Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Diaper School days

                                                                 Diaper School days

One day, I woke up from a sound sleep to find that my mother was standing
Over me, ready to pull back the covers and change my diaper. She had just come into my room; to wake me up, get me dressed and ready because she said that I was going to a new school this year. "Good morning, my baby boy!" "Did you sleep well? let your mommy take a looksey into your diaper. Yep, this diaper definitely needs changing." Then mommy goes over to my dresser, opens up the second drawer, pulls out a clean disposable diaper then shuts the drawer. She then opens up one of the smaller top drawers, and pulls out six soft, clean, cloth diapers. She then brings all of this over to me. She lays the folded cloth diapers
down on the bed at my right side. Then she unfolds the disposable diaper and lays it open between my thighs. Then she put the first of the cloth diapers into the disposable diaper. She placed the second cloth diaper in the back half then placed the third cloth diaper up in front. Then she placed the fourth cloth diaper in the back half, overlapping the third diaper. She did this until all of the cloth diapers were laid into the disposable diaper. Mommy had unfolded the cloth diaper wings at the back and at the front before reaching over to the top of the dresser and getting the baby powder. She sprinkled a liberal amount into the diapers before putting the powder back down on the dresser top.
Then she lifted my bottom up enough so as to slide the diapers underneath me.
Then she pulled the very thick and bulky diaper up between my legs and fastened the tapes.
Come on, it's time to get you all dressed up for your first day at your new school.
The school that I am registering you in, is just for big kids who need to wear diapers......like you! The staff there will change your diapers, bottle or breast feed you, spoon feed you solid foods, dress you in very babyish clothes, and play babyish games with you. There are lots of toys there, for you to play with too. Explained Mommy as she dressed me for school.
There is always lots of stuff going on there. Lots of stuff for a little baby boy......like you, to do. Said mommy as she put my pants on.
The Best thing about the school is......... they have their own big baby clothes!
They have rompers, onesies, plastic and rubber pants, lots of shorts of different colors, and lots and lots of t-shirts for a baby boy to wear.
They do however, have very progressive punishments there.
In the brochure, it says that there is wet diaper punishments, diaper pail time-outs, just to name a few. If I were you...........I would be on your best behavior.
Now.....baby, no matter what, You will go to this school and stay there all year long so that mommy can go to work and make some money for us. Said mommy, putting my shoes on. Here, once I have finished getting your shoes tied, I am going to carry these two suitcases to the car. Then I will come back for you. I will then walk you to the car; strap you into your seat before it's time to leave. I don't want you to try to run away or anything like that...ok Baby? Said Mommy as she finished tying my shoes. Then, mommy stood up, went over to the closet where
the suitcases were, and began to carry them out to the car. Mommy was gone
for just a few minutes before she came back to get me.
Let's get you out to the car now and get you safely belted in, ok? Said mommy as she grabbed my hand and led me to the car. Then, when mommy was done belting me in to my seat, she shut my door, open hers, got into the driver's seat and shut the door. She started the car, then put the car in gear before pulling out of the driveway. She drove out into the busy streets of the city, in the middle of morning traffic. She got onto the busy freeway to hopefully get me to my new school just a little faster. It took about an hour for us to get through the busy daytime traffic. Once we were through, it only took a few minutes before mommy got off of the freeway and headed out into a rural area where there weren't that many houses or businesses. She then turned down a street that turned into a dirt road before it led us straight across a cattle guard and onto an old ranch style school, far and away from everything. The school was an Old Spanish style ranch house with Arched doorways and a bell above the main entry arch.
Mommy parked the car, got out, opened my door, and unbuckled my seatbelt got me out of the car before she walked to the trunk, opened it up and took out my suitcases. She carried my suitcases to the main office in the front of the school.
Once we both were inside, we were greeted by the receptionist who took my suitcases and put them down next to the door to the admissions office. Then, mommy signed some papers that the receptionist put in front of her. Then, when she was done, she turned around and knelt down to me and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I love you my cute little baby. I will see you in June, for about a month. Just remember now,.............................................Mommy really, really loves you! be a good boy, ok? Mommy has to leave now, bye-bye my precious. Said mommy as she stood up and walked out of the door, got into her car and left.
The receptionist came up to me and held out her hand for me to take hold of, so that she could take me behind the reception desk and over to the admissions office. The receptionist knocked on the door then opened it. She then led me into the office where an older woman dressed like a nurse was standing next to a changing table, motioning for the receptionist to bring me over there so that I could be lifted onto it and strapped down.
Hey, Audrey, could you open the baby's suitcases and inventory everything for me? I'd really appreciate it very much. Said the Admissions nurse as she finished
strapping me down to the diaper-changing table.
Hey there little baby? My name is Claire. I am the admissions nurse. I am going to
give you a baby version of a physical. I am going to have to strip you down to your diaper first, before I have Audrey carry your clothes over to the laundry chute. Here at diaper school, you will be wearing only the clothes that we provide.
Explained Claire. Now, there we are. I could see that your mommy diapered you very well. This is definitely a very thick diaper. Said Claire as she dropped my pants in the middle of the room, in a pile. First thing I am going to have to check, is your diaper. Is your diaper-wet baby?? Said Clair as she untaped the diaper and laid it open flat. Now that really IS a thick diaper! How many cloth diapers did your mommy put into this disposable diaper? This diaper is still fresh and dry. Lucky for you, you have this thick diaper to wear. You are going to need it where you are going. Said Claire examining my diaper. Well now, time to get your diaper taped back on you. oops-a-daisy, there you go. Now be a good boy for a minute while I get the ear thermometer ready, OK sweety? Said Claire going to get the thermometer. Here we are. This won't hurt a bit. That a boy...............Good. There, all done. Now I have to give you this cup full of Milk that has a special medicine in it that will make you wet more and more often. That is what we want from you.
Then once you drink this all up, I will call and have some one come and pick you up. I will be seeing you every day so that I can give you your medicine.
Here you go, drink this all gone, Ok? Said Claire giving me the cup full of milk and medicine. Are you all done with your milk, baby?? Let me see! That-a boy. Now I will call and have someone come and take you to the diaper training room. Your new diaper nanny will sure be glad to have a new boy toy to play with!! Said Claire seriously. Hello....... Lauren?............I have a baby up here for you. He won't be needing a diaper change for a little while. His diaper is very, very thick. You will see just how thick it really is when you get here. ...................Ok, see you then......Bye-bye. Said Claire, turning to me so as to explain to me what is happening. Your new nanny will be here in just a few minutes to pick you up and take you to the diaper-training nursery. Just wait until she sees just how thick your diaper is. Would you like a bottle full of some chocolate milk....Baby?? Here you go. Said Claire giving me a rather large bottle of cold chocolate milk from the little refrigerator by the diaper-changing table. Just then, Lauren walks into the admissions office. She walks right over to the changing table and stares at just how thick my diaper is. How amazing! Just how is the baby supposed to walk with a diaper that thick! He can't hardly close his legs together!! Well, I guess I will have to carry him, won't I? Well, little baby, let me undo these straps so that I can carry you. oops, there we are. Up you go. See you later Claire, thanks. Said my new nanny as she carried me out of the office, through the front door, and then to the right of the office before going right again. Then she carried me down a long hallway, down a short flight of stairs and then she turned to the left before she opened a door and brought me into a large nursery with lots of cribs, lots of changing tables-one changing table near each crib, and two diaper pails next to each changing table. Nanny went over to one of the cribs closest to the back wall, and laid me inside. She then made sure that the side was up and locked. She then walked away so that she could gather up some clean, fresh disposable diapers, and a fifty-pound bag of large sized, clean cloth diapers. She then brought all of that over to the changing table where she began to organize all of the diapers under the changer. When she was done, nanny left the room and closed the door. There were four Nursery Techs on duty that day. The Techs were whispering among them selves, writing things down on training plans that belonged to each baby in the room, and planning out ways to punish a bad baby as per the rules and regulations at the school.
My Tech was planning on using me to teach and train other techs, teachers, and staff members. She wanted to know if it was all right to put me down the trash chute or the laundry chute at any time during my stay. She also wanted to soak my diapered bottom in the toilet when my diaper was wet. *
On my treatment plan, she wrote down instructions to all staff members on how and where to soak and rinse me and my cloth diapers, how to punish me and where I should go when I’m punished, and how I should be dressed when at school and off school grounds. (On outings and field trips) When she was done writing my treatment plan, it was time to wake me up from my nap. My Tech came over to my crib, gently woke me, and once I was awake, she helped me down from my crib and took me over to get my diaper changed. My tech helped me up onto the changing table and then strapped me down for my safety.
Then she took up a position between my legs. She then reached over and began to untape my diaper. When she was done unfastening my diaper, she opened up and saw that my diaper was very, very wet.
Wow, your diaper IS very, very wet. What a GOOD boy!!!
Now, it’s time to change your diaper. Said my tech as she lifted my bottom so as to pull the diaper from under me. She then went over to one of the two diaper pails next to my changer, and emptied out the cloth diapers from inside the disposable diaper.
Then she just tossed the open, unrolled, and unwrapped disposable diaper into the Rubbermaid trashcan next to the diaper pails. Then she came back over to the changer and reached underneath it, into the cabinet below to get a cloth diaper and a pair of plastic pants. She then grabbed a set of diaper pins and then rose up and put the diapering stuff on the changer. She then took the cloth diaper, which was very, very thick to begin with, and then lifted my bottom up so that she could slide the diaper underneath me. Then she folded it so that she could bring it between my legs and fasten it with the pins.
It took her a few minutes to get my diaper fastened with the pins.
When she was done, she grabbed the plastic pants, and put them on me, putting each leg through each leg hole and then pulling them up and over my diaper.
Once she was done, She unstrapped me and helped me down from the changer. She went over to a closet and opened the door.
She went in and got out a onesie for me to wear. She then put it on me, fastening the snaps with her expert fingers. She then took me over to the kitchen where all of the other babies where getting put into their highchairs and prepared to eat.
When everyone was done eating, all of the babies were taken out of their highchairs, and led outside to go and play…all except a little girl dressed in a cloth diaper, rumba rubber pants, and a white t-shirt………and me. We were led up three flights of stairs and around a corner, through a long hall and then around another corner then into a large room. The rooms had three changing tables with restraints on them, two exam tables with restraints on them, six diaper pails full of previously wet but now dry, cloth diapers, onesies and plastic pants. The room also had four 32 gallon sized Rubbermaid trashcans that were full of unrolled, unwrapped disposable diapers. Two of the trashcans had labels on them that read: “For wet diapers only”. There was a door that led to another room that had six of the largest sized toilets I had ever seen, against one wall, and six washers and driers against the other wall. The toilets had very, very, very, very large sized holes in the bottoms of the toilets. So large in fact, that I could fit down the hole if I was put into the bowl. The bowls were big enough for me to fit into and deep enough that the water would come up to my chest if I were to sit in one of them. The little girl was led to one of the changers and then was strapped down while she protested. Once she was strapped down, her tech gave her a shot of a sleeping medicine. In just a few minutes, she passed out and went to sleep. I was led to the changer next to the girl and was also strapped down. I protested and tried to
get out of the restraints but it was no use. My tech then gave me a shot of sleeping medicine, and before long, I too was fast asleep. About six hours later, I awoke to some man who was wearing a white lab coat, some latex gloves, and was wiping some experimental lotion on me. He was wiping the cold, wet, lotion on my chest, then on my abdomen. Then, he stepped away for a moment so that one of his assistants could remove my plastic pants. Could you remove the baby’s plastic pants for me? Asked the man in the white coat. Sure, just a moment. The assistant came over and took the plastic pants off and tossed them into one of the diaper pails then stepped away. The man with the white coat came back over to me and started to smear something on my diaper. I was kind of like a creamy stuff that looked like diaper rash cream almost. When he was done, he stepped away for a second to put the cream away and grab a beaker full of a blue substance. He came over and then told me:
Don’t worry baby…this won’t hurt a bit. He then poured the liquid from the beaker all over my diaper and I. It was kind of syrupy and runny, yet sticky too. My diaper began to foam up with white bubbly foam rising out of it. Then the blue liquid was poured all over my chest. It began to sizzle and foam up. Then it began to smell like a detergent mixed with hydrogen peroxide.
It really smelled bad. Then the man left my side once more to put the beaker away, and get another beaker full of a reddish /pinkish liquid. He then came back over to me and held the beaker over my diaper. As he began to pour it all over the front and down my crotch, the diaper began to absorb the liquid rapidly. Then my diaper began to droop with heaviness as he finished pouring the liquid onto my diaper. After he was done, he stepped away and then went over to the girl who was still asleep. He got the cream from the counter between our changers and then went over to the girl to put it on her. The man asked his assistant to remove the girl’s t-shirt first. Could you remove her shirt so that I can put this cream on her? Said the man to his assistant. Sure, just a second. The assistant went over to the girl and took her shirt off, tossing it into one of the trashcans. Then, when she was through,
The man went over to the girl and began to wipe the cream on her. Then the man got to the point where he needed to have the girl’s plastic pants removed. Could you remove the baby’s plastic pants for me? Asked the man. No problem, hold on! Said his assistant. She then went right over and took off the girl’s plastic pants, tossing them into the trashcan that she threw the girl’s shirt into. Then the man went over to the counter that was between the changers and got a beaker full of a clear syrupy liquid. Once it touched her diaper, the liquid began to run all over
the front of her cloth diaper, then dripping down the middle, between her legs. The liquid then slowly began to foam up into
a lathery white foam, like shaving cream, that was slowly eating away at the surface of the girl’s diaper.
Darn!!!!!! I made this stuff TOO strong!!! I think I have to add a little more gel base. Let me try that blue chemical and see how that works. Said the man in the coat. He then put the beaker with the clear liquid down on the counter and grabbed the one with the blue liquid in it. He then began to pour it all over the baby girl and her diaper, rubbing it into the front and middle.
There, let that soak in for a few minutes while I go and check the boy’s diaper. The man then walked around the counter to the other side so that he could look at my diaper’s condition.
My diaper had turned a dirty color of brown and was getting kind of soft. The man rubbed his open palm all over the front of my diaper, to see if my diaper was ready.
It worked! The boy’s diaper is a lot softer than it was before and
It is even older looking than it was before. This stuff actually aged his diaper at least two years. It stretched out all of the fibers, it stained it, and it softened it. Now, I now have to test out the diaper deodorizing foam, and the new detergent that I invented for older diapers, on these dirty, old diapers. I need to see if older diapers will fall apart when these chemicals are applied to them. Before I test my new detergent, I want to test
this new invention of mine. It is a diaper conditioner that you pour into the washing machine or wherever you soak the diapers.
It makes newer diapers softer and more absorbent. I haven’t tested it on any diapers or fabric yet so this will be its trial run.
I sure hope that it works. Said the man in the coat talking to his assistant.
Just then, the man’s assistant came up to me and gave me a bottle with milk in it. The milk had a funny taste to it. I thought it might be powdered milk since I hadn’t had it before. I began to drink it as though I had not had anything to drink for a couple of hours. My throat was dry and this seemed like just the thing.
Fifteen minutes later, my diaper was wet. Then another fifteen minutes later I wet it again. By now, my diaper was soaked and was in need of being changed. The man then walked around to the other side of the counter and over to the baby girl. She was still asleep. The man took another look at the girl’s diaper and found that the surface of her diaper had been eaten up pretty bad. It looked like a rag now.
I want you to take this baby girl over and soak her in one of the toilets for a while, to dilute the chemical that ate her diaper up so badly. I also want you to soak the diapers in the first two diaper pails while you’re at it. Add my conditioner to the water in the bowl after you’ve loaded the bowl up with the diapers and the girl. Ordered the man. Then the assistant went over to the girl and began to unstrap her from the changer. Once the girl was unstrapped, the lady dragged the sleeping girl over to one of the toilets and sat her into the bowl, bottom first, and so that she was facing the front. The girls feet were dangling from the rim of the toilet bowl as the lady assistant went over to the diaper pails that had old, formerly wet cloth diapers in them, and carried each one over to the side of the toilet bowl. Once she had carried the last of the two pails over to the toilet, she opened the lids and poured in the first load of diapers and onesies.
The diapers tumbled out and spilled onto the baby girl, covering her with the smelly old, formerly wet cloth diapers.
Then the lady poured in the second load of formerly wet cloth diapers and dirty onesies, turning her head so not to smell the wetness that was coming from the diapers in the pail as they spilled out into the toilet bowl on top of the baby girl. Then, the lady went over to the counter, in the main room, and got plastic container full of a yellow liquid and a box of diaper safe detergent. She then walked back across the room, then into the
room where the toilets were. She then put the box of detergent down on the floor next to the toilet bowl. Then she opened up the plastic container and poured about half of it into the bowl and all over the baby girl. Then she closed the container and set it down next to the box of detergent.
Then she opened the box of detergent and grabbed the scoop that was inside. She then scooped up an over flowing scoop of detergent and poured it into the bowl. Then she dropped the scoop back into the box and then reached down and put the girl’s feet into the bowl. She then reached up and closed the lid of the toilet then she locked it with a special latch. She then walked away. Meanwhile, the man in the coat had come back over to me
Holding the beaker of clear liquid in his hand. He then proceeded to pour it onto my dirty, stained up diaper and all over me.
The liquid began to foam up a lot as it soaked into my diaper.
It made my diaper really sticky and smelly. Then after he was done pouring the liquid all over my diaper, he rubbed it in with his latex gloved hand. Then he stood back for a moment and waited for the results. In just a few minutes, my diaper looked as if it were used as a rag. The liquid had eaten my diaper up too.
I still don’t have it right yet!!!!!!!!!! I wonder what I did wrong?!
Well, it looks like the boy is ready for his bath in the toilet. When the babies are soaking, you can either flush them down the toilet, or you can take them and their diapers out, dry them, and then put them all down the trash chute. Your choice. If you choose to dispose of them down the chute, please make sure and empty all of the trash cans over there for me, ok? Said the man in the coat. Then the lady assistant came over to me and began to unstrap me. When she was done, she dragged me over to the toilet next to the one the girl was in and put me into the bowl feet first, facing the really, really, really, large, over-sized tank.
As I laid against the rim of the bowl, with my feet part way down the hole, the lady came over carrying the first of three pails full of formerly wet diapers. She opened the lid and began to pour the diapers out on top of me. The diapers spilled out into my lap and then covered me. Then she put the first pail down and went to get the second one. She returned carrying the next load of old wet diapers. She opened the pail up and dumped its contents all over me. The diapers landed on my head, on my lap and sunk into the bowl all around me. Then she put that pail down and then went to get the last one. She returned quickly and poured the next load of diapers all over me. Now the load of diapers reached up just past my eyes. She then put the pail down and then went to get the conditioner and the detergent from next to the girl’s bowl. She then came over to my bowl carrying the detergent and the plastic container. She set the box of detergent down beside my bowl and then opened the plastic container. She poured the syrupy liquid conditioner all over the diapers and I. Then she dropped the empty container to the floor and grabbed the scoop in the detergent box. She scooped out a lot and then began to pour it all over the diapers and I. She then reached up to close the lid and she latches it, so that I couldn’t get out.
Then she walked away. It must have been an hour or two when the lady came back into the room where the toilets were.
The lady went over to the toilet that the girl was in and raised the lid to get a look at what condition the diapers were in.
She looked over her shoulder and then asked the man in the coat if he wanted to see the diapers before she disposed of them.
Do you want to see how your conditioner worked or didn’t work before I dispose of these diapers? These diapers look like rags.
They’re all torn up and frayed. I think that your conditioner didn’t work that well. The diapers still look all stained up! What should I do with the diapers in here? Asked the lady. I want you to take all of the diapers that are in her bowl and put them into the drier along with all of the diapers from the boy’s toilet. Then I want you to diaper the both of them in disposable diapers and then toss them and all of the cloth diapers, down the trash chute. Then I want you to empty out all of the trashcans with the wet disposable diapers in them.
I also want all of the babies clothes tossed as well.
Instructed the man. No problem. I’ll get right on it. Said the lady assistant.
Then the lady went over to the toilet that the girl was soaking in, and began to take the soaking, wet diapers out of the toilet and put them into one of the driers across from the toilet, on the other wall. Once all of the diapers were taken out of the toilet, the lady pulled the girl out of the toilet and laid her down on the floor, to remove her cloth diaper. Then when she was done taking the girl’s diaper off, she tossed it into the drier and closed the door, then started the drier. She then came back over to the naked girl and dragged her over to a changer to put a disposable diaper on the girl for now, until the diapers were dry. After the assistant strapped the little girl down to the changer, she went back over to the toilet where I was soaking and opened up the lid. She then began to take the wet cloth diapers out and put them directly into a drier. Then when she came to me, she pulled me out, stood me up, and took my diaper off. She then tossed it into the drier. Then she pulled me over to the changer next to the girl. She hoisted me up onto the changer and strapped me down. She then pulled out a disposable diaper and some diaper doublers/absorbency inserts. She opened the diaper up and began to place the inserts/doublers into the diaper in front and back. Then she lifted my bottom up and slid the diaper under me and then pulled the diaper up between my legs. She then fastened the tapes on each side before going back over to the toilet and putting the rest of the diapers into the drier before shutting the door and starting the machine. The little girl and I laid there, strapped to the changers for some time before the assistant and one other lady came over to us and began to undo the straps. The other lady came over to me, and unstrapped me from the changer, pulled me up to a sitting position, then took me down off of the changer. She then led me over to the garbage chute. The lady then opened the sliding door. Then she waited until the assistant brought the little girl over and hoisted her into the chute before bringing the first of the four trash cans full of disposable diapers over to the chute and dumping the diapers into the chute. Then, The assistant put the first 32-gallon trashcan down, and then went back to get another full can to dump into the chute, on top of the baby girl. Then the assistant put that can down and then went back over to the drier where the girl’s cloth diapers were, and began to unload the drier. Once she was done, she brought the cloth diapers over to the chute and put them all in. Then the assistant closed the sliding door down and latched it. Then she pushed a button and I could hear the girl and all of her diapers going down the chute. Then a light buzzer sounded and the assistant opened the sliding door again.
This time, the assistant waited with me while the other lady went around and collected my cloth diapers from the drier. She then brought the cloth diapers over to the chute and shoved them in before going over to the last two trashcans. She brought the first one over, took off the lid, raised the can, and tipped it over so that the disposable diapers could spill out into the chute. Then she put the can down and then went back to get the other one.
While she did that, the assistant grabbed me from under my arms, lifted me into the air, and then shoved me into the chute, on top of the loads of diapers. Just as the assistant turned around, the other lady was ready to empty the last of the trashcans into the chute. The diapers spilled out all over me, and fell all around me. Then just before the sliding door was shut, the man in the lab coat told the two ladies to go ahead and toss in the rest of the six diaper pails. So, the door was raised all of the way again as the first two pails were brought over and dumped into the chute. Now the chute was quite full. Then, the assistant closed and latched the rolling door. Then the flat spot dropped down to a 90-degree angle to match the rest of the chute. Then, the load of diapers and I began to slowly slide down the chute, as the chute turned and twisted its way down to the compactor where the girl and the first load of diapers had been waiting.
The diapers and I spilled out and into the hopper that had at least one-inch thick enclosed sides all around it. The enclosure had an access door on one side that allowed more trash to be dumped inside. I lay there, inside the hopper, covered with my diapers, unable to move very much. The little girl laid there flat on her back, with cloth diapers underneath her, all around her and half covered with open disposable diapers. The little girl began to wake up and try to squirm a little. She whimpered a little, and then opened her eyes. She looked around. I was looking right at her as she looked around to try and figure out where she was and how she got there. Just then, the access door opened and the contents from a large trashcan were dumped in. Then another trashcan was dumped in. the some opened leftover packages of some generic disposable diapers were thrown in. Then, a large, full bag of worn-but-not-wet disposable diapers was thrown in.
Then, some disposable diapers with cloth diapers inside of them, were thrown in one by one. Some of them were rolled up, and some of them were unrolled and unwrapped. Then some baby clothes were tossed in. Some onesies, some footed sleepers, some pants with the snaps in the crotch, some old cloth training pants, and about twenty old white t-shirts.
Then the door was swung closed and latched. It was getting on towards evening now, and the shadows were falling onto the compactor. About four people, two men, and two women, came over to the compactor and opened the door. One of the women came over to the compactor and climbed up so that she could reach me. She grabbed my arm and pulled me close to her. Then she brushed the diapers that were covering me, aside for a moment so that she could unfasten my diaper. She opened my diaper so that it lay flat, as flat as it could given the circumstances, and saw that I was wearing a disposable diaper with doublers in side of it. She decided to make my diaper even thicker. She stepped down from the side for a minute so that she could rummage around in the load of diapers that was brought down for disposal, for some large cloth diapers. She found six large cloth diapers and then she climbed back up so that she could put them into my diaper. She laid the diapers down next to me for a minute while she took a diaper from the top and began to fold it so that it wouldn’t show through my leg elastics in my disposable diaper. She did this for the three in the front, overlapping each cloth diaper, over each one. Then she lifted my bottom and put the fourth cloth diaper under me. She did this for the fifth and the sixth diaper too, just like the ones in the front.
Then she pulled the front of my diaper back up and taped it back on me as tightly as it could be before finding the little girl in the load of diapers. The woman pulled the little girl over close to her so that she could check on the little girl’s diaper too. The woman then unfastened the tapes on the little girl’s diaper and then laid the diaper open flat while she inspected the diaper for signs of wetness and thickness. She then got back down from the compactor and got six more cloth diapers from the cart she had brought with her. Then she climbed back up and began to place the diapers into the little girl’s diaper, just as she had done to me. When she had refastened the little girl’s diaper, the woman stepped down and away from the compactor for another minute so that she could give each of us a couple of bottles full of the liquid that made us wet our diapers more. She then stepped back up and gave the bottles to each of us before she got back down from the compactor. Then the other woman that was dressed in a maid’s outfit and the two men, that had brown jump suits on, came up to the side of the compactor and began to load the clean cloth diapers, more wet disposable diapers, and my clothes that mommy had brought with me to the school. Then, after they were done tossing their loads into the compactor, the lady came back over to get the bottles from us. Then the steel door was swung shut and latched from the outside, until the compactor was powered up. Then it took a few minutes to warm up, but after a short while, the compactor began to move. It started to push all of the stuff that was in the hopper area, into the back of the compactor container that already had diapers and other stuff, from other loads. The diapers and stuff started to bunch up, tumble, and twist as the compactor pushed the loads of diaper trash and the girl and I into the container. Once the load was mostly into the container, my diaper began to bunch up and buckle between my legs, as I was smashed against the diapers. The little girl’s diaper had come unfastened on one side and the tapes were now stuck to another disposable diaper’s plastic side. The cloth diapers that were in the little girl’s disposable were being pushed out to the open side of her diaper. The compactor kept advancing into the container, smashing the diapers as it went. Then, the compactor, stopped and then reversed, returning to it’s starting position. Then the side metal door swung open again and some more diapers were tossed in by the bag full. Then a small load of trash bags, that had leg holes and elastic at the leg holes, was tossed in. Then a large load of brand-new cloth diapers that were still in their packages, were tossed in. The purchase dates said that they had been bought back in 1976. The packages had a little dust on them. Then some old onesies, some plastic pants, some white soccer style shorts and some xxlarge white t-shirts with stains all down the front of them, were tossed in. then some old boxes full of some really old style disposable diapers, were tossed in. One of the men tossed in about eight boxes, and two arm loads of old, tattered diaper-service cloth diapers. Then the door swung closed and was latched, then locked for the night. Every evening, the compactor was loaded up and ran for about an hour, before it was powered down and locked up for the night.
The little girl and I were able to move around a little. The little girl couldn’t move that much or her cloth diapers would fall out and her disposable would fall down one leg. I wiggled out of the tightly packed diapers so that I could roam around in the compactor while it was off. I climbed back out to the hopper area, where the loads of old cloth diapers and onesies were. Just then, some more disposable diapers came crashing down the chute and into the hopper, falling all around me in a heap. The disposable diapers had four cloth diapers folded up inside, and some still were clean and had scented baby powder in them.
Then there were some that had wet spots in them but were not that dirty. Then there were some modified disposable baby diapers that were taped front to back with masking tape and had some extra long tapes taped to the original tape tabs, so that they would reach around to the front of the diaper. Then a fifty- pound load of wet and clean cloth diapers, footed sleepers, plastic pants, and twenty of the nighttime thick xxlarge cloth diapers that had been used as changing pads, came tumbling down the chute, landing into the hopper all over me. Just then, the compactor auto powered up, and within a short while, the compactor started up. It began to push the loads of diapers and I into the container. I couldn’t sit up right and was forced to lie down on my back as the compactor slid me into the container. As I was slid into the container, my legs were forced apart by the compactor smashing me against my load of diapers from before.
As my legs spread farther and farther apart, the loads of diapers were being smashed against my crotch, causing my diaper to buckle up and finally, burst open on my right side. The compactor just kept smashing the diapers and I tighter and tighter. Then it stopped. It didn’t reverse at all. Then it auto powered down for the night as I tried to settle in for a long night. I must have fallen asleep for the night because before long, a loud truck pulled up close to the compactor. Then in just a few minutes, the engine
Of the truck began to race as the compactor container was unhooked from the station and pulled up onto the back of the truck and tied down. Then, a metal door that was attached to the container closed so that none of the load fell out onto the roadway during transport. Then the engine of the truck stopped racing and went back to idol speed as the two men climbed back into the truck. Then with a jerk, the truck began to take off. It was a very bumpy ride for the hour or so it took to get to the dumping site. The truck stopped at the gate of the dump, to get weighed in, then it took off again. The dirt road was very bumpy, as it climbed up and up the hill towards the very, very back of the privately owned dump. The truck drove down the hill then it climbed up a winding dirt road to the top of another hill that was the highest one there. Then it drove down that hill and turned right as it descended down the hill to the bottom. Then it drove a little longer, before it slowed down and stopped for a second. The truck was weighed again and then it drove for a short few minutes until it pulled up, stopped and then backed up for a short second. Then the truck was put in park and the two men got out and came around to the back to open the large four-inch steel rear container doors. The light and the cool air came rushing in as the truck tipped the container so as to empty out all of the trash onto a 100-foot pile of diaper trash. The loads of diapers began to spill out onto the ground, tumbling and rolling onto the pile that was in back of the truck. Before long, I began to slide down the floor of the container and fall out onto the pile and then I was covered with diapers, onesies, footed sleepers, and a lot of cloth and disposable diapers. Then, between diapers, the little girl slid out and fell onto the pile of diapers then rolled down to the ground, covered with diapers. Then, the container was empty and the container was tipped upright and the rear doors were closed and latched again. Then the two men got back into the truck and drove away. The sun was just coming up as we lay in the pile of diapers, waiting for what was to come next.
About three hours go by and no one had come over to see if there were any babies in the load of diapers. So, I was curious enough to get up and wiggle out of the diaper pile. I waddled a little ways away from the pile and still saw nothing but tall mounds of diaper trash at every turn. Just then, as I was just waddling past one of the larger piles, a security cart came by and stopped. One of the security officers came over to me, grabbed my arm and brought me over to the cart and made me sit down on the back seat. My diaper had come undone on the right side and was in need of either refastening or changing. I was driven over to a large building that was farther down from the pile I was on. The security officer entered the building then stopped short. He got out and came around to where I was sitting. He grabbed my hand
And forced me to come with him as he brought me farther into the building and over to an office. The security officer then opened the office door, and dragged me into the office before closing the door behind him.
I found this baby waddling around out there near the new piles of diaper trash. Should I have left him in the new pile or is this where I should bring him? Asked the security guard.
Yea, this is where you should bring any and all other babies that you find out there in the future. Said the receptionist getting up, coming through the little double-hinged door that separated the front of the desk from the receptionist. The receptionist then came right over to me and took my hand. She then led me through the little door, and over to another door. She opened the door and took me down a flight of stairs then down to the basement. She then led me down a long hall and over to a door that said Nursery on it. She opened the door and led me in.
Security found this baby wandering around our dump. I’m going to leave him here. I noticed that he has a very, very thick diaper on and it has come untapped on the right side. Um, here you go.
Then the receptionist left the room and went back to her desk upstairs. A large blond woman that had very muscular arms and legs came over to me and picked me up, carried me over to a changing table and laid me down. She unfastened the left tapes on my diapers and laid it open flat. She looked at the six cloth diapers that were in my disposable diaper and noticed that they were still dry. She decided to take the cloth diapers out and put them on my chest while she changed my diaper. She then pulled the disposable diaper out from under me then tossed it onto the floor, in the corner, where there was a pile forming.
She then went over to a cabinet, opened it up, leaned down and got a disposable diaper, some baby powder, and then she brought it over to me. The blond woman then put the powder on the little table that was beside the changer. She then took up position between my legs. The woman then opened the disposable diaper up and slid it under me. She then took the cloth diapers that she put on my chest and replaced them into the new disposable diaper, as they were in the old one. She then grabbed the baby powder and shook a lot of it into my diapers before putting the powder down. She then grabbed the front wings and pulled the diapers up between my legs. She then fastened the left tapes and then the right tapes before pulling me up into a sitting position. She then helped me down from the changer and led me out of the nursery, back upstairs, back through the office, through the front door and into the warehouse building where there were people taking loads of diapers from the piles and sorting through them, separating the cloth items from the disposable diapers. The cloth diapers were being put into a laundry cart on wheels and then taken somewhere to be washed rinsed and then dried before being resorted for shredding or flushing down the special toilets. The disposable diapers were being put into another set of carts that were being taken to the lab, so that the lab could use them for their testing. After the lab was dome with them, the diapers were taken over to a big, deep hole in the ground and dumped in and left there. Still, some of the disposable diapers were bagged up and taken over to the diaper recyclers. The diaper recyclers will put the diapers into a washing machine like machine, and washed and broken up into little separate pieces, so that the plastic could be shipped to a diaper factory to be reused as diaper plastic or it would be sold to a plastic molding company to be made into siding for houses. Then the paper part of the diaper would be sold to a filter company so that it would be used in oil and air filters.
I was led past the sorting area, where everyone looked at my thickly diapered bottom and raised an eyebrow as I crinkled by.
I was then led through the middle of the dump, past very tall piles of mixed diaper trash that hadn’t been sorted yet. The path that I was being led down was the path that the trash men drove down to dump their loads when they came. The blond woman sternly griped my hand as she led me to the lab building on the other side of the diaper dumpsite. Once we got under the open processing area that had a steel roof on it, and looked like a large porch area in front of another industrial steel building, the blond woman went over to a tall stocky looking man who was loading a conveyor belt with cloth diapers, disposable diapers, onesies and white t-shirts. She went right up to him and asked where she was to leave me.
Where do you want me to leave this baby? Should I put him into one of these carts, or should I leave him in the Playpen right there, next to this machine that you are loading? Asked the blond woman
Leave him here in the playpen until I can get these diapers and stuff loaded into the diaper processor. Then I will load him up when I start on this new load of cloth and disposable diapers.
Said the man. So the woman pulled me over to a playpen that had
Some open disposable diapers and some cloth diapers shoved to one side of the playpen, and put me inside. She then turned around and walked back to the office on the other side of the dump. In just a few minutes of me being in the playpen, a tall slender dark haired woman came over to the playpen and crouched down to me. She reached out and began to feel the outside of my diapered bottom. Then she inserted her index and middle fingers into the back of my diaper and pulled back so as to take a peek inside. Then she made me stand up and face her while she did the same to the front of my diaper. She noted the cloth diapers that were inside of my disposable diaper. Then she stuck her fingers into my left leg elastic and further inspected my diaper. Then she picked me up and pulled me out of the playpen and held me for a minute, cradling me in her arms. Then she carried me into the industrial building and over to an exam table that was in the main part of the warehouse style industrial building. The lady layed me down and began to unfasten my diaper. She opened it up and layed the front of my diaper flat.
Then she looked at my peepee. She grabbed it near the base and began to clean off the powder that was on it with a baby wipe.
Then she got some baby lotion and squirted it into her hand. She then put the lotion on my peepee and began to rub the lotion all over my diaper area. Then when that was done, she put the used wipes into my diaper and then pulled the diaper back up before refastening the tapes. She then began to rub the front of my thick diaper from top to middle, slowly and sensually at first, then she rubbed a little harder and faster until I creamed my diaper well.
What a good baby! Too bad that it is now time for you to go back to the playpen for a few minutes until you get inserted into the diaper processor. Your diapers will be squished, stamped, squirted with warm water, then a blue gel, and then you and the diapers will go into an air drier. Then you and your diapers will
Be taken out of there, then put into the actual processor where you and the diapers will be loaded into the compactor part first, that shoves the diapers into the feeder wheels that will take hold of you and your diapers and feed them into the part that first soaks you and the diapers in deodorizer and water during a wash cycle, then foaming super-absorbent polymer deactivator. Then the processor will drop the load of processed and deactivated diapers onto another conveyor belt that will take you and the diapers down, under ground and deposit you and the diapers into a steel bin on wheels at the end.
Then when the bin gets full, the bin is wheeled over to and area where we sort and separate the cloth diapers from the disposable diapers. Once we do that, we put you into the cart with the cloth diapers and other cloth items and wheel you and the load of diapering items into our lab. The lab is down in the third level of basement about 120 feet under ground. Anything that they do to you and you scream, no one will hear you. The lab will sometimes put you into a cage and keep you there so that they can watch and observe you. They will some times put you and loads of disposable diapers into their foaming laundry machine and deodorize and deactivate some of the super absorbent diaper gels that are in disposable diapers. They also have a regular industrial sized washing machine that they use to wash and rinse your cloth diapers. After they wash you, they put you into the foamer machine for cloth diapers. They also put different kinds of creams and pastes all over you and rub them into you and your diapers. They are going to have you for at least two weeks while they experiment on you.
Explained the lady then the lady picked me up off of the changer
And carried me back over to the playpen and put me down inside.
She then walked away. A few minutes later, the man that was loading the machine, went over to a cartload of disposable and cloth diapers and pushed it over to where he was working. Then he left the cart there and came over to the playpen. He picked me up under my arms and carried me over to the enclosed hopper that was still half full of the diapers that he had loaded in before this load and raised me up then over and then into the hopper, laying me down on top of what was left inside.
Then he reached down into the cart and began to take arm fulls of the diapers from the cart and load them into the hopper. The diapers fell all over my lap and my chest as the man continued to load the hopper. Then, the load below me suddenly sunk down two levels as some of the diapers fell onto the moving conveyor belt. Then some one had come over to help the man load the machine. There were at least two armloads of diapers now being tossed into the hopper at a time. Then another load of diapers fell onto the belt as the load went down further and deeper into the drop point. Just then, an arm load of old cloth diapers and onesies was tossed into the hopper falling all over me and settling into the pile. A few minutes later, the load of diapers below me dropped out, and landed onto the conveyor belt and was taken away. The bottom of the hopper closed up and kept me from falling onto the belt with the load that was below me.
The mounting load on top of me was putting a lot of pressure on the diapers I was wearing. All of a sudden, the gates opened under me and made me fall out onto the moving conveyor belt. As I fell, part of the load of diapers and other stuff, fell out with me, and then landed all over me and the belt behind me. I was whisked away and moved into a dark, smelly, enclosed part of the belt. All of a sudden, I heard the sound of some liquid spraying out and onto the belt ahead of me. Then without warning, I was sprayed with a warm liquid as I slowly passed by. I could feel the liquid seeping into my cloth diapers under my disposable. Then it was very quiet except for the sound of the conveyor belt under me. Then, I was sprayed with a warm, sticky, goopy stuff, all over me. I could feel the outside of my diaper just coated with the stuff. My hair was coated and it was dripping all over the front of my diaper and into the waist of my diaper in front and back. Then the conveyor belt sent the loads of diapers into a dark tumbler with little holes all around it that were small enough to poke only a small nail into. Then a few minutes later, an electric door slid downwards and closed on the tumbler. Then the tumbler slowly came to life, spinning four or five revolutions per minute. The tumbler was very large inside and could hold and dry a very, very large load. Luke warm air began to blow into the tumbler, as it began to dry the diapers that were still covered with the gel and soaked with water. Once the cycle was done, a buzzer sounded outside and it took a few minutes for three people to come over to unload the drier. The electric door rose up and into it’s hiding place on the opposite side of the drier before the three people all reached in to get an arm load of diapers. Then, one of the people, a large redhead came and pulled me out of the drier and put me into a large cart that was full of the load of diapers from the drier. Once the cart was full, it was pushed by a very, very muscular man with a short haircut.
He looked like he just didn’t care what happed to the things in the load of diapers, or that there was a baby was in the load.
Then, the cart was wheeled over to the compactor and raised up to the side of the compactor’s hopper and slowly tip to the side so that the cart’s contents were dumped. Then, the cart was lowered down and out of sight. Then, the cart was pushed away and two more people pushing a cart load of cloth diapers, onesies, old white t-shirts, and disposable diapers from another large load, up to the side of the hopper. The cart was tipped to its side spilling the contents into the hopper and burying me underneath. One more cart was dumped in and pushed away before the compactor began to push the loads into a pitch dark, smelly, area that was already full of some other diapers left over from another load before this one. As the compactor smashed everything, including me, into and against the prior load, the load before, was slowly being taken in by the feeder wheels. I watched as each diaper was smashed and wrinkled as it squeezed into the feeders. One of the cloth diapers that was torn a little on the surface, got tangled on one of the feeders and then got ripped even more as it was pulled into the machine. Before long it was my turn. The compactor kept pressing the load against me as the feeders took hold of my feet and began to slowly pull me in, as they ran up further and further up my legs and then over my extra thick diapers. As my diapered bottom started to go through, my diapers began to squish down and press harder against me. In just a second, my disposable diaper burst open and the tapes flew off of the front as they detached themselves under the pressure. Then one of the tapes got caught and stuck onto one of the diapers just behind me and forced the other diaper to be pulled into the feeders. As the feeders rolled over the front of my diaper and then onto my chest, my diaper opened flat, exposing the cloth diapers, and the wipes that were deposited inside. Then I was sprayed with another round of sticky detergent this time, just before being deposited into a round bin inside of a machine. Before long the machine began to fill up with very, very warm, soapy water. Then the machine started to agitate the soapy water back and forth in a swishing motion. After about a half hour, the water drained away and some very thick white foam began to fill the machine. The foam began to sizzle and bubble as it came in contact with the load and I. By now, my diaper was a soaking mess. The cloth diapers were getting a little whiter and softer by each passing second.
Then, the machine began a slow spin cycle to get the foam spread evenly into every diaper or onesie. Then, the machine stopped and a trap door under the load and I slowly slid open. The load and I dropped out and onto a moving conveyor belt
That took the load underground into a dark, damp and cool enclosed part of the belt that kept taking the load and I down further and deeper into the darkness.
Then all of a sudden, with a plop, the load and I fell into a metal container that already had other diapers and stuff in it. The container was almost full when the load and I fell in.
Two more loads were dumped in before the container was rolled
Away, and into a part of the lab where the loads could be sorted and separated. About an hour goes by before one by one, each metal container was rolled up to a sorting conveyor. Then each container was unloaded onto the belt then was pushed aside to unload the next one. This went on and on until it became my turn. The container that I was in was rolled up to the loading end of the conveyor belt and was then unloaded. About four ladies came up and began to reach in and get large heaping armloads of the diapers and stuff inside. After the first two loads were loaded onto the belt, I was picked up and taken over to a changing table nearby. The lady laid me down and strapped me down while she went over to the container to find some cloth diapers to put on me. She came back with about four cloth diapers. She then proceeded to put them on me. She slid one underneath me then slid each of the other three on top of the one below it, layering them for thickness. Then she pulled them up and fastened them with some safety pins. Then she unstrapped me, pulled me down from the changing table and escorted me back over to the conveyor belt where she picked me up and layed me down on some diapers. As the conveyor belt took me away, I could see her starring at me until I disappeared into the enclosure.
As I passed into the threshold of the enclosure, it got real dark and cool. I could feel the rollers under me, taking me further and further into the darkness. Then the belt turned and went up a little. Then the belt brought the diapers and I into the sorting area of a warehouse looking place. The first sorter grabbed what disposable diapers that they could and tossed them into a trash cart beside them. The next two sorters started to pick through the load and grab as many disposable diapers as they could, from each side, as the load and I passed them. What were left of the load were some old onesies, old t-shirts and a whole lot of cloth diapers. The cloth items still left on the belt were being taken into the lab via a hole in the wall that the belt passed through. The diapers and I were dropped into a large fifty-gallon sized plastic container until it was full. Then the container was switched out and an empty one replaced it. The full container was pushed over to a lab countertop where some chemists were hard at work. They were trying to synthesize a new chemical that could be used in cloth diapers that would kill the bacteria in urine that causes odor while the baby was still wearing the diaper. Then one of the chemists came over to the container, took twelve cloth diapers out and took them over to where they were working. Then the chemist woman came over to the container took hold of me, then pulled me out, then took me over to where she was working. She then laid me on my back facing her. Then she checked for signs of wetness in my cloth diaper before reaching over to an open jar of a gritty paste. She pulled out four fingers worth and began to smear it onto the front of my diaper. Then as she finished rubbing it in, she flipped me over to my belly and wiped some kind of blue liquid onto the back of my diaper. Then she wiped a green jelly onto my diaper before flipping me back over to my back. She then layed me back down on the cold counter for a second while she poured some kind of dusting powder, that wasn’t baby powder, onto the front of my diaper. Then, she picked me up, carried me over to some carts that were over by one of the walls and put me down inside. To my surprise the cart that I was put down in, was full of other chemically treated cloth diapers. After a while a couple of hand-fulls of cloth diapers were tossed into the cart I was in. Before the day was done, the cart I was in had gotten full. Then around the time that the chemists had left, a maid came in to clean the room. She took some of the cloth diapers that were left in the container by the counter, and began to use them to wipe the spills and drips from the counters. As the diaper that she had got dirty, she tossed it into the cart I was in. Then she came around to the back of the cart and began to push it out of the lab and down a hall in the back of the warehouse. The hall opened up into a large laundry room where there were washing machines and driers. She pushed the load in the cart past all of the washers and over to a metal door that led outside. She then pushed the cart between two buildings and into another building. She then pushed the cart down a short hall then out back, behind that building and over to a large trash truck that was being loaded with cloth diapers only. Load after load was being loaded into the hopper. Then the maid left the cart where it would be taken over to the truck in a few minutes. A few minutes later, some one came over and pushed the cart closer to the noisy trash truck. It stopped rolling for a few seconds until it was lifted up and dumped upside down, spilling the load and I into the hopper that was full of lots of cloth diapers. Then the compactor started up and began to push the load into the box in the back of the truck. The truck had loads, and loads of cloth diapers already in it. Once the compactor retracted, the hopper was reloaded with a full load that filled every square inch of the hopper. Then the compactor started again, smashing another load of cloth diapers, onesies, and white t-shirts. Then the truck began to move. It drove for a long, long, long, time. Then it turned right and then stopped for a few minutes. Then some cans full of old cloth diapers were dumped in. Then the truck the truck started moving again before stopping again. Then, one at a time, three or four cans worth of old onesies, and clean cloth diapers that were torn on the surface or torn at the corners were dumped in. Then the truck started to move again before stopping a few minutes later. About four cans from each side of the alley were dumped in some of them at the same time. The cloth diapers that were being dumped in looked like they had been tie-dyed that were on the side of the truck. Then the man from the other side of the truck dumped in some cloth diapers that were still damp but not with pee. They looked like they had just come out of the washer when they were tossed into the trashcan. Then the men jumped onto the side as the truck bolted forward to the next stop. When the truck stopped, the two men jumped down and began to grab the first of
Five cans each. The cans on each side of the alley, had old worn out onesies, plastic pants, and old dirty cloth diapers in them.
The cans from the other side of the alley had formerly wet but now were dry cloth diapers, onesies with yellow and gray stains on them, old plastic and rubber pants that snapped at the sides that had some buttons missing in them, and some old white t-shirts that had small rips in them. When each of the men were done dumping the loads of cloth diapers and stuff, the compactor was run again, smashing the cloth items into the container. Then
The two men jumped back onto each side of the truck. The truck then left the alley and went on to the next one.
Unfinished...More to cum soon......


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The Covid-19 Era Death-With-Dignity Disposal

It was a Sunday morning in late August when Adam arrived at the Newell residence. Daniel and his esteemed wife, Misses Newell, had a prior a...