Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Street Sweeper-Really Sweeping Up

The Street Sweeper-Really Sweeping up.

A private street sweeper company owned by Daniel Newell's brother, Anthony followed behind Daniel Newell's diaper collection truck each week and even twice a week on some stops like the diaper factories that threw out a lot of diapers each week as well as a lot of test subjects.

(The diaper collection truck dropped diapers over there!)

 The driver, Anthony, loved to sweep up the fallen cloth and disposable diapers that fell out of of the cloth diaper recycling truck as well as Daniel Newell's disposable diaper collection truck. There were times when Anthony could pick up a fallen diapered trash subject which fell out of Daniel Newell's diaper collection truck and there were times when the diapered trash wouldn't fit into the vacuum container. Those....he left or moved off to the side for the people who's property they fell onto to pick up and toss back into a diaper trash can or dumpster as the case may be.

It was Wednesday, the day Daniel Newell did the Daycare and Diaper Factory route. The first stops, a few loose diapers fell to the ground near the hopper. There were about 30 or 40 diapers that fell out. The street sweeper swerved in where the diapers had fallen and swept them all into the vacuum container before going to the second stop. At the second daycare, there were two diapered trash being disposed of in each toter. In the first toter, one of the boys wearing thick, bulky White Luvs Baby Pants fell out of the hopper and to the ground along with about 45 loose diapers and a Luvs Deluxe for him box with four clean diapers still inside that got kool-aid spilled and splashed on them.  The boy falls to the ground and rolls over closely to where the other diapers and the box fell, about 2 feet from the side of the truck. Daniel Newell and his employee continued to empty toters quickly into the hopper, spilling 14 more loose wet diapers to the ground. Daniel's employee ran the compactor as Daniel got back into the cab. Then the employee got into the cab on the right side and the truck lurched forward headed to the next stop. The street sweeper moved towards the pile of loose, fallen diapers and then hovered over the pile, sucking them all into the vacuum container, leaving the box and the boy on the ground as the street sweeper also moves on to the next stop.

 At the next stop, Daniel and his employee had 10 always over-filled toters of diapers and quite a few diapered trash whom had been used as Cosmetic test subjects, product test subjects, and cleaning chemical test lab subjects. Their diapers looked and smelled like everything from cleaning solutions to make-up, fingernail remover, Swifer Wet-Jet cleaning chemicals, and even automotive scents. Quite a few of the disposees were also stained with chemical dyes and laundry dyes.....making them look as if they had been dipped in tie-dyed basins or batiquing bins. 
Daniel and his employee jumped out of the cab and began to take toters over to the side of the truck to empty them. The first over-filled toter with a pair of stained up and chemical scented legs hanging over the front with the body completely covered by diapers, was dumped into the hopper, the diapers avalanching into the hopper, settling into another pile on the hopper floor with the pair of legs flopping down with a muffled this as the legs now dangled over the left side of the truck's hopper. As the rest of the diapers were emptied into the hopper, Daniel ran the compactor as his employee emptied a toter full of Fitti diapers and a boy test subject wearing a blue dye stained Fitti diaper, into the hopper. The diapers and the boy fell out onto the top of the moving compactor blade as the employee put the now empty toter back where it had been.
 The boy was carried along as the compactor blade moved forward till it came to the end of it's reach before retracting. Then, the diapers and the boy slid back and as he stopped where the compactor rested, the compactor continued to retract underneath him and the diapers until the diapers and the boy fell into the hopper. 

Diapered Boy: Mr? Are...any of my.....packs of clean diapers being dumped in here? They were thrown away with me....

Daniel: There are still two more toters left....maybe....they are in there. 

Diapered Boy: wait to compact me till my packs of diapers are in here with me? 

Daniel: Why.....not. Sure. 

Daniel goes to empty one of the toters while his employee emptied the second to last toter. The diapers spill out into the hopper of the smelly diaper collection truck covering the boy in bags of diapers and loose wet and unrolled diapers as well as 8 packs of opened and unopened Huggies Story-time whites diapers as well as four unopened boxes of Pampers Wing-fold diapers. 

Daniel: There son! There are your....precious diapers. All....trash now! O....K son.....time for a .....NICE round of....packer cycles. Gotta pack you for your the nice waste-to-Energy plant. 

As Daniel Newell cycled the compactor, the diapers inside the hopper began to bunch up as they were pressed together, as they slid along the hopper floor towards the packer container. A couple of the diapers rose and then fell out of the hopper, falling to the ground as the boy & his diaper were pressed against all the other bags of diapers and loose diapers. Then Daniel and his employee got into the cab and drove off to a diaper factory. The Street Sweeper truck came in behind the truck and began to suck up all of the diapers that had fallen out of the hopper and they even sucked up one of the boys that could fit, though one of the boys, was just too big for the hose and wouldn't fit so the driver had to get out, pick the boy up, and shove him down into the vacuum container via a little door at the top near the rear of the vehicle.

 The Fitti diaper factory was the next stop.

This factory always had a lot of mis-manufactured, second quality and third quality diapers and packages not to mention lots of diapered trash each week. This week, there were six diapered trash for disposal. Three placed in the toters and three more whom had been brought out at the last minute as Daniel and his employee pulled up.

It was this week that Adam had been used in a lot of varying tests which stained his entire body with blue and grey dyes from head to toe as well as being used to test other experimental cleaning chemicals. Adam was wearing a nice, thick doubled up Fitti diaper that was just a little wet. There were at least 15 wipes stuffed into the bottom part of his diaper near the back and were hanging down partly, from around the right side from the leg elastics. His legs were dangling over the front edge of the third toter which had opened packs of Fitti diapers that were used on him during the week's tests. There were also left-over clean Pampers wing-fold diapers still in the boxes they came in, stained and wet cloth diapers folded inside of and rolled inside of Luvs Baby pants diapers, two diaper bags, still fully stocked, as well as two large white force-flex trash bags full of wet and very dye-stained cloth diapers tossed into the toter underneath Adam. 
Adam had several of the opened yet partially used packs of Fitti diapers in size large and extra large sitting on his chest while three layers of unrolled and wet, dye-stained Fitti diapers covered his face, head and his diapered waist as he lay inside the toter, waiting for the Newell Diaper Disposal truck to pull up and dump him and the diapers. 
It was around 9:30 am when Daniel and his employee pulled up along side the rows of 8 overly filled toters behind the Fitti Diaper factory. Daniel and his employee jumped out of the cab and the employee, Jeff went over to the first toter. He rolled it quickly over to the tote-tipper and then flipped the lid open right before dumping all of the loose Fitti diapers into the hopper.
Jeff came over to roll the toter that Adam was in, over to the side of the trash truck to hook it to the tote-tipper. Jeff fling the lid open fast before activating the tote-tipper. 
Adam: Whooooooah!!!! (Thump! Thump! Bing!) 
Adam and the diapers flew into the hopper covering him completely with the loads of diapers from the toter. Adam tumbled into the hopper, landing on top of some of the loose diapers inside the hopper. Adam sat up and threw some of the diapers off of him so to look around. Adam sat there facing the front of the truck, with one leg half Indian-style and the other leg sticking straight out in front of him as he looked to his left where Daniel was coming. 
Then Daniel emptied the fourth toter full of loose diapers before starting the compactor. As the compactor blade began to advance, Adam got up onto his knees to try to get to the side of the hopper so he could get Daniel's attention. Before he could make it two knee-steps towards the left side of the hopper, the compactor blade made contact pushing a cresting wave of loose diapers against his thighs and causing Adam to fall onto his stomach, laying across the front edge of the compactor blade as it pushed him and the diapers into the container and against the rest of the loads of diapers. Adam grunted hard as the compactor folded his legs upwards and against the butt of his diaper as he winced from the pressure of the compactor blade. Then, as he lay there, the top half of him sticking out of the packer container with the compactor blade's pressure cycle in full force, 
Jeff brought the fourth toter which had a pair of legs dangling from the front, into the hopper. 

Diapered girl (Wearing a thick, bulky, stained Fitti large diaper): Whhhoah.....oof!!! Hey! Why are my.....opened packs of diapers in here? this? 

Daniel: (Rolling his eyes and sighing) Look! in trash! You and......all......of these diapers, are going to be used to generate electricity at the waste-to-energy plant. Now.....I...don't care.....if you....sit up, lay down, or anything! In a few minutes, I am.....going to crush you and.....all these.....diapers! ....and ...NO......I......don't care.....what happens to you....OR....your diapers!!! and I....enjoy.....watching your diapers getting all....nice and crushed, as the blade, scrapes you and the diapers into the packer container as your diaper buckles and bunches up as it gets crushed against all the OTHER diapers as more diapers get crushed against you and your diaper! You.....are a "snack....for my Mac!" 

Daniel put the empty toter away while Jeff came over with a full toter of more Fitti and Huggies Story-time diapers as well as opened and unused portions of packages of Fitti diapers used in tests. Jeff dumped the toter then put the empty toter back while a woman wearing a janitorial uniform came out with two more very dirty, stained up, diapered boy and girl, approaching the diaper-trash collection truck. Daniel saw the woman then the two dirty and diapered boy and girl. He noticed that The woman was also carrying two large black trash bags and had two diaper bags slung over her shoulder.  

Daniel Newell: Hi there ma'am, have some.....diapered trash to.....dispose of with their diapers? 

Janitor Woman: Um....yes, I do. just waiting for the other woman to bring out the boxes of Luvs Baby Pants diapers and the boxes of Luvs Deluxe for him and for her that have tapes that no longer work because the adhesives dried out, to be brought out here for disposal.

Daniel Newell: Well, like US to load them for you.....or would you like to load them into our truck? 

Janitor Woman: You can load them, they belong to you now. 

Daniel Newell: Well, then come here son......I have......a nice place for your ....ride to the nice, warm waste-to-energy plant. You even get to pack all of your nice....comfy diapers in there with you.....OK....IN........ya go! (Swinging the diapered boy into the hopper feet first and then Sitting him down onto his diapered bottom on the smooth, metal hopper floor and leaving him there so to empty some more diapers into the hopper first before starting the compactor) 

As the compactor blade pushes the diapered boy and all of the loose diapers into the packer container against all of the other loose and bagged diapers and diapered trash, Jeff emptied more toters of diapers into the hopper while Daniel went to get the diapered girl over to the side of the truck.

Diapered Girl-2: Mister? Hey.....Mister! Am....I....going in there with all those......wet and stinky diapers????? 

Daniel Newell: Yes, you are! You are trash now. 
You and.....all these diapers belong to me now....until I get you and them to the waste-to-energy plant. (Picking the girl up and swinging her into the hopper, tossing her on top of a pile of diapers in the hopper.) 
IN....ya go.....ok.... it's packer.....time! 

Daniel started the compactor and as the compactor advanced, the diapers rose up above the compactor, underneath the diapered girl whom, along with four packs of diapers and 43 loose, wet diapers fell out of the hopper and onto the ground near the side of the truck. 
Daniel cursed at the mess then continued to empty the toters in. In toter 10, a thickly diapered boy, wearing a bulky Fitti diaper with six thick diaper doublers inside that made the diaper so thick, the boy could barely put his legs together and made the diaper thick, bulky and saggy between his legs. Daniel hooked the toter up, flipped the lid open then quickly dumped the boy and all of the loose wet and messy disposable diapers as well as ten leftover packs of Luvs, Huggies, Fitti, and Pampers diapers into the hopper as the compactor blade slowly advanced onto the loads of diapers already in the hopper. The boy slid across the top of the compactor blade along with four leftover packs of Fitti, Luvs, Huggies diapers as the rest of the leftover packs of diapers and loose wet and messy disposable diapers rode along the top of the compactor blade until it began to retract. Then, as the boy and the diapers fell into the hopper, Daniel put the empty toter back then got into the cab while Jeff jumped into the cab on the right side.
Then, once Daniel and Jeff left to go to the next stop, the sweeper truck came behind them, and began to suck up all of the fallen diapers. Even the packs of diapers that had fallen out, were being sucked up into the vacuum container. The poor diapered girl was picked up and tossed into the vacuum container along with the diapers, dust, dirt, leaves and other things just because she was small enough to fit inside. 

Anthony, got out of the cab, saw the dirty diapered girl laying on and in a small pile of diapers left behind by the "Newell Diaper Disposal" truck, and seeing that she may be small enough to fit inside the container on the back of his truck, he went to go pick her up and carry her over to the hatch. 

Diapered Girl: Hey! Let.....GO! Put me....down! Stop it! Nooooooooo! Stop it!!!!!

 Anthony: O.....K! Time to go.....into my nice.....truck with of the trash!!!!
Quit.....kickin so....much! (Lifting the diapered girl up and inserting her head first into the hatch before pushing on her diapered behind to shove her the rest of the way in.) There....ya go......get a few minutes here, the packer will run....crushing you and the diapers. 
After Anthony closed then locked the hatch door, then went over to the manually operated hoses and began to pull them out, connect them to the suction port before turning the vacuum on. He then began to suck up all of the diapers that had fallen to the ground in a pile. The trail of diapers which also had fallen out as the truck drove to the next stop, needed to be sucked up and swept into the container as Anthony drove along, swerving from side to side in the alley, sucking and sweeping the diapers up. Anthony came upon two large trails of fallen diapers and a pile of loose diapers that had a diapered boy and a diapered girl still laying on it. He stopped and then got out of the cab to go remove the boy and girl from the pile. 

Anthony: Well, Well, well! Look at....what we got here! I....hope you both weren't having......TOO....much's time now to.....get into my.....nice sweeper truck. I....have a way to.....stuff you both.....into the....area where every one of the nice, comfy diapers I...can take you and the the nice waste -to-energy plant....where it will be...really....nice and warm......wouldn't you that? 

Anthony picks the boy up, carries him over to the vacuum container then shoves him in head first. Then he goes back to get the girl. He picks her up and with her being small and narrow-framed enough to fit inside the vacuum tube, he has her stand next to the pile while he goes to get the detachable vacuum tube to begin manually sucking the diapers and the diapered girl up. Once the diapered girl was sucked in, he finished manually sucking the piles of diapers from the ground before detaching the hose and putting the hose back into place. He then got back into the cab and drove along the path of the Newell diaper disposal Lodal Evo side loader truck. 
The street sweeper truck driver caught up with the Newell diaper disposal trash truck just in time to have most of the top players of diapers from six of the 96 gallon trash toters, fall to the ground in a scattered pile. Then, as Daniel emptied one of the toters with a screaming and kicking diapered girl in it, the piles of diapers fell onto the moving compactor blade and some fell out onto the ground before Daniel kicked a few out of the way, while putting the empty toter back. The Newell diaper disposal truck moved on to the next daycare nearby while the vacuum truck came over and sucked up all of the fallen diapers. The diapers easily whipped into the vacuum hose and smacked the diapered trash around for a bit while the air blew the diapers into the tank. 
At the next daycare, Jeff and Daniel emptied toters filled with loose and bagged diapers and diapered trash. Two toters had more diapered trash in them, waiting for disposal. Jeff took one, taking it over to the side of the truck, hooking it to the tote-tipper while quickly flipping the lid open before dumping the toter. The compactor blade was still in the forward part of the cycle as Jeff dumped the toter. Quite a few of the loose Huggies, Pampers, Luvs and generic diapers and pull-ups fell onto the compactor blade scattering along the top of the moving compactor blade. The diapered boy and 13 diapers fell out and onto the ground on the driver's side of the Newell diaper disposal Lodal Evo side loader truck. 

Daniel Newell: Hey!! You're making a mess! It's ok though.....the.....vacuum truck will get it.....any of the.....disposees, that fall out of the truck, will get taken back to my wife's daycare and then she will end up disposing of them in our new Rocket-Diaper-Disposal-Stove don't care.

One of the diapered girls that Jeff is about to dump into the nearly full hopper, is going to end up falling out and onto the ground after three attempts of the compactor blade to crush her and the diapers. 
The diapered girl and a bunch of loose, wet pull-ups, wet huggies diapers as well as a few plastic-backed pampers diapers fell out onto the street beside the truck. The street sweeper was sitting behind Daniel's diaper collection truck, eagerly awating the chance to sweep the diapered girl and the diapers into their truck. 
The driver would get out of rhe cab, pick the diapered girl up and then carry her over to the hatch in the side of the sweeper truck where he stuffs her either head first or legs first before closing the hatch and then getting back into the cab and then going over to the piles of fallen diapers and pull-ups and sweeping them up into the container. 
Inside the container, the diapers and pull-ups whip into the container and are compacted over and over again so as to make more room for more diapers and pull-ups. 

More to Cum soon .......

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The Covid-19 Era Death-With-Dignity Disposal

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