Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Disposable People‬

                                            The Disposable People‬!!!!       
I fit into that VERY Category!!!! the VERY REASON that +Barack Obama 's people referred me to the Colorado Department of Health and Environment and then they in turn referred me to +Waste Management 's Landfills in my local area....

Led to the phone call from The Colorado Department of Health and environment's "Karen"
Which led to my conversations with The Director of The #ColoradoSpringsLandfill   and the Scale-house Attendant named "Ramona Miles"

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Death with Dignity legislation being drafted in Colorado YES! YES! YES! OH HELL YES!

 Death with Dignity legislation being drafted in Colorado

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YES!!! YES! YES!!!! hopefully the legislature will allow me to conduct my own custom plan.
I don't want to poison myself, I don't want to have to choose from some three Government sanctioned options, I...want to do my OWN method! regardless of how strange it may sound or be, I want to be able to do it! The Air Force has already "Disposed of" over 274 unclaimed soldier bodies in the landfill and they continue to do that....
ALSO #WasteManagement of Colorado Springs has told me that "They will take ANYTHING that is in a dark, blackout trash bag as long as they can't tell what IT is that is inside, they will take IT, FURTHERMORE, they also told me that legally, anything that is inside one of their dumpsters or trash cans is "Property" of their company. I asked them if I climbed into the dumpster or trash can, would I become "Property"? They told me YES! Especially if I was inside of a dark, black trash bag.....SO If I climbed into a dumpster, with permission from that business say, a daycare or something like that, then waste management would take me as trash because I would no longer be a human and thus an "OBJECT" for them to do with as they wished.
they also told me that it would hurt a lot to be compacted...I told them it can't be too much worse than being in the pain I am in now!!!
They wished me luck with my endeavors then hung up.
What if I wanted Waste Connections to come and take me with one of their lodal EVO semi automated side loaders???
(Like the one below)

the above pictures represent the way I want my method of Death With Dignity to go. I want to be wearing nothing but a thick, disposable diaper with 6 to 8 cloth pre-fold diapers in it and i want to either go in wet or dry...I really don't care which at this point. I want ALL of my own diapers to be dumped in on top of me, roughly about two 300 gallon trash cans worth (600 gallons worth total)
Then I want the trash man to start the compactor once the hopper is almost too full. then they should load the rest of the other 300 gallons worth of loose diapers into the hopper and then run the compactor again. then, once all of the loads have been emptied, i want them to go to the nearest daycare and empty their trash. Fill the truck up with as much diaper related trash as possible then once the truck is full, take it to the landfill directly and empty it in my own special place. If I survive the ride to the landfill, if I can still walk, then allow me to. I would then be the official "PROPERTY" of #WasteManagement to do with as they chose. I would except that fact.
I would stay at the landfill dead or their "property to use or do with as they wished.
I would rather NOT have to be "bagged" but if I had to be, then I want to go into a trash bag that is going to be filled with nothing but my own unrolled, wet disposable diapers, cloth diapers and any old plastic pants i may have. I want my bag to go in with the rest of the trash. I would get six to eight 97 or 95 gallon trash cans and fill them up with all of my diapers, clean or dirty and have them emptied into the hopper with me in there.
I want to be able to enact this EVEN if I ended up in prison! I want to be able to save up all of my wet disposable diapers and even have all of my diapers from my place, brought in to be disposed of.
If I ended up in jail or prison for ANY length of time, I want the Janitors to be able to take me out to the trash can or dumpster or even the stationary compactor if they have that, in their janitorial TILT truck. I want to then be loaded into the dumpster, or trash can and then have all of my diapers dumped in on top of me. then they can either lower the lids and then lock them until the front loader trash truck comes, or if they have a stationary compactor, I want to be loaded in with half the hopper filled with my unrolled disposable diapers and some of my cloth diapers then put me in with me wearing ONLY my diapers, then dump the rest of my diapers in on me and then run the compactor cycle until all of the diapers are compacted.
I also want to have the jail or prison nurse be able to "change me into my last disposable diaper" and he or she can then put me into the trash along with my diapers to wait until it is time to take the trash out. There I will have to wait until the Janitors or the maids come to take the trash out.
If none of that is an option, then, I want to be able to go out with the trash AS trash either walking out to the dumpster and then climbing into it and then the trash being dumped in on me or take me and my diapers out when the truck actually arrives so that they can see that i am actually getting compacted. If they want to film my disposal from the time I am getting changed and ready for disposal until the truck backs away and leaves out of sight, that is fine, but they MUST use the footage to create a movie out of it that uses the storyline from one of my stories posted to this blog.
This is MY LIFE and I have the right to be able to decide HOW I want to die, IF I want to, and the Method(s) I use to accomplish my goal. I don't want to ingest some poisons, I don't want to starve myself, i don't want to do any of those methods....I want to create my OWN option! I could in #NewJersey once the measure is passed!
"The New Jersey Assembly passed it's own version of #DeathWithDignity today, modeled on Oregon's 20 year old legislation to allow a terminally ill patient to choose the timing and manor of death."
NO ONE should be allowed to tell someone how to die nor when to die! that person should be allowed to choose their OWN method and the time! NO ONE is going to tell ME what methods to use or make ME choose from approved options! If the method i choose will accomplish the goal, then what is the problem? I get to also choose if the method is #Dignified or not!

The New Jersey Assembly passed its own version of Death with Dignity today, modeled on Oregon's 20 year old legislation to allow a terminally ill patient to choose the timing and manner of death. The bill passed by a vote of 41-31 in the Assembly, and now heads to the state Senate for approval. - See more at:
The New Jersey Assembly passed its own version of Death with Dignity today, modeled on Oregon's 20 year old legislation to allow a terminally ill patient to choose the timing and manner of death. The bill passed by a vote of 41-31 in the Assembly, and now heads to the state Senate for approval. - See more at:

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Covid-19 Era Death-With-Dignity Disposal

It was a Sunday morning in late August when Adam arrived at the Newell residence. Daniel and his esteemed wife, Misses Newell, had a prior a...