Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Laundry Day at Excell Laundry-Chapter Five

Laundry Day at Excell Laundry-Chapter Five

Requested by Members of: “The Washing Machine” Group on yahoo groups

Davy’s Diapered Donation

Chapter 5

As Martha (Davy’s mom) came into Davy’s room to wake him up, she was also carrying a clean pair of plastic pants, four clean and folded cloth diapers and a clean white onesie.
Martha goes over to Davy’s safety bed and lowers the side.

Martha: Oh….DA….vy…….Time to wake up baby……

Davy: (Stretching and yawning) Morning already?

Martha: Yes son, I am getting you up later than usual and I let you sleep in because I have to take you down to the laundromat with all of your cloth diapers and onesies to get them AND you, all nice an clean.

Davy: MOOOOM! Are YOU saying that you are going to have my diapers and I washed in a washer????

Martha: Yes hun, I have to go to work. I don’t have time to wash you AND your diapers and onesies. SO…that means that I have to take you to the laundromat and leave you with them so that they will wash you and your diapers and onesies. Now, I am going to change your diaper and then I have to gather up all of your wet and dirty diapers and onesies that need to be washed and then I will pack it all up and then we are going to the laundromat. OK Davy?

Martha gets 18 year old and disabled Davy out of his safety bed and brings him over to the changing table and then she lifts him up and then lays him down on his back.
Martha then unfastens the snaps in Davy’s onesie and then works the onesie up to just over his chest before she removes the blue rubber pants. Martha tosses the rubber pants onto the floor and then she begins to unfasten the snappies that are holding Davy’s diaper on before she removes both snappies and sets them aside while she pulls the front of Davy’s diaper down and then pulls the soaking wet cloth pre-fold diaper out from underneath him, tossing it into the cloth diaper laundry basket on top of the others that she is going to bring to the laundromat. Then she opens a container of baby wipes and then begins to wipe Davy clean before throwing each of the wipes into the trash can.
Then Martha takes the first cloth diaper and then slides it underneath Davy then she lifts Davy up and slides another layered cloth diaper underneath him. Then she folds the wings inward doing the airplane fold before pulling the front of the two layered cloth pre-fold diapers up and then she fastened them using both rubber snappies.
Then Martha took the clean baby blue rubber pants and then slid them over Davy’s feet and then she began to work the rubber pants up along each of Davy’s legs until she got to the cloth diaper. She then lifted Davy up while she slid the rubber pants up and over his cloth diaper. Once that was done, Martha pulled Davy up and then helped him down from the changer and onto his feet.
Martha: There ya go sweetie. That ought to feel a LOT more comfortable. Let’s take you to the dining room now so I can get you something to eat and drink for breakfast…OK?

Then Martha grabs Davy’s left hand in her right and then pulls him out of the bedroom, down a short hall to the dining room where she sits him into his special highchair looking seat and then she puts the tray on before she walks into the kitchen to get a bowl full of cherries, strawberries and bananas with fruity pebbles cereal shaken on top with a little milk poured in. Martha brings the bowl to Davy who hungrily begins to eat once the bowl was put down. As Davy eats, some Cherry juice drips all down his onesie and gets all over the front and stains as more drips down into his lap right on top of his diaper and baby blue rubber pants that is covered by the onesie. Martha sees this and realizes that his onesie is stained.

Martha: OH…HON…EY! You got cherry juices ALL…OVER the front of that white onesie! I hope…they are able to get those stains out at the laundromat you and your diapers are going to…..

Davy: AWE…MOM! Are you REALLY going to make me stay there and get washed with my wet and dirty diapers?

Martha: Yes…and you have NO choice either! When you are done there, I am going to get you out of your chair and then get you ready to go to the laundromat…OK?

Davy: Mom? May I have some milk please?

Martha: Sure baby…..

Martha goes to the refrigerator and then takes the whole milk out and then she sets the gallon of milk down and then opens a cabinet door and gets one of Davy’s sippy cups out and then sets it down on the kitchen counter while she opens the lid. Then once the lid was off, she took the lid off the milk and poured milk in until the cup was full. Then she put the lid back on the sippy cup and then she brought it to Davy at the table, in his special highchair.

Martha: There you go sweetheart. Are you finished with the bowl?

Davy: Yes mom….ALL done!

Martha takes the bowl to the kitchen and then begins to wash it and the spoon Davy used before putting the bowl into the strainer and the spoon into the strainer too. Then she put the milk away before coming over to Davy in the chair. She takes the tray and removes it, then she pulls the chair out a little then helps Davy down onto his feet.

Martha: Ready to go to the laundromat hun?

Davy: NO! Not…really mommy.

Martha: Oh…COME ON! It’s going to be fun.

Davy: You’re not the one that has to be washed with wet and dirty diapers!

Martha: OK….let’s go to the car ok? Let’s get you into your car seat…OK?

Martha takes Davy out to the car then puts him into his car seat and buckles him in before going back into the house to get the large 13 gallon sized laundry basket and the six bags of cloth diapers and Davy’s dirty onesies. Martha comes back out carrying the laundry basket and then she puts it into the trunk then she goes back into the house to get the next three bags of diapers. She comes back out and puts the bags into the trunk. Then she goes back into the house for the last and final three bags as well as Davy’s diaper bag that has six thick disposable #NorthShoreCareSupplySupremeOvernightDiapers a bottle of baby powder, two travel packs of Huggies baby Wipes, and an extra sippy cup full of milk. As she comes out, she shuts and locks the front door and then carries the bags, the diaper bag over her shoulder,  to the trunk where she puts the bags of onesies and diapers in and then closes the trunk. Then she walks around to the driver’s door, opens it gets, in, then shuts the door. She puts Davy’s diaper bag on the passenger seat then she takes the keys out and inserts them into the ignition. She then starts the car, then puts it into reverse and then backs out of the driveway. Martha heads down highway 50 to Elisabeth to 4th street then she turns right and heads up south 4th street to Abriendo. She comes to the light and gets into the left turn lane. When the green left turn arrow shows, she turns left onto Abriendo and then she drives for a few blocks until she comes to Excell Laundry where she finds a parking space on the side of the building.

She parks and then turns the car off.
Then she grabs Davy’s diaper bag and then opens her door and then gets out. She closes her door and then she walks around to the trunk and then she opens it with her keys. She raises the trunk lid and then starts taking the bags of wet and dirty diapers into Excell Laundry three at a time. Once inside, Martha goes right to the office.

Martha: Hi…..I have six bags of cloth diapers, onesies and a 13 gallon laundry basket full of wet cloth diapers that need washed. I also have my 68 pound diapered son that I want you to wash. May I leave these here while I go get the other bags, the basket and then my son?

Lisa: Sure…..

Martha goes back out to her car and takes out the next three bags and carries them into Excell Laundry and straight to the office. She then sets them down near the door then leaves again to get the laundry basket. Martha returns carrying the heavy and overfilled basket and then set it down next to the bags.

Martha: Be….RIGHT back….going to get my son…..

Martha goes back to the car, walks over to the passenger side, opens the door, and then leans in to unbuckle Davy and help get him out of the seat, the car and onto his feet.
Then once Davy is standing on the tarmac, Martha shuts the door and then grabs Davy’s right hand in her left and then they both walk into Excell Laundry. Once inside, Martha brings Davy over to the office.

Martha: Here is my son….Davy. I want you to wash him with all of his dirty diapers and onesies for me. Can you do that? I heard that you have washed a few others and their diapers…..

Lisa: Sure….I can do that. Let me weight everything and then I will get you a ticket.

Lisa bends down to pick up Davy.

Lisa: Hi there…My name is Lisa. I will be washing you and your diapers today. I need to put you into this…bucket so I can weigh you. OK HEEEEERE we go……

Lisa Picks up Davy and then puts him into the green bucket to weigh him.

the scale reads 68.6 pounds. Then Lisa writes that down onto the ticket then she goes over to take Davy out of the bucket and then she puts him back down onto his feet in the office where they store laundry until it’s time to wash it.

Lisa: Davy baby, stay in here for a little bit while I weigh the rest of your diapers…ok?

Then Lisa goes over to pick up the first of six large pillow cases full of formerly wet cloth diapers and then she puts the bag into the bucket and weights them.
The scale reads 30.2 pounds. Then Lisa takes the weight and writes it onto the ticket and then she puts the bag in the laundry storage area where Davy is before getting another bag. Lisa weighs that bag and it weighs 35.4 pounds Lisa adds that weight to the ticket and then she puts the second bag down in the laundry storage area. She then grabs the third bag and puts it into the bucket and weighs it. The scale reads 24.5 pounds then Lisa writes that weight onto the ticket. Then Lisa picks the bag full of Davy’s onesies up and weighs them. The bag full of his onesies weighs 23 pounds. Lisa then she writes down that weight on the ticket then takes the bag out and puts it with the others in the laundry storage area. Then Lisa weighs the fourth bag of cloth diapers and it weighs 44.1 pounds. Then Lisa writes the weight onto the ticket before putting the bag with the others in the laundry storage area. Then Lisa weighs the fifth bag and it weighs 38.7 pounds. Lisa writes the weight onto the ticket and then puts that bag with the others before going over for the last bag and picking it up. Lisa weighs that last bag of formerly wet cloth diapers and it weighs 34.6 pounds. She then takes the last bag of diapers and puts it with the others. Then Lisa comes over to the 13 gallon laundry basket and picks it up and then puts the laundry basket into the green bucket and weights everything. The laundry basket weighs 55.8 pounds. Lisa writes the weight on the ticket and then she begins to total the weights up at $1 per pound.

Lisa: OK, that will be….$286.30 plus the $10 drop-off fee. Your total is $306.34.

Martha: Here is $400. I have some special instructions. If Davy’s stains don’t come out of his diapers or his onesies or him, send them back through a second time but if they don’t come out after that, go ahead and get rid of him and all of his diapers. If something happens to me and I can’t come back to pick Davy up, could you make sure to either just throw everything away or donate him or do whatever you want with him and his diapers? I mean…just in case I get into an accident or something…..can you do that for me?

Lisa: Sure….we usually donate any unclaimed clothing and articles to the ARC Thrift stores. I will try to donate Davy and his diapers but if they won’t take them, then he will have to be thrown away. Is this ok with you?

Martha: Certainly. I will be back to pick Davy up no later than 6:00 pm…but if I don’t show up by then, go ahead and do what you will with him……

Lisa: OK…I will get your laundry all cleaned up for you. Have a great day Martha.

Martha: You too.

Martha leaves and Lisa goes and gets a laundry cart and then brings it to the office.
Lisa brings the cart over as close to the bags and the basket that Davy was in and then she starts emptying the bags into the laundry cart. Lisa empties four of the bags into the pile in the laundry cart then once the last bag’s diapers were in the cart, Lisa reaches over to the basket that Davy is in and she picks him up and then puts him into the cart on top of the load of diapers. Lisa then looks at the onesie that Davy is wearing and sees that it has a bunch of pinkish stains down the front and all over the front part of the onesie just over Davy’s diaper.

Lisa: (turning the cart around for a second to go back and get the spray laundry pre-treater liquids, laundry detergents and the bleach) Davy, You have red stains all down that onesie and you have large red stains all over you sweetie. I need to get a spray pre-treater to get those stains out of you, your onesie and anything else that you have on.

Lisa then goes and gets the spray laundry pre-treater stain remover bottle and then comes over to the laundry cart and starts to push it towards washing machine number 1 across the room and almost in the last row towards the rear left-hand side of the large room.

Once Lisa gets to washing machine one, she opens the door wide and then picks Davy up and then stands him up facing the opening of the washer. Lisa grabs the spray bottle of the pre-treater  and then begins to spray it all down the front of Davy’s white onesie. Once the front of Davy’s onesie is soaked with the pre-treater, Lisa reaches down and unfastens the snaps in the crotch of Davy’s onesie. Then Lisa works the onesie up and then off of Davy, before she tosses it into the washer. Then Lisa sees that Davy has some baby blue rubber pants on.

Lisa: Time to get those bright pastel baby blue rubber pants off ya….

Lisa then pulls the rubber pants down and then tosses them to the floor while she takes the laundry pre-treater and starts to spray Davy’s almost soaking wet cloth diaper down heavily because it has some of the red fruit stains all along the top edge. Lisa soaks Davy’s cloth diaper with the laundry pre-treater spray then she turns Davy around and sits him down at the edge of the opening of the washing machine.

Davy: Miss? Do you…HAVE to wash me with my dirty diapers?

Lisa: Yes baby, that is what we do here. We wash whatever we are paid to wash. Your mom paid us to wash you, you are going to get washed.

Davy: But, but…I don’t want to! 

Lisa: Well, you are about to go into the washer baby…no matter what…even if you don’t want to. Your mother wants you to get clean with your dirty diapers and onesies…so…you ARE getting washed…OK, lay down for me…that-a-boy….now…in your legs go….OK….now I’ll load in your diapers.

Lisa then begins to load Davy’s dirty cloth diapers into the washer. The first and second loads of diapers were tossed in and they landed on Davy.

Davy: HEY! They are getting me more dirty!

Lisa: Yea, but you are going to be washed in there as soon as I am done loading these diapers in there.

Davy: What is that…box I see and that white bottle for?

Lisa: You mean…THESE? (Pointing to the box of detergent and the bleach bottle)
This is ALL laundry detergent and this…is a bottle of bleach. We use that to get you and your diapers ALL nice and white.

Davy: you mean…you are going to use that stuff on me and the diapers???

Lisa: Yes baby, I am. It’s washer time now…….we….go…last load of diapers going in….THERE……now…ready to get washed Davy?

Lisa then swung the washer door closed and then she turned the locking knob and locked the door. Davy leaned over to look out of the port window to see what was going on outside.

Davy: (Knocking on the door) HEY! Miss? Let me out please….I don’t wanna be washed!

Lisa ignores Davy as she puts the powdered laundry detergent and the bleach into the rubber pockets.

Davy: Miss? MISS….How long will I be IN here?

Then once Lisa had filled the pockets with detergent and bleach, she came over to the controls to set the water temp and the cycles. As she set the wash cycle and the temp, Lisa answered Davy’s question.

Lisa: You will be in there for about 42 minutes to 52 minutes with the extra wash and rinse cycles. I will see you in 50 minutes. Have a nice wash….baby.

Then as Lisa started the cycle, hot water began to fill the washer tub. Davy squirmed
As the hot 120 degree water continued to fill the tub.

Davy: OUCH! OUCH! It’s too hot! OUCH! Then as the tub continued to fill with the hot, sudsy, soapy, bleach water, Davy began to lay back and relax some as he became used to the hot water. JUST as he laid back, the tumbler tub began to turn.

Davy and the diapers bounced around as the water splashed around inside the tumbler.

Davy flipped over and over and over, occasionally bouncing around and against the washtub bounce bars. The first wash cycle lasted about 15 minutes before the now hot, dirty, soapy, sudsy wash water began to drain. Once the water drained away, the fresh rinse water began to flow into the turning washtub. As Davy bounced around inside and was slapped and smacked with the heavy, wet diapers and onesies, the hot rinse water rinsed all of the soap and bleach out.
Then the washtub stopped and then more hot soapy, sudsy wash water with bleach came into the washtub again. About five minutes or so later, the washtub began the second wash cycle. Once again, Davy began to roll, bounce and flip around in the washtub and the hot, soapy, sudsy wash water with bleach in it splashed everywhere. Davy’s diaper began to tear a little bit along the soaker pad each time he bounced and landed on the balance bars inside the tub. The tears weren’t that bad but just enough to notice.
After another 15 minutes of bouncing around and getting slapped and smacked with the heavy, soaking wet and now clean diapers and onesies, the wash water began to drain again and once the wash water had completely drained, the washtub began to pickup speed. It was time for the spin-cycle. After ten minutes of being centrifugally pinned against the wall of the washtub, the washtub began to slow to a gradual stop. Once the tub stopped, a sharp beeping sounded and about 15 minutes later, Lisa came over to washing machine 1 with one of the laundry carts. Lisa positioned the cart nearby and then she bent down and unlocked and opened the washer door. She peered into the washtub and saw Davy passed out and just laying there. She checked to make sure he was still alive and once that was confirmed, Lisa began to take the diapers, onesies and Davy out of the washer. Lisa noticed that Davy’s diaper in the back along the top edge of the soaker pad had torn a little bit. A little frustrated, Lisa shook her head as she pulled a limp and heavy Davy out of the washer and laid him on the cold, wet cloth diapers and onesies in the cart. Then she shut the door and then pushed the cart over to the Dryer by the wall. It was the largest Dryer they had too.

Once Lisa got the cart over to the dryer, she opened the door, then she came back over and lifted Davy up and then loaded him into the dryer. Once she had loaded Davy, she began to load Davy’s diapers and onesies. Then, once the diapers and onesies were loaded, Lisa went back to the office to get two tennis balls that they used to fluff the diapers up. Then Lisa came over and tossed the two tennis balls in before she closed the door and it latched. Then Lisa put in four quarters before selecting warm heat and then she pressed the start button and the dryer cycle roared to life. Davy and the diapers began to get tossed around and around as the dryer tub turned around and around.

Davy woke up and found himself being tossed around and around, having semi dried cloth diapers and onesies slapping, bouncing and smacking against him as he rolled and bounced around in the dryer tub. About 40 minutes after Lisa had started the dryer,
The dryer stopped and a low-tone beeping sound alerted Lisa that the drier had stopped.

After about another 20 minutes, Lisa came over to the dryer to get Davy, the diapers and onesies out and get them over to the folding table to get folded. Lisa came over to the dryer with the laundry cart, opened the door and then got Davy out first.

Lisa: Hi Davy, how was your washing and drying? You look NICE and clean baby…..You even have that….baby powder scent to you and your diapers.

Davy: Where are you taking the diapers, onesies and I now?

Lisa: I am taking them over to the folding table so I can fold them all up nicely for when your mom comes back. 

Davy: What if I wet my diaper while waiting for my mom?

Lisa: Then……..I will put you back through another wash and dry cycle. Time to get your rubber pants back on ya so you can look nice and clean for when your mom comes for you.

Lisa pushed the now full cart over to the folding table and then got Davy up and out of the cart and onto his feet before she walked him over to the office where she had put his blue rubber pants after tossing them to the floor. Lisa had rinsed his rubber pants and dried them with an old towel so they would be ready when Davy came out of the dryer.
Lisa took the blue rubber pants and then had Davy step into the leg holes before she worked them up and over his thick, clean, white, fluffy diapers that he had on. Once the rubber pants were on, Lisa took Davy into the office to a back room where they stored clean laundry until it was picked up.

Davy: What are we doing here?

Lisa: I am going to put you into one of these two tubs on this shelf back here until your mom comes to pick you up. Your nice, clean cloth diapers will go into the tub right next to the one you will be in.  Ready? UP………and IN ya go honey….now…..stay there for me while I finish folding your clean and fluffy cloth diapers….OK?

With that….Lisa leaves the laundry storage area and then goes to fold all of Davy’s cloth diapers and onesies. After about 45 minutes, Lisa had finished folding Davy’s cloth diapers and onesies. She then began to bring the folded diapers and onesies into the laundry storage room and put everything into the tub on the shelf next to Davy.
Then Lisa left the room once everything was neatly in the tub and went on to do her other washing duties.

Around 6:30 pm, Lisa called Davy’s mom and left another voicemail asking her to please pick up her laundry and return her phone call. This was the second call that Lisa made.
Soon, Lisa got a phone call from one of Davy’s mom’s relatives saying that Davy’s mom had been in a horrific car accident and had died on her way to come pick up her laundry. Lisa asked the relative what she should do with everything. The relative gave Lisa the go-ahead to donate it all or throw it away….which ever she chose to do with it. With that, Lisa hung the phone up. Then she went over to Davy in the laundry storage room and told Davy that his mom had died in a horrific car accident and that no one in her family wanted Davy or his diapers.

Lisa: I am sorry to have to tell you this, but….you mom has been in a bad, bad car accident and she died on her way to come get you and your diapers. I got a call back from your aunt and she told me to donate you and your diapers or throw you and your diapers and things away, whichever was best. I’m going to have to donate you, your diapers and onesies to a thrift store called the ARC. They will decide what to do with you from there…once they come and pick you and your diapers up. WHEN you wet your diapers, I will have to send you back through another wash cycle before the ARC takes you.

Davy: What IS this…ARC you talk about? A…thrift store?

Lisa: Yes baby, a thrift store. We donate any unclaimed clothing items to the ARC thrift stores. Since you were here to get washed, you….get to be donated to the ARC…and they will decide if they sell you or throw you away…..
Davy: When is this thrift store coming to get me?

Lisa: Today is Saturday……So on Monday they will come to take you, your diapers and onesies. I’m sorry baby…..but it is just…the way we do things around here.

Davy: Do you think that the ARC thrift stores will throw my diapers and onesies and I away?

Lisa: I really can’t tell you what they will or won’t do, but if I was them, I probably would. No one likes to buy used cloth diapers or plastic pants for Sanitary reasons. So…I think they might. I am leaving here in a few minutes, and I will be leaving you here for
Miss “January” to watch over….I have left instructions to have you washed again at 8 am. She will be washing you when she comes in tomorrow. See you baby.

Lisa then leaves for the night and locks everything up for the night.
It becomes very quiet in the locked office so Davy falls asleep in the tub. By the time January comes in at 6:30 am to open the laundromat, Davy is fast asleep and has wet his diapers a lot as he slept. As January gets everything set up and ready, she unlocks the doors at 7 am and then she goes to start doing the laundry that she has to do.
January comes into the laundry storage room and takes the tub down that Davy is in that was on the shelf. Then she takes a few of the diapers and onesies that had been put into the tub with Davy that were leaked onto when Davy wet his cloth diapers and his blue rubber pants.

January: good morning Davy sweetie. I am January. I am going to give you and your onesies and diapers a nice…hot…bath……Lisa left me a nice long note telling me to rewash everything you were brought in with. How would you like to be rinsed off in our sink first before I put you and your diapers into the washing machine? I have to rinse off those baby blue rubber pants anyhow…..and then I have to take them off before I rinse you and wash you in the washing machine.

Davy: (Stretching and yawning) AWWWWE MAN! Do I….HAVE to go back into that washing machine again?

January: I have been told to give you your daily bath in one of the machines. Come on…it’s going to be FUN! Ready for your….morning bath?

Davy: How come my cloth diapers and onesies have to go in with me?

January: Because, you wet them when your rubber pants leaked. OK baby, let’s go over to my nice, big sink first so I can rinse out your rubber pants and then I will get you into the washer with your diapers…..OK baby?

January takes one of the laundry carts and fills it with Davy’s clean and folded cloth diapers and onesies and the few that had been leaked onto, and tosses them into the cart. Then she lays Davy down on the load in the cart and then pushes the cart into the back of the laundromat to a large, deep, white, plastic sink. January then picks Davy up and puts Davy down into the sink feet and legs first.

 She then works his plastic pants off and then she makes Davy sit down in the sink while she rinses his rubber pants off.
Then, after Davy’s rubber pants are done being rinsed, January takes Davy out of the sink and puts him back into the cart.

January: How was that? I bet THAT felt…nice…..huh baby?

Davy: Yea…I liked that.

January: Now I am going to put you and your diapers into the washing machine for your morning bath….how would you….like to hold your diapers for me while I am loading the washer? I can even get you our rubber ducky to play with while you are waiting for the washer to fill……..

Davy: That sounds fun miss.

January pushes the laundry cart over to washer number 1 and then stops.

January: Now be a good boy for me and help me get you into the washer now…OK?

Then January picks Davy up and puts him on to his feet then she picks him up again and then she inserts Davy into the washer feet first and then slides Davy into the washer before leaning in so she can position him with his head and body laying down in the bottom of the washer tub. January then leans back out and stands up and then she starts to grab armloads of Davy’s diapers and onesies as she starts to toss them into the washer on top of Davy inside.

January: Now….let me load your diapers and onesies in here, then I will go and get the rubber ducky for you…OK?

January then loads all of the diapers and onesies into the washer then goes and gets the rubber ducks for Davy to play with in the washer. She then hands the rubber ducky to him before she walks over to the office and gets the box of powdered ALL detergent and the bleach and then she walks back to washer number 1.

Davy: Is that the soap you are going to use on my diapers and I? What is….THAT in the…bottle?

January: This? OH…this is bleach. It helps make your diapers all nice and white!

Davy: Are you going to use hot water on my diapers and I?

January: Yes honey, that is how your diapers will get all nice and clean baby. Ready to get washed? Time to close and lock the door sweetie. See you in 42 minutes or so…..

January then swings the door closed and then she locks it. She then puts 8 quarters into the washer and then she selects the wash cycle with the extra wash and rinse cycles.

Then she pushes the start button and then all of a sudden the washer began to fill up with hot, soapy, sudsy, wash water with bleach. Davy wasn’t happy that he was being washed again….the yellow rubber ducky began to float in the water that was rising steadily in the washer.

Davy: Miss? Oh Miss…can you let me…out please….I don’t wanna be washed!

Davy watches as January walks away and goes back to the office to do some paperwork.

As the washing machine cycle starts, Davy and all of the diapers begin to bounce around inside the washer tumbler, splashing around with the soapy, foamy, bleach water. first t he wash cycle, then the rinse cycle and then another wash cycle before the last rinse cycle. By this time, Davy and his cloth diapers were clean. A Buzzer outside let January know that the washer was finished 52 minutes after it started.
January came over to get Davy and his diapers out and into the dryer.
January grabs one of the laundry carts, brings it over to the front of the washer and then opens the door to the washing machine. She then begins pulling handfuls of Davy's diapers out, putting the wet diapers into the cart each time. Before too long, January had helped Davy and his clean and very white diaper out of the washing machine.

Davy: After my diapers and I are dry, what is going to....happen?

January: well, you and your diapers are going to be donated to the ARC today sweetie. We want you and the diapers to be as CLEAN as possible just in case they decide to sell you and your diapers.

Davy: Do you think my diapers and I have a good chance of being sold?

January: Actually, no, I don't. I think...the ARC will simply throw you, your onesies and the plastic pants away....No one likes to buy used cloth diapers or plastic pants for Sanitary reasons. So…I think they might actually throw you and them away. Sorry sweetie.

Davy: Where do my diapers, onesies and plastic pants go then?

January: UM...I don't know sweetie. The landfill I guess.You will just have to wait and see.

January loads some of Davy's wet cloth diapers into the dryer then she lifts Davy up and into the dryer before loading the rest of his cloth diapers and onesies into the dryer.

January: OK Davy, time to get you and the diapers all...nice and dry.....see you in 46 minutes.

January closes the door and then adds some quarters to the dryer, she selects high heat and then she hits the button. She then watches as Davy and the diapers get tossed around and around for a few seconds before going back to work.

Davy, inside the dryer gets tossed around and around and gets slapped repeatedly with diapers as they get tossed around inside the tumbler. Round and round Davy goes,  as the tumbler turns. The diapers all getting drier and drier as the hot air blows into the dryer.

 More to cum soon.....


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The Covid-19 Era Death-With-Dignity Disposal

It was a Sunday morning in late August when Adam arrived at the Newell residence. Daniel and his esteemed wife, Misses Newell, had a prior a...