Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Labrie Side Loader Week-2-Inspired by TrashCoon on Youtube

The Labrie Side Loader


Inspired by TrashCoon on Youtube

As Mom came into the room of her thickly diapered  adult son who lived with his parents because he wasn’t able to take care of himself on his own, she went over to the dresser and opened the top drawer, then took out one of the thick, Safari diapers by Rearz and then she grabbed the baby wipes and then she opened the second drawer and took out six toddler sized cloth diapers, and then slid the drawer closed again. Then the mom went over to her son’s safety bed and then slide the side down like a crib side so that she could change her son’s wet diaper.

(Mom) Stephanie: good morning son, time to get you all cleaned up. I have something to tell you.

Oliver: Yes mom, what is it?

Stephanie: Well, your father and I have come to a decision, and not an easy one either.
We have decided to throw you and all of your diapers, clothing and bedding away! I didn’t want to do this at all….but, your dad and I have been doing our monthly budget and we can’t afford to take care of you any longer. So today, I am going to take you to meet the trash company that will be taking you and your diapers, clothing and bedding as I pay them to take you.

Oliver: NOOO mama! PLEASE! Don’t throw me and my comfy diapers away! I will try harder to stay dry…PROMISE!

Stephanie: Sorry Oliver, It has to be this way baby! I don’t want to have to do this….but there is no other way. You are costing us too much in diapers, special clothing and water-proof mattress protectors! I have already made an appointment to pay the trash company to take you and all of your diapers and clothing.

Oliver: When are we going to meet the trash men?

Stephanie: As soon as I get you diapered and ready, you and I are going to their offices and I am going to go pay them to take you. They said that tomorrow is trash day on our block and that you will get to meet the trash man that is going to be taking you and all of your diapers. They call him TrashCoon. We are also throwing your sister away too since she has been using too many diapers as well. We just can’t afford to keep you two in diapers. It’s getting too expensive.

Oliver: Does my sister know?

Stephanie: Yes, she knows. She will be going with us too when we go to pay them. OK, you are All ready….let’s get you into the SUV now…and I will go get your sister too.

Stephanie leads Oliver out of his room and into the hall then she goes to Oliver’s sister’s room and gets her into the hall then Stephanie takes both of them by their hands and leads them outside to the waiting SUV and helps both Oliver and his thickly diapered sister into their seats before making sure both are buckled in. Then once they were buckled in, Stephanie closed both doors and then walked around to the driver’s side and then opened the door, got in, tossed her purse and the two large diaper bags into the passenger seat and then she closed her door and put on her seatbelt before starting the vehicle. Once she started the vehicle, she put it into reverse, backed out of the garage, and out to the street. Then she hit the garage door button and as the door closed, she put the SUV into drive and then began to drive to the trash company’s yard where their offices were.
About half an hour later, after driving through mid-day traffic, Stephanie arrived at the trash company’s yard and pulled into one of the customer parking spaces in front. She put the SUV into park, and then shut the engine off. Then she grabbed both diaper bags and her purse before exiting the vehicle. As she came around to open the rear passenger doors, one of the supervisors came out to the SUV and introduced himself.

Ted: Hi, I am Ted. I thank you for calling us. Are these the two that we are going to be taking tomorrow?

Stephanie: Hi Ted, I’m Stephanie. Yes, these are the two your driver will be taking tomorrow.

Ted: May I ask…why you are throwing them away?

Stephanie: (helping Oliver and his sister out of the back seat and shutting the door) Well Ted, My husband and I can’t afford to keep them in diapers any longer. Between buying the diapers monthly and buying them their special clothing they need, it’s getting too expensive for our family budget. These two can’t take care of themselves on their own and we can’t afford to get them a caregiver using our healthcare insurance. They won’t cover a caregiver for us as long as we can take care of them ourselves.

Ted: I completely understand. Why don’t you all come into my office and we will talk about our disposal plans and your kids can meet the trash man that will be coming to take them tomorrow.

As Stephanie took both Oliver’s and his sister’s hands and led them into the building as Ted held the door open for them, many of the staff gave strange looks in the direction of Stephanie and her thickly diapered and disabled adult kids in their diapers and t-shirts as they all made their way into Ted’s small office.

Once inside Ted’s small office, Ted closed the door and then went over to his office chair and sat down behind his desk.

Ted: We have three disposal plans for your residential waste. Will you be throwing away a lot of trash on a weekly basis?

Stephanie: no, we just want to dispose of these two and all of their diapers, clothing and bedding as well as their adult disability pushchairs, we call them their “strollers”, and these two have at least two 97 gallon trash cans worth of cloth diapers and clothing and at least one more 97 gallon trash can worth of their clean and dirty disposable diapers. Are there any special instructions that you wish to give me for their pick-up?

Ted:  Well, just have them both out at the curb by 6:30 am when our driver comes. Well, We accept up to 5 trash bags outside of each of your cans a total of ten because you have two cans,  and our driver for your area will be here in a few minutes to meet your two kids that he will be taking. Have any questions before I write up your ticket?

Stephanie: Yes, I have a few questions……When the driver comes to take them, should both of them already be in the trash cans or can I just bring them out to the driver? There won’t be room in any of the cans for them after we start filling them. We have two cans already and they are over filled each week with our trash and their diapers.

Ted: Well, I think that we can allow our driver to go ahead and take them if you bring them out to him at the curb tomorrow.

Just then, the office door opens and a strong, well-built, medium built man walks into the office and closes the door. Stephanie looks in his direction as Ted stands up from behind the desk and introduces TrashCoon.

Ted: Stephanie? This is our driver…TrashCoon. He is your area’s trash truck operator. He will be the one taking Oliver and his sister tomorrow morning.

TrashCoon: Hi there miss…..Nice to meet you. Are these the two I will be taking tomorrow? (going over to both of them as Oliver looks at TrashCoon and recoils in fear and opposition)  Hi there Oliver, I am going to be throwing you, your sister and all of your trash into my nice, big trash truck tomorrow.  I am sorry that you are going to end up in my truck but your mom here, wants us to take you away.

Oliver: Mister trash man? What will happen to us and our diapers and clothing tomorrow?

TrashCoon: (Looking over at his boss sitting at the desk and then back at Oliver)
Well son, when I pull my big trash truck up in front of your house and your mom brings you out to me, I will be loading you into the hopper and then I will be tossing all of your trash in and then I will be crushing you and your diapers to make more room in my truck for more trash. I am going to take you and your sister….and all of your trash… the landfill.

Oliver: What is a….Landfill?

TrashCoon: (smiling and laughing with an awkward laugh) Well, that is where we trash men take all of the dirty, unwanted trash….like you and they bury it all in a big, deep hole and then cover it all up with 10 inches of dirt once I dump it all out of my trash truck.

Oliver: Will you care if my diaper is wet or not when I am brought out to your trash truck?

TrashCoon: NO! I don’t care what you are wearing or what you look like in your diapers either. If you are trash, I am putting you into my truck. You WILL be getting VERY dirty in my trash truck too! I won’t care what you are wearing or what condition it is in! once your mom turns you over to me, you will belong to me and we can do whatever we want with you!  Would either of you like to see my truck that you two will be going into?

Oliver: You aren’t going to…put us into it and take us…NOW are you?

TrashCoon: NO…not until tomorrow…..but you can see where you will be going into before then….I’d be happy to give you a long look at my truck and answer any questions you might have…..Come with me you two….

TrashCoon takes Oliver and his sister out of the office and then through a hallway and then outside into the trash truck yard then over to his parked trash truck. Once they get to the right side of his truck, TrashCoon opens the hopper door and swings it open so that they can see into the hopper that they will be going into the next day.

Oliver: This is what you will be taking us away in?  What is THAT flat thing that is up against the wall there for?

TrashCoon: That? (pointing to the pre-crusher blade) that is what I use once in a while when there is too much trash in the hopper there and it needs to be crushed down so that my packer can crush it all in to the container there in the back.

Oliver’s sister: Will you change our diapers before we go in there?

TrashCoon: No…I won’t! this is a trash truck…it takes dirty trash like you two….

Oliver: Is THAT where you will put us when you take us?

TrashCoon: Yes, that is where you and all of your trash will be going….

Oliver: but I don’t WANNA go in there!

TrashCoon: TOUGH! Your mom paid us to take you and I am paid to take anything that is brought to me and left at the curb in our trash cans!

Oliver: What will happen to our diapers when we are in there?

TrashCoon: They will get crushed with all the rest of your trash! They may even burst under the pressure!

Oliver’s Sister: How many times will we get crushed?

TrashCoon: I typically run the packer at each stop. It all depends on how many stops it takes to fill the container back there and how full the hopper is at each stop. OK, well, time to go back to your mama until tomorrow when you BOTH will be MINE! (rubbing both hands together in a crafty manor and smiling evilly)

TrashCoon escorts Oliver and his sister back into the building then through a hallway and then into the office where Oliver and his sister’s mom is just standing up and shaking hands with Ted as TrashCoon brings her soon-to-be former kids into the room.

Stephanie: Hey there kids, You will be going with the trash man tomorrow. They are going to take you to the landfill and leave you there with all of your clothing, diapers, bedding, stroller and the rest of our trash. I will have you two out at the curb waiting until they arrive.

Oliver: NOOOO! I promise! I’ll be good! I swear!!!!

Stephanie:  Oh baby….it’s too late hun. The trash men own you now! You belong to them!

Ted: That’s right boy! We own you AND your sister! Have them both out at the curb by 7:15 am and our driver will take them both when he comes by…OK?

TrashCoon: See YOU two tomorrow!

Then Stephanie takes both Oliver and his sister out of the office and back to the SUV where she gets both of them seated and buckled into their car seats before getting into the drivers seat and shutting the door. Then Stephanie starts the SUV and then backs out of the parking space and then drives back out to the road. On the drive home, Oliver wets his diaper and a little leaks onto the leather seat.

Oliver: Mommy? Are you really going to throw my sister and I away?

Stephanie: Yes hun, I am afraid so. Once we get home, I have to start throwing all of your diapers, clothing, bedding and your strollers and diaper bags away.

Oliver: NO! MOM! I don’t wanna be thrown away! PLEASE! Whatever it is that made you do this….please take it back?????

Stephanie: Hun…..I can’t! I sold you to the trash company. They own you two now. Oliver?

Oliver: Yes Mom?

Stephanie: When we get home and I start disposing of all of your stuff, and I give you your last diaper change, I will give you the option of going into the trash can then, or you can wait until morning and be woke up and taken out to the curb… thinking about which one you want and tell me when I go to change your diaper ok? Once you are in the trash can though, I won’t be taking you back out! You WILL be in there until the trash men dump you into their truck…you know…..

Oliver: AH! MAN! Do I….HAVE to mom?  How come you won’t get me back out once I am in the trash can?

Stephanie: NO….you don’t…I can just….decide FOR you…..As for the trash can…once you are in the trash, you are trash and I don’t take trash back out….have you ever…..seen me take any trash back out after I have thrown it away?

Oliver: OK MOM…..if you had to choose for me, what would you do? NO! I haven’t seen you do that.

Stephanie: Well, If I had to choose for you, I would take you home, put you right into the trash can and take it right outside to the curb and dump you into the trash outside and leave you there until the trash men came and I wouldn’t give you your last diaper change…since it doesn’t matter what you are wearing or what condition it is in…..
The trash men will still take you and they don’t care what you are wearing either!
In fact, I think I WILL do exactly that…but I WILL change your diaper one final time just so that you will be nice and comfy for a bit until the trash men come…..

Oliver: OHWA! MOOOOM! How come I gotta go into the trash can when we get home and my sister doesn’t?

Stephanie: Well hun, because, I can’t prep you both for disposal at the same time. I chose you to go first because your sister is quieter and doesn’t say as much. She just sits there when you want her to and she listens to what you tell her to do or…NOT to do…..the FIRST time and….she doesn’t complain as much!

Oliver:  How long after we get home am I going to be thrown away?

Stephanie: Sometime during or right after your nap hun…..It’s 11:15 am now and you two are late for your naptime. While you both sleep, I will be getting your stuff ready to take out to the trash can outside. I will get YOUR stuff out there first Oley. Then, when I am done with your stuff, I will get your sister’s stuff ready to be disposed of. OK? We are just about home now.

Oliver: Do I HAVE….to take a nap mom?

Stephanie: YES hun. You do…..BOTH of you do…..
Stephanie pulls into the driveway and then stops to let the garage door open before she pulls the SUV into the garage and then she closes the garage door then gets out to get Oliver out first. As she walks around the back of the SUV, she opens the tailgate and gets his stroller, diaper bag and pulls it out and then she slings Oley’s diaper bag over her right shoulder then she carries Oley’s stroller into the garage and leans it up against the back wall as she always did then she came back to the right side of the SUV to the rear passenger door and then she opened the door and stepped up to get Oliver unbuckled from his seat. Stephanie noticed that Oley’s diaper leaked onto the seat.

Stephanie: OH….HONEY! Your diaper leaked and left a small puddle on the seat! How come you didn’t say anything?

Oliver: I…..I….I didn’t KNOW! My diaper is wet mom….I didn’t know it was wet either until now.

Stephanie: Well, it’s ok, I’ll clean this up and then I’ll get you in and get you changed.

Stephanie opens Oley’s diaper bag and takes out the baby wipes. She uses quite a few wipes to clean the seat before taking the used wipes in a pile, in her right hand and then she closed the door and then walked over to the 97 gallon trash can in the garage, opened the lid a little, tossed the wipes on top of the loose, unrolled, wet disposable diapers inside and then she took Oley’s left hand in her right and led him inside to his room and to his crib. Then she let the side down, helped Oley into the crib before raising the side up and setting his diaper bag down next to the crib on the floor before walking out back to the SUV to get his sister out.

Once Stephanie brought Oley’s sister inside the room and over to the crib, she helped her into the crib and then put the side up before going back over to Oley’s crib, taking the side back down, helping Oley out and over to the changing table then lifting Oley up onto the changer and laying him down.

Stephanie: OK Oley boy, this…is going to be….your VERY last diaper change. Now….is there…ANY special requests for diapering you for disposal?

Oliver: Yes mom….May I get some of my cloth diapers inside my disposable diaper please? I like it when you use cloth diapers inside my disposables at nighttime.

Stephanie: Sure baby….I can do that….how many would you like hun?

Oliver: How about…8?

Stephanie: 8???? I don’t know baby….that many may not fit inside your already thick and bulky disposable diaper but I will sure try….

Stephanie unfastens the four tapes holding Oliver’s diaper on and then she pulls the front of his diaper down and then she grabs the diaper at the crotch and pulls it out from under Oliver. Then she sets the wet diaper onto his chest while she uses the baby wipes to clean him up very, very well, tossing the used wipes into his wet diaper. Then, Stephanie grabbed the diaper with the wipes tucked into it, and then walked it over to the almost full 32 gallon trash can used for Oliver’s wet diapers only, and opened the lid, and tossed it in then closed the lid. Then she grabbed one of the clean diapers from the clear package with printing on it, and took one of the clean diapers out. She then began to open it up before she slid the clean diaper under Oliver and then she reached into the top changer drawer and took out 8 clean, folded toddler sized cloth pre-fold diapers and then put them down on the changer beside Oley. As she put each diaper into the disposable diaper in layers, she made sure to also shake in at least half a bottle worth of baby powder as she put each layer of cloth diaper onto Oliver before she pulled his diaper up and fastened the four tapes.

Stephanie: (Wondering if the thickness would be too much for the disposable diaper tapes to handle) EH…I don’t know Oley hun….I think I am going to use some Masking tape over the diaper tapes to make sure that the tapes don’t pop off……let me grab…..the…..masking tape….ok…now stand still while I put some strips of tape over the other tapes ok hun?

Stephanie adds four long strips of tape to help hold the diaper tapes in place as an added measure of fastening security. Then she put the roll of tape down and then she walked Oliver over to the crib and helped him back into it before raising the side.

Stephanie: OK Oley, it’s nap-time now….I don’t care if you actually sleep or not…but you must stay in your crib until I am done gathering up and throwing all of your left-over clean diapers, clothing and whatever else I am going to throw away…..Then, when I come get you out, the crib sheets, blankets and pillow will also be thrown away with you too…..Sorry kiddo…..I didn’t want it to turn out like this….but….your dad and I just don’t want you and your sister any more…..financially, your dad or  I can’t afford you two any more. After I am done tossing your stuff, I will come get you out and take you outside to the trash can and you can help me toss your crib stuff in, then, I have to empty your diaper pail in on top of you….OK?

Oliver: But MOM! How come you are throwing all of my clean disposable diapers away? I mean….do you HAVE…to throw all of those unopened packs of my clean diapers away?

Stephanie: Unfortunately, I do honey….no other choice. We won’t be needing them once you are done and no one we know wants them either…so they have to be disposed of. Now am I going to be able to do this without you stopping me to ask questions at each thing I toss or do I have to take you out to the trash can NOW?

Oliver: NO…I will just watch……

Stephanie: GOOD! Now let me do what I have to do here…alright?

Stephanie goes to the closet where Oliver’s cases of clean disposable diapers are, and starts to take them all out, setting them on the carpeted floor near the diaper changer.

Then Stephanie started to open each of the cases so to take out each of the unopened packs of clean disposable diapers before she put each pack onto the carpeted floor so that she could get them all out of the cardboard box before going to get one of the empty large 97 gallon trash cans. Once she got all of the packs of diapers out of the box, she put the now empty box aside before she opened the next case and took all of those new and unopened packs of diapers out. Once that case was empty, she did the same to the last case and then she put the fourth empty case box aside then she went out to the garage to get one of the empty 97 gallon trash cans to put the packs of disposable diapers into.
A few minutes later, Stephanie rolled the black 97 gallon trash can into the room and then put it near the packs of disposable diapers. Then she flipped the lid open, and then she started grabbing two packs of the diapers at a time and tossing them into the trash can until there were no more packs of diapers left. Then, Stephanie opened the top drawer of the diaper changer and pulled the drawer all the way out. Then she carried the drawer with the folded clean cloth diapers in it over to the trash can and then she emptied the drawer into the can. The cloth diapers tumbled haplessly into the can landing on top of the plastic packaging of the clean disposable diapers. Then Stephanie put the drawer down in front of the changer and then she took the second drawer out and carried it over to the can. She then dumped all of the onesie bodysuits into the can before setting the drawer down on the other empty drawer. Then, she pulled out the third drawer and then carried it over to the can. She dumped all of the plastic pants that were in there, into the can before setting that drawer down on the others. Then, she pulled the first of two smaller drawers out and then carried the first smaller drawer over to the can. She dumped all of the snappies, the loose size seven Pampers, Huggies and Luvs diapers that had been in there, into the can before putting the drawer down on the floor. Then she took the last drawer out and took it over to the can. She turned the drawer over and dumped the left-over package of baby wipes and the refills into the can along with an unopened pack of Japanese plastic-backed disposable diapers into the can. The can was now 3/4 of the way full and with the added 3 bags of cloth pre-fold diapers now being put into the can, the can was now heavy and full, ready to go right out to the curb.

Oliver: Mom?

Stephanie: (Pausing to hear what Oliver was about to say) Yes hun?

Oliver: Am I going to be put into one of those cans like that stuff was?

Stephanie: Yes hun…if there is room….otherwise, I will just have to walk you both out to the curb and wait for the trash man. There will be room in one of the cans for one of you though and I think I am going to put your sister in the can and then I will have to hand you over to the trash man when he comes. I will be back in a few sweetie…..

Stephanie rolls the full can outside to the curb and then goes to get another empty can to bring in to fill with the rest of the bags of cloth diapers and all of the loose clean and formerly wet (now dried) cloth diapers that had been stored in the 32 gallon cloth diaper pail down in the basement where the washer and drier were. Once the second empty can was in the room, Stephanie went over to Angelina’s crib and helped her out of it then she laid her down on the carpet, and began to change her almost soaking wet disposable diaper.

Stephanie: now, as I told your brother, would you like any special diapering requests before I put you into the trash can after your diaper change?

Angelina: Yes mom, I want the same thing my brother has….

Stephanie: Sure thing hun…

As Stephanie pulls the wet diaper out and then wipes Angelina clean, dropping the used wipes into the folded-over wet diaper, Angelina asks her mom what is going to happen.

Angelina: Mom?

Stephanie: (taking the wet diaper over to the trash can and dropping it in and coming back to get the last clean diaper from Angelina’s own changer) Yes baby?

Angelina: What is going to happen to me when the trash man takes me? Where are they going to take me?

Stephanie: Well sweetie, the trash men take all of the trash to a landfill and they leave it there to get buried under 10 inches of dirt but not before they compacted everything by running it over with their 21,0000 pound compactor before they bury you and all of the trash. Sorry baby, it has to be this way, I don’t like this any more than you do, but there is no other way.

Angelina: Mom? Will you be tossing more diapers into the can when I am in there?

Stephanie: Yes sweetie, I will. I will until it’s full and then I will roll the can outside to the curb and leave it there with you in it.

As Stephanie finishes Angelina’s diaper change, she helps Angelina stand up and then she walks Angelina over to the trash can and then picks her up and then she lowers her down into the empty can feet first.

Stephanie: Now baby, you are trash! You now officially belong to the trash man! NO more diaper changes, NO more bottles or drinks, and I WILL be tossing all of your clean and dirty cloth and disposable diapers as well as your clothes into the trash cans.

Then as Stephanie starts to load a bunch of Angelina’s diapers into the trash can that she is in, the diapers landing at her feet, Angelina squats down and then tries to get comfortable inside the bottom of the trash can as cloth diapers keep falling down into the barrel and landing all over her. Without saying a word, Angelina gets comfortable down at the bottom of the can with more and more cloth diapers being tossed in on top of her. Then, Stephanie began to toss in the loose, still folded, clean disposable diapers from the first package of her disposable diapers that she just opened. Then once the entire pack had been tossed into the can and the empty packaging was also tossed in, another unopened pack of diapers was opened and tossed in. Once that was done, all of her onesies and a few footed PJs were tossed in. Now the can was about ¾ full. Now Angelina’s full 32 gallon trash can filled with her folded over wet disposable diapers was emptied into the can which filled the can up entirely. The trash can was really heavy now. So Stephanie rolled the can out of the room, through the hallway to the living room and then to the front door and then outside, down the walkway to the curb where she left it.
It was now 3:45 pm and it was going to be Oliver’s turn to be disposed of.
Stephanie walks back into the house and back down the hallway and then into the room where Oley was laying down in his crib. Stephanie starts to take out some of Oley’s cases of clean, unused, and unopened packages of Northshore Supreme Overnight diapers from his closet and then she opens each case and takes each of the unopened packs of his diapers out of the cardboard boxes that they had come in and then she starts to pile the boxes up until all six cases worth of diapers are all out on the carpeted floor.

Oliver: You aren’t going to open each of those and throw my clean diapers away are you mom?

Stephanie: Unfortunately, yes, I am. I may not open all of these packs, but I AM going to throw them all into the trash. There are only two more empty trash cans left and I am afraid that there won’t be room for you in any of them. I may have to just bring you out to the trash man when he comes early in the morning.

Oliver: Will I get my last diaper change then?

Stephanie: NO hun…I already gave you your last diaper change. You are going to stay in that diaper until the trash man takes you.

Oliver: Mom? Are you going to throw my safety bed mattress and sheets away too when the trash man comes?

Stephanie: Yes baby…I am….your dad is going to help me carry them out to the curb before the trash men get here.

Oliver: But MOM! I LOVE those blankets!

Stephanie: I’m sorry baby…..they are going to the trash tonight. You are going to spend the night inside your nice trash can full of your wet diapers. Then Your father and I are going to carry it to the curb tonight and leave you there for the trash men. There will be no room in the big cans, so we are putting you into one of the trash cans we use inside…the 32 gallon metal trash cans with the locking lid clasps. That way, we know you won’t be able to get out.
Oliver: Mom?

Stephanie: YES baby?

Oliver: Are you throwing all of my packs of diapers away too?

Stephanie: Yes baby…ALL of them! We don’t need them and where you are going, you won’t either.

Oliver: what if I want some milk before I go into the trash tonight? May I have some?

Stephanie: Yes, Of course. Drink as much as you can NOW before it’s time for you to go into the trash can. After that, you will be trash and you won’t get anything then.

Oliver: What if my diapers are so wet that they are leaking when it’s time to go into the trash can? Will you change my diapers?

Stephanie: NO, baby, I won’t. it won’t matter if your diapers are wet or not. You already had you last diaper change and you will be staying in that one. If you don’t let me get the rest of these diapers thrown away, I will have to put you into the trash can earlier so I can work…OK? So NO more questions baby…

Oliver: Yes MOM!

Stephanie took all of the cardboard boxes containing the packs of Oliver’s packs of his diapers , then she began to take each pack out and then she opened a couple of the packs and then turned the plastic packaging upside down and then let the diapers fall out and into the diaper trash can. She did that with each pack for the first case of six packs of 15 diapers until the can was nearly full. Then Stephanie started to take each of the unopened packs of Oliver’s diapers and she began to toss them into the nearly full can until the lid was barely able to go on. Then, with five more cases left to throw away, she decided to take the packs out of their boxes and then take them out to the curb and put them next to the trash can but between two of the cans in the dark of night. Once there were no more of those diapers left, Stephanie took out the unopened boxes of Oliver’s Pampers, his Huggies and his Parent’s Choice diapers in size six and size seven. She then took all of them out to the curb and put them all down next to the cans where she had put his other diapers. Then she came back into the house and then folded up all of the cardboard boxes that were going into the recycling bins.
Then, Once the entire diaper pantry was empty, and there were no more diapers left anywhere, Stephanie came over to Oliver’s safety bed and then let the side down.

Stephanie: OK baby, it’s time for you to go into the nice trash can now with your clean and dirty diapers. Come….Come on now…be a good boy for mom one last time…ok?

Oliver: But MOM! I don’t really WANT to!

Stephanie: TOUGH baby! I told you, you were going to be thrown away tonight and you’d be going right into the trash can in this soon-to-be former nursery and then I was going to take it outside to the curb and leave you and the trash there for the trash man who will be here early in the morning.

Then Stephanie forcefully escorts Oliver over to the trash can and then she picks him up and then gets Oliver over the trash can before she starts to lower him in. Then as she lowers Oliver down inside, she lets go and Oliver lands with a slight bounce into the can on top of some of his open, wet, mushy disposable diapers. Then She picks the lid up and then puts it on for a bit, locking the clasps so that Oliver can’t get out. 
Then Stephanie goes over to help her husband strip Oliver’s old safety bed down and take the waterproof mattress out and take the sheets, blankets and mattress out to the curb.
Then, Stephanie and her husband began to disassemble the safety bed and once they were done, it too was taken out to the curb in pieces.
Then, once that was done, both Stephanie and her husband carried the diaper changer out to the curb too. Once the entire room was empty, and Oliver’s sister’s bed was also taken out to the curb, the only thing left was the trash can that Oliver was still in. It had to go out to the curb so Stephanie and her husband Larry, both carried the heavy aluminum trash can out to the curb and then left it out there right next to the 97 gallon cans full of diapers, Oliver’s sister and diapers and clothing. It was now around 8:30 pm and everything was done except for the vacuuming and general room cleaning that still had to be done but both Stephanie and Larry were not in the mood to do much more for the night.

Inside the can, Oliver had fallen asleep and about 7:15 am, TrashCoon and his truck pulled up to the curb and stopped. TrashCoon saw Stephanie and her husband standing there as well as all of the trash at the curb and was unsure he would be able to take it all, but he remembered that his boss said that there would be a lot of trash to take at this stop.

Stephanie: Hey, can you be sure to compact my son and my daughter very well please?

TrashCoon: Sure thing ma’am, NO problem.

TrashCoon goes to the first 97 gallon can and flips the lid, then he starts tossing the bags from the top, into the hopper before he drags the can over to the truck and then lifts it up and dumps it into the hopper. Then TrashCoon looks into the 32 gallon can that is now next to the empty 97 gallon can and then sees Oliver’s hand laying there inside the can. He then drags the can over to the side of the truck and then he starts to toss some of the loose diapers into the hopper that were covering Oliver before he grabs Oliver’s left arm and left thigh and then he picks him up and then he carries him over to the hopper edge before tossing him in. Oliver flies in and lands with a couple of thumps into the hopper on top of the bags and the loose diapers inside. Then TrashCoon picked up the first of two 32 gallon trash cans over stuffed with clean, packaged and loose clean disposable diapers and then dumped them all into the hopper. Then TrashCoon put the now empty 32 gallon can back and then he grabbed the second can that was filled with wet, unrolled cloth and disposable diapers and then he swung it over to the hopper and then she dumped everything into the hopper. The hopper was starting to get full now so TrashCoon decided to run a couple of packer cycles. The first compactor cycle, Oliver rose up just above the packer blade and as the packer blade pressed into and crushed everything, Oliver and some of his loose diapers fell down on top of the packer blade.


More to come soon…………..

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