, Parents of an eighteen year old boy who was still in diapers and was still the size of a 5 year old. Frankie signed their son up to be used at a diaper testing lab who offered to pay weekly money to Frankie to use in diaper tests as well as other product tests.
Frankie and Mark had been taking their diapered son back and forth to the labs and back on a weekly basis and after a while..... she grew tired of driving back and forth. Both Frankie and Mark got together and talked about giving their son to either the labs or to an orphanage. Frankie called the labs and asked them if they wouldn't mind taking their son for an extra week. They usually weren't able to do this however, seeing that they needed all of the test subjects they could get that they don't mind getting really dirty and smelly, the labs arranged to hold onto Casey while they put him and his diapers through many, many tests. Casey was among a small group of diaper testers that were kept in the diaper test labs as they were used to test diapers daily and weekly. Casey, was also used to test sunscreen, various types of lotions, perfumes, colones and even cleaning products as well as detergents. When Casey wasn't testing diapers, he was testing other things. Casey wore diapers 24/7 and everyone who worked with him, kept him in diapers. One day, someone in a suit and tie came to see how everything was doing. The man in the suit asked if it would be OK if some of the test subjects could be taken elsewhere and used in other tests. Since most of the test subjects in the room actually belonged to the labs, the lab techs didn't mind.
The man ordered the test subjects he was taking, to get dry diapers before he took them.
Man in Suit: Give my test subjects nice and dry diapers before I take them please, I don't want their diapers leaking during transport.
Lab Nurse: Certainly.....will do. OK, ladies? I have a couple of test subjects that need diaper changes....then they are going to be taken to be tested.....elsewhere in our facility. We get them back after they are done. Pick a test subject and change them. Have them ready here in 15 minutes.
The diaper changing nurses begin going over to the selected test subjects and conducting diaper changes on each subject before each changed subject was lined up and made to stand near the door as they awaited transport over to the next testing area.
The man in the suit came back shortly with two women whom guided all of the test subjects over to the testing room where each test subject was put up onto a large countertop and made to lay down on their back. Arlen and Casey were placed next to one another on the countertop on their backs while they both got secured to the countertop.
Arlen: Hi....I'm Arlen.....what's your name?
Casey: Ca...sey....Why are YOU here?
Arlen: My mom and dad left me at some.....daycare that says they are going to.....throw me away after these people are done.....testing me.
Casey: what they do to us. dropped off here by my mom because she can't diaper me anymore. Now.....these people own me and I heard......that once they can't use any of us anymore, they take us to where they put the test-diapers and throw us AND everything of ours........away! Even......leftover test diapers!
Arlen: Really? all that?
Casey: Yes.....they.....DO! I....watched someone take one girl they had tested and she was.....covered in stuff that made her! Her diaper looked clean.....when they took her away.....I never saw her again after that.
One of those......boys over there......took her place......
Arlen: Do.....I....have to be taken
Casey: Does own you?
Arlen: Noooo.....I get taken back to the......daycare each day.....
and brought back.
Casey: Then.....they may do something different's time to get our test diapers put on.......

The Lady with the white lab coat on came over and began unfastening the tapes of Casey's diaper before lifting him up and pulling the diaper out from under him. She put the diaper she took off, on Casey's chest while she opened the test diaper, slid it underneath his bottom before slowly pulling the diaper up between his legs and fastening the tapes. Then, the same lady came over and stood between Arlen's legs before unfastening the tapes of his diaper and pulling it out from under him, folding it over and laying it on his chest.
The lady.....opened up a thick, crinkly white diaper with blue sides on it....and then she quickly slid it under him before reaching over Arlen's head to insert a tube along side of his penis. Then, once the tube was velcroed in place, she dropped in two blue dye gel packs before she pulled the diaper up and fastened the tapes.
The lady went down the row of boys and the one girl on the long countertop, changing diapers and inserting tubes and a few blue dye gel packs into their diapers as quickly as possible.
Once she was done, she walked over to Casey and then ran her index fingers along Casey's leg elastics before she pushed a button on the wall just over his head. A cold and wet liquid began to fill his diaper.
A few seconds later, the lady flipped Casey over onto his belly so she could see the back of his diaper.

It had not yet leaked. She noted that on the test notes on the clipboard above him.
The man ordered the test subjects he was taking, to get dry diapers before he took them.
Man in Suit: Give my test subjects nice and dry diapers before I take them please, I don't want their diapers leaking during transport.
Lab Nurse: Certainly.....will do. OK, ladies? I have a couple of test subjects that need diaper changes....then they are going to be taken to be tested.....elsewhere in our facility. We get them back after they are done. Pick a test subject and change them. Have them ready here in 15 minutes.
The diaper changing nurses begin going over to the selected test subjects and conducting diaper changes on each subject before each changed subject was lined up and made to stand near the door as they awaited transport over to the next testing area.
The man in the suit came back shortly with two women whom guided all of the test subjects over to the testing room where each test subject was put up onto a large countertop and made to lay down on their back. Arlen and Casey were placed next to one another on the countertop on their backs while they both got secured to the countertop.
Arlen: Hi....I'm Arlen.....what's your name?
Casey: Ca...sey....Why are YOU here?
Arlen: My mom and dad left me at some.....daycare that says they are going to.....throw me away after these people are done.....testing me.
Casey: what they do to us. dropped off here by my mom because she can't diaper me anymore. Now.....these people own me and I heard......that once they can't use any of us anymore, they take us to where they put the test-diapers and throw us AND everything of ours........away! Even......leftover test diapers!
Arlen: Really? all that?
Casey: Yes.....they.....DO! I....watched someone take one girl they had tested and she was.....covered in stuff that made her! Her diaper looked clean.....when they took her away.....I never saw her again after that.
One of those......boys over there......took her place......
Arlen: Do.....I....have to be taken
Casey: Does own you?
Arlen: Noooo.....I get taken back to the......daycare each day.....
and brought back.
Casey: Then.....they may do something different's time to get our test diapers put on.......

The Lady with the white lab coat on came over and began unfastening the tapes of Casey's diaper before lifting him up and pulling the diaper out from under him. She put the diaper she took off, on Casey's chest while she opened the test diaper, slid it underneath his bottom before slowly pulling the diaper up between his legs and fastening the tapes. Then, the same lady came over and stood between Arlen's legs before unfastening the tapes of his diaper and pulling it out from under him, folding it over and laying it on his chest.
The lady.....opened up a thick, crinkly white diaper with blue sides on it....and then she quickly slid it under him before reaching over Arlen's head to insert a tube along side of his penis. Then, once the tube was velcroed in place, she dropped in two blue dye gel packs before she pulled the diaper up and fastened the tapes.
The lady went down the row of boys and the one girl on the long countertop, changing diapers and inserting tubes and a few blue dye gel packs into their diapers as quickly as possible.
Once she was done, she walked over to Casey and then ran her index fingers along Casey's leg elastics before she pushed a button on the wall just over his head. A cold and wet liquid began to fill his diaper.
A few seconds later, the lady flipped Casey over onto his belly so she could see the back of his diaper.

It had not yet leaked. She noted that on the test notes on the clipboard above him.
Then the lady flipped Casey back over onto his back before another woman came in carrying another newer pack of diapers needing tested. The diapers were brought over to the stack of packs of test diapers in one corner of the test lab. The dark-haired boy third to last in the row on the testing counters had his wet diaper changed and he got another test diaper put on him. Then, another blue dye pack was put into his diaper to show where the leaks were....he was then given a lot of liquid to drink as the test continues. It wasn't long before the dark-haired boy soaked his diaper and it finally leaked. The diapering Tech came over to check on where the leaks were and make notes on the clipboard before changing the boy's diaper.
Then, the diapering tech picked the boy up and put him right into one of the large, deep diaper pails along with the two test diapers he had on, for disposal. The diapering tech used both her hands to push down on the boy she had put into the diaper pail so as to try to make more room for more diapers, seeing as how the diaper pail was quickly filling up. The diaper pails would fill up every two hours after each of the tests. This was usual during each day. The janitorial cleaning crews would come in and take the loads of diapers in the diaper pails to the furnace room where they would leave them on a large pile on the floor near the furnaces. Sometimes, when there were too many diapers, one of the janitorial crew would come and load some of the diapers into a janitorial trash cart, and take them and any diapered trash to the stationary compactor that would crush the diapers into a neatly packed cube that would easily fit into the furnace.
Dark-haired boy: Miss! Uuuuuuuuh!!!! Hey! Miss??? Why am I being put into this.....diaper pail?
Diapering Tech: Because, we....are done testing on you. Since you.....and the diapers legally belong to the diaper factory, they told us to throw away all leftover packs of diapers AND the diaper testers after we were done testing.
Dark-haired boy: Wait! Wait!!! Please! Don't throw me away! I being taken after this?
Diapering Tech: (looking at watch) In about.... hour or less, the.... cleaning ladies will come to take the trash out and from what I hear, the diapers and trash,, go to a large compactor that.....will crush the diapers into a NICE cube that will later go into one of our furnaces which generates electricity for the diaper factory and our testing labs.
There.....are certain diapers that they don't want burned here....those wearing these diapers and the diapers that can't be burned here, go out to the alley and get put into the blue and white toters for a collection truck to take away.
Dark-haired boy: Am I.....going to that.....burning thing here.... or....out to the blue and white thing?
Diapering Tech: I....don't know. Whatever it says in your file, is what will happen. I....don't have your......file here with me.
Diapering Tech: (To the boy next to The Dark-haired boy) OK.....I need to give you......the next test diaper. have to...field-test in our....playground.
Sandy-Haired boy: I....get to go out to the playground?
Diapering Tech: Yes.....long enough to give these diapers a good testing. Then, you come back inside, get changed again, then, we have to.....pressure-test your diaper to see if it leaks under normal pressure. After that, you.....get to be....thrown away.
Sandy-Haired boy: Huh? Wait......Please! Don't throw me away! Where am I.....going? To that....burning place like you told that.....other boy or....into and white things?
Diapering Tech: (Reaching over to the clipboard to read the boy's files) Um....let me....see going......into the furnace I am afraid.
Sandy-Haired boy: How long will until.....I get put...into that....burning thing?
Diapering Tech: Usually, if there aren't a lot of diapers, you would go in right away, some time today. However, this week, we have thrown a lot of diapers and test subjects away. You.....could be there for.....a few days.
Sandy-Haired boy: if I am......awake, asleep or not? What onesies and clothing?
Diapering Tech: Everything you have on and came with, that was used in tests, goes in with you. No.....nobody cares if you are awake, asleep or not.'s time to load the furnace, you go in.....awake, kicking and screaming, or.....asleep.
Now.....time to get you.....into this....NICE......comfy, very....thick.....disposable diaper. It last diaper change.
The diapering Tech changed the Sandy-Haired boy's diaper then left the diaper that was taken off, in the diaper pail before taking the Sandy-Haired boy out to the playground to test the diaper's absorbency under "normal" pressures and stresses.
As the Sandy-Haired boy moved and was sat onto the slides and swings, his diaper began to leak blue dyes and red dyes. The dyes showed where the liquids flowed under pressure and took the path of least resistance out of the diaper.
Once the field tests were done, the Sandy-Haired boy was brought back into the lab where he was placed onto the diaper changing and testing counter. Then the diapering tech came over with another test-diaper to change him into.
Diapering Tech: test honey and it's going to be time to.....throw you....and the diaper away. This....may be....your last diaper.
Sandy-Haired boy: May I....choose what diaper I get after the test is over?
Diapering Tech: No, sorry, want with the diapers in the pails, we don't care. You get this diaper and....that's it. I won't see you again unless I toss one of the diapers into your pail.
The diapering tech finishes changing the Sandy-Haired boy then puts him down onto his feet and walks him over to a building across from the labs on the same lot and ad they enter the building, a security Guard asks the diapering tech to show her ID badge. She does and the Sandy-Haired boy and the diapering tech walk over to an area where there are various types of small, medium and large machines and hydraulic press tables. Near one of these machines, was a row of large steel cribs that had some thickly diapered test subjects in them, waiting to get tested. There was an empty crib near the beginning on the row of six cribs. The diapering tech escorted the Sandy-Haired boy over to the empty crib, helped him into it, before raising the side, locking the tall sides and then walking away. The cribs all had fixed steel tops on them, sort of like steel cages with plastic mattresses in them that had different prints.
The Sandy-Haired boy looked around and saw various boys and girls with their legs dangling from the edges of tables and a few with their diapers unfastened and lowered, being tested by one to three people in white lab coats. The Sandy-Haired boy noted the few dried up diapers in the far back corner of the crib he was in. He wondered why the diapers were there. Then, two of the men in lab coats began to walk over to one of the machines carrying a dark-haired boy wearing a very thick and crinkly disposable diaper. He seemed too occupied with protests to notice that the machine he and a couple of dozen disposable diapers were going into, was a stationary compactor hopper.
Dark-haired boy: Nooooo! Nooooo! Quit!! Let....GO of me! Stop! I....don't....wanna go in there! Yuck!!
Dark-haired man in lab coat: Ok.....time for be compacted. where.....we squeeze the.....piss out of your diapers! Then, after a certain weight is reached, the floor slides open and you....and these....diapers will drop down into a chute that puts everything RIGHT....into the large furnace. It's nearly a direct feed! A valve opens up every so often and let's a certain amount of diapers and trash in. It....should take....oh.....about three hours to....get you and these.......diapers into that nice.......warm furnace.'s crushy-crushy time!
Dark-Haired Boy: NOOOO! Please! DON'T!!! I...don't wanna be crushed! NOOOO! QUIT IT!
The man in the lab-coat starts the crusher cycle and then the diapers in the crusher hopper begin to bunch up, and begin to press against him and his diaper, causing his wet, bulging, saggy diaper to begin bunching up between his legs, spreading his legs apart. The padding of the boy's diaper began to feel as if it were going to burst from the inner liner of his diaper as the compactor continued it's cycle. Then, as the compactor retracted, the diapers began to spring back into shape, some of the diapers stayed in their crushed up forms. Then, some more diapers were added to the hopper from a large and overflowing 32 gallon can. Then, another 32 gallon can of more diapers was added before the compactor started again. The boy's diaper began to get the diapers that had been pressed against him as well as the new loads of diapers pressed against him and now, the pressure felt as if it was more than it was before! The boy groaned as he was now being forcefully pressed against the diapers that had been inside the container already. As the boy had his head and face firmly embedded into the plastic and padding of the other diapers, the squishy padding of his diaper began to slowly ooze from the leg gathers as the squishy, slimy wet disposable diaper fluff oozed like oatmeal from a zip-loc bag under pressure.
Soon, the dark-haired boy was pushed nearly against all of the diapers that had been loaded in before him and he was having his face pressed into the plastic backing of diapers as well as into the open padding of others as they curled around his head and face. The compactor kept running every 15 minutes or so with more.....and more diapers being loaded in. Then, as soon as the compactor seemed to be packed out, the compactor stopped, and about two hours later, a low-toned whining was heard and as the smooth, stainless steel floor slid out from underneath the dark-haired boy and all of the test diapers, the dark-haired boy could feel the floor moving and the vibrations as the compactor blade underneath him, began to retract so that the loads could fall down into the funnel chute that would drop certain amounts of the diapers and test subjects into a large furnace which was right underneath a large boiler full of water which was turning into steam that turned a steam turbine which generated large amounts of electricity for the city, for the diaper factory, and for the test labs.
Boy: UH!!! UH! My.....dia......per! Whoooooooooah! UH!
The boy landed onto some other diapers that were still inside the throat part of the funnel hopper, waiting to go down into the furnace. The sliding door that controlled the flow of the diapers and diapered trash into the furnace began to slide open for a bit, allowing lots and lots of the diapers go fall down into the furnace. The boy could feel the heat as it rose through the density of the load if diapers. Then, more and more diapers began to slide down on top of the dark-haired boy as the diapers below him fell down and into the boiler furnace, burning up nearly immediately.
Then, the steel floor began to slide closed again allowing the dark-haired boy to be next in line to fall into the boiler furnace with a bunch of the loads of diapers, clothing and tested items on top of him to follow. The weight of all the diapers being constantly and consistantly loaded into the funnel hopper, felt as if the load was pressing down upon him. The dark-haired boy felt his diaper begin to wringle and begin to melt a little as it rested against the serring hot metal door. The wetness inside his diaper began to turn to steam and rise from around the leg elastics as he and the diapers waited for the steel hatch door to slide open.
About two hours later, the sound of the hydraulics moving the heavy, thick hatch door open alerted the dark-haired boy that he was about to have....some of THE HOTTEST flashes he'd ever known!
As the hatch slowly opened, the boy and his diaper began to start sliding down into the molten hot boiler furnace along with the rest of the diapers. Suddenly.....the boy and a bunch of the diapers instantly burst into flame and the diapers nearly instantly shriveled up and melted into a blackened, hard carbon-like material before burning the rest of the way while the boy and his diaper turned into a smoldering skelton as it landed on the floor of the boiler until the bones fragmented and then began to they smoldered away. As the hatch closed again.....more diapers were added and a couple more diapered trash as well.
A girl wearing a soggy and saggy Pink Luvs diaper fell into the funnel hopper along with about 500 loose wet and messy diapers, and old onesie bodysuits and footed sleepers.
Then......a large load of some opened packages of diapers that were no longer sanitary were now falling into the funnel hopper. The pink diapered girl lay on the piles of diapers with the plastic of her soggy and saggy Luvs diaper that had burst along her right leg elastics causing some of the wet gels and padding to spatter out all over her and the diapers below her. The compactor had squished her diaper quite well before she had dropped into the funnel hopper with the rest of the packed diapers as the diapers and the girl waited to fall into the boiler.
The man sitting in the control center that had video feeds of what was inside the funnel hopper, was busy monitoring the temperature of the boiler to tell him when it would be best to open the sliding hydraulically controlled hatch.
The poor saggy diapered girl awoke to find herself deeply embedded within a load of loose diapers that had already been conpacted and now were about to fall into a molten hot boiler. The girl could feel the heat radiating from below her.....she began to sweat bullets of perfuse wetness as she reached down to feel her diapered bottom.
Saggy Diapered Girl: Hey! UM......Hey......can........someone please.......get me out of here?
The saggy diapered girl waited to hear a response yet hearing none, she began to fiddle around with the diapers around find one she could use to wipe off some of the sweat. Suddenly, the loads of diapers shook and started to shift. The diapered girl felt a sudden drop as the loads of diapers below her suddenly began to fall into the boiler.
The diapers she was laying on......suddenly began to get super warm then a few of them began to sizzle as they began to slightly liquify and melt some. Her own wet diaper began to shrivel up some as steam rose from inside her diaper. The wet padding suddenly felt almost too hot to bare! More and more diapers beneath her fell down into the boiler and nearly burned and shriveled up instantly.
As she began to drop down with the loads of diapers she was laying on.....her diaper began to shrivel up against her just before it began to melt and then flamed out. She let out a blood-curdling high-pitched scream as the rest of her body nearly dried up instantly before flaming out as well.
Before her burning and flaming body was able to hit the boiler floor, the thick steel hatch had slid closed sealing in everything that had fallen within.
Meanwhile.......back in the testing facility.......
A blue-eyed diapered 15 year old whom was a midget, was brought into the diaper testing room and then he was lifted up onto the testing surface, before the diaper he was wearing was unfastened, pulled out from under him and then thrown into the wet diaper pail with all the others.
Diapered Midget: Um......which diapers......will I be testing today?
Diaper Testing Tech: You.....get to test our size 6 and our size 7 diapers as well as all of our over-night diapers in these sizes. will get to test a few of our.....pull-ups. How does that......sound?
Diapered Midget: Sounds.....great....honey as long the one changing my diapers......
Diaper Testing Tech: Oh.......don't even...TRY to get.....cute with ME shorty! You'll be lucky.....that after the diaper don't get disposed of!
Diapered Midget: mean......that.....I am going to be.....disposed of after they are done being tested????
Diaper Testing Tech: Yes! All.....who come here......and belong to the test labs, and test diapers, will be thrown away after the tests are done. to test one of overnight diapers. You......will be the first to test them.
The diaper testing tech opened the package of the first-run overnight diapers and took one out. She opened it up and then set it on the midget's chest while she unfastened the tapes on the wet diaper he had on.
Then the diaper testing tech opened a container of wipes and began to use one, then two, then three, then four, five, six wipes,dropping each used wipe into the wet diaper before folding the front of it over, then pulling the back half out from under the boy. Then, the diaper testing tech grabbed the clean test diaper from the boy's chest and put the diaper she took off, onto his chest while she put the clean one on. Once the diaper testing tech was done, she helped the midget down to his feet. She then took him by the left hand in her right and led the midget over to a long line of test mannequins with test-diapers on them and then she helped the midget up onto the test-counter before strapping him down then hooking up the diaper-moisture monitors to his diaper.
Diaper-test Tech:'s......Diaper testing time. Your going to get wet and then it will get wet again. Then.....I am going to take you out to our test-playground where your diaper will get a good field-testing. comes....the wetness!!!! Ooooooh!!!! feels nice and.....COOL huh?
The Cloth diaper Testing Lab:
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