Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The DiaperLand Story-Chapter One Version II

                                          The DiaperLand Story-Chapter One
                                                                                 Version II

Introductory disclaimer:
This is the story of Diaper land. Diaper land is another universe and a whole different world where there is no death or injury. The ambient outside temperatures are ranging in the mid seventies every day. It never rains in diaper land. This…… is chapter one. Enjoy it with an open mind. Thank you for reading and listening.
N ow, the diaper man said: “, I think it’s time to get some more babies into diaper land. They will need to be diaper trained and then trained for multi-purpose use. I want you to bring me some new babies. Bring them here first.”
“Ok, I’ll go through the portal and bring you at least one baby. You’ll see, I’ll be back in one of our hours.” Said Crystal
“Thank you. See you when you get back” said the diaper man.
An hour goes by in diaper land. Crystal has captured a young baby and brought him back to the king’s castle, for the king to see.
“I’m back. Here is your new baby. He is bald, weighs only 135lbs, has a 32-waist size, just right for a medium diaper. He will be only two years old, when I’m done with him.”
While Crystal went through the portal to get a new baby to train, Claire was having problems with her baby.
“This is the fifth time today that my baby hasn’t wet his diaper when he was supposed to! I think I’m going to throw him into the trash after his diaper change!
Bad baby, you are of no good to me if you don’t wet your diapers.” Said Claire.
“That’s ok, just dispose of him in the nursery trash after you are done changing his diaper. Then, take the baby and the diaper you took off of him, and dump him into the trash. I’ll call the trash men and tell them that we have a bad baby to dispose of.
They will send me a pre-disposal checklist to follow. It’s time to get your baby prepared for disposal. Here is the disposable diaper that the trash men requested on the disposal list. Here are some old, torn up cloth diapers, to put into his disposable diaper, to make it thicker.” Said Lauren.
“Excuse me mam, we are here to collect your dirty diapers. Has the baby been prepared for disposal? Said one of the trash men.
“Yes, he has, he is ready for his pre-disposal inspection. Said Claire.
“The baby’s diaper isn’t thick enough. Please insert some cloth diapers from his trashcan into his diaper. Fold them neatly so that they don’t stick out and they can’t be seen. Said the other trash man.
“Here, lets get you prepared for disposal, it’s time for a diaper change, it’s time for disposal. Now, the trash men will be here to pick you up in a few minutes. I think I hear the trash men. Lets go to the window, and watch as they do the baby’s dirty diapers. See, look, they have marched him outside, made stand beside the truck for a second, while they make room for his diapers. Look, now they are lifting him up into the truck and then laying him onto his stomach. Now, they are dumping his wet diapers, all over him.” Said Lauren as see explained to Claire, what they are doing with her baby that she threw away.
“What will the trash men do with my baby after they dispose of him and his diapers? Asked Claire
“ His diaper determines what the dump will do with him. If he wears a cloth diaper, he will be soaked then rinsed along with all of the other cloth diapers that day.” Explained Lauren
“Why does it matter if he wears a cloth diaper or a disposable diaper?” Asked Claire
“See, once the trash men get to the dump, they dump the load of diapers that they collected, into a chute which takes the diapers down three stories then dumps them onto a conveyor belt. He will get sorted with all of the other diapers that came in that day. He and all of the disposable diapers will be separated from the cloth diapers as they go down the conveyor belt, before they end up being dumped into a bin. The conveyor belt takes the diapers up into open air for sorting and separating. The cloth diapers are tossed into a laundry style cart, while the disposable diapers are left on the belt. Explained Lauren to Claire.
“I see that we just got a baby. He is wearing a disposable diaper with cloth diapers on underneath. What do you want me to do with him?” Asked one of the sorters.
“Strip off the disposable diaper and toss it back onto the conveyor belt, toss the baby into the cloth diaper cart, and when it gets full, take him and soak him, then rinse him, before you send him to the diaper shredder with all of the rest of the cloth diapers” Said the dump supervisor.
“Will do boss. It’s soaking time for you little baby. Don’t worry though, you will only soak in this vat of warm, soapy water, for an hour before I come and get you out.” Said the rinse tech.
“Here is another load of diapers that need soaking and rinsing. Said one of the sorters, wheeling in another cart full of cloth diapers.
“Ok, thanks. Said the diaper tech.
“Does this load go over to the shredder after they are rinsed?” asked the diaper tech to the shredder tech
“Yes, it does. Make sure that he is wearing a very thick diaper, before you insert him into the diaper shredder.” Said the shredder tech.
“ Now little one, Once I get you and all of your diapers all rinsed up, You and all of your diapers will be handed over to the person standing over there at the diaper shredder. Said the rinse tech.
Once the baby and the cloth diapers were rinsed, they were brought over to a man standing at the diaper shredder, shoveling handfuls of wet cloth diapers onto the conveyor belt that carried the diapers to be shredded.
“Thank you. I’ll get right to it. Now baby, don’t go to pieces on me, ok? Don’t worry; it will take awhile for the machine to get to your load. I suppose you’ll be either at least two hours or more ” Said the shredder machine operator.
The baby and his diapers were handed over to the man, who took the cart and brought it up close to the conveyor belt for loading. Then he began to take handfuls of the wet cloth diapers, and drop them onto the conveyor belt. Once the baby and his diapers were put into the shredder, the belt carried the load of wet, torn up cloth diapers and the baby, down the dark, enclosed belt for awhile until the load got to a staging area to wait, to be taken in by the shredder. The baby and the load of diaper, and any others that were put onto the belt just before him, were held back by a stopper, until the feeder could take and feed the baby and the diapers into the shredder. Then, little by little, the baby and his diapers, got closer and closer to being pulled into the feeder, as the diapers in front of him, slowly disappeared into the shredder. Explained Lauren to Claire.
“ What happens to my baby after he goes through the shredder?” Asked Claire.
He is taken out of the shreddings catcher, taken over to a diaper changer, and put into another cloth diaper. Then he is taken over to a set of special large sized toilets and forced into the bowl while diapers are loaded into the toilet.
“Will my baby get his diaper changed once he gets to the dump?” Asked Claire
“No, he won’t. The dump staff will only change his diapers when necessary.
The people that take him from the dump, will be the ones that will have to change his diapers.” Said Lauren
“I see! What does the dump do with my baby? Does he stay there for good? Asked Claire.
“No, he doesn’t, he might get sold off with some cloth diapers that will be used as rags, or used in experiments in a diaper chems lab. The lab buys the baby to use him test out new types of absorbent materials to insert into diapers.”
“What happens if the baby is wearing a disposable diaper?” Asked Claire.
“If the baby is wearing a disposable diaper, he is left on the sorting conveyor belt, with all of the other disposable diapers, where the belt takes them, and drops them into a holding bin, until they are dumped onto a pile of diapers. The baby ought to be at the dump by now. He will have been sorted already and maybe handed over to be soaked with the cloth diapers.” Explained Lauren to Claire.
“Do you guys have a baby dressed in cloth diapers that we can buy? We need a baby to use in our laboratory. He will be getting real dirty while we have him.” Said the head lab tech.
“Yes, we do, He cost $500 dollars to buy. The diapers you will need cost three dollars a pound. After you are done with him, toss him into your trash, and we will collect the diaper trash and the baby then.” Said the Dump Master.
“Ok, no problem, I will send the diaper van over to pick up the diapers and the baby. Said the head lab tech.
“Hey, Mike, can you get the baby for this nice lady? The baby should be soaking in one of the toilets right now. Said the dump master.
“ Ok. Do you want me to get him changed into a dry cloth diaper before he is sold? Asked Mike
“No, just bring him over to the lady’s diaper van, and then help her load the diapers she bought into her van.” Ordered the Dump Master.
Mike then walked into the laundry house, where the diaper shredder, and the toilets were, and asked the lady, who was loading the toilets for the baby.
“Hey, Claire, I need that baby that you put into that toilet over there. There is a customer waiting for him to be loaded into her diaper van. The baby has been sold.” Said Mike.
“ I’m supposed to flush him down the toilet as per orders from Charles, the dump master. Go ahead and take him from toilet number two. You’ll have to unlatch the lid.
You’d better hurry; the time is just about to flush the toilet.” Said Claire
Mike hurries over to the toilet, unlatches the lid, opens it, and fishes the baby out. He holds the dripping baby over the toilet for a few seconds, until the dripping stops. Then he takes the baby over to the van, and loads him into it.
“Thank you mike for helping my employees load my van with the baby and the diapers.” Said the Head lab tech.
“It was no problem. No problem at all. Enjoy the diapers and the baby. Bye now.” Said Mike.
The lady and a couple of her employees took the baby from the dump, through the kingdom, to her lab, where the diapers were unloaded into janitorial trash carts. The carts were then pushed over and lined up for use. The baby was unloaded and carried over to a wooden cage that looked like a crib from the inside, and put inside until he was needed.
“What does the lab do with my baby then?” Asked Claire.
More to cum soon…..


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