Armada: But, but, but I don't wanna go in the crusher thing! Do I have to go no matter what?

Misses Newell: Yes baby, no.....matter what. My husband or I will be loading the diapers in there soon. You and the diapers are next. I just have to take the load that is in there out and then put a new bag in.

Armada: But, what will happen to my comfy diaper?

Misses Newell: It is going to get crushed so that your diapers can dry out some before final disposal.

Armada: Final......disposal? What is going to happen then?

Misses Newell: You and the diapers will be taken outside to our incinerator where we burn all of the diapers.
Armada lays inside the tan trash can, on top of a lot of his own wet, folded-over Luvs Deluxe printed diapers as Misses Newell tossed in more wet and semi-wet diapers of his from another can, were being dumped in.

Misses Newell had changed Armada every 20 minutes, wet or not and had thrown the diapers away each time. She had even thrown away Armada's wet onesies and t-shirts away at each change. Armada kept tossing and turning trying to get comfortable. The wad of used wipes inside his pink, printed Luvs Deluxe diaper,

 that wad also full of a lot of baby powder, was only now just a little wet. As Misses Newell came over to the trash can carrying two partly wet, folded-over pink Luvs Deluxe diapers with wads of used wipes in them,

Armada tried to turn over onto his back but was unable to due to all of the heavy, wet diapers that were on top of him.

Armada tried to get Misses Newell's attention as she tossed the diapers into the can before she left.

Armada: Miss Newell? Miss Newell?

Misses Newell: Yes?

Armada: Um, how much longer will I be in here??

Misses Newell: Oh, about another day or two.

Armada: Am I going into that thing  in the kitchen like that boy and girl?

Misses Newell: Which? Oh, you mean the compactor? Yes hon, I told my husband that I wanted you to be put into our compactor, he said it wouldn't matter, go ahead.

Armada: Will I go in there even if I don't wanna?

Misses Newell: Yes, you will.

Armada: But, but, but.....miss Newell! How come the diapers that I was wearing, that aren't wet at all, were thrown in here with me?

Misses Newell: Because, they are trash once I take them off, wet or dry.

Misses Newell starts to turn to walk away.

Armada: Wait! One more question; How long will I be in the kitchen thing?

Misses Newell: Until it is full.

Misses Newell then walks away. As activities occurred in the Newell daycare, the compactor was set to cycle every hour. The poor girl's diaper was being bunched up and crushed against her butt as she and her diaper were being crushed against the diapers below her, just as the diapers above her and on top of her were being crushed against her. Now three of the diapers had burst and the paper fluff and gels were all over her as well as getting inside her diaper.

Maria groaned with every cycle of the compactor! As Misses Newell tossed in banana peels, leftover eggs, hash browns, bits of toast, cookie crumbs, a cigarette pack or two here and there, as well as quite a few wet and messy disposable diapers, the pressure  from the compactor became more and more.
Now, Maria had cherry kool-aid, ketchup, bits of eggs, cookie crumbs, banana, and diaper gels all over her from head and face to her toes. Her diaper had stuff stuck on it and some of the kool-aid had also trickled into the right leg elastics of her diaper and wet some of the padding.
The load inside the compactor was just about full and was about to be taken outside to the incinerator for final disposition. The load in the compactor was a mere 14 hours away from final disposition. There were now three bags sitting on the porch awaiting final disposition by Daniel Newell at the end of his work week.
The next day, Maria and the load of diapers and kitchen trash were pulled out, the bag tied shut before the bag was taken outside and left next to the 3 other bags on the porch. Misses Newell then went back inside and put a new compactor trash bag into the compactor before going back into the daycare.
After six pm, Misses Newell went over to the can that Armada was in, which was now nearly full of wet, folded-over  Luvs Deluxe printed diapers for him and for her,

which all had used baby wipes in them as well as lots of baby powder in them too.

Maria: HEY! What is happening?

Misses Newell: It's time to take the diapers out for final disposal hun.

Maria: NOOOO! PLLLLEASE! Don't throw me away! NOOOOO! Do you HAVE to tie the bag shut?????

Misses Newell: YES baby, I do! You and these diapers are going outside to the porch to wait for my husband to get your final disposal started.

Misses Newell then tied the top of the bag closed and then pulled it out, then dragged it outside to the back porch, leaving the bag next to the 3 other bags on the porch. Misses Newell then went back inside and put a new compactor trash bag into the compactor before going back into the daycare. Misses Newell then went over to the trash can that Armada was in and pulled and dragged the can through the daycare and into the kitchen and over to the side of the compactor before she slid the door open and began to take the diapers from the can, putting them into the compactor a couple at a time. Inside the can, Armada  had fallen asleep. He awoke to the can  he was in and all of the diapers inside, shaking, shimmying and settling. He felt each of the bumps as the can was dragged across the floor into the kitchen from the daycare. Suddenly, the can stopped being dragged and a few seconds later he heard and felt some of the diapers being taken out of the can. Armada wondered what was happening outside the can.

The next thing Armada knew, Misses Newell's hands reached down into the can and took a bunch of the diapers that were covering him as he watched. A few seconds later Misses Newell reached back down into the can, picked Armada up from under his arms and as he rose above the edge of the can, he saw where he was being put into.

Armada: NO! NO! NO! Put me down! NO! Stop! I don't wanna go in there! Aren't you my new mommy?
(As Armada is pulled out of the can, Misses Newell notices that he has a bunch of other wet and unrolled Luvs Deluxe diapers hanging from the back and front of his pink Luvs Diaper.) by their tapes as they are stuck to his diaper. Armada struggles to resist by kicking his feet in the air back and forth.
NOOOOO! PUT....ME....DOWN! I don't WANNA be crushed! 

Misses Newell: Yes hon, I am but it's time to go into the compactor now. (Misses Newell puts Armada down onto his feet next to the compactor so she can take his onesie off)

Armada: How come you're taking my onesie off?

Misses Newell: Because, I.....forgot to take it off when I put you into the can. I also thought you'd be more comfortable without it. Didn't you ask me to take it off before I threw you away?

Armada: Yes Miss Newell.

Misses Newell: I am only doing this because I forgot and I promised that I would. Otherwise you'd go in there with it on.

(Once the onesie was was off, she tossed it into the compactor then she lifted Armada up again and began to lower him into the compactor)
Would you like to be on your back or your stomach?

Armada: My back but don't I get a special request?

Misses Newell: Well......I......suppose....what is your....special request?

Armada: Could you please not run that thing in there as much? 

Misses Newell: I....will see. I have to run the compactor a few times to make room for more diapers.

Armada: (Laying down on his stomach and noticing that there are 5 diapers hanging and stuck by their tapes to his diaper, behind him and on the front of his diaper) can you get these diapers that are stuck to please?

Misses Newell: No, afraid I can't. You will just have to stay like that.

Armada: How many times will this thing crush my diaper today?

Misses Newell: Probably 4 times. I like to make sure there will be plenty of room for more diapers, and all of these diapers need to have as much wetness squished out of them as possible before they go out to the incinerator.

Armada: WAIT!!! going into what???? 

Misses Newell: (Dropping 3 more wet folded over LUVS deluxe for her diapers with wads of used baby wipes and baby powder, into the compactor, onto Armada's diaper) 
Our incinerator. The thing we use to burn the diapers in for final disposal.

Armada: UH! UH! UH! You mean......that after this, my diapers and I are going to be....burned? 

Misses Newell: UH HUH.....yep, outside in our incinerator, that's right. I can't wait to get rid of all of these dirty diapers and diapered trash!

Armada: (Noticing that 8 of the folded-over blue and white printed Luvs Deluxe for him diapers aren't that wet)  HEY! Aren't those diapers MY diapers that you changed a lot yesterday? None of them feel wet!!

Misses Newell: Yes hon, they are. They are all trash now. Lay down...all the way...good. Here come the rest of the diapers from the can.
(Misses Newell tosses the rest of the remaining diapers from the can, into the compactor) 

Misses Newell:'s time to run the compactor now......

Misses Newell slides the compactor door closed, locks it then hits a couple of buttons on the front of the door then starts the compactor before grabbing the now empty brown trash can and lid, before walking away. Inside the compactor, Armada is getting his first crushing blow to his diapers. 


The Compactor blade comes down and presses the diapers on top of Armada against him as he and the diaper he has on is pressed against the diapers below him slowly. 
About 45 minutes later, the compactor door was unlocked and slid open. Misses Newell and a parent of one of the boys she was taking care of, was standing there as Misses Newell tossed in 4 more wet and semi-wet Luvs diapers. She tossed in two semi-wet Luvs Deluxe for her diapers with wads of used wipes and lots of clumpy baby powder in them, two Luvs deluxe for him diapers with wads of used wipes and lots of powder clumps in them. All of the diapers were just folded over, the two pink Luvs diapers landed near Armada's face and the back of his head while the two Luvs deluxe for him landed on his back and on top of his diapered butt.

Armada: UH!.........UH!........OOF!.............AWE.......MAN! 

The Parent heard Armada in the compactor and wondered why he was in there.

Parent:  was...that some one in the compactor?

Misses Newell: Yes, it is. Someone abandoned him here at the daycare. We can't take care of him, the county and state didn't have anywhere to put him, so they helped us adopt him, then they told us to "Do whatever we want with him."

Parent: just.......threw him away?

Misses Newell: Yep. We have a few clients that occasionally bring us unwanted, diapered people that they want disposed of. We offer several disposal options for different prices. We diaper them until disposal day, then whatever diapers, clothing and bedding is left, we either dispose of it, donate it, or use the diapers in the daycare.

Parent: What if.....I had some one I wanted disposed of?

Misses Newell: We would dispose of them according to the disposal plan you paid for.

Parent: Can I pick what diaper they wear as their last diaper change?

Misses Newell: Yes, of course. You can also choose which day they get disposed of on, if they go into the compactor or not, if you want them oiled up for disposal or if you want us to use diesel fuel or gas, even if you want nothing used.

Parent: How much does it cost to dispose of an unwanted, diapered person?

Misses Newell: Our plans start out at $2,000 and go up to $5,000.

Parent: What would I be paying for at the $5,000 level?

Misses Newell: Well, the diapered person goes into our compactor for 3-5 days, then husband will haul their diapers, bedding and anything else to the waste-to-energy-plant for final disposal. Before disposal, the disposee gets our premium disposable diapers, our daycare services, diaper changes, drinks, food, that sort of thing.

Parent: What will I be paying for at the $2,000 level?

Misses Newell: My husband and I would dispose of the unwanted, diapered person in one of our diaper pails, and when the pail gets full, my husband, Daniel would tie the bag closed, take it out to our incinerator in our backyard, add wood and some paper trash, then burn it all in there.

Parent: I have two in diapers right now that will never be able to stop wearing them. Do you take 18 year-olds and a 20 year-old that acts like and has the capacity of a 2 year old???

Misses Newell: Yes, we can do that. What sizes of diapers do they wear???

Parent: The 20 year old wears the largest sized toddler diapers due to her body size. The 18 year old wears small adult or youth sized diapers. I would bring you both of my diapered ones, one at a time.

Misses Newell: Let's go and get you our forms to fill out.Which of our disposal plans would you like....our basic plan, our second tier plan or our  premium plan?

(Misses Newell hands the parent two copies of the disposal forms)

The Parent, the mother, looks at all of the descriptions under each disposal plan and then chooses the premium plans for both of her diapered ones. The mother then takes out her credit card and hands it to Misses Newell to run for $10,000.

Misses Newell runs the card and then the transaction is approved. Misses Newell prints out both receipts and gets the mother to sign both before handing her card and a copy of both receipts.

Misses Newell: When will we be expecting your first disposee?

The Mother: I will bring the 18 year old by tomorrow and then I have to get the 20 year old ready. He has a lot of these old wing-fold diapers we never got to finish using, he also has a lot of Huggies  for him, Pampers with the blue waist shield, a lot of onesies,  a few dozen pre-fold cloth diapers that we used underneath the wing-fold diapers at first, and about one case of Luvs Deluxe for him printed diapers that he grew out of, now we use on the 20 year old.

Misses Newell: We can handle disposing of all of that. Now, would you like us to oil them up before they go into the incinerator?

The Mother: Yes, please give them both a good and long pre-soak in oil.

Misses Newell: Would you like us to use diesel fuel for their final disposal?

The mother: Do you soak the inside of their diapers they will have on with it?

Misses Newell: Yes, we would.

The Mother: Then.....yes, please do.

Misses Newell: Now, for the 18 year old in youth disposable diapers.......what kind are they? Plastic-backed or cloth-like?

The Mother: We use the "Race-Car diapers" from a website called "UnderCareWear" on him. They are all plastic-backed.

Misses Newell: Would you prefer both of them to be disposed of here in our incinerator or have them taken to the waste-to-energy plant?

The Mother: I would prefer to have the 18 year old taken to the waste-to-energy plant, but if that's not possible, go ahead and do him and the diapers here in your incinerator. The 20 year old, I want disposed of here. The forms say that you dry their diapers out in two ways; the compactor and then my boys would go into a solar diaper dryer....before being soaked in oil and/or diesel fuel prior to disposal. How long does the solar diaper dryer take?

Misses Newell: Oh about 2 to 3 hours.

The Mother: AWE.....I take it that dry diapers burn better?

Misses Newell: Yes, they do. We take the load out of our compactor then empty everything into the diaper dryer and then leave them in there for 2 to 3 hours. The longest time a load of diapers and a diapered one were in the solar diaper dryer, was 4 hours. He re-soaked his diaper and leaked into some diapers below him.

The Mother: (handing Misses Newell the first completed form) Ohhh, I want to make sure the 18 year old get a lot of compactor cycles when you load him. I want his thick, bulky diapers crushed well so to squeeze out as much wetness as possible. The 20 year old is a light wetter and usually I only have to change his diapers about 3-4 times a day. The 18 year old is a super-soaker!  You will have to change his diapers 5-7 times a day! His diapers are soaked and he always leaks into his onesies.

Misses Newell: I will make a note. I will change his onesies, wet or not, at each diaper change. With the 20 year old, I will change his diapers often and dispose of them and his onesies, wet or not at each change. That way, we can use up as many diapers and onesies as we can. As for all of those wing-fold disposable diapers and the 3 dozen cloth diapers, they will get thrown away once they come here. We don't like those diapers. The Huggies for him and the Pampers wit the blue waist shield diapers,

I....might use a few of them but we use Luvs Deluxe for him and for her Printed diapers here until we run out.

I will make sure both diapered ones get plenty of compacting. My husband will be loading them and taking them out to our incinerator. I will be the one holding them while my husband soaks their diapers and them in diesel fuel.

The Mother: Make sure they use up plenty of diapers too please. Change their diapers a lot.

Misses Newell: We will, until they are thrown away.

The Mother: Well, I will bring the 18 year old by here and leave him with a bunch of the Huggies For him, The Pampers with the blue waist shield and a bunch of onesies. use whichever diapers you wish on him.

I don't care if the Huggies and Pampers get disposed of without using them or if you choose to use any of them. Just make sure that his diapers, his youth sized diapers get a lot of compactor cycles.

Misses Newell: (Nodding in agreement) Certainly, will do.

The Mother: Thanks, See you tomorrow.

Misses Newell: You're welcome. Thanks for your business, bye now.

Misses Newell then goes back to the daycare and notices 3 toddlers that have saggy wet Luvs diapers that need changing. She goes over to the girl, brings her over to the changing area then goes and gets a clean LUVS DELUXE for HERprinted diaper, and the wipes.

Misses Newell changes the three toddler's diapers and then she takes all three diapers over to the compactor, slides the door open, and drops them in.

Armada: Miss Newell? Miss Newell! Why do I have to have these diapers all over me like this? Every time that thing turns on, most of the wetness runs all over me and it is getting into my diaper! (Armada props himself up on his left arm so he can see miss Newell better)

Misses Newell: Lay down baby..... Yes, you are trash now. I don't care what happens to you or your diapers in there! Now...lay...down! (Misses Newell forces Armada to lay back down and then she spreads some of the diapers out and then she opens a couple of the diapers up and lays them across his face so that he won't see the compactor coming down.) I have a couple more diapers to toss in there and then I have to run some more cycles of the compactor. Looks like it's getting a little full in there. (Pressing down on the diapers which push down on Armada) NICE and spongy.

Armada: HEY! STOP that! QUIT pushing down on me! How many more diapers will be going in here?

Misses Newell: Tomorrow there will be a LOT more diapers going in there. It's compactor time baby......REEEEADY?

Misses Newell tosses the last of the diapers into the compactor and then she slides the door closed and then she starts the compactor again. The compactor blade comes down slowly and begins to press down onto the diapers that misses Newell just put in. Armada and the diaper he is wearing are being crushed against the other diapers below him as the diapers on top of him are being crushed against him. The diapers that are stuck to the back of his Luvs Deluxe Pink Printed diapers, are being crushed against him and his diapered butt. Armada's diaper gets crushed hard by the compactor as do the diapers on top of him and his diaper. A few of the diapers below Armada have burst at the leg elastics causing the wet padding to leak out some. the drier diapers have not burst but the puffs of baby powder have blasted Armada's face and hair with powder. Armada has wet and sticky diaper padding and gels in his hair as well as urine and baby powder all over his face, in his hair and all over the upper half of his body and parts of his Printed Luvs Deluxe for her diaper with the large wad of baby wipes still inside.

Misses Newell came back to the compactor four hours later, unlocked the door, slid it open to find that Armada had fallen asleep underneath all of the diapers.

Misses Newell had a trash can full of wet diapers that needed compacted with her and as she began to take some of the diapers out and put them into the compactor,  Armada woke up with a snort.

Armada: What's happening???? Is it time to get out yet????

Misses Newell: NO, it's not. I am just loading more diapers in there that need to be squeezed.

Armada: When will I be going out to the thing outside?

Misses Newell: Well, there are already a few loads ahead of you so...when those get disposed of, then it will be your turn.

Armada: Do you HAVE....TO run all of those EXTRA compactor cycles????

Misses Newell: I want to be sure that you and all of these diapers get plenty of packing so that you and them will be ready for final disposal.

Armada: What if my diaper gets wet enough to burst and it does?

Misses Newell: It won't matter I'm afraid.

Armada: What will your husband do with my diapers and I?

Misses Newell: HE is going to burn everything outside in either the BBQ or our Incinerator.

Misses Newell tosses in a few more folded over wet Luvs Deluxe diapers, a few wet Luvs for her diapers and a few Luvs deluxe for him diapers each with a lot of powder and a wad of used wipes in them. The diapers have a sweet, baby powder scent to them as they land on Armada's head and diapered butt.

Armada: Are you going to run that thing that pushes down on me so hard?

Misses Newell: The....compactor? Yes hon.....a couple of times. The fuller it gets in there, the more times I have to run it to make more room.

Armada: How come I see someone walking around there wearing those thick....white, bulky diapers and their diapers are being tossed in here? They are SO BIG!

Misses Newell: Which do you mean...OH these? These are from someone else that is also going to be disposed of in here soon. HE is a heavy wetter and needs thicker diapers. Since he can't fit into the LUVS or size six diapers, he has to wear the larger YOUTH diapers his mom and dad left here for him to use up.

Armada: But, But, come there is a white plastic bag and a black plastic bag in here? Am I going to get tied up in this?

Misses Newell: YYYYEP! My husband is going to empty the bag you are in, into either our BBQ, the incinerator or our old burn barrel.

Misses Newell finishes emptying the 13 gallon can that had been full of folded over wet disposable diapers and then before she slid the compactor door closed, she paused to say:

Misses Newell: OK...Time for another round of compactor cycles.....get READY hon....

Once the Compactor door was closed, misses Newell locked the door then she started the compactor. It took a few seconds for the cycle to start but the familiar whine of the electric powered hydraulics reminded Armada that he and the diapers were about to be pressed REALLY HARD!

Armada: UUUUH! UUUUUUUUUUH! UMPH! (Armada's face was then pushed by force into the wet diaper padding of the diaper that was now wrapped around his face and partly covering his head!

Misses Newell then slid the door closed and re-locked it. Then she started the compactor.

As Misses Newell walked away, the sounds of the whining compactor was heard and the sounds of Armada grunting as the pressure from the packer blade began to mount inside the compactor bag full of diapers. the bag is almost full now, and there is just enough room for about one more 13 gallon can worth of diapers. It's Friday now, and misses Newell has this day as one of her busiest days of the week. She has a lot of diapered disposee's to diaper still before they get disposed of.
Misses Newell went about the rest of the day, changing many messy diapers and mostly wet diapers.
The wet diapers, she tossed into one of the 13 gallon cans that one of the disposees was about to go into. Misses Newell changes her own son and some of the wet diapers of those that she is watching in her home daycare. She tosses the pile of folded over wet diapers, into the wet diaper pail and then she gets Tyler who was dropped off to be disposed of, to lay down so that she can give him his last diaper change. Tyler uses the Under Care Wear Race car diapers in youth size because he is too big to fit into the Luvs Deluxe diapers. 

Misses Newell: OK Tyler, come over here for me.....and lay down for me....OK?It's time to change your...diaper.....

Tyler: But....BUT......I don't want my diaper changed! Is it wet? 

Misses Newell: Yes baby, it is. Now, this is going to be....your last diaper change....If you don't want your diaper changed, I can just put you right into the wet diaper pail over there where the rest of these diapers are going or....I can give you one last dry diaper to be disposed of in. YOUR choice hon. 

Tyler: into the trash can with..........all of those diapers? 

Misses Newell: Yes baby, you are. Do you...or don't you want your diaper changed before you are disposed of? 

Tyler: UM...........yes misses Newell. 

Misses Newell: OK....then lie down for me. Good boy.......

Misses Newell helps Tyler lie down onto his back on the changing mat placed on the floor then she leans forward to unfasten the top tapes then the bottom tapes on the Race Car diapers. 

The plastic crinkled loudly as she loudly peeled the tapes back. Then misses Newell pulled the front of Tyler's wet Race car diaper back and then she pulled it out from under him and then she folded it over, and set it onto Tyler's chest while she opened the new, clean Race Car diaper up and then lifted him up, sliding the back half of the diaper underneath him. Then misses Newell opened the wipes container and took out a handful of the wipes. She then began to wipe Tyler down with each wipe very gingerly, depositing the used wipes into Tyler's new, clean disposable Race Car diaper. 

TylerHow are putting the used wipes into my clean diaper misses Newell? 

Misses and your diaper are going into the trash can right after I am done changing you. It doesn't matter which diaper I put them in.....they are both going to the same place. 

TylerAm I at least going to get some baby powder in my diaper? 

Misses Newell: Yes, I can do that. Do you want a LOT of powder or just a little? 

Tyler: I want a LOT. 

Misses Newell: OK, will do.  

Misses Newell grabs the baby powder and shakes in a LOT of baby powder into Tyler's diaper before setting the powder back down and then grabbing the ends of the front of his diaper, and pulling the front of the diaper over his diapering area. Misses Newell then fastens the tapes and then she picks the wet diaper up and then helps Tyler up so that he is standing. 

Misses Newell:  (Handing the wet diaper to Tyler) Here, carry your wet diaper over to the trash can that you are going into for me hon, I have all of these other diapers that are also going in there too to carry. 

Tyler: How come I have to be….disposed of right…NOW??? I don’t…WANNA go in the trash can!!! (Pouting) 

Misses Newell: You are going into the trash can….like it or not hon. It’s just the way it is. Now, put your diaper in there then do you want me to….put you in there or….would you like to get in there on your own? 
Tyler: Can I get in there by myself???? 
Misses Newell: Sure. Let me know if you need my help. One you are in there though, you have to stay in there! Under…stand? 
Tyler puts his diaper into the can and then tries to climb into the can but almost knocks the can over. 
Misses Newell: Here. Let me put you in there. 
Misses Newell picks Tyler up and lowers him down into the can feet first forcing him to lie down onto his back on top of all of the diapers. 
Misses Newell: Now, stay in there. I am going to lock the lid down now. Have a NICE disposal! 

Misses Newell puts the lid on and then locks the lids down with lid clamps before she walked away. Inside the can, Tyler tries to get comfortable but he just can’t. The diaper plastic is making diapers stick to him and it’s hot, stinky and sticky in there. After tossing and turning for a bit, Tyler finally finds some comfortable position but JUST in time for misses Newell to come over with a small pile of wet diapers. Misses Newell opens the lid, and tosses each of the diapers in on top of Tyler starting at his feet and legs. 

Tyler: HEY! It’s….HOT in here! The diapers are sticking to me! Do you HAVE to toss them on me like that? 

Misses Newell: Yes hon, I am going to be tossing more diapers in there. I am going to put them, wherever there is room. 

Tyler: How much longer will I be in here? 

Misses Newell: Seeing as how the can is almost half way full now, it might be a couple more days. 

Tyler: Where will I go after the can fills up? 

Misses Newell: You and the diapers will go outside of course. If there are no more loads of diapers to dispose of ahead of you, you will get put right into the incinerator in our backyard. My husband will be the one taking you and the diapers out. 

Tyler: What if I get….thirsty between now and then? 

Misses Newell: You won’t be getting anything to drink, eat or any diaper changes from now on. You are….TRASH now. I don’t care about the trash. Neither does my husband. Now, be quiet and do not try to get out of this can. I will be back to throw some more diapers away in about (pulls out cell phone and looks at the time then puts it away) a couple of hours. 

Tyler: Can I do what I want with these…diapers while I am in here??? 

Misses Newell: I don’t care what… do with them in there! 

Misses Newell then tosses in the rest of the diapers from when Tyler was put into the can that were sitting next to the can that she forget to put in before putting the lid back on the can. She then goes back into the daycare. Tyler can’t lift the lid to peek out, so he tries to lay in the can on top of the crinkly, and rustling plastics of the diapers, trying to get comfortable. Soon, it becomes late afternoon, misses Newell changes a bunch of diapers one right after another and brings the messy ones out to the messy diaper daycare can out on the porch and the wet ones go into the outside wet diaper can right next to the messy diaper can out on the porch. She then goes back inside to tend to the other diapered ones that are there for daycare only and the few that have been left there for disposal. 

A couple of hours later, misses Newell changes a couple more wet LUVS Deluxe for him and a couple of Luvs Deluxe for her printed diapers and brings them over to the compactor because they are really, really wet. Armada hears footsteps coming closer and closer to the compactor and then he hears the door unlock. Misses Newell slides the door open and sees Armada’s diapered butt laying on his stomach under a bunch of soaking wet diapers that look as though the wetness has leaked and dribbled down the sides of his stomach and around his waistband near his diaper. She also sees that Armada’s head and face are mostly covered with wet diapers and he is laying in and on wet padding of an open, wet Luvs Deluxe for him diaper that had a lot of baby powder in it that has chunks of it inside and a large pile of baby wipes left inside. He is laying on the drier front half with his face being covered by the wet part of the center of the diaper with the drier back part covering the rest of his head over past his ears. That diaper is also covered with other diapers that are placed open, padding side down over the wet diaper covering Armada’s face and head and a few other diapers just tossed there folded over in half using the original creased fold that came with the diaper. Misses Newell tosses the other diapers she has in her hands, into the compactor bags on top of Armada and the other diapers then she goes over to the boxes of Pampers wing-fold diapers that were neatly stacked nearby and begins to pop the box open. Once the box is open, she takes a bunch of the clean, still folded in half diapers and she tosses them into the compactor on top of the other wet diapers. Once the piles of diapers she put in there began to rise above a certain line, she slid the compactor door closed, locked it, and then started the compactor. She then put the Pampers box down, that still was about half way full, until the compactor was done cycling. Inside the compactor, Armada is GRUNTING hard as the compactor comes down and presses hard into the diapers on top of him which then press hard into his diaper he has on as well as the diapers on his back and covering his head and face! 


The compactor releases and starts to retract back up to it’s starting position. Then misses Newell comes back over to the compactor, unlocks the door, slides it open and then grabs the box of diapers and puts it in on top of Armada, and the diapers laying there all over him. She gives the box a little squash which squashes it down so that it will fit before she slides the door closed again and locks the door. Then, she starts the compactor again but this time, she stays in front of the compactor until it stops so that she can run three more cycles. The second compactor cycle began and it crushed the box harder against the diapers below it. The cardboard began to press into Armada’s leg on his left hip. This gave him a slight paper cut as it shoved deeper and harder into his skin. The soaking wet diapers laying on top of Armada began to bulge and stretch as the wet and gooey padding began to get forced up against his body. The diaper he had on was now getting slight wetter and wetter as the pressure caused him to release more wetness into his diaper. The bag was now starting to almost be completely full now. One more layer of wet diapers and the bag would be full and it would be time to take the bag out and put a new one in. Misses Newell changed some more wet Luvs Deluxe For her Printed diapers and a few Luvs Deluxe for him printed diapers before she came back into the kitchen to put the 8 folded over wet diapers in.

Armada now has several wet Luvs Deluxe for him diapers of his own, wrapped around his face, head and neck with the padding pressed against his face as misses Newell unlocks the compactor door, slides it open and drops the folded over wet Luvs Deluxe For her printed diapers and the Luvs Deluxe for him Printed diapers in. Misses Newell opens up one of the diapers and places it against Armada’s head to cover his face up more so that he won’t see much to keep him from freaking out when the bag is taken out to the incinerator for final disposal. The pile of wipes and the chunks of clumped up baby powder fall all over Armada’s head and get into his hair, which is matted and full of wetness and gels now. The dry back part of the diaper that Armada’s right side is laying on, with the wet part wrapping around the front of his face was being crushed down and forcing the wet padding and gels against his face under the other folded-over diapers that were also laying on top of that diaper, which was being hard-pressed by the compactor blade each time.

Armada: Miss Newell, Miss Newell! Why are you wrapping another wet diaper around my face like that??? 

Misses Newell: I want your face and head covered as much as possible hon. It will help cushion the compactor cycles some. 

Armada: But, But, the wetness! It’s leaking all over my face, getting into my hair, making it all moist, and my hair is all sticky with this slimy stuff too! 

Misses Newell: Well hon, it doesn’t matter. You’re in the trash. Tomorrow is your trash day and my husband is going to be taking you and the diapers outside. Unfortunately, there are a few other large loads in front of you. So maybe by Sunday or Monday my husband and I will get you and these diapers loaded into one of our incinerator barrels for final disposal.   

Armada: What day is today? 

Misses Newell: Today is…… (Pulling out cell phone and looking) Wednesday. 

Armada: What does your husband do to the loads of trash? What is he going to do with MY diapers and I? 

Misses Newell: Well hon, he and I are going to load you and your diapers into our incinerator barrel and then add some wood then……we are going to burn everything! 

Armada: You mean……you are going to…burn me???? 

Misses Newell: Yep. That’s….what we do here……

Armada: But, BUT…..What if I don’t WANNA… burned? 

Misses Newell: You don’t have a choice hon! You’re trash! Dirty, diapered TRASH! Once you’re in the trash, everything….EVERYTHING gets put into our incinerator and burned, NO…matter….WHAT! 

Armada: Is there….anything that…….DO to the trash to get it ready? 

Misses Newell: How do you mean? OH….by which you mean….do we use anything to help it all burn? YEP! We either use baby oil, old car oil or Diesel fuel, when….we have enough of that…..we pour one of those things all over the diapers and anything else in there and then……we start the disposal. 

Armada: So….I’m going to get baby oil or ….old car oil or that….what was that? 

Misses Newell: You mean Diesel fuel? 

Armada: YEA! THAT…stuff…..all over my diaper and I? 

Misses Newell: I’m afraid so hon. That’s how we do it here. 

Armada: Have you done this before? 

Misses Newell: Yes, a lot of times. 

Armada: Does everything….burn up all the way? 

Misses Newell: NOPE! All that is left are the bones! We….grind them up and put them into our…garden. 

Armada: What does the Baby oil or car oil or that…OTHER stuff do then? 

Misses Newell: Well sweetie, it helps to burn everything all the way down. The baby oil, car oil or diesel fuel all burn nice…..and….hot so that everything burns up all the way. 

Armada: Will my diaper burn all the way up? 

Misses Newell: Yes hon…it will. 

Armada: Why do I have to be....disposed of misses Newell? Where is my mommy?

Misses Newell: WELL sweetie, Your mom and dad didn't come back for you. They knew that if they left you here, and didn't come back for you....that we would be able to adopt you and since we can't afford to diaper you with all of our own in diapers, and the state not having anyone that wanted to take you.....or COULD take you...they told us to go ahead and do whatever we wanted with you and all of your things. I'm sorry to have to tell you this but your mom and dad don't want you....the state can't take care of you and we can't afford to, so this is the only thing we have left. My husband is going to dispose of a couple of loads tonight once he gets home....and you might be able to see how you and your diapers will be disposed fact, I will ask my husband to make sure that you get to see everything.

Armada: Miss Newell? How many more diapers are going to be put in here?

Misses Newell: Well hon, I have another 13 gallon can full of diapers that need to go in there. Some of them are your diapers from a day or two before you were thrown away.

Armada: Where are my clothes? What are you going to do with them?

Misses Newell: Well hon, some of them, like....your onesies, and old stained up shirts, they are being thrown away. the few things that you had that aren't that bad, we are going to donate. Now here comes the first armload of diapers hon........

Armada: HEY! They aren't rolled up! Why are some of them being wrapped around my waist and my legs?

Misses Newell: Because hon, this way they don't take up as much room.

Armada: MAN! the diapers are COOOOLD, wet......and......they STINK!

Misses Newell: I....Know baby, you'll just have to take it hon. After this, I am going to close the door and run a couple of cycles of the compactor so that there will be more room to add the rest of your diapers in there.

Armada: Miss Newell! I....don't wanna be pushed down on by that.....thing! NOOO! My...diaper padding is starting to fall down and clump up and I felt one of these diapers somewhere in here....burst! See all of this.....wet, slimy stuff on me and in my hair???

Misses Newell: Yes, baby, It doesn't matter. You and the diapers ARE....going to get crushed some more!

Misses Newell empties the last of the diapers from the 13 gallon can into the compactor bag and then she slides the door closed, locks it, then starts the compactor.

The compactor blade starts to come down slowly and steadily, pushing down on the diapers on top of Armada. Armada groans and grunts and then gasps for air for a few seconds before the compactor stops for a second in mid cycle, and then begins to retract.
Once the compactor retracts, all that is left is the crinkling of the plastic of the diapers, and Armada's face and head completely wrapped with wet diapers, some with the padding wrapped around his head and the others that are folded over with the plastic now mashed hard into and against the plastic of the diapers below. Some of the diapers are kind of embedded into the others, while the padding of the diapers being crushed into, have separated and moved to make way for the diaper mass under the pressure of the compactor. Once of the diapers burst under the pressure and the wet, slimy gels and padding began to get all over Armada, the mess began to get into his own pink LUVS diaper that he had on still that was now mostly soaked. His hair and body now was covered with wet diaper gels! The compactor was now on auto mode and every so often, it would start up and compact Armada and the diapers over and...over again! About every two hours, the compactor would cycle, crushing the diapers and Armada. Armada tried to sleep however every time he started to get to sleep, the compactor would start up and the diapers would squish up against him, some of the wet padding was pressing against his face, back, his stomach and his chest.The padding of his semi wet Luvs diaper, had a sweet, baby powder smell and actual baby powder that was in it that was now all over his face.
Armada struggled to move however, was unable to with all of the compacted diapers on top of him preventing him from anything other than slight movements.

Armada: Miss NEWELL! Miss...NEWELL! PLEEEEEASE! Make this....compactor STOP!

PLEASE! Let....ME...OUT! It...STINKS in here and I'm Sweating a lot! Miss...NEWELL?
Can....YOU hear me?

Silence in retort is heard while Armada can hear misses Newell having fun with the others in the daycare. Armada sighs out of disappointment as he realizes that he is not getting out and misses Newell is not coming.

Suddenly, the compactor starts back up again and crushes him and the diapers again......
one of the wetter diapers that had been places over his own diaper, bursts a little and the wet, slimy gels and padding begin to leak out and get all over him and then into the waistband elastics of his pink Luvs diaper. Then, the compactor presses hard for a few seconds and stays in position for a few seconds before it begins to retract. Once it fully retracts, Armada heard the sounds of someone setting something heavy near the door and then the sounds of the door being unlocked and then the door sliding open.
unable to see who it was that was standing there, Armada called out in a muffled voice underneath the four diapers of his that are covering his entire face with the padding facing against his facial skin.

Armada: Miss Newell?

Daniel Newell: NO....Son, it's not. I'ts ME...your....favorite trash man!

Armada: What is happening?

Daniel Newell: WELL, I am putting some more diapers in there and then running a bunch of compactor cycles. Then, tomorrow, it's trash day! Tonight, I am burning some loads of diapers and then once they are gone, there will only be two loads ahead of you.

Armada: Does that mean...that Tomorrow These diapers and I....are being taken out of here and waiting to be...BURNED?

Daniel Newell: does son. Don't worry though....I am going to run a BUNCH of compactor cycles on you and the load before you and the load are taken out. The case worker whom gave us permission to dispose of you.......said that she wanted you to get plenty of compactor cycles. I can't argue with her since she is paying us.....

Armada: WAIT! Will I get out of this.....trash bag when it's time to be burned?

What is going to happen when it's time for final disposal?

Daniel Newell: WELL son, We are required to prepare you for disposal. That means that yes, I WILL have to take you out of that bag and then pour either Diesel fuel all over you and into your diaper or we will have to soak you and your diaper down with some old car oil...if we don't have any old car oil, the case worker will supply us with enough baby oil to do the job. Then, once you and your diapers are nicely soaked, it will be into the incinerator with ya......and while my wife watches to make sure that you stay in there, I will chop some kindling and get some logs ready and then I will load the kindling and the logs in there on top of you and the diapers. Now, if the incinerator and the burn barrel are otherwise occupied, then some of your diapers will just have to go into our barbecue until either the burn barrel OR the incinerator is empty.

Armada: Where will you put me until the incinerator or the....burn barrel is empty?

Daniel Newell: Well, we have the solar diaper drier out here, I should put you and some of the diapers in there so that they will be dry enough to burn better.

Armada: NOOOO! It's HOT in there!

Daniel Newell: I don't GIVE a shit son! If....I say you're gonna go in there, you....are going IN there!!! Got it?

Armada: (Biting his lip some before speaking) yyyyes.......I understand.......

Daniel Newell: YOU son, don't HAVE a choice where you go! YOU and these diapers are....TRASH! I don't hear the diapers complaining about where they are going or what is happening to them!!!

Misses Newell comes walking into the kitchen to see what her husband is saying as he loads the compactor.

Misses Newell: everything....alright?

Daniel Newell: (Sighing with exasperation) YEEEA......I'm just eager to get this load of trash out and get it disposed of. I have five loads of diapers to dispose of not to mention the ones in the daycare trash cans outside. I....just want to hurry up and get it all over with......

 Misses Newell: Is  Armada giving you....any....trouble?

Daniel Newell: Yeeea....kind of.....he is....complaining about what we may have to do for his final disposal. Here....YOU....tell him......

Misses Newell: Um hon?

Armada: Yes Miss Newell?

Misses Newell: Tomorrow is trash day. it will be time to take you and the diapers out to wait for final disposal. When it's time for your final disposal, whatever we have to do to get the trash ready for disposal, we will have to do. YOU don't have any choice I'm afraid. Now, relax, let my husband load the rest of these wet diapers in here and then it will be time for more compactor cycles. UNDER....STAND?

Armada: Yes miss....Newell......How many more times will the compactor run?

Misses Newell: As many times as we want it to....get used to it!

Misses Newell leans back up and signals to Daniel that he can continue to load the compactor.

Armada: UH! UH! .......UH! HEY! Those are some very....wet diapers! They are Heavy!

Daniel Newell continues to toss the diapers in on top of Armada, on his lap, onto his diaper, on the pile of diapers between his legs, and once there was no more room anywhere else, he began to toss the diapers on top of a few diapers that were now covering Armada's face.

A few times, Daniel pushed down HARD on the diapers to make sure that there would be more room in the bag for the rest of the diapers.

Armada:  UUUUUUH! UUUMF! STOP that! QUIT! HEY! that bothers me! STOP that!

Daniel then piles a few more opened, wet Luvs for her diapers on top of Armada's face so that they won't slide around much, with the padding facing Armada however on top of the other diapers already covering his face. Then, Daniel slid the door closed again, locked the door, then started the compactor. The packer blade came down slowly as usual however since there were a lot more diapers piled up higher now, the compactor blade made contact sooner and now the blade began to push down harder, and harder......until a few of the wetter diaper padding began to get forced out of the new rips in the plastic backing. The harder the compactor blade pushed downwards, the more slimy, wet padding and gels that fell out and got all over everything, including all over Armada and also into his diaper by forces created under pressure. As the compactor reached it's pinnacle pressure, it paused for a few then began to retract. Once it retracted, Daniel restarted it again. He repeated this four times altogether before unlocking the door and sliding it open again to add 8 more folded over wet Luvs, Huggies and Pampers diapers. Then, Misses Newell came over to the load in the compactor and tossed in one of Armada's clean onesies, and his diaper bags that still had some of his clean diapers in it along with some diaper rash ointment in it, some semi dried out baby wipes and a small travel sized bottle of half used baby powder.

Then she stepped back and allowed Daniel to slide the now heavy door closed again before he re-locked it and started the compactor another six more times.
Then, Daniel walked away. The bag in the compactor was ALMOST FULL could take about half a 13 gallon can's worth of wet, folded over diapers before it would have to be tied shut. It was already 6:30 now, and Daniel had left the compactor set on auto to cycle every half hour now since there were a lot of diapers in there that needed to get compacted. ALL night long, the compactor cycled every half hour! POOR Armada couldn't sleep with the compactor running every half hour. When Sunday morning came along, the Newells awoke and came into the kitchen to make coffee, breakfast and Daniel went outside to smoke his first morning cigarette on the back porch. As Daniel smoked his cigarette, he carried two of the large and bulging compactor trash bags full of diapers and Maria over to the incinerator barrel to get it ready for loading later on that morning. Then, he walked back to carry another large, bulging trash compactor bag full of wet diapers and Charlie over to the burn barrel to get that load ready for final disposal a little later that morning.
Then, he went over to the next bulging full bag with Donald in it and set it over next to the daycare trash cans sitting outside on the porch.
Once Daniel was finished with his Cigarette, he went back inside to get his cup of coffee, eat a little something, kiss misses Newell, and then get dressed so that he can get to work, disposing of all of the loads of diaper trash.
About an hour and a half later, Daniel and and misses Newell come outside to the back porch to begin getting the first loads of diaper trash ready to be disposed of in the incinerator and burn barrel. the bag that Maria and the load of wet diapers was in, was going to be the first load to be disposed of. Misses Newell opted to open the bag and begin taking the diapers out and tossing them into the incinerator barrel an armload at a time.
Once Maria was uncovered, misses Newell pulled her out of the bag, and stood her up on her feet for a bit so that her husband Daniel could soak her with baby oil. Misses Newell had already put on her thick, rubber apron for this task as she always did.

Maria: HEY! going on? It's COLD out here! HEY! What are you doing?

Misses Newell: It's time disposal hon. My husband and I have to get you and your diaper nice and soaked with as much of this baby oil as we can so that you and your diapers will burn all the way down. Now stand up and be a good diapered trash......while we do this. My husband will be inserting a bottle of baby oil or two into your diaper's waistband to get your diaper nice and oily. Don't move....ok?

Maria: WAIT! NOOO! PLEASE miss Newell! Don't do this! I....promise......I will try not to wet my diapers........PLEASE....don' this!

Daniel Newell: (opening the cap of the first bottle of baby oil and pouring it over her head) Sorry there....diapered trash......once you're in the trash, you're being disposed of with everything else that was in the trash with ya. Now, do as my wife instructed you to......and don't move while I get you all nice......and OILED up!

Maria: My comfy diaper! It's going to be oily! Not comfy any more!

Misses Newell: Unfortunately, you won't be needing your diaper any longer after your final disposal is done. Now...shhhhhhh! it's quiet time now!

As Daniel Newell continued to squirt and pour baby oil all over Maria and her diaper, misses Newell held onto Maria with one rubber gloved hand and rubbed the oil in with the other rubber gloved hand. Once the oil was all over Maria and the outside of her diaper, Daniel Newell handed his wife a full bottle of baby oil with the lid opened and then misses Newell pull the waistband of Maria's diaper back and then inserted the bottle of baby oil in the back side of her diaper upside down. She then squeezed the bottle a bunch of times which allowed the oil to squirt down Maria's butt and along her diaper as it was quickly absorbed.

With the first bottle nearly empty now, Misses Newell removed the bottle and tossed it into the incinerator and then Daniel handed his wife another brand new opened bottle to put down the front of Maria's diaper.

Misses Newell: This ought to feel funny for a little bit.....once the bottle is empty, it will be time to go into the incinerator.

Maria began to sniffle and cry a little bit......The oil began to drip and run into her eyes and it burned a little. As Misses Newell monitored the upside down baby oil bottle that had been forcefully shoved down the front waistband of her pink Luvs diaper, misses Newell kept giving the bottle a bunch of squeezes to ensure that the baby oil thoroughly soaked Maria's diaper. Soon, Maria's diaper began to leak and the baby oil dribbled down her legs.....front and back. Then Misses Newell removed the baby oil bottle and then held the bottle aimed at Maria's stomach, thickly diapered waist and then her legs.....soaking her body completely.

Misses Newell: THERE! I just have to rub....this and ready to go into the incinerator......OK......hon? Let's get you into the incinerator now........

(Misses Newell Grunting a little as she lifts Maria up and puts her into the incinerator barrel) UP....ya GO! OK.......I am going to lay you on your back in that we can get the rest of these diapers in there.

Maria: (Sniffling) But, BUT....BUT......Misses Newell! I thought that I was going to get out of diapers! Mommy told me that I wasn't for the rest of my life! Is this.....why she is throwing me away like this?

Misses Newell: I'm afraid so hon......It's very hard on your mother's budget to have to buy diapers for her baby that won't ever get out of diapers......diapers are expensive these days.

Misses Newell then begins to grab the half empty black trash bag then she turns it over and empties the rest of the diapers in on top of Maria before tucking the now empty trash bag in beside Maria in the incinerator barrel. Then Misses Newell stepped away so that Daniel could bring over some of the kindling from a pile that he had made at some point earlier, that they used specifically for when they needed to burn some diaper trash.

Maria: (Struggling to push some of the diapers off her face) HEY! What is all that for?

Daniel and Misses Newell both look at each other. They both silently choose which one to answer Maria's question.

Daniel: It's going to help keep the fire burning NICE and hot! We don't want anything left accept for the bones!

Misses Newell: Now...hon? Would you prefer to be....awake for your disposal....or would you prefer to be asleep?

Maria: what happens if I am....awake?

Misses Newell: Well, it's REALLY going to hurt and once we start your disposal, we lock the steel lid on and you won't be able to escape or stop it! You will scream and scream and flop around in there until it's all over! If you are asleep, you won't even know it's happening and you won't have to scream and flop around! So.....which do you prefer?

Maria: I want to be awake.

Misses Newell: Are you.....SURE you want that sweetie?

Maria: Um....I change my mind. Can I be...asleep?

Misses Newell: may. I would prefer that you were too. Here......drink this and I promise, by the time you finish it, you will fall into a VERY deep sleep and then we will start your disposal.

Misses Newell hands Maria a baby bottle full of milk that has a powerful sleeping medicine in it that is fast-acting. Maria takes it, being that she is very, very thirsty, she drinks it. After drinking about three quarters of the bottle, Maria can't keep her eyes open and thus falls into a very, very deep slumber, letting go of the bottle which falls out of her mouth and lays on her chest which already has a lot of diapers piled high as well as lots and lots of kindling as well as sticks, twigs and small pieces of wood.

Misses Newell leans in to check Maria to see if she is actually asleep. Noting that she is very much so under the influence of the powerful sleeping drug, she leans back up and then nods to her husband to give the ok to begin soaking Maria and all of the diapers with Diesel fuel before starting her final disposal. Daniel picks up the first blue 10 gallon container of diesel fuel and begins to pour it all over Maria and the diapers. The fuel splashes all over Maria drenching her from head to toe. Her diaper begins to blow up as it soaks up the diesel fuel as do the rest of the diapers. Then Daniel puts the can down, then goes and gets some chopped logs to put into the incinerator. Once there were three lifs in, Daniel reaches over to the black trash bag full of Maria's cliths, happens to pull out one of her formerly wet and heavily leaked in onsies. He begins to soak the onesie in diesel fuel before setting the diesel fuel container back down again. Then Daniel takes out one of his Marlboro black cigarettes and his Zippo lighter, lights his cigarette then he lights the end of the soaked onesie. Once the flames catch on the onesie, Daniel then drops the flaming onesie into the incinerator. It takes a few minutes before the incinerator is fully engulfed in flames. The hot flames completely burn everything in a matter of 45 minutes or less. Only the scortched bones are left smoldering with the hot coals. 

While Maria's final disposal was occurring, Daniel and misses Newell were now loading the old burn barrel made out of an old 32 gallon aluminum trash can with another trash bag full of wet diapers and that had Tyler also inside. Tyler was half asleep when the bag was carried over next to the burn barrel and then opened by Misses Newell. Misses Newell began to take hand-fulls of the diapers and a few onesies to toss into the burn barrel. Once the barrel became a quarter of the way full, she pulled Tyler out before laying him down onto his back inside the burn-barrel on top of some opened and wet Luvs, Pampers diapers that had the padding side facing up. 

Tyler: Miss Newell, why are you putting me in this trash can full of wet diapers? 

Misses Newell: It's time for your final disposal now hon. where we put the trash for final disposal. Now....... would you like to be awake or asleep for final disposal? 

Tyler: I have a choice? 

Misses Newell: Yes hon, if it was my choice, I would choose to be asleep. It's a lot quieter that way. If you want to be awake, that is fine too. Which will it be? 

Tyler: I am going to let you choose for me Miss Newell. 

Misses Newell: 

Tyler: Yes Miss Newell. 

Misses Newell: Then I am going to leave you awake. We are running low on sleeping medicine. Ok, time to pre-soak you and your diapers in baby oil........I will need to stand you up for this. Stand up now hon, there.....we are..... good. Now stay like that while I get this baby oil on you and into your diaper. 

Tyler: How come you have to put that one bottle into the back of my diaper like that? 

Misses Newell: So that you and your diaper will burn all the way down. Ok hon, close your eyes, here comes the baby oil on your head. 
Misses Newell pours a lot of baby oil over Tyler's head, drenching his hair and causing the oil to drip and then run down his face, drip and then run down into his shoulders, chest and down his back. Standing there, glistening in the sunlight like a wet and oily cow hide, Tyler wondered if he would get a last request. As misses Newell poured more sweet smelling baby oil down the top half of his body, he felt the oil drip and run down onto his diaper. 

Tyler: Miss Newell? Why are you getting baby oil all over my diaper and inside of it too? If I wet my diaper, my diaper will leak! 

Misses Newell: I don't care if your diaper leaks it not! It's trash now, so are you! It's time to get into the burn barrel now. (Misses Newell picks Tyler up under his arms and lays him down onto the diapers inside the burn barrel. Tyler's legs dangle over the edge of the burn barrel as she loads more and more diapers, tossing them in two to three at a time.)
There....get comfy, time to get everything loaded. 
Misses Newell and her Husband Daniel load the burn barrel about 3/4 of the way full of diapers, onesies, baby wipes and the empty baby oil bottles as well as Tyler's diaper bag which still had a few wipes, some baby powder left in the two travel sized bottles, and two clean Luvs Deluxe diapers inside. Misses Newell left the now empty baby oil bottles stuffed down the back if Tyler's diaper and as Tyler squirmed to get comfortable, the bottle came out. 

Tyler: What will you do with my legs once I am disposed of? 

Misses Newell: My husband will flip them in and they will be disposed of. 

Tyler: Do I get a last wish? 

Misses Newell: What do you want to wish for? 

Tyler: Can I soak in the greasy stuff that Mr Newell is going to pour all over the diapers and I for a while before you start my disposal? 

Misses Newell: Well, I will let my husband decide that. It's up to him. I will tell him you want that and see what he says and does. 

Misses Newell tells Daniel about Tyler's last wish and Daniel decides not to honor it because he just wants to get the disposal over and done with. 
Daniel reminds his wife that on Monday, the new custom compactor with enclosed incinerator furnace attached to the rear of the compactor is being installed. 

Misses Newell: Oh....yeah! It completely slipped my mind. The compactor feeds the compacted loads right into the incinerator furnace and automatically sprays everything with diesel fuel and we can even push a button and spray everything again if we want. I can't wait!

Daniel Newell: Yeah! It even comes with an oil-based deodorant that gets sprayed onto the trash to keep the smell down. 

Misses Newell: It's going to be nice to load the trash into the compactor and not have to load it into the incinerator barrels like we are. I think Armada should be one of the first to go in. 

Daniel Newell: I was just..... thinking the same thing babe. 

Misses Newell: I will have to take him out of the compactor trash bag before you load everything. I want the diapers to be emptied loosely into the compactor so that they all get sprayed with fuel and deodorant. 

Daniel Newell: Sure babe, no..... problem. 

Daniel then goes over to the kindling pile and brings an armload over to the burn barrel and puts it down. Then he goes over to the pile of short-cut logs and brings over an armload before laying them next to the kindling. Misses Newell steps out of her husband's way as he starts putting some of the kindling into the burn barrel laying he kindling across in one direction then laying the kindling across the others in the opposite direction. 

Tyler: Hey!!! What is all that for?? 

Daniel Newell: It's to keep you and the diapers burning longer and hotter so everything burns all the way down.

Tyler: Are you going to put some into my diaper like you did to my sister? 

Daniel Newell: No, unless my wife wants me to....then I will. 

Misses Newell: I want you to put some of the kindling into his diaper too hon. 

Daniel Newell: He is kind of buried under all of the diapers. Do you still want me to do this? 

Misses Newell: Yes. Would you? 

Daniel Newell: (reluctantly) OH...Kay! Here. Help me get him up so that I can put some kindling into his diaper. 

Misses Newell comes over and leans down into the burn barrel and reaches under Tyler's Diapered butt and then picks him up with the diapers that are on top of him, still there, while Daniel pulls the back of Tyler's diaper open and shoves some kindling down into his diaper one piece at a time. 

Tyler: Ouch! Ooouch! What....are you DOING????

Misses Newell: I want some kindling put into your diaper to help it and you burn better. It's how I want it to be. 

Tyler: Are you going to put any....OUCH! the front of my diaper too? 

Misses Newell: Yes, we are. Hold still while my husband adds the kindling! 

Tyler: OUCH! OUCH! That....hurts! 

Daniel Newell: Shut up! I don't care if it hurts or not! Time to get ready for final disposal son! 

Tyler: NOOOO! Please! I don't wanna be disposed of any more!!! 

Daniel Newell: Tough! This is happening! No....matter.....what! Ok babe, you can put him back in now. 

Misses Newell: OK hon, back in the burn barrel. Uh! There ya go. 

Daniel puts the long pieces of kindling back in on top of the diapers criss-crossing each other before adding a couple if the larger logs. Then he asked his wife to stand back while he picked up the half full blue can of diesel fuel and began to pour and splash it all over the diapers and the wood as well as getting a lot onto Tyler. Once Tyler, the diapers and wood was saturated with diesel fuel, Daniel put the can down, took an old baby blue onesie, soaked it in diesel fuel, then lit it with his Zippo lighter. Once the onsie caught on fire, Daniel tossed it into the burn barrel and flames errupted with hot furry as Tyler began to scream a death scream!
Then, misses Newell went back inside the daycare to tend to her kids and the others that are waiting to be disposed of. Misses Newell went to get Armada ready to take out to the Daycare trash can outside on the porch.

Story under Construction........ 

Misses Newell: OK sweetie I have to add these nice and fresh diapers in there with you

Armada: Misses Newell! They....stink and are messy! Are you going to put my diapers and I into one of those burn-barrel things?

Misses Newell: No honey we are under a burn ban all of the trash and diapers goes into that big dumpster and then on trash day gets dumped and hauled off to the waste to energy plant where it's burned to create electricity.

Armada:  Misses Newell, I am going into that big dumpster with all these loose, stinky, dried up, stiff diapers once you take my diapers and I out of this...diaper dryer thing? How long is it until trash day?

Misses Newell:  Possibly hun I'm not sure as of right now. Trash gets dumped once a month that's why we have a big 8 yard dumpster.

Armada:  When are you going to take me out of this diaper dryer thing? how much longer do I have to have my diaper laying open like this?

Misses Newell:  At this time I guess we can get you out of that thing.

Armada:  Miss Newell? How many days will I be in that big trash dumpster? What about my diaper? It's laying open and a wet diaper slid down when you opened the door and brushed some of the diapers off my diapering area.

Misses Newell: Since it just got dumped a maximum of 30 days possibly less if we want it dumped sooner all just depends hun.

Armada: How long will my diapers and I be at the what did you call that place?

Misses Newell:  Waste to energy plant hun?

Armada: Misses Newell? How long will my diapers and I be at the Waste-to-energy plant?

Misses Newell: It could be a week or so or could be as soon as you get there

Armada: Why does Daniel look at me like he is sizing me for putting me into something Miss Newell?

Misses Newell: I honestly don't know hun.

Armada: How many more diapers are you going to put into this diaper dryer? When can I get my diaper pulled back up?

Misses Newell: Honestly I don't know why we use it with us being unable to burn the diapers I'm not gonna use it anymore until our burn ban is lifted, from now on the diapers can just go to the dumpster

ArmadaOh. Are you taking these diapers and I out now? Am I going into the dumpster with these diapers and the diaper in that 13 gallon trash can you brought here?

Misses Newell I think that is what I am going to do hun, Yes.

ArmadaHey! why did you just pull my diaper up and fasten the tapes with that open, dried up, Luvs for him diaper with the wipes still inside over the diaper with it sticking out like that misses Newell?

Misses Newell: Because hun, it honestly doesn't matter anymore you are trash and trash doesn't get a choice unfortunately.

Misses Newell Puts Armada's diaper back on, lifting him out and putting him onto his feet, then handing him a couple of handfuls of the dried out diapers.

Armada:  Hey! What are you....doing? Why are you giving me all these diapers?

Misses Newell: You are going to help me hun.

ArmadaHelp.....carry these to that big dumpster? Am I.....going to go in there today?

Misses Newell: Yes help me, if you cooperate then no but if you don't cooperate you go in with the diapers.

ArmadaI am going into the dumpster today? Miss Newell? Could I please just go into the daycare can or into a playpen or something?

Misses Newell: If you cooperate hon, yes you can go back into the daycare can.

ArmadaOh goodie! It's only a quarter full now. Miss Newell? What happened to the diapers in my diaper bag??

Misses Newell: What do you mean hun?

ArmadaWhere are the clean diapers that are in my diaper bag Miss Newell? Are you going to dump that can and all these diapers from this diaper dryer on top of me? Hey! Why did you stuff that Wet Disney print Pampers diaper down the back of my diaper Miss Newell?

 Armada carries the pile of dried out diapers to the dumpster. He stands there waiting for misses Newell.

Misses Newellyour clean diapers are gonna be used in the daycare hun, because the wet diaper such as yourself is trash hun. Thank you for helping me out sweetie you saved me an extra trip over here to the dumpster.

Armada: (Armada Hands Miss Newell the diapers from his arms) I......I...... don't wanna be thrown away!!!!

Misses NewellI know sweetie I'm sorry but we can't care for you it's too expensive.

ArmadaAm I going to be alive still by the time it's time to go to that one place where the dirty diapers go?

Misses Newell(As I take the diapers from you and start tossing them into the dumpster) Yes hun, you will be I will bring you food and drinks.

ArmadaDo.....I wear this ......dry, stiff girl's diaper till I go to that place miss Newell?

Thank you miss Newell. Are you going to dump more diapers into the daycare trash can I'm going into? Do.....YOU have to....lock the lid?

Misses Newell: No sweetie not if you don't want to, if you want a new diaper you can have one but only one.

ArmadaOH.... goodie! Thank you, thank you! wait! ONLY ONE??? 

Misses NewellI'm gonna be adding more wet and dirty diapers from the daycare kids into the can you will be going in hun.

Armada: When I was in there after being taken out of the compactor, you would push hard down on the diapers and I. Are you going to do that more?

Where are you taking me? Are..... you going to change my diaper while I am laying in the trash can or on the ground in front of it? (Misses Newell takes the locking lid off the trash can and sets it aside)

Misses NewellI use the backhoe bucket to push down all of the diapers and trash to make room for more in the dumpster hun. which place do you prefer hun?

ArmadaThat big.....shovel thing you got use that to smash the diapers down? What if I was in the dumpster, would you smash me down too?

If I go into the trash can, I will still end up in the dumpster later......right?
Miss Newell? Do I......get to choose what kind of diaper and how many I get for this diaper change?

Misses Newell Yes hun that big shovel thing attached to the tractor. If you go into the trash can you will eventually end up out here in the dumpster. Within reason you can choose what diapers that you want to wear hun.

ArmadaYou said that Trash like me doesn't have a choice. choose where I go. if you put me into the dumpster, will you smash me down with that thing?

Misses Newell: Well for you I will possibly make an exception as long as you don't make me upset hun.

Armada Jakenson: What happens if I make you upset Misses Newell?

Misses Newell: If you keep being mouthy with me you'll go right into the dumpster now do you want that?
Armada: Like....I...have a CHOICE!!! I am going to try to get OUT of this can! I...don't wanna be thrown away any more!!!! It....STINKS in here! 
Armada stands up and a bunch of the diapers that were on top of him, fall down onto the cement next to the can. he then starts to toddle out to the grassy area of the backyard. Armada's diaper is slightly wet and he and his diaper have pieces of food scraps all over him from chest to knee!

Misses Newell: Oh no you don’t hun, get back you!
Armada: HEY! Let GO! NO! I...WON'T be DISPOSED OF!!! LET...GO of ME! HEY! Stop that! Your...nails Miss Newell!
Where.....are.... you....taking me???
Misses Newell Trash doesn’t have a choice!
ArmadaNOOO! Stop! (Armada trips over his own feet and Misses Newell drags him, his heels dragging along the  ground his diaper never touching the dirt.) Uuuuuuuuh! Quit dragging ME! My ARM! My ARM!
Misses Newell: You should have listened!
ArmadaBut, but, I don't wanna be thrown away!!!
Misses Newell: You should have thought of that before you acted up!
ArmadaAm I going into the dumpster?
Misses Newell As of right now yes but that can change if you behave.
Armada I am NOT going in there!!! I won't let you put me in there!!!

Misses Newell picks the struggling  Armada up and forces him into the dumpster, giving him a good shove with her hand pressed against his diapered butt. 

Armada: UUUUH! (lands on top of a bunch of folded over wet diapers with rolled up diapers underneath)

Misses NewellI told you not to disobey!!! Now sit in there with the wet and shitty diapers and think about what you have done!!
ArmadaNo! What did I do wrong? WAIT! NO! Don't lock the lids! NOOO!
Misses Newell: You know exactly what you did!! (Lowers both the heavy lids then locks them.)

 It gets dark and the smells loom inside the dumpster. Armada's body and diaper begin to smell like the others.

he next morning, sun comes up and by now, Armada has become nose blind to the smells. Sometime after the warmth of the sun begins to heat the diapers inside the dumpster, Misses Newell comes out to empty one of the daycare trash cans. As misses Newell comes to the dumpster with the two 13 gallon trash cans over-stuffed with diapers, to empty them into the dumpster, Misses Newell lifts the lid holding her nose and flips both lids back. Then, as she empties the first White can, Armada sneaks out of the dumpster ever-so quietly over the back side. Misses Newell sees him drop over the edge and disappear. Once Armada gets to his feet....he realizes that his diaper is heavy and sagging between his legs.
Misses Newell: Not going very far that way hun, now are you?(lol.)

Armada: (Stopping in his tracks to look at his droopy, saggy wet diapers. He hangs his head, spins around 180 degrees and shuffles back towards the dumpster) UUUUH! I......GUESS.... not! (sighes) I don't wanna be in, stinky.... dumpster any more! NO! Let....uh.....Go of me! Hey! Put...ME...DOWN! Whoooooooooah!

Misses Newell throws Armada back in the dumpster. Armada lands on top of some wet, open faced diapers and the diapers wrap themselves around his head as the tapes pop open and fasten themselves lightly to the plastic. Misses Newell empties the black 13 gallon can in and the diapers tumble and roll out into the pile in the dumpster. Now, the dumpster is getting fuller and it is nearly half way full! 

Armada: Misses Newell! I want OUT! I am getting out! I don't wanna be in here! WAIT! Stop it!! quit....dumping the diapers on me! Hey! My diaper bag! It still has a bunch of my Luvs baby pants diapers in it!!! They are still clean!!!

Misses Newell lowers both lids once the cans are empty and walks back to the house. the smells in the dumpster become stronger than they had been. The dumpster is just a bit more than half way full now.  Misses Newell goes back into the house and doesn't return to the dumpster until two days later when the 13 gallon black trash can, the white 13 gallon trash can,  the tan 13 gallon trash can, the two bathroom trash cans and two compactor bags are full. Armada is Thirsty now and has a soaking wet diaper on under his semi soaked Luvs diaper. Misses Newell brings two diapers out with her, some baby powder and some that she can possibly change Armada's diaper. Armada is busy playing with the diapers inside the dumpster as misses Newell unlocks the padlock holding the lid-lock bar down. Misses Newell removes the lid-lock bar and then flips both lids back so that she can begin emptying the diapers into the dumpster. Armada sees misses Newell and continues to play with the semi wet diapers as he lays there. He then turns his head towards the front of the dumpster.....

Armada: Misses Newell? Could....I get some....water and a couple of my bottles of milk please?

Misses Newell: Yes hon, I brought you one of your bottles. If you give me your empty one, I will give you this full one. (Hands Armada a couple of water bottles and a bottle of full milk as Armada gives misses Newell his empty milk bottle.) 
Then Misses Newell picks up the white 13 gallon trash can that is full of wet and messy diapers and then empties it into the dumpster. The diapers avalanche and fall all over Armada who is laying at the front of the dumpster. Misses Newell doesn't care, she just puts the white can down then picks up the black 13 gallon can with a pizza box, some old bread heals and a bunch of diapers in it and then empties it into the dumpster. Once the black 13 gallon can is empty, misses Newell puts it down and then picks up the first very full and heavy 32 gallon daycare trash can and then she manages to get it over the front edge of the dumpster and begins emptying all of the loose wet and messy diapers into the dumpster covering Armada nearly completely. Once the first daycare can is empty, she sets that down and picks the second one up. She gets it over the front edge of the dumpster and empties the diapers in, using her hands to remove the few diapers that got stuck by their tapes to the side and bottom of the can, tossing the diapers into the pile in the dumpster. Then Misses Newell goes to take all of the cans back to where they belong and about 15 to 18 minutes later, she comes back, carrying a couple of large, white compactor trash bags full of diapers and two compacted diapered trash disposees. She puts the first bag down then picks the first one up and tosses it into the dumpster. The bag lands near Armada's head then the top leans over, leaning on his matted hair. Then Misses Newell tosses the second one in and the bag lands near the front of the dumpster on top of Armada. Armada responds with a very discomforting sound.

Armada: UUUUH! (Grunting from the weight of the bag on him) Miss...Newell? What are you going to do with this...heavy bag? I....can't MOVE!!!

Misses Newell: Tough shit! You're trash! I don't care what happens to you OR your diapers. It's almost trash day. I can't WAIT til this load gets taken away!

Misses Newell then tosses in the first of the two diapered trash disposees on top of the loads of diapers in the dumpster. Then she tosses the second one over to the left side of the dumpster (standing in front of the dumpster) 
before going over to the back-hoe, getting in, starting it, then she comes over with the front-end bucket raised, getting ready to use the bucket on the front of he back-hoe to crush the diapers and the diapered trash down a lot so that more diapers could fit into the dumpster. 

Armada: (Underneath the diapers) UUUUUUUUUUUUH! UUUUUUUUUUUUH! (Gasping for breath!) 

Disposee 1-Female: (Letting out a shrill scream) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! 

Disposee 2-Male: UUUUUUUUUUUUH! Ouch! UUUUUUUUUH! My.......Dia........per! 

Then Misses Newell releases the bucket and raises it up so that she can park the back-hoe back where it belongs. 
Misses Newell turns the engine off, then jumps back out of the cab and then walks over to the dumpster, to lower then lock the lids for the evening.  
In the moist and stinky darkness of the dumpster full of diapers, Armada tries to roll over onto his belly so that he can be a little more comfortable. It is a real struggle though because the diapers all around him are pressed tightly together which are keeping him somewhat immobile!
Armada had been crushed hard by the back-hoe and he had been forced to do a face-plant against all of the diapers below him! The diapers below him were some of his wet Huggies diapers,

a few of his blue and white printed Luvs Deluxe diapers, 

as well as some of the old Luvs Barney diapers from the early 1990s to early millennium.