Friday, November 25, 2016

The Disposal Daycare

The Disposal Daycare

Bret was a blonde haired disabled 20 year old that still lived with his mother and father because he wasn’t able to take care of himself on his own. His mother had put him into a special daycare for older teens with disabilities. The daycare has a special room for those who are left there, abandoned by their parents and or caregivers that no longer want them.
Bret was about to be left there at the daycare by his parents who could no longer afford to care for him and they didn’t want a child that was never going to be out of diapers.
Tiffany, who was a blonde bombshell, eye candy type of woman with golden well tanned skin, a shapely hourglass figure and a walk that made all of the husbands of the neighborhood gawk, drool and whistle when she came out of her house.
Bret had his mom diaper him since he was born and as Bret grew up in size, the more diapers he went through on a daily basis. Bret was born to a wealthy family and they all had reputations and images to uphold. Having a defective child who was already an adult and was still in diapers full time, wasn’t part of their image.
Tiffany and her husband both agreed to get Bret ready for his usual daycare stay but that they were making arrangements with the daycare to leave all of his cloth diapers, all of his disposable diapers, his stroller, diaper bags and all of his clothing with them at the daycare. As Bret’s father loaded up all of Bret’s left-over packs of disposable diapers, all of his toddler sized and youth sized pre-fold cloth diapers, plastic pants, and all but two outfits from his dresser, into his Ford Expedition, Bret’s father got into his SUV and drove to the daycare to drop off all of Bret’s things.
After about two hours, Bret’s father returned and came back into the house. He kissed his beautiful wife and then told her that Bret’s stuff was now at the daycare waiting for her and him to arrive.
With Bret still in his bedroom taking his usual afternoon nap, Tiffany began to load Bret’s diaper bag with the left-over cloth and disposable diapers that he might need while at the daycare as well as a few snacks. Then tiffany went into Bret’s room and woke him up from his nap.

Tiffany: Wakey, wakey Bret honey….It’s time to go to daycare now sweetheart.

Bret: (waking up, moaning and groaning as he stretched) What time is it mamma?

Tiffany: Time to go to daycare now…….mamma will help you out of your old safety bed. There…you…go…..there….Now, no time to put shoes or clothes on ya…..and I’m not going to change your diaper either. They can change your diaper there at daycare.

Tiffany grabs Bret’s left hand and then escorts him right outside to the garage where she puts Bret into the backseat of her SUV which has leather seats, for easy cleaning, and then she goes back inside the house for a few seconds to go get his diaper bags, the last four outfits, a couple of onesies and the last pack of thick, bulky disposable diapers before coming back out to the garage and then to the passenger side of her SUV. Once she opened the door, tiffany started loading everything into the floorboards of her SUV.
Then Once everything was loaded, she closed the door and then walked around the front of the SUV to open the driver’s side door, get in, close the door, put her seatbelt on before starting the SUV. Then Tiffany backed her SUV out to the street, then put into drive and headed out to the main road to take Bret to the daycare. Bret was unaware that this was going to be the last time he was going to see his mom or dad. After about a 45 minute drive out to the countryside where the daycare facility was, Tiffany pulled into the parking lot and parked the SUV in front of the daycare. Tiffany turned the engine off after putting the SUV in park and then she took the keys out, opened her door, got out and then closed her door before walking around to the right-hand side of the vehicle to get Brad and his things out. As tiffany began to unbuckle Brad from his car seat, one of the daycare techs came outside to greet Tiffany and Brad.

Female Daycare Tech (With Blonde hair and blue eyes) : Well HELLO there. Welcome to The Three Bears Daycare! Need any help bringing anything inside?

Tiffany: Yes, please….can you take Brad here…for me and have someone come get the rest of his diapers, diaper bag and the rest of his things……I am leaving him here with you all for good. I have an arrangement with the daycare director.

Female Daycare Tech: SURE! I’ll get some of our staff to assist you. Hi there Brad….nice to see you again…..Wanna come with me and I will bring you into the daycare and get you all set up in one of our cribs?

The blonde daycare tech takes Brad by his right hand in her left hand and takes him and his diaper bags into the daycare lobby and then past the office and down a long hallway to the last nursery at the end of the hall. She opens the door and the room is large. There are 30 stainless steel, chromed cribs with locking lids that match the sides and head and foot boards. There are a few loose, unrolled wet diapers inside the crib the daycare tech is walking over to that is empty. The daycare tech opens the lid then drops the side down and then helps Brad into the crib.

Brad: how come there are a few old disposable diapers still in here?

Daycare Tech: OH…those are left over from the last one that was in there a few hours ago.

Brad: Where did they go?

Daycare Tech: They were disposed of from inside this crib as you will be soon. Our overnight staff will get orders to dispose of you and all of your diapers, clean or not, all of your clothing and even your diaper bags and all bedding too! You may be here for 12 hours or you may be here for a week….who knows…..but I am here to make sure that you continue to get diaper changes until I am ordered not to.

Brad: HUH? Wait! I am here to be…disposed of?

Daycare Tech: Yes…that IS what we do here in this nursery. See…any parents that wish to leave their unwanted kids here at our daycare, or if they don’t come back for them, we bring them to this nursery, put them in one of these special cribs, and all of their diapers we take off of them, stay right there in their cribs, then someone with a special key that turns the special compactor blades on and off, comes in and runs the compactor first, then…see the middle of the headboard attached to the wall there? It slides up and there is a large trash chute that is behind there. The compactor will sweep you, your diapers, clothing and the crib mattress right down into it and then the chute takes you and everything down into our stationary compactor. It will crush you and everything that comes down the chute  multiple times a day. Then the trash company comes and takes the full compactor away and puts in an empty one. What the trash company does with the trash…I have NO idea…but all I DO know is, that I have to take you out of there once a day to weigh you, check and or change your diapers and then put you and your diaper that I take off, into the crib. Now, let me check your diaper ok? If it’s still not that wet, I will leave you in it until it starts to leak. Then, I will be here to change it.
Now…lean forward for me….there…good boy……now….lay back for me so I can look in the leg elastics…. (daycare tech pulls back the leg elastics and checks for signs of super wetness) WELL, looks like you will be staying in this diaper for a while…..I will leave you with one of your milk bottles for now….AH yes…here comes all of your diapers and clothing.

The man wearing blue scrubs carrying Brad’s packs of clean disposable diapers:
Where would you like me to put these?

Daycare Tech: Oh, go ahead and put them underneath the crib in the basket for now.

Then a brown-haired woman in scrubs came in pushing a cart full of Brad’s cloth diapers and plastic pants.

Brown-haired woman in scrubs: Where do you want me to put these?

Daycare Tech: Oh…the…cloth diapers and plastic pants? Go ahead and put them into the crib with him for me….and any of the wet disposables and wet cloth diapers too.

Brad: WAIT! Why are you putting all of my clean and dirty cloth diapers and plastic pants in here with me? Where am I going to sleep?

Daycare Tech: Well, you can move the diapers and clothes around in there to make some room or you can lay on top of the diapers…I don’t care which.

Then as Brad’s bags of wet disposable diapers and the last of his clean and dirty onesies were tossed into the crib, the blonde daycare tech pulled the locking side up and then lowered the locking stainless steel top down  and then latched the lock.

Brad: WAIT! Don’t leave me here!!!! Aren’t you going to change my diapers?

The Blonde Daycare Tech walked away and out of the room before closing the room’s door. It became rather dark in the room as Brad began to try to get comfortable in the large sized  stainless steel, chromed, metal crib. He began to get tired and sleepy so Brad laid down and fell asleep. He awoke to find that he had been carried over to a changing table and was having his diaper changed.

Brad: (waking up in the middle of a diaper change) Hey, what is happening? What time is it?

Dark-haired woman changing Brad’s diaper:  I am changing your soaking wet diaper honey. Then after that, I am supposed to take you over to the director’s office so that she can weigh you, measure you, and then she will write out the orders for all of us to do before they dispose of you.

Brad: When are they going to be disposing of me?

Dark-haired woman changing Brad’s diaper:  That is what we are going to find out. That and what they want us to do with you and to you before it will be time to start your final disposal.

Then the dark haired woman got Brad down from the changing table and then led him back down the long hallway to the director’s office near the front of the daycare. As the dark haired woman led Brad into the director’s office,  one of the other care techs was just leading a resisting, thickly diapered boy down the hall to the disposal nursery.

Thickly diapered boy: NO! STOP! I am Not being disposed of! NO! Don’t bring me down there!!!! I don’t WANNA go there!!! Let GO of me!!!!

Then as the care tech picked the resisting and kicking thickly diapered boy up into her arms, to carry him down to the disposal nursery, two other men in white outfits came into the hallway pushing a large trash cart full of what looked like wet disposable diapers with white plastic backing, just like the one the boy was wearing. The two men in white, followed the woman carrying the boy as they went down the hallway and into the disposal nursery where Brad just came from. Brad watched as everyone disappeared into the nursery before letting the dark haired woman pull him into the director’s office.
As the door closed and latched behind Brad, The brown haired woman pulled Brad into another exam type room inside the director’s office. The exam room also had a large metal crib in it that had some left-over unrolled wet disposable and cloth diapers in it.
The dark-haired woman opened that crib and put Brad into it before sliding the side up, locking it and then lowering the solid steel, locking lid down. Once the lid was latched, the woman began to get things in the room prepared for the director to see Brad.
Then once that was complete, the dark-haired woman left the room and about 15 minutes later, the director and one of her exam nurses came into the room.

Daycare Director: Hi there….YOU must be…BRAD…….I saw you come in today, but I didn’t see just how thick your diaper was…..Your former mother told me that they use cloth toddler diapers inside your disposable diapers for extra absorbency. Well, we here at three bears daycare, don’t use cloth diapers…we only use disposable diapers. From now on, you will ONLY get your nice, thick, disposable diapers, the booster pads we use here, and that will be it. We don’t even like using onesies on people like you! Now, My nurse and I are going to take a good look at ya and then we are going to decide when you will get disposed of, and what will happen to you and your clothing and diapers. We sometimes loan you all out to people who need a test subject or someone that may need a person in diapers to work with for their project. We charge them a lot of money to have you loaned out. IF you come back and you are too dirty to clean up, you will be disposed of within the next four hours. We won’t even change your diapers! You will just go right into the crib and then our special disposal crib packer will be set on auto so that it will compact you, your diapers, your clothing and even the crib mattress too! Then the little door in the wall and your crib’s headboard will open and then the packer will cycle again and shove you and everything down the trash chute which puts everything into our stationary compactor. Once there, the compactor will automatically pack you and your diapers and the crib mattress!  See that one-way window over there? There are four people working in there at all times. Someone in there will get some paperwork with your crib number on it and then they will start the compactor processing everything in the crib from inside the control room. They don’t care if you have a wet or dry diaper on…..or if you are clean or dirty! Once they have orders to dispose of you, the ONLY thing that could stop your disposal are two things; one, if the packer were to stop, which has happened before, at which point, we just get a maintenance man in here to fix it then we complete your disposal, or if I write orders telling them to stop. I don’t usually write those stop orders unless something comes up before you are to be disposed of. Your mom was pretty clear….she wanted us to dispose of you and all of your things. EVEN your stroller too which WILL be put into the crib when it’s time for your disposal.
OH…and those people in the control room there…don’t care what time of day or night it is or if you were sleeping or not, when it’s time for your disposal, they start the compactor and cycle it as many times as they need  to or feel like before they open the chute door and shove everything down it! Sometimes your care tech will want to watch you and your things getting compacted. We let them too!
Now, nurse Betty, I want you to have his diapers changed every 2 hours for the next two weeks, wet or not and then every half hour for his last two days, wet or not….and at each diaper change, leave the diaper you take off, inside the crib. Go ahead and use as many wipes as you want on him….I want him to have his diapers SO thick and bulky that he can barely put his legs together! I am going to call our friends at the diaper station and tell them we have a nice, new test subject for them. If they don’t need him, I will call our friends at the Culiver Chemical Company and see if THEY need  a test subject. JUST make sure that he is always in a thick and bulky disposable diaper at all times! Leave the cloth diapers in his crib along with any empty packaging too. Get his diaper bags and make sure that they are fully stocked with plenty of his thick disposable diapers and booster pads pre-loaded into each clean diaper so that they will be ready to use at any given time. I will tell you when I am going to write the order to dispose of him ahead of time. IF he has ANY disposable diapers left over, then toss any and all packages into his crib, opened or not, and then make sure that the solid lid is lowered and locked before we raise the solid sides around the crib when it’s time to run the compactor in his crib.
Nurse Betty: Yes ma’am! Will do. On his disposal day, do you want me to change his last diaper right before his crib is scraped clean or would you rather I left him in his wet diaper?

Daycare Director: If he is too dirty to clean up, don’t worry about changing his diaper. Just go over and pack his diapers down some and make sure that he and any of his diapers aren’t caught in any of the slight openings at the top of the crib between the top crib rail and the lid. Move the diapers around in there if you have to….When he is brought back from being loaned out, check and change his diapers if they need it….but if he comes back with colored stains all over him and he smells like metal or smells bad in some way, just get him into his crib as quickly as possible and leave him there…do NOT attempt to change his diapers UNLESS I ask you to…ok?

Nurse Betty: got it. No diaper change if he is too filthy. OK Brad, time to get your first examination…..

Brad: What are you examining me for?

Nurse Betty: I am checking you over to see if there is anything more wrong with you so that when you are used by some of our clients, we know that they didn’t damage you in any way. Some of our clients like to use our disposable diapered people in rough situations and in machines that get rough with you and your diapers. We want to make sure that they aren’t completely destroying you and damaging you.

Brad: THEN what is going to happen?

Nurse Betty: Then, I am going to take you back down to the disposal nursery and put you back into your disposal crib until one of our clients calls and asks to use one of you.

Brad: How long could THAT be?

Nurse Betty: Well, if no one calls to use YOU in a week, then we have to dispose of you and all of your clothing and diapers, clean or not. If there are a lot of people who want to use you, then you will stay around until no one wants or needs you any longer.

Brad: So…I am just some …disposable tool to you all?

Nurse Betty: Essentially, yes I’m afraid. Once your parents give you to us, we get to do whatever we want to you and with you. We are a daycare and orphanage combined. We get paid to dispose of you diapered people but before we do, we try to get SOME kind of paid use out of all of you before you each get disposed of. No I’m going to flip you over onto your tummy now so that I can examine your back side.

Nurse betty flips Brad over to his tummy and then pulls his diaper down that she had unfastened while talking to him.

Nurse Betty: OH, you poor soul! You have a bad rash! Didn’t your mom change your diapers much?

Brad: No, she didn’t. She made me wear my wet diapers longer so that the diapers would last longer.

Nurse Betty: WELL now….We here at Three Bears Daycare and Nursery change your diapers every hour, on the hour even if you are wet or not.

Brad: Do you throw my dry diapers away after each change?

Nurse Betty: Yes, of course we do hun. They go either into your assigned diaper pails which then are eventually dumped into your crib with you when it’s time for your disposal along with the rest of your clean cloth and disposable diapers and any clothing you have.

Brad: What will happen to my stroller and bedding that my mom brought?

Nurse Betty: We usually throw it into the crib with you before your crib is locked for final disposal.

Brad: What about my two diaper bags and everything in them?

Nurse Betty: Yep! They too will be thrown in there and disposed of at that time. OK, I am supposed to diaper you in thick disposable diapers with four thick booster pads in them then use a ton of baby powder in your diapers before I take you back to your disposal crib. If one of our clients calls us, it will be between the hours of 4 am and 5:30 am, which is when most of our clients call when they need one of you.
When they take you, you may still be asleep. You may wake up to find yourself being sprayed with wet, slimy stuff or find yourself in a new design of compactor filled with various types of trash.  Some of their compactors, like ours, has an odor control misting system. It sprays every hour to keep the smells down. We have a client that designs and builds compactors for places like ours….they get to use people like you that we provide them. OK Brad boy, You are ALL nice and thickly diapered. Time to go back to your disposal crib now until someone calls for you.

Nurse Betty then gets brad down from the exam table and then escorts him down the long hallway to the end where the disposal nursery is. Once inside the room, Nurse Betty walks Brad over to the crib he was in and slides the stainless steel side down. Then she picks Brad up a little bit and helps him into the crib before tossing Brad’s semi wet disposable diaper into the crib and then she slid the side up and locked it. Then she lowered the stainless steel lid down and locked that before walking away. The lights inside the room were off except for one desk lamp where one of the nursery care techs was sitting and doing paperwork on Brad and two other subjects. The care tech and Nurse Betty were talking amongst themselves about two of the people in the cribs along the wall next to the crib Brad was in on either side. These two unwanted subjects had been there for quite some time and it was their disposal day tonight but they didn’t know it, and that was how the nursery liked it.
Brad started to fall asleep soon after he was brought back to his crib and within the next two hours, he was awakened by strange sounds coming from one of the cribs next to him.
In the dimly lit room, he could see stuff being bunched up and shoved along the length of the crib and the boy inside of it was being forced against the piles of disposable diapers and clothing in the crib he was in as well as the crib mattress folding and bunching up as what seemed like the footboard of the crib was moving slowly toward the headboard.
Brad sat straight up in his crib and watched as the poor boy inside was struggling to avoid being crushed. As the crib mattress, the bedding, all of the disposable diapers and clothing began to be forcibly shoved against the boy, and as he was being pushed and crushed against the piles of disposable diapers behind him,  which in turn were being slowly crushed against the stainless steel wall of what looked like the headboard. The boy was frantically trying to find a way out of the crib, banging on the now solid steel sides that were slowly enclosing the crib ahead of the compactor/scraper blade. AS the compactor smooshed the diapers and the boy against the steel wall of the headboard of that crib, Brad could barely hear the boy as he moaned and groaned under the pressure that was being exerted upon him. Then the compactor/scraper blade began to retract some and then it began to push forward again but then, Brad saw a metal door start to slide upwards slowly as the compactor/scraper blade continued to advance onto the contents of the crib. The door opened wide and as the compactor continued in a forward motion, everything inside the crib began to be forced into the dark, black hole behind the steel sliding door in the headboard. Suddenly, everything that had been inside the crib, was now gone as the solid stainless steel sides began to retract as the compactor/scraper blade also continued to retract back into it’s original starting position.
The sliding steel door that had risen open had also closed and locked as well.
Suddenly, there was an eerie and solemn quiet amongst the others still in their cribs as they continued to stare blankly at the now empty crib.
Then, someone pushing a rolling BRUTE trash can came into the nursery and went over to the other crib next to Brad. The silhouette of the tall person could be seen by brad as they opened the crib next to him, and then emptied a large 32 gallon trash can full of something that sounded like diapers with plastic backing, sliding out of a plastic can and dropping onto a waterproof mattress. Then another shorter person came into the room rolling two more trash cans full of what seemed to be more disposable diapers. Once the three large cans had been emptied into the crib, the crib’s solid steel lid was lowered down and locked again and then the two figures rolled their cans out of the room as they too left the room. About half an hour later, two more cans were rolled into the room and emptied into that same crib. The girl inside of the crib protested and begged them to stop dumping whatever it was, into her crib. The two silhouetted figures stayed silent as they completed their tasks. Then once the last can had been emptied, the solid steel lid was once again lowered and locked. Suddenly, an orange light turned on in the stainless steel wall at the headboard of the girl’s crib. Shortly there after, her foot-board began to advance upon her and the loads of what looked like clean and wet, unrolled disposable diapers.  Soon, the poor girl in the crib next to Brad was scooting backwards towards the wall as the foot-board continued to advance upon her and the loads of diapers inside the crib. As the compactor/scraper blade slowly advanced, a pair of solid sides rose from somewhere and covered the bars of the crib also soundproofing the rest of the room from hearing and seeing what was going on inside the crib. Brad had a front row seat and to his utter astonishment, he witnessed the compactor/scraper blade as it crushed everything up against the wall, including the poor girl and her thick, bulky, disposable diaper. Once the compactor blade began to retract a little bit, the sliding chute door made of solid steel began to rise in the wall that made up the stainless steel headboard. Then once again, the compactor began to move forward and as it did, it forced the girl, all of the diapers and the crib mattress into the dark opening of the chute. Once the compactor blade was flat up against the wall, covering the opening of the chute, the compactor blade began to fully retract into it’s original starting position.  The solid steel sides had also retracted fully and the steel chute door had also closed.  There was a little uncomfortable feeling in the room now as everyone still in their cribs, found it hard to fall back to sleep having seen what had occurred to the two poor diapered subjects in the two cribs.
Once things calmed back down, there was a lot of sleeping going on as everyone had fallen back to sleep. Brad also fell asleep and as the nurse had said, he awoke to find himself laying in a large trash cart full of clean and wet disposable diapers.
Brad tried to sit up and found it too difficult to see what was going on over the tall sides of the gray, plastic janitorial tilt truck/trash cart full of diapers. Brad could hear the muffled sounds of whirling and hissing as well as the distinct sounds of hydraulics humming and whining as some machine close by was doing something to stuff. Then Brad heard a sharp hissing sound that sounded like the releasing of air or steam from a valve. Then more humming and whining from some machine close by. Suddenly, the load he was in began to shake and move a little bit as he felt the tilt truck he was in, being rolled closer to the machine that was making the sounds. NOT being able to see what was happening was making Brad shake! He wet his diapers a lot right before the tilt truck he and the diapers were in began to tilt forward. As the diapers on top of him fell out into some kind of tall steel box, that got narrower and narrower at the end. As the back end of the tilt truck rose higher and higher, more and more diapers fell out and soon he too tumbled out and on top of the diapers that had fallen out. Then the remaining diapers from the tilt truck had fallen out and landed on top of him. There were two men standing next to the tilt truck that were making sure that each and every diaper was put into this large, funnel hopper. As the diapers below him began to sink deeper and deeper into the funnel hopper, more diapers were poured into the funnel hopper on top of Brad. The weight of the heavy wet diapers made Brad fall deeper and faster into the narrow end of the funnel. Before Brad knew it, he and the diapers had fallen onto a fast moving conveyor belt that was taking all of the diapers through a sorting station full of men and women that were sorting the diapers that had cloth diapers inside the disposables then the sorters would toss the disposable diaper back onto the belt as more diapers passed by. Once Brad passed the first sorter, one of the sorters pulled him off the belt and carried him over to a changing table which they laid him on to check to see if he had any cloth diapers inside his disposable diaper. Seeing no cloth diapers inside his disposable diaper, the man carried Brad back over to the conveyor belt and put him right back onto it.
Brad quickly passed the first set of sorters and then as the conveyor belt carried all of the clean and dirty, wet and unrolled disposable diapers upwards a bit, another set of sorters began to pick through the disposable diapers pulling off the ones with cloth-like backing. Since Brad was wearing a disposable diaper with plastic backing, he was left on the belt once again. Suddenly, the belt dropped the diapers into a large square, metal box like thing with a smooth, silver bottom. The box smelled like wet disposable diapers! As more and more plastic-backed disposable diapers piled into the large, metal hopper of the new compactor, Brad felt weird. Then, some kind of fragrance began to spray onto him and all of the diapers in the metal box. As more and more diapers continued to pile up in the box, more and more fragrance began to spray on them and all over poor Brad.
The next thing that Brad knew, the load of diapers began to move and he was being forcefully slid across the smooth metal flooring of the metal box!
Brad was unable to move as he was being slid across the floor. Then, he began to feel a bunch of the diapers being pushed up against him as he was being pushed hard against the diapers in front of him. Brad felt the back of his diaper begin to push inwards against his butt and he could feel as his diaper began to bunch up, buckle and get squeezed rather hard against him as he was being squeezed hard against the load of spongy disposable diapers. Then the pressure suddenly released and he and some of the diapers sprung back into the area he had started from. Then more and more diapers began to pile up in the metal box area again and before he knew what was going on, the pile of diapers began to get something pushing down on them from somewhere above. Then the diapers began to move again as he and the diapers slid across the smooth, metal flooring again. He was being pushed rather hard against the diapers in front of him and as his head and face were almost completely enveloped in the plastic and padding of the diapers in front of him, Brad wondered why he was in here and what was going to happen next. Time and time again, he was forced against the diapers in front of him and each time, he was realizing that he was unable to move any longer with all of the diapers behind him pushing and staying up against him and his thickly diapered butt. After quite some time, about two hours of the pressure being put on him and the diapers and then releasing again, he was now deeper into some dark, enclosure and within a few minutes, everything began to fall out from underneath him! As the diapers and Brad fell out of the compactor container, from the back end as the fully compacted loads of diapers and Brad began to fall into some other machine! This machine had another box like area and another smooth flooring with scrape marks in it.  Brad finally was able to get his head and face out of the padding and plastic backing of the diapers in front of him and was able to see that the diapers way in front of him, were being loaded into some kind of machine that looked like a large industrial washing machine! As the diapers and Brad went into the opening of this machine that looked like a large, round wash drum with the diapers, he fell into some slimy, dirty, gushy stuff that was getting all over the diapers inside this…machine.
The slimy stuff looked like it was a bluish green color and it was slimy, sticky and gooey and runny too! The slimy stuff was starting to leak into the padding of his disposable diaper! Brad squirmed and tried to avoid getting it all over himself and his diaper but it was no use! More and more of the slimy, bluish green, runny, slimy, gooey stuff was splattering and squirting all over him and the diapers inside the machine. Then, as more and more diapers filled the machine, the thick, heavy, locking door automatically swung closed. The door had a thick, glass window in it just like a washer at his former home had. Suddenly, some kind of warm runny, slimy slightly sticky and foamy liquid began to fill the rest of the machine. Then once the liquids had filled the machine half way, the machine began to turn around and around. As Brad and the diapers began to get tossed around inside the machine, Brad noticed that the diapers were beginning to get rips and tears in them as they began to puff up from the foamy, sticky, slimy liquids that were inside the machine. Brad tried to get to the door’s window to look out but he was being tossed around too much and the diaper he had on was being slowly torn to shreds with each and every toss. As the diapers slowly became smaller and smaller and the padding began to float to the top of the warm liquid, Brad noticed that he no longer had any diaper on at all and then……the liquids began to drain away, leaving him in the tumbler with nothing on and no more diapers anywhere! Brad wondered where all of the diapers had disappeared to as the washer door opened up again. Then someone appeared at the opening and saw Brad still inside.

Machine Operator Woman: OH! You didn’t get to go with the diaper parts? WELL then! Looks like I… going to have to get you out of here and over to my supervisor who will know just what to do with you.

The machine operator woman carried naked Brad over to her supervisor and the supervisor woman took one look at Brad and told the machine operator woman to leave Brad with her and go back to her machine. The supervisor woman finished talking to someone and then she came over to where the machine operator had left Brad.

Supervisor Woman: Well! I see that you didn’t get taken with the rest of the load! TOO bad! I have to take you over to the Diapering techs now so that they can get you diapered again and then they will take you to the next station that needs to use you!

The Supervisor woman then carried Brad over to the diapering Techs so that they could get Brad diapered again and over to the next station. The supervisor woman handed Brad over to another woman who took slimy, bluish green stained Brad and laid him down onto some dirty plastic-leather like surface. The woman took out a thin, blue disposable diaper and then opened it up. She then lifted brad up and slid the diaper under Brad. Then she opened the front wings and then pulled the front of the diaper up between Brad’s legs and then began to fasten the tapes. Once the woman had finished diapering Brad, she picked him back up, then carried him over to another station and to a man that was loading more diapers, clothing, cloth diapers into a machine.

Diapering Tech Woman: Where would like me to put him?

Machine Operator Man: Hold onto him for a few minutes until I can get this load of stuff into the chute. Then I will take him from you.

The Diapering Tech woman held Brad in her arms while the man finished loading all of the clothing, onesies, footed sleepers, shorts with plastic pants included in them, tons and tons of cloth diapers and clean and dirty disposable diapers.
Then the man that had loaded everything into the machine came over to take Brad from the Diapering Tech woman. Then once the man had Brad, the diapering tech woman left to go back to her station while the man waited for the machine to seemingly munch on the load of diapers and clothing. Then another large tilt cart was brought over to the machine and left there. The cart had a lot of clean and dirty cloth and disposable diapers and clothing in it. The man took Brad and laid him down into the cart on top of everything inside the tilt cart. Then the man started to raise the back end of the cart so that everything inside the cart began to slide out and into the chute. As Brad slide out of the tilt cart, a bunch of the disposable diapers, packs of unopened, damaged disposable diapers, clean but slightly damaged clothes and old ragged cloth pre-fold diapers began to tumble in after him, forcing him and the rest of the loads being stuffed and poured down into the chute. As Brad and the diapers got deeper and deeper into the chute, Brad could hear the sounds of what sounded like things being eaten and crumbled and the sound of rustling plastics and the low-toned sounds of some motorized part of the machine running. Before Brad knew what was happening, Brad got soaked really badly with lots and lots of hot water! This made his disposable diaper puff up a lot! Then as the loads of disposable diapers, packs of unopened disposable diapers and cloth diapers got wet, they began to get shoved further and further down the chute! Then, Brad started feeling the loads of diapers and clothing ahead of him, shaking and vibrating as they went deeper and deeper into the chute. Then, all of a sudden, Brad and a bunch of the clothing and diapers fell out into a tall-sided square metal box with very tall and smooth sides. As Brad looked down, he realized that the diapers and clothing were being torn to little bits and where going through these knuckle like things! Suddenly, one of the knuckle things grabbed hold of Brad’s right foot and it started to pull him and his soaking wet, water-logged disposable diaper down through them. Somehow, the knuckle like things parted just enough to allow Brad’s small-framed body through but the knuckles had shredded his diaper right off of him without ever nicking his body even once! Brad fell out through the bottom and into another gray janitorial tilt cart and then was immediately covered with the shreddings of everything that had been above him. Once the cart was full, the cart was moved out from underneath the shredder catching area and then it was brought over to another machine that was being filled with the contents of what was inside each of the carts. As the cart once again was raised so to cause everything inside to get poured into some aluminum mixing vat like thing with very tall and smooth sides and was rather deep, Brad tumbled down into the vat and a woman watching, saw Brad and ordered that he be taken from inside the vat like thing. Once brad was removed, he was once again brought back over to the Diapering Techs and left with them until he was diapered again.
The diapering tech woman that came over to diaper Brad, was a thin, pretty blonde woman with long, flowing lochs of golden blonde hair, she had blue eyes that rivaled pools of the bluest water, and she had a high pitched speaking voice as she spoke to Brad as she diapered him.

Blonde Diapering Tech: Hi there honey, Did they shred your diaper off of you?

Brad: Yes!

Blonde Diapering Tech: Oh that is TOO bad! I hate it when they do that! Was your diaper wet?

Brad: Not until I went into the machine. Then it was…..

Blonde Diapering Tech: How SIMPLY AWFUL of them!
The Blonde diapering Tech pulled the front of Brad’s new, thin blue disposable diaper up and then she fastened the tapes.

Blonde Diapering tech: OK sweetums, I have to take you over to the last station that wants you. Hopefully you won’t end up without your diaper this time…..

Brad: Where are you taking me?

Blonde diapering Tech: I am going to take you over to our gels and Dyes station. They spray all of the nice, new diapers with the gels and dyes for the nice, soft padding. Then they add the scented stuff that makes the diapers smell so nice! They wanted you for some reason…and if you need to be diapered again, they will get you over to us before they take you away.

Brad: Take…me…away?????? Wait….what does THAT mean????

The Blonde Diapering Tech carried Brad over to the Gels and Dyes station and then put Brad into one of the bins that was filled with brand new plastic backed disposable diapers that were about to get the padding filled with more absorbent gels, then the dyes then the scent of baby powder before the diapers would go to the final disposal station because they were damaged and mis-manufactured and wouldn’t make it past the quality control station. Some woman wearing a thick, heavy, rubber apron came over to the bin that Brad was in and saw Brad laying there.

Station Tech/Operator: Hi there diapered one……going for a ride are you? These diapers are damaged but still have to go through the extra absorbency gelling machine then they go through the section that dyes the padding then, they get sprayed heavily with our company’s exclusive heavy scent of baby powder before they go to quality control. Since these diapers are damaged, quality control is going to dispose of all of them.

Brad: What are those diapers made of? They seem thick, bulky and really soft!

Station Tech/Operator: They are made of old recycled and shredded up clothing and old ragged cloth diapers as well as recycled disposable diapers like these ones.

Brad: So…that one machine that shredded my last diaper off, was the shredder machine that shreds all of those ruined disposable diapers, packs of diapers and clothing and they make new diapers out of all that?

Station Tech/Operator: Yes honey, they are made of recycled diapers and clothing. That is why so many people love our products! We test them all in compactors, we dunk some of our test diapers into toilets as some parents like to rinse the diapers out before throwing them away, and we need people like you, to test everything out before the new lines of our products go out to our customers. Now, since I am needing you to test out how your skin reacts to the raw and wet gels, the wet dyes and the raw and wet scent, I will need to send you through the entire process along with these damaged diapers. Your diaper that you have on, is one of our diapers and it has not had it’s extra gels, the dyes or the scent added yet. I hope your diaper makes it through ok…..a few of our last test subjects had their diapers get so wet that the diapers puffed up and even burst before they ended up at the end of the process. I hope that none of that will happen to you. We’ll see. OK buster, time to go into the nice gelling and dying machine now. ALL of the diapers and you are about to become nice and fresh…I hope.

Then the woman wearing the thick rubber apron picked Brad up and inserted him legs first into the opening of the enclosed conveyor belt. Then as Brad sat there laying on part of the metal chute and the conveyor belt, the woman picked the tall bin up and emptied all of the loose disposable diapers into the opening and all over Brad. Brad had NO idea what was about to happen to him or the diapers. Once the last of the loads of mis-manufactured disposable diapers had been loaded, the woman hit a big blue button and the conveyor belt began to move. It started carrying al of the diapers down deeper into the enclosed area. Before Brad knew what happening, he and his diaper had been squirted with yucky, gooey, gloppy, goopy, slimy gels.  Then not long after that, Brad and the diapers got dowsed heavily with dyes. The open disposable diapers, laying flat on the conveyor belt turned a nice color of blue while Brad also turned a similar color of blue as well. Blue stained Brad, was carried to the next station where the first set of sprayers sprayed him very heavily with the heavy scent of baby powder. Then, he was carried over to the next set of sprayers that sprayed him again with the same scent and now Brad smelled like a cabbage patch doll and was blue all over his body from head to toe. The only area that wasn’t blue or that didn’t get completely soaked with the baby powder scents and the gels and dyes, was where he was covered by the diaper. EVEN his diaper was a little puffy in the front and back now as the diapers went through the last set of sprayer jets that completely soaked him and leaked right into his disposable diaper, swelling it the rest of the way up.
As Brad fell off the end of the conveyor belt and into a large, and deep gray tilt truck, he landed on top of more mis-manufactured disposable diapers. Once the cart filled up completely, it was rolled over to the Quality Control station so that the diapers could be inspected and either disposed of or taken over to the packaging station for final packing and palleting. As the four Quality Control workers inspected and tossed each of the diapers into a large and deep trash cart, they soon saw Brad laying the cart about half way down. Once the last diaper had been take off of the top of Brad’s body, the Quality Control woman took once wiff of Brad and then saw how puffy and soaking wet his disposable diaper was, and she took out her large rubber stamp and then pressed it into brad’s Chest, then his back and then into the back of his diaper. The Deep red inch stained Brad’s body and was visible through all the blue and green stains.

Quality Control Woman: PEW! This boy needs to be disposed of RIGHT away! He smells TOO strongly of baby powder! It gives me a headache just smelling him!

Brad: WAIT! Are you going to dispose of me??? What happens to the diapers being disposed of?

Quality Control Woman: I think that they get compacted first for a few days until there are enough diapers in the staging area, then when there are enough diapers and trash, the trash gets shoved into a large incinerator and then everything gets burned! But don’t quote me on that!

Brad: But…I am supposed to go back to the daycare place I came from!

Quality Control Woman: Well, then you will go back there then! Bye-bye stinky stained and diapered boy!

The Quality Control woman then carried Brad over to the trash cart and then dropped him down into it before she left and returned to her station and work.
More and more of the diapers that Brad had been cycled with, were being tossed into the cart he was in. Before too long, the cart filled up and then the cart was rolled over to the trash compactor to get ready to empty the cart-load of diapers and other trash into the hopper. Brad tried to yell out to anyone that might be standing around the cart hoping that someone would hear him. The cart moved some more and some more diapers were dumped into the cart. Then the cart was moved a little bit before it stopped again. Some old stained up and torn up cloth pre-fold diapers were tossed into the cart along with a couple of damaged packs of unopened disposable diapers that the company had made and had been marked for disposal were tossed into the cart. The person tossing stuff into the cart, pushed down on the loads of diapers in the cart causing Brad to become smashed hard under the diapers which sprung back slightly after being smashed down to make more room in the cart. Then the cart rolled a few more feet then stopped once again. Before too long, some more diapers and more other related trash was tossed into the cart before some clothing and a bunch of wet cloth diapers that were slowly starting to dry out already, were tossed into the trash cart. Then, the cart moved for quite some time before it stopped for a bit then Brad heard a ding and then the cart rolled into a small area. Then the cart jolted slightly as Brad started to feel like everything was sinking slightly. Then, the sinking feeling stopped suddenly and the cart began to roll again for a little while longer before the cart stopped for about four hours. Brad could hear the faint sounds of the hydraulic pumps of a compactor whining and hard at work, crushing trash that was being loaded into the hopper cart, by cartload. There were at least 20 other carts ahead of the one Brad was in and it seemed like it was taking a very long time to empty all of the carts. What he didn’t know, was that there were two large men emptying the first 20 cartloads of diapers and trash from the day before.  As the two men worked on and on, emptying four cartloads of diapers and trash every 40 minutes, it soon became time to empty the cart that brad was in. The cart rolled and then it bumped against the side of the stationary compactor. Then with a slight jolt, the back end of the cart began to rise higher and higher. As the cart rose to almost a vertical stance, Brad, the diapers and the other trash began to slide and spill out into the compactor’s hopper. Then once the cart was empty, one of the two men peered into the hopper and saw Brad inside, laying in and covered with diapers.

Compactor Operator 1: OHHHHH! Looks like someone threw away a perfectly good BLUE boy!

Just then, one of the diapering techs and one of the managers came running into the trash disposal room and over to the side of the compactor.

Diapering Tech 3: (Out of breath) Hold that cycle!!!! There is something… there that I can’t allow to be……..disposed of.  Was there a blue-stained boy in any of the loads?

Compactor Operator 2: Yea…I think he is in the hopper right now as a matter of fact.

Diapering Tech 3: (Brushing back some diapers and uncovering Brad.)  OH…GOOOOD!
Are YOU ok boy? You haven’t been compacted yet? You weren’t supposed to end up in the trash! I have to get you back to the daycare after we attempt to clean you up some.
Do either of you two, know who brought the cart down here?

Compactor Operator 1:  NO, some lady brought the cart down here and left it. We assumed that it had trash in it so we just dumped it. You were lucky that you got here when you did. If you had got here 3 minutes later, that load would already be crushed in there. I was JUST about to start the compactor when you came.

Diapering Tech 3: (Pulling Brad out of the hopper and carrying him in her arms out of the trash disposal room) I am taking you directly up to our laundry area and getting them to clean you up after I get you diapered in some nice cloth diapers.

The diapering Tech Woman carried Brad out of the trash disposal room and back upstairs to the production floor then over to her diapering station. The woman laid Brad down on to the waterproof surface of the changer and then she began to unfasten the tapes of Brad’s puffy disposable diaper. Once she pulled it out from under Brad, she tossed it into one of the trash cans nearby. Then she reached underneath the changer and pulled out two clean cloth diapers which she prepared to put on Brad. Once the cloth diapers were put on and the two Snappies were used to fasten them, the diapering tech picked Brad back up and then she carried him off the production and testing floor, to the back of the facility where there was a large and separate room full of large, washing machines like the ones you may find in a large laundromat.

The diapering tech carried Brad over to a large bin already full of dirty, stained up, wet cloth diapers and then she laid Brad down inside. Then she walked over to a clipboard, filled out some form, signed it, then went over to once of the laundry techs and brought them the form. The diapering tech talked with the laundry tech and then the diapering tech left. After about 25 minutes of being in the bin with all of those cloth diapers, Brad started to yawn and feel sleepy. He closed his eyes for a bit and before he was even able to open his eyes, the bin was in front of a large washing machine with the door wide open as another bin full of cloth diapers was about to be loaded into the washer.

Brad: What are you going to do to me miss?

Female Laundry Tech 1: Well, You were brought to me so that I can wash you and get you all nice and cleaned up so that you can go back to your daycare nice and clean. I am going to put you and all of these cloth diapers, into the washer here.

Brad: Wait! Do I HAVE to be washed?

Female Laundry Tech 1: Yes! You DO! Everything here gets put into our washers…EVEN….YOU! I KNOW you can’t help being “BLUE” about it, but it is going to be OK!

Then the Female Laundry Tech lifted Brad out of the bin he was in and laid him into the washer tumbler on top of a lot of the dirty, stained up and wet cloth diapers. Once brad was in the washer, the laundry tech continued to load more and more diapers into the washer until there were no more. Then, she closed and latched the washer door. Then the laundry filled the detergent pockets full of a strong and foamy laundry detergent and a little bleach before selecting the hottest water cycle and the extra wash and rinse cycles. Then she hit the start button and then waved to Brad as he peered out the washer door window as she walked away to get another load of clothes and cloth diapers that needed to be washed.  The water was hot as Brad screamed “OUCH” as the washer tub filled to the limit of the water fill level. Once the washer cycle started, some very sweet smelling and very foamy laundry detergent began to flow into the hot water. As the washer began to wash and toss everything around and around, Brad and the diapers began to bounce around in the wash tub as the soapy, sudsy wash water began to clean Brad and all of the cloth diapers. Brad’s cloth diaper was starting to get cleaner and whiter with each turn of the washer tub. This particular washer was specially made just for the heavy test subjects that the diaper company used and then washed so that they could use again and again before returning the test subjects to the agency that loaned them to the diaper company.
Brad and the cloth diapers kept being tossed around and around inside the washer as the first wash cycle was about to complete. As the first wash cycle completed, the wash water began to drain away as new rinse water began to fill the washer. The wash tub continued to turn as the washer rinsed Brad, his diaper and all of the diapers in the load of laundry inside the washer. Once the rinse cycle finished approximately 10 minutes later, another wash cycle started. This time, bleach and Detergent mixed with the clean wash water as the washer tub had stopped so that the tub could refill with water. Once the water level was reached, the wash tub once again began to turn around and around, tossing Brad, his cloth diapers and the loads of soggy cloth diapers that were in the load.
The loads of cloth diapers in the washer were being washed and dried so that they would be clean and fresh for eventual shredding so that the materials would later be blended with a composite paper and cloth absorbent fluff that wouldn’t bunch up or separate when wet. The disposable diaper company would recycle old clothing too that would later also become part of their disposable diaper products for infants, toddlers, youth and adults.
Since Brad was their go-to product and chemical test subject, they wanted to be sure that they could continue to utilize him in their product manufacturing and testing processes.
Once the second wash cycle was complete, the second rinse cycle started and once that cycle completed, the final spin cycle started. After that cycle ended and the washer tumbler slowed to a complete stop, a buzzer sounded and about ten minutes later, one of the laundry techs came over to unload Brad and all of the diapers from the washer.

Female Laundry Tech 2: WELL! Most of the blue stains have come off but there are quite a few still that haven’t come off! I hope it will be OK with the daycare that you have these stains……IF they throw you and your diapers away, then we will loose our favorite test subject. YOU are one of the best test subjects we have had yet! I was told that you don’t cry that much when we did all of the tests and you didn’t even cry or protest, like most other test subjects have, when you were tossed into the trash.
I will ask the company owner if they can buy you from the daycare so we have our own test subject to use. OF course, when we no longer need a test subject or you can’t do it any more, they WILL throw you away in the trash… we have for quite a few others.

Brad: I don’t want to be a test subject and I don’t want to be thrown away in the trash, but…what choice do I have???? At least I am getting really, nice and comfy diapers to wear and I am being given tasty cold whole milk bottles to drink while I am here…..When will I get my next milk bottle? I am THIRSTY!

Female Laundry Tech 2: RIGHT after you and this load come out of the dryer boy. The diapering tech will have your nice, cold bottle of milk with protein powder in it, for you.

Brad: But, but, Do I HAVE to go in the drier? Can’t one of tho0se ladies towl dry me and put my cloth diapers in there instead?

Female Laundry Tech 2:Yes. But I have direct orders to put you in the dryer with everything…THEN take you over to the diapering techs….OK here…we…go…OVER to the nice….big….dryer! This will be fun! After this, most of these diapers are going into a shredder, but some of them are going to be used at other testing stations and at the diapering stations.

Brad: Can I…HAVE a few of the diapers from this pile….PLEASE?

Female Laundry Tech 2: Sure…why not. You can have the ones you are wearing and I will make sure that you get four more to take back with you to the daycare. Do they use the cloth diapers on you there at the daycare?

Brad: NO ma’am. They only use disposable diapers on us. They said that they save the cloth diapers for when their……what did she call them…..clients……wanted or requested that we be diapered in cloth diapers. I watched as a girl and one of the boys in the cribs next to the one I was in, got smashed and then shoved into a large, dark hole in the wall! Even the crib mattress was gone! ALL of those nice, cloth diapers were gone too! I wanted to wear some of those!

Female Laundry Tech 2: I know you did hon, you are lucky. After I am done with you here, I think that you are going over to a couple more test stations…one being our “wet disposal” test station. That is where they put a bunch of our new flushable disposable diapers into a toilet and then flush them down one of our special, extra large “test toilets” to see how the diapers do when they get flushed. We will have to keep your cloth diapers on underneath the disposable diapers though so that in case the flushable disposable diaper comes off or rips or tears in any way, you will still have a diaper on when you are taken out at the end of the test. Then they are supposed to also take you and a lot of the new test disposable diapers to a swimming pool and test them in there, then they will need to also test you and the diapers in a playground scenario to see if the wet diapers can still hold up to play-time wear and tear. THEN I think you will be taken back to the daycare after that.

Brad: Will I have my soaking wet diapers changed after all those wet tests?

Female Laundry Tech 2: Yes, that will be the last thing that we will do for you before you are taken back to the daycare unless the daycare tells us not to change you, then we will be changing you. OK, It’s dryer time now. OK, UP…..ya go…there…now hold on there for just a ….bit while I get the rest of these diapers in here…OK? It will take just a few more minutes.

The Female Laundry tech loaded the rest of the diapers into the dryer that Brad was now in and then she closed the door and started the dryer and walked away. About 40 minutes later, the dryer stopped and the diapers and Brad were completely dry and ready to be taken out. Another female came over to the dryer and opened the door, then started to take the diapers out of the dryer before she grabbed Brad and put him into the janitorial styled tilt cart that already had other cloth diapers, in it. Then, once the dryer was unloaded, she closed the door and then pushed the cart over to the diapering station where she left the cart with brad still inside. About 5 minutes later, another woman with red hair appeared over the cart to take Brad out and get him diapered in one of the new test sample of the diaper company’s new flushable disposable diapers. The woman opened one of the approved test packages and took one of the very thick, bulky, disposable diapers with plastic backing out of the package and then she opened it up and prepared it to put onto brad, over his two-layered cloth pre-fold diapers.

Brad: What kind of diaper is that, that you are going to put on me?

Female Diapering Tech (with red hair): Well, I am putting you into this nice, thick, comfy flushable disposable diaper that doesn’t have any Super Absorbent gels in it and then I am supposed to put you back into the cart and then you are going to be taken over to our test flushing station where someone there will load you and all of those diapers from the cart and a bunch of these flushable disposable diapers and then they will flush you down our special, large-sized test toilet that we use especially for these tests.
Ready to have me put this diaper on you? Here…it…COMES…….

The Red-Head Diapering Tech put the thick and bulky plastic-backed flushable disposable diaper on Brad and then picked him back up and carried him right over to the cart he had come from and laid him down on the cloth diapers inside. A few minutes later, another woman came and began to push the cart around the diapering station, past two other stations and into another separate room with a large door that read: “Testing Area. Rubber Aprons required” on the door. Just as the woman paused to push the door open and pull the cart through the now open door, Brad leaned up and saw what looked like a regular looking bathroom with larger and wider than usual stalls and no urinals or sinks let alone hand dryers or paper towel dispensers. The woman pulled the heavy cart over to one of the stalls and then positioned the cart near the door to that stall before leaving the area. There was another door on the other side of that room and there were windows looking into the room that were one-way glass. This was so that the test monitors and supervisors could look in and see how things were going without interrupting any of the tests.
As Brad waited for what was going to happen next, he began to feel the outside and the inside of his new diaper. It felt like silk on the inside and like soft, smooth, plastic on the outside. It was so thick that the diapering tech nearly had to cup the middle of the diaper so that he could put his legs together. This special test diaper was only one of 500 made and it was two and a half times thicker than the Northshore Supreme Overnight diapers were and didn’t have any super absorbent gels or anything like it in them. The padding or fluff was made out of a composite of a similar material as toilet paper and recycled cloth diapers. About fifteen minutes later, another woman came in pulling another cart like the one he was in but it was filled with a ton of the approved test diapers to use in this test. These diapers were the second quality diapers and a few that were made especially for this specific test.
Once the second cart was in place, a few minutes later, a third cart filled with more test flushable and disposable diapers was pushed in and then left. Then, after about 40 minutes after Brad and his cart had been rolled in and left, a small group of ladies and one man all wearing light brown colored rubber aprons came into the room and over to the cart that Brad was in.

Flushing Station Tech-Female-1: Well, Well, WELL! Lookie at what we…have HERE!
A very thickly diapered boy who is going to get a really NICE wet test flushing down out VERY special toilet! I can’t WAIT to get you and ALL…of these test diapers all nice and FLUSHED and out of our way! ALL we have to do is fill the toilet bowl up, let you sit in there for a bit with the nice locking steel lids down and locked and then the toilet operator will activate the flushing cycle from outside this room when THEY think it’s time!
Know what I LIKE about my job little one? I LOVE to flush little diapered people….JUST…..LIKE….YOU! OH! I just LOVE IT! Now…are…YOU ready to get…WET? I know I am ready for you to get all nice and…soaking wet! OK, Steve, you help me get this diapered boy into the bowl and then you watch him while  the rest of us get all of these diapers loaded into the bowl. IF the boy tries to get out, you just push him RIGHT….back down into it…OK?  ALRIGHT…now HERE we GO boy!

As Steve picked Brad out of the cart by holding him under his arms, and inside his armpits, brad’s feet dangled as Steve carried Brad over to the waiting large-sized toilet bowl and then put him in feet first. The water was slightly warm as Brad slipped down below the water level in the bowl.

Brad: How long am I going to be in this thing?
Steve: Until they decide to flush you and the diapers I suppose.

As Steve began to load the rest of the cloth and test disposable-flushable diapers into the large sized test-toilet, (Could be a fun way to spend a summer actually, at a water-park with a waterslide that looks and flushes like a toilet!)  Brad watched as the diapers began to pile up inside the bowl on top of his legs and thickly diapered waist.

Brad: How come I have to be your…test subject like this?

Steve: Our company uses a lot of “test subjects” actually. You just happen to be one of our favorite ones because you aren’t hard to deal with.

Brad: Have you ever thrown away any of your test subjects that you get from the daycare?

Steve: Yes, our company has thrown a lot of test subjects away here. They even threw one away that was like you…easy to deal with. I have even flushed one down one of our other toilets that we use for the wet disposals of cloth items and flushable diapers like these.

Brad: Do you think that the daycare will dispose of me ever when I am here?

Steve: I can’t answer that at this time. I have no idea what their plans are with you. All I know is that while you are here, you will be used to test our products and then once we are done with ya, we send you back to the daycare.

Once Steve was done loading the bowl up until there was barely enough room in the bowl to move, Steve added some kind of thick liquid that looked like laundry detergent but wasn’t, then he started to lower the toilet lids that locked.

Steve: Well Brad, it’s time to lower and lock the lids now….the test will start the minute that I lower these down…OK? Bye-bye boy!

Then Steve lowered the locking lids and then locked them before going over to the test toilet right next to the one Brad was in and started to load more flushable disposable diapers into it as he had done before.

Brad’s feet were sort of a little ways inside the drain hole already as he splashed and started to enjoy the warmth of the water. After about 30 minutes of soaking, someone outside the toilet bowl was talking to someone else on a radio or intercom about the load in the toilet that Brad was in. Then suddenly, the water began to rise sharply and then it began to swirl and a water spout began to form as the diapers went around and around in the bowl before being sucked down into the drain hole with Brad. Once the bowl had cleared, it began to fill back up with water again, ready to be reloaded with more test diapers. Brad and the load he was in were now rushing through pitch black darkness inside the pipes underneath the floors of the facility he had been at. The pipes felt smooth and clean and the only smells were that of the sudsy warm water and the smells of new perfumed flushable diapers. Suddenly, the pipe he had been in ended abruptly and it had dumped out into a much larger pipe. The diapers in the pile at the end of this larger pipe looked as though they had been there for a while. Brad fell out of the pipe’s end and landed onto the large pile of diapers. As the last of the diapers fell out onto the pile and tumbled onto Brad, Brad wondered how long he was going to be there and if he was actually going to go back to the daycare after all. Soon, the familiar sound of hydraulics whining was heard by Brad. Soon, a thick, wall started moving towards the pile he was in just as large amounts of water began to gush from pipes that the moving wall was pushing everything towards in the sheer blackness of the large pipe. The wall began to push the large and tall pile of diapers forward and as it did, it knocked Brad over to his right side. Then suddenly, the gushing water began to take him and the diapers further and further into the long, dark, pipe, which was turning out to feel more like a pitch black ride in a water slide. Then, before too long, Brad heard the sound of what was going to turn out to be a large grinder that was taking everything from that pipe and grinding it all into much smaller pieces so everything would go down the pipe easier without clogging the pipes. Before the diapers and Brad were taken by the current leading to the big grinder, Brad and his load were diverted into some other pipe and they all went sliding down it into very bright light and a large pool of water. SPLASH!
Brad landed into the large pool with a big splash like that of a cannon ball!
The loads of diapers followed and before even a minute was up, Brad and everything was being scooped out and pulled onto dry area. Once the diapers and Brad were pulled out of the pool of water, one of the men took brad over to some woman in the office where the woman put brad into a dirty playpen and made him sit there until one of the company staff members came to get him. As Brad waited in the dirty, old, dark blue playpen with filthy looking formerly white screen,  a few of the cloth diapers and a few of the test flushable disposable diapers were tossed into the playpen with brad. The diapers now had blue marks from a pen on them telling workers that they have been through the flushing process. About an hour later, a dark haired tall woman came and took Brad and the diapers, now in a plastic bag, back into the facility Once back inside the facility, Brad was taken over to the Diapering techs to have a look at his diaper. The dark haired woman Left brad and his diapers with the diapering tech at the diapering station and then Brad’s diaper was thoroughly inspected for condition. As Brad was flipped over from his back to his stomach, the flushable diaper he was wearing was inspected more thoroughly.
Before he was flipped back over onto his back. Then the woman picked Brad up, and then carried him across the manufacturing floor, and into a large nursery like room where several other test subjects were being gathered. Once there were enough test subjects in the room, two women took everyone outside that room into a yard with a very tall chain-linked fence around it so that they could play on the playground equipment and in the sandbox with the plastic cars and trucks until it was time to go back inside. Everyone slide down the plastic slide and swung from the monkey bars as well as took their turns playing in the sandbox with various members of the group of test subjects for at least an hour and a half before everyone was brought back inside and as each test subject was taken over to a diaper changing station, having their diapers changed, then one by one, each test subject was led out of that room. A few of the test subjects didn’t get called over to the diaper changing station, but rather got taken right out of the room, never to be seen or heard from again while Brad and two others were the last to be called over to get their diapers changed. Brad was the last one to get his diapers changed. Brad’s earlier request was granted allowing Brad to keep his cloth diapers on underneath his disposable diapers. Then once Brad was diapered, He was taken down from the changing table in the nursery area and brought out to the office so that he could be transported back to the three Bears Daycare from where he came. About half and hour later, Brad was loaded up into a car seat, strapped in and taken back to the daycare and left there in the office.
Once the director saw all of the left-over bluish green stains all over Brad, she immediately ordered that he be taken right down to be washed to see if the stains would come out. Knowing that if the stains didn’t come out at all, Brad was destined to be disposed of.  Three full hours later, and wearing a thick disposable diaper with the same cloth diapers he had been put into, at the diaper company, underneath his new, clean thick disposable diaper, Brad was brought back to the director’s office.

Director: Well! Any luck getting those….OH man! They didn’t come out! Well…..I guess that means that he will just have to be disposed of then…..

Wash Tech: Yea…as you can see, I didn’t get the stains out. Sorry, there was nothing I can do.

The director calls to have one of the daycare techs come and bring Brad back to his crib while the director calls to the control room on the other side of the nursery to put brad on tonight’s schedule of disposals.

Nursery Tech: Hi there Brad, time to go back into your crib now….

Brad: Am I going to be thrown away now?

Nursery Tech: Yep! The director is on the phone now, arranging for your disposal as we speak. You came back with all of those nasty looking stains that won’t come out and our picky clientele want their test subjects to be as clean as they can be. You do not look that clean. So, we have to dispose of you. You are no longer serviceable or wanted here.

Brad: Are they going to do that…….thing while I am in my crib that happened to that one girl and the one boy in the two cribs next to me?

Nursery Tech: that is EXACTLY what is going to happen. They are going to crush everything in your crib against the packer wall, then the trash chute door will open automatically and the compactor will push and pack everything into the trash chute.


Nursery Tech: Yes! EVERY THING! Even…the crib mattress! We are going to load and dump everything, even today’s dirty diapers from the nursery, into your crib and then we lock the lid down so that you can’t escape. Then the control room guys will run your crib’s clean-out, when you come up on the schedule….we have had four disposals today alone and there are five more scheduled for tonight. YOU my boy, are one of them!

Brad: NO! PLEASE! I will be a good boy! Promise!

Nursery Tech:  I’m not the one you have to convince boy….the director is…and she was the one that ordered your disposal. We no longer need you or want you, or your lousy diapers either. The faster you get disposed of, the better for us. There will be room for new test subjects once you and the others are done. OK boy, time to get into your crib……let’s go….hurry up!

The nursery tech gets Brad loaded up into the crib then pulls the stainless steel side up and latches it into place. Then she steps back to let the janitors and cleaning staff start loading up all of the left over packs of Brad’s disposable diapers, all of his clothing, cloth diapers and plastic pants that were never used, and even his stroller that was left with them. Then, the last things to be loaded were Brad’s two diaper bags and the rest of the full nursery diaper trash cans that needed to be emptied anyhow. Once they were done dumping the seven full 32 gallon trash cans full of wet cloth and disposable diapers, the heavy locking, stainless steel lid was lowered and locked before everyone walked away and left Brad inside the now fully loaded crib that made it hard to see Brad with all of the loose, clean and dirty disposable and cloth diapers stuffed and crammed in the crib on top of Brad. Brad tried to lady down underneath the disposable and cloth diapers but the plastic backings of the diapers made him sweaty and hot even though the room was nearly 63 degrees. Soon Brad drifted off to sleep and what woke him, was the feeling that he was moving. Brad opened his eyes and saw a pile of diapers coming towards him like a wave cresting. He tried to sit up but the diapers being so well packed down, held HIM down between all of the diapers. As the crib mattress was beginning to curl up and bunch up inside the crib, Brad struggled to move but was unable to avoid the compactor as it crushed and shoved everything in his crib, up against the stainless steel wall at his headboard! AS the compactor blade stopped and started to back up a little bit, Brad saw some of the diapers behind him fall away into the darkness that he was headed into. As the compactor began to advance onto the load again, Brad’s diaper began to also buckle slightly as lots and lots of cloth and disposable diapers as well as four of the unopened packs of his thick and bulky disposable diapers were now being crushed against his back side and his diapered butt. As the last of the diapers and the foot-end of the mattress was enveloped by darkness, Brad and the loads began to slide down the chute in the darkness in a sudden break-neck pace before suddenly landing into another larger pile of more diapers and mattresses. It smelled like wet and dirty diapers in this area and suddenly, the familiar sound of hydraulics whining was heard loudly nearby.

The End.

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