Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Waste-to-energy plant (Continued-2)

The Waste-To-Energy Plant (Continued-1)

The Waste-to-Energy Plant (Continued-2) 

It was 7:30 am when Dillion and his mom came to misses Newell's daycare as usual. This time, was going to be different. Dillon was being disposed of. Dillon came to the daycare with four opened packs of Fitti diapers that his mom brought for him along with his stroller, fully stocked diaper bag and a paper bag full of eight varying colored onesies.
Dillon's mom explains to misses Newell that she and her husband are getting tired of diapering their now 8 year old miget son. (who looks like he is merely 2 in size and shape) Dillon's mom requests that everything that was brought with him, be disposed of, including any left-over clean diapers because the diapers were prescribed and the law says that any and all prescriptions must be disposed of. Then Dillon's mom asks to have Dillon disposed of as soon as possible.....and to have him wearing only his diaper for disposal. Dillon's mom signs the paperwork and then pays misses Newell and Daniel the $8,000 to dispose of Dillon as well as the unused clean Pampers Baby-Dry diapers that are left-over, the bag full of his onesies, the stroller, everything in the diaper bag as well as his paper bag full of his pants, white with blue and yellow stripped soccer styled shorts and also his plastic-pant-lined cargo shorts.
Then Dillon's mom leaves.
It is now 8:00 am and Angela and her mom arrive for daycare as usual. Today, Angela's mom has decided to dispose of her daughter because she wets her diapers too much and her daughter is going through too many diapers. Her mom brings with her the six packs of the Huggies Story-Time whites diapers 

 that are very, very thick and her mom opened two of the packages already. Once opened, the diapers are no longer considered sanitary. Angela's mom explained to misses Newell that her daughter has been too busy talking about these others that were disposed of as trash and that she secretly liked watching what happened to them. I told her that there probably was a reason why they had been thrown away. She admitted that she wants to be disposed of too and that it looks fun. I spoke to her father and he said to go ahead and dispose of her. So....the few things we ask is that she be disposed of in just her diaper, go ahead and use her diaper to stuff used wipes into if you wish.....her father asked if you could use up the one opened pack that has six diapers in it and throw the opened packs what you wish with the others. We also want you to throw her onesies, her diaper bag, (with everything in it, it has six clean diapers, two travel sized baby powder bottles, two packs of opened wipes, two bottles, a binky, and a bottle of sweet smelling baby lotion as well as a half used tube of diaper rash cream.) all of her clothes, and do what you wish with her toys and stroller. Angela's mom paid the $6,000 then finished bringing in the rest of Angela's stuff, including four 13 gallon Chan's worth of her wet and messy diapers in a large, white force-flex trash bag. Then she left. Angela has a semi wet Huggies Story-time white diaper on that is thick, bulky and very crinkly, underneath a dark purple onesie and a pair of plastic lined shorts with a pair of white lacy socks and a black pair of shoes. Angela had pig-tails in her black hair.
At 8:10 am, Candy and her mom arrived and Candy was wearing a thick and bulky Luvs Deluxe for girls diaper

that was a little bit wet. Her mom started bringing in the six packages of Luvs Deluxe for girls diapers, two of which were opened, all of Candy's onesies, her socks, two diaper bags, her stroller, her teddy bear, and an open box of Pampers wing-fold diapers that they used as changing pads. Candy's mom dropped all Jer stuff off and then explained that Candy needed to be disposed of. Candy's mom requested that during the last diaper change, go ahead and stuff the diaper into the clean one along with the used wipes if desired....and then dispose of her. She needs her diaper changed often because she is a heavy wetter. Go ahead and throw her onesies and clothing away at each diaper change. We have been doing that at home already. She doesn't know she is being disposed of and once she finds out...she will resist and not want to be! Here is $7,000, if you feel the need to rinse her off, I suggest you do so in the toilet. we do so at home. If not, it won't is all of her stuff. She loves her Teddy throw it away too. OK....gotta go....bye. Candy's mom leaves.
8:30 am rolls around and Jason and his mom arrive at the daycare. Jason is a short, blond-haired boy with blue eyes wearing a thick Fitti diaper and a stained up semi short-tailed t-shirt with a few moth-holes all over it, fast asleep in his stroller which is packed with two fully stocked diaper bags, his four changes of clothing, four large mega-packs of his Fitti with the balloons designs on the front of the diapers 

which are thick, crinkly, white diapers with elastics at the waist of the diaper. Jason's bottle of milk has fallen onto his lap which is now leaking a little onto his diaper and his t-shirt as his mom explains that Jason is here today for disposal. Jason here, as you already know from coming here for the last four years, has no chance of getting any bigger and he will never get out of diapers. He is a 16 year old boy trapped in a perpetual 2 year old's body. We have had it with the care expenses, all these diapers he is going through, and we want to......dispose of him and what is left of his necessities. here is the.....$6,000 we talked about over the phone. You explained that he and his things will go to a waste-to-energy plant, so....we....want the plant, to take him right is another $500 to guarantee that he is taken right away. Please see that he is....Now.....he may want to be disposed of. He has been talking about the others that he saw being thrown away. He told me that it "looked fun" and that he would like to try it. I....told him that if he didn't like it, he wasn't getting out of it.....and he would be trash....forever. He got aware...that he may want to be disposed of. OH.....he also seems to "LOVE" the feel of his diapers a little TOO much....if you.....catch my is all his stuff....there are four onesies, really old ones, we bought them used at a thrift store, and I brought the trash bag full of his wet diapers as well as these four bags of his Fitti diapers....three bags are already opened. We couldn't find two of the bags for a bit so we opened the third bag before we found the other two. Anyhow.....I have to go. Thanks a lot. bye now. His mom leaves and misses Newell closes the front door.
Dillon, Angela, and Candy all go over to play with the toys in the toy box as Jason is left in his stroller still fast asleep.  Dillon. needs a diaper change as does Candy. four of misses Newell's regulars show up to misses Newell's daycare as well.
Misses Newell: (Looking at Dillon's saggy diaper and going over to him) Hi there Dillon. You look like you need your diaper changed.....why don't you come over here with me so I can get you all nice....and dry and comfy.....ok sweetie? There.....ok.....lay down for me on this mat ....there...that-a-boy. I am going to go get your diaper bag....stay...right there for me ok hun.
Misses Newell goes to get Dillon's diaper bag which was fully stocked. Dillon's mom used the Luvs Deluxe for boys diapers

which were blue with a loud and crinkly plastic backing and the taping surface had designs on it. Misses Newell came over with his diaper bag and knelt down so she could take his shoes and socks off, then his plastic-lined navy-blue shorts before misses Newell unfastened the snaps in his onesie and began to roll the onesie up to his chest. 
Then, misses Newell took out the baby wipes, a small travel sized bottle of baby powder then a clean Luvs Deluxe blue diaper for him, setting everything down next to Dillon before she began to unfasten the wet diaper.
Dillon: Miss Newell?
Misses Newell: Yes hon?
Dillon: (Pausing for a second) time I was here....and that one boy and....all of his diapers were....thrown into the diaper trash?
Misses Newell: hon....there were ...quite a few....
Dillon: The...last time I was here...
Misses Newell: mean....last....week? What...about him?
Dillon: Well....I....want to know what it's that done to me.
Misses Newell: huh? Well, you will.....soon enough.
Dillon: You getting thrown away like that...boy I saw?
Misses Newell: Yep. You are. You are here to be disposed of. Your mom left you here and she paid us to throw you and your diapers away.
Dillon: I being thrown away misses Newell?
Misses Newell: When would to be thrown away hun?
Dillon: (Scratching his head) I....want choose for me....if I want to be thrown away before then...may I???
Misses Newell: (Nodding her head) I am....sure we can make that happen....
Dillon: being thrown miss Newell? Where do...all of my diapers and I....go?
Misses Newell: Well hun......once it's time to throw you and your diapers and your diapers will go into one of our diaper pails. You will be there until I take you and the diapers out to one of our....toters. When you go in and your diapers will be there until our truck comes to take you and the diapers to this place called a waste-to-energy plant where they burn you and the diapers to generate electricity.
Dillon: and I...are going to be....burned
Misses Newell: Yes.....that is what happens once you get to the waste-to-energy plant and you get dumped out of our truck.
Dillon: What....does the...truck do to my diapers and I?
Misses Newell: will crush you and the diapers to make room for all the diapers from all the other daycares on our route.
Dillon: It.....will? Will.....I be alive by the time I get to you take the diapers and I???
Misses Newell: I....don't know won't matter if you are or not. You will be your diapers.
Dillon: the....soft feel of my diapers miss Newell....I love how much softer they get when they get wet too!
Misses Newell:
Dillon: Yes miss Newell.
Does it....matter if my diaper is wet, messy or clean when it's time to be thrown away?
Misses Newell: No, it doesn't hun. When it's time for disposal, I don't care what condition you or your diaper is in. You and the diaper you have on will go.....right into the trash with the rest of the wet and dirty diapers.
Dillon: Will I at least get to pick what diaper I wear for disposal?
Misses Newell: Whatever diaper I change you your last the one you will be disposed of in hun......Now, going to take your onesie off now and leave you in just that diaper of yours....ok? Here....sit up for me.....that's it...good.
Misses Newell takes Dillon's onesie off and tosses it into the pile of his socks, shorts, his wet diaper.
Dillon: throwing my clothes away too?
Misses Newell: Yes Sweetie. You don't need them anymore.
Dillon: Are my clothes going in with my diapers and I?
Misses Newell: No...your....diaper goes into the dirty diaper pail and your clothes.....go into the....regular trash.
Dillon: Where are my....clean clothes going?
Misses Newell: All your clothes are going into the trash sweetie....clean or not. Now you can go back to playing.....Oh's diaper....changing time sweetie....come here hon....let me get your diaper changed.....OK?
Candy toddles over to misses Newell and then misses Newell lays Candy down on her back. Misses Newell takes Gang's shoes off, her socks and her long blue pants before unfastening the buttons in her onesie. Misses Newell sees her soggy and leaking pink and bulky Luvs Deluxe for her diaper has soaked the onesie.
Misses Newell: so glad that I caught you when I did. Your soaked hun....(Starting to unfasten the tapes) So.....I see that your mom likes to use the Luvs Deluxe for her diapers.....aren't they...nice...and comfy?
Candy: Yes miss Newell. How....come .....mommy brought all my stuff here today?
Misses Newell: Well.....Unfortunately.....she has left you here....because .....your mom and dad can't afford to diaper you anymore. You wet too many diapers and you are a heavy wetter.
Candy: going to do with me miss Newell?
Misses Newell: My husband and I are going to throw you....and your diapers away hun. You are here for disposal I am afraid.
Candy: Throw......ME....a...Way??????
Misses Newell: Yes Sweetie. I'm so sorry to tell you just has to be this way. Your mom paid my husband and I to take you and all your stuff to the waste-to-energy plant.
Candy: When am I going to be thrown away miss Newell?
Misses Newell: I don't know yet.....very soon though.
Candy: I don't wanna be......thrown away! (Making pouty lips)
Misses Newell: You won't have a choice. I'm so sorry that we have to do this to ya hun....when your parents signed the papers, she felt relieved. I wish this didn't have to happen to such a pretty girl.
Candy: What will happen to me after I am thrown away?
Misses Newell: (Rolling eyes and sighing)
Well, once you and your.....diaper are in the will stay there til it's time to take the trash outside to one of our blue and white toters. Once you go in there, you stay in there till my husband and his truck comes to take you to a place called the waste-to-energy plant.
The plant will burn you and the diapers like wood so to generate electricity.
Candy: They are going
Misses Newell: Yep!
Candy: Even if... I am still alive?
Misses Newell: Yes, even if you are still alive. It won't matter because they will own you and you are trash. We make about $100 off each one of you that we bring there. They use you as moisture. Of you have a wet diaper on, they like that more. Sometimes, they take some wet diapers and dump it right into the furnace right away, sometimes they will scrape it all into the pit for another time.
Misses Newell lays the wet diaper open, takes 12 wipes and uses them all to clean Candy off well, dropping each wipe into the padding of the diaper before pulling the squishy and soft yet crinkly pink Luvs Deluxe for her diaper out from under Candy setting the diaper into the pile nearby before opening the new pink Luvs Deluxe for her diaper, sliding it underneath Candy, then she opened the baby powder and shook a whole lot onto her and into her diaper before pulling the diaper up carefully, Being careful not to get any powder onto the outside of the diaper. Then, misses Newell fastened the tapes before helping Candy up to a sitting position to get her onesie off. As misses Newell rolled the onesie up and fully removed the onesie, tossing the wet onesie onto the pile of onesies next to the pile of folded-over diapers, Candy wondered why her onesie was being taken and a new one not being put on.
Candy: How come I don't get another onesie miss Newell?
Misses Newell: It is going to make it easier for me to check and change your diapers sweetie besides, you won't be needing a onesie anymore. OK hun, you can go back to playing....Angela's time to change your diaper sweetie....come's ok.....let me check your diaper....ok...lay down here on your mat for me.....there....let me get your diaper bag.....(Misses Newell goes and gets her diaper bag then comes back then kneels on both knees to begin taking Angela's shoes, socks, plastic-lined shorts and her dark purple onesie off.
Once Angela has just her Huggies Story-Time Whites diaper on.....misses Newell opens the diaper bag and takes out the baby powder, the package of baby wipes, and one of her Huggies Story-Time whites with ABCs and Building Blocks on the taping panel. Then misses Newell begins to unfasten the tapes of Angela's wet diaper.
Angela: Miss Newell?
Misses Newell: Yes hun?
Angela: Why are MY clothes in that pile like that?
Misses Newell: Because.....everything is being thrown away sweetie.
Angela: But....but....I....want my...clothes.....
Misses Newell: Sorry sweetie....they are now trash. want to be thrown away in them.....I...might allow that.....for's just easier with just your diaper on.
Misses Newell pulls the front of Angela's thick and crinkly wet and messy Huggies Story-Time Whites diaper down and sees and smells the nastiness.
Misses Newell: PEEW!!! Let's get you...all cleaned up.....stinky....girl!
Misses Newell takes out the first of 13 baby wipes and begins to wipe Angela clean, dropping each used wipe into the diaper. Misses Newell pulls the dirty diaper out and lays it to the side while wiping her clean front to back.
Once that was done, misses Newell opened up the clean Huggies Story-Time Whites diaper, lifted Angela up, slid the back of the diaper under her, then set her down into the soft, thick and fluffy padding of the diaper before shaking a lot if baby powder in then pulling the front of the diaper up and fastening the tapes.
Misses Newell: There ya go sweetie....all...nice and comfy. You may go back to playing now.
Angela: not getting a....clean onesie?
Misses Newell: No'll be ok without it. It's still warm enough to go without it. OK.....Jeremy? It's diaper changing time.....let's see what ya got for me....shall we?
Misses Newell lays Jeremy down, pulls hos pants down to his ankles then unsnaps the buttons in his onesie. She then rolled his onesie up some so she could get to his Luvs with the Barney prints on the taping panel diaper.
Misses Newell: Do you....have store for me?
(Misses Newell unfastened the tapes and slowly pulls the front of the diaper down....) NOPE....just wet. Let's get you into a nice...dry and comfy diaper...ok? Won't that be better? will.....
Jeremy: How took off the clothes of those...others?
Misses Newell: Because...they...are all being thrown away soon and it is just easier for change their diapers that way.
Jeremy: Those girls and those boys.....are being.....thrown...away?
Misses Newell: Sadly....yes. We don't have a choice hon and either do they. Unfortunately, their moms and dads don't want them anymore so...they are being thrown away.
Jeremy: Why don't their moms and dads don't want them?
Misses Newell: Well, their moms and dads have a hard time buying diapers for them and keeping them in diapers. They are 3 years older than you are hon...they all should have been out of diapers by now. So....because diapers are so expensive, they can't buy more diapers. So....they have no choice other than to throw everything away.
Jeremy: Where do our diapers go?
Misses Newell: What do you mean? After they go into the trash? They go to a place to burn everything to generate electricity for lights, TV, and phones hun.
Jeremy: Those girls and boys are going to....get...burned with fire ?
Misses Newell: Unfortunately....yes hun.....
Misses Newell finishes Jeremy's Diaper Change, redresses him then gets him to go back to playing. Misses Newell gets the 1 and a half year old, Haley from the play pen and brings her over to change her diaper. Misses Newell grabs a 90s Pampers Baby-Dry diaper, a wipes container and starts to change her diaper. Misses Newell gets hugged by Angela hanging over her back.
Misses Newell: you too sweetie....however, I am in the middle of changing Haley's diaper. I will give you a hug after all the diapers are changed....OK? Thanks hun.
Misses Newell finishes changing Haley's diaper and then puts her back into the play pen, coming back into the area where she was changing diapers to see Dillon playing with a wet diaper.
Misses Newell: Why are you playing with the wet diapers?
Dillon: how...squishy they feel.
Misses Newell: That is gross. Thankfully you aren't playing with a dirty diaper.
Dillon: Can thrown away at nap-time miss Newell?
Misses Newell: can't.
Dillon: Awe! Why not miss Newell?
Misses Newell: will be the day before trash day.
Dillon: Is there....anyone else being thrown away same time?
Misses Newell: At this time, I don't know. It just depends on how full the toters are on Wednesday
Dillon: Will my diaper bag with everything in it be thrown away with me too miss Newell??
Misses Newell: I will try to use the diapers and the other supplies I don't want to waste them. The diaper bag will definitely go.
Dillon: What if....there are still diapers in my diaper bag when you throw me away? Will my drink bottles be thrown away too that are in my bag?
Misses Newell: Bottles will be thrown out as well as the diaper bag. Diapers, wipes and baby powder will be used.
Misses Newell brings 3 year old Ben, still in diapers full time due to a disability, over to have his diaper changed. She lays him down and takes his pants down. She then leans over so to reach for his diaper bag which she opens and takes a Pampers with Barney on the taping panel. Then she unfastened the tapes and then she pulled the wet and messy diaper out from under him.
Misses Newell: You are a stinky are.
Ben: (Smiles) Miss Newell? true that those boys and girls are going into da trash?
Misses Newell: Yep. They...are.
Ben: Trash boy, trash boy, trash boy! Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Misses Newell: Now, now....there will be...absolutely NONE of that....ok? Anyone I hear teasing anyone...will end up in time-out.....ok?
Ben: OH....Ok miss Newell...Sorry....
Misses Newell: After I am done with the last diaper change, who would like to help me carry all the trash to throw away? How Dillon?
Dillon: Yes...miss Newell...I will.
Misses Newell: aren't going to be...playing with any of the diapers
Dillon: Yes miss Newell, I will.
Misses Newell: That's Gross!
Dillon: the sweet smell the wet diapers have too miss Newell.
Misses Newell: Well, when it is your turn to be disposed of, you will get plenty of chances to you want with the diapers in the trash....till then...could you....not play with them?
Dillon: (Sighs) O.....K......uuuuuh!
Misses Newell: Good....thank you.
Misses Newell finishes changing Ben's diaper and she tosses his rolled diaper onto the pile before putting away Ben's diaper bag and getting Kyle's diaper bag with Pampers with the Ballons on the front and large elastics at the waist.
Misses Newell:'s you're turn to get your diaper changed....come over here for me....there...lie down....good boy.
Kyle: Miss Newell? May I get some juice please?
Misses Newell: Yes Sweetie...after I am done changing diapers.....
Misses Newell changes Kyle's wet Pampers with Ballons diaper adding his folded over diaper to the pile. Misses Newell pulls Kyle's jeans up and then sends him back to playing.
Misses Newell: Kendra? It's diaper changing time hun....come here hun.....that-a-girl. Come lay down here for me....that'
Misses Newell leans over, reaches for 3 year old Kendra's diaper bag, brings it over, opens it, takes out a Luvs Barney diaper in size 5, a travel sized Johnson's baby powder bottle that is slightly more than half way empty, and a travel pack of Pampers baby wipes. Then misses Newell lifts Kendra's rose-print dress and begins to unfasten the tapes.
She pulls the front of the diaper down and sees that it is just a little wet. She takes the wipes out and then begins to wipe Kendra down gingerly dropping each used wipe into the open diaper before lifting her and pulling the slightly wet Luvs Barney Diaper out from under Kendra and folding it over and putting it on the mounting pile.
Then.....misses Newell opened the back wings of the sweet smelling, fresh, dry crinkly Luvs diaper and then lifted Kendra up and slid the diaper underneath Kendra.
Misses Newell then opened the mostly empty baby powder bottle then liberally shook some onto Kendra til what was left in the bottle, was gone....before setting the empty bottle in the pile of diapers, clothing trash. Then misses Newell opened the front wings, pulled the diaper up and then smoothed the wings into place before fastening each tape. Then, misses Newell stood Kendra up, pulled her dress back down and then sent her to play.
Then misses Newell calls Wyatt over to have his diaper changed. 4 year old Wyatt with mild down syndrome is still in diapers full-time and he has Huggies Story-time Whites diapers on that are just a little wet. Wyatt riddles slowly over to misses Newell and then misses Newell lays Wyatt down on the Matt. She then leans over and puts Kendra's diaper bag down and grabs Wyatt's, then opens it taking a thick, clean, crinkly Huggies diaper, some wipes and the mostly empty travel sized bottle of baby powder. Then she lays everything down near Wyatt then she pulls his dark navy blue shorts down to his ankles before unfastening the tapes. Misses Newell pulls the front of the thick, crinkly Huggies diaper down and sees that the diaper has a wet spot the size of three half-dollar coins. She decides to change it anyhow. She opens the wipes and wipes Wyatt down well using 8 wipes before she lifts him up and pulls the diaper out from under him. Then she opens the clean Huggies diaper up, lifts Wyatt up and slides the back half underneath him. Then misses Newell uses what is left of the baby powder on Wyatt before tossing the empty bottle into the pile with his diaper. Then misses Newell pulls the front of his diaper up and then she fastens the tapes before standing Wyatt up, pulling his shorts back up.
Misses Newell: (Giving Wyatt a light slap on his thickly Diapered bottom) OK...Wyatt, you can....go back to playing. Now...Dillon, could you come and help me take all of the diapers and stuff to the trash and diaper pails??
Dillon: (twiddling slowly over) Yes miss Newell.
Since there are 10 diapers, four clothing outfits and two empty baby powder bottles, misses Newell hands 5 diapers and one of the empty powder bottles to Dillon and then she carries the other 5 and the other empty bottle over to the diaper pail. Misses Newell opens the white 13 gallon pail and then Dillon drops all of the diapers and the powder bottle in. Then misses Newell drops her armload in before putting the lid back on and escorting Dillon back to the play area. Then misses Newell went to pickup the pile of clothing to take to the regular trash before she tossed the clothes into a trash can then headed to the kitchen sink to wash her hands. Once she finished that, she dried her hands with a paper towel, tossing it into the can with the clothes in it before returning to the daycare to get 10 bottles and sippy cups of drinks. Misses Newell filled four bottles with grape juice, one bottle with Apple juice and the other 5 with milk.
She then called everyone over to get their bottles before sending everyone to get ready for nap-time. As Misses Newell got everyone laying down on their mats settling down for nap-Time, misses Newell decided to read everyone a story.
Once the story was finished, there were only two left still awake....Dillon and Jason. Dillon was restless.....he kept imagining what he saw last week when one of the boys that got disposed of in the diaper pail...excited him. Dillon wondered what it was like to be able to lay in all those wet and squishy diapers.....especiall the sweet smelling Luvs and Pampers diapers. As his mind began to drift off with imagination...he soon found himself sound asleep.
Jason.....didn't like the feeling that he now didn't have anyone that wanted him. He wondered if misses Newell was going to be his new mommy.
Jason: Miss Newell?
Misses Newell: Yes Jason.....
Jason: new mommy?
Misses Newell: Well....sort of. I am going to be your disposal mommy til it's time to throw you away.
Jason: Is...that....going to be...a..long time?
Misses Newell: No won't.
Jason: How come you are throwing me away?
Misses Newell: Because your mom can't afford to keep diapering you. You will never get out of diapers and that gets very, very expensive after only 3 years.
Jason: Do I...have to.....go into the diaper pails?
Misses Newell: No....I can put you outside in the toters if you want.
Jason: Will there be diapers in there?
Misses Newell: Yes....there will...lots and lots of them.
Jason: Misses Newell? You forgot to change my diaper....
Misses Newell: I...did? Well hon.....let me go get your diaper bag and I will change you...ok?
Misses Newell goes over to the diaper bags, finds Jason's and brings it over to where he is laying on the mat.
Misses Newell: Sorry about that. It gets busy in here.
Jason: how soft my diapers feel miss Newell....I also LOVE how the....plastic of my diaper feels too!!!
Misses Newell:
Jason: Yes, I do. Sometimes......when my mom isn't looking.....I steal one of my wet diapers from the diaper pail.....and I.....stick my face in the smell the sweet smell that my Pampers have.
Misses Newell:'s your diaper hon. You can have it you want.
Jason: Are you....going to throw my.....pacifiers away too? Yes....I still use one when I feel nervous. My mom made me so I won't suck my thumb.
Misses Newell removes Jason's holey t-shirt, shoes and socks tossing them aside before peeling back the tapes and laying the front of his thick Pampers diaper open. Then, as she pulled out the wipes, Jason began to pre a little. It dribbled down into his crotch and into the open diaper before leaking onto the waterproof mat.
Misses Newell: Uh oh honey! still need to pee?
Jason: No....not anymore. Sorry about that. I......couldn't help it.
Misses Newell: It's happens. We're lucky that it wasn't a lot more.
Jason: Why are you taking my clothes? What are you doing with them miss Newell?
Misses Newell: Well, everyone that is being disposed of....will be wearing just their diapers so that it is easier to change their diapers, so I can tell who is being thrown away....from those who are not.
You won't need them anyhow where you are going.
Jason: throwing me away? Oh....goodie!!! I....can't wait! Where will I be going miss Newell?
After I take you and the diapers outside to one of the toters, my.....husband will come with our diaper trash truck and he will let you climb into the hopper where he dumps the diapers. Then....he will compact you and take you along the route until the truck gets full. are still alive by get to see the way that the waste-to-energy plant will burn you and the diapers like wood in a fireplace to generate electricity.
Jason: getting.....burned with fire to make electricity?
Misses Newell: Yes hon, you are. Alive, dead, wet or dry....they don't care.....
Jason: I being thrown away???
Misses Newell: Well, I am going to find a place for you. If there is room in a can in will go into one of the cans in here. Otherwise, I will have to take you right outside to a toter where you will wait til my husband comes to take you and the diapers to the Waste-to-energy plant.
Jason: get mad at me if I want to sit and play with my....wet diaper that you are taking off me?
Misses Newell: That's Gross hon! No, you can't, sorry. You will just have to wait til you get disposed if to do that.
Jason: May....I get my drink bottle full of some chocolate milk please?
Misses Newell: certainly may....when I am dine changing you.
Jason: Are you going to throw my pacifiers away too?
Misses Newell: Yes hon....I will.
Jason: When you throw me away....will I get my diapers changed?
Misses Newell: won't.
Jason: But...why? What if my diaper is soaked?
Misses Newell: I won't care. You...are will be trash. Trash is dirty as are all the diapers.
Jason: Do I stay in the trash can?
Misses Newell: Yes hon....trash belongs in the trash can.
Misses Newell finishes changing Jason's diaper then she tells him to try to take a nap before she gets up, takes the slightly wet Pampers diaper with wipes in it that has been folded over, his holey t-shirt and takes them to be thrown away before going to the sink, washing her hands, drying them before getting one of Jason's drink bottles, filling it with Chocolate Milk, and bringing it to Jason.
Misses Newell: Here...ya go's quiet time....see if you can sleep for a little may feel better afterwards.
Misses Newell stands up and then goes to start taking the bags of the clothes out to the trash cans outside and putting as many of the boxes and bags of the disposable diapers away for use. Just as she was about to take the black trash bag of some loose, worn-but-not wet or messy diapers over to the porch until she could throw them away, Andy and his mom came in.
Andy....was a regular at misses Newell's daycare. He had been coming there for the last 5 year's and still isn't out of diapers full time due to his autism. Andy is also a dwarf....stuck at the perpetual size of a 2 year old. He looks like a doppelganger of Armada, whom had been disposed of 4 weeks prior. Andy...had watched Armada being disposed of and didn't want it to happen to him. His mother went out to their large SUV and began to bring in all of Andy's disposable diapers...that they have bought for him though have never used up completely over the last 5 years. First, two big bags of Huggies Story-Time Whites diapers, an opened bag of Pampers Baby-Dry size six that is half empty, a big diaper bag filled with 10 Pampers and 10 Huggies, a bag of his sister's large Luvs Deluxe for her Pink diapers and a quarter of a box of Luvs Deluxe for him in large. Then she brought in four tall boxes of left-over Pampers diapers as well as three opened dusty boxes of old Pampers with the blue waist shields that were up in the attic.
Then, his mom brought in his stroller, a suitcase full of his printed onesies, pajamas and t-shirts as well as socks and a pair of canvas shoes.
Andy's mom and Misses Newell went into the kitchen to talk so as not to disturb the others that were trying to take naps. Andy came with his mom into the kitchen and his mom sat him down on her lap as they talked.
Andy's mom: Misses Newell, I.....can't believe that I am saying husband and I.....have decided that we...can't afford to diaper Andy here anymore. The state has no room for him anywhere and won't take him. have...any ideas my husband and I from our tremendous debts? I brought you a lot of his diapers and some of his clothing.
Misses Newell: Well, I have a special and unique program here that I can offer you and...Andy there. My husband and I run this daycare and we also just started a diaper disposal company. We have two trucks already and we go to all of the daycares collecting all of the diapers which we take to the local waste-to-energy plant. We take diapers and unwanted diapered trash to the waste-to-energy plant weekly. Now...Andy here...has a better chance of being placed with a family than most others do. If no one wants him....then he may end up being disposed of with the diapers only as a last resort though.
Andy's mom: Well....that.....sounds like a much does your.....program cost?
Misses Newell: Well, we have a three-tier system and there are different "options" at every tier. Here...let me get you one of our packets so that you may look them over and decide if this something that you want to do.
Misses Newell goes out to her desk, opens a drawer, takes out a folder with a disposal packet inside then closes the drawer before going back into the kitchen. Then she hands the folder to Andy's mom whom opens it and then fully reads it. Misses Newell goes to check on everyone as she notes that Jason is the only one not actually sleeping, however still laying down. Then she goes back into the kitchen to sit and talk with Andy's mom.
Misses Newell: What have you decided? Is this....something are.....comfortable with?
Andy's mom: be husband and I don't have a choice here.'s ok with you.....I think that the top tier is the best...option. It allows for the purchase of diapers if he has to stay longer and....when it comes time for his .....disposal.....he gets to pick his last diaper....with the other two pick you were you $10,000 dollars, the...$8,000 plus 2 more so that you can make sure that he gets to spend an extra day or two at the waste-to-energy plant before he gets taken. Now....his...twin brother, just....has a bladder deformity that will cause him to be in diapers his entire life.'t a (cupping her hand and whispering) dwarf....though. He is a regular kid in diapers. We are going to drop him off tomorrow after we gather up all of his diapers and stuff. the $8,000 for him as well.
Misses Newell: Will dispose of next week on Wednesday. Andy....will get to wait for a little while before we have no other choice.
Andy's Mom: With his brother, we...have some....special requests....first....he is just a little too big to fit into the regular diapers...he has to wear these...plastic-backed Astronaut-print diapers in a youth size. We have about four cases of those....each case has four packs of 15 in each one. We want.....him to get extra dirty and nice and stinky before he gets disposed of. We also want you to stuff his last diaper with all of the used wipes and....we want him to get extra compactor it says there in the options. Also....make sure...that you take all of his clothing off for disposal. We...want him in just his diaper. If you want....use his diaper like a trash put other diapers into if you want. Just a suggestion on that one.
Misses Newell: O....K....we will make sure that we do that. Now...if Andy....can't find a home and we absolutely have no other choice other than to throw him away....are there any....special requirements we need to do for..his disposal?
Andy's mom: Yes, with him, you will need to give him some of this....medicine. It will make him unable to fight the disposal. He will still be able to talk and be awake, makes his arms and legs unable to move without you doing so for him. It's a chemical restraint. ONLY use this....if he tries to get out or...fights the disposal. There...IS enough here for up to six doses for both of them. Each dose lasts up to 24 hours.
Misses Newell: (Taking the medicine bottle) Ok....thank you.....I will keep this and use this ONLY when necessary. (Getting up and shaking Andy's mom's hand) My husband and I will see to it that both of them are properly dispensed with.
Thank you for being long-Time patrons of our daycare.
Andy's mom: pleasure.
Misses Newell: Have a great day.
Andy's mom: Same to you. Bye now.
With that.....Andy's mom leaves the daycare, leaving Andy there with misses Newell.
Misses Newell: Hi Andy, glad to see you again.....I am going to be taking care of you...til we can decide what will happen to you. Ok sweetie.....come with me and lay on this is nap-time. I will change your diaper after nap-time ok?
Andy: What do you....mean?
Misses Newell: Well.....your mom and dad....don't want you anymore. You were given to me....I am going to try to find a home for you. If no one wants you, sorry to tell you this....honey.... Know what? We......won't worry about that part now....ok?
Andy: OK.....
Misses Newell goes to help Andy lay down on his mat then she goes to her desk to fill out the disposal paperwork for the 5 that are being thrown away.
At 12 o'clock or a little after, misses Newell wakes everyone up to get lunch ready. She gets everyone up, turns the TV on then starts a Disney movie while making grilled cheese sandwiches.
Once lunch was over, misses Newell began to change everyone's diapers one at a time. First....was Dillon's turn. Misses Newell brought Dillon to his mat with his diaper bag and laid him down.
As she pulled out the wipes, powder and a clean diaper, Dillon looked at what she was doing.
Dillon: Which can am I being disposed of in miss Newell?
Misses Newell: It all depends on which can has the least amount of diapers in it.
Misses Newell cleans Dillon up after he messed in his diaper before she rolled his diaper up and set it aside. Then she opened his clean diaper, lifted him up while sliding the back of the clean diaper under him before setting him down into the padding.
Then misses Newell shook a lot of baby powder into Dillon's diaper as well as onto Dillon before pulling his diaper up and fastening the tapes.
Misses Newell: There you go sweetie. All comfy now. Go play for a bit til I am done changing diapers.
Misses Newell then gets ready to change Jason's diaper. She brings Jason to the mat and lays him down.
Then she takes out one of his diapers, some wipes and a bottle of baby powder. Then she begins unfastening the tapes before pulling the front of his messy diaper down and laying it open.
She takes the wipes and cleans him up before rolling the diaper up and putting it into the pile. Then she opens his clean diaper and then lifts him up, slides the diaper underneath him before putting him down into the clean diaper. Misses Newell adds lots of powder before pulling his diaper up and fastening the tapes. She helps him up, gives him a light slap on his Diapered butt before getting Candy over for her diaper change.
Misses Newell lays Candy down onto her back then takes out the changing supplies.
Candy: Miss Newell? What will happen when it's time to.....take me for disposal?
Misses Newell: I....don't know will either go into one of our cans in here or...direcrly out to one of our toters outside.
Candy: put lots of powder in my diaper? the smell.
Misses Newell: Sure. I can do that.
Misses Newell wraps Candy's messy diaper up and puts it in the pile. Then she lifts Candy up, slides the open diaper under her then puts her down into it. Then she shakes a bunch of baby powder onto Candy before pulling the diaper up and fastening the tapes. Then she helps Candy up and tells her to play for a bit.
Then misses Newell gets Angela to lay down. Misses Newell then opens Angela's diaper bag to find that there are no more diapers left inside.
Misses Newell: Well. Stay right there for a few seconds while I....go get you a clean diaper to wear.
Misses Newell gets up, goes over to the boxes of Luvs Deluxe for him and for her, the Huggies Story-Time Whites Bags and a Couple different Pampers bags. Misses Newell grabs a Luvs Barney diaper in size 6 and then brings it over to where Angela is laying.
Misses Newell kneels down, unfastens the tapes of Angela's diaper and it is soaked. She pulls it out from under her then begins to wipe Angela well before folding the wet diaper over with all the used wipes in it. She then opens the sweet smelling Luvs Barney diaper up and slides it under Angela before shaking a lot of baby powder onto her then she pulled the diaper up and fastened the tapes.
Misses Newell: OK hon....all done....go play now....
After about 20 to 25 minutes of diaper changes, another large pile of diapers needed to be disposed of. Misses Newell got Angela to help carry some of them to the diaper pail.
Misses Newell: Angela sweetie, would you like to help me carry some of these diapers to the trash? It would sure help.
Angela: Ok miss Newell.
Misses Newell hands Angela 5 diapers then they both go to throw them away. As Angela drops the diapers into the white diaper pail, she asks misses Newell a question.
Angela: How don't roll the wet ones up?
Misses Newell: Because.....we like to let them dry out a little bit so they will burn better at the plant.
Angela: diaper tapes get loose....will you put the tape back on?
Misses Newell: Probably not. Ok hon....time to go wash your hands and then go play.
Misses Newell goes with Angela to wash her hands then washes hers before getting a movie put on for everyone to watch while they eat their snacks.
After the movie, some of the regulars begin leaving as their parents pick them up for the day. It is now 5:30 pm and only Dillon, Jason, Candy, Angela and Andy are still there.
Dillon: Miss Newell? What happens now? Miss Newell? I...think I need a diaper's wet.....
Misses Newell: Ok hon....let me go get you changed....come with me hon.
Dillon: Miss Newell? May....I keep this ....diaper with me please?
Misses Newell: I....guess....(shrugging) it's...your diaper......
Dillon: Are the diapers I keep.....going to be thrown away with me?
Misses Newell: Yes Sweetie, they will.
Now....when I am done changing you, I want you to go sit on your mat and watch the movie ok?
Dillon: OK miss Newell.
Misses Newell finshes changing Dillon's diaper then sends him to watch the movie she put in.
Angela: Miss Newell? Miss Newell?
Misses Newell: Yes sweetie?
Angela: May I....have some apple juice please?
Misses Newell: Yes you may....does anyone else want anything to drink?
Everyone nods and hands miss Newell their drink containers and bottles. Jason wants something else.
Jason: Miss Newell? Could I get some milk please?
Misses Newell: Sure hon.....
Misses Newell gets everyone's bottles and sippy cups filled and hands them all out. Misses Newell puts the Disney Movie called "Frozen" on for everyone to watch then she goes to make dinner. Daniel comes home at around 5:45 pm and looks at everyone then goes to kiss his wife. They talk for a bit.....misses Newell tells Daniel that all of them watch the movie are here to be disposed of. He takes another look at each of them and then goes to change his clothes.....and settle in for the night.
After dinner, Daniel and misses Newell talk about which ones will be going into which cans and toters. She also tells Daniel that Andy is there for disposal however, she wants to try to find a new home for him first. If that doesn't work out, she will be disposing of him too next week or even the week after.
Daniel sees that the white can is almost half way full, the black can is half full and the tan can is 3/4 full.
Daniel: There sure have been a lot if diapers this week. John at the plant will like that.
Misses Newell: I sure hope so. I hope he will take them all.
Daniel: Today, I mist have spilled over 44 gallons worth of diapers on the ground! The residential customers really over-filled their cans from the weekend! We even had six Diapered trash loaded into the truck this week!
Misses Newell: That sure is a lot.....for residential.....did they accept them all?
Daniel: Yes....they even took three of them right away! That crane....came over and picked the pile up, raised it and put the pile right into the funnel hopper! Should have seen it man!
Misses Newell: I....wish I could have been there.....did....the loads from the street sweeper get taken right away too?
Daniel: No man....those got scooped into the pit....he got there a little later than I did.
Misses Newell: Oh....too bad. I wish they would have. I have to go change the kids for bed. It's 7: 20 Now.
Misses Newell goes into the daycare and the movie is just getting over now. Misses Newell shuts everything off, and asks Angela to come get her diaper changed. Misses Newell has Angela lay down on her mat and then she goes and grabs the wipes, a Huggies Story-Time Whites diaper and the baby powder then she kneels down to unfasten the tapes on Angela's wet diaper.
Angela: Are you going to read us a story miss Newell?
Misses Newell: (Wiping Angela down with the wipes) Would you like me to?
Angela: Yes miss Newell. Could I get some milk to drink please?
Misses Newell: Sure baby.....after I am done changing diapers ok?
Misses Newell pulls the wet diaper out from under Angela and then folds it over then slides it aside before grabbing the clean and dry Huggies Story-Time Whites diaper and slides the open diaper under her. Then misses Newell shakes a lot of powder in before pulling the diaper up and fastening the tapes.
Misses Newell: Ok's time for bed. Here...get under your blanket......
There ya go....
Misses Newell then calls candy over to her mat and lays her down to change her diaper. Misses Newell grabs the pink Luvs Deluxe for her diaper and then kneels down to unfasten the tapes of Candy's wet diaper.
Candy: How come that boy has his wet diapers by his pillow?
Misses Newell: I don't know. I guess he likes the sweet smells.
Candy: Where are my onesies?
Misses Newell: They are all in the trash hon. You don't don't need them anymore.
Candy: Am I....going to be thrown away soon?
Misses Newell: Yes hon....very soon. Diaper trash day is day after tomorrow. (Pulling the wet Pink Luvs diaper out from under Candy and folding it over)
Candy: Do.....I....have to be thrown away????
Misses Newell: Yes hon. I don't have a choice and neither do you.
Candy: What if I don't wanna be thrown away????
Misses Newell: It won't matter hon. You are going to be trash soon. Don't worry about that right now. It's time for bed now. Ok...there...ALL nice and comfy. Lay down and get under your blanket sweetie.
Misses Newell tucks candy in then calls Jason to change his diaper.
Misses Newell: Come here's diaper changing time.
Come lay down sweetie on your mat for let me go get a diaper for you.....stay right there...
Jason waits while misses Newell goes and gets one of his Pampers Baby Dry diapers with the Balloons
on the front. Then misses Newell kneels down to change Jason's partly wet diaper.
Jason: May I.....keep my diaper please?
Misses Newell: Sure....when I am done taking it off....
Misses Newell unfastens the tapes and lays the front down. She then wipes him well with 6 wipes before pulling the diaper out from under Jason. Then misses Newell opened the clean Pampers diaper and then slid it underneath Jason before adding a lot of powder. Then she pulled the front up and then fastened the tapes snuggly.
Misses Newell: There. All comfy. Now...let's get you tucked in and nice, warm and is your diaper. Time for bed now.
Jason: Miss Newell? May I get my teddy bear please?
Misses Newell: Sure.....
Misses Newell gets Jason's Teddy Bear and hands it to him
Jason: Thank you miss Newell.
Misses Newell: Uh're welcome. Ok Dillon, it's diaper changing time......come lay on your mat....there....looks like your diaper is just a little bit wet. I will change it.
How would you like to wear one of your.....Fitti diapers with all these cute balloons all over them?
Dillon: Yes please miss Newell. How come that one boy gets to sleep in that thing and he gets to wear HIS onesie?
Misses Newell: Well, he isn't being thrown away if I can help it. I am trying to find him a new home. He has to look good for people who may want him.
Dillon: May the first one to be thrown away miss Newell? I wanna go into the trash with the diapers.
Misses Newell: We'll see ok?
Mosses Newell unfastens the tapes and pulls Dillon's diaper down. She uses 4 wipes to clean Dillon before tucking the wipes into the diaper then she folds the diaper over and pulls it out from under Dillon, setting it aside. Then she opens the Fitti diaper with the balloons all over it and then slides it underneath him. Then she adds a lot of baby powder before pulling the diaper up and fastening the tapes.
Misses Newell: Ok Dillon, it's bedtime.
Dillon: May I keep my comfy diaper please?
Misses Newell: (Shrugging her shoulders) I...guess. (Handing Dillon his diaper)
Then misses Newell goes over to Andy to change his diaper and get him dressed in his Pjs for bed. After changing and dressing Andy then getting him tucked in to the playpen, Misses Newell carried three diapers to the white trash can that was almost ready to get emptied along with two others. Then misses Newell went to change and tuck in her own kids before bringing their wet diapers out for disposal. Then as the house got quiet....misses Newell went into her bedroom with her husband for the night.
As the warm sun rays penetrated the curtains in the daycare, Misses Newell and her husband woke up. It was 5:30 am and Daniel had part 2 of his residential diaper collection route to do before starting the first part of the Daycare route on Wednesday.
Daniel puts his coveralls on with his name patch and the company name on the back as well as a picture of a diaper below the lettering. He puts on his big heavy work boots then heads out to go get the route started.
Misses Newell goes to change her own kids then she goes to open the daycare.
As misses Newell opens the daycare, she also goes to get everyone their morning drinks and their diapers changed. The first one to get their diaper changed was Dillon, since he was closest. Dillon's diaper was changed then Jason's then Angela, then Candy then Andy.
Misses Newell was expecting Andy's brother to arrive for disposal either today or tomorrow.
7 am rolls around and Wyatt, Kendra and Kyle are dropped off for the day.
Breakfast begins with cereal and orange juice. Misses Newell sips a got cup of her favorite java.
Once breakfast is over, story-time began with everyone gathered on the rubber colored mats and misses Newell reading "The Little Engine that Could." 8:30 cones around and free-play time is in full effect.....everyone is playing when misses Newell begins the second rounds of hourly diaper changes. First up is Angela. Then Dillon, then Candy, then Jason, Wyatt, Kendra then last, Andy. Just as Andy was changed and dressed, Andy's former mom walks into the daycare with Andy's brother, Nicolas.
Nick.....was wearing a dark midnight blue onesie and some Huggies Supertrim diapers. His mom brought six packs of Huggies Supertrim diapers, his fully stocked diaper bag as well as a trash bag full of his onesies and the wet diapers from the last two days.
Misses Newell immediately put the trash bag out on the back porch before taking Nick over to remove his onesie.
Misses Newell: Hi're just in time for nap-time.
Nick: Miss? How come you took my onesie off?
Misses Newell: You won't be needing it anymore hon. You are here for disposal I am afraid. It makes it easier for me to change your diapers since I have so many to change.
Nick: Why won't I be needing my onesies anymore miss?
Misses Newell: sorry I have to tell you here because your parents can't afford to diaper you anymore. They brought you here to be thrown away with the diapers so we can convert you and the diapers into electric energy.
Nick: Whaaaaat? being thrown away? How....are they going that thing to me into whatever you said that was....?
Misses Newell: Well....they.....are going to......burn you and the diapers which will generate electricity that we use to run lights, TVs and stuff.
Nick: I have to be burned with fire miss?
Misses Newell: Because....this way, we turn what we don't want anymore into energy that we need. It is also better for our environment. You do want to have a cleaner environment for the future right?
Nick: I.....don't know if I do....
Misses Newell: Don't you.....want people to live in a clean world?
Nick: Ummm I think so.....
Misses Newell: So do I, so does my husband. So do my kids do their kids.
Nick: So....what is going to happen to me?
Misses Newell: Well, you will be here for a little while.....til next Wednesday when my husband's diaper trash truck comes to take you and the diapers to the Waste-to-energy plant which turns you and the diapers into electrical energy for us to use. I will throw you away a day or two before my husband's truck comes.
Nick: What can I keep that from happening to me miss?
Misses Newell: You.....can't stop it. You have no choice hon. Trash can't choose if or when it gets thrown away. OK.....It's nap-time. Come lay down on this mat for me....there ya go. Shhhhhhh! It's quiet time talking.
Nick toddles over to the mat wearing his dry and crinkly Huggies Supertrim diaper on and then flops down onto the blue waterproof mat with a pillow
and lays down to take a nap. It is 10:30 am now....everyone has been changed three times now.....including just before nap-time.
Lunch-time is coming around 12:00 noon and then movie-time before snack-time around 3:00 pm.
After 3, free-play time before last diaper changes before some of the regulars go home for the day.
While everyone was taking their naps, Misses Newell began getting ready to dispose of the first few that were going out for Wednesday diaper-trash collection. It was now just after 12:00 and everyone needed their messy diapers changed. After all of the diapers were changed, it was lunch time. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and peach slices for lunch then it was movie-time! After movie-time, it was snack-time and free-play-time til the regulars all left for the day. Misses Newell gave everyone one last diaper change before bringing Jason and Dillon to their diaper pail for disposal.
Misses Newell:(Changing Jason's diaper) decided what kind of diaper you want to wear for disposal? I have two kinds of Huggies, I have these Luvs for him and for her, I have......these Fitti diapers, and.....I have these Pampers seseme street diapers. Which one would you like?
Jason: UM......I want......Those ones with the balloons on them.
Misses Newell: OK....this will be the last dry diaper you get. Are you.....sure?
Jason: Yes miss Newell.
Misses Newell:OK hon.
Misses Newell changes Jason's diaper adding a ton if baby powder. Then, misses Newell grabs all of the wet diapers that Jason had saved and then added the one she just took off him, 6 in all, then she carried the diapers in one arm while she took Jason's left hand in her right hand and took him and the diapers to the white 13 gallon trash can that was 3/4 full. Misses Newell set the 6 diapers down on the floor for a few seconds.
Misses Newell: OK hon, time for disposal. Ready? Ok in....ya go.
Jason: Hold on! Can't I get my bottle?
Misses Newell: I don't see why not. (Misses Newell picks the 6 diapers up and tosses them in on top of Jason's belly.)
Jason: Ooof!!!! I get to here now?
Misses Newell: Yes, until it's time to take the trash out tomorrow morning.
Jason: Wait....Miss Newell??? How long will I be in here?
Misses Newell: Till later this evening when it's time to take the trash outside to one of the toters.
Jason: How long is that?
Misses Newell: I will let you know when I come to take you and the diapers out.
Misses Newell then turns and walks back into the daycare to attend to the four others who await next week's disposal with the diapers.
Meanwhile, Jason began to get bored and decided to play with his wet diapers that misses Newell tossed in with him.
Jason was so turned on that he came into his diaper hard!!!
This made him sleepy and weak. He passed out and fell into a deep slumber, so deep that he hadn't noticed that he had been dragged outside to the alley where four full toters were
waiting for collection the following morning. Misses Newell woke Jason up as he lay weakly in the diaper pail.
Misses Newell: Hey's time to get into the toter now.
Jason: (Stretching) Huh???? What .......happened?
Misses Newell: Come in hon. It's disposal time now sweetie. I have to get back into the daycare.
Jason gets up and stretches then waddles over to the step-ladder and climbes up and then gets into the toter, flipping over to his back with his legs dangling over the left side of the toter.
Jason: My legs.....won't fit....
Misses Newell: (Picking the white 13 gallon trash can full of diapers up and dumping the diapers in on top of Jason.)
It's fine. My husband doesn't care if your legs dangle over the side.
Jason: What is going to happen to me miss Newell?
Misses Newell: My husband is going to come and dump you and the diapers and then, at some point, take you and these diapers to the waste-to-energy plant to be used to generate electricity. It's what is best for you and the diapers sweetie.
I have to get back for a bit. I am going to empty the other diaper pails later when my husband gets home. Til then, you're stuck in here.
With that, misses Newell closes the lid and the lid comes to rest uncomfortably on his legs.
Jason tried to get comfortable with the lid over his legs though no matter what position he turned to, he found no comfort. He finally settled with his legs dangling over the edge once more, though closer to the front edge than before. The sweet smells of wet baby powder and the nasty smells of poo began to loom densely in the toter with the lid mostly closed. It got dark out and before too long, misses Newell came out dragging two full 13 gallon trash can full of diapers. Misses Newell flipped the lid open and then picked the black can up and emptied the diapers into the toter, which fell out all over Jason's head, face, chest and diapered bottom. Then she put the empty can down and picked up the square brown can and then she emptied the diapers in covering Jason almost completely. Then, misses Newell left for a little bit then came back to empty one of the 32 gallon daycare cans in....this covered Jason completely now, a pile of loose wet and messy diapers now sat there for a bit til misses Newell spread the diapers out some so that she could close the lid. Then she reached back and flipped the lid closed, the lid resting against his legs just above the knee. Then misses Newell went back inside for the night.
Jason lay there, his eyes focused on sounds around him in the moonless darkness....wondering what was out there. Jason became turned in again after wetting his diaper again, soaking the back of his diaper, a little bit of the wetness dripping out from his right leg elastics.....the soft, warm, squishiness turned Jason on. He began to rub the soft, crinkly wet diapers of his, across the front of his diaper which eventually caused him to cum a lot into his soggy padding of his diaper again. This made Jason sleepy so he closed his eyes as his arms flopped at his sides limply. It was about 8 am when Jason opened his eyes, the first warm rays of the sun shining into the toter. Jason rolled over facing the small opening in the front of the toter to see what was going on. Misses Newell came outside with his diaper bags and another full can of wet and messy diapers to empty into the nearly full toter.
She flipped the lip open and then she took his two diaper bags off each of her shoulders, tossing them into the toter near Jason. Then she picked the small waste can up and emptied the loose diapers into the load inside the toter.
Jason: Miss Newell? Miss the truck coming soon?
Misses Newell: Yes sweetie, it should be here any time now.
Jason: Are going to be here when the truck comes?
Misses Newell: No hon, I will be inside. This may be.....the last time you will see me.
Misses Newell lowers the lid back down and then carries the empty waste can back into the daycare. Jason gets turned in again and starts to turn over onto his stomach to satisfy his.. ..urgent and pulsating need. As he takes the next 45 minutes to climax a lot into his now swollen and soaking wet not to mention sticky diaper, Daniel and his co-worker arrive in their 1996 Maxxon manual side loading diaper collection trash truck with a picture of a large disposable diaper on the side. Daniel gets out and comes over to the first toter, flips the lid open then wheels the toter over to the side of the truck, then hooks the toter to the tote-tipper, then, raises the toter and then Jason tumbles into the deep hopper and ends up with his legs dangling over the edge of the hopper and then is covered by an avalanche of loose, wet and messy diapers.
Jason: ( stuck under the weight of the heavy wet diapers) Hey! Hey! WAIT!!! Don't take me yet....please......I......don't wanna be thrown away!!! My.....diaper needs changed! Please sir.....don't take me! I'll be good!!!
Daniel's co-worker wheels the second toter over to the side of the truck, flipping the lid open as he hooks the toter up to the tote-tipper. 20 diapers fall to the ground as the toter is dumped into the hopper. A few more tumble out from the opposite side and fall to the ground as Daniel comes to dump the third toter that is so full that the lid couldn't close. Eight loose Pampers, Huggies and a couple of Fitti diapers fall to the ground as Daniel dumps the third toter into the hopper. Jason's legs are still dangling over the side of the hopper as Daniel empties the third toter.
Jason: Sir? Hey....mister trash man? Let me out! Please! I....can't get up! All these diapers are too heavy and I can't see.....
Daniel goes to wheel the fourth toter over and hooks it to the tote-tipper. He flips the lid open and dumps the toter. As the diapers fall into the hopper, Daniel starts the first of two compactor cycles. The compactor blade begins to advance and as the compactor blade begins to push Jason into the container, his legs begin to slide along the edge of the hopper slowly.
Jason: What are you doing? this thing? Make it.....stop! Heeeeeeey!
Jason gets forcefully shoved into a lot of loose diapers inside the packer container and his face and head get pressed into a bunch of open wet diapers that were hanging by their tapes to a burst open white bag full of diapers. For a few seconds, Jason was unable to breathe before the compactor retracted as Jason's legs fell down into the nearly empty hopper floor.
Then, Daniel started the second compactor cycle as he headed to the cab, got in and began to drive to the next daycare.
At the next daycare, there were four over-filled toters with two diapered trash inside. One girl with ling brown hair and wearing a wet white onesie, and the other, a blonde haired boy wearing a thick and crinkly Huggies Storytime white diaper.
As Daniel gets out of the cab, he goes to roll the first toter that has a huge load of loose diapers inside, over to the side of the truck so to hook it to the tote-tipper to empty. About two dozen loose diapers fell out of the toter as Daniel rolled the toter to the truck.
Blonde diapered boy: (Inside the toter) Wait!!!! Please! Don't put me in there!!! PLLLLLEASE!!!
Mr? I woke up in here this morning and........WHOOOOAAAAH!!!!!
Daniel dumps the can the diapers and the boy are in and the boy falls out into the hopper landing on his stomach with his feet facing where the tote-tipper is. Diapers avalanched all over the boy covering him nearly completely in the hopper. Then the second full toter was emptied, spilling another six loose diapers to the ground.
Then, the third toter with the diapered girl in it was emptied into the hopper. The girl slid into the hopper landing onto her back with her feet facing the right-hand side of the truck. She was covered with diapers as well.
Diapered boy: Hey! They.....threw you away......too?
Diapered Girl: Yes! I.... wouldn't be here......if they didn't....and I wish they didn't!!!!!
Daniel dumps the last full toter then starts the compactor cycle as he puts the last toter back before heading to the cab to drive to the next daycare.
Daniel started another compactor cycle as he drove to the next daycare. The girl's diaper buckled between her legs as she was forcefully pressed against all the diapers and Jason inside the packer container. The boy's diaper began to buckle as he and it were pressed against the diapers below the girl. Tapes now stuck to the side and butt of his the tapes popped off and stuck themselves to his diaper during the cycles of the compactor.
The next daycare had four full toters with no diapered trash this week. Daniel and his co-worker emptied the toters then ran the compactor cycle twice after each stop. After the sixth daycare, the truck was close to being completely packed out. Daniel drove the ten miles along a long and curvy two-laned road to the waste-to-energy plant. He turned down the dirt road then pulled up to the scale and the scale-house. Suzanne was working that day and she knew Daniel and that he always had diapered trash in the loads each week. She knew that each diapered trash had to be individually weighed and inspected before they could be accepted. Daniel knew this and he hoped that he wouldn't have to bring any of them back.
Meanwhile.............back at misses Newell's daycare.....
Misses Newell was just getting ready to change Dillon's diaper.
Dillon: Can I have my....wet diapers like.....the boy that was thrown away did?
Misses Newell: Sure.....they are your diapers.....
Dillon: being thrown away next?
Misses Newell: We shall see....when it gets closer to disposal time.
Misses Newell put Dillon's wet diaper onto his chest before she opened up his Luvs diaper and then slid it underneath him before shaking a lot of baby powder into the diaper before pulling the front up and fastening the tapes.
Misses Newell: There you are......ok time to go lay down for nap-time hon.
Misses Newell lays Dillon down then goes over to Candy to change her diaper on her mat.
Candy: Why does that his.....wet diapers?
Misses Newell: ( unfastening the tapes of Candy's diaper.) I...think he likes the smell and the squishiness.
Misses Newell wipes Candy clean dropping the wipes into the wet diaper before pulling it out from underneath her and setting it aside. Then, misses Newell grabs the clean Pink Luvs Deluxe For Her diaper and opens it up, then lifts Candy up and slides the diaper underneath her, then misses Newell shakes a lot of powder into the diaper before pulling it up and fastening the tapes.
Miss Newell: OK sweetie....nap-time....
Misses Newell takes the wet diaper and puts it into a pile with the others. She then goes over to Angela and lays her down on her back, on her mat.
Angela: Can....I have one of those ......diapers with the balloons on them please??
Misses Newell: (Unfastening the tapes and pulling the front of her slightly wet diaper down)
Sure hon. Don't you like those nice....thick Huggies Storytime white diapers?
Angela: They make me itch in the back.
Misses Newell: (Rolling Angela over to look) OH.....yeah....I....see. You do have a little .....rash or something where the waistband elastics were. Try these .....Fitti diapers.
Angela: How come I won't have any choice if I get thrown away or not miss Newell?
Misses Newell: Because.....trash can't choose if it gets thrown away or not. Unfortunately no one will take you. The only option left is to throw you away. Diapering you is expensive. It has to be this way. Sorry.
Angela: throw me away......can I have my diaper changed right before?
Misses Newell: No, I'd rather that your diaper be at least a little wet. It won't matter if your diaper is wet or not when it is time for your disposal.
Angela: How come you pushed down on that last boy that got thrown away when he was put into that diaper pail?
Misses Newell: Oh...that?To make more room for more diapers of course.
Angela: have that to me too?
Misses Newell: I don't know....we'll see how full the diaper pails are.
Misses Newell unfastens the tapes of Angela's diaper, uses wipes to clean her up then she drops each wipe into the diaper before she pulls the wet one out and folds it over before setting it aside. She then opens up the clean Fitti diaper and then slides it underneath Angela before shaking a lot of powder into the diaper. She then pulled the front of the diaper up and fastened the tapes.
Misses Newell: There ya go honey. Ok....time for a nap.
As misses Newell lays Angela down for her nap, she goes over to Wyatt and then goes to pull his shorts down then she unfastens the tapes of Wyatt's diaper.
Meanwhile.......on Daniel's route....Daniel finished up at the next two daycares after misses Newell's daycare then drives the 10 miles to the next daycare....whom has six toters that are always over-filled with loose diapers each and every week. This week, they have two diapered trash, one boy and one girl. The girl....a blonde wearing a thick and slightly wet Luvs Barney diaper and a dingy old pink onesie that has been unsnapped and left that way when she was put into the second toter. The dark haired boy is wearing a Huggies Storytime white diaper that is also only slightly wet and a ripped baby blue onesie that was left unsnapped after it had become ripped along the right side along the seem. Daniel pulls up along side the row of six toters and then he and his co-worker get out and start bringing toters to the side of the hopper to hook to the tote-tipper. Since each toter is over-filled, a small pile of diapers fall to the Daniel rolls the toter to the truck. Daniel grabbed the toter with the blonde girl inside and as his employee empties the first toter, Daniel flips the lid open and he looks down and sees the girl laying there.
Blonde diapered girl: (In the open toter) Hey! the trash man?
Daniel: (Looking ahead) Yes.....and you are about to go into my trash truck! I'm gonna pack you and your diapers for the ride to the waste-to-energy plant!
Diapered Girl: Wait! What mean?
Daniel dumps the toter and the girl falls into the hopper and the avalanche of loose diapers covers her. Then Daniel rolls the empty toter back while Daniel's employee empties the second toter. The boy falls into the hopper being covered by diapers.
Diapered boy: Whoaaaaaa........oof!!!
Hey!!! please! What.....are you going to us?
Daniel's employee: both are about to find out!
Daniel empties another full toter into the hopper then so does Daniel's employee before a compactor cycle had to be started.
Daniel's employee: we go! Time to pack you for the ride!
The compactor blade begins to advance. The boy wets his diaper out of fear. The girl can't move under the weight of the diapers and the boy Both the girl's and the boy's diapers begin to buckle and bunch up as the packer pressed and shoved everything into the packer container. As the diapered boy and the diapered girl along with all their diapers began to get pressed tightly against the loads of diapers in the packer container, Daniel had a satisfied look on his face as he enjoyed watching the diapers and the diapered boy and the diapered girl getting compacted. Once the compactor blade retracted, Daniel and his employee finished emptying the remaining toters then ran another cycle of the compactor as they drove to the next daycare. It was five miles to the next daycare and at this daycare, there were four toters. The toters were full. As Daniel pulled up along side of the four toters, he noticed that there were three sets of legs hanging out of three of the four toters. The first toter had been so full that the lid was propped open. There were white trash bags full of diapers and loose diapers inside each toter along with three diapered trash. Two boys and one girl. The poor girl was crying and begging not to be thrown away. This didn't bother Daniel or his employee at all. They were used to it.
Daniel rolled the toter over to the side of the truck and hooked it to the tote-tipper before flipping the lid open. The girl inside got a glimpse of where she was about to be dumped and that made her even more scared. She soaked her diaper hard as she and the diapers were dumped into the hopper.
Then once the toter was empty, Daniel put it back and grabbed one with one of the boys in it while his employee empties the second toter with the other diapered boy and a lot of bagged and loose diapers in it into the hopper before putting the now empty toter back. Then Daniel hooked his toter up and dumped the fourth toter with the second diapered boy in it into the hopper.
Diapered boy: (From the 4th toter) Please!!! Please! Let me out! What is.....going to happen to us?
Daniel Newell: (Rolling eyes) Well, you and all these diapers are going to a waste-to-energy plant to be used to generate electricity. Isn't
Diapered boy: Wait!! You mean.....that my.....diapers and I are going to get.....burned?
Daniel Newell: are you ready to be all.....nice and crushed with all these stinky diapers? It's packer time!!!!!
Daniel starts the compactor as he and his employee get into the cab and go to the next daycare. The next daycare is six miles away and they have four totes full of diapers and one has a boy wearing thick Fitti overnight diapers with the balloons on them.
When Daniel pulls up alongside the toters, one of the janitors is tossing in 6 bulging force-flex trash bags full of diapers. The boy is kicking and fussing to get out and not be disposed of.
Daniel and his employee get out of the cab and they both go over to the first and second toters. While Daniel waits for his employee to empty the toter, he noticed two legs kicking in one of the toters that the janitor was tossing bags full of diapers into.
Daniel Newell: Having trouble with the diapered trash are ya?
Janitor: Yeah....he doesn't wanna be thrown away. He was thrown away because he wets his diapers too much and it's costing mommy and too much money in diapers!
Daniel Newell: Yeah.......we.... understand completely. My wife and I have to dispose of a lot of unwanted diapered trash weekly because times have become too hard to afford diapers these days. The diapered trash never wants to be disposed of....they just.....have no choice. We don't care if they want to be or not, they are trash and we own them til they get to the waste-to-energy plant. We get money for the weight of each diapered trash.
Janitor: Yeah....we like that everything gets used to generate electricity.
Daniel then goes to hook up the toter and then dumps the load into the hopper before putting the empty toter back and grabbing the toter with the diapered boy inside. Daniel personally empties the toter with the boy inside and makes sure that he gets dumped into the hopper with the loads of bagged and loose diapers. Daniel's employee brings the
last toter over nd dumps the loads of diapers into the hopper before starting the compactor cycle. Daniel stays next to the hopper, monitoring the progress of the load being compacted. As the blade retracts, Daniel isn't he starts the continuous compactor cycles so the loads get plenty of packing as they drive.
The poor diapered trash in the container are busy getting their diapers and themselves all bunched up....and a few have already passed out from the sheer pressure of the compactor and the lack of air.
Quite a few of the diapered trash now have poo and wet diaper gels all over them, in their matted hair and all over the onesies a few of them were wearing. Daniel and his employee arrive at the next daycare and there are six over-filled toters full of bagged and loose wet and messy diapers.
The lids of three of the toters were standing almost straight up because there were two large white trash bags full of diapers laying on top of a thickly diapered boy wearing a bulging and wet Huggies Storytime white diaper. His legs are hanging over the right edge of one of the six overfilled toters.
Three of the toters had diapered trash inside them. THIS daycare had disposed of two boys and a girl and as Daniel and his employee pulled up and stopped, a daycare worker was just bringing another diapered trash out for disposal.
As Daniel and his employee went over to the closest toters,
and each grabbed one and began to roll them over to the side of the truck. Daniel stood waiting for his employee to finish empying the first toter which had just bagged and loose diapers inside. Once he had finished the first, Daniel let his employee empty the second toter as he put the now empty toter back before grabbing the third toter and bringing it to the side of the truck. Daniel began to grab the fourth toter full of diapers which had a few loose diapers fall out onto the ground with the 6 or so that had also fallen from the first and second toters. The street sweeper wasn't far behind now, just now slowing down to wait til Daniel and his employee had finished emptying the remaining toters.
As Daniel grabbed the fourth toter with the diapered boy in it, whose legs were hanging over the right side of the toter, the boy began to figet and try to not get dumped into the hopper with all the diapers. As he tried to sit up, the toter tipped to the side and then over causing him and all the diapers to spill into the hopper. The diapered boy flipped over 360 degrees and landed in the hopper on his back with his legs dangling over the edge of the left side of the hopper. Dazed a bit, the boy lay there wondering what happened to him as the rest of the bagged diapers and the loose diapers covers him almost completely like an avalanche. Then, Daniel's employee dumped the fifth toter with the diapered boy in it wearing a Huggies for him diaper on into the hopper before putting the empty toter back. Now, Daniel dumped the sixth toter with the diapered girl wearing a Luvs Barney diaper  and a white, ripped and torn onesie on into the hopper. Then Daniel motioned for the daycare worker to go ahead and help the diapered boy she had brought out, into the hopper. Once she was done, he then hit the compactor switch and the compactor blade began to advance. The diapers began to rise up underneath the boy with his legs dangling over the edge of the hopper and the diapered girl. Their diapers began to bunch up and buckle between their legs as the compactor blade continued to advance. The boy's legs were forced into the top of the compactor blade as the boy and the diapers got compacted hard. As the compactor retracted, the boy's legs fell nearly limply into the hopper with some diapers that had fallen on top of the blade. Then the compactor blade began to advance again as Daniel and his employee get into the cab and drive to the next daycare. The two empty the four over-filled toters that have only diapers in them, spilling ten loose diapers to the ground before going to the next daycare. The packer is now almost full and there is almost enough room for the next daycare before the truck needs to be emptied at the waste-to-energy plant. This daycare has six over-filled toters with bagged diapers with legs sticking out of the bottoms of the bags in each toter. Daniel pulls up along side the toters and Daniel and his employee get out of the truck and begin to empty the first and second toters.ten loose diapers slide out of the first as well as from the second as well as one of the bags of diapers into the ground. The one with legs sticking out of the bottom of the bag, gets dumped into the hopper before the empty toter is put back and Daniel comes to empty the one he has into the hopper. The bag with the legs sticking out of the bottom, begins to struggle nd the legs begin to kick wildly as the bag falls into the hopper with a rustle of the plastic. Daniel can hear the diapered girl inside mumbling something as he returns the empty toter. He doesn't care though, as his employee dumps the next toter with a bagged up diapered boy inside, into the hopper.
As Daniel comes to empty the fourth toter full of diapers and another bagged up diapered girl with lots and lots of diapers stuffed into the bulging white force-flex trash bag with the girl's legs sticking out of the bottom, the bags with the boy and the other girl in them are rocking back and forth as their legs kick. The plastic bags crincle loudly as Daniel empties the toter into the hopper. The third bag with the diapered girl inside, stays mostly still as her head is sticking out of the top with the draw-string handles pulled around the bottom of her  neck. She simply watches as the second to last toter and the loads of diapers slowly rise towards her and the diapers from that toter spill out all over her bag. Then, Daniel starts the compactor as his employee dumps the last toter on top of the moving compactor blade. The last bags full of diapers didn't have a pair of legs sticking out of the bottom. Daniel looks at the ground and sees that 15 loose diapers and the white force-flex trash bag with the legs sticking out of the bottom had fallen out to the ground. Daniel emptied the last of the diapers from the final toter then put the toter back and then Daniel and his employee got back into the cab of the diaper collection trash truck, and as the compactor continued to cycle on the the way to the waste-to-energy plant, the two men talked about the loads and the routes, Daniel explaining what to expect along each of the routes. After about 20 minutes of driving, Daniel and his employee arrived at the waste-to-energy plant. There was a short line ahead of them at the scale-house. After waiting another 20 minutes, Daniel finally pulled up onto their scale. Daniel punched in his company codes and the account number then waited for the scale-house lady to print the ticket. She knew that Daniel had a lot of diapered trash inside the packer container. She directed Daniel over to a designated area of the tipping floor where he could dump the loads.
Daniel was guided over to an area where no other trucks were going to dump their loads so that the waste-to-energy plant workers could sort through the load and pull all of the diapered trash out, send them all to get weighed separately, then have them all brought back and tossed back into the load of diapers. Once Daniel had fully ejected the load, he pulled forward far enough out of the way before turning the engine off and getting out. Daniel went to the office to get the weight of all of the diapered trash printed out on a sheet of paper. The sheet of paper read 582 pounds worth of diapered trash. The estimated payment was calculated to be between $2,300 and $2,500. Daniel looked down at the sheet and smiled as he went back to the truck, got in, started the engine and headed out to finish the daycare route.
As Daniel and his employee finished the daycare route, the waste-to-energy plant had already closed and the truck wasn't that full yet. So, Daniel brought the truck home and parked it in the alley behind his wife's home daycare.
Meanwhile, the street sweeper had swept up all of the fallen, loose diapers except for the big bulky trash bag with the diapered trash inside that had fallen out. The street sweeper driver just moved it aside, closer to the toters as they swept the diapers up into the vacuum truck. Since the waste-to-energy plant was now closed, the street sweeper had to wait til the next day to empty it's load.
Meanwhile, misses Newell had just finished changing all five of the future diapered trash diapers. All of misses Newell's regulars had gone home til Monday.
Monday morning rolls around and misses Newell is up an hour early so she can get an early start on her very busy day.
It is now 8:00 am and misses Newell's regulars begin to arrive. By 9:00 am, misses Newell begins the 9 am diaper changes. She gets everyone bottles and sippy cups and the usual free-play-time is in full effect til 0:00 am. At 10, diaper changes again then nap-time. Dillon is laying patiently on his mat as Misses Newell piles wet diapers next to him. Misses Newell has finished the last of the diaper changes and then she comes over to Dillon.
Misses Newell: OK..... sweetie, I....will be....right..... back. I....have to get a.......nice.....big.....white trash bag before I can start with you.....stay......right there for me.....ok?????
Misses Newell goes to get three of the four-ply custom made Force-flex trash bags with elastics at the legs that also have tapes that make the legholes ajustable so that nothing falls out. Misses Newell brings two bags into the daycare and over to Dillon's mat.
Misses Newell: OK sweetie, I am going to.....put these nice....comfy trash bags on you.
Dillon: Why do I.....have to have those put on me miss Newell?
Misses Newell: Because.....hon, it's....time for your disposal. That is what happens when trash gets thrown away. Ok....feet up..... that's it.....
Misses Newell inserts Dillon's legs into the legholes then works the first crincly white force-flex trash bag over Dillon's legs, then his diaper, then his upper body reaching up to his lower neck. Then........misses Newell repeats the steps with the second force-flex trash bag fastening the tapes to close the bottom and the top ends of the bag slightly tighter before she stood Dillon up and then walked him over to the first white 13 gallon trash can full of diapers.
She then began to empty the diapers by handfuls into the bag before she held the bag with one hand and emptied the can into the trash bag that Dillon was in.
Miss Newell, miss Newell! How come ......I have to be in bag like this?
Miss Newell: Because, you....are trash....and it's time to take the trash out.
Dillon: Can....I get my wet diaper changed first?
Miss Newell: No, afraid not. You will.....just have to wear the one you have on.
Misses Newell uses her hands to shove and stuff the diapers down further into the bag. The diapers are falling around Dillon's crotch, all around his diaper and up to the bottom of his breast-bone. Misses Newell then forces Dillon to walk over to the square brown trash can that is also full of diapers. She begins to empty the first quarter of the load of diapers into the bag, stiffing them down further and further into the trash bag. The diapers now reach up to Dillon's shoulder blades and cover his chest inside the doubled-up custom made Force-flex trash bags. Misses Newell keeps stuffing the diapers into the bag until the bags are nearly bulging with diapers. There is just enough room in the bag in the front for the pile of wet diapers that Dillon had saved of his own. Misses Newell forced Dillon over to his mat once more so she could stuff his diapers into the bag. Dillon's diapers were stuffed into the bag nd a few of the diapers now had their wet padding resting against his upper chest up to his lower neck. There were a few of the vintage Luvs baby pants diapers that had been used to sop up wetness that had leaked into Dillon's mat earlier that day now being stuffed into the bag, which now had the padding of the Luvs baby pants diapers Nearly covering his face. Misses Newell then gave the draw-string handles of the trash bag a tug before she began to tie them closed tightly.
Dillon: Why so tight miss Newell???
Misses Newell: I....don't want the diapers falling out before I get you and them taken outside to one of the trash toters. I don't care if the bag is too tight! It's just the....way it is....time to take the trash out now.... let's go!!!
Misses Newell drags Dillon and the bag of diapers outside to one of the trash toters. She helps him climb into it then she
closes the lid, then puts a bungee cord across the front hooking one end to the handles and the other end to the black bar near the bottom on the front. Then she goes back inside.
Back inside, misses Newell changes 6 wet diapers, and gives 3 full bottles to each of the remaining diapered trash.
It is nap-time now and everyone is slowly getting sleepy. Misses Newell's cellphone rings and it's Daniel. He is checking in with his sexy wife. Daniel tells misses Newell that today, on the residential route, there have been four diapered trash disposal and one that was waiting with their nanny by the curb. He tells her that the nanny loaded the diapered boy into the hopper and watched as the boy was compacted.
Misses Newell: On Wednesday, I have...nearly a whole box of the old Luvs diapers that I had to throw away because the tapes were too dried out and they were musty smelling. I want give Dillon lots and lots of extra compactor cycles. He and his bag are crammed full of diapers. Hold on.....I have another call....(switching to the other line) Hello?
Man on the other line: Is this Newell Disposal?
Misses Newell: Yes, it is, how can I help you?
Male caller: I am Jim, I am the director at the waste-to-energy plant, we....need 10 more of your unwanted diapered trash. Once we have the ten, we won't be able to accept any more for a couple weeks til they get burned.
Misses Newell: Well, I have one for disposal on Wednesday and there may be more from the other daycares. Let me know what you can't accept and my husband will bring them here.
Director Jim: OK. Will do. Thank you....have a nice day.
Misses Newell: Yes, I will, same to you. Bye.
Misses Newell: (switching back to the other line) Hey, still there?
Daniel Newell: Yes,
Misses Newell: That was the director of the waste-to-energy plant. He said that he can accept 10 more diapered trash then no more for two weeks.
What they don't accept, bring back here and I will hold them here til they can go back, ok?
Daniel Newell: sure? we could ...put them into one of our burn barrels....
Misses Newell: No, they can go back to the plant.....any of them that aren't alive, we will have to put into the burn barrels, any that are alive, we can keep here til the plant takes them.
Daniel Newell: I can take everything that we bring back here... Back to the plant.
Who to be disposed of?
Misses Newell: A diapered one named Dillon. He was bagged and disposed of with diapers and he is already out in one of the toters. I want you to run six compactor cycles on him and the diapers. I....said that I would have you do that.....
Daniel Newell: Well....ok....I will be sure to do that. This week, the....other daycares are going to be a little extra full and there will be more diapers and possibly more.....diapered trash too. If I have to.....reload any of the...diapered trash, I will put them back into the hopper and run the packer then bring them here.
Meanwhile.....At another daycare on Daniel's route.........
Joanne had just finished with Storytime and it was nap-time.
Joey was being disposed of. Poor Joey was wearing a Huggies Storytime Whites diaper that had just....been changed prior to Storytime and now, Joey and his diaper was put into the diaper pail for disposal.
Joey: Why miss Joanne.... don't I get to take a nap with the others?
Joanne: Because, little being thrown the....dirty diaper pail. The....director gave me orders to throw you and your diapers away.
Joey: Even my.....Luvs baby pants diapers that are still in
Joanne: Yes! Everything! Even what is leftover of the packages of your unused Huggies Storytime Whites diapers! We....have too many diapers here and we don't need any more.
Joey: But, but, but....
Joanne: Oh.....but nothing! Come with me now..... it's throw the trash away!!! No.....I.... don't care what condition your diaper is in!!! YOU.....are going in the dirty diaper pail!!! Do I......have to....drag you and PUT you into the...pail?
Joanne hoisted Joey into the big 32 gallon trash can then she grabbed the pile of folded over diapers and tossed them onto Joey's chest and face before tucking a large wad of used wipes into the front of Joey's diaper. Joanne locked him into the 3/4 full Brute 32 gallon can. A few hours later, a diapered girl wearing a Luvs Deluxe for her with little flowers printed all over it....was changed then tossed into the diaper pail in the other room.
Katy: Miss? Miss?
Mary: Yes?
Katy: What....are you....doing with all my....Luvs Deluxe for her diapers?
Mary: I have orders to.....throw them all away. You aren't going to need them anymore where you are going!
Katy: Where is.... that?
Mary: In....... today's dirty diaper trash....of course. In a day or two....the nice diaper trash men will come take you .....and all the....nasty dirty diapers away! Our.....nice janitor and the cleaning ladies will be.....taking you and all the stinky diapers out soon. come.......ten.....wet diapers!!!
Mary tosses the diapers in on Katy's tummy, chest and face then she closes and locks the big, round lid to the brute 32 gallon trash can before going back to the busy and hectic daycare. It wasn't till after the daycare closed, sometime after 8:15 pm, that the janitor and the cleaning ladies came in to clean and take the trash outside.
As the six cleaning ladies began their cleaning duties, one of them went to see how full the trash cans were. Maggy looked into the first can and it was almost full to the rim. Then, she opened the second can and looked in. She saw a pair of legs and feet sticking out of a pile of diapers.
Maggy: Well! It's the trash out!
Katy: NOOOO!!!! Miss!!
Maggy: OH....yes! Time to....get the stinky diapers out for pick-up! Our nice....diaper trash man owns!
Katy: Nooooo!!! Please! I.....don't wanna be thrown away!
Maggy: Too....bad! You're trash! You are now property of the diaper collection company! are in there with all those.....stinky diapers! Here....we go..... let's roll.
Maggy picks Katy up and out of the large and very full 32 gallon trash can and puts her into the janitorial trash cart then empties the can she was in on top of her, covering her completely with the diapers.
Then, she empties the second can into the trash cart before pushing the half-full cart down the hall to the next room.
Once Maggy parks the cart near the first can in the second room, she goes to remove the lid on the two cans. The first can has a lot of loose wet and messy (rolled up) diapers in it. There is just enough room in the trash cart for the first can- load. She emptied the diapers then pushed the full cart out to the trash toters and then she lifted the lids to see which ones had enough room for this big load.
Seeing that she had to spread the load out among all of the trash toters, she began to empty the trash cart full of diapers and Katy into the first and then the second trash toters. With the first two toters full now and Katy and more diapers still needing loaded into the next two nearly empty toters, Maggy reached in, tossed the diapers into the third toter, then reached into the cart and grabbed Katy, and while her legs dangled in the air, Maggy got Katy loaded into the third toter with the diapers that had covered her completely, before emptying the rest of the diapers that could fit into that toter before filling the fourth toter up completely. was the Janitor's job to get the toters out for collection.
Maggy went back into the building and into the next room in the daycare that needed to have all of the diapers and a couple diapered trash taken out. She rolled the cart in and began to empty the first 32 gallon cans full of diapers, into the trash cart. Then, Maggy went over to one of the disposal cribs and checked the expiration date on the clipboard. It was past due so she lowered the side and reached in, grabbing the blond diapered boy and she put him into the cart.
Blond Diapered boy: Miss??? Miss??? Where .....are you.....taking me???!
Maggy: It's time to.....take the trash out now. You...are trash and on the disposal list this week get to be taken out with this week's dirty diapers.
Blond Diapered boy: (being layed down onto his back inside the trash cart) How long will I have to.... be IN here?
Maggy: Tomorrow is diaper collection day and the nice diaper trash collection guys will come and take you away for final disposal. They will dump you...into their....nice .....truck and pack you and the diapers for the long ride to the waste-to-energy plant.
Then Maggy dumped the rest of the cans from the room, covering the boy with wet and messy diapers before going to the second to last room.
There were two large cans full of dirty diapers that were waiting to go out to the toters.
Maggy emptied them both into the cart then with the cart full again, she rolled it outside to the last two empty toters.
Maggy emptied the cart into the last two toters, loading the blonde diapered boy into the last toter with his legs dangling over the edge of the toter. Maggy finished loading the rest of the diapers into the slightly over-filled toter before closing the lid of the toter and rolling the cart back into the daycare.
Afternoon became night before morning darkness was chased away by the early morning light. It wasn't til 7:30 am that the Janitor came and rolled all six toters out for collection. Then the janitor had no choice other than to roll the full trash cart outside next to the six full toters waiting for the diaper collection trash truck to come.
Meanwhile...................back at misses Newell's daycare........
As everyone awakens from their naps, it is now lunch time and grilled cheese sandwiches are waiting for everyone on the long folding table. After everyone is done eating, it's diaper changing time again. Angela goes to lay on her mat.
Angela: When will....I get thrown away?
Misses Newell: On Tuesday of next week. You will get thrown away near the end of the day when the daycare closes.
Angela: My.....diaper leaked!!!!
Misses Newell: (Taking out two Luvs baby pants diapers and using them to sop up the leak as well as wipe off any left on Angela) That's what happens sometimes.... that's what I use.....these diapers for....
Angela: Am....I out of my pink Luvs Deluxe For Her diapers? Are those....ones with the balloons on them.....comfy?
Misses Newell: Yes....they....seem soft, thick and comfy. These seem to do well in our trash truck's compactor too, even when soaked.
Angela: Is....that....why you are using them on us?
Misses Newell: Well..... that's one reason.....that and we have a lot of these diapers and only a few of the Pampers and Huggies Storytime Whites diapers left.

I figured you would be more comfy in these. Ok...all done. It's Candy's turn to get her diaper changed.
Misses Newell gets Candy over to lay on her mat and get ready for her diaper change.
Candy: Can I.....have this diaper after take it off me?
Misses Newell: Sure. I.... don't care.
Candy: So.....What are those....other Luvs baby pants diapers for?
Misses Newell: They are being used to wipe you with before I use the wipes.
Candy: Can I keep them too?
Misses Newell: I don't care. Sure. They....are.... YOUR diapers.
Misses Newell uses the Luvs baby pants diapers to wipe the wetness off of Candy before setting all three diapers aside. Then misses Newell used six baby wipes to wipe Candy clean depositing the used wipes into Candy's semi wet Fitti diaper.
Then misses Newell opened the new, thick and crinkly Fitti diaper,

added a lot of baby powder and then pulled the front of the diaper up and fastened the tapes.
Misses Newell: All done sweetie. Here are your diapers....I have to change four more diapers now. Go watch the movie.
Misses Newell brings Jason over to have his diaper changed. Jason lies down and waits till misses Newell gets the wipes, a Fitti diaper, a Luvs baby pants diaper and some baby powder ready before she begins unfastening the tapes.
Misses Newell lays the front of the diaper open and then she uses the Luvs baby pants diaper to soak up any wetness that was there before using secen baby wipes to clean Jason up, depositing the used wipes into the diaper. Then she pulls the diaper out from under him and folds it over before pushing the semi wet diaper aside and opening the thick, crinkly, puffy over-night Fitti diaper and sliding it underneath Jason.
Then.....misses Newell shakes a lot of baby powder into the diaper before pulling the front up and fastening the tapes.
Misses Newell: There.. . .you go sweetie. All....nice and ....dry....comfy. Now. ..go watch the movie.....while I finish changing diapers.
Misses Newell finished changing 5 more diapers and then everyone is seated in front of the TV watching Monsters Inc as the movie for the day.
As Misses Newell collects all of the wet and dirty diapers, she carries them to the diaper pail/ trash can where the can is nearly full again after just two days. She tosses the diapers in and goes back into the daycare. She goes and sits at one of the tables to fill out a few of the disposal forms for Dillon and for Angela who will be next to be disposed of.
As the Tuesday ends, and as day becomes evening, Misses Newell's daycare clients are picked up and have left for the day.....misses Newell begins to go around taking all of the daycare diaper pails outside to empty into the toters. Dillon and the bag he is in, full of wet and messy diapers of his own as well as others, is in the 3rd toter
that is nearly 3/4 full as misses Newell empties the diaper pail into the toter, begin to squirm with discomfort as some of the first diaper pail load, falls on and covers Dillon's head and face completely. With his arms stuck inside the trash bag, he can't brush the diapers off and away for his head.
Dillon: Bleck!!! Get these .....diapers OFF me!!! Miss.....Newell? How much longer am I going to be IN here like this?
Misses Newell: You and these diapers are going out to the alley till morning sometime when my husband and his diaper collection trash truck comes to take you and the diapers to the waste-to-energy plant.
Dillon: What do they do with me at that place?
Misses Newell: They will mix you and the diapers with other wet and dry trash and put you and the diapers into a funnel hopper that will open at the bottom and then you, the diapers and the trash will slide down into a hot furnace and you, the diapers, and the trash will be burned to generate electricity.
Dillon: What happens in your husband's truck?
Misses Newell: Well, when my husband and his employee get here, they will dump you and all these diapers into the compactor hopper and then at some point, they will crush you and the diapers, and they will crush the diapers over and over till they get to the waste-to-energy plant where they dump you and the diapers out. I have to finish empying the rest of these diapers into these toters, then... I will wheel these toters to the alley. You will spend the rest of the night and the morning there till my husband and his employee get here to dump you.
Misses Newell empties the rest of the diapers into the toter then she closes the lid. She adds the bungee cord then misses Newell rolls each toter out to the alley behind the daycare and lines them up next to one another. Then, leaving the empty toter near the porch, misses Newell goes back inside the house and into the daycare to start making dinner. By 6:30 pm, Daniel comes home from work and his employee get into his vehicle and goes home. Daniel walks in and kisses misses Newell. He then goes to take a shower and change out of his cover-alls and into something more comfortable
before coming to hug his kids and go into the kitchen to help misses Newell make dinner.
Meanwhile.....back outside in the toter Dillon and the bag of diapers he is in, are covered in loose diapers and just his legs are sticking out of each corner of the white bags that have custom leg holes with thick leg elastics, and tapes that secure the tightness of the legholes, rocks back and forth trying to clear the pile of diapers off his head however to no avail. It....was useless to try....for when he did, more and more diapers fell and settled on his face and around his head.
Sighing out of frustration, Dillon waited for....whatever was to come. Dillon soaked his diaper and some of the wetness leaked out and puddled underneath him. A few diapers soaked some of it up not before the wetness soaked his back, all the way to his shoulders.
He stayed this way until the first warm rays of the Wednesday morning sun began to warm the inside of the can and also the already hot and sweaty white trash bag he was stuck in, causing him to sweat even more. Sometime that morning, way off in the distance, Dillon heard the sounds of a trash truck dumping cans. Then the sounds came closer.....then the sounds of cans being dumped were heard and then the truck came closer. Some more cans were dumped and then the sound of the loud diesel engine was seemingly right next to the can. Both Daniel and his employee jumped out of the cab with a "Can-do" attitude, and while Daniel grabbed the toter that Dillon was in and brought it over to the tote-tipper to have the contents emptied into the hopper, the employee grabbed the next one in the row.
As Daniel removed the bungee cord and flipped the lid open, the toter was already hooked to the tote-tipper, the toter began to rise and as it suddenly rose, Dillon yelped as the sensation startled him.
Suddenly, he doing the bag he was in, falling into the hopper with a crinkly flop before he was completely covered with loose wet and messy diapers. Since the hopper was already half full when the truck arrived, the first two toters filled then over-filled the hopper. As Daniel started the compactor cycle, some of the loose diapers fell to the ground next to the truck.
Dillon's protests were muffled by the piles of diapers that covered him and the bag he was in as the compactor blade pushed and crushed the air out of the bag he was in, into and against the loads of bagged and loose diapers. As the blade pushed harder and harder against the bag, the air inside Dillon's bag formed a large bubble which popped and forced a few of the diapers out through the hole. Then as the compactor retracted, the diapers which had been dumped on top, began to fll into the hopper. Four boxes of vintage Luvs baby pants diapers which still had clean and unused diapers in them, fell into the hopper along with an avalanche of loose diapers as the diaper collection trash truck with the picture of a baby wearing a diaper on the side of the packer container drove off to the next home daycare four blocks away. A few minutes later, the street sweeper comes along the paved alley and sweeps up all the fallen diapers and a trash bag with three diapers left in it.
The vacuum container is filling up slowly with diapers and other trash. Daniel goes along his regular route collecting and compacting loads and loads of bagged and loose diapers as well as quite a few leftover boxes of Pampers, Luvs baby pants diapers as well as a few packs of Huggies Storytime Whites diapers.
As the truck filled up and became "packed out", Daniel took the load to the waste-to-energy plant to dump. Once he crossed the scales, he was guided to the tipping floor where the load was dumped. Immediately the load of diapers was sifted through and all of the diapered trash was taken to get weighed. As each diapered trash was brought back and tossed back into the pile, about four of the diapered trash we're not accepted and had to go back with Daniel. Daniel loaded the four back into the hopper and then he drove home and parked the truck behind the daycare, leaving the diapered trash in the hopper.
Misses Newell brings the three toters back into the yard and back over to where they belong and over the rest of the week and the weekend, more and more diapers are thrown away, filling the first two toters almost completely. Monday morning comes and the usual daycare routine occurs. Just after nap-time, misses Newell changes 8 wet diapers. Angela gets her final diaper change wearing a Huggies Storytime Whites diaper that is nice and thick with a lot of baby powder. At around 3:00 pm, snack-time, Angela is asked to go with misses Newell.
Misses Newell: Angela, honey, will you come with me please?
Angela toddles over to misses Newell and misses Newell takes Angela by the hand and leads her to the 13 gallon diaper pail.
Misses Newell: Ok baby, time for your disposal. I need you to climb into the pail. I can help you in if you need it.
Angela: (looking up at misses Newell) Do.........I........have to?
Misses Newell: Yes sweetie, afraid so. It's trash time for you and your diaper. Let me check your diaper one last time.....
Misses Newell checks Angela's diaper and it was a little wet.
Misses Newell: Yep.It's trash time. Now.....I am going to count to 3 and then if you aren't in the dirty diaper pail, I am going to put you in. One..............Two...............good. Now, stay there til I tell you otherwise.
Angela: Can I get a bottle of milk at least?
Misses Newell: I will be throwing your bottles away soon. I will check to see if any of them are full or not.
Misses Newell then drops an armload of wet diapers into the pail on top of Angela inside the pail before walking back into the daycare.
Misses Newell and her husband went outside to the diaper collection trash truck to retrieve the diapered trash that got rejected at the waste-to-energy plant and they brought them to the toters. One was barely alive and one was messy, dirty and stinky while another was still quite well and alive just very goopy and dirty.
Misses Newell put one into the toter on their back with their legs dangling over the left edge of the toter and then as she began to get ready to flip the lid closed, the boy asked misses Newell a question:
Diapered boy: How come ....I am being put back in this trash can along with all these diapers miss? I thought I was being saved.
Misses Newell: are....trash. You....came from the trash and the waste-to-energy plant didn't take you, so you have to stay where the trash belongs.
Misses Newell lowers the lid and then uses the bungee cord to hold the lid closed which put some pressure on the boy's legs that dangled over the left side of the toter. Misses Newell went back into the daycare through the sliding glass door and as she walked by the dirty diaper pail, she saw Angela playing with some of the diapers that were in the pail. Angela had nothing to do in the pail while waiting for the rest of the pail to be filled up so she decided to sift through the diapers that were in there.
Misses Newell went into the daycare to change Nick's diaper, Candy's diaper & Andy's diaper.
Misses Newell brings 19 year old Miget Andy over to a mat to change his diaper.
Andy: found anyone to take me yet?
Misses Newell: No honey, I... haven't. The times we are going through right now, no need can afford diapers, clothing, food and education. It's all become awfully expensive I'm afraid. It's looking more and more like....I am going to have to throw you away.
Andy: You the....diaper those boys and that girl?
Misses Newell: exactly where you'll go unfortunately.
I am SO sorry that we couldn't find you a home. However, one of the disposable diaper factories sent me an email asking if I had anyone who could volunteer for some product testing....and I told them I might and that I would get back to them. They told me that it would only take a week and then you could either come back here or....if the volunteer was.... disposable, the volunteer could be thrown away there in their compactor. Now....Andy? Would you like to go test some nice.....comfy disposable diapers for a week? I....have to decide if you will be thrown away there....or here.
Andy: Yes. I....would like to go test diapers for a week.
Misses Newell: Good. I will send an email to the company and they will come and take to where they need you.
Which one of these diapers would you like....the....Huggies For Him, these.....Luvs for her, or..... these Pampers baby-dry or these Fitti diapers?
Andy: I want.....the Pampers please.
Misses Newell: OK. Now....I am going to keep putting all of your wet diapers in the playpen until you go to test the diapers. Ok.....legs up hon.....there.....
While misses Newell changes Andy's diaper, Nick, Andy's brother, comes over to the playpen and over misses Newell to tell her that his diaper leaked on his mat.
Nick: Miss Newell, miss Newell! diaper leaked on my....mat and there is a ...lot there!
Misses Newell: Awe..... honey, it's happens all the time.
Let me go get something to sop it up with and a diaper and wipes and I will change you next....ok?
Nick: OK. Miss Newell.
Nick waddles back to his mat as Angela watches everything happening from the brown 13 gallon trash can/diaper pail.
Angela: Miss Newell? Can .....I.....get...MY diaper changed?
Misses Newell: (glancing in her direction) No. You...have to stay in that one. You...are trash now. I don't care....what happens to trash and I don't clean the trash up. It's trash.
Angela: Miss Newell? Does......your husband care what happens to my diapers and I?
Misses Newell: No, he doesn't. If you get dumped into his truck, going to crush you and the diapers over.....and over till you get to the waste-to-energy plant. He doesn't care if you make it into his truck or not.
Then misses Newell walks into the daycare main area where the mats are and sees that Nick's diaper had leaked and left quite a puddle. Misses Newell goes and gets a couple of the Luvs baby pants diapers, some baby wipes, the baby powder and a Fitti diaper to change Nick into. Then, she comes over and opens the first Luvs baby pants diaper and begins to soak up as much of the puddle as she can before she has to open the second diaper and continue soaking up the remains of the puddle. Then, she uses a few baby wipes to wipe the mat down with, depositing each wipe into one of the Luvs baby pants diapers.
Once the puddle is cleaned up, misses Newell gets Nick to lay down so she can change his diaper.
Misses Newell: Come here Nick, it's diaper changing time. Come lay down for me sweetie and I will change your diaper.
Nick waddles over with his diaper sagging between his legs and his diaper sagging, and misses Newell helps him lay down on his back, before beginning to change his diaper. Nick looks up at misses Newell as she unfastens the tapes and wonders what it will be like to be disposed of.
Nick: What is it like disposed of? What.....happens to the diapers and I?
Misses Newell: Well, ......when it's time for your disposal, you and your diaper will go into either the diaper trash cans in here or directly out to one of our big toters. You...and the dirty diapers will wait till my husband comes with the truck and he will dump you and the diapers into the hopper. He will then run the crusher on you and the load til he gets to the next stop. My husband will do this over and over again till he takes you to the waste-to-energy plant. He will dump you out of the truck there and then the plant weighs you and all diapered trash before scraping the diapers and you into the big pile. They will eventually load you, some diapers and trash into this thing called a funnel hopper which has a trap door at the bottom that opens and let's some trash into the hottest furnace you ever felt. Once you and the diapers and trash fall in, you nearly instantly burn up into ashes which helps create steamfor the steam turbines that turn and generate electricity. You and the diapers will be at the plant for a while until they decide they want to load you. The plant pays us for each of you so we make money too.
Nick: While I am here.....I use up as many diapers as possible?
Misses Newell: Yes sweetie. I want to make as much diaper trash as we can so that the plant has plenty of wet diapers to burn when they need them.
Nick: Where do.......all my....onesies and my.....stroller, my....diaper bag and my bottles go?
Misses Newell: Everything gets thrown away in the trash hon. The.....diapers, your diaper bag, bottles all go into the diaper pail with you. Your.....onesies, stroller and blankets, they all go into the....regular trash.
Nick: What if....I want my onesies, my....blankets and clothes to be with me? clothes and my blankets be disposed of with me?
Misses Newell: No. Your onesies, clothes, stroller, and blankets will go in the regular trash and your diapers, pull-ups, diaper bag and bottles will be thrown into the diaper pails.
Nick: mommy?
Misses Newell: Well, sort of....while you're here, I am your....disposal mommy. How......would to go be a diaper tester at a disposable diaper factory? I will make sure they bring you back here before your disposal. Huh? They need another tester and they give me free diapers for using you. Will that for your disposal mommy?
Nick: O........K......I will. How long will I be at the diaper factory?
Misses Newell: Till they both longer need you. Then, they send you back here for your disposal.
Nick: Will you throw my diapers and I away right when I get here?
Misses Newell: It.....depends on how dirty you and your diapers are, and if you get back here close enough to collection day.
OK sweetie, you're all....nice dry and comfy now. I.....want you to go play for a bit till it's nap time. I have to go change Wyatt's diaper now.
Misses Newell gets up and goes to get a new pack of Fitti diapers from the case and she brings the pack of 32 diapers into the daycare. She opens the bag and takes out one diaper. Then, she calls Wyatt over to get his diaper changed. Since misses Newell already had changed a messy diaper of his, the rest of the diapers that day will all be wet. Misses Newell lays Wyatt down on his Matt and begins to unfastening his snaps in his onesie. She rolls the flaps up and then begins to unfasten the tapes of his Pampers diaper.
Just as she got his diaper unfastened, misses Newell's phone rings. Misses Newell waits to answer as she completed Wyatt's diaper change. Then, misses Newell calls the person back whom she missed the call from. It turns out to be Wyatt's mom. She is completely in tears. She explains as she sobs, that she and her husband can't keep Wyatt any more because they can't afford to diaper him or his sister any more. She also asks and began misses Newell to take him and his sister for disposal.
Wyatt's mom: I will drop off Wyatt's sister, all of her pull-ups, all of his diapers, clothing for both as well as their swim diapers and their diaper bags and strollers when I bring the payments for their disposals.
Misses Newell: I am ......SO.....sorry to hear this....this........ economy has.....stricken a lot of families lately. Sure.....bring his site by, and we will dispose of them both. I will have to have you choose a disposal tier, for each of them, add any.....special instructions, then sign them both over to us before we do anything.
Wyatt's mom: ( still sobbing and sniffling) O........K. ...I......... really don't wanna have to............have this to them!
Misses Newell: We..... understand completely. My....husband and I......had to.....dispose of our two boys, Christian and Hunter. We know how it not want to dispose of your unwanted diapered ones. We also know  how.... expensive it is to....keep them in diapers too, especially when you find out that they will never get out of diapers.
Wyatt's mom: You......threw your Own two boys away?
Misses Newell: Yes, we....did.
Wyatt's mom: I will be there shortly to.....drop off Wyatt's sister and all of their diapers, pull-ups, onesies, diaper bags, strollers, clothing and I have two large cases of their swim diapers too.
Misses Newell: That.....sounds fine. I will see you when you get here and we will discuss which disposal tier works best for them both....
Wyatt's mom: OK... .see you then....bye.
Misses Newell: Bye.
Misses Newell hangs the phone up and then puts it into her scrub pockets.
Misses Newell: Well....Wyatt, I got off the phone with your mom, and she just gave me some....... unfortunate news....
Your mom and dad just found out that you and your sister won't be getting out of diapers and that .....they can't afford to diaper you and your sister anymore. They are going to throw you both away.
Wyatt: Whaaaaaat?????????????
What........will happen to me? My.....mommy and......daddy don't ....  Want me anymore?
Misses Newell: Un........... fortunately........not I am afraid.
You and your.......sister will come stay with us for a little while until it's time for your disposal.
Wyatt: Dis...posal? What.....does....that mean Miss Newell?
Misses Newell: That means......that my husband and I are going to throw you and your sister away with the dirty diapers and you and your sister will be taken to the waste-to-energy plant with the diapers and burned to help generate electricity.
As misses Newell begins to pile the wet diaper up, she gets Kyle over to his mat so she can change his diaper. His diaper was just a little wet. He was wearing a Luvs Diaper with Barney on the front and it still kind of had that sweet Luvs scent to it. Misses Newell pulled his shorts down and off setting them aside for the time being while she unbuttoned the snaps in the crotch of his onesie. She rolled it back before beginning to unfasten the tapes of his diaper. Misses Newell pulled the front of his diaper down, took out some baby wipes then began to wipe Kyle clean, dropping the used wipes into the open, wet diaper. Then, misses Newell pulls the wet Luvs Barney diaper out from under Kyle folding it over and putting it into the pile of other wet diapers. Then, misses Newell pulls one of the clean Fitti diapers out of the package and opens it up. The diapers are a lot thicker, bulkier than usual, misses Newell noticed that these are the Fitti overnight diapers. Misses Newell lifts Kyle up and slides the diaper underneath him and then puts his butt down into the thick, bulky and crinkly Overnight Fitti diaper. Then, misses Newell shakes some baby powder on Kyle and into the diaper before pulling the front of the diaper up and fastening the tapes. Misses Newell then refastened the snaps in the onesie before putting Kyle's shorts back on.
Just as she was finished changing Kyle's diaper,
when she hears Daniel come in the front door. Daniel walks in through the house to the back part of the house and sees his wonderful wife changing Kyle's diaper. Misses Newell stands up and goes over to her husband, still wearing his green jumpsuit with a diaper on the left breast right above the pocket, and gives him a hug and a kiss.
Misses Newell: How was your work-day honey?
Daniel Newell: beat! We completed the first half of the daycare route this week and we had a LOT of diapered trash this week. At Little Bear's daycare, they had four diapered trash that the janitor brought out to the truck and he had to hand load them all into the hopper. They always have their six toters overfilled with diapers! We always spill a bunch on the ground when moving the toters to the truck. The street sweeper had a LOT of diapers to pick up! many diapered trash will we have from here this week?
Misses Newell: Well, you will have all of the ones you brought back from the waste-to-energy plant, plus Dillon and Angela.
Daniel Newell: Who all is left that will be disposed of?
Misses Newell: Well, we have Andy, Nick, Wyatt and his sister, then Candy, and two more coming from the Fitti Diaper Factory.
Daniel Newell: I.....was just curious about how many were left and what to expect on collection day. the Fitti Diaper Factory..........
Joe was a 16 year old dwarf orphan whose parents died and nobody wanted because he wore diapers all the time and couldn't stay dry. He could fit into toddler sized diapers and he couldn't walk because his legs don't work. The Fitti Diaper Factory was given Joe and three others like him to use as diaper test subjects that would eventually get disposed of.
Joe, and three others were kept in locking Steel cribs when not being used as test subjects.
Joe, was brought from the test subject nursery, out to the factory floor to be used in some diaper quality tests.
Joe: Where are you taking me? What..... IS this place?
Quality Control lady: I am going to use you to test some of our diapers. I am going to perform some tests on you and the diapers and then, you go back into the nursery till someone else needs you. Today's test will be a pool test. One of the other qc workers will take you and the diaper I put on you into a special pool of water to see how well the diaper does when soaked in water when the wearer goes swimming. We have to know if any part of the diaper comes apart. Now....(laying Joe down on the test-changing table.) Here comes a NICE comfy diaper.....
Joe: Do I get a diaper change after this test?
Fitti QC Lady: Not till after the entire sets of tests are done. After the pool test, you get to go play in the playground for a little bit. I will check your diaper then we do a "seating test". We pick you up and sit you down about 10 times to see if your soaked diaper falls apart. If and when it does, we change you and we put you back into the nursery.
Joe: What happens when I get dirty? Does someone clean me?
Fitti QC Lady: Well, I'm afraid not. Once you are too dirty to test, we throw you away with the rest of the diapers.
Joe: Where do all the diapers go?
Fitti QC Lady: Half the test diapers go into our own waste-to-energy furnace, like they have in hospitals. Our factory is powered by steam turbines. Some of the diapers are burned to make the steam, the rest are thrown away in our trash and a special diaper collection company comes and takes all of the diapers and test subjects away.
Joe: Which going into?
Fitti QC Lady: I.....don't know. I don't have any control of that. That's not my department. I will just either put you back in the nursery and they will throw you and your diaper away or if my boss tells me, I will throw you in with the test diapers.
Joe: I.... don't wanna be thrown away!
Fitti QC Lady: You....... don't have a choice. You came here to test diapers and then get thrown away. That is how we do things around here.
Joe: How long will it be....before I get thrown away?
Fitti QC Lady: Between the end of the last test I need you for and diaper collection day.
Joe: Will I get my.....diaper changed before I get thrown away or after the tests?
Fitti QC Lady: Yes. I......have to take some pictures and video of you and the diapers I use to test on you while testing it and after I take it off you. You will get a nice, dry, comfy diaper at the end of these tests.
Four hours later, the Fitti QC Lady brings Joe over to the diaper changing table to change the bulging and balooned up soaking wet diaper. The diaper had some small places where the padding had begun to come out of the plastic backing.
Fitti QC Lady: It's diaper changing time now. You of our nice, comfy dry size large diapers this time. I....ran out of the medium size.
Joe: What will happen to me after this?
Fitti QC Lady:  Well, now you get to go back to the nursery until someone else needs you for a test.
The Fitti QC Lady diapers Joe and then takes him back to the nursery and puts him back in the crib, locking him inside before getting a girl out of the crib next to Joey's and taking her out to the QC station.
Two hours later, the QC Lady brings the girl back to the nursery with blue dye stains all over her diapering area and blue run marks down her thighs wearing an overnight Fitti diaper. The QC Lady puts the girl into the crib then locks her in before taking another test subject. The dark-haired boy is taken from the crib and about six hours later, returns wearing a clean, dry Fitti diaper and he has blue dye stains and red dye stains all over his body, his hair is matted and he smells like baby powder. Another woman enters the nursery and comes over to Joe's crib and unlocks the lid, raises it, lowers the side and then takes him out, carrying him out of the nursery and out to the floor. As he gets carried up to the office stairs, Joe gets weighed on a scale, then taken to get his diaper changed.
Then, he is given a couple of bottles worth of milk and water before he is taken back to the nursery and put into the diaper pail for disposal.
Joe: Where are you taking me?
Disposal Nurse: I am taking you back to the nursery and putting you into the dirty diaper pail for disposal. We no longer need you. The janitor will be here soon, to take the trash out. Trash day is in two days.
Joe: But, but, but, I am not.....trash!! I am just an.....orphan....
Disposal Nurse: Precisely why we chose you! No one wants you. No one to care if you get disposed of or not. We use unwanted orphans then dispose of them in the dirty diaper trash when we are done with them.
(Opening the second of six 96 gallon toters and putting Joe inside once the two got into the nursery. Joe's legs dangle over the front side of the toter as the disposal nurse lowers the lid.)
Now.....the next one to go into one of these.....will be one.....of you! See one of you..... VERY soon!
Meanwhile, Matti is being used to test make-up chemicals and cleaning chemicals like a lab test subject. For six grueling hours, various chemicals we're applied to her body. Then, after the results were recorded, Matti was taken over to another test station where some toilet cleaners and Laundry chemicals were being tested. For two more hours, the results were recorded. Then, Matti was brought over to the disposal nurse for a weight recording and a final diaper change before being taken back into the nursery and put into the third of six toters for disposal.
Once all six toters had filled up, all six were rolled outside by the janitor to the back of the Fitti Diaper Factory and left there 12 hours prior to collection by Newell Diaper Disposal on Wednesday.
Back at misses Newell's daycare...........
Misses Newell had just rolled out all four of the diaper trash toters to the alley behind the daycare. She also went into the house to empty any full diaper pails including the one that Angela was in. Misses Newell dragged the full 13 gallon diaper pail outside to the alley beside the least filled toter, then swung the lid open, then she hand tossed a few of the diapers on top of Angela into the toter before helping Angela up to her feet, then helping her get into the toter and helping her lie down on top of all the wet and rolled up, loose diapers with her legs dangling over the left side of the toter due to the fact that Angela's entire body wouldn't fit inside.
Misses Newell: OK hon, time to.....get into the trash toter for disposal. UP.........ya down for me..... it's husband doesn't care if your legs hanging over...... that's come the rest of the dirty diapers.....
Angela: Wait!!!! Wait!!!! Please!!!
Misses Newell dumps the diapers all over Angela before stopping to listen between dumping the next diaper pail.
Misses Newell: No......I am NOT going wait! You....and your diapers are trash and I don't care what happens to you or the diapers at this point. You and all these belong to my husband's diaper collection company. They will be here some time in the morning to take you and the diapers to the nice..... waste-to-energy plant. This will be......the last time I see you. I tossed your diaper bag in there with full bottles of things to drink if you get thirsty. Bye-bye now.
Misses Newell lowers the lid to the toter and then uses some bungee cords to strap the lids down to keep all of the diapers and diapered trash inside the toters. Dillon's legs sticking out of the corners of the legholes in the custom force-flex trash bag, that had been stuffed to capacity with wet and messy diapers, had his legs dangling over the right side of the toter as misses Newell lowered the lid and then added the bungee cord. Then, misses Newell walked back into the daycare to wait till Wyatt's sister arrived.
Around 5:00 pm, Wyatt's mom brought his thickly diapered sister over to the daycare for her eventual disposal. With her, came two cases of Huggies Storytime Whites diapers and a case of Pampers diapers. Lucy was wearing a pink onesie and her white sandals with a short dress on over the onesie. Her mom brought her two diaper bags with her and once all of the paperwork had been signed, her mom left.
Misses Newell waited till Lucy's diaper leaked badly to change her. An hour and a half after arriving, Misses Newell laided Lucy down to take her soaked pink onesie off then change her wet diaper.

Misses Newell: Welcome Lucy. I am misses Newell. You are here to be disposed of.

Lucy: What is ......Disposed of?

Misses Newell: Know how your....diapers get thrown away after they are changed? The same thing that happens to your diapers honey, will happen to you as well.

Lucy: I.... LOVE my diapers though! ones!!!

Misses Newell: won't mind when you get thrown away with all the wet and messy diapers will you?

Lucy: I..... actually love the sweet smells of the wet diapers miss Newell. Hey! Why are you....taking my dress and onesie off?

Misses Newell: Well, since you are being disposed of, it makes it a lot easier to change your diapers each time if you aren't wearing anything else.

Lucy: What.....are going to......DO onesie and my dress?

Misses Newell: They are being thrown away in the regular trash.

Lucy: How long.....will I be here and where will I sleep while I am here?

Misses Newell: You will get a mat to sleep on and you will be here until I decide to throw you away sweetie. Since you came here with some nice, soft and comfy Pampers diapers, I will use them on you til they are all gone. Then, we will use the Huggies on you after that.

Lucy: Can......I....keep some of my.....wet diapers that you take off me?

Misses Newell: Yeah.....I don't care. They.......are YOUR diapers hon. They are all eventually going to the same place with you....anyhow. is your...wet go lay down on this mat right here ok? I will get you a bottle to drink....

As misses Newell gets up from changing Lucy's diaper, she takes her soaked pink onesie and dress to the regular trash and tosses them both in. Then, she hears the sounds of diapers hitting the floor where the white 13 gallon diaper pail is. Misses Newell goes to see what happened. She walks into the room and sees Nick, playing with and smelling the slightly wet diapers . There are eight diapers that had fallen from the white 13 gallon diaper pail, on the floor. Misses Newell puts her hands on her hips and shakes her head.
Misses Newell: are we?

Nick: Um......Yes miss Newell. smells of these.....Pampers, and Luvs diapers!!!!! I....also love the feel of these..... Huggies diapers on the inside. They....feel like silk!!!!!

Misses Newell: (Going over to the pile of fallen diapers beside the white 13 gallon diaper pail) You....can take those diapers with you to your mat if you like....

Nick: Am......I going into that trash can after I come back from the diaper factory?

Misses Newell: Maybe.......we shall see. It depends on how dirty you and your diaper is when they bring you back. come back and you are filthy, then.....I may.....just put you into one of our custom force-flex trash bags and take you directly out to one of the toters.

Just then, a knock at the front door of the daycare came and misses Newell went to answer the door. She opened the door and a man wearing a suit with a really stained up and dirty diapered boy and a girl were standing there.

Man in suit: Hi, I am Phil from the Fitti Diaper Factory. I have these two diapered trash for you and you said you have two diapered trash that we can take for use in some diaper quality tests?

Misses Newell: Ah yes. Come in. Let me go get the two you need ......

Misses Newell goes and takes Andy out of the playpen and then brings Nick over to the man.

Misses Newell: Here ya Andy and this is Nick. I.....WILL get these two back won't I?

Man in suit: Yes ma'am, though they may not be clean as some of the tests involve dyes and colorings as well as scents.

Misses Newell: Good. As long as they are brought back....that is all that matters. Thanks for bringing these two by. They will be disposed of promptly.

The man takes both Nick and Andy with him and puts them in the Mercedes Benz panel van before getting in and driving to go pick up a couple more test subjects, whom will be disposed of there at the factory in their own furnace that is used to power the plant. Once the man brought the other two diapered test subjects, he put  them in then got in and drove to the Fitti Diaper Factory.
Now....there are three diaper factories on the Newell Diaper Disposal route as well as 8 daycares, as well as 10 home daycares that throw out diapered trash now and then in a weekly basis. Little Bear's daycare, Valentine's Daycare, .The Sherwood daycare, Little cheerub daycare, as well as the three ponies daycare, all of which had separate nurseries for those being disposed of.
The Proctor and Gamble owned LUVS diaper factory and the Kimberly Clark owned Huggies Diaper Factory were on the Newell Diaper Disposal route, which had their diapers picked up on Mondays, the daycares on Tuesdays and the home daycares on Wednesdays then it was all the residential routes Thursdays and Fridays.
At Valentine's Daycare, four diapered trash were being thrown away. There were one boy and three girls.
The daycare had six over-filled toters each week and at least three diapered trash in each toter. Valentine's Daycare took in a lot of orphans that nobody wanted and that would never be adopted. Each orphan was sent to the daycare and a few were sent to a few of the diaper factories before being disposed of either in their own furnace or in the diaper collection trash cans. Valentine's Daycare didn't care about their disposable diapered trash. They simply diapered them and gave them bottles full of high protein milk until it was time to throw them away. This daycare would send some of the diapered trash out to several places that needed them to either use up diapers or for diaper and diapering product testing as well as cosmetic product testing. When the test subjects came back, the diapered trash were disposed of.
Diane was the director of Valentine's Daycare, and she was also one of the daycare techs that worked directly with the diapered trash. She was the one that decided what was done with each of the diapered trash. Casey was a dark-haired boy in diapers 24/7 and he wore the Benton diapers that were red. He was brought to Valentine's Daycare from an orphanage because he wasn't getting adopted. He came with four cases of diapers and the daycare used Huggies Disney-print diapers and Luvs baby pants diapers that they had been sponsored by the factories that used the diapered trash in their tests. Casey was put into one of the disposal cribs that still had a few loose, folded over, dry and crunchy Luvs baby pants in it. He was locked into the crib to wait until someone
needed a test subject or unil it was time for disposal.
As the days rolled on, the three girls were used in cosmetic product testing, getting really, really dirty and the boy was used in cleaning product testing, getting really, really smelly and stained up. As each of the girls finished the first half of  testing, the girls were sent to get their diapers changed and a bottle of some protein milk, then they were brought back for the second half if testing. Once the girls were completely done being tested on, the girls were thrown into the nursery trash with the rest of the dirty diapers. The boy, got used as a cleaning product test subject, getting really dirty and stinky. He had his diaper changed four times after having his entire body splashed and doused with cleaning chemicals which soaked him and his diapers
heavily with the cleaning chemicals. Some of the diapers were even used as Swiffer Wet-Jet pads as an experimental test to see if they could be used and would work as a viable replacement for the original pads. Once the boy and his diapers were no longer needed, he and the diapers used in the experiments, and tests, as well as any opened and unused portions of the boxes and packages of the leftover diapers were tossed into one of the diaper disposal bins and then a couple of other test subjects were brought to replace them.
One of the girls and a couple loads  of the test diapers was brought to the factory's  disposal room to await loading into the compactor that later fed the factory's power furnace for final disposal while the other girl and the boy were taken out to the trash holding area outside to await Newell Diaper Disposal company to come and take everything to the waste-to-energy plant. It was Moday afternoon when the Janitor came to empty all the diapers and the boy and girl into the 97 gallon diaper disposal toters. Each toter was over-filled and the lids wouldn't shut as the janitor loaded the boy and the girl into each toter from his janitorial trash tip cart.
Janitor: Ok boy, get ready to be taken out with the trash now.... we're taking all of the dirty diapers outside to the nice trash toters and these diapers will wait for the nice trash men to come take you away!
Chris: NO! PLEASE!! Don't throw me away! I thought I was....going to get cleaned up!
Janitor: No....afraid not! They threw you and all these diapers away because after every test, they throw everything away, even....the leftover clean diapers, any onesies footed sleepers and all of your diaper bags! They don't care what's in them either! So....time to get dumped into this nice comfy trash toter now...then, I have to lock the gates so no one can get in and you all can't get out!
The nice trash men will be here sometime in the morning to take you away. Ok.....IN.....ya go!
Chris: I.... don't wanna stay in here! PLEASE! Let me out..........I don't want to be in here with all these....stinky test diapers!
Janitor: Sucks to be YOU doesn't it???? We are.....done with you! You.....are trash now!
Bye-bye son!
The janitor tosses the rest of the diapers into the pile in the toter on top of Chris before rolling the cart out and closing and locking the metal doors to the trash area. Then the janitor went back inside to get the second load and one of the girls brought out for disposal.
The girl was sleeping in the janitorial trash cart when the janitor began to roll the cart outside to the area where all the trash toters were. As the janitor unlocked and opened the metal doors, and then pulled the full cart closer to two of the least full toters. Then the janitor began to hand-toss armloads of loose diapers into the two toters, gradually uncovering Missy as he removed the diaper from on top of her. Then, he lifted her up using both arms, one under her back and the other arm under her legs, and he swung her into the fifth toter that was now just over 3/4 of the way full, laying her in with her legs dangling over the front of the toter. Then the janitor continued to load the rest of the diapers into both the fifth and sixth toters, slightly over-filling them both before the cart was now empty and the the janitor rolled the cart out, closed and relocked the doors before rolling the trash cart back inside. All night, both Chris and Missy spent stuck in the toters underneath all the diapers, as the cool of the night settled in.
The next morning around 7:00 am, the janitor came to empty a couple more diaper pails before leaving to go back inside.
Back at misses Newell's daycare............
Misses Newell had been awake for an hour and a half getting the daycare ready to open. She was sipping in a cup of coffee and eating a piece of Daniel left to go start the daycare route. The truck was empty as he and his employee went to Little Bear's Daycare
to collect all of the diapers and diapered trash. As Daniel pulled up alongside the six full toters, the two men jumped out of the cab, and Daniel rolled the first toter over to the tote-tipper to empty the diapers into the hopper. A pair of legs hanging over the right-hand side didn't bother him. He simply activated the tote-tipper and as the toter rose up, and tipped to the side, the diapers and the diapered boy inside fell out and into the hopper on top of the diapers that had been on top of him. Once the toter was empty, Daniel put it back in the row as his employee emptied another full toter. The hopper being so deep, the loads of diapers and diapered trash didn't fill the hopper much. The diapered boy inside the hopper got to his knees to peer over the side just in time for the next toter to rise and dump the load of diapers all over his head. The weight of the diapers knocked the diapered boy over in the hopper onto his back. The boy got right back up and grabbed the side of the hopper once more and he got Daniel's attention.
Diapered trash boy: Hey! Hey mister trash man? Where are you....taking me?
Daniel: (Looking at his employee and then Rolling his eyes as he sighed) taking the loads of diaper-trash right to the waste-to-energy plant where everything will eventually get burned to generate electricity.
Diapered-trash boy: I.......I..... don't wanna be thrown away!!! I.... don't wanna be burned!
Daniel: I don't care! You're trash and you and the diapers belong to me now....and I can do..... whatever I wish with you and the diapers! I.....choose to....pack you and the diapers into my nice comfy trash truck!
Then, Daniel hooked the next toter to the tote-tipper and then dumped more diapers into the hopper. The diapers again knocked the diapered boy down in the hopper onto his back nearly covering his upper body with loose and bagged diapers.
Once the hopper was full, Daniel ran a packer cycle which made the diapered boy and all the diapers slide across the smooth metal hopper floor until everything was inside the packer container. The last of the toters were emptied into the compactor blade as it began to retract then Daniel and his employee got back into the cab and went to the next daycare.
A few miles away from the last daycare, Daniel pulls up to the trash holding area in the parking lot of the next daycare, gets out of the cab, goes to unlock the metal doors and open them so he and his employee can roll all seven of the full toters over to the diaper collection trash truck. The first two toters have legs dangling over the sides of the toers with large amounts of loose and bagged diapers in each. Daniel emptied the first and second toters while Jeff, his employee, emptied the next two. The first toter had a boy wearing a bulging, swollen wet Huggies For Him blue diaper on as he cascaded into the hopper with the avalanche of diapers.
Once the toter was empty, the boy sat up and went to the side to peer over. As Daniel raised and tipped the second toter with a diapered girl with a bulging, swollen leaky Pampers Ultra with the blue waistband on, the girl and the bagged and loose diapers fell and avalanched into the hopper. The diapered boy was knocked down and was covered with bagged and loose diapers from his chest to his pelvis. Only his legs were visible. The diapered girl landed on her back with her legs sticking up against the side of the hopper. She was also covered with bagged and loose diapers. As Jeff emptied the the last of his toters, he went to roll the empty toter back into to holding area while Daniel rolled the next two full toters over to the side of the diaper collection trash truck to dump them. The boy got up and propped himself up on his elbows just as Daniel empied another load of wet and messy bagged and loose diapers into the hopper. The wet diapers were heavy and they covered him completely. The sixth toter was dumped and it was almost too heavy for him to get up now. The girl was still laying there under the influence of some very strong sleeping pills. She never moved much.
As Daniel rolled the empty toters back to the holding area, Jeff brought the last full toter over to get emptied. The mounting pile of bagged and loose diapers as well as the two diapered trash were not even close to filling the hopper.
Once Jeff emptied the last toter, he unhooked it and rolled it back to the holding area. Then Daniel started the compactor blade and then he and Jeff got into the cab and drove to the next daycare. Little Bear's Daycare was next. As Daniel and Jeff drove to the Little Bear's Daycare, Daniel ran a couple more cycles of the compactor. Upon the first cycle, the boy slid helplessly across the smooth hopper floor until the packer blade pushed him and all the diapers through the small opening in the packer container. Then the packer blade retracted before advancing again and again before the truck stopped for a bit. As Daniel and Jeff arrived at Little Bear's Daycare, there was a dark-haired woman standing near the holding area in the parking lot, taking the stained up onesie off of a boy wearing a thick, puffy, bulky, crinkly Fitti overnight diaper. She saw Daniel's diaper collection trash truck pull up and two men get out and go over to the holding area and unlock and open the metal doors. She worked fast to remove the stained up onesie from the thickly diapered former test subject. As Daniel rolled the first two toters over to the side of the truck, the woman grabbed the boy's right hand and she and the boy quickly hurried over to near where Daniel was working.
Daniel emptied the first toter, then the second before the woman got Daniel's attention.
Excuse me, Mr trash man?
Mr .....trash man....
Daniel stops and sees the woman with a stained up blue and skin colored, thickly diapered boy in her left hand standing there.
Daniel: Yes ma'am, how can I help you?
Dark-haired Woman: Yes.....I...have this....  boy here and he needs to be disposed of. He was brought back to us with all these nasty blue stains of..... something all over him. My director told me to take him out here and let you take him.
Daniel: Sure! Go ahead....load him. I can't load him so.... you're going to have to. I can't take anything that is not inside a toter or inside a trash bag and we have a no loose bags outside the toters policy. Go ahead.....step right over and put him in.
Dark-haired Woman: Thank you, thank you!
Daniel: No.......problem.
The dark-haired woman walked over to the side of the hopper, picked the boy up and lowered him into the hopper on his thickly diapered butt with his legs out in front of him.
Diapered boy: Miss! Miss! No! Please,!
The dark-haired woman smiled and then stepped out of the way before walking back into the daycare.
Daniel dumped another full toter which had a lot of rolled up wet and messy diapers in it. Then, he rolled the empty toter back while Jeff rolled another full toter over that had a thickly diapered girl inside wearing a Fitti overnight diaper with a diaper disposal bag over her diaper with her loose, wet diaper that had been taken off her and a bunch of wipes all stuffed inside the diaper disposal bag she had on, over to the side of the hopper, hooking it up to the tote-tipper and then dumping the diapered girl with the diaper disposal bag and the wet diaper and wipes in it as well as 97 gallons worth of loose wet and messy diapers into the hopper.
As Daniel emptied the next toter into the hopper, he started the compactor cycle. Then he put the now empty toter back. Then Jeff emptied another full toter in on top of the compactor blade as it continued to advance and crush the boy and the girl as well as the diapers into the container.
As the compactor blade begins to retract, all of the diapers on top of the blade fall into the hopper.
Once the last toter full of bagged and loose diapers was emptied into the hopper, both Jeff and Daniel got back into the cab and drove to the next daycare. The next daycare was 6 miles away near an old mall. Daniel drove the green and white diaper collection truck into the parking lot and over to the rear of the daycare. As Daniel pulled up alongside the six overfilled toters, he noticed there were three pairs of legs dangling over the edges of the first three over-filled toters.
With a sigh, Daniel and Jeff jumped out of the cab and Daniel grabbed the first toter.
As Daniel dumped the first toter, Jeff grabbed the second toter and went over to empty it. Once that one was emptied, Daniel grabbed the third toter and then hooked it up and then dumped it. The diapers fell all over the two boys and the one girl inside the hopper. Jeff grabbed the fourth toter, Daniel started the compactor cycle. Two ladies dressed in scrubs came out with another thickly diapered boy and a saggy wet diapered girl. They walked right over to the side of the truck just out of their way, till they could get Daniel's attention. Just as Daniel was about to hook the fourth toter, Daniel looked and saw the two ladies.
Daniel: What can I do for you?
Blonde Haired lady: Well....we have these two for last-minute disposal. take them?
Daniel: Sure.......go head and.....put them into the truck.
The blond haired lady takes the diapered boy over to the side of the truck and she picks him up and puts him into the hopper feet first before walking away. Then the dark haired woman came over to the side of the truck and lifted the struggling saggy wet diapered girl up and thrust her into the hopper. She and the boy landed on top of the compactor blade as it began to retract. Then Daniel emptied the toter just as the compactor blade retracted. The boys and girls fell into the hopper just as a bunch of bagged and loose diapers fell into the hopper. Then Daniel put the toter down and back as Jeff grabbed the fifth toter and then dumped the toter into the hopper before Daniel came with the sixth toter. 
The boy in the hopper peered over the side of the truck's hopper as Jeff hooked the sixth toter toter up to the tote-tipper. Suddenly the full toter flew up and and the lid knocked the boy onto his back then he bounced off the side wall of the hopper. The boy got right back as the loose wet and rolled up messy diapers avalanched into the hopper nearly covering him from the waist down. The boy turned to peer over the opposite side , kneeling on his knees as Jeff started the compactor cycle. As the compactor blade begins extending forward, the blade catches the boy and causes him to fall stomach first onto the blade with his feet facing the loads of loose and bagged diapers in the packer container with his diapered butt sticking up slightly. As the boy seemingly road the packer blade edge into the container, the boy's diaper was forced between the packer blade and the top edge of the pre-crusher panel and the boy's diaper rubbed the edge of the pre-crusher panel smashing the plastic and the padding of the boy's diaper against his butt as his legs were forced up and his feet forced against the plastic of his diaper as the girl was laying on her right shoulder and side was crushed against all the bagged and loose diapers in the container. 
The boy got his feet pressed well against the plastic of his diaper for a few seconds before he fell off the edge of the compactor blade as it continued to retract. Then as Jeff put the toter back, he walked around to the right side of the truck and got into the cab before Daniel drove off to the next stop. Next up is the Huggies diaper factory which always had 8 full 97 gallon toters. 
At least 4 to 5 toters had legs dangling over the sides each week. 
In toter 1 was a thickly diapered boy wearing a wet Huggies Supertrim diaper whom had been used to test diaper quality. In toter 2, was a boy wearing Huggies for him blue diapers. The boy had been used to test dyes and fabric colorings. He had red and blue dye stains all over his body. In toter 3 there was a diapered girl wearing Huggies pink diapers for her. 
Toter 4 has another diapered girl wearing Huggies Story-Time whites diapers whom was used to test laundry detergents, dish soaps and make-up. 
Tote 5 had a diapered boy wearing a thick Huggies Supertrim diaper whom has been used to test cleaners. Each toter is slightly over-filled with loose, used wet, messy, as well as the leftover opened packages of clean Huggies test diapers. 
The entire ride to the Huggies diaper factory started with continual compactor cycles before the truck pulled up along side the 8 overfilled green and white diaper-filled toters. 
As both Daniel and Jeff got out of the cab, the Janitor brought out a full janitorial tilt truck worth of loose Huggies diapers with another diapered test subject's legs dangling over the front side. Daniel grabbed the first toter and hooked it to the tote-tipper and as the compactor blade advanced again, he dumped the diapered boy and all of the loose Huggies diapers into the hopper on top of the advancing compactor blade in motion. The diapered boy fell out of the toter with his hands and knees out in front of him in a wide sprawl, onto the moving compactor blade, before he and his diaper were completely covered by the loads of partly used packages of Huggies Supertrim diapers and all the wet, messy, and tested Huggies diapers. Once the toter was empty, Daniel put the toter back. As the compactor blade began to retract, the boy and all the diapers fell into the hopper like liquids flow over a wall. Then, the compactor cycled again as Daniel went over to the Janitor man behind the janitorial tilt truck while Jeff emptied the second toter.  

Daniel: How can I help you? 

Janitor: I have this cart full of diapers and diapered trash 🗑. Can you take this if it's not in one of the toters? 

Daniel: Normally, no. Today, I will make an exception. Let's get that over to the side of the truck man. 

Janitor: Thank you. 

Diapered test subject boy: No! No! Don't! I'm NOT going in there!

Daniel: Yes son, you ARE! Now....shhhhhhhhh!

Janitor: (to the diapered trash boy) You now belong to the nice diaper-trash men now. They are going to load you and the diapers into their truck now. Bye-Bye. 

Daniel: Know........what son? My diaper-trash truck loves diapers and diapered trash so much that it will have a lot of "crushes" on you! 
In fact, you and the diapers will be a nice, squishy, snack for my Mack! Ready?

Daniel tips and dumps the cart with the diapered boy and all the diapers into the hopper on top of the cycling and advancing compactor blade! The boy falls out of the trash cart and onto the moving compactor blade onto his right side before the cascading avalanche of diapers falls on top of the diapered boy, nearly covering him. A few dozen of the loose and packaged Huggies diapers fall over the other side of the truck onto the ground. As the compactor blade retracts, the diapers fall into the hopper and form a large pile as the diapered boy gets forcefully rolled onto his back. The boy lands onto his knees facing against the right-hand side of the hopper with his belly against the cold metal side while gripping the top edge as Jeff makes sure the boy doesn't try to climb out. The compactor blade cycles again, making contact with the boy's right hip and side as it begins to scrape and move the boy and all the diapers into the packer container. As the compactor scrapes the boy and the diapers slowly into the packer container, the boy looses his grip on the top edge of the right-hand side of the hopper forcing him to fall onto his belly and chest, on top of the moving and cycling compactor blade with his arms out in front of him and his thick, soft, partly wet diapered butt sticking up slightly with his knees sliding across the smooth metal floor as his legs begin to get slowly forced up and against his thick, crinkly plastic-backed Huggies diaper as Jeff wiggles his gloved fingers on his right hand in a waving bye-bye motion with a glad-to-get-rid-of-you smile on his face as if to say "hurry up! Get crushed so I can empty more diapers in there you......diapered trash!
Jeff, loves to watch the diapers and diapered trash being dumped and then as the compactor bunches the diapers up and as the diapered trash gets their diapers all nice and crushed up!

Diapered boy: ( whimpering) WAIT! No! Uhhhhhhh! My...legs! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My..........diap.........ers!!!!!

Jeff: Good! You need more crushing! Here come more.............diapers!

As the compactor crushed the boy's legs and feet into his diapered butt's plastic, Jeff dumped the second toter with another diapered boy onto the compactor blade along with a lot of bagged and loose Huggies diapers. A couple more opened packages of leftover Story-Time Huggies for him diapers fell over the right side of the truck onto the ground. The other diapered boy fell out of the 97 gallon toter with his hands open and his arms out in front of him landing on his stomach with his legs up in the air as loose diapers and bagged diapers hit the boy from his diapered butt to his shoulders, a few of the bags and loose diapers bouncing off him and rolling to either side. As the compactor blade continued to advance, the boy laying in the hopper with his face and chest facing the compactor blade got a face-full of the tidal wave of loose Huggies diapers. As the tidal wave crashed down all over him, the compactor blade scraped, pushed and shoved
the mound of diapers and the one dark-haired boy into the confines of the packer container against all the other bagged and loose diapers and diapered trash 🗑. Meanwhile, on top of the compactor blade, the blonde-haired diapered boy and all of the loose and bagged diapers slid, rolled and tumbled about as the compactor blade advanced and then began to retract. The motion of the compactor blade caused the boy to get rolled over to his stomach with his legs over the right side of the truck. As the compactor blade retracted out from underneath the diapers and the boy, the diapers and the boy dropped into the hopper. The boy's feet now stick out over the side of the compactor. 
 As the third toter was emptied with the short-haired blonde diapered girl still inside wearing her Huggies pink diapers for her, the girl and the diapers poured into the partly full hopper with the girl falling onto her back with her pink diapered butt against the retracted compactor 
and her legs up on the trash slider zone. 
Then, the 6th toter was emptied which had quite a few opened packs of Huggies Story-Time for him and Huggies Story-Time for her diapers with between 2 and 4 diapers removed and used from each pack, among the loose tested diapers as well as the second quality and third quality mis-manufactured diapers. 
Then, the 7th toter full of mis-manufactured 3rd quality Huggies Story-Time Whites, Story-Time for him and Story-Time for her diapers in damaged packages and loose all began to avalanche into the hopper on top of the blonde diapered girl nearly covering her from head to diapered waist. 
Once the toter was empty, it was put back as the compactor cycle started. The girl's legs fell onto the top front edge of the compactor as the flat edge with little diamond-tipped bag-poppers that were placed along the top edge of the flat surface of the compactor blade began to forcefully push the now struggling diapered girl across the hopper floor and then into the container and against the loads of diapers and other diapered trash 🗑.
As the compactor cycled, Daniel emptied the fourth toter with the dark-haired diapered girl in it on top of the moving and cycling compactor blade. The thickly diapered girl flew out of the toter and onto the moving compactor blade that was just beginning to retract, with her arms straight out in front of her, landing on her hands and knees momentarily before flipping and falling over onto her back with her feet and legs resting on the right-hand side-edge of the hopper as the cascading loose Huggies diapers covered her like a wet, crinkly avalanche. Then Jeff emptied the fifth and last toter full of mis-manufactured packs of various styles, absorbencies, thicknesses, sizes and colors. Then, as the toter went down and was rolled back into it's place in the row, Jeff pushed the red packet button as he and Daniel walked over to each side of the cab, got in and drove off to his wife's daycare. 
After driving the four and a half miles, Daniel pulled the nearly full diaper collection trash truck with a big disposable diaper on the side of the packer container along side the four full diaper disposal toters. Dillon's legs were still limply dangling over the side of the second toter as Daniel removed all the bungee chords and then flipped all the lids open. 

Dillon: there! OHHHHHH NOOOOOOOO! 

Daniel: In ya go son! It's diaper-trashing time! 

Dillon, the bag he is in, stuffed with diapers and the diapers from his toter spilled out into the hopper, settling near the slanted trash slider thing above where the compactor is retracted as Daniel put the empty toter back while Jeff emptied the next full 97 gallon toter full of loose wet and messy diapers into the deep hopper. Then, as Jeff enjoyed looking at Dillon all bagged up, laying there all covered up with scattered wet and messy disposable diapers, about to be compacted, made him want to hurry up, empty enough diapers into the hopper so the compactor blade could be cycled. Once the empty toter was put back, Jeff grabbed another toter while Daniel emptied the toter with Angela in it. Angela felt the toter begin to rise quickly and then she found herself flying into the hopper and landing into the hopper onto the trash slider then rolling and tumbling onto the pile of loose wet and messy diapers. 

Angela: Whhhhhoa ooooooof! Mommy!!! Mooomy! I.......don't wanna be in here!! 

Daniel: It's trash compactor time now! It's diapy squishy time! My favorite time! 

Daniel then pushes the red button on the side of the hopper and then puts the empty toter back. 
Jeff brings the last full toter over and dumps all the diapers onto the advancing compactor blade already in motion. Six loose diapers fall out and onto the ground on the right side of the truck. The street sweeper is close by, behind the truck waiting for it to leave so it can sweep the fallen diapers into the vacuum container. 
As the compactor cycles, Angela's and Dillon's diaper bags slide and move along the top of the compactor blade with all the diapers. Daniel and Jeff get into the cab and drive to the Luvs diaper factory. 

Meanwhile.........................back inside misses Newell's daycare......................

Candy, Wyatt and his sister Lucy had just awakened from their naps and it was diaper changing time. Misses Newell went to get six Huggies Story-Time for Him, six Pampers Baby-Dry Six Benton and six Fitti diapers from the diaper storage area as well as a large bottle of baby powder, as well as two brands of baby wipes. (Not called "Diaper wipes" because you aren't wiping the diaper are ya?)
Misses Newell brought the crinkly diapers over to a shelf high enough that none of the daycare clients could reach them and then brought over 1 of each of the diapers, the baby powder and one of the baby wipes containers over to the disposal nursery. Misses Newell then went over to Candy, laid her down on her back and began to unfasten the tapes of Candy's diaper. 

Candy: Miss Newell? 

Misses Newell: Yes....sweetie?

Candy: Where did Angela and Dillon go? 

Misses Newell: They.....were both disposed of and my husband's trash truck came today and took them to be used to generate energy at the waste-to-energy plant. 

Candy: Is....that where I am going too? 

Misses Newell: Yes hon. You and your diapers are. like a Pampers, a Huggies for him, a Fitti diaper or the nice red Benton diaper? 

Candy: The Red diaper. Can you add a lot of baby powder too please? 

Misses Newell: Sure...I can do that. 

Candy: May I keep my wet diapers too?

Misses Newell: I don't care. (Shrugging her shoulders) They are your diapers, do what you want with them till it's time for your disposal.

Candy: What........are you going to do with my two diaper bags and my bottles and pacifiers? 

Misses Newell: They will go in the can with you when you are disposed of. 

Candy: Even my bottles and pacifiers? What if my bottles have juice and milk in them? 

Misses Newell: Yes.......even if they have milk or juice in them. Ok.............all done. Here is your wet diaper. 

Candy: May....I have a couple of those old white Luvs baby pants diapers that you used to wipe my mat off when my diaper leaked?

Misses Newell: (Shrugging shoulders) Sure.......I don't care. 

Once Misses Newell is done changing Candy's diaper, she goes over to change Wyatt's diaper. 
Wyatt sits up as misses Newell comes over with the remaining diapers, wipes, baby powder and lays Wyatt back down. 

Wyatt: Miss Newell? 

Misses Newell: Yes sweetie? 

Wyatt: What happens to me after I am thrown away?

Misses Newell: ( Crouching down to change Wyatt's diaper) Well hon, you and your diapers go into one of our diaper disposal pails and you stay there till it's time to take the diapers out. Once I take you and the diapers out to one of the four toters, you and the diapers stay in there till my husband's diaper collection truck comes to take you to the waste-to-energy plant for final disposal. Now which of these diapers would you prefer? The Pampers, The Huggies, The Red diaper, or these ones with the balloons on them? 

Wyatt: The Balloons please. 

Misses Newell: Good choice sweetie. These are nice, thick and comfy. 

Wyatt: What if my diaper bursts? 
What if my diaper falls off?

Misses Newell: It won't matter hon. My husband doesn't care and neither does the waste-to-energy plant. 

Wyatt: uh....uh! Someone has to care! 

Misses Newell: No.......afraid no one will. Once you and your diapers are in the trash, you and they are trash, property of my husband's diaper disposal company until you and the diapers get dumped out at the nice waste-to-energy plant. and the diapers become their property. would to be in one of my husband's company commercials? 

Wyatt: Do.........I have much of a choice? 

Misses Newell: Well, you can either be disposed of in one of our commercials or you can be disposed of like the rest of the regular diaper trash. Your choice. Candy, Lucy and another boy coming here soon are going to be in a commercial for their disposals. 

Wyatt: Miss Newell? Could........I get disposed of without being in your......what did you call it?

Misses Newell: Commercial? Yeah I suppose. 

The Newell Disposal Commercials:

Tuesday morning, the commercial filming crew had arrived just after nine o'clock and began opening all their equipment cases getting ready to film the first segment of the "Newell Diaper Disposal company" commercials.
Candy was laying inside the 13 gallon trash can on her back with her legs dangling over one side and her head half way over the opposite side. The diapers inside and underneath Candy were folded over wet ones and rolled up messy diapers with piles of mostly wet folded-over wet Fitti diapers, Luvs, Pampers, Huggies, and a few red Benton Diapers along with quite a few wet pull-ups.
Misses Newell came over to dispose of a small pile of wet Fitti, Huggies and Pampers diapers when Candy asked misses Newell some questions;

Candy: How much ....longer do I have to lay in here with all these stinky diapers? Are.........those going in here with me?

Misses Newell: Yes....these ARE going in there with you, they are trash, like you. As for how long you'll be in there, as long as it takes to get to the part where my husband and Jeff dump you and these diapers into their truck during the filming of our commercial. 

Candy: Is...........that going to be today? 

Misses Newell: Yes, it is. 

Candy: What are all those people doing out there in the alley?

Misses Newell: Whom? Oh, those people? They are here to film you and your diapers being dumped into my husband's diaper collection trash truck for our TV commercials.

Misses Newell tosses the wet Fitti, the wet Huggies and the wet Pampers diapers as well as six pull-ups into the diaper pail that Candy was in then goes back to the daycare to finish changing a few more of the disposee's diapers. The next disposee to get their diaper changed was Lucy. Lucy was laid down on her mat on her back while misses Newell unfastened the tapes of her diaper.

Lucy: Misses Newell?

Misses Newell: Yes hon?

Lucy: Why......are we only allowed to stay in this area while everyone else gets to be in that other area?

Misses Newell: What do you mean? mean how I keep you separated from everyone else? That is so that the others won't make fun of you while you wait to be disposed of.
The others don't seem to understand that you all are here for disposal and that even the others could become disposable if their parents suddenly don't want them any more. I like to keep you all in this area close to the diaper pails and the diaper supply closet so that you can use up as many diapers as we can before it is time for your disposal.

Lucy: What does the.....truck that comes to.....take the dirty diapers away the diapers?

Misses Newell: It crushes them over....and over, until they are nice and tightly packed until they get taken to the Waste-To-Energy Plant. It will...get REALLY tight in the load.

Lucy: Does....that mean that the trash men don't care if I am alive or not when they take me to

Misses Newell: That is exactly what it means. 
My husband is here to take the dirty diaper trash away and you are being filmed for our commercials. 

See The Waste-To-Energy-Plant (Continued-3)

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The Covid-19 Era Death-With-Dignity Disposal

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