Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Burn Barrel (The Beginning of the end)

The Burn Barrel
(The Beginning of the end)

A Story inspired by garbageman2014 on flickr

It was Saturday Morning around 8 am when Mommy came into my room to wake me up for my morning diaper change. Mommy Sara opened the side of my safety bed and found t hat my diaper had leaked all over the bed sheets over night. Luckily the mattress was waterproof but mommy still was frustrated at the fact that I was using so many cloth diapers inside of my disposable diapers at night and during the day. Mommy had gone to a diaper service to get some of their old diaper rags to use inside of my disposables as absorbency boosters hoping that it would end the leaking. Over the last five years, mommy had bought me enough cloth diapers to fill an entire 97 gallon trash tote and she even bought one to keep my clean cloth diapers in. the trash can was kept next to the foot of my safety bed and the diaper pail where mommy tossed all of my disposable diapers and those of her other kids, in my room, at the head of my bed. At the first of every month Mommy called to order my diapers and those of my siblings as well. I usually got a case of 96 diapers, Medium and some large, two packs of booster pads and a case of bed pads from my Medicaid. I also got eight packs of size six Cuties diapers which mommy modified by taping two together back to front and cutting the tapes off the front diaper to put onto the back diaper to stretch the reach of the tapes. She used these diapers when I ran out of booster pads inside of my disposables. When I ran out of my Cuties, she switched to using my cloth diapers. Mommy always liked to use between six and eight layered toddler sized cloth diapers inside of my disposables. On some days, Mommy got mad at me for my diaper leaking and made me wear some of my siblings’ wet diapers as a punishment and she made me sit inside the diaper pail for 6 hours so that in case my diaper leaked, it would already be in the trash can when it did.
Today seemed different for some reason. It seemed that mommy Sara was in a weird mood as she came in to change my diaper, as though she had something weighing on her mind.
Mommy Sara: (To Nick) Good morning Nick, it’s disposal day! Did you sleep well? I sure hope so, because your father and I have been talking the past week and we don't want to take care of you any more. We just don't want to diaper you any longer. The extra diaper duties are just too much for us right now. Your Father and I have decided to dispose of you when we take your diapers out this week.
Said mommy Sara as she got Nick out of his safety bed and made him stand at the foot of his bed while Sara tore the soaked bed sheets from his bed.
Nick: Is Daddy going to put me into his trash truck? Will you care if my diaper is dry or wet when I am disposed of mommy?
Mommy Sara: No lil’ diapered boy!! I don’t care if your diaper is wet or dirty! I will use your daddy’s help to carry you out to our burn barrel, dump you in there with all the kid’s wet and dirty diapers, pull-ups, soak you as well as the diapers in gas and then light a match! For now, you and all of your clean and dirty diapers will be going into the diaper pail right now. That is where you will stay until I take out the diapers from your sister and brother as well as your diapers.
Nick: NO! Mommy, Please!  Don’t throw me away right NOW!!! I will be good, I PROMISE! Can’t I get my diaper changed first??? What about the onesie I am wearing???
Mommy Sara: NO! I won’t change your diaper! You can stay in that one!! I don’t care if your diaper is wet or dirty! That onesie is trash too! It’s going to the burn area with you!   Your father, Daniel and I have already made up our minds! You’re going out to our burn area with all the kid’s wet and dirty diapers, pull-ups, and all of your clean and dirty diapers, and then I'll soak you as well as the diapers in gas and then light a match!  Now SHUT…UP!      
Mommy Sara: HONEY…..can you help me put Nick into the trash bag then the bag and the diapers into the diaper pail please? (Said Sara to Daniel who was in the other room)
Daniel: SURE honey, be right there….
Daniel comes into the room, his rather strong stature and build, filling the doorway for a few seconds before he came over to Nick’s safety bed and picked Nick up and carried him over to the diaper pail. Daniel then lowered Nick into the trash bag that had the corners poked out for leg holes while mommy Sara guided the bag up past Nick’s shoulders then Daddy Daniel and mommy Sara lowered the bag with Nick in side into the diaper pail then they wrapped the top of the bag over the lip of the diaper pail. Then mommy Sara began to put the loose wet and dirty diapers and pull-ups into the bag, on top of Nick. Then mommy drops one of the unrolled, wet disposable diaper with the eight layered toddler sized cloth diapers still inside of it that she had taken off of him the day before, into the crammed in unrolled wet diapers and the rolled up dirty diapers that now leveled up to Nick’s nose, with the cloth diapers facing Nick's face so that he will smell the wetness.
Nick: Daddy!!! PLEASE!!! Don’t throw me away!!! I’m not trash! I don’t wanna be thrown away! Will I get my diapers changed again if this one gets wet?
Daniel: NO, I’m afraid not…...and for the next 24 hours or less, you will be stuck in there until it’s time to take the diapers out for disposal! Yes, you are trash!
Nick: But, but, what about when my sister’s diapers need to be thrown away? Aren't I in the way?
Daniel: OH…your mother will toss them into there on top of you even if you are in there! She doesn’t care!
Nick: But what will happen to all of my clean diapers?
Daniel: They are going to the burn barrel too!
Nick: What is a burn barrel for? How come my onesies and footed sleepers are being disposed of?
Mommy Sara: Because, they’re yours and now their trash!
Nick: What is a burn barrel daddy? What is going to happen to me?
Mommy Sara and Daniel both look at each other.
Daniel: The burn barrel is where we take your diapers and all of your brother’s and sister’s diapers and pull-ups to be burned!
Nick: Mommy? Can I get a bottle of Milk please?
Mommy Sara: Yes, it will be your last one though!
Then Mommy Sara goes to the kitchen, fills a bottle with some cold whole milk and then brings it to Nick in the diaper pail.
Mommy Sara: OK, here you go. Enjoy it! You won’t be getting any more to eat, drink or any more diaper changes from now on! Sleep well with all of those wet and dirty diapers in there!
Then both Daniel and Sara walk out of the room where the diaper pail is and where Nick has been put into a tall, white kitchen trash bag filled with dirty disposable diapers of his sister’s and bother as well as his own loose, wet unrolled disposable diapers that have six to eight layered wet cloth diapers in them. Daniel tucked Nick’s short legs into the tall diaper pail with the bag wrapped around the lip of the diaper pail, and then the lid was put on. Mommy Sara closes the door to the room. Nick is now alone in the dark room.
The smells of wetness from the diapers, begins to loom inside the diaper pail as poor Nick is locked in the diaper pail the rest of the night. Nick falls asleep at some point and before he knows it, morning has come. Nick wakes up and finds his head laying in the open, wet layers of cloth pre-fold diapers that he had been changed out of the morning before.
In the morning, mommy gets up, goes down the short hallway to Nick’s sister’s room to wake her up and change her wet morning pull-up. Once she has finished doing that, she then goes to change Nick’s toddler brother’s diaper as well. Once she finished doing that, Mommy Sara took both wet, unrolled disposable diapers to the diaper pail where Nick was and she opened the lid and dropped them in mushed them down on Nick’s face with the liners against his face,  then closed the lid.
Nick: Mommy! MOMMY! My diaper is wet! Can I get a diaper change please??? My diaper is leaking badly!!!
Mommy Sara: I don’t care if your diaper is wet! You’re staying in that one! Now shut up!
Then Mommy Sara walks out of the room and leaves.
About three hours later, mommy Sara came back in and dropped two more dirty diapers into the pail, but these diapers were rolled up tightly this time. Then Mommy left again.
As Nick waited for his and the diaper’s fate, he could hear the crinkling of the plastic trash bag and the smells of the wet, unrolled disposable diapers of his and his sister and brother too. Nick started to drift off to sleep again for a bit in the stinky slightly humid air inside the diaper pail. Suddenly, Nick woke up and heard some heavy footsteps coming closer and closer. Then the lid opened and Nick turned around so see for a split second, Daddy Daniel about to empty the now dried up formerly wet cloth pre-fold diapers, from Nick’s cloth diaper pail, into the diaper disposal pail along with the rest of Nick’s own wet disposable diapers that still had all of the six to eight wet toddler sized cloth pre-fold diapers still inside them. 
Nick: HEY! STOP THAT! NO! Those are MY cloth diapers! I like those diapers! They are my favorites! They aren’t trash! Aren’t you going to rinse & wash the cloth diapers in the toilet as mommy always does daddy?
Daniel: NOPE! Sorry, they are being thrown out with you too! They are dirty son! Dirty diapers go into the trash!
Nick: I want my diaper changed! It’s WET and leaking! Daddy! It’s HOT in here!!! It STINKS in here!
Daniel: NO! Once you’re in the diaper pail, you’re trash! Shut up and let me finish trashing your cloth diapers!!!

Then Daniel opens two of Nick’s packs of left-over Tranquility Slimlines Large adult diapers and then tosses each diaper into the pail, making sure to push them all down and pack them in as tightly as possible.
Nick: Daddy!!! Why are you putting all of my clean disposable diapers in here????
Daniel: Because….you’ll no longer need them since you are being disposed of! Now, shut the hell up so I can ask your mother something!

Daniel: Hey Honey? The pail is almost full. Are you going to take it out soon?
Sara: (To Daniel from the other room) Yes honey, later on today after the kids get done swimming and after I change their diapers before their bedtime.
Daniel: (To Sara) OK, I am going to put the rest of Nick’s clean disposable diapers into the pail. Do you want me to throw in the rest of his cloth diapers too?
Sara:  (Coming into the room to see what Daniel is doing) um…yes, but you will need to use another bag for those.
Daniel: I think it will just be better if I roll the whole 97 gallon can out when you take out the dirty diapers.
Sara: know what? You’re right! Stuff what you can into the pail then tie up the bag and pull it out. Then leave it in the living room next to the cloth diaper bin and all of Nick’s dirty onesies and even his new ones that I bought for him two weeks ago. Make SURE to bring out all of his clean disposables and cloth diapers too.
Even all of his all-in-one clean diapers and the diaper covers too, bring all of his diapering supplies out.
Daniel: Yes honey.
While Daniel gathers all of Nick’s diapering supplies and all of his clean and dirty onesies, tossing them into the large, rolling green waste management 97 gallon plastic can, Sara takes Nick’s sister and brother swimming in their diapers. Two and a half hours later, Sara brings Nick’s wet siblings in to dry them off and change their diapers again.
Once Sara has changed both of Nick’s siblings’ diapers she comes into the room where the pail is and opens the lid then makes sure to drop the soaking, bulging disposable pool diapers onto poor Nick’s face. The diapers rest against Nick’s face with all of the clean and dirty disposable and cloth diapers rising up to Nick’s eyes now in the bag. Then Daniel brings in six more wet, unrolled disposable diapers from his brother’s pail and drops them into the pail, making sure to smear the wetness all over Nick’s face with the liner of the disposable diaper
Daniel: Do you like that? Do ya? I bet ya DO! Here! Want more?? (places the wet diaper’s inner liner against Nick’s face and then presses it hard. Then Daniel leaves Nick like that with the back of the diaper over Nick’s head.
Then Sara uses her shoes to give the diapers and Nick a GOOD packing down so that she can pull the bag handles nice and tight so to close the trash bag up.
Nick: OUCH Mommy! Quit it! HEY!
Mommy Sara: Stop complaining! You KNOW you like it in there, you lil…freak! You even like having all of those, nasty wet diapers smashed against you too!
Daniel comes back into the room to take one of the other bags of diapers out to the living room for a few minutes so that Mommy Sara and daddy Daniel can carry the rest of Nick’s clean and dirty diapering supplies out to the burn area. Then Daniel comes back into the room, dumps the pail over and pulls the heavy bag free of the can. Then Daniel picks the bag up with Nick inside, with the bag around his waist that also goes all the way up to his neck, and carries it out to the burn area over his shoulder.
Daniel: (To Nick) Let’s GO son! Time for disposal!
Nick: NO! daddy! I don’t WANT to be disposed of! Do I have to...be disposed of now?
Daddy! Put….me…DOWN! STOP IT! MOMMY! Tell daddy to put me down!
Mommy Sara: Honey? Go ahead and open the bag, dump him and the diapers onto the ground then wait for me to come out there before you come back to get the rest of his diapers and trash, ok?
Nick: MOMMY! You aren’t going to dispose of me NOW…are ya? MOMMY!
Daddy! PLEASE! My diapers are wet! My cloth diapers need to be rinsed in the toilet like you always have! STOP! Let me GO! I don’t WANNA go out to the burn area!!!!
Sara: TOUGH SHIT! You’re going out to the burn barrel, like it, or NOT!!! That’s where trash goes! You wanted to know where we disposed of your diapers? You are going to find out!
Nick protests all the way out to the burn area and Nick’s protests fade off as Daniel carries the bag out to the burn barrel and waits for Sara.
The translucent white trash bag crinkles and shows all of the designs and colors of the disposable diapers that are in Nick’s bag along with six of Nick’s own, thick, bulky, wet disposable diapers that still have the six to eight toddler sized cloth pre-fold diapers still inside and are NOT rolled up at all but merely stuffed into the bag against Nick’s body and now have settled, slipped were shaken and fallen down into the bottom of the bag with most of the wet cloth diapers falling out of the disposable diapers and settling down in the crotch of Nick’s trash bag as the bag is carried to the burn barrel over Daniel’s shoulder.
The three walk out to the area mommy and daddy used to burn the diapers that still had ruminants of burned up disposable diapers in the bottom from Nick, His brother and sister. Daniel puts the bag down on the ground next to the burn area, opens the bag, takes Nick out, and makes Nick stand there while Mommy Sara takes nick’s onesie off. Mommy has some troubles getting the onesie of so she starts to rip and tear it up into shreds so it will come off. Then mommy Sara tosses the torn onesie onto the burn area. Then mommy Sara signals to Daniel that Nick is ready. Daniel then takes Nick by the right arm and then forces him over to some stacked logs that already had some rolled up Pampers laying around them. Then Daniel forces Nick to lie down on his stomach, on top of half of Nick’s unrolled, open-faced disposable diapers lined with the wet 6 to 8 layers of old ripped, slightly torn toddler sized cloth pre-folds still inside them, his bother and sister’s diapers and pull-ups from the week prior and a few of Nick’s stained up and ripped onesies. Then Daniel empties the rest of Nick’s dirty diapers, his sister’s wet pull-ups, and brother’s wet and dirty diapers onto the ground next to the logs and sticks on top of Nick. Daniel then uses his boots to pack the pile down a bunch, spreading the diapers around Nick more.
Nick: DADDY! DON’T! Let me…UP! (Nick tries to sit up)
Daniel: Don’t you get up! Lay RIGHT back down! (Nick lies back down) Don’t get TOO comfy! Disposal time is in the next ten minutes or so!  
Daniel knods to his wife who stays there to see that Nick doesn’t escape while he goes back into the house to get the rest of Nick’s diapers and trash. 
Daniel: I have to go back into the house to grab the rest of his things. There are at least two more trips worth, ok honey? Can you wait?
Mommy Sara: Yes, don’t take too long! I want to hurry up and get this over with!
Nick: Mommy? Is this how you have been disposing of our diapers? Is THIS how you are going to dispose of me mommy????
Sara: YES! Now shut up!
Sara goes to stand about two feet away while she waits for her hubby to bring out the rest of Nick’s clothing and other diapering items.
Meanwhile, Nick starts to get horny and starts to rub up against all of the diapers he is laying on, with his thick and soaking wet disposable diaper with all of the eight soaking wet toddler sized cloth diapers still inside. Nick is just about to cum and is slightly out of breath when Sara hears Nick moving around on he ground. Sara steps over closer to where Nick is laying and leans in to see what Nick is doing.
Sara: Nick? What are you doing?
Nick: (Stops moving and looks up at his mommy who is peering down at him) I like the feel of all of these wet, squishy diapers that are in here mommy. They make me horny! They have SUCH a SWEET, baby powder smell!!
Sara: (With a disgusted look on her face that turns into an evil smile) You’d better hurry up and enjoy them now because once your daddy finishes bringing the rest of your things out here, it will be time to start your disposal!
Nick: Mommy? Can I have my diaper changed please? It’s cold and wet and it’s leaking!
Mommy Sara: NO! I am about to soak you as well as the diapers in gas and then light a match! Then you’re NOT my problem any more!
Nick: Can I have my cloth diapers and my sock monkey?
Mommy Sara: Sure…as soon as Daddy brings them out here, I will dump them on you!
Mommy Sara: (mumbling to herself and Sighing) UH! I will be glad when this is all over!
Nick starts back up with Rubbing against the wet diapers with his thickly diapered wet crotch, missionary style as mommy nervously looks for Daniel to hurry up and get the rest of the diapering supplies out there. A look of relief appears on Sara’s face as she sees Daniel bringing the first of the two loads out to where Nick is laying.
Nick speeds up his rubbing and the sound of Nick’s movements and the sound of Nick’s Crinkly plastic of his Tranquility Slimlines diaper is getting louder and louder as Nick’s breathing gets faster and deeper before Nick cums hard into his already wet diaper! Nick’s front of his wet diaper is now sticky and gooey and now sticking to him! Then Nick sighs with relief and starts to relax as he takes a deep breath.
Nick: Mommy? Can I have my diaper changed …NOW? It’s wet and sticky!!
Sara: NO! (Looking down into the burn barrel) I hope you are finished there because YOU…are finished there! Daddy is almost done bringing the last of your diapering supplies and stuffed animals out here!
Daniel drops the first load down onto the ground on top of Nick then he goes back up to the house to get the final load.
Nick: Mommy?
Mommy Sara: (Sighing with annoyance) Yes?
Nick: Are my sister and brother going to watch me getting disposed of?
Mommy Sara: probably NOT! They are inside, taking their naps
Nick: Mommy…I’m thirsty!
Mommy Sara: (sighing again in frustration) Shut up now! Daddy is here with the last load!

Daniel comes back outside pushing the shiny green, waste management 97 gallon trash tote that was full of Nicks Cloth Pre-folds, a few of the packs of his Tranquility Slimlines and all of Nick’s clean and dirty onesies.
Mommy Sara: (To Daniel) it’s about time!
Daniel: (To his wife) Sorry it took so long honey, had to make sure I get everything of his out here.
Daniel drops the loads of all-in-one cloth diapers, the bed sheets, the rest of Nick’s clean and freshly washed clothes as well as what was in the hamper in Nick’s closet as well as four of Nick’s favorite stuffed animals, Nick’s plastic pants, his pillow, that was now soaked with Nick’s leaky diaper wetness, and the four pair of Nick’s Fleece sleepers onto the ground near Nick.
Daniel has also brought the loose wet and messy diapers from the other diaper pails in the house to empty them into the pile forming on and around Nick, along with the two 5 gallon cans of gasoline and a box of wooden matches.
Sara then signals for Daniel to give Nick his favorite sock monkey before he started dumping Nick’s cloth pre-fold diapers and clean and dirty disposable diapers on top of Nick. Daniel takes Nick’s sock monkey and then tosses it next to Nick.
Then Nick takes the sock monkey and holds it tightly while Daniel steps over to the green 97 gallon can and then he opened the lid of the cloth diaper barrel and started tossing and shaking large hand-loads of the cloth diapers onto the ground next to Nick, on top of Nick.
Nick: Daddy! STOP! Those are MY cloth diapers! NO! Don’t! Daddy! STOP IT!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAA! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
DADDDDDDYYYY! PLEASEEEE Don’t throw me away!!!! I promise! I'll be a GOOD boy!
Then Daniel opened the packs of Nick’s clean Tranquility Slimlines disposable diapers and started to empty all of them from the pack on top of the cloth diapers that were piling up next to Nick. Then Daniel took one of his black boots raised it up so that he could smash and pack the diapers down more so that he could put more on. Then Daniel set two of Nick’s unopened packs of his Tranquility diapers next to him at one end of the log.
Nick: STOP IT! Stop crushing me! That HURTS Daddy! You’re ruining my nice clean diapers!!!! STOP!
HEY!!!! Let me UP!!!! It STINKS!!!
Daniel: (To Nick) Don’t worry, your mother is about to take care of that for you!
Once the area was completely full, mommy added some large logs and tossed some sticks and kindling on top of the diapers and around Nick then, she bent down and picked up the first five gallon red can full of gasoline and then began to pour lots and lots of the gas all over the diapers, onesies and packs of unopened Tranquility Diapers making sure to get Nick soaked at the bottom of the pile. Mommy even soaked and drenched part of the inside of Nick’s Diapers with it!
Nick: HEY! STOP that! Mommy! What is that stuff??? That stuff REALLY stinks and it’s cold and wet! Now my diaper and I are soaking wet with that stuff! EEEW! It STINKS! OUCH! That stuff is starting to burn me! MOMMY! Get it off me!
Sara: GOOD! This is the stuff that we use to burn the diapers with! Is there anything else you want to ask me before I light a match?
Nick:  Yes mommy…..can I get something to drink and can you wash this stuff off me please? What are you going to do with my bed and my stroller?
Sara: NOPE! It’s too late for that! I am going to have Daddy throw them into his trash truck when he goes to work tomorrow!
It’s disposal time lil…..diaper-wearing trash freak!
With that, Sara strikes the match and tosses it onto the diapers on the ground. The gas erupts into an explosion of flame. Both Sara and Daniel step back due to the intense heat from the flames. With all of the diapers muffling the cries from Nick, neither Sara nor Daniel can hear Nick.
As the two walk back into the house for a bit, Sara turns to Daniel and says:

Sara: GOOD…riddance! I am SO glad to be rid of him!
Daniel: (To Sara) yea…I’m also glad that’s over too!
The two walk into the house and fix dinner and then go sit down at the dinner table to eat.
Then once dinner is over and the dishes are done they sit and start watching some TV
until they see the flames die down and Daniel goes out to check on the progress. Seeing that most of the diapers are almost gone now, he tosses the rest of Nick’s clothing, the rest of the cloth diapers from the 97 gallon trash can and all of the all-in-one cloth diapers onto the pile and the flames begin to go higher and hotter. Then Daniel walks back into the house again until the flames die down again. Its Sara’s turn this time, and all that is left are two cases of Nick’s left over clean disposable diapers as well as all 40 of the plastic pants and the 20 all-in-one cloth diapers. Sara tosses everything onto the smoldering pile and then tosses in some more logs to help the fire burn longer. Then she walks back into the house. Once the fire dies out, and there is no more smoke or flame, Daniel goes out to see that everything was thoroughly burned up and destroyed.
Sara: (To Daniel) What are we going to do with Nick’s old Safety bed and his stroller?
Daniel: I can take it to work with me in he morning when I go and toss them into my trash truck if you like.
Sara: I think that would be a great idea!
It’s now 4:00 am and Daniel is going to work now. Daniel has already loaded the Stroller and the disassembled Safety Bed into his pick-up truck and is headed in to work and will dispose of them after he gets his trash truck.

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