Friday, November 25, 2016

Thrown Away-The Trash Route Chapter Two-V-3

Thrown Away-The Trash Route

Chapter Two-V-3

    Inspired by ThaThunderStorm on Youtube

In order to accurately tell this work of fiction based on hypothetical and probable ideas and associated events, the author had to think like Donald Trump and his Republican cronies! Using some of Donald Trump’s statements derived from his political campaign, the author was able to derive from that, how Donald Trump thinks and his thinking patterns thus gaining a more accurate means for how he and the republicans would literally have acted and by creating this fictional but probable reality.
The author in no way accepts any responsibility in any shape nor form for any ideas that may become reality that may be derived from this story.
The author writes a facsimile of himself into each of his characters and stories as a means to copyright his works, to protect against plagiarism.   

In the new regime, Donald Trump and the nazi republicans have created a program much like the German T-4 Euthanasia Program to euthanize and or dispose of anyone that was on Social Security Disability, Medicare, and are somehow disabled in any way, unable to contribute to the government’s new enslavement of society and the masses, these people were evaluated, and then an official letter comes in the mail to the family making the request to dispose of their disabled person or family member. In the letter, instructions are specified and given to be followed by the members conducting the live disposal. The republicans needed to get every, single person off the Social Security Benefits Program and in order to do so, they first had to get rid of the people that were receiving the benefits. These people were unable to work and anyone unable to work, was deemed a liability to the government. This program is called…………….

The T-17 Program

Narration: In the wake of Donald Trump’s election as the new President of the United States, the republican’s agenda was to free up all Social Security funds, and Medicare funding so to cut way back on all forms of federal spending. In the year and a half that passed after Trump’s inauguration, the republicans came together and created a new federal program that forced parents and families of those with disabilities, and that were on Social Security and Medicare of all ages, to be disposed of as trash so to free up the entire Social Security program and it’s funding as well as the Medicare program funding as well. The new federal program was based on the German T-4 Euthanasia program rolled out by the Nazi Germans in the 1930s and 1940s. The government began contracting with several independent trash haulers and all landfills, and transfer stations so to also consolidate the burial of human bodies, and also household wastes which were already unregulated. The landfills already accept animals which are made of similar materials and it wasn’t a stretch for landfills to allow the burial of humans, alive or dead, in any condition as long as the caregiver, the parents, or the individual had the approval letter from the government program with them to show at the time of disposal.
The federal government deregulated the human body exemption in waste disposal receptacles, transfer stations and landfills thus consolidating the government’s graveyard land space problems, and the landfill space problems into one which also allowed the bodies to decay, creating and contributing to landfill gas creation which was being captured, and then sold for use as fuels in turbines and other applications which in turn created electrical energy for homes and businesses. This story, is about….one such independent trash hauler who contracts with the government under the new federal program. Then the family calls their local trash disposal company and lets them know that they now have permission from the federal government and Donald Trump to legally dispose of their disabled person into the trash and bury them, alive or dead at any landfill or be taken by transfer station.  This program was called……..
The T-17 Program.

ThaThunderStorm’s usual route had several large malls, restaurants and lots of industrial businesses, including a disposable diaper factory, three cloth diaper services,
Four daycares, two schools for the disabled, and three adult daycares.
ALL of these places have had regular disposals of disabled and people that were dying and were no longer “useful” to society. Since society has passed End-of-Life-Options Bills country-wide, it was now perfectly legal to literally dispose of people in the trash.
Tanya, Adam, Jake, Chris, Danny, Andy were all destined to be disposed of this week.

Tanya, was a petite, 5’3 midget that was property of the diaper factory. They used her to test and wear their diapers that they made before anyone else ever got to.

Adam, A tall, medium built, 5 foot 9 inch tall disabled man was taken to a mall and abandoned there in his disability stroller along with one whole case worth of his diapers, all of his onesie bodysuits and footed sleepers, and two of his diaper bags, as well as all of his cloth pre-fold diapers, clean and formerly wet.

Chris, was the son of one of the first diaper service owners in the area, that they no longer wanted because he was using up too many of the service’s cloth diapers and he was getting to old…..the service used him as a model on their TV ads as well as getting to use the diapers from the service while there at the service.

Danny, was left abandoned at the daycare his mom takes him to and since they can’t take him, the state said to just throw him in the trash along with all of the stuff that came with him.

Joe, was brought out to the trash dumpster by his own mom and dad at one of the fast-food restaurants , right after Joe’s mom and dad and Joe had eaten there at the fast-food place along ThaThunderStorm’s trash route. Joe’s mom and dad just got tired of diapering Joe, who was now 20 years old. Joe’s Doctors had told his mom and dad that Joe was never going to get out of diapers for the rest of his life. So his mom and dad were told by Donald Trump and his Republican congress to just take Joe anywhere they wanted and throw him and all of his diapers, clothing his adult disability pushchair/adult disability stroller, his bedding and anything else that was used to care of Joe, away in the trash.


It was Monday May 13, 2020 and ThaThunderStorm was just getting to the yard and getting ready to do the systems check on his own personal front-end loader trash truck.
ThaThunderStorm had got a large sum of money which he used to start his own trash company. He bought five used trash trucks. Two front-end loaders, two rear loaders and two Lodal Evo semi-automated side-loader trash trucks. The Lodal trash trucks were mostly residential trash and recycling trucks. One of the front-end loader trucks had a curroto can attached to it while the other, that HE drove, was used with dumpsters.
It was now 4:30 am and ThaThunderStorm got into the cab of his trash truck, and put it into drive. He then pulled out of the yard and started driving over to his first stop of the day. The first stop of the day was a Church. ThaThunderStorm pulls up to the dumpster and his lights shown on one of the janitors still emptying one of the trash tilt trucks that had a lot of diapers from the nursery and a thickly diapered blonde-haired boy laying in the cart, seemingly fast asleep. The Janitor had JUST tossed four white force-flex bags of diapers into the dumpster already and was just about to pick the heavy, drugged, and very thickly diapered boy up and toss him into the dumpster. Before the janitor could try to lift the heavy and thickly diapered drugged boy, ThaThunderStorm had got out of the cab of his truck and walked over to help get everything loaded into the dumpster.

ThaThunderStorm: Need some help with that? Let me help you with all that.

ThaThunderStorm began to take handfuls of the diapers inside the trash tilt truck, tossing them into the dumpster. Then as the dumpster that was almost full already began to fill up with the diapers and the cart was nearly empty, ThaThunderStorm tossed the sleeping blonde and thickly diapered boy into the dumpster. The boy landed on top of the diapers in the dumpster. Now the cart was empty.

Janitor: Thanks for helping load all that trash.

ThaThunderStorm: NO problem man…..helps all of us get on with our day. Just glad I can be of some help. Sorry to see that poor boy in the trash though… don’t mind me asking why he is being disposed of….do ya?

Janitor: I overheard his mom saying that he has 2 years to live and that he would be bedridden for the last year and a half of that and in a lot of pain, so they told the daycare director to go ahead and just throw him and all of his diapers out. They also mentioned that his mom and dad couldn’t afford to take care of him like that, with all of the diapers they were having to buy and all, his diapers alone cost over $220 a month! Even the cloth diapers were taking up a lot of laundry time and space….so, they said to just throw him and his diapers, bedding and even the stroller, away. I must say, I have taken a lot of diapered people and little ones out to the trash lately. Sometimes they call me to go clear out the trash chutes when they get backed up and there is some thickly diapered boy or girl in there, stuck.

ThaThunderStorm: Yea….I can see that…..I remember a time when people weren’t as disposable as they are now. Parents are getting rid of their financial burdens and their disabled kids, no matter how old they are. I see a lot of them laying there in the dumpster and I think……”what a waste of a perfectly good white boy”…or girl as the case may be.
Well, it was nice talking to you, I really MUST be getting back to work now….talk to you next week if I see ya…..bye now.

ThaThunderStorm walks back to the cab of his trash truck, opens the door, climbs up and in then closes the door. He then starts the truck up again and then puts it into gear. Then he lowers the forks and then inches forward little by little until the forks were inserted on each side of the dumpster. Then he backs up a little and then he picks the dumpster up the rest of the way and then as it rises, he tips it back a little until it gets over the hopper. Then he tips the dumpster over and the thickly diapered blonde boy, all of the diapers and other trash falls into the hopper. ThaThunderStorm bangs the can once then he sets the dumpster down a little off the ground, until he pulls forward a little to put the now empty can back down. Then he backs up and as he backs up, he reaches over and hits the compactor button on the dash. Once the compactor starts, it starts to advance onto the load, crushing everything against the other loads of trash and black trash bags already inside the packer container.
As the compactor cycles, the thickly diapered boy, his diapers and the comforter that had been thrown away, began to rise under resistance of the pressure. The boy’s diaper began to bunch up against his butt under the pressure of the compactor as it continued to push forward. Once the compactor blade reached it’s maximum reach, it began to retract. As
ThaThunderStorm drove, the compactor began to retract more. ThaThunderStorm hit the packer button again and ran another packer cycle to ensure the room in the hopper for the loads from the up and coming next stop.
The next stop was a large shopping mall that also had a large daycare in the same area that was mostly used for the mall shoppers. He always went to the daycare first before dumping the loads from the dumpsters at the mall because this daycare had two of the largest dumpsters that were always full of diapers and trash.
ThaThunderStorm drove to the mall that was 6 miles away from the prior stop and then turned right into the rear of the mall along a road that led around the back of the parking lot and back out onto another street, eventually, and then turned left into the small parking lot of the second daycare and then pulled around to the rear and side of the daycare. As he pulled up, three of the daycare staff ladies came running outside with a thickly diapered and disabled man, his two diaper bags, his stroller and 6 large 13 gallon trash cans full of the boy’s clean disposable diapers. ThaThunderStorm stopped his truck so that the three ladies could empty the last bit of trash into the dumpster. The thickly diapered and disabled man didn’t want to be thrown away and was giving the two ladies some trouble as they attempted to lift the 5 foot nine inch tall thickly diapered man into the dumpster in a hurry. While they were attempting to do that, ThaThunderStorm lowered the forks and guestimated about how high the forks would need to be to slide them into the slots on each side of the first large dumpster. Seeing that the ladies were having too much trouble with the thickly diapered man, getting him into the dumpster and getting the final three 13 gallon trash cans full of his clean and wet diapers, ThaThunderStorm decided to get out of his truck and help the ladies get this…resistant piece of diapered trash put into the dumpster.

ThaThunderStorm: Would…you ladies like some….help putting him into the…dumpster?

Julie: OH….whew…thank…you…..Adam here…doesn’t want to be…thrown away! He won’t get into the dumpster! We all would greatly appreciate any help we can get.

ThaThunderStorm walks over to Adam standing there wearing just his thick, bulky, puffy, white, crinkly disposable diaper and then grabs him by his right leg and right arm.
Then he nods for the second daycare staff lady, standing on Adam’s left side to do the same.

ThaThunderStorm: OK…on…three….one……two…THR…..EEEEE!

Both the lady an ThaThunderStorm swoop Adam’s legs out from underneath him and lean him backwards with his legs sticking out towards the dumpster. The two then lift him up slightly and then slide Adam into the dumpster onto his back.

Adam: NO! STOP! Let….GO of me! PUT….ME…..DOWN! I don’t WANNA go in there! STOP IT! It….STINKS in there!!!! UH! UH!
Adam gets put into the dumpster right on top of three of his own wet and semi wet Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight diapers that were laying open with the padding facing up. Once Adam’s body weight was on the diapers, they began to sort of wrap themselves around his sides and his back.

ThaThunderStorm: TOO BAD son! Looks like no one wanted you! They are throwing YOU away son! Wanna go for a nice ride in my big trash truck son?

Adam: NO! Please! Don’t…make…me! PLEASE! Mr. Trash man? HEY! Mr. Trash man…….my…clean cloth diapers, onesies and comfy thick, clean disposable diapers are in here!  Where are you going to….take me Mr. Trash man?

ThaThunderStorm: To the landfill after my truck……gets full……hope….you’re ready because in a minute or two, I am going to pack you and your…diapers…..up for disposal!

Adam tried to stand up and get the trash man’s attention but fell back down inside the dumpster on his stomach with a lot of crinkly noise and right into one of his own open, wet, disposable diapers that was laying on top of a large, black trash bag that was full of his own disposable diapers with the wet inner liner facing upwards.
Adam was shouting at ThaThunderStorm who wasn’t able to hear him or was simply ignoring him.

Adam: HEY! STOP! Don’t……take….ME! I am NOT trash!
HEY! Don’t you see me in here????

ThaThunderStorm didn’t care. Whatever was in the dumpster, was now “property” of the trash company, to do with as they see fit.

ThaThunderStorm: Sorry dude, You are in the load of trash, what is in the dumpster, is going into my…truck son. Ready? Going…..UP!

ThaThunderStorm picked the dumpster up rather quickly and as the dumpster rose into the air, the thickly diapered man in the dumpster began to shift forward a little and then as the dumpster tipped to the side and then over, he fell down the nearly 10 feet into the hopper followed by a hailstorm of heavy white and black trash bags full of diapers and other trash. The thickly diapered man fell onto some black trash bags and some cardboard boxes which cushioned his fall. As he landed and bounced a little, his loose wet and not-so-wet folded-over disposable diapers fell on top of him, covering his head, back, his diapered butt and most of his legs. The black and white heavy trash bags hit him next, a few of the bags bouncing off of him and coming to rest right next to him with some of the extra plastic of the tied up opening still resting on the few loose cloth and disposable diapers that were now all over him. Once the dumpster went back down, ThaThunderStorm slid the forks out and as he backed away from the dumpster, he started the compactor. The load from the first daycare dumpster was rather large. It filled the hopper up slightly past the packer blade so ThaThunderStorm had to run shorter cycles of the compactor blade hoping that with each partial cycle, the stuff would rise but not fall behind the blade. The thickly diapered man got pushed up against the black and white trash bags from loads before as well as the ones from the dumpster he had just been dumped from.
One of the bags burst along the bottom seam as Adam one of the twins of another man that had been disposed of prior to this, got pressed harder and harder against the folded over wet diapers of his that had been bagged up. The diapers fell out more and more each time the compactor blade retracted and with the final packer cycle, the thickly diapered man was pressed into one of his partially wet disposable diapers that was open with the inner padding facing his face. The other bags of his diapers and his diaper bags were crushed and bunched up against his entire body as the packer cycle reached it’s max reach before retracting to it’s starting position. Then Adam fell back into the hopper along with a bunch of his open, wet, bunched up and some of his clean, now scrunched up and bunched up disposable diapers.
Then ThaThunderStorm backed away and then drove over to the next dumpster at the daycare. This dumpster was still being filled with a janitorial trash tilt truck/cart by two female janitors. There were three diapered people in the cart. One of them had a white trash bag around their chest that had been packed full of their wet and messy disposable diapers. That person had their arms and hands zip-tied to their sides so that they weren’t able to escape until they were already in the trash truck. The man was wiggling, trying desperately to get his hands and arms free so he could avoid going into the trash truck he saw waiting only 5 feet away with it’s forks down. The second one going into the dumpster was a girl in pigtails wearing a very thick, bulky semi wet cloth diaper and pink with black poke-a-dotted plastic pants and black elastic. The third one was a very thick and bulky, wet diapered boy with dark short hair. The daycare director came outside and saw the waiting trash truck that ThaThunderStorm was sitting in, patiently waiting, and the daycare director walked over to the driver’s side and got ThaThunderStorm’s attention. ThaThunderStorm rolled his window down and peered down at the pretty looking daycare director. (Who looked like Cameron Diaz’s exact doppleganger)

Daycare Director: Hi there……I hope that we aren’t keeping you waiting for too long.

ThaThunderStorm: Oh…it’s no problem really…..I was just thinking about getting out and helping them get everything loaded when you came out. Is that…three people being disposed of this week?

Daycare Director: Yes, I am afraid so. The one with the bag of their diapers on them with their legs sticking out of the bottom of the bag, he was abandoned, left with us since Sunday. We can’t take him and the parents all know that if they leave “ANYTHING” abandoned with us, it WILL get thrown away, regardless of what…IT is! The other guy, there with his cloth diapers on and the plastic pants over them, he…was brought to us and the parents told us to go ahead and throw him and all of his diapers away. ALL of his clean and dirty cloth diapers as well as all of his onesies, all of his footed Pjs, all of his plastic and rubber pants and his fully stocked diaper bags. See all of those still folded cloth diapers? They wouldn’t fit into trash bags! There were too many of them. We just tossed them right into the trash when we threw him out. We always zip-tie their arms and hands to their sides…that keeps them from trying to escape.

ThaThunderStorm: OH…OK, I see…..Nice…..I have yet…to have any of them escape from my truck. It’s a shame to see them all being thrown away like that though.

Daycare Director: Yea…..I know…..but they are useless to us and their parents…as well as to society. I mean…what else is there to do with people like that? Their diapering supplies cost way too much money and the…republicans are trying to consolidate and save money instead of spend it on too many diapered people. The republicans want to take Medicaid and Medicare away from Millions of people! THIS is THE ONLY solution left.

ThaThunderStorm: I…….KNOW…..times are getting harder and harder! Seems like they are going to get worse before better! OK, looks like they are ready for me to empty the dumpster…..Nice…talking with you….see you next week.

Daycare Director: OK…thanks….Make a boy, girl, boy trash sandwich out of them!

ThaThunderStorm: HEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHE!!!! GOOD……one!

He pulled up to the dumpster, easing the forks into the slots in each side like clockwork and then he picked the dumpster up and as it rose into the air, ThaThunderStorm tipped the dumpster over and the contents rained down into the hopper, almost filling the hopper. The struggling boy stopped struggling once the dumpster was picked up and started to rise into the air. The girl wearing the pink plastic pants with the black poke-a-dots, fell into the hopper on top of some bags of trash from the prior stop about four feet down, about a little less than half way down inside the hopper.

ThaThunderStorm started the compactor again but as the packer blade cycled, he had to pack it in shorter cycles being that if he didn’t, the boys, the girls and some of their diapers would have fallen behind the blade under resistance of the pressure of the loads already in the truck. The boys and girls that he had just dumped into the hopper rose up with the bags of their clean and dirty cloth and disposable diapers on top of them and underneath them each time the compactor blade pushed into the load.
It took five compactor cycles before the boy and the girl had fallen down and or rolled down onto the smooth, silver metal floor of the compactor. As the final cycle occurred,
The boy’s white trash bag he was in, began to bubble up under pressure and then it popped loudly like a balloon as the bag got crushed by the packer blade. The boy’s wet diaper padding began to really bunch up inside the bag and then…his diaper popped along the bottom right-hand side, where the padding started and the elastic bands ended near the seat of his diaper. The wet padding of the boy’s diapers began to push out through the holes in the bag and the holes in his diaper as the compactor cycle reached maximum before it retracted. The girl’s poke-a-dotted plastic pants bunched up and pressed her butt cheeks upwards and then as the air was forced out of her plastic pants, they made a screaming sound, like that of when you let the air out of a balloon valve ever-so-slowly. The girl had been able to sit up for a few seconds but then the packer blade had pushed more of the loads of diapers and trash against her, as she was now being forced to do a face plant into the bags of diapers right in front of her and above her!
The bag that her face was being pressed into, burst with a bubble in her face and as the bag tore open, the girl got her face pressed into the plastic backing of some of the wet diapers that were inside.
As the compactor blade retracted, the trash settled back into the hopper and as ThaThunderStorm backed away from the now empty dumpster and then drove to the next stop, the trash loosened up and some more of the diapers fell back down onto the hopper floor from the burst-open trash bags. ThaThunderStorm slid the hopper door closed as he started to drive to the next stop, to keep the trash from blowing out of the truck on the way.
ThaThunderStorm had to stop at a red light that changed quickly and then as the truck stopped suddenly, the loads in the back of the truck tumbled out into the hopper covering the girl and the boys up with heavy bags of their wet and clean cloth diapers and a few of the scrunched up packages of their clean disposable diapers.
The light changed and then the truck began to roll again. It drove for another 15 minutes before turning to the right and then it slowed and turned to the left. It drove upwards a bit and then it went over several speed bumps before it turned to the left slightly and then swung to the right and then it swung to the left and then it drove straight before swinging slightly to the left before it slowed to a creep. Then, suddenly, the hopper door began to slide open as a large dumpster rose into view. The dumpster quickly turned over and trash began to spill out into the hopper. Large, clear trash bags full of fast-food trash began to fall into the hopper. Some stale cups half full of coffee and or soda splattered all over the girl and some onto the boy and their diapers. The boy got covered in old lettuce as the girl got covered in old ketchup and mustard. The other diapered boy had been completely covered by the bags of trash and was now struggling to get out from underneath them as the dumpster went back down. Then, suddenly, the hopper door closed and then the compactor started up. The bags of left-over food trash from some fast-food burger place began to burst open and the left-over food began to splatter and spill out onto the once clean, freshly washed and folded cloth diapers, and the now burst-open packs of the unused, still clean disposable diapers. The girl with the poke-a-dotted plastic pants got a shower of ketchup, mustard, old left-over coffee, soda and old chocolate milk splattered all over her and her plastic pants while the compactor cycled a couple of times, retracting and then packing, retracting a little and then packing the load again. In the darkness that followed the hopper door closing, and after the compactor stopped cycling, the girl began to get her breath back, and as the boy in the trash bag began to be able to wiggle a little bit, they felt the truck backing up and then driving forwards once again. Only a few sort minutes later, the truck drove to the next stop. It creped up to the dumpster, picked the full dumpster up and then the dumpster rose quickly as the hopper door slide open. All of a sudden a bunch of cardboard boxes began to fall into the hopper along with a few old plastic car bumpers and a lot of packing foam and clear plastic sheeting that had been used to securely wrap something in for shipping. Once the dumpster was empty, it went back down rather quickly as the hopper door once again closed. Then the compactor started up again. As this load started to get crushed against the prior load, the food trash began to fall out of their bags and get all over the boys and the girl as they got crushed and smooshed into the bags of their own diapers during each cycle of the compactor.
Then as ThaThunderStorm backed the truck up, then started to drive to the next stop, the boxes and the trash began to fall back into the hopper again. The trash shifted, settled and tumbled around inside the hopper as the truck made it’s stop and starts at the traffic lights. As ThaThunderStorm drove to the next stop, he hit the compactor button again and the compactor began to cycle a couple of times so to make sure the hopper was mostly clear for the loads at the next stop. This stop had two of the largest dumpsters that were always full of trash. It was a diaper service that washed cloth diapers for infants, toddlers and adults as well as offering disposable diapers made out of all natural cloth and paper fluff composites which had been made out of shredded up cloth diapers from various cloth diaper services around the country. As ThaThunderStorm came to the diaper service and then drove around to the back, and as he approached the first of two large dumpsters, he saw three janitors just emptying one of three trash carts full of ripped, torn and ragged adult cloth diapers that also had some kind of red, green and bluish stains all over them. Then one of the janitors came walking over to the driver’s side of ThaThunderStorm’s truck attempting to get his attention.

Janitor Bill: Hi there…..sorry about all this….

ThaThunderStorm: No, it’s alright…..

Janitor Bill: We had a bunch of last-minute loads of our old diapers and one of our test subjects that we used to test the diapers out before the diapers could go out for servicing, that is how we avoid rashes…, to throw away. The owner just replaced the test subject we had with another one and he told us to just throw the old one away with the diapers. I hope you won’t mind waiting for a few so that we can get rid of some of these…old ragged test diapers that we loaned out to a local chemical testing lab.

ThaThunderStorm: I don’t mind….actually, if you all need my help, it might go a little quicker.

Janitor Bill: We could definitely use your help…..Tanya doesn’t want to be thrown away! I will go inside and go bring her out here if you will help us load her into the dumpster. I wanted to load her in last so that you would already have those forks into the dumpster and the dumpster ready to go up.

ThaThunderStorm: Yea….I understand not wanting to be thrown into the trash…..these republicans sure are merciless with all of these unwanted and diapered people. I can see why they want to get rid of so many of them though…..their care and the diapers cost so much money and they are trying to get rid of as many people that are on Social Security and Medicare so that the republicans can pillage that money for themselves!
Totally a political thang man…..

Janitor Bill: Yea, they JUST created this program to allow the disposal of disabled people that includes people that have to wear diapers that are pretty much useless to society. The ones that don’t contribute to the common financial wealth of the selected elite. Their bodies contribute to the landfill gasses that are captured and then used as fuel sources for turbines that make electricity ya know?

ThaThunderStorm: IN….TER…RESTING! I did not KNOW that! So that…is what they do with them huh?

Janitor Bill: YEP! That is what they do with them. The landfills sell the gasses which the landfills make and that helps them make large amounts of revenue to help in making the land owners MEGA RICH!

ThaThunderStorm: Oh…I can see that….I can DEFINITELY see that!

Then as Janitor Bill and ThaThunderStorm walk into the janitorial entrance of the diaper service from the back, they walk down a short hallway and then turn to the left and go into a room where there are a few trash carts still left, piled high with clean and dirty, formerly wet and clean cloth adult diapers, toddler diapers with some sort of light colored green stuff all over some of them.

ThaThunderStorm: What….IS all that all over the…diapers in there?

Janitor Bill: Oh…those? Those diapers were used to test out some new diaper detergents. They used these diapers to see if the detergents were too acidic and if the detergents had been, the diapers would be eaten up. The detergents didn’t wash out too well through so they came out of the washer and dryers like that. So they threw them all away. They also made the last test subject, the one being thrown away this week, get splattered and have these pre-treaters, stain lifters and that detergent stuff squirted all over her and the diapers she was wearing while on the diaper changer pad used to their tests. They always lay some old rags down onto the table then they throw those diapers away after they are done twice a day.

Then Janitor Bill opens a crib-like bed and takes the side down. He then grabs Tanya and pulls her to her feet. Tanya was only a short 4 foot 6 inch tall girl but she was very unwilling to be thrown away in the trash. So she started to resist the attempts by kicking and flailing her arms around until both Janitor Bill and ThaThunderStorm grabbed her and carried her outside on each side of her, by her arms and legs.

Tanya: HEY! PUT…ME…DOWN! I don’t WANNA be thrown away in the trash! Don’t throw me away!!!! They said they were going to WASH my diapers and I OUT! What happened? NO! PLEASE! STOP! It STINKS in there! PLEASE don’t put me into the trash! PLEAAAASE!

Janitor Bill: Sorry Tanya……they got a new test subject to use. You have outlived your…usefulness. We get paid to throw the trash out! They threw you away, So I am JUST….doing my job…and so is this nice….helpful trash truck driver!

ThaThunderStorm: (Grunting as he carries Tanya to the dumpster) Yea…sorry about this Tanya, but you are trash now! I am here to take the trash to the landfill! You now belong…to ME until I dump you and your….dirty diapers at the landfill, then…you will belong…to…them!! You are gonna go for a NICE…long…ride to the landfill in just a few minutes here…..and my truck and I…will…get you…and your diapers…all “packed up” for the ride.

Janitor Bill: It was Donald Trump and his republican congress that created this program…you can thank…them! OK…ON…three….ONE….TWO…..THRRRRREEEEE!

Both Janitor Bill and ThaThunderStorm lifted and swung thickly cloth diapered Tanya into the slightly over-filled dumpster. Tanya landed onto a large pile of old, dried up, formerly wet cloth diapers that had once been through the wash cycles but the detergent had not washed out of completely, even after repeated washings. The diapers now had some coffee grounds on them too as well as several coffee filters. The cloth diapers cascaded down and a few settled down near the lowest part of the load near the front of the dumpster while Tanya slid up against the front side of the4 dumpster just out of sight. Then some more large loads of the cloth diapers were tossed into the dumpster by the other two janitors, from the current trash cart that was being emptied. Then, both Janitor Bill and ThaThunderStorm went over to the cart that was being emptied and then all four picked the cart up and then tilted it over onto it’s side so that the loads of cloth diapers that were on top, and the services own brand of environmentally friendly packs of disposable diapers could also fall down into the dumpster. Then once that cart was empty, the nest cart was rolled over and then all four began to grab large wads of the cloth diapers inside and toss them into the dumpster until the cart was light enough that it could be lifted and dumped into the dumpster. Once about half of the cart was tossed into the dumpster, another dark-haired boy wearing six layered cloth diapers that had been wet in, without plastic pants on, was uncovered.

Janitor Bill: OH….NOT YOU Charlie! They threw YOU away TOO???? I was SURE hoping that they wouldn’t! WELL, time for disposal then…..

Charlie: What about my…last diaper change?

Janitor Bill: Sorry Charlie, you will just have…….stay in…whatever you have on. I don’t change diapers son…..Sorry. Time to go into the dumpster now.

AS both janitor Bill and the other Janitor both tossed wet and thickly cloth diapered Charlie into the dumpster, the third janitor went back inside to get the last trash cart to bring out so it could be emptied. Then, as the third cart began to have the diapers from it, tossed into the dumpster until it too could be lifted and emptied into the dumpster, ThaThunderStorm went back to his waiting trash truck, climbed back into the cab, shut the door, and then restarted the truck. He then turned the radio on to an R&B Hip-Hop station as he waited. It wasn’t long before the fourth cart was emptied into the dumpster and then the janitors quickly spread the piles of diapers and trash out so that none of it would spill out when the dumpster was picked up. Then, they motioned for ThaThunderStorm to slide his forks into the slots and then once he did, he took the dumpster up so fast that Tanya and Charlie, in the dumpster, didn’t have time to try to escape. As the dumpster turned over, Tanya and Charlie and then all of the loose clean and dirty cloth diapers as well as the loose unused packs of environmentally friendly test disposable diapers along with all of the white, 13 gallon bags filled with the test subject’s wet and messy environmentally friendly, composite test disposable diapers spilled out into the hopper. Tanya landed onto the piles of cloth diapers while Charlie landed onto several of the white bags of wet and messy environmentally friendly disposable diapers before they both were completely covered by more bags of environmentally friendly test disposable diapers and even more loose ragged cloth diapers. Then, the dumpster went down just as quickly as it had risen. ThaThunderStorm put the now empty large dumpster down and then backed away. He then pulled over to the second over filled dumpster that had been filled mostly with more loose old, unwanted cloth diapers. He slid the forks in and then picked the dumpster up quickly. As the dumpster rose into the air, ThaThunderStorm adjusted the forks so that the dumpster didn’t spill anything out before it got over the hopper. Then the dumpster turned over and all of the loose, old unwanted cleaned cloth diapers spilled out into the hopper, falling out and completely avalanching and covering both Tanya and Charlie, before the dumpster was banged once before it went back down again. Then, the hopper door slid closed, causing it to become very, very dark in the hopper. Then, ThaThunderStorm started the first of six compactor cycles as he backed away and then raised and folded the forks. Then, he pulled away and waved to the janitors as he drove away to the next stop.

During the longer drive to the next stop, the compactor cycled a few more times before it retracted back to it’s starting position. The truck got onto the freeway and then drove for about 17 miles before it exited the freeway and stopped at the light at the end of the off-ramp. The truck then turned to the right before it turned immediately to the right and into the lot of a large and busy gas station. This gas station had one of those older dumpsters with the sliding metal doors on each side of it and was rather large and square. Inside the dumpster, were a lot of empty cardboard boxes, blue and white paper towels used on cars, truck’s windshields, and the station’s bathroom trash. Also inside the dumpster, were a brother and sister that were both thickly diapered in bulky, semi-wet disposable diapers, their two fully stocked diaper bags each,
(One diaper bag with clean and still folded cloth diapers and the diaper changing supplies such as bottles of baby powder, wipes and inside the wet diaper pouch, were three of their wet cloth diapers that had been changed days before and put into the pouch and then forgotten about, and the second bag filled with eight thick, bulky Safari Print REARZ diapers. The brother and sister’s parents used both cloth diapers, in multiple layers, underneath their thick, bulky, Safari Print REARZ diapers. Their second diaper bags had almost full bottles of baby powder, their spill-proof drink bottles and each bag also had a Luvs baby wipes container that had just been refilled. The family had gone on vacation together and after the new program had passed with Donald Trump becoming President, the family threw their two diapered 18 and 19 year old kids away at the gas station when they stopped for gas. The brother and sister’s parents left them behind and continued on their road trip.) 
both of their strollers, their car seats, all of their cloth and disposable diapers, clean and formerly wet, all of their clothing, onesies and footed pajamas. The 19 year old diapered boy was sticking his head out of the dumpster, trying to see if their parents came back for them when ThaThunderStorm’s trash truck turned into the lot and approached the dumpster with it’s forks lowering and about to slide into the sides of the dumpster.
ThaThunderStorm always had to wait for the gas station manager to come out and unlock the lids of the dumpster which had a locking bar across them. The gas station manager came right out once he saw the trash truck pulling in. As ThaThunderStorm waited, he noticed that there was a boy’s head sticking out of the sliding door on the right side of the dumpster. ThaThunderStorm began to shake his head in disappointment.
Then the gas station manager came over to the side of the truck. ThaThunderStorm rolled his window down and leaned out of the window.

Gas Station Manager: It’s ready for ya when you are.

ThaThunderStorm: Thanks. What is that kid in there for?

Gas Station Manager: HIM? He and his sister were thrown in there by their mom and dad who were just passing through. They stopped for gas, filled their car, then they pulled around to the dumpster, took them both out of their car seats, then they tossed them in, then their seats, then all of their….special diapers, their strollers, even…their diaper bags and clothes! I do NOT get it! I asked them if they wanted anything or if they were hungry or thirsty and they both wanted their drink bottles filled. I filled them up and gave them both muffins and some crackers. I felt SO bad for them!

ThaThunderStorm: I KNOW……the feeling, I KNOW…..the feeling! It sucks that they are doing them like this!

Gas Station Manager: Well, I have to get back to work, see you….next week?

ThaThunderStorm: Yes….sireeee! See ya next week. Bye.

ThaThunderStorm rolls his window back up and then creeps to the dumpster with the forks sliding into their slots on each side of the dumpster. As he slid the forks in, the boy’s head quickly disappeared back into the dumpster. Then as ThaThunderStorm picked the dumpster up quickly, and opened the hopper door, the thickly diapered 19 year old and his 18 year old thickly diapered sister both prepared to fall into the hopper along with everything inside the dumpster. Once the dumpster tipped over, the thickly diapered 19 year old and his thickly diapered sister, tumbled out into the hopper and fell on top of half of the remaining piles of cloth diapers from the stop before. As the trash and the boy and girl as well as all of their clean and dirty diapers spilled out into the hopper, the now empty dumpster was banged once and then the dumpster went back down almost as fast as it had risen. Once the dumpster was down, and as ThaThunderStorm backed away from the dumpster, removing the forks and then folding them back up and then raising the arms, ThaThunderStorm closed the hopper door and then hit the packer button. The compactor cycled the first time as the truck began to pull out of the gas station and back onto the road. The diapered boy, his sister, all of their diapers, their strollers, their loose clothing, their four diaper bags (two each) and the rest of the trash from the gas station began to bunch up and rise under the resistance of the pressure from the packer blade and the loads from the prior stops. The boy’s thick, bulky, semi-wet disposable diaper with the six layered mostly wet cloth diapers underneath, (The cloth diapers held on by two “snappie fasteners” - *See Google for more info on “Snappie diaper fasteners”- on each side, used to fasten cloth diapers instead of safety pins) began to bunch up, scrunch up, and buckle as the bags of trash and their own packs of diapers were forcibly pressed and packed against their diapered bottoms and their bodies.
ThaThunderStorm drove the truck to the next stop, just five miles from the gas station.
An Apartment complex. The apartment complex had six large dumpsters that were always full of trash each week. Three of the dumpsters always had large amounts of loose disposable toddler sized, youth sized, and some large adult sized disposable diapers in them. Once in a while, when a family either moves out or moves in, they throw away their unwanted people, be it their disabled children or their sons or daughters that can’t make it in the world and have become huge financial burdens on society and to their parents. Donald Trump’s NEW program to get rid of all financial burdens from the Social Security and Medicare programs allows parents of these types of people to dispose of their own children, of any age as long as their children are on Social Security benefits and or Medicare and Medicaid. ThaThunderStorm drove his trash truck into the back end of the large apartment complex and to the first of six large dumpsters. He pulled up to the first dumpster with the forks down and slid the forks into the slots on each side of the dumpster. Then he picked the dumpster up quickly and dumped all of the trash into the hopper then he put the dumpster back down again just as fast and he had picked it up.
ThaThunderStorm then backed away from the dumpster, removing the forks and then raising them and folding them in until he got to the second dumpster around to the right and then to the end of the parking lot on that side of the complex. ThaThunderStorm pulled up to the second dumpster and as he began to insert the forks, a mother leaned out of the way from the side of the dumpster because she had JUST tossed her 13 year old disabled and very thickly diapered son into the dumpster along with all of his unrolled, folded-over wet and a few messy disposable diapers that were rolled up for disposal.

Mother: Hey, Mr. Trash man? I JUST tossed my diapered son in the dumpster with all of his clean and dirty disposable diapers. He is crying…..and calling for me……I….am about to break into tears……how quickly can you get this…over with?

ThaThunderStorm: Ma’am, I feel your pain! If you like, I can take the dumpster up right…now and get it dumped.

Mother: That would be great……thank you Mr. Trash man. OH…and….is it ok if I tossed his clean disposable diapers in there? I just didn’t want to….waste them….but there was nothing else I could do.

ThaThunderStorm: SURE….I’ll take the clean diapers…..they are in the dumpster….right?

Mother: Yes, they are.

ThaThunderStorm: Then….in they go. Are you going to…watch?

Mother: Yes…I am….I can’t HELP BUT to……..

ThaThunderStorm pulls closer and closer to the dumpster, further inserting the forks into the slots on each side of the dumpster. Then he picks the dumpster up and backs up a bit to that the dumpster will clear the over-grown tree branches on it’s way up.
The mother stands by and watches as the dumpster rises and then tips over and is dumped. ThaThunderStorm bangs the dumpster once and then brings the dumpster down and then pulls forward a little, putting the now empty dumpster back in it’s place.

ThaThunderStorm: Well, now….it is packer time! Your son will get his diapers all packed and ready to go to the landfill.

Mother: Thank you Mr. Trash man……NOW I can afford to live here! I was going to be homeless with our boy if I didn’t get rid of him!

ThaThunderStorm: Then, it was good that you threw him away then…..

Mother: Indeed, Indeed. WELL, don’t work too hard now…..

ThaThunderStorm: This…isn’t work, it’s fun…..sometimes……Have a great day ma’am.

Mother: You too, You too.

ThaThunderStorm backs up and removes the forks from the dumpster and then he puts the truck into drive then turns to the right and then heads towards the third dumpster at the other end of the next narrow parking lot. ThaThunderStorm pulls up to the third dumpster, and slides the forks in. JUST as he starts to back up, a mother and father come running out pushing a stroller with six trash bags full of wet, unrolled, folded over disposable diapers, cloth diapers (that have not been washed since being wet in), and white, baby blue, yellow and black onesies that have all been worn and had pee stains in them all from diapers leaking. The man was holding the right hand of his 22 year old boy wearing thick, bulky, safari print disposable diaper that also had eight layered toddler sized cloth pre-fold diapers underneath it added so that the diaper would be more absorbent and would last until the  boy got to the landfill or wherever the trash was being taken. The father held onto the boy that was trying to fight being thrown away. The mother tosses the first of the six bags from the stroller, into the dumpster and waves for ThaThunderStorm to wait and hold on. Then she runs over to the driver’s side to talk to the trash man in the trash truck.

Blonde Mother: Sorry sir, I didn’t mean to stop you like this….My husband and I heard you out here and we wanted to catch you before you dumped our trash. We wanted to make sure that we got our 22 year old diapered son you see my husband holding, out here to the dumpster right when you were here to make sure he gets taken to wherever you take the trash instead of some….bum taking him who knows where. Can you please wait long enough so that we can get all of this stuff and my son into the dumpster? We still have a few things in the apartment of his…a couple of bags of his clean cloth and disposable diapers……can you hold on for a few while my husband goes and gets them?

ThaThunderStorm: SURE….I can do that……let me pull forward a little and set the can down for ya…..

Blonde Mother: THANK YOU! THANK you very, very…much!

ThaThunderStorm: It’s really NO problem ma’am.

The mother waits with her thickly diapered son next to the dumpster and as she waits, she tosses the six trash bags that were in the stroller, into the dumpster.

Son: Mom, why do I have to be disposed of?

Mother: We have been all through this several times babe. Your father and I can’t afford you and your diapers any more. There are no agencies that will take you and so we signed you up for the disposal program that Donald Trump created. The landfill will use you to make landfill gasses that will power turbines that produce electric power for homes, apartments and businesses, kind of like…ours. In order to afford this expensive apartment, we also had to get rid of you and all of your diapers.

Son: But…my nice, soft, comfy clean diapers are being thrown away too! WHY???? I NEED those!

Mother: NO son, not where you are going you won’t! When your father comes back with the rest of your stuff, he and I will put you into this BIG trash can and then the nice trash man here, will dump you into his nice, big, trash truck and he will take you to the landfill!
Son: Will they change my diapers there at this…landfill mom?

Mother:  NO son, they don’t care…what you have on nor if it’s wet or not. They will NOT change your diapers!

ThaThunderStorm: (Overhearing the conversation between the mother and the son) NOT very bright one is he?

Mother: NO, afraid not. He has been like this since birth. This is also part of why we got permission to throw him away so quickly.

ThaThunderStorm: AH! I….see……Well, he will be taken to the landfill as soon as my truck starts to get too full here in about another two or three more hours.

Mother: Will he and his diapers get….plenty of compacting done to him?

ThaThunderStorm: Yes ma’am…..he will indeed.

Mother: Will it….kill him right away?

ThaThunderStorm: NO, probably not right now, it “depends on” how full the truck is. Even if none of the people in my truck die, the landfill will just bury them all, alive or not after I eject the load. They don’t care. Sometimes, the landfill supervisors will be instructed to search certain loads for certain people, and then they get them out, take them over to the special waste area, and then they spray them all down with disinfectants and THEN they bury them.

The mother tosses the last bag in and then the stroller into the dumpster just as her husband comes walking out with the couple of bags of his clean cloth and disposable diapers.

Father: OK, sorry about that, I….had one of the bags burst as I picked it up. Had to double the bag so I could bring it out.

ThaThunderStorm: That’s OK…I don’t usually wait like this, but, since this is my…special route, I can take a little time when needed.

The father puts the bags down, then he grabs one of the heavier bags of clean disposable diapers and tosses it into the dumpster. Then the father picks the bag of clean cloth diapers up and then heaves it into the dumpster. The bag lands near the stroller that was now laying on it’s side completely unfolded.

Father: (to his wife) OK time to load our son into the dumpster…..ready? You take his legs and I’ll take his arms. On….three……One……..two….Thrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee!

The father and mother swing their son wearing a thick, bulky, safari print disposable diaper that also had eight layered toddler sized cloth pre-fold diapers underneath it, into the air then the son landed into the dumpster on his back, landing on top of one of the bags of his clean disposable diaper packages.

Father: OK…..take her up!

ThaThunderStorm backs up again and then picks the dumpster up and as he does, the mentally diminished, thick printed diaper-wearing 22 year old eeked out  almost a sound of delight.

Thickly diapered son: WEEEEEEEEEEE! This…is FUN!

Then as the dumpster tipped over and dumped the boy and the loads of diapers and trash into the hopper, the boy landed into the hopper and was covered by a heavy avalanche of trash, diapers and his adult disability stroller. The stroller landed on top of him on it’s other side as it was pounded by the avalanche of trash. Then ThaThunderStorm put the now empty dumpster down and pulled forward to put the dumpster back where it had been. Then, as the mother and father watched, ThaThunderStorm hit the packer button starting the compactor cycles. The compactor advanced onto the load, pushing it up against everything else that had been dumped into the truck. The boy laying on the smooth, silver metal floor, began to slide along the hopper floor with the back of his diaper sliding along the metal as his stroller began to get folded up as it was forced against the loads already inside. Several of the boy’s bags that had his clean cloth diapers in them, burst open and cloth diapers began to be forced out of the gaping hole as the first of four compactor cycles ran. Each time the compactor pushed the load against the other loads, the current load rose up near the top and the further the compactor went in, the higher the load rose. After the fourth cycle, ThaThunderStorm backed up and then removed the forks, then he put the truck back into drive, he waved to the mother and father and then drove over to the fourth dumpster.
Inside the fourth dumpster, was a 15 year old very thickly diapered retarded boy, wearing a thick, bulky Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight diaper with six layered large-sized booster pads and half a bottle worth of baby powder, all of the ten opened and unopened cases of the boy’s packages of his diapers, booster pads, left-over unused bottles of baby powder, baby wipes, the boy’s onesie “bodysuits”, the boy’s footed pajamas, three entire weeks worth of the boy’s wet disposable diapers, the boy’s stroller/pushchair, and the boy’s fully stocked diaper bags. Underneath the boy and all of his unwanted items, were ten long, blue diaper genie bags full of wet and messy disposable diapers, more commonly known as “diaper sausages”, a couple of clear trash bags full of formerly wet cloth diapers that were going to be washed, but had been sitting too long waiting to be washed and had dried and stained, four opened partially used, left-over boxes of size 5 LUVS diapers, still in the wrapping, that had been thrown away when the child moved up to size 6, a bunch of dirty adult sized onesies belonging to the retarded diapered boy in the dumpster. The onesies had large stains in them from the diapers the boy wore, leaking onto the fabric and drying like that.

ThaThunderStorm pulled up to the dumpster and noticed a retarded boy looking at the trash truck as he lay on all of the trash. The boy was looking down at his diaper and then back up at the trash truck as ThaThunderStorm approached. The boy in the dumpster started to realize what was about to happen and as ThaThunderStorm began to slide the forks into the slots in the dumpster, the boy began to freak out and beg not to be dumped into the truck.

Boy-in-Dumpster: HEY! HEY! Don’t put me into Mr. trash truck! SIR????? Don’t make me go in there please!

ThaThunderStorm: Sorry, kid-o, you don’t have a choice! You are in the load and in this can, so…up….you go and into my truck son.

Boy-in-Dumpster: NOOOOOOOOOOO!

ThaThunderStorm slides the forks into the slots on each side of the dumpster quickly and then as the dumpster lifted slightly off the ground and bounced for a second or two, he said, as the raised and tipped the dumpster into the truck;

ThaThunderStorm: Going….UP!

Than as the dumpster tipped and the load of trash fell into the hopper of his truck,
He said;

ThaThunderStorm: In ya go son…….

Then as the dumpster was put back down and ThaThunderStorm said to himself as he reached over to press the compactor button;

ThaThunderStorm: ( thinking out loud to himself and to the boy now in the truck)
It’s time to get you all “Packed up” and ready for delivery to the landfill….dear boy!

As ThaThunderStorm backed the truck up, removing the forks and folding them back and raising the arms, the compactor began to advance and compact the boy, his diapers and the loads of trash against all of the other boys, and girls already in the hopper.

Then ThaThunderStorm put the truck into drive and then drove off to the next stop, as the compactor cycled a few more times….JUST to make sure that there was enough room for the next loads at the next stop. The next stop was an orphanage facility for the disabled of all ages. A facility for the unwanted and undesirable.
ThaThunderStorm drove his front-end loader trash truck through the traffic, stopping at red lights and turning down side streets until he came to the orphanage facility.
Every week, they were throwing at least two or three people away. EVERY person being thrown away, MUST be wearing diapers because when they die, they poop and pee and the diapers catch all of that and are acceptable in trash receptacles. At this particular stop, ThaThunderStorm has to get out of his truck, go inside the facility, and help bring the people that are being thrown away, out to the dumpster since the people have a tendency of attempting to escape, so he must go in and let the facility know that he is there and ready to take them. The facility also requires that ThaThunderStorm literally take possession of those that he is taking for disposal. He also must specify which ones MUST be put into trash bags and which ones that do not need to be. Any of them with diseases, MUST be put into trash bags, and the others can be taken as is.
Upon arrival at the orphanage facility, ThaThunderStorm pulls up close to the dumpster but far enough away that he can still put the arms down and unfold the forks. ThaThunderStorm turns the truck off, gets out of the cab, shuts the driver’s door and then walks up the walkway that leads into the front door of the facility. Once he walks into the facility, the secretary greets him.

Secretary of the Orphanage: Hi there, You must be our trash man……Are you here to pick up our diapered trash?

ThaThunderStorm: Yes ma’am…I am.

Secretary of the Orphanage: Ok, let me call down there and see if they are ready. It will be just a minute.

The secretary picks up the handset and then dials a three number extension and then waits for the other party to answer.

Secretary of the Orphanage: Yes, this is Daniel, the….trash man is here. Is all of the diapered trash ready to go?

Josie: NO, not just yet, I still have to strip a couple of them down to just their diapers and then give them their last diaper changes. We have five going out today. Go ahead and send him back here….so that he can specify which ones need to be in trash bags.

Secretary of the Orphanage: OK, I will send him back right now.

The secretary hangs the phone up and then gets ThaThunderStorm’s Attention.

Secretary of the Orphanage: Sir? You may go on back. Do you know where you are going?

ThaThunderStorm: Yes ma’am.

Secretary of the Orphanage: Ok,  they are expecting you back there…..

ThaThunderStorm: Thank you.

ThaThunderStorm walks around the secretary desk and then down a long hallway, like that of a public high school, and then he turns to the left and goes down another long hallway to a room at the end of the last hallway. ThaThunderStorm turns the door knob and then walks in. ThaThunderStorm closes the door behind him and then he looks around the room, seeing six thickly diapered people in crib-like beds, and large, black trash bags in front of each crib-like bed. He also sees two of these people laying on two diaper changing tables getting their diapers changed and having their clothing taken off and thrown away into the trash.

More to cum soon……………….

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The Covid-19 Era Death-With-Dignity Disposal

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