Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Diaper Laundry Day-Washing Disposable Diapers

For Mary Frost on Facebook. 

It was every Saturday morning that Aaron's adoptive mom did loads if laundry. The loads in the mornings were clothing, the afternoon loads were cloth diapers and the evening loads were disposable diapers. Aaron's adoptive mom was impoverished enough that disposable diapers cost too much and cloth diapers cost too much up-front. It was only twice a month that Aaron's adoptive mom got new disposable diapers. 
Between the two times each month, Aaron's adoptive mom would wash Aaron and loads of wet disposable diapers. 
Aaron was a disabled 19 year old midget and has been in toddler diapers since birth. 

Mary: (Aaron's adoptive mom, coming into Aaron's room to get Aaron stripped down to just his diaper and bring the first wet diaper pail over to the washing machine) Ok baby..... It's time to do some diaper laundry now. Are you......ready to be washed with your diapers? 

Aaron: Awwwwwwe......MAN! be washed? 

Mary: Yes.....YOU....DO! We go.....through this.....every......time it is laundry day! You have no choice! You...want clean diapers to wear.....right? 

Aaron: Yeah......

Mary: Then.....let's go hun.....time to wash you and your diapers now....come.....wanna help carry some of your diapers to the washer?

Aaron: O.......K.......The diapers......stink! 

Mary: They won't for long. 

Aaron: What kind of laundry detergent are you going to use on my diapers and I? 

Mary Frost: Oh....probably.......whatever I have around. Maybe some tide or arm and hamner detergent. Don't and your diapers will come out smelling....nice......and fresh! go.....tuck those legs on your right side.......yeah......there ya go. Now......time for.....some detergent.....

Mary poured some of the liquid detergent into the diapers, drizzling some onto Aaron and his diaper. Mary didn't want to miss Aaron and his diaper though so.....she asked Aaron to.....stand up so that she could......pour some more laundry detergent onto Aaron and then his diaper. 

Mary Frost: stand up again for me please? I need to.....pour some of this liquid detergent all over you and your diaper sweetie. 

Aaron gets back up then stands up so that Mary can pour the detergent all over Aaron's body then....Mary pulls the front elastic of his diaper back with her index and middle fingers of her left hand while pouring the second half cap full of liquid detergent into Aaron's diaper. Then after a half-cap-full of degergent is poured again, Mary pulls back the elastics in the back waistband of Aaron's diaper then pours the little bit of detergent down into the padding of the diaper before letting the elastics snap back. 

Mary Frost: OK....Aaron, ahead and.....lay back a good boy.....ok?'s wash-a-bye diaper-boy time! (Closing and lowering the lid and then selecting the water temps before turning the dials to select the washer cycle, then pushing the start button.) 

Mary Frost: have to get his.....cloth diapers ready to....wash after this load......and hang the other disposable diapers out to finish drying. 

Just then......the doorbell rang and Mary went to go answer the door. 

Mary Frost: (Answering the door) see you again. Come......come on in. 
(Ushering both Little Frankie and his mom into the living room) What brings you two by? 

Frankie's mom: Well, we wanted to know.......if I could get you to.....wash Frankie here and some of his.....wet disposable diapers. I have some money here for you....if you say...yes. 

Mary Frost: How...MUCH money are we....talking about here? 

Frankie's Mom: About $150 

Mary Frost: Suuuure! For that.....I'll do it. 

Frankie's Mom: I.....DO have.....a few stipulations at all if these.....koolaid stains he has down his tummy and arms.....if they don't come out and if any of his diapers fall apart in the wash.....go ahead and just......throw him...and what's left of his diapers away in the trash. 

Mary Frost: OK.....Frankie......come with me.....I am going to put you......into one of my.....laundry pails until it is time to wash you and a load of your diapers. 

Frankie: How long do I....have to stay in here???? 

Mary Frost: It's going to be hour or two.....I don't care.....what you do in there until then.....

Frankie: Will I get a clean and dry diaper once I get out of the washer? 

Mary Frost: We shall see what condition you're in after the wash is done. If you still have stains in ya, you will get thrown away in the trash with your diapers. 

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