Monday, November 21, 2016

The Lodal-Trash Time-Version-1

The Lodal-Trash Time-Version-1

I stood at the curb, that balmy, summer morning,
watching as the manual side loading Lodal Evo  trash truck with a recycling hopper for glass, a hopper for cardboard, and the usual hopper for trash only, pull up in front of me and stop. Two people jumped out of the cab, one on the right side walked right over to the nearest 97 gallon trash toter, filled up with my wet, unrolled cloth and disposable diapers, over to the tote-tipper preparing to empty my clean and dirty diapers into the hoppers while the woman walked around the front of the trash truck, to start helping load the hopper with the trash bags sitting beside the cans. The man simply looked me over from head to toe with a scowl and a glare as he grabbed the first of four totes. The woman grabbed the first heavy black, crinkly trash bag and then slung it through the air so it would go into the hopper. The first bag landed as she slung the second and then a third bag before she came over to me, grabbing my left arm near my shoulder to guide me towards the side of the hopper.

Trash Lady: Are you ready for disposal? I see you have nice, thick and comfy diapers on. You will need those for the long, messy ride to the landfill.

Trevor: My caregiver put .e into these thick and bulky diapers. She said that I had no choice! What are you going to do to me?

Trash Lady: Well, I have to get you and all your trash loaded I to the truck first sweetie, then we have to run the compactor. Here....lets get you loaded into the hopper now....ok? Sorry to see you being thrown away.....
Trevor: Wait! Wait! I don't wanna go in there! Is that man going to dump all of my cloth and disposable diapers in there on top of me after I'm in there?

Trash Lady: (looking over at her co-worker and winking) Yep! Afraid so.....
Ok.....ready to be tossed into the hopper? On!
As Thickly diapered Trevor was tossed into the hopper on top of the bulky, black, crinkly trash bags and loose cloth and disposable diapers that weren't rolled up but we're just folded over, the trash man rolled the large 97 gallon over-filled trash tote over to the tipper and then as the tote rose, some if the cloth diapers that were on top, fell down onto Trevor in the hopper.

Trevor:! Those are all of my clean cloth diapers! Don't put them in here! They are still usable!

Trash Man: Nah man, they're trash now,! Now.......lay down and be quiet's packer time......and I don't care what is in the cans....if it's in the cans, or out at the curb, it's being thrown into my truck for disposal!
The compactor starts to advance against the load of trash and diapers in the hopper and as the blade pushes forward, Trevor is forced upwards on top of the blade along with two dozen clean and still half folded cloth diapers, a couple opened packs of his disposable diapers and about 20 loose, folded over wet disposable diapers. The man and woman watch and see Trevor being forced to slide along the top of the advancing and then retracting compactor blade, his diapered bottom buckling slightly. The man watches as the diapers and Trevor fall back into the hopper as the second cycle of the compactor starts.
Trevor, the diapers and other trash begin to get pushed along the hopper floor and then against the other trash already inside the packer container. As Trevor gets compacted, his thick, bulky, disposable diaper with six layered toddler sized cloth diapers inside it, begins to buckle as the compactor cycle advances. Trevor's face and head are forcefully shoved into a pile of his loose, folded over, wet disposable diapers as some of his clean cloth diapers fall on top of his head and cover his head as the compactor reaches full cycle. With a few of the wet disposable diapers bursting under the pressure, Trevor now has wet diaper gels and goo all in his hair and face.

Trevor: (moaning as the compactor forcefully presses into his diapered butt and upper body.) Uuuuh uuuuh! (Gasping for air and breathing hard, panting:)
Trash Man and trash lady look at each other:

Both answer: Yes! We must and will again! Bye-bye trash!
Then both of the trash collectors walked over to the cab on each side and got in to go to the next stop. As the truck drove off, Brenda, Trevor's caregiver watched until the truck was out of sight before she walked down the front walk-way and then went inside her house, satisfied that she was rid of the great financial burden.
Two days prior..........

Brenda comes into Trevor's room first thing in the morning holding a thick disposable diaper, two booster pads, and a baby wipes container.

Brenda-Caregiver: Good morning Trevor.... time for your morning diaper change.
Then once I'm done changing your diaper, I have to get started on cleaning out your diaper pantry.

Trevor: (wiping his eyes as he wakes up) huh? Why are you doing that?

Brenda: Well, the agency and the state have decided that they can no longer afford to take care of you, diaper you or pay me to take care of you. They have decided to throw you, your diapers and your clothing away. Everything is going into the trash.

Trevor: Even my clean cloth and clean disposable diapers?

Brenda: Unfortunately yes. Even your left-over opened and any unopened packs of diapers as well as any remaining cloth diapers, clean or not.

Trevor: But how come my nice, comfy, favorite onesies are being thrown away?

Brenda: Because honey, you will no longer need them where you are going.

Trevor: but, but, but...where am I going?

Brenda: Oh....the trash company will come and take you to the landfill and you and your diapers will get a nice burial with lots and lots of dirty trash.
Trevor: ( as Brenda slides the side of Trevor's safety bed down and then unbuttons his onesie at the crotch, before flipping and rolling his wet onesie up his upper body and then off of him. Then she begins unfastening the tapes holding his diaper on, then pulling the slightly wet front of his SDK diaper down before pulling it out from under him and flopping the unrolled semi-wet diaper onto his chest while she opened the new SDK disposable diaper and then prepared, folded and layered all of the six toddler sized ex diaper service cloth diapers into Trevor's clean SDK disposable diaper, before sliding all that thickness underneath him.) When will I get my diapers changed?

Brenda:  Honey, your last diaper change. After this gets wet, you will just stay in what you have on, which is why.........I am adding so many layers of these nice, thick, comfy toddler sized cloth diapers into your disposable and adding so much baby powder. If your new owners at the landfill want to change your diapers, they won't, then that will be up to them what they do TO you and WITH you.

Brenda shakes about half a bottle worth of baby powder into Trevor's diapers then she pulls the front of the diapers up and fastens the tapes, adding four strips of painter's grade masking tape over the diaper tapes to keep the tapes fastened. Then Brenda takes Trevor's wet onesie and then plops it on top of the disposable diaper she took off and then she takes the two items right over to Trevor's almost full trash can full of unrolled wet diapers, left-over opened packs of unused disposable diapers, clean and formerly wet toddler sized cloth pre-fold diapers, and a few of Trevor's clean and dirty onesies as well as a dozen of his plastic and rubber pants with prints on them, and she dropped both the unrolled semi-wet SDK diaper and his wet onesie right into the can then as she put the lid back on, she said;

Brenda: This is where YOU are going before the can gets full.....ya know? Once you are in here, you will be handled by the maids and janitors whose responsibility it will be to deal with you and your diapers.

Trevor: Can I choose the trash can I go into outside or if I go into one? I want to stand out at the curb and watch the trash  truck come.

Brenda: That.....will be up to the maids and Janitors that take the trash out. OK, come with me now, I have to take you to the trash company and then the landfill so I can show you to them and pay them to take you.....

Trevor: Aren't you going to put a onesie and some shoes on me first?

Brenda: No......I'm just going to take you in what you have on. 

Brenda takes Trevor by his left arm near his shoulder and then guided him to her Blue and gold Ford Expedition and then opened the left rear door and helped thickly diapered Trevor into the rear leather seats before fastening his seatbelts. Then she closed the door, opened the driver's door, got in, started the engine, then drove to the trash company before going to the company's landfill afterwards.
After arriving at the trash company's offices that were at the same location as the company's transfer station, Brenda stepped out of the vehicle, closed her door, then she opens the left, rear passenger door, unfastens Trevor's seatbelt, then helps him out before closing the door and taking Trevor's left hand in her right hand to guide him into the trash company's offices located inside a tan colored metal building. Once both thickly diapered Trevor and Brenda were inside and standing before the receptionist, Brenda said that she had a meeting with the company director.

Brenda: (to the receptionist who was sizing up Trevor in his thick diapers) I am here to speak with the director. He has asked to see this person beside me as he is. He called me back and requested to see him so he would know what to expect when his trash truck comes to take him.

Receptionist: (Pausing to get a really good look at Trevor in his thick diapers)
OK...just a minute. I'll tell him you're here. (Picking up the phone receiver and calling the director) Sorry to bother you, your 1:00 is here.

Director: Thanks, send them in.

Receptionist: He is ready for you....just down that hall at the end. You may go on back.

Brenda: Thanks.

Brenda grabs Trevor's left arm and then guides him down the hall as he waddles into the director's office before she closes the door.

Director: Hi, he sure looks well diapered.

Brenda: Well, you wanted to see what to expect, the same diaper he will have on when the trash truck comes tomorrow. How much will it be....f or your trash truck to take this diapered trash?

Director: Well, we charge a general pickup fee of $50 plus a bulky item fee of $20. Then the landfill charges $150 for the bulky item at the scale-house. That comes to.....$220.

Brenda: Great. Do you take debit cards?

Director: Yes, I do. You will have to pay at my receptionist's desk however and then you will have to go to the landfill to pay them their fee.

Brenda: Can't you take payment for all fees here?

Director: No, there are different accounts that are associated with each payment location. We set it up that way for our drivers and customers.

Brenda: (Guiding Trevor out to the receptionist's desk) I need to pay for this diapered trash (pointing to Trevor) to be taken tomorrow by your trash truck. Where do I swipe my card?
Receptionist: Right here ma'am.

Brenda takes her debit card out and then swipes her card. As she is paying, the receptionist looks at Trevor with hungry eyes.

Receptionist: I can't wait to see you loaded into our trash truck tomorrow!! You now belong to us! See you soon.....

Trevor: Wait! Did YOU just sell me to these people?

Brenda: (Standing up) Yes honey, I just did.

Receptionist: Now.....make sure that you have him at the curb by 6:45 am tomorrow in those diapers.

Brenda: Sure, not a problem. He won't be getting another diaper change unless you all tell me to.

Brenda grabs Trevor and walks him outside and puts him back into the backseat, fastens his seatbelt and then she gets into the driver's seat, starts the Ford Expedition and then backs up then pulls back out to the road, heading to the landfill to show them what to expect and to pre-pay the landfill fees. It takes the two 20 minutes to arrive at the landfill and park. Brenda gets out, closes her door and then opens Trevor's door, unfastens Trevor's seatbelt, then helps Trevor out and onto his feet before closing the door and then putting her left hand onto Trevor's back, she gives him a soft shove towards the scale-house where she and Trevor meet Missy.
Trevor waddles over to the side of the scale-house then waits as Brenda begins to greet Missy and then the two begin to talk, just out of range of Trevor's ear-shot.
Meanwhile, the second scale-house worker comes walking up to the scale-house and sees Trevor standing there wearing nothing but his diapers.

Female scale-house worker-2: Hello there sweetie, are you here with someone?

Trevor: Yes, I am. My caregiver is in there talking with that girl.

Female scale-house worker-2: How come you aren't wearing any clothes hon? That diaper you have on, looks......REALLY thick. Does it need to be changed?

Trevor: Yes, my diaper needs to be changed, but my caregiver was told not to change it because I belonged to a landfill and they didn't want me to get any more diaper changes. (Showing a pouting face)

Female scale-house worker-2: OK....let me go inside and see what is going on....p arson me sweetie.

The second scale-house worker opens the door, steps inside then closes the door. After ten more minutes, the second scale-house worker comes back out, closes the door then comes over to Trevor.

Female scale-house worker-2: (clutching a pink copy of the paid landfill ticket) Well sweetie, your caregiver just paid for you and six yards worth of your clothing and diapers. You now belong to us. I want to check your diaper to see how wet it is, just out of curiosity. Here, lay for me and I will check your diapers.

Trevor lays down on the ground on his back as the second scale-house worker kneels down and begins unfastening Trevor's diapers to check them to see just how wet they are.

Female scale-house worker-2: (pulling the front if Trevor's diapers down revealing four layered mostly wet cloth pre-fold diaper inside his already thick Northshore disposable diapers.) Well. Your disposable diaper is still nice and dry. You're going to....need all those......nice, soft, layers of toddler sized cloth diapers, because you won't be getting any more diaper changes from this point on. Your caregiver has been instructed to take you home and then put you RIGHT into the trash.

More to cum soon………

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