Monday, November 21, 2016

The Waste-To-Energy Plant-Plan-A

The Waste-To-Energy Plant-Plan-A

Early on a Thursday morning, Devon’s mom had driven to the home daycare that they usually came to and as Devon’s mom rang the doorbell, Devon’s mom was already late for work. A few minutes later, Misses Newell answers the door. Misses Newell sees Devon and his mom standing there, Devon’s mom has eight large, brown cardboard boxes at her feet, two diaper bags, four large black trash bags and Devon’s adult disability pushchair/stroller laying at her feet.

Misses Newell: Hi there….come on in…..

Patricia-Devon’s Mom: Thank you.

Misses Newell: What’s with all that stuff?

Patricia: Well, I need to talk with you, privately.

Misses Newell: OK. Does Devon need his diaper changed?

Patricia: Maybe, it’s been about two hours since I changed him last, but I need to talk with you first, because I have to get to work. I am already late.

Misses Newell puts Devon in the living room with the others that she is taking care of then Patricia and Misses Newell go into the hallway, out of earshot but still within view of everyone one she is caring for and Patricia begins to explain what she is doing with all of the boxes, black trash bags and everything she brought with her.

Patricia: I brought all of his things over because Devon is not healthy enough and soon will die. My husband and I talked about the new End-of-Life-Options bill and we think that it would be best if you two…..did this for him. He has 1 year too live. We just don’t want him to…suffer, you know? We heard that you two have….disposed of several people before and we want you two to…well…dispose of Devon for us.

Misses Newell: Well, true, we have disposed of quite a few people before, but….we disposed of them in our burn barrel. Is that….what you want?

Patricia: Your husband said that he would take Devon and everything I brought, to the waste-to-energy plant, when my husband and I talked to him a couple of days ago. We talked about disposing of him in your burn barrel too, but that would be our last option if your husband was somehow unable to take Devon to the waste-to-energy plant. My husband and I don’t care how you dispose of him and his things really, but the waste-to-energy plant sounded like a good first option.

Misses Newell: OHHHH I see….you talked to my husband….Daniel already? He….neglected to mention it. Sure….if….you talked to him and he said it was fine, then….sure….we will take Devon until it’s time for his final disposal.

Patricia: AH greeeat…thank you. It has been the hardest on our incomes….what with….all of the diapers, onesies and even the cloth diapers that we used at first. We thought that Devon was going to grow out of diapers…..and when the doctors told us that he would be in diapers the rest of his life, my husband and I…BOTH started looking at our budget and found that we can’t sustain poor Devon and all of those…special diapers any more…that and we don’t want poor Devon to suffer through the agonizing pain he will be in if we didn’t do this. This wasn’t an…EASY decision ya know…..

Misses Newell: OH…I…KNOW……..My husband and I had to dispose of two of our own that were in diapers 24/7! We even had to dispose of one in diapers whose mom died and the state wouldn’t take him and no one else wanted. Believe me…My husband and I……BOTH know how it is.

Patricia: Here is the money order for $1200. Your husband said that he would dispose of Devon and all of this things for that. Now….everything, including all of his clothing, onesies, cloth diapers, plastic and rubber pants, all of his bedding and sheets, and these
eight large, brown cardboard boxes of his clean disposable diapers, two diaper bags, four large black trash bags and Devon’s adult disability pushchair/stroller. Two of the trash bags have Devon’s cloth diapers and rubber and plastic pants in them. I tried to wash most of the wet cloth diapers before we brought him over here but, there were about two dozen cloth diapers left that had been wet and had dried out before I could wash them. I just threw the formerly wet ones in the bag with the clean and washed cloth diapers. I figured that it wouldn’t matter anyhow since everything was….being disposed of.  Well, I have to get to work. Thank you SO much for doing this…..

Misses Newell: Yea…NO problem….It will be our pleasure.

Patricia: (Going over to Devon and giving him ONE final kiss good-bye) OK baby, Mommy has to go now… good for Misses Newell and don’t give her any…problems…now…you let her change your diapers…OK? Don’t make ANY fusses about it…OK? Good boy….bye-bye baby.

Patricia wipes a tear from each eye as she rises back up to a standing position and then heads to the front door to leave. Patricia takes one last look at Devon who is engrossed in play, before she waves to misses Newell and then leaves.
Misses Newell starts to take the eight brown cardboard boxes of Devon’s disposable diapers out to the back porch then she takes the four large black trash bags outside to the porch where they put their trash until it can be disposed of and then misses Newell puts Devon’s stroller outside on top of one of the eight brown cardboard boxes before closing the sliding glass porch door and locking it. Then she went over to Devon’s two diaper bags and brought them over to the area where she kept the diaper bags so that she could change Devon’s diapers when he needed it.

Misses Newell: Devon sweetie, you look like you need your diaper changed. Can you come over here so I can check to see if you need your diaper changed?

Devon: OK……

Devon toddles over to misses Newell and then misses Newell feels the inside of Devon’s disposable diaper that has four, thick booster pads/diaper doublers inside. Indeed Devon’s diaper was very wet and in need of changing. Devon wore small-sized Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight diapers with four medium-sized booster pads inside.
These diapers were already thick as it is and the diapers had a plastic backing that crinkled loudly when Devon walked or moved. Devon used the overnights at night and the First-Quality youth diapers with booster pads or even cloth pre-fold diapers inside used as extra absorbency, by his former parents.

Misses Newell: Devon, it’s time to change your diaper sweetie, can you…lay down for me….right there on the carpet would be fine……there…good….boy… let me go get your diaper bags…stay right….there…OK hun?

Misses Newell goes and retrieves Devon’s two diaper bags and then comes back over to where Devon is laying and then she sits down with her legs out in front of her so that she can start Devon’s diaper change.

Devon: Miss Newell? How come my mom brought all of my stuff here? Am I staying here with you guys for a long time?

Misses Newell: Well, kind of, You will be here until my husband and I dispose of you and all of your things.

Devon: What does….dispose of…..mean?

Misses Newell: It means….to throw something away or get rid of something….like you and your diapers….hon. Did your mom tell you that she was throwing you, your diapers and things away?

Devon: No….miss Newell, she didn’t. Does that mean that you are going to throw ME….away and get rid of me?

Misses Newell: Yes, I am…..afraid it does baby. Your mom told me that you only have 1 year left to live and that they weren’t able to take care of you any longer and….that they didn’t want you to suffer the pain that you will go through near the end of your life. So she brought you and all of your things over here so that we could throw you away or put you into our burn barrel….but one way or the other….you WILL be getting disposed of.
I am SOOOO sorry that it had to be this way, but…..your mom and dad paid us money to make sure that you got thrown away.
Devon: Can I choose what diapers I want to wear for my disposal????

Misses Newell: Yes, baby, you…can. Since you have so many clean diapers that I want to use up, I will be changing you every half hour wet or not.

Devon: What will you do….with the diapers you take off me? They won’t be wet barely…..won’t you leave them on me?

Misses Newell: NO, baby, I am going to throw the diapers away after I change you each time. Wet…or not. They will be trash, along with your onesies and anything you are wearing too, at each change.

Devon: You mean…..that when you change my diapers, you are going to take off my onesie and throw it away too?

Misses Newell: Yes baby….because you won’t be needing it any more.

Devon: Where will I go after my last diaper change?

Misses Newell: You will go into the trash with your diaper that I take off of you. Sorry, but that is the way it has to be.

Devon: Could I get six or eight layered cloth pre-fold diapers inside my thick disposable diaper for my last diaper?

Misses Newell: I….suppose…..since it won’t matter what you have on after I throw you and everything away.  Usually, I don’t use cloth diapers…..I don’t like them! They are icky and gross….but…since you will be going into our trash right after your last diaper change, it won’t really matter.

Devon: When will you throw my stuff and I away???

Misses Newell: Some time after my husband gets home.

Devon: How long is that from now?

Misses Newell: you have about….(Looking at her cellphone) 7 and a half hours left.
Don’t worry baby, I will tell you when it’s time for disposal and your last diaper change.

Devon: Will there be more wet and dirty diapers being tossed into the trash I am in once I am in there?

Misses Newell: Yes baby, there will.

Devon: How long will I be IN the trash?

Misses Newell: Until the can gets full baby.

Devon: About how long will that be?

Misses Newell: However long it takes to fill that can up. Then you and the diapers will go out to our daycare trash outside for another few days until that is full.

Devon: What will happen to me while I am in the trash? If I am wearing a onesie, will it get ripped or torn?

Misses Newell: Maybe….sometimes, if my husband or I need a piece of rag material, we will sometimes go to the trash can to take what we can use.

Devon: But, how come it has to be my onesie?

Misses Newell: Because, you will be trash baby. We don’t care about the trash. Once you are in my trash, we won’t care what happens to you or to anything in the trash can.

Devon: What if……I were laying in the trash and you threw a wet diaper in and it wasn’t rolled up. Would you put it on my face, chest or over any part of my body?

Misses Newell: I will put the diapers in anywhere there is room baby…even if……it was over your head and face. OK….now, I am done changing you for the next half hour. How about….you go play with those cars in the toy box over there?

Devon: Misses Newell? May I have one of my bottles full of Apple juice please?

Misses Newell: Yes baby, you may.

Misses Newell goes into one of Devon’s diaper bags and takes out one of his bottles and takes it to the kitchen and fills it with apple juice and then brings it to Devon.
Misses Newell hands Devon the bottle and then she goes and sits down on the couch.
Devon starts to go play with the cars and trucks in the toy box and as he plays, he wasn’t aware of the time and that a full half hour had passed. Misses Newell had JUST finished changing a wet diaper from one of the boys that she was taking care of and then she came over to Devon who was busy playing with the cars and trucks.

Misses Newell: OK Devon, it’s time for another diaper change…….are you wet yet? I need to check your diaper now. Can you put that car down for a little bit so I can check and change you now please?

Devon: Yes Misses Newell.

Devon puts the car he was playing with down and then misses Newell helps Devon up and then takes him over to have his diaper checked for wetness. Misses Newell reaches into Devon’s right leg elastics with two index and middle fingers on her right hand and then feels the diaper for signs of wetness.

Misses Newell: Well, you are…..a…LITTLE wet…time to change your diaper again baby.

Misses Newell then lays him down again and begins to take the tapes off, putting them back onto their sticking tabs as she goes. Once the tapes were unfastened, she pulled the front of the mostly dry disposable diaper down. Then Misses Newell reached over to Devon’s diaper bags and got the one with his disposable diapers and booster pads inside of it, she opened it and then took out one of Devon’s thick Northshore Care Supply Supreme overnight diapers and three booster pads. She then took out the bottle of baby powder and then she set the baby powder down on the floor next to the clean, and still folded disposable diaper.

More to cum soon..........


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