Friday, May 3, 2019

The Diaper Shredder

It was Monday morning when Jay was awoken by his mother to change his wet disposable diaper. Mom came in with a nice, fresh, crinkly youth sized Crinklz diaper with three very thick booster pads inside, a bottle of baby powder and a container of wipes. This was a usual routine at 6:30 am every morning, though Jay sensed something was inherently different.
Jay: Mom?
Jay's Mom; Karen: Yes baby?
Jay: What
Karen: Today is.......Monday. Today.....we have to take you to a diaper recycling plant. They.....will be......taking care of you and.....all of your diapers.
Jay: (propping himself up on his elbows) Wait! What?
Karen: We are taking all of your....wet and messy diapers as well as all of the 10 cases of the leftover, unopened diapers that you've been prescribed, and you and your diapers.....are being left at the.....diaper recycling plant. They will shred you and your diapers.

Karen completed Jay's diaper change and then took his soaked morning diaper to the diaper pail that was nearly full and dropped it in....without rolling it up.
Karen then went over to Jay and brought him out of his crib and over to his double stroller to wait till Karen, his mom, changed his twin brother's diaper.
Jay: Mommy?
Karen: Yes?
Jay: also being left at this place like I am?
Karen: Yes.....he is. As soon as I get his diaper changed, he too will join you.
Karen went to Shay's crib to change his diaper. He was wearing a thick Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight diaper that was soaked from the crotch to the back elastics! Karen used the baby wipes to clean him up, tossing the used wipes into the open diaper padding.
Shay: Mommy.....mommy......where is Jay going?
Karen: Well, you and over there.....are going to a special place today.
Shay: No.....daycare?
Karen: No.....afraid not. In won't need to go to.....daycare.....ANY.....more.
Karen: It's where they recycle disposable diapers and the occasional diapered boy and girl.....see.....THEY......take "Biological waste inside disposable diapers".......since....the both of you......are "inside disposable diapers" are both classified as "Biological" seems that this diaper recycling plant allowed to accept you.
Shay: Are.....we....getting diaper changes after this?
Karen: Most likely not. Once you and your brother are at the diaper recycling plant, you and your well as what is leftover, all belong to the plant. They... don't change to....wash them, shred them then turn the plastics into other stuff......while...what was in the diapers.....gets burned as fuel to power the plant.

Shay: NOOOO! Mommy!!!! Please......I....will do...anything to not be thrown away!
Karen: I am sorry.....your father and I....signed a contract with the plant. They told us and your diapers belong to them now. We have NO choice!
Karen finishes Shay's diaper change then puts him into the front seat of the double stroller. Then, Karen puts the packs of diapers belonging to each boy underneath the seats, sliding them along the tray before hanging both diaper bags on each side of the on the on the right, before and checking to make sure all the left-over unopened packs of diapers were packed and ready to go to the diaper recycling plant with all of the six full yellow bags of their wet and messy diapers, sitting on the back porch waiting to be picked up in a truck sent by the plant. Karen....was taking the boys with her to go see a friend whom lived down the road about 2.6 miles from where they lived.

Jay: Mommy?


Jay: When are my brother and I going to be .....

Karen: ....Recycled? OH.......sometime today.....tomorrow the.....nice diaper recycling truck comes to take you, your brother and all your clean and dirty disposable diapers to the nice.....diaper recycling plant called Knowaste.

Jay: Why...are we going to be...we...cycled???? 

Karen: Because....That is what we do with the dirty diapers and to those whom we no longer want. I am taking you both over to my friend whom asked if they could use you both for some kind of testing.....before you both went to the recycling plant. 

Karen pushed the two boys and their diaper bags to the friend's house where the friend took the stroller with both boys still inside, to a facility 7 miles away. The man then brought the boys in the stroller over to the first testing station and then he bent over, unbuckled Jay in front, then picked him up and then laid him down on the exam table with restraint straps. He then strapped Jay down and then left him there with his onesie unsnapped in the crotch and the flaps flipped up and slightly rolled up to reveal the diaper. 
Then the man rolled the stroller down a short hall to a room with some special crib-like beds were and he opened one and then came over to the stroller, lifted Shay out and then put him down inside before closing the crib-like bed and then lowering the locking top. 

Shay: Are...YOU going to leave me in here? 

Man: Yes!! You will be in there until the test stations need you. 

The man then goes over to a pile of old cloth diapers and onesies and begins preparing some of them for use on the boys. Once the man folds the old cloth diapers and 3 onesies each, he then brings them over and leaves a dozen cloth diapers at each changing station and 3 old onesies next to the diapers. Then, the man goes down a short hall and into a large walk-in closet full of the test diapers and grabs a box of the first test diapers and then a couple bags of the other brand of test diapers. 
He then brings one of the boxes over to the changing station where Jay is and he puts the box underneath the changer before putting a bag of the other test diapers next to the box. 
Then the man walks away and leaves Jay laying on the changing table, waiting till someone came to change his diaper or do....what it was that they were going to do. 
A nurse comes in and over to Jay on the changing table and begins to peel the tapes back, unfastening the diaper and pulling the front down before folding it over, slightly scrunching it up as she lifted Jay as she pulled it out from under him. She then put the diaper onto Jay's chest while she pulled 2 pre-fold cloth diapers out of a bin that was next to the changer. She began to fold the 2 cloth pre-fold diapers like two wing-fold disposable diapers before pulling the fronts up and fastening them both with a snappie. Then, the nurse left for a bit and then she returned with two others, a woman in a white lab coat with dark hair pulled back in a ponytail wearing black rimmed glasses and an older man wearing a white lab coat with a tag clipped to the pocket. 

Man in white lab coat: OK......we have a nicely diapered test subject here.....I want to test the beakers full of that toilet bowl cleaner on him first.....hand me...the beaker marked "Beaker 1" please. 
The nurse hands the man the tall glass beaker with the toilet bowl cleaner in it. He takes a minute to put some onto Jack's tummy to see if his skin reacts. 

Man in white lab coat: OK....put in the log, at 2:15 pm, no immediate reaction. 
I am going to leave this stuff on him for a bit to see if there are any.....delayed reactions. 
Now.....hand me....beaker 2...would you please????

The nurse hands the man in the white lab coat Beaker number 2 with some thick laundry detergent in it. The man pours some onto Jack's thighs and then with his rubber-gloved hands, the man spreads the thick liquid all over his thighs. Jack's skin begins to react immediately to the potent and very concentrated laundry detergent with lots of little reddening bombs which look like chicken pox. 

Man in white lab coat: Enter into the log, that at 2:23 pm, subject's skin on both his right and left thighs reacted immediately with hives as big as chicken pox. Ok....hand me.....beaker 3

The nurse hands the man in the white coat the Beaker marked Beaker 3 as the dark-haired woman goes to get some new and unreleased cosmetics and removal chemicals. 
The man in the white coat pours a little of the clear cleaning fluid onto Jack's chest and then smears it around as some runs down his shoulders. Jack's skin slightly reddens as the cleaner chemicals react with his skin oils. 
Jack protests loudly though no one seems to care during the tests.... 

Jack: Ouch! Oooouch! My chest is burning!! It....HURTS!!! 

Man in white lab coat: OH.....suck it up! I am far from done with you! Next some.....various new perfumes for diapers, cosmetic perfumes, cleaning chemical scents as well as some nice concentrated fabric softeners. We will test the fabric softeners on you and your diapers dry....and then while being done with you, you....and....all the diapers and clothing used in the tests, will be thrown away in the trash. ๐Ÿ—‘
After another hour of enduring the chemical tests, the dark-haired woman in the white lab coat with dark rimmed glasses with her long dark hair pulled back in a pony-tail, came over to begin testing her cosmetics on Jack. The woman saw that Jack's cloth diaper was very soaked and full of chemicals which a few have stained it. The woman asked the nurse to change the boy's diaper and put him into another cloth diaper for the next set of tests. 

Jack: Miss? Miss? Is my.....diaper getting changed? Where am I going next? 

Lady in the white lab-coat: You....are going to go test some pool chemicals. You are being dipped and soaked in pool chemicals to see how they effect the fabric of your diaper they effect you! You're getting nice....and wet! 

Jack: Noooo! Please! Will it...hurt my sores I already have? 

Lady In White Lab Coat: shall see....won't we? Ready? Come with me.....little one.....

The lady in the white lab coat guides Jack down a hall to a grey metal door with a window in it and they both walk through. Jack is guided over to a warm pool of water that was just freshly shocked with chlorine and a few other pool chemicals. Jack was then hoisted up and into the warm water and sat into a seat that has leg-holes, much like a highchair where he was locked in. 

Lady in the white Lab coat: OK.....let the test subject down into the 103 degree water easy......(seat begins to lower further into the water up to Jack's head) it back up and then back down in four......quick up and then down motions before putting it back to the loading position for me.......

The seat does a dipping motion twice before going back to the starting position. Then the woman in the white coat instructed the care assistant whom loaded Jack into the seat to check Jack's diaper and see if it is falling apart. The assistant pulls Jack out of the plastic seat and lays him down on the side of the hot pool. She uses her hands to squish Jack's diaper a lot and the inner fluff begins to push it's way out of the slightly unsealed inner liner. 

The Nurse/Care Assistant: Yep! falling apart. Shall I take it off of him and give him another diaper? 

Lady in white Lab Coat: Leave the soaked diaper there for now.....then load him back into the seat....and strap him back in. Phase....2 is about to begin. 


Nurse/Care Assistant: OH.....phase 2.....means that you and your diapers are going to get dunked into some of the chemicals like our ....swiffer wet-jet cleaners and some.....scrubbing bubbles cleaner......then.....some hand sanitizers and then some and the diapers will get placed with the nice.....cosmetic product testers.....whom can't wait to use you to test their and your diapers....WILL be sent to the nice diaper shredders before whatever is left.....goes to the compost or gets flushed down into the sewers. 

The Nurse/care assistant opened one of the packs of diapers and took out four Fitti diapers then began to take the soaked one off before sliding the heavily saturated diaper iver then opening the dry one and sliding it underneath Jack before pulling the front of the diaper up and fastening the tapes. 

Nurse/Care Assistant: Ok Jack.....time to go with the nice lady in the.......white lab-coat now.....she is going to bring you over to the Labs to be one of their test subjects. 

The woman in the lab-coat took Jack's left hand in her right hand and led him across the yard to a large lab building where she opened rhe back door, forced Jack in, followed by the Nurse/Care Assistant before leading him over to a room down near the center of a hall, then forcing Jack inside followed by the assistant. 

Woman in the lab-coat: Hi.....I have another test subject for you.......

Receptionist: Ah......good.....(Coming around from behind the desk to take Jack back to where they were going to test gim and his diapers.) Come.......with me.......

Jack: Miss? going to....happen to me here? 

Receptionist: You....are one of six test subjects that will have cosmetic chemicals, Dyes, Perfumes and powders tested on you. When....they are done with and any diapers, will get sent to be disposed of in our........diaper shredder. 

More to come soon........

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