Friday, November 25, 2016

Thrown Away-A Story inspired by ThaThunderStorm on Youtube

Thrown Away

A Story inspired by ThaThunderStorm on Youtube

Adam’s State Medicaid caregiver had left him at the daycare as usual but today was somehow different. The daycare is housed inside of an old Jr. High school that was sold to the company that made it into the disability daycare that it is today.
Adam’s Medicaid caregiver had left all of his clean packs of disposable diapers, all of his clean and dirty cloth diapers, plastic pants, onesie bodysuits, footed pajamas, and a few plastic lined cargo shorts along with both of his fully stocked diaper bags, one bag was for his cloth diapers and the other was for his disposable diapers, and his disability stroller.
The daycare that Adam’s mom had left him at, agreed to throw Adam and all of his things away in the trash that week. What Adam didn’t know is that his mom was never coming back for him.
It was a clear, warm Wednesday morning when Adam and his mom walked into the disability daycare center.

Dee: Hi there, I am dropping Adam off? Do I have to…sign any paperwork to ensure that he gets disposed of? Like a release of custody or…something like that?

Pam: Yes, my assistant director will get those forms right over to you. Rachel? Will you get her the release of custody forms and the authorization form 3c please? Then just put them on my desk for me…thanks.

Rachel: Sure thing….   (Rachel goes and gets the forms and a clipboard and a pen then brings them over to Dee who fills them out, signs them, hands everything back and then leaves.)

Pam: (director of daycare) Hey Adam…..nice to have you here today. We are excited because we have some plans for you…..

Adam: what kind of plans do you have for me miss?

Pam: Well, first, you will get to play some board games with us, then, you’ll watch a movie, then it will be lunch time. Then, after that, quiet time…..Then, after that, TV time, then….dinner time, then, free time until it will be time to change your diaper one last time for the night.

Both Pam and Adam walk down the hallway and as Adam and Pam pass by one of the rooms, Adam sees a woman putting a thickly diapered girl into a trash cart and dumping a 32 gallon Brute trash can full of diapers on top of her.

Adam: What is that woman doing to that girl in there?

Pam: Oh…that is our disposal room where we keep all of the trash.

Adam: So…..that girl is trash?

Pam: Yep! Afraid so. You are going to be disposed of also today.

Adam: Why am I being disposed of?

Pam: Well, honey, your Medicaid caregiver dropped you off with us and your Medicaid paid us a lot of money to throw you and all of your diapers and clothing away.your Medicaid covers our services. Our janitors will be taking all of the trash out tonight when they come to clean. If you want to be thrown away sooner, just tell one of us and someone will take you over to the trash room and put you in one of the trash carts.

Adam: What are you going to do with me until it’s time for my disposal?

Pam: Well, you can go out and play on the playground for a bit, you can…..go watch some TV, you can ask one of us to put you down for a nap, or you can go sit in one of the bean-bag chairs over there in the story-telling area. When was the last time you had your diaper changed? Your diaper looks wet and slightly saggy.

Adam: I had my diaper changed when my mom woke me up around 6:00 this morning.

Pam: Well, then it’s time to go change you. I am going to change your diapers now every half hour until it’s time to throw you away…so that we can try to use up some of your diapers.

Adam: You mean that you will throw my dry diapers away after you take them off even if I haven’t wet them yet?

Pam: Yes, I will unless you want to wear them a little longer.

Adam: What are you going to do with my cloth diapers?

Pam: They are going to be thrown away with you when it’s time…..

Adam: Can I get a few of my cloth diapers inside my last diaper before I get disposed of?

Pam: We’ll see….We’ll see. You may have to pick them out of the trash to be able to wear them….because by the time it’s time to dispose of you, your diapers and things will have already been thrown into the trash cans in the nursery which is where you might go for a little bit until the janitors get here this evening. We USED to use cloth diapers on a few people in here, and every time we changed them, we had to rinse them in a specially designated toilet before we put them all into a plastic disposal bag and then tied it shut so that the parents could take the diapers home and wash them. I got sick of the hassles that come with cloth diapers, so I said no more cloth diapers…disposable diapers only…..and ever since then, things have been a lot easier, cleaner and neater around here.

Adam: Will there be more diapers being tossed in the can on top of me when I am in there?

Pam: Yes, of course. If you were to be put in there right now for instance, there would be a lot of diapers being tossed in there with you. When you are tossed into the trash carts, they roll the carts around to each and every room and empty the diapers and trash into it. You will be getting a lot of diapers dumped on you while you are in there.

Adam: May I have some milk to drink please?

Pam: Sure…come with me….

Pam, the director, takes Adam to the kitchen which is down to the end of the long hallway, past four nursery rooms on each side, to the left, through a doorway and then down a short ramp and to the right. Pam walks over to the refrigerator and takes out a gallon of whole milk and then gets a spill-proof cup, and then fills the cup with the cold milk and then she puts the milk jug down, puts the cap on and then puts the lid on the spill-proof cup. Then she walks over to the refrigerator, opens the door, puts the milk in and then closes the door before walking over to Adam and handing him the spill-proof cup full of milk.

Adam: (Taking the cup) Thank you miss.

Pam: You’re welcome honey. Let’s go get your diaper changed now…shall we? Come with me sweetie….. (Pam takes Adam by his right hand in her left nad she leads him back out into the long hallway and then half way down the hall then to the right and into a large diaper changing room with eight diaper changers, four on each side of the room and a walkway between them. The room is painted baby blue and white with pink pinstripe accents that divide the white from the baby blue with carton character borders along the top edge of the walls. Pam escorted Adam over to one of the diaper changers at the end of the row and to the left then she picked Adam up and sat him down on the diaper changer.

Pam: UP you go sweetheart….now lay down for me so I can get that saggy, wet diaper off you…..OK?

Pam helps Adam lie down then she takes the spill-proof cup away and sets it down on a wall-shelf that had neatly stacked rows of clean disposable diapers on it in every single size and color, Then she goes and takes one of the “Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight Disposable Diapers” from Adam’s diaper bag and then she opens the back wings and then she reaches into the bag, and gets out six thick “Northshore Care Supply Booster Pads with adhesive strips on the back and then she starts taking the paper strips off and placing each booster pad into the diaper between the elastic leg cuffs starting in the middle and then overlapping the one in the front and back lining the front and back booster pads with the top edge of the padding. Once all of the booster pads were in, she put the clean diaper on the shelf for a minute until she began to pull back and unfasten the four tapes that fastened Adam’s soggy, wet Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight Diaper were off, Pam pulls the front of Adam’s wet diaper down and then she folds it over and then pulls it out from under Adam before she tosses the diaper right into one of the large 32 gallon “ #BruteTrashCans” serving as a diaper pail for the two changers the can is between. Then Pam grabs the thick, white, Northshore care supply Supreme Overnight Diaper with the six booster pads inside it and then she lifts Adam up and slides the clean and bulky disposable diaper underneath Adam. Then she opens the front wings and lays the front half of the diaper open flat on the changer while she reaches up to the shelf and takes down a bottle of baby powder. She twists open the lid and then starts to shake a lot of baby powder into the diaper and onto Adam’s front and all over his butt cheeks before she puts the powder container back onto the wall-shelf. Then she grabs the front wings of the clean and thick diaper and then she pulls it up and then begins fastening the four tapes, two on each side, one at a time.

Pam: There you go sweetie…ALL nice and dry and comfy now. Let’s go walk around and I’ll show you what will happen to you when it’s time for your disposal later today OK?

Adam: O….K….Is there any way that you can just take me right out to the dumpster when it’s time?

Pam: (reaching up and grabbing the spill-proof cup full of cool whole milk and handing it back to Adam) NO sweetie….we have to throw everything away in these cans here….and the janitorial staff has to take you out there…’s a state procedure.

Pam: Come with me hun….

Pam takes Adam’s left hand in her right hand and she leads him from the diaper changing room to the janitorial closet. She then takes out a set of keys, finds the key for the door, inserts the key and unlocks the door. Then she leads Adam inside.

Pam: Adam…this….is the janitorial closet where we keep all of the cleaning supplies.
We have 100 gallon 6 milimeter thick black trash bags that we sometimes use to put a few of you into when it is necessary and over there……we have the empty janitorial trash carts, mops, brooms, push brooms, maid’s cleaning cart, and all of the sanitizing cleaning chemicals over there on those shelves. Sometimes we have to throw the crib mattresses away and the state makes us throw the sheets too sometimes…so we buy the disposable mattress sheets and there are boxes of those on that other shelf. Underneath the work bench, there are more bottles of baby powder, lotions, baby wipes containers, and next to those, we also carry our own brand of disposable diapers…..there are three styles…one has a thick 6 millimeter thick plastic backing made from recycled trash bags and old milk cartons, then we have the cloth-like diapers that some prefer to use, then we have the overnight diapers that also have the 6 millimeter thick black plastic backing with a nice, thick, bulky, compressed, silky soft absorbent padding inside. We use those when people like you come to us with no diapers of your own. These diapers are specially made for us, to our standards and specifications.
Problem with these diapers is, that after six months of storage, the plastic backing starts to get a little brittle. So we have to throw them away. The company we get these from, makes us order a minimum amount and that amount is over what we can use in a six month time. We are going to have to throw away a lot of the older unopened boxes of unused diapers tomorrow or tonight. I wrote some special instructions for the janitorial staff to throw the boxes of unused clean diapers away that are six months old or older. There will be a lot of clean diapers in the trash with you when they come to take you and the trash out. Do you have any questions Adam?

Adam: Yea… long will I be waiting for the trash truck to come?

Pam: That all depends on the trash man….Our trash man, who goes by ThaThunderStorm, comes between 7:30 am and 9 am at the latest. He usually dumps our three 20 yard dumpsters pretty quickly. I have stood there and watched him dump the dumpsters and he usually dumps the first one quickly then compacts everything several times because our three dumpsters are ALWAYS over filled with diapers and trash. When the trash man runs the compactor, sometimes the trash rises up just over the top edge of the compactor and I see the trash rise then the compactor retract then it advances again and the trash rises again and he keeps doing that for a few times before going to dump the second dumpster.  One time….we had thrown two disabled people away in the first and the second dumpsters…and when our trash man came and dumped the first one, the boy was near the bottom of the dumpster and when he dumped the trash, the boy was on top. The trash man ran the compactor and the boy and the loose diapers rose up JUST over the top of the compactor and then fell back down. Then the diapered boy rose again and then fell before the trash man dumped the second can. When he dumped the second can, I heard the diapered girl scream as she went in. Then she screamed again after she got compacted a few times. Then our dear trash man dumped the third dumpster with a lot of loose disposable diapers, a couple waterproof bed mattresses and disposable mattress sheets in it and then he backed up, waved to me and then he left as he ran the compactor a bunch of times.

Adam: Where does the trash man take….the people and the trash?

Pam: I asked him that very question once and know what he said?

Adam: NO…what did he say?

Pam: He said that he goes straight to the landfill once he gets to a certain point along his route. We are closer to the landfill than the transfer station so he takes everything straight to the landfill after the truck gets full enough. OK, let’s show you where you will be thrown away…OK?

Pam takes Adam out of the janitor’s closet and then she locks it back up. Then she takes Adam’s left hand in her right and then leads him into the room that he will be in two hours before his disposal. Pam opens the door to the nursery room 4 and then leads Adam in, allowing the door to shut behind him. The door locks and Adam looks at the door and realizes that the door can’t be opened without having a key to unlock it.

Adam: How come the door locks like that?

Pam: Well, in the past, we have had some rather reluctant people that don’t want to be thrown away. We bring anyone being disposed of in here so that they can’t escape until the janitorial staff come to take you and all of the trash out. The janitorial staff may decide to put you into the trash room for a bit while they complete their other cleaning duties before they take everything out to the dumpsters. When it’s time for your disposal, I will bring you in here, take you over to THIS large and tall trash can here….that is ready for all of your diapers and clothing, and then I will put you in, and then start putting all of your diapers and things inside with you. Then, once everything is in the can, the locking lid will go on and it will get really dark and smelly in there. These are the metal trash cans we use to throw you and your diapers away in. You and your diapers will be in there until the cleaning staff comes and takes you out. Here….this is what it looks like in there……

Pam unlocks the lid locks and then she takes the lid off and shows Adam what it looks like in the can. Adam sees a couple of loose, formerly wet disposable diapers still at the bottom of the can that are stuck to the metal bottom inside.

Adam: Why are there still a few diapers in there?

Pam: Those? They were left over from the last load that was in there a few days ago.

Adam: Will I get my diapers changed if I want them when I go into the can?

Pam: No, you won’t. You and your diapers will be trash. If your diapers are wet when you are put into this can, they will stay on you and then no one will care if your diapers are wet, dry, comfy or anything….we won‘t even listen to you any more…..that is also why we use this room for disposals… yours….we can shut and lock the door and not hear a peep from the cans.

Adam: Does the trash man care what my diapers look like or if they are wet or dry?

Pam: NO, he doesn’t….he just dumps the trash into his truck…anything in the dumpsters is trash and it is also his property until he takes everything to the landfill.

Adam: So…I will belong to the trash man? I am going to a landfill?

Pam: Yes…afraid you are…..

Adam: Are there….any rules that if I break them, you automatically throw me away?

Pam: Yes, as a matter of fact, we have three rules that if you break them, you will automatically get thrown away.
Rule one-If you are caught picking through any of the diaper pails or trash cans…you will get thrown away automatically.
Rule two-If your diapers leak and soak the carpet or your bed sheets, we will throw you, your diaper, the mattress and the sheets away immediately.
Rule three- If you stop us from changing your diaper, and your diaper needs changing, we automatically throw you away.
Do you understand these rules honey?

Adam: Yes…Miss…..

Pam: Good….then you know not to get into the trash cans or diaper pails, not even to sneak and try to save any of your clean or favorite diapers or your clothes, you know not to let your diaper get so wet that it leaks, come and tell one of us and we will change you, You also know NOT to stop us from changing your diaper once we know it’s time to…..

Adam: I won’t do any of that miss…I promise. If I want to be disposed of sooner, who do I tell?

Pam: Well, who ever is in the room with you. They will either call and have someone come and take you to get your last diaper changed or someone in the room will be available to do that…..are you thinking about being disposed of early?

Adam: Yes…a little. Can I go lay down please? I feel tired…..

Pam: Sure…come with me…..

Pam takes Adam back down the hallway to another one of the rooms near the end of the hallway to the left side of the hallway and then she opens the door and brings Adam into the room. The old classroom was filled with evenly spaced disability safety beds that looked like adult sized cribs. These cribs had been made by “Beds By George” especially for the disability daycare center. Pam goes over to one of the beds near the windows and slides the side down. Then she helps Adam into the bed and then she slides the tall sides up and the sides lock into place.

Adam: If I fall asleep in here, will my diapers still get changed every half hour, wet or not while I am in here?

Pam: Yes, of course they will. Someone will come in and either carry you into the diaper changing room or they will simply change your diaper in there and then take your diaper to be disposed of. 

Adam: What if I am asleep until it’s time to be disposed of?
Pam: then someone will come and wake you up and then carry you into the room where you and your diapers will be thrown away when it’s time.

Adam: What if I wake up and want to be thrown away then?

Pam: Just tell whoever comes to let you out of there, that you want to be thrown away then and they will see to it that you are changed and then you get thrown away. Adam, the only reason we throw people like you away at request is because of our state’s #DeathwithDignity law which allows a disabled person to request to their caregiver to assist them in dying in the way they choose. If you said that you wanted to be burned up, we have a trash incinerator company that comes and takes all of our medical waste and all of our old chemical waste away…they would be happy to take you and your diapers too. We have disposed of at least two people like that.

Adam: Really?  They wanted to die like that?

Pam: Yes, they did and they were taken to the incinerator facility and disposed of there….they seemed excited to be disposed of too…..are YOU excited to be disposed of?

Adam: Actually, I sort of am…..

Pam: How about this, after your nap, I will make sure that you get your last diaper change then….you can be thrown away in the trash with your diaper that we changed….how does that sound?

Adam: OK…sure…let’s do that…..

Pam: Good! It’s settled. You will get your last diaper change after your nap and then you will get disposed of then. In the meantime, I will have someone come and change your diaper every fifteen minutes now until it’s time for your disposal. In fact…before I let you go to sleep, how about I change your diaper again….OK? Come out of the bed….let me take the side down first…there….now come with me and I will change your diaper again…..Is your diaper even a little wet?

Adam: I…..I…Don’t really know…maybe……

Adam and Pam go out into the long hallway and back down to the diaper changing room where Pam puts Adam back onto the diaper changer and starts to unfasten the tapes of his mostly dry disposable diaper. As Pam lays Adam’s diaper open flat, she discovers that the center of his diaper is slightly wet.

Pam: Good boy! You wet your diaper……You did pretty good then…and now you get to have a silver star put next to your name on your file.

Adam: What does the silver star mean?

Pam: When we send your file back to the Medicaid office, they will look at it and see that you wet your diapers that they pay for well and that will help others by justifying the money in the budget.

Adam: How come you have to throw my dry diapers away even if they aren’t wet?

Pam: Because, they were on you. Once they touch your skin, they are considered to be dirty…even though they aren’t visibly dirty or wet.

Adam: So you have to throw them away then?

Pam: Yes, I do…..

Pam then pulls the semi wet diaper out from under Adam and then she puts it onto Adam’s chest for a minute until she opens Adam’s diaper bag again, takes out another one of the thick, large, white, crinkly Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight Diapers, then she takes out six more thick booster pads and then she layers the booster pads into the diaper between the leak guards before she lists Adam’s butt and slides the clean and dry Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight Diaper with the six booster pads inside, underneath Adam. Then she lays Adam back down into the now thick and bulky mass of the diaper before she shakes a lot of baby powder into the diaper and all over Adam and his butt cheeks before she pulled the front of the diaper up between his legs and she fastened the tapes on each side of the diaper snugly.

Pam: Now…that should be nice and comfy for ya for at least the next 15 or twenty minutes…..Wet or not, that diaper is going to be changed again in just the next fifteen minutes or so…..and thrown away.  What would you like to have put on you for your last diaper change?

Adam: Well, May I have 8, thick booster pads, and six or 8 layered cloth pre-fold toddler diapers from my supply of cloth diapers put into one of the diapers like this one please?

Pam: Oh…I suppose…..since you are being disposed of and that IS your last diaper….I guess it would be alright. I will have to take you to go pick some out of the trash cans they are in right now or I will have someone get some from the trash cans…..but that too will be ok since you will be put into one of the same trash cans that the cloth diapers come out of… won’t matter…..SURE…why not….Now, let me help you down and off this changer, then you can go back to the safety bed for your nap. OK…DOWN ya go…..OK it’s naptime for you now my man…..

Pam takes and guides Adam back into the room where all of the safety beds are and then she brings him back over to the same bed he came from. She helps him up and into the bed and then she raises the side and locks it.

Pam: Well…now you should be really nice and comfy. Sleep well…..

Pam then walks towards the door and then she opens the door and then leaves, the door closes behind her. The room has four other sleeping and thickly diapered people in them. The room is dark and the only sounds are the sounds of light snoring from one of the beds nearby.
Adam soon lays down and then falls asleep. In fact, Adam was so tired, he didn’t feel when someone came in and changed his still dry disposable diapers every fifteen minutes. Adam slept so soundly, that he nearly slept for four hours. Then someone came into the room, came over to Adam’s bed, dropped the side, then carried Adam’s sleeping body out and into the diaper changing room. Then Adam was laid down and then someone began to change his still dry disposable diaper. Adam woke up and opened his eyes finding that he was no longer in the dark room and in the safety bed he had been in.

Adam: (In a groggy voice) Where am I? What is happening?

Stacey: (daycare nurse doing the final physical check-up) I am Stacey…..I am the daycare nurse. I am doing a final physical check-up and that includes collecting a sample of your sperm. The state wanted me to collect the sample from you so here I am… I am going to try to collect that sample the…NORMAL way……I am going to pull the front of your diaper down…..and then I am going to lube you up and then I will stimulate you until the sample becomes available. Ready? You are really going to enjoy this……

Adam: Miss…Miss! Wait…….You ARE rather beautiful and sexy…..but…why do you have to collect a sperm sample for?

Stacey: Well, we are required to do a full physical examination required by the state prior to your disposal. WHO knows…..maybe they may freeze your sperm and then use it to create clones or maybe they will sell it to a woman who wants to become pregnant or something…..Are you going to let me get that sample or will I have to resort to….much more…medical methods of extraction?

Adam: NO! I’ll be good! You don’t have to do any of that! I will let you do things the regular way…..Promise.

Stacey: GOOD….FOR…YOU! Now…lets get started…shall we?

Stacey begins to lean over Adam as she slowly unfastens each of the tapes of Adam’s diaper before she pulls the front of his diaper down and lays it open flat on the diaper changer. Then she puts on some exam gloves and then she grabs a tube of lube and then she removes the cap and then she squirts some onto her gloved fingers. Then she comes back over and starts to liberally apply the lube all over Adam’s sexual region which becomes very erect. Once Stacey is satisfied that things will work the way they should, she begins the extraction process. Adam is really enjoying the process and shortly, Adam begins to feel the pressure of pleasure building up inside him with an unusual intensity that he has never felt before. The lube must have been medicated with something that induced erections and maybe there was some other stuff in there that made him pop so immensely and with such power and pressure! Only 10 minutes after Stacey had first applied the specialized lube, Adam POPPED HARD into the cup that Stacey had for the sample. Adam GROANED and MOANED in the immense pleasure that he had felt prior to popping so hard. Once he was done, Adam felt completely relaxed and really quite sleepy. Adam fell back to sleep after all that and he didn’t even feel when Stacey did his rectal exam, and when she took a stool sample. Once Stacey was done with that part of the exam, she pulled Adam’s diaper out from underneath him, then she took out another one of Adam’s Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight Diapers, opened the back, added the 8 booster pads, then she called on her radio to have someone go and bring her 10 cloth pre-fold diapers from one of the trash cans in the trash room where they were. A few sort minutes later, another blonde haired woman came into the diaper changing room carrying 10 cloth pre-fold cloth diapers, a few of which had once been wet but had dried and weren’t washed or cleaned before being reused again on Adam in this diaper change.
Then Stacey layered in the 8 cloth diapers, four in the back half of Adam’s really thick diaper and four in the front half with both layers overlapping in the center, before she used half a bottle worth of baby powder in Adam’s diapers before she pulled the thick and bulky diapers up and fastened the tapes. Once the tapes were fastened, Stacey took some duct tape and used some to reinforce the diaper tapes to keep them fastened. Then once she was done with that, she took the diaper she took off of Adam and put it onto his chest folded over and then she called to have Adam carried out of the diaper changing room and into the room where he was going to be put into one of the trash cans. The two men carried Adam into the room and over to one of the trash cans that had his disposable diapers in it. Stacey opened the locking metal lid of the metal trash can on wheels and then held the lid while the two men lifted Adam up slightly before lowering him down into the large can, tucking his legs and feet into the can.

Stacey: Ok Adam, it’s time for disposal now….

Adam: NO! WAIT! Can I stay out for a little longer please?

Stacey: NOPE! It’s trash can time…..bye-bye.

Then the two men began to bring a few of Adam’s opened packages of the Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight Diapers over to the can Adam was now in, and they began to take the diapers from the package and started tossing them into the can on top of Adam. Then, Stacey went to the diaper changing room and brought the can from in there into the room that was full of wet disposable diapers and a few cloth diapers that were inside a few of the disposable diapers, and she began to empty the diapers into the can, covering Adam up the rest of the way with the diapers. Then one of the men came over to the can and started to pack the diapers down well so that the locking lid would fit on and be able to be locked.
Then Stacey grabbed the locking metal trash can lid and she put it back on the can and then locked the lid using the pressure clasps. Once the locks were on, everyone left the room and Stacey brought the now empty can back into the diaper changing room. About thirty minutes later, someone came into the room and over to the can, unlocked the lid locks and then took the lid off. Adam’s diaper bag with quite a few clean diapers still inside and several travel sized bottles of baby powder, some travel packs of baby wipes and six folded and clean cloth pre-fold diapers, was tossed into the can along with ten old stained up and dirty onesies before the lid was put back on and the locks reapplied. About four hours go by and Adam wakes up to find he is in a dark, smelly place with a lot of diapers all over him. He finds that he is unable to move. Adam groggily realizes that he has been disposed of in the trash can and that it must be closer to the time that the trash will be soon taken outside and dumped into one of the daycare’s three 20 yard dumpsters.
Adam moans as he exhales.

Adam: UUUUUH! What…happened???? OH…MAN! I am in the trash now! I wonder how long I have been asleep? HEY! Can anyone here me? (Adam waits for a response but hears nothing but silence) WELL! I won’t be getting my diapers changed any more now……

Suddenly, Adam hears the sound of the door opening far away in the distance. The sound of casters rolling on tiled wood floors is heard then the door shutting. Then the lid locks of the can Adam is in is heard by Adam and then the lid comes off and is set aside. Then some hands reach in and start taking the diapers from on top of Adam. Then once there were no more diapers on top of Adam, two sets of hands reached down into the can and started to pick Adam up and out of the can. Adam still had the diaper that had been taken off of him on his chest that had been folded over as he was picked up and swung into the janitorial trash cart where he landed on top of the large load of diapers that were on top of bags of regular trash.

Adam: HEY! Put me down! Let GO of me! NOOO! Don’t put me in there! AH MAN!

Janitor 1: (Male) You are trash now! It’s time to take the trash out! That’s our job, that’s what were are here to do. You are in the trash can, and everything in the cans goes out to the dumpsters.

Adam: I think I wet my diapers! Can I get one last….diaper change please?

Janice-Janitor-2: (Female) NO, sorry, we don’t do diaper changes…we dispose of diapers and trash. I don’t care if your diaper is wet or not, or if you want to go into the dumpsters or not! YOU…ARE…GOING and that is THAT! Come on Joe…..let’s hurry up and dump the trash here and get on to the next room.

Adam: (To either of the Janitors) Do you care if I play with some of these diapers in here while I wait to be taken out to the dumpster?

Joe (Janitor 1): Go ahead…I don’t give a shit WHAT you do! As long as you don’t try to escape! If you try to escape, we will have to use the zip ties on you to keep you from getting away. We lock the dumpster lids so that people can’t get into it and so that you won’t get out until the trash man comes and dumps ya….

Adam: You DO?

Joe: Oh……YEA we do! ONLY the trash man and us Janitors have the keys.

Adam: So when I get thrown into the dumpster and everything is loaded from the carts, you are going to lock the lids? I will get locked inside the dumpster?

Janice: YEP! That’s what we said alright. OK…here are the LAST two cans full of diapers and trash….from this room and then…it’s off to the next room….

Adam: So…how many trash cans are there going to be in the next room?

Both janitors look at each other.

Joe: There are at least five trash cans and three of them have lots of diapers in them.

Adam: Are you going to put the cart into the trash room first or are you going to take it right out to the dumpsters?

Janice: No more questions! You will JUST have to see what happens! I am NOT talking to trash any more!

Then the cart was rolled down to the next room in the hallway and the two janitors went into the room and started taking the lids off the cans inside the room and then picking up one can and either dragging it or carrying it over to the trash cart that Adam was in before dumping it. First, the two cans full of diapers were dumped in. A 32 gallon trash can FULL of rolled messy diapers and unrolled, folded over wet disposable diapers tumbled into and rained down into the cart, falling down and covering the rest of Adam’s body in the cart. With their exam gloved hands, one of the janitors packed the diapers down in the cart rather hard, pressing a bunch of the wet diapers against Adam’s face with the paper covering of one diaper facing his face and the cold, wet, inner liner of the other diapers facing his mouth and nose.

Adam: HEY! Stop it! STOOOP…IT!


Then the other Janitor dumped another can FULL of diapers into the cart then he went back into the room to go get the next can. While he was going back into the room, the other was coming back to the trash cart with the last FULL can of diapers. A few seconds later, the woman janitor came back to the cart and emptied the can she had full of diapers into the can. She emptied and pushed the diapers around inside the cart and covered Adam’s face entirely with the loads of diapers to spread the load out evenly so that more trash could fit in the cart. Then the janitor man came over to the cart and dumped a large clear trash bag into the cart and then dumped a large can full of other trash into the cart.
Then the woman dumped another can into the cart and then she packed the trash down and spread it out inside the cart. The two were talking to each other as they worked.
Then two more large trash cans full of cloth diapers and disposable diapers were dumped into the cart before the cart was too full to put the rest of the trash from that or any room into the cart. Then Adam felt the cart start to roll and as the cart kept rolling, he listened for the sounds to get an idea of where he was being taken. Adam heard the muffled sounds of the cart’s casters rolling along the floor then he heard the muffled sounds of old school door handles being pushed and the muffled sounds of the squeaking door hinges telling him that he was being rolled outside and to the dumpster now.
As the cart rolled and bumped over the cracks in the cement side walks that led to the pavement that led to the first dumpster, Adam began to get apprehensive about being put into the dumpster. Adam didn’t want to be thrown away! He wasn’t liking all of these wet and dirty diapers and other trash that smelled being all over him. Then the cart suddenly stopped. Then Adam heard the faint and muffled sounds of the two gates being unlocked and swung open and then the sounds of the lid-lock bar being unlocked and removed and set aside. Then the cart rolled a little bit more before it bumped against what sounded like a metal item. Then several sets of hands began to reach into the cart, taking handfuls of the trash and diapers out of the cart. Then once some of the trash bags and diapers had been removed from the cart and off of Adam’s face so he could see, Adam Squinted at the bright sunlight of the evening sky as he started to see where the diapers and trash were disappearing to.

Adam: PLEASE! PLEASE! I beg you NOT to throw me in there! I promise! I will try to not wet my diapers as much! I SWEAR! I WILL try harder! Just let me OUT of here…PLEASE!

Janice: (Reaching into the cart between Adam’s legs to get the rest of the loose, cloth and disposable diapers and toss them into the dumpster.) NO! Sorry! You are trash now! It’s time now for you to go into the NICE dumpster here. This is going to be your new home until our friendly trash man comes to take you and all of the trash away.

Adam: NO! Please! NO! don’t! OH…COME ON!

Joe: (Coming around the trash cart to grab Adam’s shoulders and arms to help swing Adam up and into the dumpster from the cart) Ready to go into the nice trash dumpster Adam? (reaching in and taking hold of Adam’s arms at his shoulders)
Ready? And a one, two….three!

Both Janitors pick Adam up and sort of half swing him up and into the dumpster where they lay him on top of the pile of cloth and disposable diapers. Then the two go back to the cart to finished putting the rest of the diapers that Adam had been laying on, into the dumpster. Both janitors empty the diapers from the cart on top of Adam’s chest and legs spreading the diapers and Adam out and way from the front edge of the dumpster that was getting fuller near that edge now than the loads were in the back part of the 20 yard dumpster. A few of the unrolled diapers of Adam’s were tossed in and they landed on Adam’s face with the wet inner liner facing against his face. Adam quickly removed the diaper so he could see and by the time he was able to sit up, the two janitors had emptied the entire cart and were now flipping the lids closed from behind the dumpster and walking to the side to ensure the lids closed. Then the two janitors put the lid-lock bar back on and then they locked it with the padlock before rolling the now empty cart back inside, leaving Adam in the 90% full and dark, smelly dumpster.
Adam tried to sit up so to try to push on the smooth, black plastic lids of the 20 yard dumpster but with no luck, he laid back onto his back. The diapers began to make Adam sweat as he laid in the dark, smelly, wet and mushy piles of diapers. Adam decided to try to get as comfortable as he could since he had no idea how long he was going to be in the dumpster before the trash man came. As Adam laid there, guessing how long he was going to be in there for, he fell asleep. A couple hours later, the lid-lock bar came off and the lids were flipped back and open again. This made Adam wake up and then a few seconds later, some more diapers began to get tossed into the dumpster. The diapers began to land in the back part of the dumpster and were now starting to cover Adam up.
It was starting to get darker outside now as the diapers and more bags of trash were tossed into the dumpster. Some of these bags were big, black bags that had lots and lots of wet cloth diapers and a few of the black bags also had big, rolled up and unrolled wet disposable diapers with a lot of booster pads and lots of baby powder in them. Then as Adam watched one of the black bags land in the dumpster, two of his own fully stocked diaper bags hit him in the head and knocked him back. The diaper bags landed near his head and settled as four more clear trash bags that were full of papers and office type trash were tossed into the dumpster.

Adam: How long am I going to be in here before the trash man comes?

Joe: Trash day is tomorrow morning. You are going to spend the entire night in there and maybe, the trash man will wake you up when he comes to take you away.
I for one will be GLAD to have you taken away!

Adam: How much more trash is going to be put in here?

Janice: We will have two more carts full then we will go the second dumpster. It’s not as full as this one is. After the last two carts are in there, we won’t see you any more…good riddance.

Adam: Will there be more of my things dumped in here? Where is my stroller? Where are the rest of my clean packs of my disposable diapers?

Janice: I…I don’t know. I will….look into that. They will be in the next two loads if they are being thrown away.

Then two more black trash bags full of cloth diapers were tossed into the dumpster on top of Adam’s legs. The heavy bags pinning Adam down so he can’t turn over or move.

Then a bunch of loose cloth diapers were hand tossed and flipped into the dumpster. A few of the cloth diapers settled on top of Adam’s chest and around Adam’s head.
Then the cart was now empty so the two janitors walked around and flipped the lids closed and then they put the lid-lock bar on and locked it with the padlock again before they rolled the cart back inside. In the darkness and underneath the heavy black trash bag that was pinning him down, Adam tries to move the heavy bag off of him but it proves to be too heavy. So Adam tries to scoot back and take his legs out from underneath the heavy bag and that proves to be successful. Adam then lays onto his stomach near the front of the can on top of a few of his unopened packs of his Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight diapers, and a pile of loose cloth and disposable diapers.
About 2 hours later, the two janitors came out to the dumpster that Adam was in and opened the lids again.  Then they started to toss in Adam’s still good disability pushchair/ stroller, some more packs of his First Quality large blue diapers, three white force-flex trash bags full of Adam’s formerly wet cloth diapers and onesies, and then they tossed in four black trash bags full of Adam’s clothing that his caregiver had dropped off.
Then once the cart was empty, the two janitors closed and relocked the dumpster lids and then the gates for the night while they went back inside to go get the other six trash carts full of diapers and other trash from the trash storage room.  Over the next four hours, the two janitors brought a full trash cart out to the second and third dumpsters each. The first three cart loads had a thickly diapered girl in pigtails. The two janitors tossed her and the loads of trash and diapers and her trash bags full of her clothing, her diaper bags, and her disability pushchair/stroller as well as her bedding, blankets, her favorite comforter and all of her unused and left-over opened packs of her disposable diapers, into the second dumpster. Once the second dumpster was full, they locked it up and closed and locked the gates before going to the third dumpster and tossing everything else that was left, into that one before locking that dumpster up and closing and locking the gates for what remained of the night.

As the evening had turned into night and after the two janitors had locked the dumpster up for the night that Adam was in, Adam became horny. Unable to move too much, and with two of the large black bags resting on his legs and feet with the tied up end resting against his thickly diapered butt and one of the baby powder scented force-flex trash bags filled with his clean and folded cloth diapers, resting on his back, Adam tried to climax into his diaper by rubbing the front of his diaper against the other diapers below him in a missionary style. After about two hours, Adam climaxed hard and after which, he felt relaxed and too tired to move! Without too much effort, Adam fell into a deep slumber.
At around 9:57 am, Adam was awakened by the loud sound of a diesel engine idling nearby. Then he heard the sound of the fence gates being unlocked and opened. Then he heard the sounds of someone opening the padlock that held the lid lock bar on and then he heard the sound of the lid lock bar being taken off and then it being set down nearby. Then, suddenly, the left dumpster lid rose up and disappeared and then the right one did the same. A tall, black, handsome man with long eyelashes started to walk out from behind the dumpster along the right side of the dumpster, on his way back towards his truck.
At around 10:00 am, ThaThunderStorm arrives at the daycare center which is an old school, to dump the three 20 yard dumpsters that are all over filled with diapers and trash.
The daycare had called ahead at the beginning of the week to inform ThaThunderStorm that there would be two diapered people in the trash this week.
ThaThunderStorm stops near the gates in front of the dumpster and he unlocks the padlock and then he swings each gate out of the way so he can get to the dumpster to empty it. Then he comes over to the dumpster and uses his other key to unlock the lid locks on the dumpster. Once he has removed the lid-lock bar, he sets it aside and then he flips the lids open. As he walks around from the rear of the dumpster, ThaThunderStorm sees Adam laying on his stomach, on top of a pile of loose rolled, and unrolled disposable diapers, cloth diapers and empty diaper packaging. Adam is wearing a VERY thick and bulky white disposable Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight diaper with 8 layered cloth diapers inside that a few were sticking out of the leg elastics.

Adam: Are YOU the trash man?


Adam: Are YOU going to dump me into that BIG truck of yours?


Adam: But my diapers aren’t even that WET! I don’t WANNA go in the truck!!!


Adam: NO! WAIT! STOP! Where are you going???? Come BACK! Get me OUT of here! PLEASE!

ThaThunderStorm goes back to his truck, gets back into the cab, shuts the door, lowers the forks as he pulls closer and closer until the forks line up to the inserts on each side of the dumpster.


Adam: NO! STOP! I don’t wanna go in there!

ThaThunderStorm inserts the forks in the can, then ThaThunderStorm takes the first dumpster up pretty quickly. As the dumpster rises, Adam starts to shift to the front of the can as the dumpster begins to tip over.

Adam: WHOAAAAAA! ( Falling out of the dumpster down the 2.75 feet and landing on some bags of trash already in the hopper. Thump! Thump! ) OOOF! UH!

ThaThunderStorm dumps the dumpster and bangs the can to ensure all of the trash falls in.

Then upon setting the can down, ThaThunderStorm instinctively hits the packer button in the cab, packing the contents. The compactor blade starts to quickly advance onto the load of trash, diapers, clothing and Adam in his thick, bulky Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight Diapers with the 8 layered cloth pre-fold diapers inside. Adam is high enough above the flat bottom edge of the packer blade and once the packer blade makes contact with the bags and the pile of diapers that are piled high above Adam and on top of Adam in the hopper, Adam is knocked down onto the blade as it continues to forcefully crush and sweep everything into the packer container. Adam’s legs were now spreading apart as the diapers between his legs were being forced against Adam’s thickly diapered butt. As the diapers and a bag of heavy wet diapers began to press against Adam’s back and diapered butt, his diaper began to bunch up and fold against Adam’s butt cheeks as the compactor cycle maxed out. Then the compactor blade began to retract as the truck began to back up. Adam fell back into the hopper and landed onto a pile of diapers that was 4 inches high, and JUST….above the top of the flat end of the packer blade. Then the truck began to turn a bit as it slowly pulled forward before the truck stopped again for a bit while ThaThunderStorm got out and unlocked the gates and the second dumpster.
Then ThaThunderStorm got back into the truck and then pulled forward to insert the forks into the second can.
ThaThunderStorm inserts the forks in the second dumpster, then ThaThunderStorm takes the second dumpster up pretty quickly. This startled the poor thickly diapered girl inside the can and she let out a short scream as the dumpster rose and started to tip over. The diapers and the girl began to fall out of the dumpster and fall down into the hopper. The girl landed on top of the pile that Adam was laying on and she bounced and landed onto the slanted edge of the compactor blade and started to slide down in front of the flat edge of the compactor.
ThaThunderStorm dumps the dumpster and bangs the can to ensure all of the trash falls in. A bunch of diapers then covered her as the rest of the diapers fell out of the dumpster as the can was banged twice before the dumpster disappeared.
Then upon setting the second dumpster down, ThaThunderStorm hits the packer button in the cab, packing the contents. The compactor starts and quickly advances onto the load that was just emptied into the hopper. Adam begins to have a bunch of diapers pressing very hard up against his front while he is being pressed up against the bags of wet cloth diapers behind him, causing his diaper to burst at the right hand side leg elastics near his butt cheek. Some of the wet padding burst out and got all over the thickly diapered girl that was having her diapered butt pressed up against big, bulky black trash bags full of wet disposable diapers. HER diaper was beginning to bunch up and curl up against her butt under the extreme pressure. Then the black bag burst open with a popping bubble and as the bag popped, the diapers from inside began to fall out of the bag and into the hopper partly covering the top half of the girl. Then the compactor began to retract back to it’s starting position. Adam felt weird. His face had been pressed very hard into a pile of loose, unrolled, wet disposable diapers that had in turn been pressed up against several black bags of his cloth pre-fold diapers. Adam’s face had been forced into the inner lining of a wet diaper of his that wasn’t rolled up. The bags had burst too under the pressure and some of the cloth diapers were now hanging out and falling into the hopper on top of Adam’s shoulders and neck as Adam lay there in the hopper, stunned and slightly out of breath. Then, the truck starts to back up and then it stopped for a second then turned again then it pulled forward slowly again. Then, it stopped again while ThaThunderStorm got back out to unlock the gates and the lids to the third dumpster. Once he had done that for the last time, ThaThunderStorm got back into the truck and pulled forward until the forks lined up.
ThaThunderStorm inserts the forks in the third dumpster, then he takes the third dumpster up pretty quickly. The loads of trash and diapers begin to fall into the hopper. The heavy, wet, rolled up diapers bounce, roll and tumble in the hopper as the rest of the trash begins to fall out as the dumpster tips upside down.
ThaThunderStorm dumps the dumpster and bangs the can to ensure all of the trash falls in again.
Then upon setting the second dumpster down, ThaThunderStorm hits the packer button in the cab, packing the contents. All of the diapers and other trash bags began to slide, move and tumble as the tall compactor blade quickly began to advance onto the loads of diapers and trash. Several of the white, baby powder scented force-flex trash bags full of clean cloth diapers and a couple of the same types of bags filled with clean Huggies, Pampers, Luvs, Cuties all in size seven and a couple of the force-flex white bags filled with more blue colored First Quality adult diapers that were still clean and folded, began to get pressed up against Adam’s thickly diapered butt, causing a few of the layered cloth diapers to start to poke out of the leg elastics on his right leg as Adam was being pressed into the piles of cloth and disposable diapers, the trash bags full of clean cloth and wet cloth diapers, clean and dirty disposable diapers as well as the clear trash bags full of kitchen trash that had left-over food and paper plates, coffee grounds and tea bags in it. One of the clear trash bags began to bubble up and then it burst spraying coffee grounds and left-over food onto both Adam and the thickly diapered girl with pigtails. Adam and the bags and a few of the loose disposable and cloth diapers began to rise up over the top edge of the compactor blade. The thickly diapered girl in pigtails also began to rise but she got pressed into the top loads of trash near the top of the container as the compactor blade pressed harder and went in further as the blade reached it’s max reach. Then the compactor blade began to quickly retract back into it’s starting position. Once the compactor blade began to retract, Adam and the bags and the loose diapers fell back down and Adam fell onto the slanted top edge of the blade and then tumbled back down onto the smooth, metal floor of the hopper. Then the truck began to back up for a few seconds before it made a wide left turn and then it stopped for a few minutes before turning right and driving for another ten minutes before slowing and turning right again and then the truck turned left and then it drove for about five minutes before it slowed and then…it slowly inched forward then it stopped. The engine began to roar as a large dumpster appeared and then the contents were dumped into the truck. Then the dumpster went back down and then the truck began to back up and then it pulled around and stopped then it turned left and drove around for two minutes more before it came to the next dumpster. The next dumpster rose into view and then the restaurant trash that was in it was dumped in and then the dumpster went back down as the compactor started up again. As the compactor continued to cycle, a few of the food waste bags burst getting eggs, toast, coffee grounds, orange peels, banana peels, coffee, soda and juices all over Adam and the thickly diapered girl with pigtails and their diapers.
The route ThaThunderStorm is assigned to, covers an average of 200 miles a day.
The route is mostly industrial with some restaurants. After about 210 stops, the trash truck that ThaThunderStorm is driving, is full so he drives directly to the Seminole landfill where he weighs the truck at the scale-house, punches his ticket and enters his company info and his driver number into the keypad, then, when he is done, he drives to the tip-face where he is directed by a landfill flagger to back up and dump his load.
ThaThunderStorm opens the rear tailgate and then he starts the ejection cycles of the compactor blade. As the blade advances onto the loads of trash, the trash begins to get slowly pushed out and onto the ground behind ThaThunderStorm’s front end loader.
Then Adam, who is unable to move now, is forcefully pushed out of the back of the truck and he falls out onto the ground and lands on top of a pile of black and white trash bags filled with cloth and disposable diapers. Once there is no more trash in the truck, ThaThunderStorm pulls forward and closes the tailgate and then drives to the scales to weigh out, leaving Adam, the thickly diapered girl and the loads of trash behind.

ThaThunderStorm looks in his rearview mirror as he slowly pulls away, seeing Thickly diapered and very dirty Adam, laying there on the landfill tip-face about to get pummeled and buried by the approaching landfill compactor.

ThaThunderStorm: (As he looks in his rearview mirror and leans slightly out of the window) 

Once Adam and the thickly diapered girl are spotted by the landfill operator, the landfill supervisor comes over and checks both of them out thoroughly before they authorize them both to be accepted and buried there at the landfill.

Adam: I don’t WANNA be buried here! PLEASE! Just let me go home!

Landfill director: Sorry man…..You now belong to us and we have to burry you now. You are trash, you came out of a trash truck, so you are trash! Bye-bye diapered trash!

Then the landfill compactor and the excavator operator began to work together to quickly bury both Adam, the thickly diapered girl and all of the diapers and trash. The landfill compactor waited while a large special hole was prepared for Adam, the thickly diapered girl and all of the trash they came with. Then the landfill compactor plowed Adam, the thickly diapered girl and all of the trash into the small and deep pit before the excavator began to move large amounts of dirt to cover everything in the small pit. Then once Adam and the diapered girl were buried with all of their trash, the landfill compactor packed the dirt down tightly and then later that same day, four front end loader trucks dumped their loads onto the area above where Adam, the thickly diapered girl and the trash were buried under. Then around 5:00 the landfill closed for the day.

End of chapter one.

Another chapter is coming soon.  

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