Friday, November 25, 2016

Plan-A-The Waste-To-Energy Plant


Plan-A-The Waste-To-Energy Plant


Early on a Thursday morning, about 7:45 am, Devon’s mom had driven to the home daycare that they usually came to and as Devon’s mom rang the doorbell, Devon’s mom was already late for work. A few minutes later, Misses Newell answers the door. Misses Newell sees Devon and his mom standing there, Devon’s mom has eight large, Pampers cardboard boxes at her feet, two diaper bags, four large black trash bags and Devon’s adult disability pushchair/stroller laying at her feet.

Misses Newell: Hi there….come on in…..

Patricia-Devon’s Mom: Thank you.

Misses Newell: What’s with all that stuff?

Patricia: Well, I need to talk with you, privately.

Misses Newell: OK. Does Devon need his diaper changed?

Patricia: Maybe, it’s been about two hours since I changed him last, but I need to talk with you first, because I have to get to work. I am already late.

Misses Newell puts Devon in the living room with the others that she is taking care of then Patricia and Misses Newell go into the hallway, out of earshot but still within view of everyone one she is caring for and Patricia begins to explain what she is doing with all of the boxes, black trash bags and everything she brought with her.

Patricia: I brought all of his things over because Devon is not healthy enough and soon will die. My husband and I talked about the new End-of-Life-Options bill and we think that it would be best if you two…..did this for him. He has 1 year too live. We just don’t want him to…suffer, you know? We heard that you two have….disposed of several people before and we want you two to…well…dispose of Devon for us.

Misses Newell: Well, true, we have disposed of quite a few people before, but….we disposed of them in our burn barrel. Is that….what you want?

Patricia: Your husband said that he would take Devon and everything I brought, to the waste-to-energy plant, when my husband and I talked to him a couple of days ago. We talked about disposing of him in your burn barrel too, but that would be our last option if your husband was somehow unable to take Devon to the waste-to-energy plant. My husband and I don’t care how you dispose of him and his things really, but the waste-to-energy plant sounded like a good first option.

Misses Newell: OHHHH I see….you talked to my husband….Daniel already? He….neglected to mention it. Sure….if….you talked to him and he said it was fine, then….sure….we will take Devon until it’s time for his final disposal.

Patricia: AH greeeat…thank you. It has been the hardest on our incomes….what with….all of the expensive vintage disposable diapers he has to use, and all of the onesies he uses, he is breaking our budget! We thought that Devon was going to grow out of diapers…..and when the doctors told us that he would be in diapers the rest of his life, my husband and I…BOTH started looking at our budget and found that we can’t sustain poor Devon and all of those…vintage diapers any more…that and we don’t want poor Devon to suffer through the agonizing pain he will be in if we didn’t do this. This wasn’t an…EASY decision ya know…..

Misses Newell: OH…I…KNOW……..My husband and I had to dispose of two of our own that were in diapers 24/7! We even had to dispose of one in diapers whose mom died and the state wouldn’t take him and no one else wanted. Believe me…My husband and I……BOTH know how it is.

Patricia: Here is the money order for $1200 and some special written instructions. Your husband said that he would dispose of Devon and all of this things for that. Now….everything, including all of his clothing, onesies, all of his bedding and sheets, and these
eight large, cardboard boxes of his clean Pampers disposable diapers, two diaper bags, four large black trash bags and Devon’s adult disability pushchair/stroller. Two of the trash bags have Devon’s clean onesie bodysuits in them. I tried to wash most of the wet onesies before we brought him over here but, there were about two dozen onesies left that had been wet and had dried out before I could wash them. I just threw the formerly wet ones in the bag with the clean and washed onesies. I figured that it wouldn’t matter anyhow since everything was….being disposed of.  Well, I have to get to work. Thank you SO much for doing this…..

Misses Newell: Yea…NO problem….It will be our pleasure.

Patricia: (Going over to Devon and giving him ONE final kiss good-bye) OK baby, Mommy has to go now… good for Misses Newell and don’t give her any…problems…now…you let her change your diapers…OK? Don’t make ANY fusses about it…OK? Good boy….bye-bye baby.

Patricia wipes a tear from each eye as she rises back up to a standing position and then heads to the front door to leave. Patricia takes one last look at Devon who is engrossed in play, before she waves to misses Newell and then leaves.
Misses Newell starts to take the eight brown cardboard boxes of Devon’s disposable diapers out to the back porch then she takes the four large black trash bags outside to the porch where they put their trash until it can be disposed of and then misses Newell puts Devon’s stroller outside on top of one of the eight cardboard boxes of clean Pampers before closing the sliding glass porch door and locking it. Then she went over to Devon’s two diaper bags and brought them over to the area where she kept the diaper bags so that she could change Devon’s diapers when he needed it.

Misses Newell: Devon sweetie, you look like you need your diaper changed. Can you come over here so I can check to see if you need your diaper changed?

Devon: OK……

Devon toddles over to misses Newell and then misses Newell feels the inside of Devon’s disposable diaper that was indeed very wet and in need of changing. Devon wore some very expensive vintage Pampers disposable diapers with the blue waist shield. These diapers were already thick as it is and the diapers had a plastic backing that crinkled loudly when Devon walked or moved. Devon used the Pampers with the blue waist shield bought by his former parents.

Misses Newell: Devon, it’s time to change your diaper sweetie, can you…lay down for me….right there on the carpet would be fine……there…good….boy… let me go get your diaper bags…stay right….there…OK hun?

Misses Newell goes and retrieves Devon’s two diaper bags and then comes back over to where Devon is laying and then she sits down with her legs out in front of her so that she can start Devon’s diaper change.

Devon: Miss Newell? How come my mom brought all of my stuff here? Am I staying here with you guys for a long time?

Misses Newell: Well, kind of, You will be here until my husband and I dispose of you and all of your things.

Devon: What does….dispose of…..mean?

Misses Newell: It means….to throw something away or get rid of something….like you and your diapers….hon. Did your mom tell you that she was throwing you, your diapers and things away?

Devon: No….miss Newell, she didn’t. Does that mean that you are going to throw ME….away and get rid of me?

Misses Newell: Yes, I am…..afraid it does baby. Your mom told me that you only have 1 year left to live and that they weren’t able to take care of you any longer and….that they didn’t want you to suffer the pain that you will go through near the end of your life. So she brought you and all of your things over here so that we could throw you away or put you into our burn barrel….but one way or the other….you WILL be getting disposed of.
I am SOOOO sorry that it had to be this way, but…..your mom and dad paid us money to make sure that you got thrown away.

Devon: Can I choose what diapers I want to wear for disposal?

Misses Newell: Yes, baby, you…can. Since you have so many clean diapers that I want to use up, I will be changing you every half hour wet or not.We also have some old Luvs Baby Pants here if you wish to use any of them. 

Devon: What will you do….with the diapers you take off me? They won’t be wet barely…..won’t you leave them on me?

Misses Newell: NO, baby, I am going to throw the diapers away after I change you each time. Wet…or not. They will be trash, along with your onesies and anything you are wearing too, at each change.

Devon: You mean…..that when you change my diapers, you are going to take off my onesie and throw it away too?

Misses Newell: Yes baby….because you won’t be needing it any more.

Devon: Where will I go after my last diaper change?

Misses Newell: You will go into the trash with your diaper that I take off of you. Sorry, but that is the way it has to be.

Devon: Could I choose what diaper I want to wear for my last diaper?

Misses Newell: I….suppose…..since it won’t matter what you have on after I throw you and everything away.  … can have any diaper as you want sweetie. It won’t really matter.

Devon: When will you throw my stuff and I away???

Misses Newell: Sometime after my husband gets home.

Devon: How long is that from now?

Misses Newell: You have about….(Looking at her cellphone) 9 and a half hours left.
Don’t worry baby, I will tell you when it’s time for disposal and your last diaper change.

Devon: Will there be more wet and dirty diapers being tossed into the trash I am in once I am in there?

Misses Newell: Yes baby, there will.

Devon: How long will I be IN the trash?

Misses Newell: Until the can gets full baby.

Devon: About how long will that be?

Misses Newell: However long it takes to fill that can up. Then you and the diapers will go out to our daycare trash outside for another few days until that is full.

Devon: What will happen to me while I am in the trash? If I am wearing a onesie, will it get ripped or torn?

Misses Newell: Maybe….sometimes, if my husband or I need a piece of rag material, we will sometimes go to the trash can to take what we can use.

Devon: But, how come it has to be my onesie?

Misses Newell: Because, you will be trash baby. We don’t care about the trash. Once you are in my trash, we won’t care what happens to you or to anything in the trash can.

Devon: What if……I were laying in the trash and you threw a wet diaper in and it wasn’t rolled up. Would you put it on my face, chest or over any part of my body?

Misses Newell: I will put the diapers in anywhere there is room baby…even if……it was over your head and face. OK….now, I am done changing you for the next half hour. How about….you go play with those cars in the toy box over there?

Devon: Misses Newell? May I have one of my bottles full of Apple juice please?

Misses Newell: Yes baby, you may.

Misses Newell goes into one of Devon’s diaper bags and takes out one of his bottles and takes it to the kitchen and fills it with apple juice and then brings it to Devon.
Misses Newell hands Devon the bottle and then she goes and sits down on the couch.
Devon starts to go play with the cars and trucks in the toy box and as he plays, he wasn’t aware of the time and that a full half hour had passed. Misses Newell had JUST finished changing a wet diaper from one of the boys that she was taking care of and then she came over to Devon who was busy playing with the cars and trucks.

Misses Newell: OK Devon, it’s time for another diaper change…….are you wet yet? I need to check your diaper now. Can you put that car down for a little bit so I can check and change you now please?

Devon: Yes Misses Newell.

Devon puts the car he was playing with down and then misses Newell helps Devon up and then takes him over to have his diaper checked for wetness. Misses Newell reaches into Devon’s right leg elastics with two index and middle fingers on her right hand and then feels the diaper for signs of wetness.

Misses Newell: Well, you are…..a…LITTLE wet…time to change your diaper again baby.

Misses Newell then lays him down again and begins to take the tapes off, putting them back onto the starting surface as she goes. Once the tapes were unfastened, she pulled the front of the mostly dry disposable diaper down. Then Misses Newell reached over to Devon’s diaper bags and got the one with his vintage Pampers disposable diapers , she opened it and then took out the bottle of baby powder and then she set the baby powder down on the floor next to the clean, and still folded Pampers disposable diaper. Then she pulled the slightly wet Pampers disposable diaper out from under Devon and then folded it over, in thirds, using the creases.

Devon: When will my last diaper change be?

Misses Newell: Oh…I suppose it will be around 5:00 or 6:00 pm when my husband gets home.

Devon: Can I pick the diapers that I will be wearing when I am thrown away?

Misses Newell: Yes hon, you may.

Devon: What if my onesie rips as you are taking me to be thrown away? Will you take it off or leave it on?

Misses Newell: Whichever you want baby….but….once you are in my trash can, I will not be taking anything off or putting anything on you. You will just stay in whatever you have on until your final disposal….ok?

Devon: Will you be putting my diapers and I into a trash bag and tying it closed when it’s time for my disposal?

Misses Newell: Yes hon, just like the rest of the trash.

Devon: Does the trash can I am going into….does it have a trash bag already in it?

Misses Newell: No baby, it does not. When it’s time for your disposal, my husband and I will put you and the diapers into the trash bags that we triple up on, and then once the bag is full, my husband or I will be tying it closed.

Devon: What will happen….next?

Misses Newell: My husband I will drag the bags out to our dumpster and toss it in RIGHT before he comes and takes it away on his trash route with his trash truck.

Devon: But, But, BUT…..I don’t WANNA be…..trash miss Newell! Can I….just…stay HERE?

Misses Newell: NO, I am afraid you can’t baby. We already have too many in diapers as it is. We can’t afford to take care of you and keep you in all of those expensive, thick vintage disposable diapers you wear. So you HAVE to be thrown away when it becomes bedtime.

Devon: So….I am going to sleep in the trash can with all of the diapers?

Misses Newell: Yes, you are.

Devon: What if…..I want to….play with the diapers in the trash can?

Misses Newell: I don’t care what….you do in there…..

Devon: HEY! What are you doing with all of my clean onesies and pants from my bags? 

Misses Newell: WELL, I am throwing them into the brown trash can because you don't need them and you won't be wearing them.

Devon: How long will I be in the trash before it gets taken away? 

Misses Newell: When that can gets full, my husband or I will pull that bag out, tie it shut and put it out onto the porch until someone can take it to the dumpster.

Devon: But…What if I want something to eat or drink? 

Misses Newell: You won't get anything to eat or drink, no more diaper changes. I won't clean up trash baby. 

Devon: Miss Newell?

Misses Newell: Yes…baby…..

Devon: Are YOU going to……take my wet crinkly diapers off of me and change me into a dry diaper after this one is wet or will you change me even if my diaper is dry?

Misses Newell: Yes baby, I will in a half hour, wet or not.

Devon: Even if my diaper is dry? 

Misses Newell: I want you to go play over there WITH those toys until it's time to change your diaper again ok baby? 

Devon goes over and starts playing with the toys. Before too long, it is once again time to change Devon's diaper. 

Misses Newell: Let’s go get you into a…NICE…THICK…COMFY dry Pampers  disposable diaper....shall we?  

Misses Newell takes Devon by his right hand in her left and leads him back into the living room where she left Devon’s folded, clean vintage Pampers diapers, baby powder on the carpet near the couch.

Misses Newell: OK Devon, lay down for me….OK? Let me get this….very, thick, bulky, very comfy looking disposable diaper on you…..OK….legs up…that-a-boy……

Misses Newell opens the thick, bulky, crinkly, vintage Pampers diaper unfastens the tapes on the soaking wet diaper and pulls it out from underneath Devon, then misses Newell slid the new and dry Pampers diaper underneath Devon with his legs up then she put his legs back down. Then, misses Newell grabbed the baby powder bottle and then twisted the cap open before shaking a LOT of baby powder into Devon’s diaper.

Misses Newell: Now…THIS ought to make you feel MUCH more comfy in that…THICK, bulky disposable diaper of yours……

Devon: Will your husband care what I am wearing when he comes to take me away?

Misses Newell: No baby…he won’t care. Once you are trash, no one will care what you look like, what you have on, or the condition of what you have on.

Then, misses Newell pulled the front of the disposable diaper up and then she began to fasten the tapes. Misses Newell then flips Devon’s onesie down not buttoning it. Then misses Newell helped Devon back up to his feet.

Misses Newell: OK baby, you can go back to playing with the cars and trucks now until it’s time to change your diaper again in another half hour…OK?

Devon goes and plays with the cars and trucks for the next half hour. Then Devon finds some roads printed on a carpet board and drags it out to continue playing with the cars and trucks on.
For the next half hour, Devon is unaware that it is time once again for his next diaper change. Misses Newell comes over and taps Devon on his right shoulder;

Misses Newell: Hey….Devon sweetie, it’s…time to change your diaper again.

Devon: Whaaaat? A…gain? I don’t think I am even….wet miss Newell.

Misses Newell: come on over and let me see…OK baby?

Devon: OHHHHH KKKKKK  (Devon agrees reluctantly)

Devon reluctantly gets up and then toddles over to Misses Newell who flips up the flaps of Devon’s onesie as she inserts her fingers into his right leg elastics and feels the inside liner for signs of wetness. Noting that his diaper feels a tad damp, she elects to change his diaper anyhow.

Misses Newell:  OK Devon, lay down for me OK? Now that-a-boy……I am going to make you all…nice and comfy….you would like that huh? HUH baby?

Devon: Yes…miss Newell.

Misses Newell unfastens the tapes holding Devon’s diaper on and then she pulls the slightly damp diaper back down and then she pulls it out from underneath Devon.
Seeing that Devon was right, he wasn’t that wet yet, Misses Newell reaches into Devon’s diaper bag and finds that there are no more diapers in the diaper bag. So misses Newell gets up and goes over to one of the cardboard Pampers boxes that his mother had brought and opens one. She sees the four rows of clean diapers inside. She takes one of the diapers out and then brings it over to where Devon is patiently laying and then she squats down and then sets the diaper on her lap. As she opens the diaper she looks over at Devon and sees that he is intently watching her.

Misses Newell: Don’t worry baby, any of the diapers that are not used, will be thrown away anyhow so it is best that I use up as many… we possibly can before it’s time for your…disposal.

Devon: You mean……that any of the diapers that are not used on me…..are going to be….thrown away? But….they….are…clean still!

Misses Newell: Well, we won’t have any use for them and neither will you, so….they will be trash. I think we will use at least three or four more diapers before it will be time for your disposal….maybe…even five more.

Devon: What about everything in my diaper bags and my diaper bags? Will THEY…be thrown away too?

Misses Newell: Yes hon, your diaper bags and everything in them will be….disposed of, even if the diapers are still clean or not. It WILL….NOT…MATTER…..sweetie.

Misses Newell takes the diaper from her lap and begins to open it. Then she reaches into the second diaper bag and then takes out the first of three large bottles of baby powder. The one she grabbed is now only half full as she has used a lot of the powder in the recent diaper changes. Misses Newell then grabs the front of the mostly clean disposable diaper and pulls it out from under Devon, setting it aside. 

Devon: How come….you use so much…of that in my diapers????

Misses Newell: I want to try to use it up too….I don’t like wasting things baby….
But since you and your diapers will be turned into energy, I want to make sure that what we have to waste, is used up as much as possible.

Devon: What is…going to happen to me once I am taken away with the trash?

Misses Newell: Well, from what I understand, when you get to the waste-to-energy plant, the place where all of the trash goes to be turned into this “energy”, my husband will dump the trash out of his….trash truck and then…at some point, they will load you and the trash into some kind of incinerator or boiler and that…will turn you into steam that runs turbines that make electric power for homes and businesses like MY home.

Devon: They are going to…burn…me?

Misses Newell: Yes hon, they have to in order to change you and your diapers into electricity. It’s going to be….quite the….STEAMY….situation for you baby.

Devon: I…don’t WANNA be…burned!

Misses Newell: I’m sorry baby…it’s the way things HAVE to be! You don’t have….a choice! Your mother paid my husband and I to throw you away and make sure that you and everything she brought also got sent there to the waste-to-energy plant for final disposal and we ARE going to do that, no matter what!

Devon: NO….matter…what??????

Misses Newell: Yes baby….NO….matter…what!

Devon: What about my….brother???

Misses Newell: Him? Oh…your mother is going to drop him off tomorrow for us to also throw away. He will be coming with all of his…diapers and clothing like…YOU did.

Devon: Are you….going to do the same thing….with…him that you are doing to me?

Misses Newell: I might…but I will have to do…what we are paid to do with him once your mom drops him off. Your mom may have different instructions for your brother.

Misses Newell finishes Devon’s diaper change, pulling the front of his very thick and very bulky Pampers disposable diaper up between his legs and then she fastens the tapes and then she “cups” the thick padding between Devon’s legs so he can walk comfortably with all of the thick padding in the diaper. Then she takes Devon’s onesie off and tosses it on top of the diaper she took off of him on the floor. Then she reaches into Devon’s clothing trash bag and then takes out another clean and folded baby blue onesie. She unfolds the onesie and then rolls the onesie up and then puts the onesie on Devon before working the onesie down so that the flaps in the crotch hang down. Then, misses Newell fastens the snaps.

Misses Newell: ALL done baby…..would you….like to…throw your diaper away for me sweetie? I will go…with you…..

Devon: Do I…HAVE to? My diaper wasn’t that wet.

Misses Newell: Yes baby…You HAVE to throw your diaper away. It’s trash now along with that soaking wet, stained, stinky onesie I took off of you too.

Devon: You aren’t going to wash my onesie???

Misses Newell: NO baby…I won’t. It’s trash, just like your diaper is. OK here is…your…onesie…here….is…your diaper……OH…here….is the now empty baby powder bottle. Carry these to the trash can OK?

Misses Newell and Devon walk to one of the living room and over next to one of the tables/countertops to the white trash can that is full of wet pull-ups, (the messy ones are already outside in the 32 gallon aluminum daycare trash cans) and puffy, swelled up, unrolled, folded over disposable diapers. ALL of Devon’s diapers that he had worn were in there, all of them just folded over and not rolled up for disposal. There was even one that had landed in the can and then fell open with the padding exposed, facing upwards.
Devon stopped at the side of the trash can, hesitant to throw his onesie and almost clean diaper away, looking down into the can.

Misses Newell: Devon? Go ahead and put your diaper, onesie and the baby powder bottle in there……they are trash baby……

Devon reluctantly puts his nearly clean diaper, his dirty onesie, and the empty baby powder bottle into the white trash can and then he lowers his head as he walks away, sulking.

Misses Newell: Good….boy……..What is the matter…

Devon: (Looking back up at misses Newell)  Is…THAT…the trash can that I am going into when I am disposed of?

Misses Newell: You can go into that one…OR…we have a brown square one that you can go into if you like. The brown square one has a swivel lid on it. The white can has a flip-up lid on it that locks. Which one would you like to go into baby?

Devon: (Looking back down at his toes and thickly diapered waist.) Can you show me the brown one? Is it full?

Misses Newell: I don’t…think it is…too full, we just burned a load of diapers a few days ago in our burn barrel. It may have a few diapers in it…..

Devon: Can I be thrown away in the can with my….diapers in it? Will there be….more of my diapers being thrown into…that…one?

Misses Newell: Sure…you can go into that can….and Yes baby…there WILL be more diapers being thrown into the can you will be in hon.

Devon: Will you be putting wet diapers on my…face when I am in the can?

Misses Newell: I will be throwing diapers in there and putting them wherever there is room. I know you are scared baby…..I completely under stand.

Devon: (Starting to cry) but…..I don’t wanna….waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (Sniffle) be….trash!!!!!!

Misses Newell squats down to one knee and motions for Devon to come to her. Then Misses Newell wraps her arms around Devon and hugs him and rubs his onesie-covered back.

Misses Newell: AH! It will be ok baby. I know this will be difficult…..and I’m terribly sorry that you have to go through this…………..I wish….there was another way…..but…it has to be this way baby…….

Devon stops crying but sniffles and wipes his tears from his cheeks as he steps back from misses Newell.

Devon: May I get my bottle filled with some milk please? I’m really thirsty.

Misses Newell: SURE baby….

Devon hands misses Newell his bottle and then she goes to the kitchen and rinses it out from when she had filled it with apple juice and then she fills the bottle with whole white milk, puts the cap back on and then takes it over to Devon and then she hands it to him.

Devon: Thanks miss Newell.

Misses Newell: You’re very welcome baby.

As Devon sits down to drink his milk, misses Newell goes over to Devon’s things and finds that he has a home-made sock monkey that he likes. She takes it out and then brings the sock monkey over to Devon.

Misses Newell: (handing Devon the sock monkey) Here baby….your….monkey friend can keep you company. What is his name hon?

Devon: You….found….him…..Thanks…..his name is Monk…….My…mom made him for me when I was six. I have had him with me since.

Misses Newell: Well, he…looks VERY well loved…….OK everyone, it’s nap-time…..
Everyone….come ……lay down on your mats……I will read you all a story while you lay down……

Misses Newell gets all of the toddlers to lay down on their mats on the floor while the infants are put into playpens. Devon goes over to misses Newell and taps her thigh.

Devon: (tapping misses Newell on her right thigh) Miss Newell? Miss Newell…..Where am I going to sleep?

Misses Newell: OH…Devon…..there is an…..empty playpen over there…why don’t I help you into it.

Devon: How come…I don’t get to lay on one of those mats like the big kids are?

Misses Newell: because….baby….there aren’t any mats left…..this is the only place left…..

Devon: OH………how long will nap-time be….miss Newell?

Misses Newell: Two hours or so then it will be lunch time.

Misses Newell gets all of the toddlers to lay down finally and all tucked into their blankets and all of the infants into the playpens with Devon in the one closest to the sliding glass door to the porch. Then Misses Newell sits on the plastic-leather arm-chair with a book in her hand. Once all of the toddlers and infants are all laying ready…and all eyes were on her, she opens the book and starts reading the story out-loud.
By the time misses Newell had finished reading the story and showing the pictures, over ¾ of the toddlers and infants were fast asleep. Four of the toddlers and Devon were still awake. Misses Newell goes over to Devon’s playpen to check to see if his diaper needed changing.

Misses Newell: (Standing over Devon inside the playpen…in a near whisper) Devon, do you need your….diaper changed? I need to…check sweetie.

Misses Newell makes Devon lay on his stomach so that she can spread his left leg elastics open with her index, middle finger and thumb. She looks intently into his diaper looking for signs that he pooped, seeing none she reaches in and feels his diaper for signs of wetness. Devon had wet his diaper some right in the center and about half way up his butt. Devon's diaper was so thick, the wetness barely showed through to the loud, crinkly plastic backing. Then she gets Devon flipped over onto his back and then she uses her index and middle finger to reach into the leg elastics in the right-hand side of Devon’s diaper to feel the inner liner in the front of Devon’s diaper for signs of wetness.

Misses Newell: Yea….I’m afraid your diaper is wet baby…..

Devon: You aren’t going to change me….right….now?

Misses Newell: I am going to wait until after nap-time though to change you. That is when I do everyone’s diaper changes. Your diaper will last until then.

Misses Newell gets Devon to lie down and try to sleep some and then she pulls the blanket over Devon and then he turns over to his right side with his face visible through the netting of the playpen. Devon is clutching his sock monkey….MONK closely to his chest and he is still drinking on his bottle as he falls slowly to sleep.

…….Three hours later……..

Devon is awakened by some commotion in the room. He wakes up and tried to look through the netting of the playpen to see what is going on. Not being able to see much, he reaches up to the edge of the playpen and pulls himself up so he can peer over the side to see what is happening. Devon sees everyone sitting and eating lunch and misses Newell putting everything away. Misses Newell notices that Devon has woke up and as soon as she is done cleaning and putting everything away, she comes over to Devon sitting in the playpen.

Misses Newell: Well….look who is awake….did you sleep good baby?

Devon: (groggy still) Uh huh……What…is going on?

Misses Newell: Oh…it’s….lunchtime……I’ve changed all of their diapers and lunch time is almost over now. Are you….hungry baby? Thirsty?

Devon: May I get….some of my special milk that is the cans in my diaper bag please?

Misses Newell: (going over to Devon’s diaper bags and looking inside. She sees a can that sort of looks like Enfamil and takes it out before putting the bag back down) You mean……THIS…milk? Sure……it will be a minute or so…..let me have your….bottle baby…..

Devon: How much longer will it be before it will be time to throw me away?

Misses Newell comes back with Devon’s full bottle of his special protein milk with all of the vitamins from A-Z in it. She hands Devon the bottle and then reaches down so that she can feel the inside of Devon’s diaper.

Misses Newell: (Looking at her cellphone at the time then putting it back into her pocket)  You have about………… four more hours left baby It’s only 2:05 in the afternoon.

Devon: Will you wait until my diaper is very wet before throwing me into the trash or will you just….throw me away with a clean diaper on?

Misses Newell: I was….planning on giving you your…..last diaper change around 4:30 this afternoon and then by the time my husband….Daniel comes home, your diaper will be wet enough to throw away by 6:00. IF you want to be thrown away sooner, just say so baby and I will take you to the trash can. Your diaper is nice and wet now…..Let me take you over to have your diaper changed…OK baby?

Devon: OK….. how many more diaper changes will I get before it will be time to throw me…in the trash?

Misses Newell: Well, if I continue to change your diapers every half hour, you will get……5 more diaper changes between now and your disposal hon.

Misses Newell feels someone tapping her on her side. She turns to her left and sees one of the six year olds.

Six year old girl in pull-ups: Is that boy…..going into…..the…trash? How……..come????

Misses Newell: Well, his parents don’t want him any more and they can’t afford to take care of him any more.

Six year old girl in pull-ups: Is that going to….happen to me?

Misses Newell: NO baby…you don’t have to worry about that….THIS big boy is the ONLY one today, being thrown away. This boy has a brother that will be coming tomorrow though and he…..will be thrown away too. Since you all will be here tomorrow, you will get to meet this boy’s twin brother…..Kevin.

Six year old girl in pull-ups: What does it mean when you say… “giving you your…..last diaper change”….what is that?

Misses Newell: Well, this BIG boy here….will not be getting any more diaper changes once he gets put into the trash can. So he is wondering when he will get his last diaper change before he gets thrown into the trash can with the rest of the wet and dirty diapers.

Six year old girl in pull-ups: That big boy…is going to be where the dirty diapers are? EEEEEEEW! Dirty diaper boy! Dirty diaper boy! Dirty diaper boy! HAHA!!!

Misses Newell: ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! That is quite enough now. You don’t want to be punished for saying that…do you?

Six year old girl in Pull-ups: No miss Newell.

Misses Newell: OK then…that will be enough then….OK? If I hear ANYONE else making fun of him….I will have you helping me throw him away….OK?

Six year old girl in pull-ups: Yes….miss Newell….

Misses Newell: (Turning her attention back to Devon) Let me help you out of the playpen…it’s time for another diaper change… you’d love to get this…wet diaper off of you huh baby?

Devon: yes, miss Newell, it feels kind of….cold and heavy on me!

Misses Newell: I am going to take care of that…..RIGHT……come lay down here on the floor here…while I get your changing supplies ready…OK hon?

Misses Newell helps Devon lay down on his back on the carpeted floor then she goes and gets Devon’s diaper bags. She takes out the second baby powder bottle, the baby wipes container/plastic box and then she takes out of Devon’s thick, bulky, vintage Pampers with the blue waist shield from his diaper bag and then she puts that bag down and picks the Pampers diaper up, opens it up, then sets it on Devon's chest while she unfastens the tapes. Once she got the tapes unfastened, tearing a little of the front plastic, she lifts Devon's bottom, pulls the wet diaper out, then she opens the wipes and takes out five of them, using each one to clean him with, dropping each wipe into the open, wet Pampers diaper. Then, she grabs the dry Pampers diaper, slides it under Devon, she shakes a lot of baby powder into his diaper, then she pulls the front up, smooths the wings while getting each tape ready to be fastened at each side. Once misses Newell got each tape fastened, she reached over to feel Devon's onesie bodysuit to feel it for signs of leaking.
Noting some leakage along the right bottom leg elastic, she begins to pull the onesie off, tossing it into the wet diaper before she folds the wet diaper over, wrapping the onesie and the wipes into it.

Misses Newell: (Misses Newell looks at how wet Devon’s diaper is) Your diaper is VERY heavy baby….you did a GOOD JOB wetting it!  GOOD BOY! (Wrapping and folding the diaper with everything inside of it, over) 

Misses Newell opens Devon’s baby wipes container and takes out a bunch of wipes. She then takes one and begins to wipe Devon’s diaper area down. Then when she was done with the first wipe, she wadded it up and dropped it into the front of Devon’s wet diaper. She then took a second and a third wipe and then she used the second one to wipe around Devon’s booty crack before she dropped that wipe into the front of his diaper. Then, misses Newell used the third wipe to clean Devon’s pelvis off. She used three wipes to clean his pelvis and crotch off very well, dropping each used wipe into the front of Devon’s diaper. Then, misses Newell lifted Devon up a little with one hand and then she used her right hand to pull Devon’s wet diaper out from under him. She then let go of the wet diaper and then she put Devon down for a few seconds until she was able to open the clean, thick, crinkly vintage Pampers with the blue waist shield diaper up, then she lifted Devon’s butt up again using his legs, and then she slid the very thick and bulky disposable diaper underneath him and then she lowered him down into the thick, dry, fluffy, soft padding of the clean Pampers diaper, making sure to get the waistband into the correct position.

Misses Newell: There….ya go…look…at that…..a NICE…clean, comfy diaper for ya……now….here comes the…baby powder…….ready? LOOK baby! It’s….snowing baby powder!

Both misses Newell and Devon giggle at that. Devon is still smiling as misses Newell helps Devon up onto his feet.

Devon: What happens if I run out of baby powder miss Newell?

Misses Newell: Well, we will use one of the bottles I use for the daycare baby. I have plenty.

Before she gets up, she grabs Devon and pulls him closer to her. Then she takes Devon’s baby blue onesie off and once it is off, she tosses it on top of Devon’s wet diaper padding before folding his diaper over and then getting up.
Once she is standing, she bends over, and picks up Devon’s wet folded-over disposable diaper and then she hands it to Devon.

Misses Newell: Here Devon…..You could be a BIG help by throwing your diaper and onesie away for me….. (Handing the thick, heavy diaper to Devon who takes it.)

Devon: UUUUH! Will I have to…carry my last diaper like this……to the trash when it’s time to throw me away miss Newell?

Misses Newell: NO, I can carry it for you if you want. It would just be a big help…is all….baby.

Devon: What if there are a lot of diapers to throw away then?

Misses Newell: Then sure…you will have to carry your diaper and a few of the others to the trash can. That will earn you a bottle of milk while you are in the trash baby…..

Devon: It…WILL?

Misses Newell: SURE….for being a big help? Yes…it will.

Devon: What happens if I mess in my diaper while in the trash?
Misses Newell: You will get a diaper change if that happens….but NOT if you haven’t been a good helper though.

Devon: What else can I do…to earn more bottles and a couple more diaper changes while in the trash misses Newell?

Misses Newell: Well, for starters, I could use some help taking all of the wet and dirty diapers to the trash can when I change everyone’s diapers and then…I’ll need some of your help to take some of your boxes of diapers and some of your clothes and bedding to the trash can. If you help me with that…you will earn yourself three bottles of whatever you want and three more diaper changes while you are in the trash, BUT you will get NO more diaper changes once it is time to…bag you and the trash and diapers up to take to the dumpster, where the trash man or my husband will take it to the waste-to-energy plant for final disposal.

Devon: When will…..THAT be miss Newell?

Misses Newell: That will be sometime in the next couple of days perhaps, once the diaper pails all get full. It could be two or three days from now or more.

 (*If you wish for Devon NOT to assist with anything and just be disposed of, go to VERSION 4 now, otherwise, stay on this page if you want him to be helpful and get rewarded by having his diapers changed while in the trash can/diaper pail.)

Then both misses Newell and Devon walked into the living room where the white trash can that had all of his disposable diapers in it, and then misses Newell lifted the lid open for Devon so that he could lay his diaper and onesie into the can. Then as misses Newell
Allowed Devon to lean down and get a much closer look into the only half way full trash can filled with his diapers and the two onesies he had worn. As Devon peered down into the can, Devon realized that it smelled like a fresh baby powder scent. That trash can DID have a force-flex white trash bag in it. Then Devon leaned back out and then misses Newell put the lid back down.

Devon: This…is the can that you are going to put…me into?

Misses Newell: Yes baby….when it’s time, this is the can you are going to go into.

Devon: Does it have other wet diapers in it too?

Misses Newell: Yes baby…it does…..this is the main can I use for most of the wet daycare diapers. OK Devon, let’s take you back to the other room now, and I think you need to go back into the play pen for a bit so that I can get the other’s changed and cleaned up now…OK? Once I am done changing all of their diapers, I will come get you out and then you can help me take their diapers to the trash can after I change YOUR…diaper…OK?

Devon: OK Miss Newell.

Misses Newell escorts Devon over to the playpen and helps him into it. Then she gets him to sit down before she goes over to take the first toddler to have their diaper changed.
Misses Newell changes the boy’s diaper that was only wet. She uses a lot of wipes, tossing them into the boy’s wet diaper before she pulls it out from underneath him, then folds it over. She opens the back wings of the clean, fresh Pampers diaper then she lifts the boy up, slides the diaper under him, then puts him down into the diaper. Then, she unfolds the front wings and then she stretches the diaper as she pulls the front of it up, smooths and tucks the wings around each side of the boy’s waist and then she pulls the tapes snuggly across the front of the velcro fastening surface. Then misses Newell helps the toddler up and onto his feet and then she goes over to the next toddler and checks their diaper.

Misses Newell: You need a diaper change baby……are…wet.

Toddler: Thank you

Misses Newell: You are VERY welcome sweetie.

Toddler: is dat boy being thrown in da trash where da diapers go?

Misses Newell: Yes, he is as a matter of fact.

Toddler: Why?

Misses Newell: Because, his mom and dad want to throw him away. That boy is not healthy enough and soon will die. So his mother brought him here like she does almost every weekend and she told me to go ahead and throw him away.

Toddler: I don’t want you to throw him away!

Misses Newell: (With a shocked look on her face) OH? Why is that?

Toddler: ‘cause….he doesn’t look like…..trash to me.

Misses Newell: Well, he will be…and very soon too. He doesn’t have a choice.

Toddler: Will that ever happen to…..ME?

Misses Newell: No baby, you will never have to worry about that EVER happening to you.

Toddler: What will happen to him?

Misses Newell: He will be taken to where the trash goes…and left there…..with the rest of the trash.

Misses Newell finishes changing the toddler’s wet diaper and then sends them off to play before she goes and wrangles another toddler who needs their diaper changed.
Misses Newell changes the toddler girl’s diaper and then she goes back to playing with the toys. Then misses Newell comes over to get Devon out of the playpen so she can change his diaper.

Misses Newell: Oh…Devon sweetie….hey…Dev…on…’s…..diaper changing time baby…..

Devon:  Already? I don’t think my diaper is even wet yet……

Misses Newell: Don’t you want….a….nice……comfy, soft, clean diaper on? You have been in that one for the last 45 minutes now. It’s time to change you baby……

Devon: Is it getting close to the time that you are going to throw me away yet?

(*If you wish to see Devon ask for his last diaper change and then to be thrown away and be to be taken to the diaper pail now….go to version 5 now. Otherwise, stay on this page to see him get thrown away at the time specified, at his bedtime.)

Misses Newell: Yes baby, it’s…. (taking her cellphone out to look at the time….) it’s 3:42 pm now. Keeping to the schedule for your diaper changes, I will have to change your diaper again in just a few more minutes. I am going to put this diaper on you, then I am going to change it again.

Devon: Will you throw THIS diaper I will get now…in the trash even if I haven’t wet in it at all?

Misses Newell: Yes, it will be thrown away, even if it’s not wet.

Misses Newell lays Devon down onto his back and then she begins to open the diaper bag that has all of Devon’s baby powder and wipes in it. She takes out the last bottle of baby powder and the wipes and then she reaches over to Devon’s cardboard Pampers boxes full of rows of clean vintage Pampers disposable diapers
And then she takes one of the vintage Pampers diapers She carries the diaper over to where Devon is laying and then she sits down at Devon’s feet and puts the diaper down so that she can open it and st it ready to put on Devon.
Once she had the diaper open flat, she grabbed the baby powder bottle, opened it, then shook a TON of baby powder into the diaper. Then, she slid the diaper over next to Devon before she pulled him closer so that she could unfasten the tapes of the diaper Devon had on now. Once the tapes had been unfastened, misses Newell pulled the front of the diaper down and noticed that the center of the diaper was completely wet.

Misses Newell: OH! GOOD….BOY! Your diaper was MUCH wetter than it looked.

Then misses Newell opened Devon’s wipes container and then she used a bunch of wipes to clean him up, dropping the used wipes into the front of his diaper. Then misses Newell lifted Devon up and then pulled his wet diaper out from under him, folding the diaper over and then tossing it over onto the pile of others. Then Misses Newell pulled the open, clean and thick diaper full of baby powder underneath Devon and then she got the tapes positioned correctly and then she pulled the front of the diaper up and then tucked the wings in on each side as she fastened each of the tapes, pulling each wing over as snuggly as she could.

Misses Newell: Devon? You might as well just stay laying RIGHT there….because in another five minutes, I will have to change your diaper again.

Devon: Can you change me one last time and just….throw me away after that?

Misses Newell: Sure….if you….want to…..

Misses Newell changes Devon’s diaper again and then she hands the clean diaper to Devon then hands the pile of diapers to Devon with the onesie and then the two get up, and then misses Newell takes Devon’s left hand in her right and then she walks him over to the white wet diaper pail and then she takes the piles of diapers and his onesie, lays everything on the floor right next to the can, then she reaches underneath Devon's armpits, picks him up with his feet dangling over the diaper pail and then she lowers him down into it maki g him lay onto his back.Then misses Newell reaches down, picks the pile of wet diapers and Devon's onesie up, and she tosses them into the can on top of him. Misses Newell then moves his still dry powdery Pampers over his face with the padding side facing his face. The powder got all over his face then, as misses Newell grabbed and held the lid open as she looked down at Devon.

Misses Newell: You are NOT allowed out of the dumpster for ANY reason…..if I see you out of this can, you will go straight outside to the locking dumpster!

Devon: YES….miss Newell…..

Misses Newell: OK, I have to close the lid now….see you….

Misses Newell lowers and closes the lid down and then walks back into the nursery.
Inside the trash can, Devon tries to push the lids up for just a peek. Devon hears another lady come into the daycare and begin talking to misses Newell. 
It was now 4:30 pm and around 5:30 pm, misses Newell and the lady staying with them, who is also a trash truck driver at the same company as Daniel works, miss Emily, comes walking over to the diaper pail with a few wet diapers from the trash cans where Devon’s diapers had been thrown away. She has three diapers from her own kids and one wet one from herself as well still being held in her right hand.
Emily and Misses Newell get to the can misses Newell opens and raises the lids and then the smell of pee is so strong, it nearly makes poor Emily gag.
Emily quickly tosses the diapers into the can and they both hit Devon and settle up against him as Emily walks back over to the daycare nursery to get the rest of diapers that need to be thrown away. Misses Newell holds The lid open for Emily until she brings five more wet, enrolled diapers to be tossed in. The can with Devon’s own diapers and that of the unrolled, folded over daycare diapers, was starting to get full, the diapers all being dumped all over Devon, who was just laying there on top of more loose and unrolled wet diapers.
Devon didn’t like that, so he picked up one of the wet diapers and tossed it at misses Newell.

Misses Newell: HEY! CUT THAT OUT!!! Don’t MAKE me have to tie you up with zip ties boy!

Devon: but I don’t WANT to be disposed of!!! I don’t WANT all of these wet diapers on me!!!

Misses Newell: If…I see you do…THAT again….I will drag you out of there, zip tie your hands and arms together…then toss you back in there! GOT IT?????

Devon: (Tossing a bunch of diapers out of the dumpster that land onto the ground.) I don’t….WANNA be trash! I don’t WANNA be trash!!!

Misses Newell: That’s IT son…….You…asked for it!!! Hey….Emily…..will YOU come over here and help me hold Devon down while I get some zip ties and tie his arms and hands together????? He keeps throwing diapers at me and out of the dumpster!

Emily: Yea…sure….(bringing the other two bags of diapers over to the dumpster and tossing them in before grabbing Devon and then hauling him back out together in tandem with misses Newell, and while Emily holds Devon down, misses Newell runs and gets four black zip ties and then hurriedly returns with the zip-ties.

Misses Newell: (Bending down to apply the first zip-tie)  You shouldn’t have thrown the diapers out…BOY! NOW you won’t be ABLE to while you wait for my husband and this woman RIGHT….here, holding you down, to come and dump you and ALL of those NICE and stinky diapers, into their NICE, big trash truck…and then pack you! I can’t WAIT to get rid of YOU! You….bad, bad…boy!

Devon: NOOOO! STOP….IT! GET…OFF…OF…ME! UH! UH! NO! NOOOO! Don’t tie me UP!!!!

Misses Newell: You did this to yourself! I warned you what I’d do if you threw another diaper out…and sure enough…YOU did!
OK Emily, on three…toss him back in….ready? One……two….threeeee!

Emily and misses Newell toss Devon back into the can and he lands onto some open, wet, disposable diapers and a pile of his OWN open, powdery dry diapers. Devon’s face is now wrapped into his own powder-filled diaper.

Then misses Newell and Emily lower and close the lid and go back to doing what they were doing.
It is now around 5 pm, Devon is fast asleep in the can when Daniel comes home. Devon has soaked his diaper well once again and now his diaper is leaking slightly onto some of the diapers he is laying on in the can. He can hear Daniel's deep and slightly grainy voice talking with both misses Newell and Emily for a while before he hears some heavy footsteps coming towards the can. Suddenly, the lid opens and then Devon feels two strong hands suddenly pushing down rather hard on him and the diapers on top of him.

Devon: HEY!!! Hey! You're bunching my diaper up! 

Daniel Newell: I don't care son! You are trash now! I need to make some more room in here for some of your clean diapers. 

Devon: When am I going to be taken out to the porch? 

Daniel Newell: Probably sometime tomorrow man, once this bag gets all nice and full. Can't have too many diapers packed in there! 

Daniel then goes over to Devon's vintage boxes of Pampers and starts taking handfuls of the clean disposable diapers and he tosses them into the bag on top of the other diapers. As more and more of the diapers are tossed into the can, more and more of them fall onto Devon's diaper, his thighs, legs shins, his chest and once Daniel opens the second and third boxes, Daniel tosses a bunch of the still folded and clean vintage Pampers disposable diapers onto Devon's face and head, making sure to tuck as many of the diapers around Devon's shoulders, neck, head and face before giving everything in the can another hard packing. 

Devon: uuuuuuh! Uuuuuh!! Quit it!!! Stop mashing those perfectly clean diapers into my face! 

Daniel Newell: Yea it is a shame to have to throw these old diapers away like this, but, they are trash now, you are. Ok, have fun with these nice, comfy old diapers while you can, tomorrow, it will be time to take the trash out.

Devon hears sets of footsteps going past the dumpster and then sounds of truck doors opening and closing. Then, he hears the sound of a Dodge truck starter and then the engine turning over and running. Then the sound of the truck driving away and then silence and birds chirping for quite some time until the first rays of the sun began beat down onto the dumpster.
NOT knowing what time it was, Devon lay there, listening to the sounds around him and he could swear, that off in the distance, he could hear the distant sound of a diesel engine coming closer and closer. By this time, the sun had been shining on the dumpster a while now. The air was just beginning to warm up. The sound of the diesel engine comes closer and closer and before Devon realizes it, The truck had pulled up and had started to slide the forks into the slots on each side.
Then, suddenly, the dumpster began to rise quickly and then it began to tip over and Devon found himself suddenly falling from the dumpster and landing into a large pile of loose disposable diapers from a daycare load a stop just prior to this stop, followed by all of the diapers from the dumpster he had been in, avalanching and falling all over and around him. The dumpster banged a couple of times before it went back down. Once the dumpster disappeared, the truck began to back up and as it backed up, the compactor began to move forward pushing and scraping the load as it bunched up and crumpled up as the packer blade shoved every diaper and Devon against the rest of the daycare loads already in the truck. Devon’s thick, semi wet  diaper began to bunch up against his butt as more of the diapers from his dumpster rose up and began to press against him as they and him were pushed and packed into the container. The packer blade retracted then it cycled again as the truck drove along the daycare route. As the truck driven by Misses Newell’s husband, Daniel dumped over 18 full dumpsters from nothing but daycares that same day and back-to-back, the truck got fuller and fuller, until the last daycare dumpster was dumped in and the truck was all “packed out” and now ready to be taken to the local waste-to-energy plant. Daniel Newell and Emily drove the truck to the waste-to-energy plant and then they backed up, and began to open the tailgate. As the tailgate began to open, some of the diapers and other trash began to fall out onto the hard, cement tipping floor of the waste-to-energy plant.
As the load fell out and onto the tipping floor, Daniel slowly pulled forward and as the truck was empty, he moved the truck out to a parking area just outside the plant and then got back out after shutting the truck off. While Daniel was doing that, his co-worker Emily was still over by the load of diapers and trash, looking at a rather dirty, messy and smelly Devon and his crumbled looking disposable diaper.

Devon: So….what…IS this…place?

Emily: This? It’s a waste-to-energy plant dude.

Devon: What is going to…happen to me?

Emily: See that…big…claw thing taking trash from the pits and loading it into that area up there? Well, it’s going to come over here in a bit and its going to come take you and all these nice…wet and messy diapers and load them into a BIG warm trash chute that will soon feed you and all these diapers…into a big, hot boiler where you and them will get burned.

Devon: NOOOOOOO! I don’t WANNA be burned!

Emily: TOUGH SHIT!!! You already belong to them as their property dude! They will do whatever they WANT with you! HEY! LOOK! Here the claw comes NOW!

Emily then leans over to Daniel Newell and cups her hand so she directs her voice at him…..

Emily: (To Daniel) I am getting SO turned on right now…….think I might…cream my Pampers!!!!


The claw swings over and then drops down and then the tines grab and close in to grip the load before the claw rises back up and then swings right over to the large funnel hopper trash chute where the claw drops the load with Devon and mostly diapers, into the chute before coming right back for the rest of the large loads over three more times.


Emily: Bye-Bye, Devon…… (Waving as she watches Devon and the load of diapers going over to the funnel hopper chute)

The claw swings across the pits and then it stops and hovers over the funnel hopper chute before it lets the load drop down into the chute on top of a large load of other trash.
A few minutes later, the boiler hatch in the bottom of the funnel hopper chute opens up and lets some trash in. The heat from the boiler rises into the funnel hopper chute before the hatch closes again. The loads of trash sink down further into the funnel hopper chute and as the loads sink down, the claw comes over with another load of daycare diapers. The claw releases it’s grip and the load of diapers falls down into the funnel hopper chute. Devon is now somewhere in the middle of the funnel hopper chute, between loads.

Devon: LET….ME…OUT! It’s too warm over here!!!! Someone let me OUT!

No one cares and if anyone heard him, they simply ignored his cries. As the boiler hatch opened up wide, a lot of the trash and diapers fell down into the boiler and were almost instantly turned into ashes before ever hitting the boiler floor! Devon let out a loud and blood curdling scream as he fell down into the boiler before the hatch closed automatically.
As both Daniel and Emily listened to the sound of Devon being almost instantly turned into ashes, they nodded and then walked back out to their trash truck and then left to go back home.

The next day, someone had dropped Adam off at the trash company along with all of his cloth diapers that were in a large, green, former Waste Management 97 gallon trash toter, a black 34 gallon locking trash can on wheels, his Rubbermaid 32 gallon trash can with formerly wet cloth diapers still inside, nine cases of adult disposable diapers, Wings brand and First Quality brand, each case containing four packs of 18 in the First Quality brand, four boxes full of randomly saved, unused disposable diapers of various sizes ranging from size 5 toddler to loose, large adult diapers. Then there were at least six 65 gallon sized black trash bags full of cloth diapers and formerly worn but not too used disposable diapers set down on the ground near the boxes and the three trash cans.
Adam was wearing a pair of black jeans and a blue long-sleeved t-shirt and a pair of glasses and a pair of tennis shoes and socks, at 6:30 pm in the evening after the company had already closed. Adam did as instructed and stayed with his things until around 7:30 when someone from the office noticed Adam.

Trash Company Worker: Hi, who are you here to see?

Adam: um, sorry about all this, I am here to see Emily or Daniel Newell?

Trash Company Worker: OK, just a minute, I’ll see if they are back yet. Just a minute.

Adam: OK, thanks.

The woman walks back into the trash company office for a bit and calls Daniel and then Daniel hands the phone to Emily. Emily talks with the woman and then they both hang up. The woman then comes back outside.

Trash Company Worker: Sorry about the wait, Daniel and Emily will be coming to pick you and your stuff up shortly. We ask that you wait here with your things. Would you like a bottle of water or something to drink while you wait?

Adam: SURE! May I have two bottles of water please?

Trash Company Worker: SURE…be right back.

A few minutes later, the woman comes back outside and hands Adam two bottles of water.

Trash Company Worker: here ya go…..Emily and Daniel should be here in just…..a few…OK?

Adam: Sure…thanks you.

Adam goes back over to his things and goes over to his 97 WM trash toter full of diapers and flips the lid open. He then climbs into it and lays across the diapers inside, with his legs dangling over the left side. Adam opens one of the water bottles and then begins to drink some of the water. Adam lays there listening to the sounds around him and looking up at the blue partly cloudy skies wondering what the weather is going to be like between now and Tuesday when about 35 minutes later, a white dodge ram pickup with a trailer comes and parks nearby. Daniel and Emily get out and Daniel walks around the back of the truck as Emily approaches Adam.

Adam: YOU must be….Emily, the diapered, trash truck driver who is going to be dumping me, packing me and taking me to the waste-to-energy plant? YOU, fine man, MUST be….Daniel……I am Adam.

Emily: Yes, I am the driver who will be taking you as trash. I am Emily, Nice to meet you Adam.

Daniel: Nice to finally meet you in person man! So, shall we get all of your diapers loaded up so we can go?

Adam: Certainly……

Adam, Emily and Daniel start to load Adam’s many cardboard boxes, black and white trash bags, the three trash cans in varying sizes, into Daniel’s truck and the trailer. Once everything was tied down and secured, Emily and Daniel motioned for Adam to get into the truck’s bed.

Adam: How come I am not riding in the cab?

Daniel: Because man, you…are now MY property, and as soon as I get you to my place, I am throwing you away in my nice, daycare dumpster! Trash and property rides in the bed man!

Emily: (Shrugging her shoulders) Sorry Dude.

Adam: (Shrugging his shoulders and letting out a breath of disappointment) O….K….

Daniel: Well son, YOU are….JUST going to have to get used to this! THIS is what it is like to be treated like trash man!

Adam climbs into the bed and sits down. Daniel and Emily get into the cab of their pickup and then shut the doors. Daniel starts the truck and then puts it into drive then takes off and heads to his home daycare. It is windy back in the pickup bed and the air is still a bit cool but not too hot or too cold. The sun is shining and the warm rays beat down on Adam as he appreciates the warmth. 
It takes a while to get to Daniel’s home daycare through traffic. But soon, they arrive and Daniel pulls up near the dumpster and then shuts the truck off and gets out as Emily gets out too.

Daniel: OK Adam, it’s TIME to get into my dumpster man! Time….for disposal…..

Adam: can I take my clothes off first so that I am wearing only my…diapers?

Daniel: SURE! I don’t care man! Do what you have to…but…once you are in my dumpster, there will be NO getting back out for anything….and that means ANYTHING!
I have locks on the lids that I am going to use so that you won’t be able to get out.

Adam: OHHHHHHH! Do…you HAVE to?

Daniel: Yes! I am afraid so! Come ON man! Let’s hurry up and get your diapers into the dumpster man…..I have got stuff to do!

Adam: OK! OK! Gees! Keep your diapers ON!

Daniel: LOL! Um…..I’m not the one wearing diapers…!

Adam: Yea…but SHE is! I would SO love to see you in diapers by the way, miss Emily…..

Emily: UM…NO! good LUCK with THAT! I would like to see you in a claw load of diapers dangling there right….before they load you and them into the boiler chutes though! MMMMMMM! I….can’t WAIT! Andrew, is going to bring the claw up to the control room window with you and diapers in the load and he is going to let me take video of you in the load with ALL of those nice, wet and messy diapers before he loads you into the boiler chute…..DUDE!

Adam: You….WOULD huh? WELL! I guess you are gonna get your chance to!

Daniel unties the straps holding the trash cans down to the trailer and then pulls the Rubbermaid 32 can off, setting it onto the ground in back of the trailer and to the side before rolling the black 38 gallon can off the trailer and setting it right next to the 32 gallon can before rolling the big and heavy 97 gallon WM toter off the trailer and setting it down right in back of the trailer as he jumped down off the trailer. Daniel then rolled the big 97 gallon can to the side of the dumpster while Adam rolled the 38 gallon can over next to the 97 gallon can while Emily dragged the 32 gallon Rubbermaid can over to the same area. Then Daniel started walking back over to the bed of the truck to get the boxes and bags of Adam’s packaged clean vintage Luvs disposables, and the boxes of loose Huggies for him and Pampers disposable diapers, the bags of his onesies and footed pajamas, clean and formerly wet, leaked in, as well as the few white trash bags full of Adam’s saved up worn but not used diapers unloaded and put into the dumpster, all that would fit anyhow.

Daniel: WELL there…Adam, time to get into the nice, burnt up dumpster…..ready for disposal? Do I need to get my wife to…check your diaper for ya before you go in? Got the diaper you want to wear on? IF not, OH WELL! If you wanna change it in the dumpster, you can. It won’t matter. Now, hurry up and get your clothes off and then get into my dumpster………Emily, will you go and help Adam get his clothes off? Then see that he gets into the dumpster and once we dump as many of his diapers in there, lock the lids so he can’t get out…will ya?

Emily: Sure thing, will do.

Adam: Hey…Daniel? May I get six of your large Luvs, may I borrow a pair of scissors and some strong masking tape please? I want to modify the diapers to make three of them that I can change into while I am in the dumpster….

Daniel: Eh, I don’t think so man, but I will ask my wife…..

Adam: Thank….you Daniel….

Daniel: Uh…NO problem.

Emily walks over to Adam and whips him around and starts to unbutton his pants.

Emily: I am NOT enjoying this…ONE…BIT dude…just so you know.

Adam: Nah, and I thought I could never get you into MY pants!

Emily: HA! HA! Dude! VERY…funny!

Adam: But, I don’t WANNA be…disposed of! Do I…HAVE to be?

Emily: YES! You….DO dude!

Adam: But….but….what did I do to deserve being disposed of?

Emily: Well, dude, you….wet too many diapers and someone thinks they can’t afford the diapers dude, so….they obviously threw you and your diapers away….DUDE…..

Emily pulls Adam’s pants down and then she makes Adam step out of his pants. Emily tosses his pants into the dumpster. Then Emily takes Adam’s shirt off and then tosses it into the dumpster. Then Emily tosses Adam’s shoes into the dumpster. Emily sees that Adam is wearing a very thick, white, bulky plastic backed vintage disposable Luvs baby-pants.

Adam: Please don’t dispose of me…miss Emily! PLEASE don’t! What is going to happen to my diapers and I?
Emily: Well, time to get into the dumpster now diapered trash! Let’s GO dude! I don’t have all day! I have to get back inside and take care of my twins! Dude! You are going to be dumped into my nice, hungry trash truck and then….I am going to pack you and all of your diapers! I am probably going to run a couple of hard packer cycles on you too JUST so you get a NICE face full of diaper goo! Then, I will take you along the daycare route until the truck gets full and THEN, I am going to take you and the load to the NICE incinerator! I will dump you and the load out onto the tipping floor and then Daniel and I will leave. You might have a popped diaper on if you are lucky…dude!

Adam: (raising his left leg and grabbing the top edge of the dumpster and then stepping in.) OK, OK, I’m in!

Emily: Now…lay down and get comfy! You are going to be in here until Tuesday…dude….Have ALL the dirty fun you can in there because on Tuesday, my 2015 Autocar trash truck WILL be coming to dump ya! Bye-bye now…..Maybe…later on, before I leave for work, I…MIGHT show you what I look like in my diapers!

Adam: OOOH! I…can’t WAIT!

Emily lowers and closes the lids and then she raises the lid lock bar up and then she padlocks the lids closed before she walks back into Daniel’s house.

Inside the dark, stinky, burnt metal scented air, Adam lays on a pile of unrolled wet and messy disposable diapers, some of his own clean and formerly wet onesies and pajamas laying underneath a pile of his own formerly wet Luvs baby pants disposable diapers and modified diapers of different brands. The area is really quiet except for the occasional sounds of nature and of the Newells out in the back yard.
Soon, it begins to get dark and Adam begins to feel tired. Adam soon falls asleep. Early the next morning around ten o’clock, someone came out to the dumpster, unlocked the lid locks then raised one of the lids and then dumped a couple of cans full of wet and unrolled disposable diapers and rolled up messy diapers into the dumpster, the diapers falling and landing all over Adam. This woke Adam up and when Adam opened his eyes to look up at who it was standing there, it was Misses Newell. Misses Newell stared down at Adam for a few seconds before lowering the lid and locking the lid locks again. Then she went back into the house. Again, hours and hours and more hours go by and daytime has transitioned into night-time. The cool, stinky air inside the dumpster loomed heavily over Adam as he lay there on the piles of loose rolled and unrolled cloth and disposable diapers. Adam got tired again and fell asleep. Before Adam knew it, the sun was shining again, and the rays of sun were beating down upon the dumpster, warming it slowly but surly. Adam felt the padding of his soaking, wet, leaking disposable diaper sagging and beginning to fall down around his crotch, so Adam decided to search around the dumpster for a clean diaper from one of the packages or at least another diaper that was a lot drier than the one he was wearing. Adam scrounged around inside the dumpster and found ten of his own clean Luvs diapers and decided to use them. Adam lay on his back and began to unfasten the tapes of his diaper, then he pulled the diaper out from underneath him and then he searched around the dumpster in the darkness and found one of his own clean Luvs baby pants diapers that was still inside the box. Adam opened the diaper, then he started to put the disposable diaper between his legs and underneath him. Adam pulled the front of his diaper up and then fastened the two top tapes, JUST in time for when he heard a couple foot steps next to the dumpster and then the lids raised. Who should be standing there, but Emily and Misses Newell.

Misses Newell: WELL! Done…playing with the diapers? I have some….MORE for ya! A LOT more!

Adam looks up at Emily and misses Newell then misses Newell picks up one of the 13 gallon cans and begins to empty the diapers out into the dumpster. Then Emily and misses Newell pick up the large 32 gallon aluminum daycare dumpster, full of mostly wet diapers, and then they dump the diapers into the dumpster, all over Adam.

Adam: FFFFT! HEY! FFFT! UUUUH! MAN! Those are really wet! Do you HAVE to dump them all over me though?

Emily: It doesn’t matter! You are in the trash and you have no SAY if you get more trash dumped in on you or not! I can’t……WAIT personally, until Tuesday when I come and dump ya….dude!

Misses Newell: I don’t care either frankly, I’d much rather you WERE all nice and dirty anyhow….the dirtier the better! I am going to dump trash and diapers ALL over you Adam! I will do it on PURPOSE too! I might EVEN smoosh a bunch of these wet Pampers all over your face too! I don’t care! You are TRASH now!

Adam slinks back and lays back onto his back on top of the piles of loose rolled and unrolled disposable diapers. Then misses Newell dumps another large diaper pail on top of Adam, some of the diapers tumbling and falling to each of his sides. Then she puts the second can down and then both Emily and misses Newell pick the big aluminum 32 gallon can full of diapers up together and then they dump the diapers into the dumpster.
The load covers most of Adam’s legs up with the heavy, unrolled wet diapers. Then misses Newell takes some of Adam’s onesies and footed pajamas from the large green 97 gallon can on the left of the dumpster and then starts to toss them into the dumpster. She almost angrily flings the onesies and footed pajamas  into the dumpster a handful at a time and as the onesies and footed pajamas land all over the load in the dumpster, she makes a grossed out sound before she takes one of Adam’s cans full of his disposable diapers and empties it into the dumpster completely before she lowered and then locked the lid.
In the darkness of the dumpster, Adam tries to lift the lid the little bit so that he could look out and see what was happening outside. It was nearly mid day now according to the shadows, and Adam could hear the sounds of children playing and screaming in delight.

Adam: (Thinking to himself) WHY can’t I be like that again??? Instead, I am locked tightly in this….stinky dumpster like yesterday’s diapers!

Adam let the lid back down and the darkness once again ensued. Adam got horny so he rubbed his diaper against the others inside the dumpster below him, missionary style until he came a LOT into his diaper! This made Adam Sleepy. As Adam fell asleep, he was vaguely aware that there were footsteps coming to the dumpster again. Once again, the lids rose up and more diapers were tossed into the dumpster before the lids were put down and locked again. Adam fell asleep and by the time he awoke once again, it was now dark outside the dumpster. NOT much sound around the dumpster or off in the distance that he could hear. NOT even a car going by!
As Adam laid there in the dark, smelly silence in the dumpster, Adam tried to imagine what it was going to be like when Emily and Daniel came to dump him into their truck.
Adam was SO deep in his imagination that he hadn’t noticed that he had fallen back to sleep. Adam woke up after having a weird dream and as the dark reality around him closed in on him, he was suddenly aware of it being daylight out once again.
It being Monday morning, the air was crisp and it was warmer in the dumpster than outside, made Adam realize that this was going to be the last day spent in the dumpster before Emily and Daniel came to empty the dumpster into their trash truck!
Adam felt a combination of apprehension and excitement as he fell back to sleep in very deep thought and using his wild imagination. Adam awoke to having more cans of loose wet and rolled messy diapers dumped into the dumpster onto him!

Adam: HEY! I was sleeping here!

Emily: I don’t….care! You are MY trash now! I…can’t WAIT to get you into my big….hungry trash truck full of diapers and compact the literal piss out of you! The packer is probably going to pop your diaper too!

Adam: PLEASE! PLEASE don’t let it pop!

Emily: That isn’t up to me! It’s just how the packer blade in my truck does it!
Don’t worry though, if you are still alive by the time we get to the waste-to-energy plant, they will put you onto their big trash pile and then you can change your diapers and play with them ALL you want! Until then, if I had to estimate dude, the amount of loose baby diapers is upwards of 4 tons, that’s not including your typical diaper sausages or bags of diapers. Most of the trash is diapers dude! I hard pack while I drive because it puts more pressure on the trash compared to a regular hard pack. Since most of the trash I collect that day is diapers, I would hard pack every 4 or 5 stops dude. There is a whole bunch of diaper goo that comes out as well as pieces of diapers when I open the clean out hatch dude. Even diapers that have been torn in half! The packer blade, it will pop your diaper as well as any other diapers in the hopper. The diapers come out flat dude! It will destroy your diaper dude!

Adam: So, it won’t matter if I was awake or asleep?

Emily: Nope! Not to me….I would do my job dude!

Adam: Will you be meaner to me in the hopper by running extra packer cycles on me?

Emily: Probably dude, because I don’t want you to suffer!

Adam: If Andrew got a claw-load of only diapers with my diapered ass and legs sticking out, it wouldn’t make you hornier?

Emily: Probably not dude!

Adam: Will seeing me in a claw-load of diapers, wearing nothing but a diaper, dangling in front of the control room, get your heart beating fast and make you hornier than shit?

Emily: Just a claw-load of diapers does it for me dude! You would have nothing to do with it!

Adam: Could Andrew let me stay in the chute for two hours if he wanted to?

Emily: If he wanted to…..

Adam: Is there a way that Andrew can stop the hatch from sliding open until the chute is full of diapers and I am in there? May I get some water too please?

Emily: Sure dude! Yea, he controls the flow and everything!
Well, I have to go back into the house now, I will bring you some water bottles for you to drink until I come dump you and all of these diapers tomorrow sometime. Bye-bye diapered trashy dude!

Emily closes the lids and locks them again. Inside the dumpster, Adam gets horny again so he goes to satisfy his need to cum into his diapers once again! This time, it takes him nearly an hour and a half to satisfy himself before he came heavily into his diapers! THIS release made Adam feel VERY, VERY sleepy! Adam closed his eyes thinking that he would only sleep a couple of hours, but when he opened his eyes again, it was nearly 2 am on Tuesday and there were a lot more of his own clothes in the dumpster than there had been. Adam felt sleepy still so he went back to sleep.
He was suddenly awakened by someone unlocking the lid locks on the dumpster and then after Emily slides the forks into the slots on each side of the dumpster, the loud sound of metal scraping on each side of the dumpster and the loud idling sound of a large diesel truck just outside the dumpster. Then…suddenly, the dumpster rose and bounced for a second and then some one flipped the lids back behind the dumpster and then Adam saw Daniel walking back to the passenger side of the truck and Emily sitting there in the driver’s seat, grinning with the widest, snicker on her face she had had in a long time!

Emily: (Rolling her window down) It’s Trash time Adam! Get ready to get dumped and PACKED HARD dude! (raising the dumpster slowly into the air) UP…..YOU….GO dude!

Adam sat back in the dumpster as it rose up and began to tip over, Adam then found himself falling down into the hopper that was already half way full of loose, bagged daycare diapers and other trash!

The loads of diapers from the dumpster now nearly covered him! Then Emily put the dumpster down and then she and Daniel got out of the cab to empty the remaining 97 gallon former waste management can full of Adam’s loose onesies and footed pajamas, Adam’s Rubbermaid 32 gallon can full of clean vintage Luvs Baby Pants diapers, the black Rubbermaid 34 gallon trash can full of Adam’s Pampers and Buggies for him disposable diapers,
And the few white and black trash bags as well as a few of Adam’s cases of unused, clean and cardboard boxed Pampers and Luvs disposable diapers into the once empty dumpster. Once every remaining case of diapers and the remaining clothes and disposable diapers were loaded into the dumpster, Emily and Daniel went back to the cab, got back in, closed the doors and then Emily picked the dumpster back up and emptied the remaining diapers into the hopper. Then, Emily hit the compactor button in the cab and suddenly, in the hopper, the compactor blade started to advance into the loads of diapers with Adam inside! At first, the packer blade retracted and then it came back for another try before it retracted again and then it came back for another cycle but each time, the pressure got a little more and a little more. Adam was way above the flat edge of the packer blade though, and as the packer continued to cycle, Emily backed the truck up after setting the dumpster down and then began to drive to the next daycare on her route.
Meanwhile, the compactor kept coming back for more packing! Adam was now doing a major face plant into a bunch of loose wet pull-ups, Pampers, Huggies and other wet disposable diapers while his own cloth diapers and packs of his wet Luvs diapers were being pressed up against his diapered butt and back! ONE of the wet diapers began to burst under the pressure near his head and then the diaper goo began to get all over Adam and into his hair and down his chest and also into the waistband of his own Luvs Baby Pants diapers that he had on!
As the truck drove, Emily hit the packer button again and cycled the compactor more just to be mean and to give Adam a HARD packing with all of the diapers to keep pressure on Adam and the load of daycare trash.

Emily: (turning to Daniel in the passenger seat of the cab)  I hope he is satisfied with how my packer feels as it…HARD packs his diaper! I wonder if it popped his diapers yet!

Daniel: It may have man, but we won’t know until we get to the waste-to-energy plant and dump him out. I for one want to see how he comes out.

Emily: With THIS next stop’s amounts of loose wet and messy diapers, he will be covered in diapers and diaper goo by the time he gets to the plant! He will be doing a LOT of forced face-plants into a lot of diapers! If he makes out alive still, he will end up being pushed onto the piles of trash in the pit to wait for Andrew to load him! I will wait to see THAT load of diapers being loaded into the chute!

Daniel: I hear you man….I will be RIGHT there with ya too! HE wanted to be compacted and taken to the WTE plant, if he is still conscious and alive, he will be in for possibly weeks of waiting to be loaded man!

Emily: Well, I hope he’s ready for the next stop, because here comes MORE dirty diapers!

Emily puts the forks down and then eases them into the sides of the dumpster at the next daycare and then she picks the dumpster up and then dumps all of the trash bags, loose diapers and other trash into the hopper before putting the can back down and starting the packer. Inside the hopper, Adam sees a first hand view of the dumpster coming and the load of diapers and trash starting to rain down into the hopper. Adam gets ready to be packed again but for some reason, Emily lets the packer cycle go for this stop. The truck backs up and then turns and then heads back onto the road. The winds begin to blow hard into the hopper, making Adam inside the hopper feel a little cold. 

Emily: (turning to Daniel: I hope he is back there enjoying all of those…..nice, dirty diapers…..because after the next stop, I am going to be packing the load a few times!

Daniel: Oh, I bet he is getting a FIRST hand feel for what it’s like to be trash back there man!

The truck drives a ways to the next stop where the truck turns to the right and then slows to a creep as Emily slides the forks into the next daycare dumpster.  Emily picks the nearly over filled daycare dumpster with a lot of loose and unrolled disposable diapers laying on top. The dumpster rises and then tips over, spilling all of the bags and diaper sausages and loose and unrolled disposable diapers into the hopper on top of Adam. The load buries Adam under heavy bags and loose diapers before the dumpster goes back down and then as Emily backs up, she turns to the left and then stops. Then she puts the truck into gear and then pulls to the right before she hits the packer button.


As Emily drives the truck to the next stop, the packer cycles a few times giving Adam and the load a couple of hard packs. Emily hits the button again just to make sure that Adam gets another nice hard packing before the next load gets dumped in. Adam gets pressed into wet, loose pull-ups and unrolled pampers and Luvs diapers as well as a few of his own cloth pre-fold diapers.

Emily: I hope he likes the extra packer cycles he asked for…..

Daniel: OH…I think he is getting the full gist of it Emily. WAY to keep the pressure up on the load man!

A few minutes later, Emily pulls up to the next daycare dumpster in a row and then slides the forks in before picking the dumpster up and tipping it, dumping a full week’s worth of bagged and loose disposable diapers and other trash. The trash rains down into the hopper filling it nearly ¾ of the way full. Emily lowers the dumpster and then starts the packer as she backs the truck up and gets ready to drive to the next stop.
The next stop is another commercial daycare that has a dumpster that is full from the weekend and the Friday before. The trash bags are hanging loosely just over the top of the front edge of the dumpster so Emily puts the air brake on, then gets out and has to rearrange the bags so that they won’t fall out as she raises the dumpster. Then once she was satisfied that none of the bags would fall out, she got back into the cab and raised the dumpster. As the dumpster tipped over, the contents rained down into the hopper then she banged the dumpster once before lowering it again. Then, Emily backed up and then raised the forks. Then she put the truck into gear and headed back onto the road to go to the next daycare. With the hopper door open, Adam is wedged between loads of diapers but still able to breathe because the loads of diapers have fallen back down into the hopper area do to the shaking and shimmying of the ride. Adam is semi stuck in the top end of the load with quite a few diapers stuck and pressed against him. Adam is still able to see the arms of the forks and can see when they go down to get the next dumpster. Adam watches intently for when the next load is about to get dumped into the hopper so that he can try to shove the diapers back off of him so that he can breathe while the truck goes to the next stop. Emily drives the truck to the next daycare and then she pulls up to the dumpster, lowers the arms and then slides the forks into the next dumpster. The dumpster then rises into Adam’s view and then the load is emptied into the hopper. Adam watches helplessly as the compactor blade starts to push inwards and the loads of diapers begin to rise up under resistance as the packer cycles. The diapers begin to press into his face, some open, wet pull-ups, some wet Luvs and Pampers diapers begin to press into his face forcing his head back into the cushy and springy diapers behind him. The diapers begin to envelope his entire head and he can feel his own diaper beginning to buckle slightly as more diapers and trash bags are being pressed against his diapers.
As Emily and Daniel go along their daycare route, the truck gets fuller and fuller, and as more and more very full dumpsters are emptied into their truck and packed, the fuller and fuller the truck became. SOON, Adam was completely enveloped by trash and diapers to the point that he was unable to see anything around, through or over any of the loose diapers and trash bags! The packer was almost packed out now. About three more dumpsters would fit before it was time to go to the waste-to-energy plant. It was now around 11:45 am and Emily and Daniel were almost through their daycare route.
Emily and Daniel were pretty much always done with their daycare route between 12:15 and 12:45 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They got to the WTE plant right around 12:30 to 12:40 pm most times and were headed back to the trash company yard by 1:00 pm to 1:30 pm and then back home.
Adam had been in the load of daycare trash and diapers for over 4 and a half hours now and he was STILL alive and breathing….despite the best efforts of the compactor. Adam’s diaper now had the tapes of other diapers now sticking to it and the plastics of the trash bags as well as several popped diaper sausages full of diapers that had popped and the diaper goo got all over him and into his hair which was now all matted and sticking up and out everywhere. Adam’s diaper hadn’t popped but only because he was wearing cloth diapers underneath his disposable and he ended up in the top part of the load instead of being packed by the blunt 1 foot high edge of the packer blade.
The truck was now all packed out, so Emily drove and Daniel rode the 7 miles or so to the waste-to-energy plant to empty the truck of it’s load with Adam in it. Once Emily arrived at the waste-to-energy plant, she pulled over the scales and weighed in once it was her turn in line. They entered their ticket code into the keypad at the scales and then she was given the signal to go ahead and enter the facility. Emily drove into the commercial tipping floors where only the trash truck drivers could go. Behind the restricted area signs where the public wouldn’t be able to see. Emily slowly backed her full truck as close to the clear tipping area as she could that already had a large load from one of the transfer station trucks that had been there a few minutes earlier and had left.
Once she was close enough, Daniel opened his door and then got out and then walked around to the back where he stood a little ways away so that he could shoot some video of Adam falling out of the packer container and onto the tipping floor. Once Daniel was ready, he signaled for Emily to go ahead and start the ejection cycle. Emily began to hit the ejection cycle button which opened the tailgate and then began the ejection cycle of the compactor blade. As the tailgate opened, a lot of the diapers and trash began to fall out onto the hard, cement tipping floors of the waste-to-energy plant near the trash piles and the pits. As the ejection cycle of the packer blade pushed the loads out of the truck in chunks, Adam was forcefully pushed out of the truck’s packer container where he landed onto some trash bags, before he was covered by the rest of the load from the truck. Emily pulled forward some leaving a small trail and a pile of daycare trash and diapers before the truck was completely empty. Daniel got the WHOLE thing on his new video camera before Emily parked the truck and then came over to the load to find Adam and see if he was still alive and well or not. Apparently, Adam made it out alive, a little out of breath, very dirty looking and covered in nasty diaper goo, but still very much alive.

Daniel came around to where Emily was standing still filming the piles of diapers with Adam laying there in the load, looking up at Daniel, Emily and the rolling camera.

Daniel: Hey…Adam? How WAS that trash truck ride in the hopper? Tell us….we are….DYING to know man!

Adam: It was…uncomfortable, hot, sweaty, and diapers popped in my face and hair!
Can I go back with you all please?

Daniel: NO WAY man! You now belong to the plant man! They bought AND paid for you! They are going to scrape you and this load into the pits sometime in the next few minutes to an hour. You are going to spend the rest of the time in the pits until Andrew decides it’s time to load you and the diapers into the chute man! The ride wasn’t all you THOUGHT it was going to be….HUH?

Adam: Will you two watch me go down into the boiler?

Emily: I will make him dude, so that you can’t escape, in the meantime, rubbing my clit in my wet Huggies diaper watching you! I will then rip my diaper off and toss it into the chute with you! Least that way, you can go with the scent of a woman!

Adam: Will you get Andrew to swing the claw with ME in it, over to the control room window first, so you two can get a close-up picture and some video before you two get down to the chute before he swings the claw over and drops the load and I into the chute?

Emily: Yea…most likely dude!

Then the excavator came along and began to push the loads of trash down into the trash piles in the pits. Emily and Daniel watched as the excavator took the load that Adam was in and scooped him and the diapers up and then dropped them all down into the pits. Adam tumbled and rolled down the pile and settled down near the top part of the pile along with the diapers then he and the diapers got covered with other trash.
Both Emily and Daniel then walked back to their truck talking to each other about how they both enjoyed disposing of Adam and all of the diapers.

As Emily and Daniel drove the rest of the route that was left of the day, both Daniel and Emily wondered what was happening to Adam at the Waste-To-Energy plant and if he had been loaded into the boilers yet. Adam and his diapers were somewhere in the pits buried under a lot of other trash for the night and time being.
Meanwhile back at Daniel and misses  Newell's daycare, Jeremy had been dropped off by his mother along with four large boxes of his pre-modified Pampers and LUVS diapers. Two boxes of pre-modified LUVS diapers and four bags  of pre-modified Huggies for him diapers all in toddler size. Jeremy's mom wanted misses Newell to dispose of Jeremy and all of his diapers. Misses Newell agreed to it if the fee was pre-paid. Receiving $3,000 to dispose of Jeremy in cash, misses Newell thanked Jeremy's mom then Jeremy's mom left. Jeremy had a favorite teddy bear that had a diaper on it that he kept with him  most of the time. 
Seeing that Jeremy needed a diaper change, Misses Newell brought Jeremy over to a spot on the carpet before setting his fully stocked diaper bag within reach. 

Misses Newell: (Laying Jeremy down onto his back and begining to remove the pants and shoes he had on before unfastening the buttons in his onesie and then rolling his onesie up, revealing his wet, saggy LUVS diaper.) It's diaper changing time baby. Which of your diapers would you like me to change you into? A Pampers or another LUVS diaper? 

Jeremy: UM, can I have my .....Pampers diapers then a LUVS diaper after this? 

Misses Newell: Sure hon. I am going to wait until your diapers are a little wet before I change them. 

Jeremy: Why are you going to do THAT miss Newell?

Misses Newell: So that we use up more of these diapers before we throw them away sweetie. 

Jeremy: Why are you going to throw my clean diapers away? 

Misses Newell: Because you won't be needing them anymore and we already have too many here as it is.

Jeremy: How come I won't need my diapers anymore? 

Misses Newell:  Because, you are going to be disposed of sometime tomorrow.

Jeremy: Does that mean that I will be going into the same places that my wet diapers go? 

Misses Newell: Yes, sweetie, that is exactly what it means. 

Jeremy: Will you throw my onesie and my diaper bag away too? 

Misses Newell: Yes, I will baby. With clean diapers, wipes and anything else that is left inside. 

Jeremy: What will you do with my clothes that you took off me?

Misses Newell: They are going to all be thrown away with you I'm afraid.     

Jeremy: How long will I be in with the dirty, smelly diapers? 

Misses Newell: Until the can gets full baby. 

Jeremy: What do you do with the dirty diapers and my stuff to get rid of it? Does the trash man come and take it? 

Misses Newell: No honey, I burn everything in the burn barrel incinerator outside. 

Jeremy: You mean to tell me that you....Are going to burn me? 

Misses Newell: Yes, I am hon. 

Jeremy: How full is that trash can outside where the diapers are? 

Misses Newell: Well, the....Last time I looked, it was about half way full. It usually gets full by the weekend and I usually burn everything on Saturday and Sunday. 

Jeremy: What day is it today?

Misses Newell: It's Tuesday baby. 

Jeremy: Does it mean that I will be in the trash can until Sunday? 

Misses Newell: Yes! It does baby. 

Jeremy: What do you do to the diapers and the trash that makes it burn so hot like that? 
(Looking at pictures of past burning loads) 

Misses Newell: I soak everything in either diesel fuel or baby oil so that everything burns down completely. 

Jeremy: Are you going to....soak ME in diesel fuel or baby oil? What about my comfy diaper? What if it's not wet?

Misses Newell: It won't matter if it's wet or not. It will be time for your final disposal and I will soak you and your diaper really well before you're​ incinerated. 
Is your diaper wet? Let's go into the bathroom and change your diaper. 

Misses Newell takes Jeremy's hand then leads him over to where his diaper bag is and she opens the diaper bag, takes one out, then leads Jeremy into the bathroom to change his diaper.

Jeremy: How come you are bringing me in here? 

Misses Newell: After I change your diaper honey, I will be putting you into this small trash can for a little bit because I have to dump it when I take you out to the daycare trash cans outside. I need you to stay sitting in this trash can for just.....A little bit until I come to take you and the diapers out......Would you like to be a big helper and help me gather up all of the diapers from inside the daycare so we can take all out to the trash cans for disposal?

Jeremy: Sure, I guess. Will any of MY diapers be going out there with me? My....Clean diapers and my diaper bag? Even my clean, folded onesies too?

Misses Newell: Yes baby, your diapers , diaper bag, onesies all will be joining you in the trash soon! I may want to.....Dirty you up a little bit before you go into the trash. You are just too clean to go into the trash yet. I'll rub some of the wet diapers all over you before you go into the trash can.  

Misses Newell gets Jeremy's diaper changed and then she  makes Jeremy sit down into the small bathroom trash can half way full of wet and dirty diapers before she folds Jeremy's semi-wet disposable diaper over then she tossed it onto his lap before leaving the bathroom and going out to the play area in the nursery to change Austin's diaper one last time before he too was going to be disposed of. 

Misses Newell: Ok Austin, it's time for your final diaper change baby then it will be time for your disposal.

Austin: Can I have six of my booster pads in my diaper please?

Misses Newell: Yes Hon, you may.

Austin: Where are you going to put me for disposal?

Misses Newell: I am going to put you and your diapers in our kitchen compactor sweetie. All of your clean and dirty diapers are already in there except for this opened pack of your diapers and your cloth diapers.

Austin: How come I gotta go into that dirty thing?

Misses Newell: Well, we have no other place to put you and your diapers hon.
Besides, the compactor will help squeeze some of your diaper's wetness out so that you and your diaper will be nice and ready for final disposal. Ok baby, lay down on your back for me so that I can change your diaper.

Austin lays down and then misses Newell begins to change his diaper. Once she unfasten his diaper, she pulls the slightly wet baby blue diaper out from underneath Austin and then folds it over before she reaches into his opened bag of his super thick Huggies for him disposable diapers and takes one out. She then lifts Austin's bottom and slides the now very bulky, crinkly, thick Huggies diaper underneath him. Then Misses Newell reaches over to Austin's fully stocked diaper bag and takes out a bottle of baby powder and then she begins to shake about a quarter of the bottle into Austin's diaper before she pulls the front half of the diaper up and begins fastening the tapes. 

Misses Newell: There! That ought to hold you until it's final disposal time. That looks really  nice and comfy. Here, time for disposal now. 

Austin: Awwwwwwe! I don't wanna go! 

Misses Newell: Sorry baby, you don't  have a choice!

Misses Newell grabs the wet diaper and Austin's left hand and leads him over to the kitchen compactor. She opens the door, and the trash compactor bag holder with a bag full of wet diapers, some food scraps and other trash appears.

Misses Newell: OK, sweety, climb in. Here, I will put you in. 

Misses Newell  then picks Austin up and gets him to lay down inside on top of the wet diapers already inside. 

Austin: It stinks in here! 

Misses Newell: I know, but you will just have to get used to it! 

Once Austin is laying down, she tosses his diaper on top of his face before closing and locking the door. Then Misses Newell pushes some buttons and turns a dial before hitting the power button, then the start button. The compactor began to start, the blade incrementally began to lower down before it began to press against Austin which then was pressed against the diapers beneath him! 
Austin let out a loud groan as the blade cycled. The blade mashed Austin's diaper rather hard causing puffs of baby powder out of the leg-holes of his diaper!
As the compactor blade retracted, Austin sighed in relief. Once the blade stopped, and the power shut off, it all got quiet and dark inside the compactor. Austin's diaper now had small splatters of ketchup, mayonnaise, and milk all over it as Austin tried to get more comfortable. Austin began to get turned on by the softness of all of the wet diapers that are laying face-down against his skin on top of him. Austin begins to rub the diapers against his diaper and soon, he is about to climax into his diaper when Misses Newell comes into the kitchen carrying the now full can of his diapers. Misses Newell unlocks the kitchen compactor door and slides it open and sees Austin playing with some of the open, wet disposable diapers. 

Misses Newell: Playing with the wet diapers I see, here are some more dirty diapers for you to play with. 

Misses Newell dumps the diapers from the trash can into the compactor bag holder on top of Austin before making sure all of the diapers are in the bag that have slid off to the sides. Misses Newell  tosses a few stray folded over dry and powdery dry disposable diapers of Austin's into the area between his legs and on top of his diaper. 

Austin: Are you going to run another cycle of the compactor?

Misses Newell: Yes, I am. Your mom and dad paid my husband and I to pack you and your diapers before final disposal. Ok, ready? Time for some more cycles of the compactor! 

As misses Newell slides the door closed, Austin begins to complain.

Austin: AWE! Come.....on! Don't do this! 

Misses Newell closes the door and locks it, selects "Auto-Cycle" and then she pushes the start button. Then, she walks away. 

As the compactor cycles, Austin the diapers inside get two more packer cycles and the diapers all get a healthy dose of squishing before the packer blade stops for the next hour.

Misses Newell goes back over to the bathroom to where Jeremy is sitting in the small trash can carrying a 13 gallon trash can 3/4 full of wet, folded over diapers and the wet onesies, old wet wing-fold disposable diapers and lots of Jeremy's still clean Huggies disposable diapers. Jeremy sees misses Newell come in and wonders what is going to happen to him and his diapers.

Jeremy: Is it time to go out to the daycare trash cans now misses Newell? 

Misses Newell: Yes sweetie, time to take the trash out! 

Misses Newell takes the diapers that were on top of Jeremy and tosses them into the can she is carrying. Then she puts the can down before she reaches down picks Jeremy up to his feet, makes him stand while she empties the diapers into the can, then she puts the now empty can back before grabbing Jeremy's left hand and the trash can before walking both the full can and Jeremy outside to the back porch to where the aluminum daycare trash cans are. Misses Newell  puts the trash can full of the diapers down, then lets go of Jeremy's hand so that she can open the locking metal trash can lid. Once the lid is off, she sets it to the right of the can and then turns around to face Jeremy. 

Misses Newell: OK Jeremy, time to get into the nice, smelly, trash can. 

Jeremy: I don't wanna go in there!
I need my diaper changed! 

Misses Newell: Sorry hon, time for disposal now. I don't care if your diaper is wet or not, I need you in this can now baby. 

Misses Newell  reaches underneath Jeremy's arms and lifts him up with his legs dangling in the air and then she lowers him down into the can on top of the wet diapers inside. She then forces him to lie down on his back.

Misses Newell: Now, don't get up while I empty this can of wet diapers in there ok sweetie? 

Jeremy: Are those diapers in there some of the ones that you took off me that weren't  wet and were all powdery? 

Misses Newell: Yes, they are. They are trash, like you. Here......come.....the diapers! 

Misses Newell empties the can of diapers all over Jeremy. Then the few that had slipped out and fallen beside the can, misses Newell bent over and picked up tossing the still dry, powdery diapers on top of Jeremy's face and around his head where there was the most room now.
Then Misses Newell began to push down really hard on the diapers at the top of the load so that they all would fit in the can so the lid would close. This made Jeremy's diaper bunch up and crush against his body. 

Jeremy: HEY!! Stop It! You're making my diaper all lumpy! 

Misses Newell: Sorry, but it doesn't matter! I have to make everything fit so that the lid will close! Get ready for another hard and heavy hand-packing Hon! 

Misses Newell pushes all of her upper body weight onto the pile of diapers laying on top of Jeremy giving them a one-two-three heavy packing before she reached down to pick the lid back up and put it back on before relocking it tightly. 
As misses Newell  picks the now empty 13 gallon can up, she carries it back into the house and slides the sliding glass porch door closed. Jeremy is now laying there, inside the daycare trash can, feeling like misses Newell doesn't care about him or his diaper anymore. Jeremy starts to whimper as the dark, and strong scents of wet diapers looms around him. 

Meanwhile, inside the daycare, a bunch of the toddlers are busy coloring and doing art projects until snack time. After snack, some need their diapers changed. Misses Newell attends to them and tosses the wet diapers into the wet pail and the messy ones into the messy pail. 
As the day rolls on, 5:00 rolls around and 
Daniel Newell  has come home much before then, and kisses his sweet, loving wife as though he had had not seen her for days! 

Misses Newell: mmmmmm! Missed me much? 

Daniel Newell: I sure.....did! Mmmmuah! 
So, tell me how your day went babe.

Misses Newell: Well, today, I tossed Jeremy out into the daycare trash out back, loaded Austin and his diapers into the kitchen compactor,  and got everyone's art projects started. Did lots and lots of diapers changes. Enough to fill 3 13 gallon cans. 

Daniel Newell: Wow man! You have been a busy, busy lady today! Did any of them give you any trouble? 

Misses Newell: Not any that I couldn't handle. Did make a lot more diaper trash though.

Daniel Newell: Does any of the trash need to be crushed so that more will fit into the wet can babe? 

Misses Newell: Um, yea, the wet can outside could use some. 

Daniel Newell: Where did you put Austin?

Misses Newell: I put him into the kitchen compactor with a bunch of his wet onesies and disposable diapers that needed to have the wetness squeezed out of them so that everything would be ready for the incinerator. I still have Devon's mom bringing his brother and his diapers here for disposal. I still have one more trash can he can go into. When would you like to do a load of trash and diapers in our incinerator?

Daniel Newell: Well, seeing how many diapered trash we have, I think that we ought to do a load tonight. What do you think? 

Misses Newell: I was thinking the same thing. I just hope you are up for it. 

Daniel Newell: I am always up for a good diaper and diapered trash roast! Who should we do first? 

Misses Newell: How about Austin? He has been here the longest and the compactor is almost full. 

Daniel Newell: OK, let's get the bag of trash and the rest of his crap out there to the incinerator and start getting everything loaded man!

As Daniel and his wife go to the kitchen compactor to get Austin and the diapers and trash out, the compactor was just finishing a cycle. Misses Newell,  shut the power down and unlocked the door, then slid the door open. As the door opened, Misses Newell and Daniel saw that Austin's diaper had burst open a little at the back left around the leg elastic. 

Austin: Hey! What's happening? Are you taking the bag I am in, out now? 

Misses Newell: Yes, it's time for final disposal! 

Austin: Where are you taking me? Do I have to be in this bag? 

As misses Newell pulled the sides of the thick plastic compactor bag up, with the handles, as Daniel, grabbed the bottom of the bag, they both lifted it out and carried it out of the kitchen, into the dining room and then out of the back glass sliding door, to the back porch then over to the side of the incinerator. 
As the bag was carried out to the incinerator barrel, Austin jostled around inside the bag until the bag was set down. Then, as misses Newell opened the bag, and began to take the clean and wet diapers out, Daniel went over to the metal shed and took out a couple of large fuel cans filled with diesel fuel and brought them over to the side of the incinerator. 
Misses Newell had taken all but the last two diapers taken from on top of Austin sitting and sweating inside the bag with just his thick, bulky, semi-wet, crinkly, plastic-backed disposable diaper on. 

Austin: Hey! What are you doing? Where are all of the diapers going? 

Misses Newell: It's time for final disposal baby. I am loading you and all of the diapers from this bag, your clean diapers from the bags and boxes and all of your clothes, into my incinerator barrel. 

Austin: Hey!!

Misses Newell picks Austin up from inside the bag, and lowers him down into the incinerator barrel on top of a bunch of his own, opened, wet thick disposable diapers. Then, she folded his legs up Indian style so that they wouldn't hang over the edge. Then, she leaned in and pushed down really hard three times on Austin as he lay there. One of the opened diapers that his head was now laying on, folded itself over his head and face, covering his whole head and face just before a bunch more folded over wet Pampers, Wet Luvs, Wet dollar store diapers began to rain down on top of the diaper covering his head, and some of them, settled down onto his chest around his shoulders and around his arms near his armpits. Daniel reached into the barrel, opened the folded over diapers, and then laid them back down with the wet sides facing Austin's skin. 

Austin: How come you put the ...wet side against me? 

Daniel: I wanted to get you as dirty and stinky as we could before I pour a bunch of this diesel fuel all over you and the diapers. 

Austin: What are you doing with my two boxes and bags of clean disposable diapers over there? 

Misses Newell: I am going to soak them in diesel fuel, use one to wipe you down with so you get plenty of fuel all over you and your diaper, then, the other one, my husband or I will use to light and toss it into the incinerator to start your final disposal. 

Austin: (trying to sit up using his elbows to prop himself up) I.....don't wanna be disposed of! WAIT! Don't toss my.....clean onesies in here!!! 

Daniel Newell: Sorry son! They are all trash! They are going into the burn barrel now for disposal! I don't care what you want! If they are in my trash, they are being thrown away! 

Austin sees Daniel and misses Newell go over to some pile of logs and sticks, misses Newell grabs an armload of the sticks and then brings them over to the incinerator barrel, setting them all down beside as Daniel begins chopping some of the logs down so they will fit into the incinerator barrel. Once Daniel finishes chopping six logs down, he brings a large armload of the chopped logs over to the side of the incinerator barrel and drops them onto the ground near the sticks.

Austin: all of that wood for? 

Misses Newell looks down at Austin, propped up on his elbows, 

They are being used to keep you, your diapers and everything burning hotter and longer. They help everything burn all the way down. 

Austin: You mean, you are going to put all of those in here on top of me?

Daniel Newell: YEP! Right before you and everything gets a nice diesel fuel bath! 

Daniel and misses Newell begin loading the sticks into the incinerator, breaking them up as they both dropped them on top of the clean disposable diapers that were on top of all of Austin's clean and dirty cloth diapers  that were piled haplessly on top of Austin from head to toe. 

Austin: NO! Stop dropping those....sticks on me! Why are you putting so many of them by my diaper and my head? 

Misses Newell leans in and lays a bunch of the sticks underneath Austin's head and then she lifts Austin's legs and lays a bunch of sticks underneath his diapered butt, before laying a few sticks right on his diaper and around his legs.

Misses Newell: Ok sweetie, lift your legs for me, there....that-a-boy....these sticks are going to make you, your diaper, and everything burn longer and more completely so that there won't be anything left. 

Austin: Please!!!! Please!!! Don't dispose of me! I.......I......promise! I will try harder not to wet my diapers! 

Misses Newell: Sorry hon, Your mom and dad paid us to....dispose of you and all of your diapers. Your mom wanted you to be disposed of in our incinerator barrel.  
We have disposal options which we offer to our customers to choose from.
Your mom and dad chose this disposal option for you and your things.Your mom and dad also wanted you to be awake for the whole thing. They also wanted you to get a nice diesel fuel soaking too for a couple of hours before we started your final disposal. So my husband is going to pour a lot of diesel fuel all over you and the diapers, let you soak, then he is going to pour some more of it all over you then he will start your final disposal. 

Austin: Hey! Don't put those heavy logs in here!! Why are you putting some under my head, under my diaper and UH! UH! Why so many on my chest? 

Misses Newell: So that when it's final disposal time hun, you will burn all the way down. We don't want anything left. 
O....K. there, now, lay down flat for me sweetie. Goooood! There are a few more diapers going in now before it's time for the diesel fuel bath. 

As Misses Newell empties quite a few enrolled, folded over wet disposable diapers into the incinerator barrel on top of the pile of diapers on top of Austin, Daniel Newell went and opened up all three of the full diesel fuel containers preparing to pour the fuel on the diapers and onto Austin.

Misses Newell began to move diapers away from on top of Austin's diaper so that Daniel could soak the inside of Austin's diaper well with some diesel fuel.
Misses Newell reached down with her left hand and pulled back the right-hand leg elastics in Austin's diaper and held it open while Daniel inserted the long pour spout into Austin's diaper and began to pour diesel fuel into the diaper.

Austin: WAIT!!! Stop it! That stuff is cold! Brrrr! It's soaking my diaper!!!

Then, Misses Newell let go of the right hand leg elastics,  then she reached over, pulled on Austin's waistband and held it open long enough to let Daniel pour in some more cold diesel fuel. Once the front half of the inside of Austin's diaper was soaked, the outside was getting really, really drenched with diesel fuel as Daniel splashed and poured the fuel all over Austin, his diaper and the sticks and other diapers around his chest to his butt.
Then the first diesel fuel container was emptied, and as Daniel opens the second container of diesel fuel, Misses Newell  moves the diapers she moved, back to where they were before just as Daniel began to splash and slowly pour more diesel fuel onto Austin's chest and the diapers on his chest and around him too, soaking everything in diesel fuel.

Misses Newell: OK Austin, close your eyes.....really tight.....and keep them closed until Daniel is done soaking your head, hair and face and all of the diapers around you too, ok? 

Daniel splashes and pours more diesel fuel onto Austin's head and hair and the diapers and clothing around Austin's head.
The diesel fuel runs down Austin's face, head and around his neck.

Austin: Uuuuuh!!! It's cold!!! It's all....slimy and wet!!! That stuff is making my skin itch and burn! Are you going to get this stuff off of me??

Daniel Newell: No son, I won't. This stuff is going to start your final disposal man! Sorry son, this is just how things are done! 
Ok son, al.....most ready to start your final disposal. You and these waste diapers just need a little time to soak, then I will pour some more on ya and then, it will be final disposal time man! Babe, go ahead and put the lid on for a bit and go get the next load ready to go into the other old burn barrel.  

Misses Newell: Certainly hon, be glad to. 

While misses Newell puts the locking lid on the newer incinerator barrel, then goes into the house to get the next load of diapers and the next diapered trash ready for final disposal, Daniel goes back to the pile of wood over by the cinder block wall, to chop some more chunks to use in the older burn barrel. Misses Newell  gathers up all of Jeremy's bags of Huggies for him, the opened bag with 3/4 of the clean diapers still inside along with the 4 unopened bags, takes them all outside and sets them all down next to the old 32 Gallon aluminum former trash can before she goes over to one of the 32 gallon daycare cans, takes the lid off and then starts to drag the heavy, full can over to the old burn barrel. Daniel, has chopped some kindling and is just then, adding 
some chunks of kindling to the bottom of the old burn barrel.  

Misses Newell: Babe, are we ready to load this can of diapers and Jeremy yet? 

Daniel Newell: Hold off for a few while I add a few more pieces of kindling.

Misses Newell: I will get Jeremy out and get him ready to be loaded, ok? 

Daniel Newell: Sounds like a plan man. 

Misses Newell reaches down into the daycare trash can, and starts taking some of the loose, wet, folded-over Pampers with the blue waist shield out, setting them down on the ground next to the can until Jeremy was completely uncovered. 

Jeremy: What is happening? How come you are taking all of those diapers out? 

Misses Newell: It's time for your final disposal hon. I have to get you and your diaper ready to go into our old burn barrel.
Come on, up ya go. Need some help there?

Jeremy: Yes please. I....want to know what you are going to do to my diaper and I to get ready to go into that can you pointed to?

Misses Newell: Well, my husband is going to pour some diesel fuel down into your diaper first, to get it all nice and soaked, then, one of us will load some diapers into the barrel, then one of us will load you in before we begin loading as many of the diapers as we can fit into the barrel. 
Ready hon? Let me pick you up and get you out of there....UUUUUP.....ya, do us both a favor and just stand....right there while my husband soaks your nice, comfy diapers with diesel fuel ok?

Daniel grabs the can of diesel fuel, takes the cap off the pour-spout, then comes over to Jeremy to begin pouring some of the diesel fuel down the front and back of Jeremy's diaper. 

Daniel Newell: Babe, could you pull the front of his diaper open a little while I pour this in? 

Misses Newell: Sure thing babe.

Daniel Newell: going to feel really cold, hot and slimy at the same time, ok? Don't move while I am doing this....ok man? 

Misses Newell uses her index and middle fingers to open the waistband of Jeremy's diaper while Daniel begins to slowly pour splashes of diesel fuel down the front of Jeremy's diaper. As the first splashes of diesel fuel gush down into Jeremy's diaper, Jeremy twitches with discomfort.

Jeremy: Woooooooo!  look! That's .....COLD!!! My diaper feels a LOT wetter now! Hey! It's .....leaking!!!

Misses Newell: It's ok hon, that's all part of soaking your diaper for disposal.

Daniel Newell: (removing the pour-spout from the waistband of Jeremy's diaper. ) 
Ok, babe, can you hold the back of his diaper open a little while I pour this diesel fuel into the diaper?

Misses Newell: (reaching around to the back of Jeremy's diaper and using her index and middle fingers to open the waistband and hold it open.) There....go for it.

Jeremy: NO! Please! Don't soak my whole diaper!!! 

Misses Newell: Sorry baby, It's getting completely soaked, inside and out! 

Daniel Newell: After I'm done soaking the inside, I am going to completely soak the outside of your diaper along with the rest of you from toe! I'm giving you and your diaper, a diesel fuel shower! 

Jeremy: My DIAPER!!! It's starting to....blow up!!!! 

Daniel Newell: That's a good thing man! 
That means that your diaper is almost ready to go into the burn barrel son!
Honey? Could you go get some of those sticks and small twigs over there to stick down into the front and back of Jeremy's diaper when I'm done soaking the inside of his diaper? Thanks. 

Daniel removes the pour spout from the back of Jeremy's diaper as misses Newell goes and grabs a fist-full of small and medium sized sticks and twigs. She brings them over and hands a few to Daniel as both of them start inserting the sticks and twigs down the front and back of Jeremy's diaper. 

Jeremy: HEY! Stop it! Why are you putting those into my diaper? What are those for? 

Daniel Newell: Oh....these? (Kneeling down on both knees) These ....are going to help you and your diaper burn all the way down until there is nothing left son. 

Misses Newell: YEP hon, we use these sticks and twigs to make sure there is nothing left. Sorry if they are uncomfortable. 

Jeremy: What are all of those wipes going to be used for? 

Misses Newell: These? I'm going to use them to cover your eyes with then I'll use some, soaked in diesel fuel to wipe you down with...ready for the next soaking in more diesel fuel? We are going to wet your hair and head now so close your eyes while I hold some of your baby wipes over your eyes....honey? Try not to get too much of that on me please....

Daniel Newell: Of course!

Daniel then picked up the nearly full container of diesel fuel and raises it above Jeremy's head and begins to slowly pour the fuel over Jeremy's head. The diesel fuel begins to soak and wet Jeremy's hair as it ran down all sides of his head, down his neck, face, shoulders dripping down onto his chest and belly before running down his arms, forearms, hands and then dripping onto the cardboard he was standing on. 

Jeremy: BRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! I'm getting a little cold!!!! 

Misses Newell: Don't worry. This will all be over in a few more minutes and then you will be tucked into our nice and comfy burn barrel covered in plenty of nice and comfy diesel fuel soaked diapers and clothes hon.

Jeremy: Wait! My.....clothes are going in there....too? What about my diaper bags, and my stroller? How come all of the bags and boxes of my Huggies for him and Pampers are here? 

Daniel Newell: Everything is trash man! My wife and I are burning you.....and all of your things dude! Ok son, here are the last couple of splashes of diesel fuel before my wife will wipe you down from head to toe with some diesel fuel-soaked rags.

Daniel splashes some of the diesel fuel onto Jeremy's back, sides chest and stomach before the last two splashes soak the outside of Jeremy's diaper. Then Daniel puts the now half full diesel fuel container down and then goes to gather up more wood to put into the burn barrel while misses Newell opens one of Jeremy's diaper boxes, begins taking the diapers out, setting them aside, and once the first Pampers box was empty, Misses Newell began to tear the box up until it was in six or seven pieces.

Misses Newell: Now, stand....right there for me, while I get the burn barrel ready for you and the diapers, then, I'm gonna wipe you down with more diesel fuel. Don't go anywhere....

Misses Newell breaks the first box of vintage Pampers down into lots of pieces so that it will fit into the burn barrel. She places the pieces of the box on top of the kindling in the bottom of the old burn barrel. Then she loads some of the clean Pampers diapers into the burn barrel on top of the pieces of the Pampers box before she came over to Jeremy to give him his final wipe-down. Misses Newell reaches into the daycare trash can, takes one of Jeremy's onesies out, and then she tips the container of diesel fuel while holding the onesie over the pour-spout and she thoroughly soaks it before putting the containerof diesel fuel upright again before she began to use the onesie to wipe Jeremy down with starting with his face, then his neck, shoulders, sides, under-arms, armpits, arms, hands, then she re-soaked the onesie and continued wiping Jeremy's chest, tummy, before she forcefully wrenched Jeremy around so that she could thoroughly wipe his back and diaper down. Misses Newell again re-soaked the onesie and then made Jeremy slightly spread his legs while she used the onesie to wipe inside his inner thighs, along his entire diaper-line, along the areas where his bulging, soaking wet, dripping leg elastics of his disposable diaper met his skin, until she was satisfied that every inch of Jeremy and his diaper were soaked well with diesel fuel. 

Jeremy: Hey!!! Why are you wiping my diapers and between my legs iike that???

Misses Newell: I was told to give you a thorough diesel fuel wipe-down for your disposal hon. Your mom and dad paid for that, quite well too I must say! O....K....time to......tuck you into the nice and comfy burn barrel.  Ready for disposal? Here....let me help you into the burn barrel sweetie....

Misses Newell picks Jeremy up with her yellow latex gloved hands and lowers him into the burn barrel, laying him onto his back with his legs dangling over the edge of the barrel. Misses Newell then forcefully folds his legs into an Indian-style position before she went over to the daycare trash can and started taking handfuls of the diapers and dropping them into the burn barrel on top of Jeremy. 

Jeremy: (With his legs dangling over the edge of the barrel) Ouch! Stop it! That hurt! 

Misses Newell: I don't care! I don't want your legs dangling over the barrel! 

Misses Newell begins to toss in the remaining loose, clean Pampers from the ground, tossing them haplessly onto Jeremy's chest and tummy.Then, Misses Newell grabbed the large wad of used wipes and she stuffed them into the waistband of Jeremy's diaper. 

Jeremy: Hey! Why did you just do that?? 

Misses Newell: shhhhhhhh! It's quiet time! 
No more talking!!! 

Then, Misses Newell grabbed some more of the diapers from the daycare trash can and tossed them into the burn barrel on top of Jeremy. The next load of diapers to be tossed in, Misses Newell placed around Jeremy's shoulders, neck sides of his head before she grabbed another couple of armloads of the diapers. This load, had a bunch of his dry, powdery Pampers, onesies, bottles of empty baby powder and loose used wipes in it. Misses Newell dropped the armload onto Jeremy's chest,  then she took one of the slightly wet powdery Pampers, opened it up just enough to place the absorbent side, down and over Jeremy's face,with the wings with the tapes tucked around Jeremy's left side of his head.

Jeremy: What is this for? 

Misses Newell: No...talking! Quiet time!

Then Misses Newell put another powdery Pampers diaper over his face before piling more folded over wet Luvs, Huggies for him, and some more slightly wet powdery Pampers disposable diapers over Jeremy's diaper-covered face. The next two armloads of wet vintage diapers, were tossed onto Jeremy's diapered lap and tucked into the area between his legs and then, misses Newell reaches down,  picks up one of the unopened Huggies for him bags, she tears the bag open, and starts tossing handfuls of the clean vintage disposable diapers into the burn barrel covering Jeremy's legs. Then, she opened a few of the diapers and tucked them, with the soft, fluffy sides facing Jeremy's skin, around the right side going towards the left with the elastics stretched out as much as possible. There was now just enough room in the barrel to toss in some of Jeremy's onesies and footed pajamas.  
Just as misses Newell grabbed a few onesies, Daniel came over to add a few of the smaller logs. Misses Newell lets Daniel put one of the logs between Jeremy's legs, sort of jamming it into place.

Jeremy: UH! Ouch! What.....was that???

Daniel Newell: A log dude! Now .....shut up like my wife told you to! 

Daniel drops a few more larger logs into the burn barrel on top of Jeremy and all of the diapers before misses Newell opens up some of the folded onesies and starts laying them over the logs. Then, Misses Newell grabs one of the other unopened bags of Huggies for him diapers, she then rips the bag open along the prorated lines, and starts tossing in a few more loose clean disposable diapers before she sets the 3/4 full bag down away from the burn barrel and picks up one of Jeremy's diaper bags with some of the baby powder, baby wipes, 2 bottles of baby lotion, and one half empty baby bottle of half consumed milk, and tosses it into the burn barrel. 

Misses Newell: OK.....ready for a good soaking of diesel fuel whenever you're ready babe. 

Daniel Newell: Right on, be there in a hot city second babe! 

Daniel puts a few logs into the newer incinerator barrel between Austin's legs and by each side of his diaper then he puts the last log onto Austin's stomach and chest before going back to grab and pickup the half-full container of diesel fuel. Daniel goes over to the old burn barrel and leans over the barrel as he begins to slowly pour splashes of diesel fuel all over everything in the burn barrel.  As everything gets completely drenched in diesel fuel, the container is emptied and Daniel sets the empty diesel fuel container down, away from the two burn barrels then Daniel checks his pockets for his cigarettes and lighter with the usual self pat-down. 

Daniel Newell: Honey? Where did I put my cigarettes and lighter? 

Misses Newell: UM....last time I saw them, they were on the coffee table in the living room. 

Daniel Newell: Thanks. 

Daniel Newell goes and grabs his cigarettes and lighter and as he walks outside towards the two waiting, fully loaded burn barrels, he gets a cigarette out and puts it in between his lips before lighting it. He takes the first two puffs, with smoke billowing from the sides of his head as he cooly & confidently heads over to the older burn barrel first.

Daniel Newell: (Leaning down slightly over the barrel) Is there ......anything that you want to say....before I start your final disposal son? (Cupping his free right hand to his right ear) Well then, time to.....light things up! Bye-bye diapered trash! 

Daniel flicks his lighter and a flame appears. He slowly holds his lit lighter to one of the diesel fuel-soaked onesies and watches as the flames begin to rapidly dance along the items in the burn barrel.  In just a few short minutes, the hot flames are roaring as Jeremy begins to shout and cry blood-curdling cries of pain and agony for a few minutes until he passed out and the sheer heat produced by the dancing and roaring flames began to fully engulf and eventually consume him and the diapers and clothing. 
Daniel then calmly & cooly, walked over to the newer incinerator barrel,  unlocked and removed the lid, checked to see if anything else needed to be done, before reaching down near the bottom of the vented opening, flicking his lighter, holding it to a piece of cloth that he pulled through the slit opening and then as the flames began to progressively consume more and more of the piece of cloth, he stood up, put the lid back on, relocked it, and then stood way back onto the porch as Austin's screams began to get louder and louder. Daniel stood there, puffing on what was left of his cigarette, watching the roaring flames dance before dropping his cigarette butt onto the cement, and stepping on it with a twist of his right foot before turning and going into the house for the night.
The next morning, after misses Newell changed each of their own kid's wet diapers, Daniel went to get ready for work and grab a cup of coffee and the morning's first cigarette. While he finished his cigarette, Misses Newell tossed the wet diapers into the brown trash can before starting to fix breakfast. Daniel went over to inspect the ashy remains of the contents in both of the burn barrels. Satisfied that only blackened skeletons remained among the ashes, he turned and went back into the house to refill his now empty coffee cup. 

Daniel Newell: Hon, what do you plan on doing with the left-over skeletons still in the two burn barrels? 

Misses Newell: I will grind them up and add them with some compost to my garden. Devon's brother is being dropped off for disposal at some point today and Austin's sister is also being dropped off for her disposal today.

Daniel Newell: I checked my voicemail this morning and my friend Thomas and his wife want us to dispose of their diapered daughter. They offered us $3,000 to dispose of her hon.

Misses Newell: Really? Awwwwe! That is too bad! She is such a pretty girl! I will be sorry to loose her as a regular patron of my daycare! Sure, tell Thomas to bring Brea here and we will take care of that.

Daniel Newell: Cool! I will call him on my way to work. 

Daniel leaves for work and before starting his truck, Daniel calls his friend to let him know that he can drop his daughter Brea off for disposal. He then hangs up, starts his truck and goes to work.

Misses Newell receives a phone call on her cell which she retrieves from her pocket, looks at the screen and then answers it.

Misses Newell: Hello? 

Patricia: Hi there misses Newell,  it's Patricia, Devon's mom? 

Misses Newell: Well hi, what can we do for you Patricia? 

Patricia: Is.....this a good time to bring Devon's brother over there to be dropped off for disposal? 

Misses Newell: Certainly. Bring him by. Does he have a lot of diapers? 

Patricia: Well, Yes, we have a lot of these old saggy, leaky thin wing-fold diapers we bought thinking that we could save money on but they are thin, gappy at the legs, and they leak! We have to change Charlie about every 40 minutes because he is a heavy wetter! With these thin diapers, we are going through more of these than the Luvs Deluxe that we started buying instead! Charlie still gets changed every hour though using the Luvs Deluxe diapers.

Misses Newell: Good to know. Sorry that you are having so many problems with leaky diapers. Leave Charlie with us here and we will take care of that for you. We have plenty of nice, thick diapers that Charlie can use. Bring the leaky diapers with him and anything you think he will need while he is here. 

Patricia: Certainly will. See you in about an hour? 

Misses Newell: Sure. See you then. 
Misses Newell  hangs up and then she gets another phone call.

Misses Newell: Hello? 

Sherri: Hi, my name is Sherri, I have two diapered kids that I can't afford any more.
Both of them are heavy wetters and go through a lot of diapers. We bought them both Pampers with the blue waist shield and they last for about an hour and a half or so before I end up having to change them again. Their onesies and pajamas are always wet around the back parts after just one wetting! 

Misses Newell: I....completely know where you're coming from. Come sign your kids up for my daycare and I will take care of them for you. My rates will be discussed when you arrive. 

Sherri: Sounds....good. See you in 30 to 40 minutes. 

Misses Newell: Sure. Looking forward to taking care of your two diapered ones.
See you soon. Bye now. 

Misses Newell then calls Emily to see if she isn't working and if she could come help her with the new arrivals. 
Emily just happens to have 2 days off this week. She was looking to occupy some of the time when misses Newell called. Emily agreed to come assist at the daycare.
As misses Newell goes around the daycare, getting everything ready, making sure that there are enough baby powder bottles, wipes, and enough vintage Luvs, Pampers diapers ready for use, just in case, she remembers that there are still two and 3/4 packs of Huggies for him, one still on the porch, left over from Jeremy. She goes outside and retrieves them and brings them back inside and then carries the opened package over to where she keeps the diapers. Misses Newell's daughter comes toddling over to misses Newell wearing a wet Luvs diaper. 

Misses Newell: well hi baby, I see that you need your diaper changed. Let me go grab you a clean diaper and the wipes then I will change you hon, ok? Sweetie? 

Misses Newell goes and gets a clean vintage Luvs Baby Pants diaper and a tub of baby wipes and then she gets her daughter to follow her into the daycare where she lays her down for her diaper change.

Misses Newell: OK hon, lay down for mommy, that's a good girl. Mommy will get you all nice and comfy again. 

As misses Newell unfastened the tapes and pulled the soaking wet front of her daughter's diaper down, she opened the flip-top of the tub of wipes, pulled a bunch out, and then began to use them to wipe all of the wetness from around her daughter's diapering areas. As each used wipe was done with, misses Newell drops each wipe into the wet Luvs diaper before folding it over, and pulling it out from under her daughter's bottom. Then misses Newell opened the clean Luvs baby pants diaper, lifted her daughter's bottom, slid the thick, soft, fluffy dry diaper under, and then she pulled the front of the diaper up and fastened the tapes. Just as she was done, the doorbell rang. Misses Newell quickly picked the wet diaper up, helped her daughter to her feet and then tossed the wet diaper into the wet diaper pail before going to the door to answer it. 
Misses Newell opens the door and Charlie, wearing a pair of jeans a dark blue shirt with a baby blue onesie bodysuit on underneath and a pair of old tennis shoes is standing there in front of his mother, Patricia, whom had already dropped off Devon, whom was already just disposed of. 

Misses Newell: Well, hi....there, sweetie. Good to see you again. Come in, come in. 

Patricia: Thanks. Here is Charlie's diaper bag, and the first of 8 boxes of these.....Pampers wing-fold diapers, and we also bought him 2 boxes of these Luvs Baby-pants and 2 boxes of these Luvs Deluxe diapers too. We have tried a few of both Luvs and we like the Baby pants ones best. Let me go get the rest of his diapers and then I will bring his clothes and bedding as well as his stuffed animals too.

Misses Newell: Certainly. Charlie? Do you need your diaper changed hon? Can I check please? 

Charlie comes over and stands close to misses Newell who unbuttoned and then unzipped his jeans before pulling them down so she could see if his thin, saggy, gappy diapers were wet yet. 

Misses Newell: Oh...yea! Time to change your diaper! Your diaper leaked! I am going to put you into our nice, thick Luvs Deluxe diapers. You really ARE a heavy wetter! 

Charlie: Miss Newell? 

Misses Newell: Yes sweetie? 

Charlie: How come my mommy is bringing all of my diapers, clothing and my blankets? 

Misses Newell: Well.......(Pulling Charlie's wet Pampers wing-fold diaper out from underneath him with a pile of used wipes inside, folding the diaper over and setting it aside) Your mom, is signing your custody over to my husband and I,  so we can dispose of you and your diapers and clothing I'm afraid. 

Charlie: What does....."custody" .....mean?

Misses Newell: It means....that my husband and I....own you until you are disposed of sweetie. (Opening a dry and clean Luvs Deluxe blue diaper, lifting Charlie up using his legs while sliding the open Luvs Deluxe diaper under him, and setting his moist bottom down into the thick, bulky, fluff before shaking a lot of baby powder into the diaper & onto Charlie's pelvis, before pulling the front of the diaper up and fastening the tapes.) 
There! All.....done. Why don't you go see what toys you wanna play with over there while your mom and I talk.....ok? 

Misses Newell stands up, helps Charlie to his feet, and while Charlie crinckles loudly over to the toys, misses Newell grabs the wet Pampers wing-fold diaper and goes to throw it into the now empty white trash can before meeting with Patricia, and having Patricia sign a bunch of papers. 
Patricia looks over the papers, chooses a disposal option (The Burn Barrel) then writes in the blank space where "Additional Instructions:" was, "I want my son to be wiped down from head to toe, with his wet diapers at every diaper change, very well, so that he will stink enough by the time it becomes his disposal time. Instead of diesel fuel, I want baby oil used. Put him into your compactor so to squeeze out any wetness in his soaking wet diapers. Also, do whatever you wish with any of the left-over diapers. Make sure that Charlie and his diapers get lots and lots of compacting! His diapers will need it!!"
Patricia then signs the documents and the custodial papers over to Daniel and misses Newell before she shakes misses Newell's hand, and then leaves without saying good-bye to Charlie so he won't cry for her and so that he won't see her tears.
A few minutes later, the doorbell rings again and misses Newell goes to answer it. She opens the door, and Sherri is standing there, with her daughter Maria, and her son Donald. Maria is wearing a pink onesie and a pink and white dress and Donald is wearing a white onesie, a pair of jeans and a small black plastic-leather jacket and a pair of dark glasses.
Maria had her blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail and both of them looked as though they walked right out of the movie "Grease"! 

Sherri: They both wanted to wear their Halloween costumes again. 

Misses Newell: I....SEE! They look.....adorable! Are....YOU.....sure that you want my husband and I to....dispose of them??? 

Sherri: Yes, I am 100% sure!!! 

Misses Newell: OK......then....lets get them and their things situated and then you and I can go and fill out the paperwork for their disposals. 

Sherri: Sure thing. I have 10 boxes of Pampers and some of the Huggies Whites diapers that we tried on them first. There are about 5 bags of them left and their onesies, Pajamas, their two, fully stocked diaper bags, and I also brought the 13 gallon diaper pail that is about half full, since trash day for us is a week away. 

Misses Newell: How come you bought so many diapers? 

Sherri: These two are very heavy wetters. We got a huge discount on their diapers by buying in bulk. 

Misses Newell: AH! That....explains it. Come in and let's get them doing something so that we can get the paperwork done. I have someone coming to help me with everyone.

Sherri, Maria and Donald all come in as misses Newell closes the door. Sherri is carrying four diaper bags, two boxes of Pampers Ultra with the blue waist shield diapers, as she comes in, sets the two boxes down, then drops the four diaper bags down next to the boxes of Pampers. 

Misses Newell: (Handing Sherri a clipboard and a black pen) Here....are the disposal options, the custodial papers for both of them and the prices are listed below each of the disposal options. 

Sherri reads through the first set of papers, She selects a disposal option for Donald, then writes in some "Additional Instructions" for Donald. 

Additional Instructions: "After his first two diaper changes, please wash or rinse him off so that he is clean and comfy one last time at least one and a half days prior to his disposal. Instead of diesel fuel, please  pre-soak him and his diapers in used motor oil or olive oil at least an hour before his final disposal. Make sure that Donald gets plenty of oil inside his diaper and gets plenty of oil between his legs and anywhere that needs it more. If at all necessary, feel free to put him into your compactor. Make sure he is disposed of in a wet diaper."

Sherri signs the documents, leaves a cash payment of $3,000 clipped to the clipboard before handing it over to misses Newell.  

Sherri: I am going to let you two choose how you wish to dispose of Donald and Maria. I did leave some additional instructions there....

Misses Newell: Oh, Ok, I will look at them shortly before their disposals. You saw where it says "Disposals occur within 48 hours of arrival and after official custody papers arrive, final disposition is implemented" right? 

Sherri: I did read that. I am fine with however you and your husband wish to handle their disposals. 

Misses Newell: So, you know that by signing the papers, this gives my husband and I ownership of both of them and that this is final and you do not want them or any of their things back....right? 

Sherri: I know that this is my final answer and whatever you do with them, is fine with me. There is the $3,000, let me bring in the rest of the 8 boxes of their diapers, the two bags of Huggies whites, and their clothing. I also brought the boy's matchbox cars and related toys and I brought the girl's stuffed animals and a couple of her diapered cabbage patch dolls too. Be right back.

Sherri goes out to the back of her 2005 black Chevy Suburban and begins bringing all of the unopened boxes of Luvs diapers into the daycare, stacking them by the door next to the opened ones before bringing in the two mega packs of Huggies Whites diapers, before she brought the matchbox cars and the black trash bag full of stuffed animals and the two diapered cabbage patch dolls too. 
Then Sherri went back to the SUV to bring in the two strollers and the onesies, shirts, plastic lined pants and cargo shorts as well as pants, blouses and a few dresses. 
Sherri left everything near the door before waving  good-bye to misses Newell before leaving. 

Misses Newell: (Going over to the boy to check to see if he needs a diaper change)
Hi there sweetie. need a diaper change yet hon? Why don't we come over here and let me see like a good boy. You sure look cute in that leather coat with your hair like that. Ok.......lay down right here for me while I take your pants off.
Misses Newell removes Donald's jeans and tosses them aside where she will also toss Donald's diaper.

Donald: What are you gonna do with my pants? 

Misses Newell: They are going to be thrown away with your diaper, onesie and that shirt you have on hon. 

Donald: You mean that my clothes are going into the trash with my diapers?

Misses Newell: Yes sweetie, unfortunately, you won't be needing them any more where you are going soon. In just 12 to 24 hours, you will be thrown away in the trash where your diapers go sweetie. I'm so sorry to have to do this to you like this, but, your mom turned you over to my husband and I so you and your things could be disposed of. We just have to wait for the papers to come in the mail and then it will be time for your final disposal. When my husband gets home, he will be taking over your diaper changing duties, but until then, I have a lady named miss Emily coming over to help me with everything. 

Donald: But, but, but, I.....don't wanna go in the trash! What are you gonna do with all of my clothes and diapers? 

Misses Newell: If we don't need so many of your diapers here at my daycare, then, what we can't use, goes into the trash for disposal with all of your clothes. 

Donald: Even if the diapers and my clothes are clean? 

Misses Newell: I'm afraid so hon. 

Donald: Will the same thing happen to my sister? 

Misses Newell: Yes, it will. Your mom left some instructions for both of you, but I have to do a few different things with her than I will do with you. You will soon see baby. Now, which of your diapers do you want? This Huggies, or...... this Pampers diaper OR......I have one of these Luvs diapers? 


Misses Newell: Yes, you will be allowed to choose which diapers you want to wear, right up until your last diaper change before you and your diaper go into one of my diaper pails. 

Donald: Can I pick which diaper pail I go into? 

Misses Newell: Yes, I don't see why not. 

Donald: I choose......the Luvs white diaper (pointing to the thick, crinkly, white diaper)
Misses Newell then begins to open the front and back tabs before putting the diaper down next to Donald, flipping the onesie flaps up, working the onesie up enough to reveal Donald's belly button. 
Once misses Newell unfastened the tapes, she pulled the semi-wet diaper out from under Donald, setting the folded-over wet diaper onto Donald's chest while she lifted his butt, slid the Luvs diaper under him, shook a lot of baby powder onto Donald and a lot into his diaper before pulling the front of the diaper up and fastening the tapes.  

Just then, Emily walks into the nursery with her two diapered daughters. 

Emily: Sorry if I am late, traffic was bad. 

Misses Newell: It's ok hon, could you take 
Maria over and take her clothes off, leave her in her onesie, and change her diaper please? Throw her clothes away with her diaper. 

Emily: Sure. Maria? It's diaper changing time....come lay down here and I will get ya all nice and comfy again.

Emily takes Maria's left hand in her right hand and leads her over to a changing pad on the floor and helps Maria lay down on it. Then Emily takes Maria's shoes and socks off, setting them aside, then she takes Maria's dress off, sliding the dress down Maria's legs until it was off. Emily tosses the dress on top of Maria's shoes and socks. Then Emily unbuttoned the snaps in the crotch of Maria's onesie, before flipping the ends up and working the onesie up enough to uncover Maria's diaper.

Maria: Why is misses Newell taking my brother's clothes over to that ...trash can over there? 

Emily: Because, they are trash. Everything that we take off of you, will be trash from now on. You better get used to it! 

Maria: Why did my mommy bring all of my diapers, clothes and my dolls here? 

Emily:, your diapers and your stuff....are here for disposal! You and your things belong to misses Newell and her husband now! You and your things are going to be thrown away soon. 

Maria: You mean, that I am going to be put into the trash.... with my diapers? 

Emily: YEP!! I will personally help put you in there too!! 

Maria: NOOOOOO!!!! Miss Newell? Is.....this true? 

Misses Newell: Yes baby, I'm is. In just less than 12 hours, you and your diapers are going into one of the diaper pails for disposal. I'm sorry sweetheart, it has to be this way.

Maria: What if my diapers aren't wet? 

Misses Newell: It doesn't matter hon, when It's time for your disposal, you are going to be disposed of in what you are wearing, wet....or not. 

Maria: But......I.....don't wanna be thrown away!!! (Crosses arms and pouts) 

Emily: Tough kid! You're gonna be trash soon! We aren't gonna care whatcha wearing, you will just go into the diaper pail and stay there until the trash is taken out! NO......MATTER What!!!

Emily finishes Maria's diaper change and then gets up, grabs Maria's clothes and her slightly wet diaper and goes over to toss them into the wet diaper pail. 

Misses Newell: (To Emily) Go put her into one of the playpen for her nap-time. 

Emily: No problem. Maria, it's nap-time kid. I'm putting you into this playpen. Would you like anything to drink? 

Maria: Can I get some grape juice please? 

Emily: Sure. 

Emily goes and gets one of Maria's bottles and then she goes to the kitchen, opens the bottle, opens the refrigerator, takes the grape juice out, takes the lid off, then pours some juice until the bottle is full. She then puts the lid back on, puts the juice back and then puts the lid back onto the bottle tightly before taking the bottle to Maria and giving it to her.

Emily: Here ya go.

Maria: Thank you.

Misses Newell finished changing Donald's diaper and had already thrown the slightly wet diaper and his pants and shirt away into the wet diaper pail, which is already 1/4 of the way full, and now misses Newell goes over to change Charlie's diaper. 

Misses Newell: OK Charlie, time to change your diaper. (Taking Charlie by the right hand in her left, she leads him over to a changing table and helps him up to it before laying him down onto his back.) 
Wow! Your diaper leaked!!! Now your pants are wet!!! I bet your onesie must be....soaked! (Unbuttoning Charlie's pants and working them off before tossing them to the floor.) Your onesie is drenched up to your belly button hun! Your mom said you were a super heavy wetter!!! She said she changed you an hour ago. I'm going to have to change you every hour until it's time for your disposal. 

Charlie: What ? Does that mean that I will be going into the same place as my dirty diapers? 

Misses Newell: Yes, it does. My husband and I own you now. We will be your official owners as soon as the paperwork comes. 

Charlie: When am I being thrown away??

Misses Newell: In about .....(pulling cellphone out and looking at the time) 11 hours baby, when it is bedtime. 

Charlie: You are going to make me sleep in the trash with my stinky, wet diapers? 

Misses Newell: Yes, That is where you are going. In fact, I think I'm going to put you into our kitchen compactor because your diaper will need to have the wetness squeezed out of it. 

Charlie: that? 

Misses Newell: mean the compactor? When there are a bunch of very wet diapers, like yours hon, we put them into the compactor to help squeeze out some of the wetness. 

Charlie: What does it do? 

Misses Newell: It crushes everything we put into it nice and tightly while making more room in the trash bag for more wet diaper trash. 

Charlie: How long will I be in there? 

Misses Newell: until my husband or I come and take the full bag out to the porch to wait until my husband loads you and the diapers into our nice solar diaper dyer. 

Charlie: I....have to go into a diaper dryer???

Misses Newell: Yes baby! You and your diaper do! We use the solar diaper dryer to completely dry all of the diapers out so that they will burn faster and more completely. The diapers don't stink as much either. Since you are such a heavy wetter, we have to make extra sure that your diaper is completely dry before final disposal. 

Charlie: How come I have to go into the diaper dryer thing? 

Misses Newell: It's just easier that way. Since you are wet, everything that is wet, goes into the dryer. 

Misses Newell unfastens the tapes on Charlie's soaked wing-fold Pampers diaper, pulls the front of it down, then lifts Charlie's butt while pulling the wet diaper out from underneath Charlie. Then Misses Newell removed Charlie's onesie, tossing the soaked thing onto the pile of clothing trash. Then, as instructed in Charlie's "Additional Instructions", Misses Newell picked up Charlie's wet diaper, then starting from his head and face, she began to wipe the inside of the wet diaper, all over his hair, then all over his face, then working her way down to his chest and stomach before giving Charlie's face a good extra soaking, by leaving the diaper laying over his face until she had put the clean Pampers Ultra diaper, with a lot of baby powder, on him. 

Charlie: Hey! Stop it! doing? Yuck! Blegh! Take this off my face please!!! 

Misses Newell: Sorry Charlie, I...have to do this to you at every diaper change. Every hour until you are disposed of, I will have to wipe you from head to toe with your wet diapers. Your mom paid us to make sure that you get nice, dirty & stinky for your disposal. 

Then Misses Newell pats the crinkly plastic backing of the wet Ultra Pampers diaper laying on Charlie's face. 

Misses Newell:Just leave that there, No! Don't move it, until I am done putting you into this clean, dry and comfy Ultra Pampers diaper. 

Charlie: How come you aren't using my other Pampers diapers? 

Misses Newell: Oh......THOSE? They are too thin for you sweetie. These, are thicker and will last a bit longer and they have less chance of leaking. 

Misses Newell finishes Charlie's diaper change just in time for the doorbell to ring. 

Misses Newell: I'll get it.....Emily will you toss Charlie's diaper and clothes into the trash compactor for me? Thanks hon. 

Emily: No....Problem. 

Charlie: Hey! Don't! That's my onesie!!! Don't throw it away!!! Noooooooo!!!!!

Emily: DUDE!!! It's all going into the compactor for disposal! It's all trash.....dude!!

Charlie reaches out to grab the onesie trying to get it out of Emily's clutches as she turns to walk into the kitchen. 
The onesie slides out of Emily's hand nearly causing her to drop the heavy, soaking wet, folded-over Pampers wing-fold diaper. 

Emily: HEY DUDE! Give that to me! It's going.....into the ......TRASH! go into the trash....with your If you don't 
give that to, I will put you in there and run the packer a bunch of times!!!
Emily retrieves the wet onesie and then she quickly takes it, the wet pants, and the soaked diaper over to the compactor, tosses everything in, closes the door, locks it, then starts the compactor! 

Meanwhile, Misses Newell opens the door and standing there, is one of her regular attendees' mother, with her diapered son, Armada, who is an exact doppelganger, to Adam. 

Sandy: Hi misses Newell,  meet my son....Armada. 

Misses Newell: You look exactly like someone else that used to come here!!! 
Come in. (Closing the door behind them as they both walk through the doorway)

Sandy: I brought Armada here for the day, while my husband and I are at work. I...get off at 6pm and will be coming to pick him up around 7 pm. I brought a bunch of his diapers, extra changes of clothes, his stroller and a bottle of medication that he has to take 2 times daily. He will take one again at 4:00 pm. Ok? I will bring everything he needs for this entire week inside in a few minutes. When he runs out of Huggies, here is some money to get him another large pack.

Misses Newell: OK. Well, hello there Armada. You look so cute in your #OshGoshBegosh Conductor bibs, hon. 
Do you need your diaper changed? 
Let's go take a look, ok?

Misses Newell leads Armada over to the diaper changing table and before helping him onto the diaper changing table, she removes Armada's bibs and they drop to the floor as Misses Newell places Armada onto the changing table before helping him lie down. 

Misses Newell: Your comfy diaper is very wet. Good thing we are changing it before it leaked. Ya know, since you are being such a good boy, I.....have some yummy brownie cookies for you. 

Armada: Tank you miss Newell. 

Misses Newell: You're welcome sweetie-pie. 

Misses Newell unfastens the tapes, and pulls the front half of the wet diaper down, then she opens a wipes container and begins pulling out a bunch of wipes. She gets one wipe, and begins using it to wipe Armada's butt, crotch and pelvis. Then, she drops the wipe into the open diaper before grabbing another wipe and finishing wiping Armada's pelvis before dropping the wipe into the open diaper. Then, misses Newell pulls the wet diaper out from underneath Armada, folds it over, then sets it aside before grabbing a clean Huggies Story-time whites diaper, she opens it up in the back and front, then lifts Armada by his two legs, while sliding the thick, soft, fluffy, crinkly Huggies diaper underneath. Then, misses Newell grabs a baby powder bottle and shakes some into the diaper and onto Armada. Then after setting the baby powder bottle down, she pulls the front of the diaper up and fastened the tapes.

Misses Newell: There ya go sweetie. All.....nice and comfy. Let me help you down so I can put these cute conductor Osh-Gosh-Bgosh bibs back on ya. 

Misses Newell puts Armada's overalls on and then sends him off to play. Armada comes back wanting something to drink and Misses Newell gives him a sippy cup full of milk and the brownie cookie she promised him.

It is nearly 10:30 am now, and it is now 
time for a nap. Charlie is put down for his nap then Donald then Maria before Armada was placed in a play pen where he quickly went right to sleep. It took Charlie half an hour to fall asleep and Donald tossed and turned before he finally fell asleep. Maria fell asleep just after Armada did.  As everyone slept, misses Newell and Emily began to take bags of clothing outside to the porch for temporary storage while awaiting final disposition in the incinerator barrel. 

Then, once everything that wasn't a box or package of diapers had been moved, misses Newell and Emily began to look at all of the boxes of wing-fold Pampers diapers to decide if she would use any of them or should the diapers all be put into the diaper pails and what didn't fit, would go into the kitchen compactor.

 Misses Newell: These....diapers, are....a little too thin and they leak. I think these diapers need to be thrown away. I will keep two boxes for diapering dolls. Emily? 
Would you open each of these Pampers boxes and throw the diapers into the two wet diaper pails. When the pails fill up half way, put the rest of them into the compactor. 

Emily:  Sure. No problem. These don't seem like very good diapers anyhow. Now, they are....ALL....trash!! 

As Emily takes two unopened boxes of the Pampers wing-fold diapers over to the white trash can, already 1/4 full of diapers, she tears the box open, and starts to reach in, grab diapers and toss them into the can until the can was 1/2 full. There were still two handfuls of diapers left in the box as Emily began to toss a bunch of the still clean and folded diapers into the square brown can. Then, the first box was empty, as Emily put it down, she picked up the the second box, ripped it open and then began to toss the diapers into the brown can until it too was half full. Then Emily picked up a third box and took what was left of the second box and brought them over to the kitchen compactor. 
Emily opened the door and then she started to toss the remainder of the diapers from the second box into the compactor. 
Just then, misses Newell comes into the kitchen carrying two more boxes of the Pampers wing-fold diapers.  

Misses Newell: Too bad we have to waste these old diapers like this. 

Emily: Not really, these diapers aren't that good. They belong here in the trash anyhow. 

Misses Newell: Don't run the compactor yet. It will wake them. 

Emily: No....problem. Misses Newell, I have to go pick my kids up from school in a few minutes. It's ...(looking at her cellphone) 
12:32 now. 

Misses Newell: OK, Thanks for your help this morning. I will finish loading the rest of these diapers. My husband will be home around 1:30 Or 2:00. 

Misses Newell grabs the opened box of wing-fold Pampers diapers and began to toss stacks of the clean, folded diapers into the compactor bag. Just as misses Newell tosses the last stack of clean diapers from the now empty box, into the compactor, Charlie wakes up with a soaking wet diaper. He stands up, and toddles over to where misses Newell is in the kitchen.  

Charlie: (Wiping his eyes) 

Misses Newell: Hi baby. I am......throwing your clean Pampers away. They aren't good diapers. We have no use for them here and you won't be using them, so they all are trash now hon. 

Charlie: Is that where I am going? 

Misses Newell: Yes, it is baby. Since you are such a heavy wetter, we have to squeeze some of the wetness out of your diapers to dry them out so that they will burn better. 

Charlie: What does that......thing do? 

Misses Newell: It crushes and squeezes everything down to make more room for more diapers and other trash. 

Charlie: When I'm in there, what kinds of other trash goes in there? 

Misses Newell: I put food left-overs in there, I throw used baby wipes and wet diapers in there, I throw pull-ups and sometimes, I empty the ashtrays in there.

More to cum soon………….


  1. You need to put vintage diapers in the story as well since that's what we use at her daycare

    1. I am still working on this story....I hope you read all of the new text I added. Misses Newell told me once that she would grind the left-over bones up and add them to her garden. I....will add her desire for that, to the story. I want to know what either of you would do, if a "parent" dropped off their son and daughter off to be disposed of, and the "parent" wanted their kids washed or rinsed off once. Would you wash or rinse them in the tub, the toilet or use the washing machine?

    2. +Daniel Newell Google is giving me a bunch of hell right I try to edit your story!!! I keep getting the #BlackScreenofDeath every time I go to Edit it!!! I do NOT see why, there is nothing telling me why or that I have exceeded their character limits, and.....the mobile app keeps crashing!!! U uuuh!

    3. Ok Daniel....and Misses Newell...will do.


The Covid-19 Era Death-With-Dignity Disposal

It was a Sunday morning in late August when Adam arrived at the Newell residence. Daniel and his esteemed wife, Misses Newell, had a prior a...