Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Dry Cleaners

It was a warm and balmy day out when Tommy's mother needed to drop off some shirts and slacks of Tommy's at the dry cleaners. Tommy, wore cloth diapers and plastic pants.
Usually, the dry cleaners don't take cloth diapers for servicing, however, there were three large industrial washing machines there that washed sheets and table cloths that the owner of the Dry Cleaning shop, said that he would do, this one time.
Tommy's mom, brought Tommy, his cloth diapers, and his onesies into the dry cleaners for cleaning.

Beth (Tommy's mom) : Hi, I talked with you over the phone earlier and I brought my son Tommy, his cloth diapers, his onesies and a bag of his Footed pajamas.

Jack: Yes ma'am....So.....for your son and his diapers, which we don't usually accept, we have to charge a specialty item fee for that.

Beth: I was planning on paying you around $400 to clean Tommy, and everything I've brought you. Is...that more than enough??

Jack: Sure it is. out your name, address, and a phone number where we can reach you when everything is done, and.....we will be good.
Beth fills out the paperwork pays, then Jack issues the receipt.

Jack: are aware that anything that is left here for more than 8 hours and is not picked up, will be disposed of accordingly....right??

Beth: I am indeed. If I can't make it back here in time, Tommy, his diapers, onesies and footed pajamas will be thrown away. Got it.

Jack: I will make sure that your son and all of his diapers get all nice and clean.......but, if you don't make it here before we close, he and all of his diapers go right out to our trash compactor. I will run him through one of our industrial washers first, then I will send him and his diapers through the steam cleaning process. Then, once we have done that, he and his diapers will go into one of our industrial dryers. After that, he and his diapers will be pressed and folded. I will call you to pick him up after that.

Jack: Come with me Tommy, it's time to get you and all of these diapers, onesies and pajamas nice and....clean.....

Tommy: WAAAIT! Moooooommmmmmyyyyyyy! I......don't...WANNA be washed!!!

Jack: Sorry kiddo, it's washer time for you and these diapers! I am going to leave you here with Anita who will be washing you and the diapers. Anita? He and all of these diapers, onesies, and pajamas need to be washed. Go ahead and put him in with the diapers while I get these pajamas all nice and dry cleaned. OK? Thank you.

Anita: What kind of detergents do you want me to use on this....special item?

Jack: Use the same stuff we use for the sheets. He is going for a ride in the dry cleaning machine when you get done with him. 

Anita: Ok....little diapered boy, let me...take these plastic pants off you and then it will be time to get you loaded into my washing machine with all of your wet and dirty diapers.

Tommy: But, but, but....I don't wanna go in...there! It....stinks in there!

Anita: Well, too bad. I have to get you loaded in there. I have to do my job or my boss will fire me and someone else will load you in there!

Anita loads Tommy and the wet cloth diaper he had on, into the washing machine on his back with his legs propped up in the tumbler before continuing to load the rest of his cloth diapers, onesies, footed sleepers into the tumbler.

Tommy: How long am I going to be in here???

Anita: Well, the first cycle will be about 35 to 40 minutes, the second cycle will be another 30 to 40 minutes with the two rinse cycles.

Tommy: What is....THAT liquid stuff that you have in those containers?

Anita: Those are the detergents we use.

Researching actual process.......

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