Friday, February 24, 2017

The Diaper Vacuum truck-This Sucks

(A Story About a company that uses vacuum trucks to collect unwanted diapered people and their diapers)
Disclaimer: The characters in the story are represented as littles by age-play ages between 1 and 3 years old. The characters are developmentally delayed both emotionally and mentally but not physically. their chronological ages are between 18 and 22 years of age.
Note There are NO REAL or ACTUAL children in this story but things are being represented as though the characters actually WERE the chronological ages they are mentally and emotionally.

Patric was a driver for a large company that used Vacuum trucks to pick up loose trash along streets and parking lots. Pat's assigned area was a large area of a very poor and run-down section of town. Regular trash pick ups were made every month and anything that wasn't able to fit in the trash cans, ended up on the streets, including some of the poor diapered and disabled and developmentally delayed people that were unwanted. People would sometimes put their subjects into disability pushchairs (another name for large strollers)
and then leave them near a dumpster or near a vacant lot that had a large pile of trash and diapers in it.
Today Patrick went to work, got into his assigned truck and then drove out to his assigned area to go suck up as many of the diapers and subjects as he could. Little did he know that there was going to be multiple piles almost five foot high or even higher that needed to be sucked up.
Patric drove the truck to the first house and saw a pile next to the trash cans over stuffed with and overflowing with clean and dirty cloth and disposable diapers. Sitting on that same pile were two subjects, a boy 18 but was emotionally and mentally 2 and a girl, that was mentally and emotionally 1 years old but was physically 19. She was wearing a semi wet thick cloth diaper, plastic pants and a onesie. The boy was wearing a thick, fat-butted and bulky disposable diaper that was almost soaked.
Pat pulls up to the curb and stops. he gets out of the cab and starts to unhook the large hose before hooking up the longer hose extension so that he can reach the hose over to the pile.
Once Pat got the big hose ready, he went over to the pile of diapers that also had two thickly diapered and unwanted people laying on it, and then he turned the vacuum on and then stepped over to the pile. The first thickly diapered person struggled not to be sucked into the hose! 

Shane: NO! Don't! Stop! I don't wanna go in there! Stop! 

Pat: I'm here for the trash! It's going to "suck" you in like nothing ever has! 
It's sucky-sucky time son! Here.....We....Go! 

Pat sucked Shane into the hose along with the top whole layer of the pile of loose cloth and disposable diapers. 
The diapers flew into the hose rapidly as Pat moved the hose over the top of the now dwindling pile of loose diapers. 
As Pat operated the hydraulically controlled hose and manipulated the end of the hose over the remaining loose diapers in the pile, the diapers were sucked into the hose and the first pile was gone. Then Pat got back into the truck and pulled forward a few feet then put the truck in park then got out. He then manipulated the end of the hose just over the top of the pile with the second thickly diapered person wearing very thick and bulky disposable diapers. 

Sherri: PLEASE sir, don't do this! If you leave me here, I promise, I'll make it up to you...  

Pat: Nooooo, I'm sorry, you belong to the company I work for. They want you and all these diapers picked up and thrown away! Get into the hose now......
I hate to...."hose" you like this but.....It's just the way it HAS to be! Now......Time to get sucked into my truck! 

Sherri: aaaaaaaaaaaaaa bloomp!

Sherri got sucked into the hose and then landed into the container with the rest of the trash....And wet and dry diapers. More and more diapers were sucked and thrown into the container before the vacuum turned off and shortly after the side hose was put back, Pat got back into the cab and then began to vacuum up the diapers that were laying loosely in the street. Once no more diapers were visible,  Pat drove to the parking lot of an old nearly empty strip-mall and as he turned into the parking lot, he saw the government agents standing there with five very thickly diapered people of varying sizes and that were a lot of their diapers strewn all over the front of the old converted store-front where the agents and the diapered people were standing. 
Pat parks the truck nearest to the first couple of diapered people standing in front of the old now converted store-front and then he got out of the cab and shut the door. 
Pat: Hi there.....You all ready to be vacuumed into my nice "sucky" truck? 

Daisy: Sir? What is going to happen to my diapers and I after I go into that.....Truck you have? 

Pat: Well, you and your stuff get sucked in and then once the hopper gets full, I run some compactor cycles and pack everything nice and tightly, so to make 
More room for more trash! Ready? Let me run a few cycles of the packer first....then I will come over there and suck you and your diapers into the truck....Ok just..... A few minutes now....

Daisy: Where will I be taken with all the diapers and other trash?

Pat: We.....take the trash to a waste-to-energy plant. They...... weigh everything and everyone and then they put you and everything into a giant pit full of other random trash until they need to load it into the funnel hopper. 
OK.....ready to.....go into my....truck with all the dirty diapers? Here......we......GO!

With that.......Pat sucked Daisy into the hose along with half the pile of diapers on the ground. 

Daisy went head first into the hose and was forced into the vacuum container in the back of the truck along with the rest of the diapers in the pile flying in and most of them smacking her body and face. 

More to Cum soon.....

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