Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Plan A-The Waste-To-energy Plant (Continued)

Misses Newell: Sorry Charlie, I...have to do this to you at every diaper change. Every hour until you are disposed of, I will have to wipe you from head to toe with your wet diapers. Your mom paid us to make sure that you get nice, dirty & stinky for your disposal.

Then Misses Newell pats the crinkly plastic backing of the wet Ultra Pampers diaper laying on Charlie's face.

Misses Newell: Just leave that there, No! Don't move it, until I am done putting you into this clean, dry and comfy Ultra Pampers diaper. 

Charlie: How come you aren't using my other Pampers diapers? 

Misses Newell: Oh......THOSE? They are too thin for you sweetie. These, are thicker and will last a bit longer and they have less chance of leaking. 

Misses Newell finishes Charlie's diaper change just in time for the doorbell to ring. 

Misses Newell: I'll get it.....Emily will you toss Charlie's diaper and clothes into the trash compactor for me? Thanks hon. 

Emily: No....Problem. 

Charlie: Hey! Don't! That's my onesie!!! Don't throw it away!!! Noooooooo!!!!!

Emily: DUDE!!! It's all going into the compactor for disposal! It's all trash.....dude!!

Charlie reaches out to grab the onesie trying to get it out of Emily's clutches as she turns to walk into the kitchen.The onesie slides out of Emily's hand nearly causing her to drop the heavy, soaking wet, folded-over Pampers wing-fold diaper. 

Emily: HEY DUDE! Give that to me! It's going.....into the ......TRASH! go into the trash....with your If you don't, give that to, I will put you in there and run the packer a bunch of times!!!

Emily retrieves the wet onesie and then she quickly takes it, the wet pants, and the soaked diaper over to the compactor, tosses everything in, closes the door, locks it, then starts the compactor! Meanwhile, Misses Newell opens the door and standing there, is one of her regular attendees' mother, with her diapered son, Armada, who is an exact doppelganger, to Adam. 

Sandy: Hi misses Newell,  meet my son....Armada. 

Misses Newell: You look exactly like someone else that used to come here!!! 
Come in. (Closing the door behind them as they both walk through the doorway)

Sandy: I brought Armada here for the day, while my husband and I are at work. I...get off at 6pm and will be coming to pick him up around 7 pm. I brought a bunch of his diapers, extra changes of clothes, his stroller and a bottle of medication that he has to take 2 times daily. He will take one again at 4:00 pm. Ok? I will bring everything he needs for this entire week inside in a few minutes. When he runs out of Huggies, 

here is some money to get him another large pack.

Misses Newell: OK. Well, hello there Armada. You look so cute in your #OshGoshBegosh Conductor bibs, hon. 

Misses Newell: Do you need your diaper changed? Let's go take a look, ok?

Misses Newell leads Armada over to the diaper changing table and before helping him onto the diaper changing table, she removes Armada's bibs and they drop to the floor as Misses Newell places Armada onto the changing table before helping him lie down. 

Misses Newell: Your comfy diaper is very wet. Good thing we are changing it before it leaked. Ya know, since you are being such a good boy, I.....have some yummy brownie cookies for you. 

Armada: Tank you miss Newell. 

Misses Newell: You're welcome sweetie-pie. 

Misses Newell unfastens the tapes, and pulls the front half of the wet diaper down, then she opens a wipes container and begins pulling out a bunch of wipes. She gets one wipe, and begins using it to wipe Armada's butt, crotch and pelvis. Then, she drops the wipe into the open diaper before grabbing another wipe and finishing wiping Armada's pelvis before dropping the wipe into the open diaper. Then, misses Newell pulls the wet diaper out from underneath Armada, folds it over, then sets it aside before grabbing a clean Huggies Story-time whites diaper, she opens it up in the back and front, then lifts Armada by his two legs, while sliding the thick, soft, fluffy, crinkly Huggies diaper underneath. Then, misses Newell grabs a baby powder bottle and shakes some into the diaper and onto Armada. Then after setting the baby powder bottle down, she pulls the front of the diaper up and fastened the tapes.

Misses Newell: There ya go sweetie. All.....nice and comfy. Let me help you down so I can put these cute conductor Osh-Gosh-Bgosh bibs back on ya.

Misses Newell puts Armada's overalls on and then sends him off to play. Armada comes back wanting something to drink and Misses Newell gives him a sippy cup full of milk and the brownie cookie she promised him.
It is nearly 10:30 am now, and it is now 
time for a nap. Charlie is put down for his nap then Donald then Maria before Armada was placed in a play pen where he quickly went right to sleep. It took Charlie half an hour to fall asleep and Donald tossed and turned before he finally fell asleep. Maria fell asleep just after Armada did.  As everyone slept, misses Newell and Emily began to take bags of clothing outside to the porch for temporary storage while awaiting final disposition in the incinerator barrel. 
Then, once everything that wasn't a box or package of diapers had been moved, misses Newell and Emily began to look at all of the boxes of wing-fold Pampers diapers to decide if she would use any of them or should the diapers all be put into the diaper pails and what didn't fit, would go into the kitchen compactor.

Misses Newell: These....diapers, are....a little too thin and they leak. I think these diapers need to be thrown away. I will keep two boxes for diapering dolls. Emily? Would you open each of these Pampers boxes and throw the diapers into the two wet diaper pails. When the pails fill up half way, put the rest of them into the compactor. 

Emily:  Sure. No problem. These don't seem like very good diapers anyhow. Now, they are....ALL....trash!! 

As Emily takes two unopened boxes of the Pampers wing-fold diapers over to the white trash can, already 1/4 full of diapers, she tears the box open, and starts to reach in, grab diapers and toss them into the can until the can was 1/2 full. There were still two handfuls of diapers left in the box as Emily began to toss a bunch of the still clean and folded diapers into the square brown can. Then, the first box was empty, as Emily put it down, she picked up the the second box, ripped it open and then began to toss the diapers into the brown can until it too was half full. Then Emily picked up a third box and took what was left of the second box and brought them over to the kitchen compactor. 
Emily opened the door and then she started to toss the remainder of the diapers from the second box into the compactor. 
Just then, misses Newell comes into the kitchen carrying two more boxes of the Pampers wing-fold diapers.

Misses Newell: Too bad we have to waste these old diapers like this. 

Emily: Not really, these diapers aren't that good. They belong here in the trash anyhow. 

Misses Newell: Don't run the compactor yet. It will wake them. 

Emily: No....problem. Misses Newell, I have to go pick my kids up from school in a few minutes. It's ...(looking at her cellphone) 12:32 now. 

Misses Newell: OK, Thanks for your help this morning. I will finish loading the rest of these diapers. My husband will be home around 1:30 Or 2:00. 
Misses Newell grabs the opened box of wing-fold Pampers diapers and began to toss stacks of the clean, folded diapers into the compactor bag. Just as misses Newell tosses the last stack of clean diapers from the now empty box, into the compactor, Charlie wakes up with a soaking wet diaper. He stands up, and toddles over to where misses Newell is in the kitchen.  

Charlie: (Wiping his eyes) 

Misses Newell: Hi baby. I am......throwing your clean Pampers away. They aren't good diapers. We have no use for them here and you won't be using them, so they all are trash now hon. 

Charlie: Is that where I am going? 

Misses Newell: Yes, it is baby. Since you are such a heavy wetter, we have to squeeze some of the wetness out of your diapers to dry them out so that they will burn better. 

Charlie: What does that......thing do? 

Misses Newell: It crushes and squeezes everything down to make more room for more diapers and other trash. 

Charlie: When I'm in there, what kinds of other trash goes in there? 

Misses Newell: I put food left-overs in there, I throw used baby wipes and wet diapers in there, I throw pull-ups and sometimes, I empty the ashtrays in there. 

Charlie: When that bag gets full, will someone come to take it out and how long will it be.....until I go.....into that thing you burn everything in???

Misses Newell: Well baby, sometimes, the bags get put on the porch for a few days until another full bag is ready, so that there are enough diapers to burn.

Charlie: What.....does that......thing......that has some diapers in (Pointing outside into the backyard in the direction of the solar diaper dryer.)

Misses Newell: Which.....thing? Oh...THAT??? Yea.....that dries the wet diapers out so they burn better. Wet diapers don't burn well.

Charlie: Are you or your husband going to put.....ME....into that???

Misses Newell: Yes hon, you will be put in there. Your diaper is going to need to 
dry out some before final disposal.

Charlie: But, why do I have to go...into that...other thing?

Misses Newell: Which? The....compactor? To dry your diaper out more.....the compactor squeezes the wetness out some so your diapers will dry faster so you won't have to be in the diaper dryer as long.
Ok Charlie, I need to check your diaper now. 

Leaning over Charlie, misses Newell pulls the waist of Charlie's diaper back looking down into the back, then she crouched down and then turned Charlie so he faced her. She then inserted her right index and middle fingers into the leg elastics and felt the inside of Charlie's diaper for signs of wetness.) 

Misses Newell: Well, you're wet, time to change you again. Come with me so that I can get you all....nice...and dry and comfy....that...a.boy.

Misses Newell escorts Charlie over to have his wet diaper changed. Misses Newell grabs one of Charlie's clean diapers,  then she helps Charlie lay down. Once he is laying comfortably on the changing table, she unfastens the tapes, and pulls the wet front of his diaper down. She then pulls the rest of the diaper out from underneath Charlie and then she uses the soft and absorbent side to wipe Charlie with, starting with his head and face, making sure to get his face wiped well with wetness before she worked her way down his chest and sides before she set the open diaper down, before opening his thick, clean diaper, lifting him up, sliding the back half of the diaper underneath him, then she pulled the front of the diaper up, and fastened the tapes.

Misses Newell: are.....that ought to feel...MUCH better now....huh baby???

Charlie: Yes miss Newell, thank you.
I didn't like it when you wiped my wet diaper on my face though....

Misses Newell: You just need to get used to it I'm afraid. We have to do that until your last diaper change. Your next diaper changes from this time forward, will be done by my husband. He will be home soon.

Charlie gets up, asks for something to drink and toddles off to go play some more as he awaits his bottle to be brought to him. Misses Newell takes Charlie's diaper and his onesie to the trash compactor and then slides it open, drops the onesie and the diaper into the bag, then, she slides the door closed. She then goes back into the daycare to go check Donald's diaper. As misses Newell lays Donald down to begin changing his diaper, Daniel Newell walks into the house then right into the bedroom, changes clothes, then comes into the daycare to find his wifey, so he can kiss, hug and greet her.

Daniel Newell: Honey, I'm.....HOOOME! Oh! There you...are.

Misses Newell: Just a second babe, wait until I'm done changing Donald's diaper and then, I am.....ALL.....yours.

Daniel Newell: (Looking around at everyone) Fresh faces I see, how many of them are here for disposal???

Misses Newell: Well......Donald here and his sister Marie and Charlie.

Daniel Newell: Well. That is a lot to dispense with.

Misses Newell: You're.....not kidding!!! I have my hands full. I had one more that is coming. His mom and dad, wants us to be the ones to take him and his diapers to the WTE plant. I called over there today, while it was nap-time, and they said they aren't able to accept any more at this time. They told me to check back in a couple weeks. We....just don't have that...kind of time.

Daniel Newell: They must have a back-log of diapered trash there.
Let the parents know that......we could put the diapered trash into our burn barrel instead for a little cheaper price.

Misses Newell: Ah. Maybe that explains it. I will discuss that option with them.

Misses Newell then finishes Donald's diaper change and leave him wearing only his diaper. She helps Donald up to his feet and lets him run off to go play while she stands up, turns around, and wraps her loving arms around Daniel's neck in a nice, tight hug.

Misses Newell: How was your day???? Mmmmmuah!!!

Daniel Newell: It was busy as usual. Trash day usually is. Tossed ten unopened packs of large disposable diapers into the truck today, I thought about trying to save one pack back, but as usual, they won't let me.

Misses Newell: Did all of them go to the waste-to-energy plant?

Daniel Newell: Yea, they did. Watched them gets scraped into the large pit and then they were gone forever.

Misses Newell: Hon? I need you to take over diaper changing duties and disposal of Charlie and Donald tonight. Charlie, is a heavy wetter, his mom brought a bunch of boxes of those...really thin diapers that fold out.....they leak and don't work as well as what we have now, so.....I tossed them into the compactor.
Charlie, is due for disposal any time between now....and bedtime, Donald, gets disposed of at bedtime.
Charlie, gets changed every hour and his former mother, asked you and I to wipe him with his wet diapers from head to toe, to make him stinky enough to justify disposing of him.
So, you have to wipe him really, really well at each diaper change.

Daniel Newell: Well, I don't know if I can do that part.....but, I would be happy to change him until It's time for disposal. I would also be willing to dispose of Charlie and then Donald.
What is happening with Armada?

Misses Newell: His mother is supposed to.....come back for him. If she doesn't, she knows that we don't have room for him, so we will have to dispose of him....unfortunately.

Daniel Newell: I sure.....hope...for Armada's sake, his mom comes back for him. I...would hate to have to dispose of such a good looking boy. (Walking over to Armada and crouching down behind him)
Hey there son, Daniel, happy to see you. fun here?

Armada: Yea, pretty neat. This pretty.

Daniel Newell: Do you....need your diaper changed yet son?

Misses Newell: Oh....hon? Don't worry about changing him. I changed him just a little while ago. He will be due for another change here in...(looking at cellphone clock..) OH...... in about 10 minutes. I will take care of him.

Daniel Newell: Oh...ok....

Daniel stands up and then walks over to Charlie.

Daniel Newell: So......which one is going to be.....the first to be....disposed of???

Misses Newell: Charlie is.....hon. He needs to go into the......compactor and then after that, he and the wet diapers, will go into the diaper dryer outside....before they are dry enough to go into the incinerator.

Daniel Newell: AHHHHH!!! the plan......oh...ok. I will be of course....loading Charlie and the diapers into.....the......dryer out there.....right?
Misses Newell: Yep. I figured that I would leave that up to you to do.
Daniel Newell: When.....would you need me to......load the...uh.....dryer????
Misses Newell: Once the compactor bag is full, so....about.....Sunday or Monday after you get home.
Daniel Newell: I will.....make sure that Charlie, and those....soaked diapers all go for a cycle in diaper dryer! Do I.....have to.....DO.....anything with his diaper once Charlie is loaded????
Misses Newell: Yea, just.....unfasten the two tapes and lay the diaper open  while he is laying there. You can also open the other diapers up and lay them across him, from head to toe with the padding facing up...or down....your...choice hon.

Daniel Newell: OK...babe. will do.

Daniel Newell goes back over to Charlie and checks his diaper.

Daniel Newell: YEP! Got a....wet one here.....ok son, time to change you.

Charlie: Is....this....going to diaper change???

Daniel Newell: No, you still have two or three more before It's disposal you....want it to be???

Charlie: Do I have a choice?

Daniel Newell: No, not at all. Trash doesn't get to decide when it gets thrown away son.

Charlie: But, but......I don't wanna be thrown away!!! I....I....promise.....I will try not to wet my diapers so much!!! I...swear!!!

Daniel Newell: Sorry Charlie, You and your diapers are here for disposal. Your mom and dad paid for your disposal, and they get what they pay for! Trust me!!! You're going into the nice compactor sometime today son, wet...or not. I don't care if you wanna or not! You're trash son! Trash gets thrown away!!!

Charlie: (Looking down at his feet, sulking and pouting) Even what is left over of my clean diapers are being thrown away???

Daniel Newell: Yep son, they sure....are. Every one of them!!!

Charlie: Will I get a dry diaper to wear for disposal?

Daniel Newell: Probably not. I don't clean trash up for disposal. My wife does though, but she won't be the one throwing you away or changing your diapers until your disposal. I am in charge of you now, I am the one deciding when you get thrown away son.

Charlie: How come I have to go into that....thing that....squishes the diapers though????

Daniel Newell: Because son, your diaper will be wet and before I can put you and the diapers into our burn barrel, your diaper has to dry out some. 

Charlie: going to be put into a burn barrel?

Daniel Newell: Yes son, you are. That is how we dispose of the diapers and our trash. I can't wait to.....get you and your diapers disposed of either! We have so many diapers to throw away constantly, that we have to do a load twice a week now! The sooner, the better man. In fact, I...think I am going to throw you away when everyone else gets their diapers changed! Then, there will be a large pile of wet diapers to throw away and you.....can help carry them all to the trash. How about....that.....son???

Charlie: How come.....I have to help carry them???

Daniel Newell: I figured that since I am throwing you and your diaper away, you could help carry the wet diapers to the trash that you are going into.....

Charlie: When you throw me away, what happens in that.....thing in the kitchen?

Daniel Newell: Well son, once I get you into our compactor, and all of the diapers and other trash gets loaded, I run a packer cycle or two. Sometimes....I run an extra cycle for wet trash like you and your diaper.

Charlie: What does

Daniel Newell: It will crush you and the trash down hard into the trash bag!!! I like running the compactor when there is diapered trash like....YOU in there! I try to get your diaper to pop. Sometimes the diapers do pop, sometimes....they don't.

Charlie: What happens if My diaper falls off???

Daniel Newell: I might put one of the wet diapers from the load of trash on ya just so that it can help you burn better after I give it...a good....soaking in oil or diesel fuel! Hey, it's diaper checking time...Charlie.....ready to have your second to last diaper change son???

Charlie: Yes. Can.....I pick what diaper I get to wear for my last diaper change????

Daniel Newell: Sure.....why...not. it's all going into the trash anyhow......
Daniel leads Charlie over to the diaper changing table and hoists him up onto it and lays him down onto his back. Then, he goes over to a box of Luvs Baby Pants diapers, takes one out, grabs the bottle of baby powder and then comes back over to begin Charlie's diaper change.
Daniel unfastens the left tape then the right before pulling the front of the diaper down. He then lifts Charlie up and pulls the wet diaper from under Charlie. Pausing for a moment, he decides to go ahead and wipe Charlie with the wet diaper starting from his head and face before working his way down to his chest and sides before his stomach and back down to his waist before setting the wet diaper onto Charlie's chest with the padding facing up.

Charlie: Why.....does everyone wipe me with my........wet diaper???

Daniel Newell: Because....son, you need to stink and be dirty.....when we throw you away. dirty.

Charlie: How will you know when it's time for my disposal? How....will I know?

Daniel Newell: When your diaper is wet, even.....a little, it will be time for your....disposal. While everyone else is busy getting their diapers changed, you will be taken to be disposed of.

Charlie: What will happen to my wipes, baby powder and the clean diapers that are still in my diaper bag???

Daniel Newell: They are going to go in the trash with you......

Charlie: Do you care.....what I do while I am in the trash???

Daniel Newell: No son, I don't. Ok....all done. Wanna bring your wet diaper over here to the compactor and toss it in or will I have to do it???

Charlie: I wanna see what happens to it. Will I go in there and have to lay on my diapers?

Daniel Newell: Yes son, you will.

Charlie: What if...they are open and one of the wet ones wraps around my face?

Daniel Newell: It won't matter. You are trash son. Ok.....pick the diaper up, and bring it to the trash compactor. 

Daniel Newell goes over to the trash compactor and then slides it open. Charlie toddles slowly over to the open compactor, looks down, sees a bunch of clean, folded Pampers wing-fold diapers in there and a couple of baby powder bottles with a quarter of the bottle full.

Charlie: Has anyone smashed the diapers in there yet? They look like they still could be used.

Daniel Newell: Just.....toss your diaper in and then I will show you what everything looks like after I run a cycle of the compactor.

Daniel Newell grabs the diaper from Charlie, tosses it in, slides the door closed, locks it, then starts the compactor. Charlie stands there, shaking and trembling as the sound of the compactor blade crushing everything inside, was heard. Once the compactor blade retracted, he unlocked the door and then he slides it open.

Daniel Newell: See??? what happens every time someone runs the compactor. You....are going to be in there soon.

Charlie: If there are a lot of wet diapers, and I am almost covered with diapers in there, and my face isn't will you or miss Newell put diapers on my face?????

Daniel Newell: I won't care where....they go! I put them anywhere there is room. Even is on your face son.

Charlie: Even if the wet side is against my face??

Daniel Newell: Yep! Even that way. It won't matter. Trash....can't complain!!! It's!!!

Charlie: Can I.....have some.....chocolate milk please?

Misses Newell: Yes baby, I will get you some here in a minute when I am done changing Maria.
Once misses Newell was finished changing Maria's diaper, misses Newell took Maria's messy disposable diaper and rolled it up, and threw it into the messy diaper pail out on the back porch. Then she went to the kitchen sink, washed her hands, and then dried them before grabbing a tall tumbler cup and then she went to the refrigerator, opened it up, took the chocolate milk out, poured some out into the tall cup, put the milk away, closed the refrigerator door, and took the cup of milk to Charlie.

Misses Newell: Here....ya.....go sweetie.

Charlie: Thank you misses Newell.
Misses Newell: You are very welcome hon.
Charlie drank the cup of milk over the next few minutes and once the cup was empty, he took it back into the kitchen hoping to get a cup of water.

Charlie: (seeing no one in the kitchen) May I.....have a cup of......water please???

Misses Newell: Hey...babe, could you get that...for him? I am changing Armada's diaper.

Daniel Newell: Sure.

Daniel Newell goes over to the kitchen, takes the cup from Charlie, fills it up at the sink, then hands the full cup of water to Charlie.

Daniel Newell: In just a little while, it will be trash time for you. Better drink you can son.....cause....after that, you get no more.

Charlie: AWWWWWE!!!! Can I...get a little....more time???

Daniel Newell: No, afraid not son.....when It's time for disposal, in ya go.....

Charlie goes back to playing with the hot wheels and old Matchbox cars while drinking up the cup of water.15 minutes go by and Daniel comes over to Charlie to give him his final diaper change.

Daniel Newell: Ok's time..........for......

Charlie: NOOOOOO!!! Not....yet!!!

Daniel Newell: I was....going to say....hehehehehe.....for your last diaper change son. Come....over to the diaper changing table and I will get you cleaned up one.... last...time.
Daniel Newell brings Charlie over to the diaper changing table, hoisted him up and laid him down on his back.
Daniel Newell: Which diaper would you like for your last diaper, son?

Charlie: Could I of the.....thick, Luvs Deluxe For him, diapers with a ton of baby powder in it then....may I have one of my Pampers wing-fold diapers put on over it?

Daniel Newell: Awe, man, I....don't know dude. Well, son........'re a heavy-wetter, I....suppose I will do that.....So......that was.....a Luvs Deluxe For Boys diaper and one of your.....thin, saggy, Pampers diaper over it....right?

Charlie: Yea, with LOTS of powder in my Luvs diaper.

Daniel Newell: Are you........sure....this..... is what you want....son, cause, once I start your diaper change, I'm not changing anything....this is your last diaper change......

Charlie: Yes, I...sure.

Daniel Newell: O.......K son....I think I can do that.
(Turning slightly and yelling across the room) Honey? Does.....Charlie have..... any more of his.......thin Pampers diapers left???

Misses Newell: Um....  yes, there should be.....five unopened boxes over there by the sliding glass door to the porch.

Daniel Newell: Thanks.....
Daniel Newell goes over to the area his loving wife described and sure enough, there were still five unopened boxes of Pampers stacked neatly on top of one another and one box sitting in front of the four, on the floor. Daniel picks the box up, carries it into the nursery and over to Charlie before setting the box down, on a table nearby, opening the perforated flap, taking one of the diapers out and then he went over to the stack of Luvs Deluxe For Boys and took one of those diapers, before coming over to Charlie where the bottle of baby powder, the Pampers wipes and the baby lotion was, next to the changing table.

Daniel Newell: OK....son, time to change your wet diaper.....

Charlie: OH...goodie!! My diaper is squishy.

Daniel Newell: That makes it nice and ready for the trash compactor. We are going to have fun.....packing you and these.....wet diapers!

Charlie: Whaaat? But....why?

Daniel Newell: Because man.....I smashing wet diapers! Sometimes....they pop and the jelly and stuffing comes out of them!

Charlie: come? Are you going to do

Daniel Newell: OF....course.....son, we do this to.....ALL of the wet diapers, seems to help dry them up some, so that they will burn faster and better in our incinerator. OH! That....reminds me....I still gotta clean out the old bones left over from the last one we...disposed of.

Charlie: There of the last one you disposed of still IN that...thing?

Daniel Newell: Yes. Your bones won't burn, so, after they cool down, we usually grind them up and sprinkle them in my wife's garden. Wanna see what we will be doing with....your bones son?

Charlie: (Kind of peaking in curiosity) Uh.....I...don't know....ok.

Daniel Newell: After your diaper change, you...can help me clean out our incinerator, how does that sound? Ya....know? Changing diapers, is like....changing the.....oil and oil pan gasket in
my truck, only, everything is way more....accessible! Ya...know babe??

Misses Newell: (Walking in carrying a 13 gallon white trash can full of wet and unused Modern Pampers diapers.) Yea.....kind....of....I see where you're coming from. Is he.....going to be ready to be....disposed of...soon?

Daniel Newell: Yes babe, once his diaper is a little wet, he will be disposed of.

Misses Newell: long will that be from now?

Daniel Newell: Oh.....probably another....30 minutes to an hour....why?

Misses Newell: I have this.....can full of wet diapers and pull-ups that need to be compacted. I am going to leave this can near the doorway of the kitchen and the living room until it's time for his....disposal...ok?

Daniel Newell: Sure babe. Not a problem.
Daniel Newell slides Charlie's wet diaper out from underneath him, and folds it over. Then he opens the Luvs Deluxe For Boys blue diaper, lifts Charlie up as he slides the thick, crinkly diaper under him. Then, he grabs one of the three baby powder bottles, opens it, then shakes a whole bunch of powder into the back of the diaper, and all over Charlie's pelvis, getting some onto his belly. Then, Daniel Newell pulls the front of the diaper up and lays it down onto Charlie as he begins to fasten each tape on each side. Then, once the first diaper is on, Daniel grabs the old Pampers wing-fold diaper, opens it up, slides it under Charlie, and then pulls the front up and then fastens each tape.

Daniel Newell: AL......Righty then! All...done. Wanna go put your.....wet diaper into the...trash compactor for me?

Charlie: Ok.

Daniel Newell: That's a good boy. can help me clean out the  incinerator.
Daniel Newell hands Charlie his heavy, squishy wet diaper and he takes it, as Daniel leads Charlie over to the compactor. Daniel unlocks the door and slides it open for Charlie, as Charlie sees a lot of his clean Pampers wing-fold diapers still in there. A couple of them have opened up and are now facing with the padding side up. Charlie peers down and is hesitant about tossing his wet diaper in there, but tosses his diaper in and as it lands, the diaper opens up with the wet padding facing up. Daniel then slides the door closed and re-locks the door before guiding Charlie out to the sliding glass door and then out to the back porch, then out to the backyard where the incinerator was. Inside, the incinerator, were a pile of burnt bones and a ton of ashes. Daniel grabs a 5 gallon plastic bucket and starts to pull the bones out, setting them all down into the bucket. Once the bones were removed, Daniel picked the bucket up, carries it over to the garage where the all purpose grinder was. Daniel, with Charlie following, put the bucket down on the garage floor next to the grinder.

Charlie: Is....this.... will do...wih....what is left of me???

Daniel Newell: Yes son, this helps our plants grow. That is part of the reason people bring their...unwanted diapered people to us....we make sure that what is left, is composted into fertizer.

Charlie: SO.....I am going to become....fertilizer???

Daniel Newell: and the ashes from the diapers and other trash we burn.....
Daniel Newell turns the grinder on, then sends the first of the bones through. The grinder sounds like a mini version of a stump grinder.....or chipper. After the last bones were ground up, Daniel grabbed the ground-up powdered bones, and then carried them out to the garden area before sprinkling the powder into the soil.

Daniel Newell: There son, what we are going to do with what is left of you. Now, the incinerator is ready for the next be you, son. We will be burning a load of diapers and trash by this weekend and if you are ready by then, you will be the next one in. Ok, let's go...inside now.....almost time for your disposal.

Charlie: Aaaaaaawwwwe! Can't I a playpen or something until morning?

Daniel Newell: NO.....afraid not son. You have about...another 15 minutes before it will be time for your disposal. Why don't you go play with the hot wheels cars for a bit while I go clean out the old burn barrel and when I am done, I will come take you for disposal....ok? (Sliding the glass door open, letting Charlie in and then sliding the door closed again)

Charlie goes over to play cars for a bit while Daniel cleans out the old burn barrel and grinds the bones up that were in there. About 40 minutes later, Daniel comes into the house, and then goes to check in with misses Newell. They talk for 10 to 15 minutes before Daniel goes to Charlie and makes him put the cars down so he can take him over to the diaper changing table to check his diaper.

Daniel Newell: Ok Charlie, time to....check your diaper. Put the cars down, and come to the diaper changing table...ok son?
Charlie puts the cars down and goes with Daniel to the diaper changing table. Daniel hoists him up and lays him down before he unfastens the tapes on the old Pampers wing-fold diapers then the tapes on the Luvs Deluxe For Boys blue diaper. He then pulled the front of the diaper down and saw that it was a little bit wet near the center. He then began to take some baby wipes out, and then he used the wipes to wipe the wetness off of Charlie, dropping each wipe into the diaper padding. Once he was finished wiping Charlie, he shook some more baby powder into the diaper and the wipes, before pulling the diaper up and fastening the tapes once more. Then he pulled the old Pampers wing-fold diaper up and refastened the tapes.

Charlie: Why....are there...wipes inside my diaper???

Daniel Newell: Because....son, they...are trash now, and your...diapers are. It's disposal time now son.....let's....go.....uh.....uh! Come.....on.....Do.....I have to...carry you to the compactor or do you wanna walk?

Daniel helps Charlie down from the diaper changing table and then grabs Charlie's left arm. Charlie resists but gets dragged limply across the floor until they both were inside the kitchen, next to the compactor. Daniel unlocks the door, and slides it open, then Daniel lifts the unwilling Charlie up and as Charlie's legs dangle, misses Newell comes in carrying the 13 gallon white trash can full of wet and some clean, Modern Pampers diapers and pull-ups.

Daniel Newell: Wait until I get this in there before you....toss....the diapers in....ok?

Misses Newell: Sure.
Daniel Newell loads Charlie into the compactor on his belly and lays his head right into the very same wet Luvs Deluxe For Boys that he had tossed in that had the wet padding facing up.

Charlie: HEY! NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Let...GO! Eww! That is a wet diaper I am laying on!!!

Daniel Newell: Now.....stay like that...and do NOT move while my wife loads these diapers in there on top of you and around you!
Misses Newell begins to toss in a handful of the diapers at a time, so.e of the diapers landing on his diapers, some landing on his belly and chest, and the ones landing on his belly and chest, landed with the wet padding against his skin. Then, Daniel grabbed two of the folded-over wet diapers and then opened them up, and then laid them across Charlie's face so they can't see it and he can't see what is happening. Misses Newell tosses in some soggy wet pull-ups and they land on Charlie's chest. Charlie tries to brush all of the diapers off but both misses Newell and Daniel stop him and replace the diapers back where they had been. Charlie begins to sulk and pout as misses Newell tosses the last of the first half of the diapers in.

Misses Newell: Time to run the...compactor baby....
Misses Newell gives Daniel the signal to close the compactor door, lock it and start a couple of cycles so to make room for the rest of the diapers in the trash can. Daniel hits the power button and then pushes the compactor cycle button and the compactor starts up. The blade slowly lowers down and then as it touches the diapers on top of Charlie, Charlie begins to wiggle franticly as the compactor presses down more....and.....more...and more until Charlie groans as the first of the pull-ups bursts and the gels splatter into his hair, face and chest.
Below him, Charlie feels the old Pampers wing-fold diapers pressing against his back, neck and head as the wet diaper he is laying on, wraps itself around his cheeks on both sides. As the compactor blade begins to retract, Charlie begins to relax a little more until the blade stops. Then, the door was unlocked again and slid open once more so that misses Newell could add the rest of the wet Pampers, Luvs and Huggies story-time whites diapers.

Charlie: adding MORE diapers in here?

Misses Newell: Of.....course.....hun. lay back there...and....just....relax now.....I will have to put some of these diapers over your face and there is little room to pit them.

Charlie:! I....have something....wet and slimy in now!!!

Misses Newell: Well, that is something that you will just have to....get used to being in the compactor. Some....times.....diapers pop. Now....lay.....down baby.....let me put these diapers in there and then I will close the door.

Charlie: Can....I get out soon? When is my....punishment over???

Misses Newell: not a punishment hon. Sorry to say, but, your mom and dad don't want you any more. They can't afford to diaper you any more. They brought you here so we can throw you, your.....diapers, your clothes, and bedding away.

Charlie: You mean.....that.....I won't be taken out of here???

Misses Newell: No, afraid not. Not until this bag gets full.

Charlie: What happens when the bag gets full????

Misses Newell: Well, I will come, tie the top of the bag closed, and my husband will carry or drag it out to the porch until it's time for your final disposal.

Charlie: How long will I be in this bag before final disposal?

Misses Newell: I.....don't know, maybe.....a.....couple of days or so.

Charlie: It gets kind of hot with all this plastic around me! Do if with some of these....old Pampers when that thing is not on???

Misses Newell: Which? Oh...the.....compactor? Yea......I don't care what you do in there.....

Charlie: Is there going to be....any other trash going in here other than diapers?

Misses Newell: I am sure there will be hon.

Charlie: Will you throw it on me? What if you throw some bananas in here? You said you sometimes throw some food in here....would you toss the bananas on my face or around my diapers?

Misses Newell: I will toss them in and where ever there is room hon.

Charlie: Are you going to put more diapers on my face?

Misses Newell: Yes, I will.

Charlie: But....WHY?

Misses Newell: Well, I don't want you to see what is happening, I.....don't want to see your face once you are trash until it's time to go into the diaper dryer outside, and the soft, squishy wet diapers will dirty you up some. I am going to have to squirt some deodorizer in there after this. It really stinks in there! The deodorizer mist will wet you and the diapers in there and make the smell go away. OK....hon, here....comes a couple more diapers laying over your face, neck and head.....

Misses Newell lays the clean, modern Pampers across Charlie's face with the padding facing his facial skin before closing the compactor door, locking it and pushing the dordorizing button a couple of times. The potent mist sprayed onto all of the diapers and Charlie making everything smell like baby powder. 

Misses Newell : ( muttering out loud to herself) There! MUCH....better!
(Speaking to Charlie in the compactor) It's........compactor time again.....ready in there???

Misses Newell pushes the compactor cycle button again and the compactor starts up. Misses Newell then takes the now empty white trash can back where it belongs as Charlie gets soaked by the deodorizer mist and then gets compacted twice before the compactor stops and retracts before shutting down.
Once the compactor has shut down, Charlie begins to turn over onto his stomach so that he can feel around to find some diapers to play with. He is able to finally pull out a couple of the old wing-fold Pampers from underneath him and he opens them up and lays them across his back, and his head as an extra little bit of covering and padding.
Charlie doesn't realize it but he has been aroused by the pressure of the compactor and the combination of the baby powder deodorizer and the wet diapers. He begins to stimulate himself inside his wet powdery diaper missionary style, rubbing the front of his plastic backed Pampers against the others underneath him.
Meanwhile, misses Newell had come back into the kitchen to fix dinner for Daniel and their kids. Armada's mom was very late picking him up now. Daniel was on the phone calling and leaving multiple voice messages and texting his mom but without any response. Daniel then called the state office he had called when he had wanted to see if Hunter and Christian (* See the first Burn Barrel story)
could be disposed of or sent to a home. It wouldn't be until morning when he would be able to speak to the woman who told Daniel to "do what he wished with Hunter and Christian."
8:30 pm.

Daniel Newell: (To his wife) Honey, I can't get gold of Armada's mom! I left lots of text messages and called and left messages but she doesn't answer. I called the woman that gave us the right to dispose of both Hunter and Christian. I will know by morning if we can dispose of Armada.

Misses Newell: It is going to be a shame to dispose of such a cute boy like Armada.

Daniel Newell: Unfortunately, we will have no choice. Once the custody papers come in the mail, we have to dispose of him. We can't afford to feed, and diaper another boy.

Misses Newell: I...know, I know. With our own kids in diapers and pull-ups, it is going to be very, very expensive! Where should we put him? In the...compactor, or in one of the trash cans?

Daniel Newell: Well, I would like to put him into the compactor but, want him to go in one of the trash cans, that's fine.

Misses Newell: Well, I'd rather put Armada into one of the trash cans instead of the compactor first before he goes into the compactor. Maybe a trash bag if there is no more room in any of the trash cans.

Daniel Newell: OK......can do.  In a few minutes, it will be time to dispose of Maria and Donald. Armada can sleep in one of the....playpens until I get a call from the woman.

Misses Newell: (nodding her head) yep, Maria and Donald are going into the brown trash can and the white trash can and then Armada, may go into a trash bag or I'll take him right out to the nursery trash cans on the porch. He can sleep in one of the playpens until we get the ok.
9:30 pm

Misses Newell: ( to Daniel Newell) Babe, you take Donald, and I....will take Maria for disposal. Give them one last diaper change and let them choose which diaper they want to wear for their disposals.

Daniel Newell: (To misses Newell) Sure babe. Will do.
Misses Newell goes over to Maria and tells her that it's time for your final diaper change while Daniel goes to Donald and tells him that it's time for HIS final diaper change.

Misses Newell: Ok Maria, time to change your diaper one final time sweetie. Which diaper would you like to wear for your disposal?

Maria: I of those.....Luvs Baby Pants diapers with one of those old
wing-fold Pampers diapers like that one boy had put on him.

Misses Newell: I can do that... are you...  sure that you want those diapers??? You can have any combination of diapers.

Maria: Yes, I'm sure.

Misses Newell: OK then.....these are the diapers you will wear for disposal. You won't get another diaper change after this.

Misses Newell lays Maria down on her back and begins grabbing the diapers that Maria wants to wear, the baby powder and the wipes. Then, misses Newell puts the new and clean diapers down, before leaning over Maria to unfasten her diaper. Once the tapes were unfastened, the front of her diaper down, misses Newell noted that her diaper wasn't all that wet yet but, it was just wet enough to change. Misses Newell pulls the diaper out from under Maria, and sets it on her chest before opening the wipes container, taking out 6 wipes,  and then began wiping Maria's diaper area and crotch, with each wipe. Then, once she was done wiping Maria, she opened the Luvs Baby Pants diaper and then lifted Maria, slid the back half of the diaper underneath her, then, she grabbed the baby powder bottle, opened it and shook a lot of the powder into the diaper and onto Maria, using at least a quarter of the bottle of powder, before grabbing the pile of 6 used wipes into Maria's Luvs Baby Pants diaper. She then pulled the front of the diaper up and fastened the tapes snuggly. Then, misses Newell opened up one of the old wing-fold Pampers diapers and then lifted Maria while sliding the second diaper under her. Then, misses Newell grabbed Maria's semi-wet diaper, that was still open, and she tucked it in between her legs before pulling the front of the Pampers wing-fold diaper up and fastening the tapes.

Maria: HEY! How come you put the wipes in my clean diaper and my wet diaper into the Pampers diaper like that?

Misses Newell: Well sweetie, since you are trash now, I figured that it would be just as easy to toss your wipes and the wet diaper into the diapers you have on, like a trash bag since you and your diapers are all going to the same place. Come on sweetie, don't make this...any harder for you than it has to be....time...for disposal now.

Maria: NO! NO! NO! Pleeaaase! Don't throw me away!!!

Misses Newell: Come.....on....there.. won't be going into the compactor for a little while. (Arriving at the side of the mostly empty white trash can that has 8 wet diapers at the bottom and raising the lid.) O.....k. Time to....get into the trash can now. Uuuuup ya lay down....on your belly? comes the lid.....bye-bye hon.
Misses Newell locks the lid on and then walks away while Daniel Newell is changing Donald's diaper.

Daniel Newell: Alright Donny, your diaper for the last time. Have you picked the diaper or diapers you wanna wear for your... disposal???

Donald: I....want one of those Huggies Story-time whites diapers then one of those old wing-fold Pampers diapers over it, like that one boy got. Can I have that with a lot of baby powder like that boy had too?

Daniel Newell: Sure. I don't care. They are all going into the trash anyhow.
Daniel Newell lays Donald down onto his back and then leans to his right and grabs one of the Huggies Story-time whites diapers and one of the old wing-fold Pampers diapers as well as the baby wipes and the baby powder. Then, Daniel leaned forward to begin unfastening the tapes.

Daniel Newell: Alright, let's see what we got here.....(Pulling the front of the diaper down and open.) Son! Your diaper isn't even that wet yet. I'm going to have to change ya any way.

Donald: What are you going to do with my clean diapers that I haven't worn yet?

Daniel Newell: They are going into the trash son.
Daniel Newell pulls the diaper out from under Donald, and puts it onto Donald's chest right near his head and neck while he opens the Huggies Story-time whites diapers and then slides the back half underneath Donald. Then Daniel opens the baby wipes container and begins wiping Donald's perineal area and crotch using over 12 wipes, dropping each of the used wipes into Donald's clean diaper before he grabs the baby powder bottle and shakes a quarter of the bottle into Donald's clean diaper and onto Donald. Then, he pulls the front of the diaper up and begins fastening the tapes.

Donald: Hey! Wait! How come you......(leaning his head up so to see what Daniel was doing) put all those wipes into my clean diaper?

Daniel Newell: Because......son, the wipes, your diapers I'm putting on you, the diaper I took off you, are all going to the same place man, the trash. It doesn't matter where the wipes go.

Donald: You mean....that I am going into that....stinky, diaper pail with all of those wet diapers.....NOW?

Daniel Newell: Yes son, right.... after your diaper change.

Donald: like....throwing people away?

Daniel Newell: a good question a way, I do. I actually like using our compactor and getting you and your diapers ready to go into our burn barrel.....those are the parts I enjoy the most.....that and seeing what the diapers look like that people like you are wearing and the ones around you end up looking like. Our new diaper dryer outside is fun too. I get to unfasten your diaper, pull it down and open it up so they dry out completely. Once you and your diapers dry, I get you out, and then my wife and I start loading the incinerator. We then have you standing up inside the incinerator while she holds you still, while I pour either used motor oil, baby oil or diesel fuel into your diaper and all over you, basically, we give you a shower in the stuff man. Then, we lay you down in the incinerator, load some more diapers on top of you, then, we take some of your clothes, starting with your onesies and t-shirts, and we rip them and cut them up, into smaller pieces, removing the metal snaps, they don't burn at all, and then we let you and everything soak a bit before I come out to add the kindling and logs. Then, I start your final disposal. 
Daniel Newell then opens the old Pampers wing-fold diaper, slides it under Donald and over the thick Huggies Story-time whites diaper, then, he pulls the diaper up and fastens the tapes snugly before grabbing the open semi-wet diaper from Donald's chest and helping Donald stand up.

Daniel Newell: OK son......let's get you over to the nice, stinky trash can with your wet diapers in's trash time now son.

Donald: No! No! No! Stop! I don't wanna!!!

Daniel Newell: Too....stinking bad man! You're going in the!!! O....K! Up.....and....IN ya go! I'm locking this lid down now son so you won't  be able to get out! Happy disposal.....son!
Daniel then tosses the open, wet disposable diaper into the diaper pail and it lands with the plastic backing, on Donald's chest. Then Daniel puts the lid on and locks the lid down snugly before walking out to where his beautiful, loving, open-minded wife was just finishing up Maria's diaper change.

Daniel Newell: I got Donny disposed you need me to do anything else?

Misses Newell: I think I pretty much have her ready for disposal. I just have to walk her outside to the wet diaper pail on the porch and put her into it.

Daniel Newell: going to go sit down and watch the game then for a bit. If you need me for anything, I'll be in the living room.

Misses Newell: OK honey, thanks for all your help. Love ya.
Misses Newell finishes Maria's diaper change and then takes her outside to the aluminum daycare trash can, makes her stand there next to it while she unlocks and removes the lid.

Misses Newell: OK Maria, time to go into the daycare trash now.

Maria: I thought you were going to let me stay in a playpen until it was my disposal time! Do I.....have to go into that....stinky can?

Misses Newell: YEP! It's disposal time now hon. Would you like to climb in or should I lift you up and put you in?

Maria: I won't get in there! It stinks! There are a bunch of wet diapers in there! Do I......have to lay on all of those open, wet diapers?

Misses Newell: Yes baby. Unfortunately, that is what trash has to do! Trash can't complain about where it gets disposed of in! Ok....UP....ya go ya go......lay down sweetie......on your belly? Ok.....that's fine.....

Misses Newell lays Maria down on her belly and then bends down to pick the lid up to put it on.

Misses Newell: OK hon, time to put the lid on. From now on, you won't get any more diaper changes, bottles, or food. My husband or I will let you know when it's time for your final disposal. I am going to lock the lid so that you won't be able to get out.....I will be coming occasionally to dump some more diapers on top of you. You can ask me questions at that time. Ok....bye-bye hon.....
Misses Newell puts the lid on and then locks it down tightly before walking back into the house. Inside the house, Armada is still playing cars and with the toys. His mom and dad haven't called or been reachable at all.

Misses Newell: Any word from Armada's mom or dad yet?

Daniel Newell: Unfortunately not. I have a call into our state worker that will give us his adoption papers within a week. She will call us on Friday if not by the following Monday.
We have to keep him until we get the adoption papers at least.

Misses Newell: That is such a shame......that his mother and father just.....abandoned him like that! I hate to have to dispose of such a cutie like this.....but we can't afford to keep him for too much longer than a week or two.

Daniel Newell: I know babe, what with....our daughter and son in diapers and pull-ups, and him using up a lot of the nursery diapers, we may have to buy him a couple packs of Luvs or Pampers if he stays too much longer.

Misses Newell: Well, if we do have to buy him diapers, our state worker will repay us for the diapers.....right? Just like she did for the two we disposed of, Hunter and his brother?

Daniel Newell: Yea, she should.....she usually does. That way, we can dispose of any left-over diapers he doesn't use or use them in the daycare if you want to.

Misses Newell: I want to make sure that he uses up ALL of the diapers we get him before his disposal. You know that I don't like wasting perfectly good diapers.

Daniel Newell: I know babe, we will just see what is left when it's time for his disposal. Where would you want to dispose of him? In the burn barrel or have him taken to the waste-to-energy plant?

Misses Newell: I would rather dispose of him here actually, in our burn barrel.

Daniel Newell: OK, with that settled, would he need to go into the compactor or just into the nursery trash?

Misses Newell: Well, the compactor will help dry his wet diapers out some before we put him and his wet diapers into the diaper dryer it's up to me, he goes into the compactor. I wish that we didn't have to do this to him, but, what other choice do we have?

Daniel Newell: None. We can't afford to keep him, and if the state has no place for him, then......we have to dispose of him.

Misses Newell: I know, I.....know....I just wish that there was a place for him.....ya know?

Daniel Newell: I hear ya babe, I hear ya loud.....and clear. I think that he should be given a chance.....but, if the state says.....throw him away.....who are we to argue?

Misses Newell: It's just.....such a have to do this to such a cute, handsome boy like Armada. Hey,'s time to change your diaper sweetie. Why don't you come over here and I will put you up on the diaper changing table....ok? Do you know what kind of diaper you want?

Armada: (Toddling over to misses Newell) Yes....I want one of those Pampers diapers from those boxes over there...(pointing to the Pampers wing-fold diaper boxes)

Misses Newell: Sweetie, those are being thrown away hon. Why don't you pick another diaper.

Armada: They are still clean though. Can't I wear some of them?

Misses Newell: ONLY if you pick another diaper. I could put one of those over the diaper you pick.

Armada: Then.....I want one of those thick, Huggies Story-time whites diapers with one of those diapers over it.

Misses Newell: (sighing) OK....suit yourself.
Misses Newell grabs one of the thick, bulky, crinkly Huggies Story-time whites diapers from the pack that only had six diapers left, then grabs one of the Pampers wing-fold diapers from the box and then she grabs Armada's left hand and walks him over to the diaper changing table. Misses Newell puts the two diapers down on the diaper changing table before lifting Armada up and laying him down. She then umbuckles Armada's Osh-Gosh-Bgosh conductor overalls and pulls them off. Then, after dropping them to the floor, misses Newell unfastens the buttons in the crotch of Armada's onesie bodysuit. She then lifts Armada up again so she can take his nearly soaked onesie bodysuit off. Once she got it off, she dropped it to the floor on top of the overalls. Armada is now wearing only the wet diaper so she leans over and unfastens both sets of tapes. Then, she grabs the front of the wet diaper and pulls it down with a wiping motion before laying the diaper open.

Armada: What are you going to do with my onesie and my overalls miss Newell???

Misses Newell: They are being thrown away with your wet diaper.....

Armada: BUT, but, how...come?
Misses Newell: Because, when it's time for your disposal, we have to make sure that you and your diaper is completely soaked in either oil or diesel fuel. We have to have easy access to your diaper. We can see if it is soaked well or not if you are wearing only your diaper. 

Daniel Newell: Yea, and this way, your wet diaper will dry out faster in the diaper dryer outside so that it will burn better in our incinerator barrel.
Armada: What is going to happen to my clothes, diapers and I? How come he said that my diapers and I will burn better this way?
Misses Newell: OH...hon, I'm sorry, Your mom and dad have abandoned you here. They don't want you any more. We can't afford to keep you past the two weeks that you will be with us. The state doesn't have room for you anywhere and no one can take care of you. So, we called our case worker who is giving my husband and I custody of you and permission to dispose of you, your clothes, toys and diapers.

Armada: What about my diapers that my mom uses on me when we are at home?

Misses Newell: I'm afraid that they are being disposed of with you too sweetie.

Armada: Aren't you going to use my old disposable diapers on me at all?

Misses Newell: No hon, we only use good, thick diapers here. I don't like thin diapers.
Armada: But, but, but......where are they now?

Misses Newell: They are still in the bags your mom left here for you, but they are going into the trash when it's time for your disposal.
Misses Newell pulls the wet open disposable diaper out from under Armada and sets it onto his chest while she wipes Armada's diaper area well with the 8 wipes that she had taken out of the wipes container. She drops each used wipe into the wet diaper on Armada's chest until there were no more wipes. Then, misses Newell opened the thick Huggies Story-time whites diaper, and then slid it underneath Armada. With the diaper still open, she took the baby powder bottle and shook a bunch of the baby powder into the diaper and all over Armada's diaper area before pulling the front of his clean diaper up and fastening the two tapes. Then,  misses Newell opened the Pampers wing-fold diaper and then slid it underneath Armada and over the Huggies Story-time whites diaper. Then she pulled that diaper up and over the Huggies diaper and then fastened the two tapes.

Misses Newell: You look ridiculous with these two diapers on like this.
Since this is the way you want to be diapered, so be it. Just more diapers that will end up in the trash.

Armada: Where am I going to sleep until you throw me away?

Misses Newell: Well, since we haven't got the permission to throw you away just yet, you get to sleep in one of the playpens until we get the permission papers and your custody papers. My husband wanted to let you sleep in one of the wet diaper pails but I suggested against that.
Misses Newell finishes Armada's diaper change and then helps him down and off of the diaper changing table and then she takes his wet folded-over diaper with the pile of wipes in it, hands it to Armada.

Misses Newell: Would you like to be a big help and go throw your diaper away for me?

Armada: Is it going into the same trash can that I am going into?

Misses Newell: Yes baby, it is.
Misses Newell escorts Armada over to the black trash can and opens the lid for Armada so he can toss his wet diaper in. Armada tosses the diaper in and misses Newell closes the lid.

Misses Newell: OK. Time for bed now are lucky. You get to sleep in one of the playpens until its time for your disposal. ya go. Here are a couple thick blankets that we aren't going to need after you are done with them. They should keep you warm and comfy for a bit.
Misses Newell tucks Armada in for the night then she goes over to her daughter to change her diaper.
Once she finished changing her daughter's diaper, misses Newell went over to the trash compactor to put the soaking wet Luvs Deluxe For Girls diaper in.

Misses Newell: Hello Charlie, I have a nice wet diaper for ya.....

Charlie: HEY!!! Don't put that on my face!!! No...blah!

Misses Newell: Well, it is the only space available for now.

Charlie: Are YOU going to turn this thing on again?

Misses Newell: You another compactor cycle? Yes, I am.

Charlie: HEY! WAIT! How many times are you going to crush me?

Misses Newell: Right.....NOW? Oh....probably only the one time. Once the cycle is over, it will turn off for the night and you can get some sleep. OK.....closing and locking the door now.....
Misses Newell slides the door closed and re-locks it. Then she starts the compactor. Charlie, laying on his belly with ten Pampers wing-fold diapers strewn across his back, diapered bottom and the backs of his thighs, begins to moan in frustration as the compactor blade presses very hard against his diapered bottom, and the diapers laying all over him, begin to crush against his back, his head gets forced into one of the open, wet Luvs diaper padding before the diaper closes and wraps itself around his face and head. The bunched up padding of his diaper begins to press hard against his butt and suddenly, along the left leg elastics, his diaper busts a little and some of the wet padding, that looks like oatmeal being slowly squeezed through a small hole, began to ooze out from the small tear in his leg elastics.
The soaked diapers and pull-ups that misses Newell had tossed into the compactor, were about to pop and start oozing wet padding and gels all over Charlie's chest and into his hair.
By the time the compactor cycle ended, misses Newell and Daniel Newell went to bed for the night.

- The Next Morning-
Once Daniel and misses Newell were up and Daniel was off work for the next two days, Daniel had to play Catch-up on his house chores. Today, it was going to be Charlie's turn in the diaper dryer outside. After his morning coffee and his morning cigarettes, Daniel went out to the backyard to get the diaper dryer ready for Charlie and his diapers. Once the solar diaper dryer was open and waiting, Daniel went back inside the house and into the kitchen to get Charlie and the diapers out of the kitchen compactor. Before opening the compactor door, Daniel decided to run a couple more cycles of the be sure.
Inside the compactor, Charlie was just waking up and realizing that the compactor was on and the blade was coming down and crushing him and the diapers. As the compactor blade begins to press hard against his diapered bottom, he is pressed down into the wet diapers and pull-ups as well as the still clean and folded Pampers wing-fold diapers below him and packed around his head, chest and torso. Charlie's head and face are pressed into a couple of soaked pull-ups and also into a pile of smooshed and bunched up Pampers wing-fold diapers. A few of  the wet pull-ups burst at the leg elastics as the wet gels and padding oozed into and splattered into Charlie's face and hair.

Charlie: UUUUUUH!!! Stop it! Now I have slimy stuff all....OVER me!!

Daniel Newell stayed silent as the compactor blade retracted. Once the blade stops, he hit the start button again and the compactor starts up again. Daniel smiles with a lot of satisfaction that he knows Charlie is having his diapers packed nice and hard.

Charlie: NO! NO! NO! Not.....again! Come on!!!

Daniel Newell: YES! YES! YES! Again and again until I am satisfied that your diaper is ready for the diaper dryer!
Daniel Newell waits for the compactor cycle to end and then hits the button one more time. A few minutes later, once the compactor cycle ended, Daniel unlocks the door and slides it open. Daniel sees that Charlie's diaper hasn't burst at all.

Daniel Newell: (Mumbling under his breath) lucky son-of-a-gun!!! Ok Charlie, it is diaper dryer time. I am here to take you and these diapers out to be dried.

Charlie: Does that mean....that I can get out of here now?

Daniel Newell: Yes, but only to go into our nice, warm, solar diaper dryer until your diapers are dry enough so that my wife and I can load you into our diaper incinerator.

Charlie: How long will I be in that diaper dryer thing?

Daniel Newell: As long as it takes. Hey honey? Once I get Charlie into the diaper dryer, can you come and unfasten his diaper tapes some so that his diaper will dry faster???

Misses Newell: Sure will be a few minutes....I am changing our two kid's diapers and then Armada's diaper. Then I will be happy to do that.
Daniel drags the compactor bag out to the backyard to the side of the diaper dryer, and starts loading the open, unrolled, wet diapers and pull-ups, tossing the dry, Pampers wing-fold diapers aside so he can put them back into the bag for a bit, while the wet diapers and pull-ups dry. Daniel uncovers Charlie and as he bends down to pick him up and out of the bag, a bunch of diapers came up with him, dangling from his diaper with the tapes stuck to the front, crotch and butt of his thick and soaking wet diaper.

Daniel Newell: You made my job a little easier with all those.....wet diapers stuck to yours....maybe I'll just have my wife loosen your diaper a bunch instead.

Charlie: Wait! Don't put me in there!! What is going to happen to me?

Daniel Newell: It is going to get REALLY, nice and warm in there while your diapers dry out. I don't care what happens to you are being disposed of once you and these diapers finally dry out!

Charlie: Can......I play with the diapers  in here if I want?

Daniel Newell: Yea.....I don't care what you do! I will be checking to see if the diapers and yours, are dry from time to time. Once your diaper and the rest of these are dry, it will be time for your final disposal.

Charlie: What will you do to my diaper and I for final disposal?

Daniel Newell: OH.....why don't you just wait and see son, my wife and I will be preparing you and your diaper and the rest of these, for final disposition.

Charlie: But....Daniel! Why do I have to wear only my diapers for disposal? I...wanted to wear my favorite onesie!

Daniel Newell: is much easier to see if your diaper needs more compacting and if it has burst or not this way. When it is burn barrel time, it will be a lot easier to get you and your diaper prepared. Now....lay down....I don't care if you lay on your back, side or tummy!

Charlie: When that THING comes down and pushes against me, it feels cold against my skin! Some of the wet pull-ups and bulging wet diapers on my back and face, got me all....wet!!!!!

Daniel Newell: Son, the way things happen in the compactor. I have more diapers to load in there so lay back down so that I can finish loading the rest of these soaked, bulging diapers in there!

Charlie: Are any of those diapers....mine?

Daniel Newell: Yes, they are. Now...lay....down! Thanks!
Daniel Newell loads a bunch of unrolled wet Luvs Deluxe for boys and Huggies Story-Time whites into the trash compactor bag on top of Charlie. Daniel opens one of Charlie's wet diapers and with the padding side down, he wraps the wet diaper around Charlie's head and partly around his face on the left side.

Charlie: HEY!!! Why are you doing that? Stop it! Hey! MY....diaper bag! It still has clean diapers and wipes in it!!! 

Daniel Newell: Sorry son.....but......everything is trash now! Even your clean diapers and all of your clothes, clean and dirty!

Charlie: come they have to go in here?

Daniel Newell: Because....they are here for disposal! If...I say they need compacting, they all go in! your trash man! I.....decide what to do with you and your filthy diapers and clothes now!
Daniel then presses some of Charlie's wet diapers against his thick, bulging diaper, which squeezes his wet diaper against his butt. He had to do this to make some more room for the rest of the diapers that were all going into the compactor.

Charlie: How come after that thing comes down, the diapers and I get this....wet, slimy stuff all over? it?

Daniel Newell: That? Oh....that I'd deodorizer with antibacterial agents. It sprays everything after each cycle of the compactor.

Charlie: Why do you check my diaper  after each time that thing works?

Daniel Newell: see if you and the diapers need more compacting.

Charlie: Can you just....toss my unopened boxes of my Pampers wing-fold diapers in here? How come you open each box and the bags of my Luvs Deluxe for boys diapers and toss them in instead of the whole package???

Daniel Newell: Because, the packs and the boxes don't get compacted as well as when we take all of the diapers out, besides, you and the diapers need to be sprayed with antibacterial agents with that baby powder fresh scent.
Misses Newell comes in carrying four wet diapers and she tosses them in. Most of the diapers land on Charlie's head as Daniel finishes loading the last of the small load of wet and clean and dry Pampers and Huggies Story-Time whites diapers into the compactor bag on top of Charlie.

Daniel Newell: O.......K son......time....for a nice round of heavy compactor cycles. Ready?

Daniel Newell slides the compactor door closed and then locks it before hitting the start button. The compactor blade comes slowly down and begins to compact the recent load of diapers against Charlie and his bulging, wet diaper.

Charlie: Uuuuuuuuuuh! My.......poor.....comfy.......diapers!!!! Noooooooooo!!!! Stop! Please! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!!!! Uh! Noooooooooo! Not the.......awwwwwe, MAN!!! It's all....slimy now! Yuuuuuuuuck!!!
It....smells like.....powder now! ALL wet now with that.......slimy stuff!!!

As soon as the compactor cycle is over, Daniel opens the door, checks to see how Charlie's diaper looks and how all the other diapers look after the compactor cycle. Daniel pokes the back of Charlie's bulging wet diaper and sees that he and the diaper indeed did get squirted heavily by the antibacterial agents.

Daniel Newell: Time for another couple of cycles son....I am going to compact the load until satisfied!
Daniel closes the door again and starts another round of compactor cycles. After each cycle, the load gets sprayed with more antibacterial agents. By now, Charlie is soaked with the antibacterial agents. They are leaking into his wet diaper and all he can smell the faint smell of the wet diapers and the strong scent of baby powder, equalivant to the smell of a cabbage patch doll but twenty times stronger.
As Daniel is busy running the compactor, Armada toddles into the kitchen wearing a freshly changed Huggies Story-Time whites diaper with a Pampers wing-fold diaper on over it.

Armada: thing and what are you....doing?

Daniel Newell: This? It's the compactor son. The same one that you and YOUR diapers and clothes diapers are going into once it's your turn.

Armada: What do?

Daniel Newell: It crushes everything inside it down to make much more room for more trash. It also sprays everything inside it, with a fresh scented antibacterial agent to keep the smell of dirty diapers down.

Armada: I wanna go in there......I want MY diapers to be crushed and sprayed!

Daniel Newell: (With a surprised look on his face) You.....DO? just have to wait your turn I'm afraid. You will be put in there soon enough.

Armada: Why....does all of the wet diapers go in there with ones that are not wet?

Daniel Newell: Anything that we don't want, goes into a trash can and then this trash compactor. It helps squish out most of the extra wetness in the wet diapers so that the Solar diaper dryer out in the backyard, doesn't have to work as hard to dry the diapers out.

Armada: What happens if my diaper comes off or one of my diaper tapes comes off? Will you put it back on?

Daniel Newell: Nope! It stays the way it is. I don't care if your diaper falls off or it pops in my compactor. Once you and your diaper are put in the trash, it doesn't matter what happens to you or your diaper. You and all of the diapers in that load, belong to me. I get to do whatever I want to you and your diaper!

Armada: What are some of the things that you do to the diapers?

Daniel Newell: Well, if you happen to still be wearing clothes when I load you into the compactor, I usually take them off. I usually either cut them off with a pair of scissors, or I rip them up until they are off you. the diapered trash to have only their diapers on in the compactor.

Armada: Why did that boy's diaper bag with all of the clean diapers, wipes, baby lotion and his pacifiers get put into that crusher thing with him?

Daniel: Because......we can't use those kind of diapers and he didn't need them anymore once he was thrown away.
Daniel walks away from the compactor and goes over to the trash can that Maria is in and lifts the lid. He then paws around, moving some of the wet diapers aside, uncovering Maria. Armada follows and watches. Daniel then checks Maria's diaper to see how wet it is and if it's ready for the compactor.

Daniel Newell: Well....your diaper is a little wet....but it still needs to be bulging and nice and puffy before it's time to go into my.....NICE and comfy compactor.

Maria: WAIT! I'm not supposed to be put in there! NOOOO!!!!

Daniel Newell: Sorry.....but ALL.....of the wet diapers go into my compactor! You and your diaper are no exception! getting a nice, long, bunch of packings before it will be time for your final disposal!

Maria: How come all of my clean onesies and all of my disposable paper shorts are in here?? I haven't worn them much! They were given to me by my doctor to wear.
Daniel Newell: Don't worry.....all of your clothes and diapers are now trash, clean or dirty....they all are being thrown away! I.....want...ALL.....of Maria's diapers and clothing in her trash can by Thursday honey because I am doing a load of dirty diapers in the compactor.

Misses Newell: Sure babe. No....problem. will do.

Daniel Newell: Thanks ya.

Misses Newell: Love ya TOO!

Maria: How long is it until... Thursday???

Daniel Newell: You and this load have about 3 more days left before you and all of these diapers get loaded into my compactor! I...want your diapers to be nice and bulging wet for the compactor. I will come by and check to see if your diaper is bulging wet or not, often. The more wet your diapers are...the better! can go back to doing.....whatever it was you were doing in there......

Daniel closes and relatches the trash can lid and then goes to the couch to sit down and watch a football game. Armada toddles over and gets up onto the couch and sits next to Daniel. Armada looks at the TV screen and becomes disinterested in what is on. He then turns his head to his left and looks at Daniel.

Armada: Will I be your son soon?

Daniel: (looking to his right at Armada) will, but, unfortunately, you won't for too long. Once your adoption papers are finalized, it will be time to throw you and all of your nice, comfy diapers and clothes away.

Armada: (going over to Misses Newell) Miss....Newell?

Misses Newell: Yes hon, what do you need?

Armada: When everyone else gets THEIR diapers changed, will I.....when it's time for my disposal?

Misses Newell: NO....probably not hon. My husband wants your diaper to be nice and wet and bulging for the compactor.

Armada: I need my diaper changed miss Newell...

Misses Newell: Oh....OK hon....come....with me then. Have you decided which diaper you want to wear for this diaper change?

Armada: how these Huggies feel. Could....I get another one of these?

Misses Newell: Sure hon....

Armada: Can you add a LOT, A LOT of powder though?

Misses Newell: Sure, no...problem.

Armada: Am...I....going to be disposed of in that....round thing outside like the others?

Misses Newell: Actually, I husband is going to take you and a whole bunch of your diapers and the rest of another boy's diapers and clothing, to the Waste-To-Energy plant for final disposal.
Armada: Misses Newell?

Misses Newell: Which?'s a place where a lot of trash goes to be burned for energy sweetie.

Armada: You mean....that I am going to that is going to....burn my diapers and I?

Misses Newell: I'm baby. As soon as your adoption papers are done, you will belong to us and then we will have to dispose of you!

Daniel Newell: friend Andy who works in the booth operating the claw, will be loading you and your diapers into the incinerator hopper. You might spend quite a few days there, or if he needs a "wet" load, he may take you and the diapers right away.
As Misses Newell adds a lot of baby powder into Armada's clean diaper, before pulling it up and fastening the tapes, Armada looks around and sees that a couple of his clean and folded Luvs diapers have fallen out of their boxes.

Armada: Misses Newell?

Misses Newell: Yes hon?

Armada: May.....I call you....Mommy?

Misses Newell: (Looking over at Daniel who shrugs his shoulders) I...suppose so hon. As soon as your adoption papers are done, and we get copies, and your case worker confirms it, you....will be out son. Unfortunately, you won't be with us too long. We can't afford to keep you in all of these diapers. You already use up 6 diapers a day. One poopy one and the rest wet. That is one less than Charlie uses. He uses 7 or sometimes 8 diapers a day! I don't blame your mom and dad for leaving you and your things here.

Armada: What....are you going to do with all of my left-over Luvs diapers that are in the boxes over there?

Misses Newell: (again, looking up at Daniel for the answer) We are going to throw them away with you when it's time.

Armada: Since I am going to with lots of trash, am I....still going to be put into your thing in the kitchen where that one boy is in???

Daniel Newell: Yes......son! You and your diapers will STILL be loaded into our compactor. Still want to go in?

Armada: Yes...daddy. I.. do! When it's my turn, are YOU going to put my Luvs diapers and some of those Pampers Wing-fold diapers in there?

Daniel Newell: Sure....son, when it's your turn in the compactor, I will make sure you get the diapers you want in there with you. I may need to rip your onesie when it's time for your final disposal.

Armada: Will it be...this onesie that I am wearing?

Daniel Newell: Why? Is that your....favorite one?

Armada: I is my most comfy one that I wear the most.

Daniel Newell: Then I will be SURE to tear it off of ya before your disposal son.
Misses Newell finishes putting the Huggies Storytime white diaper on Armada.

Misses Newell: are sweetie, I bet you feel nice and comfy in those diapers now. Why don't you go outside in the backyard and play for a bit while my husband and I talk, OK sweetie?
With the compactor getting full, it becomes time to take the first load of wet diaper trash out to the incinerator. Daniel goes to the compactor, slides the door open, and prepares to tie the bag closed until it is time to load the incinerator. He then pulls the heavy bag up and out of the compactor bin and sets it down on the kitchen floor while he inserts a new compactor bag in. Once the new bag is in, Daniel carries the bag outside to the back porch and then right over to the incinerator. He sets the bag down for a minute while he unlocks and opens the incinerator lid. Charlie, still inside the bag, is jostled around as the bag and it's contents are carried outside. As the bag is set down, Charlie feels a thump and then the diapers crinkle and jostle before settling for a second.

Charlie: Hey! Where...are you taking me??? What...IS that? I can't see what is happening. Uuuuuh! What.....was....THAT??? What is that noise???

Daniel Newell: the incinerator son. It's final disposal time for you and all these stinkin diapers! OK.....I......N.....ya go! There!
Daniel lifts the bag up and puts it down into the empty incinerator.
Then, Daniel goes and gathers up some kindling and some larger split logs to load into the incinerator on top of the bag that Charlie is in.
Then Daniel opens the bag again, grabs Charlie by his right arm and wrenches him up so he is standing inside the bag, inside the incinerator.

Daniel Newell: Stand...UP son! Now....stay that....while I go get a few things to get you ready for your final disposal.
Daniel goes over to get the 10 gallon Diesel fuel can and brings it over with the pour spout open and ready to pour. He sets it down, puts on a pair of latex cleaning gloves as he calls misses Newell outside to assist with Charlie. Misses Newell comes outside wearing a thick pair or rubber cleaning gloves and comes over to Charlie to hold him while Daniel pours Diesel fuel over Charlie's head.

Charlie: Hey! What are you putting on the bag?

Daniel Newell: Some wood son, to keep you and the diapers burning as long as possible.
Daniel then opens the top of the bag and then gets the container of Diesel fuel and begins pouring it into the bag and all over the diapers and Charlie. Then, Daniel sets the container down then makes Charlie stand up.

Daniel Newell: Stand....up...son!

Daniel grabs him by his right arm and makes him stand.

Daniel Newell: Stand...right there while I soak the inside of your diaper. Don't.....move!
Daniel sticks the pour spout into the waistband of Charlie's diaper and begins to tip the container. As the diesel fuel pours, Charlie's diaper absorbs some but most of it leaks out the leg elastics and drips down onto the other diapers. Once Charlie's now bulging and puffy diaper has been soaked with diesel fuel, Daniel sets the container down and makes Charlie sit back down inside the bag.

Charlie: What are you doing with those two boxes of Pampers that are mine?

Daniel Newell: They....are trash son, they are going in there with you! Now....sit....while I load the diapers and some of these sticks!

Charlie: Hey! Don't put those into my diaper! Stop!

Daniel: oh...shut up! It's time for your final disposal!!! These sticks are being put into. ....whatever I feel like!

Charlie: Ouch! Stop...that! Those sticks hurt! Do put them down the front and back of my diaper???

Daniel: Yes! Now....sit down and or lay down for me so I can load a couple of these....Pampers diaper boxes in there!
Daniel takes the first unopened box of vintage Pampers wing-fold diapers and puts the box in on top of Charlie's chest. He then packs it down some with his right shoe.

Charlie: UUH! Uuuuuuuuuh! Why are my clean Pampers being thrown in here with me? Stop....pushing hard!

Daniel Newell: Because...son, we don't like these and we aren't going to use them on anyone else. They are trash now! Shhhhhh! Time to lay down now so that you can soak a little bit in the diesel fuel I am pouring in now. Then, I am going to start your final disposal.
Meanwhile, back inside, it is diaper changing time for everyone at the daycare. Armada is called over but is told to lie down and wait until everyone else gets their diapers changed first.

Armada: WHY....miss Newell? How come I...can't be first???

Misses Newell: Because hon, you are going to help throw all of these wet diapers away for me.

Armada: Am....I...going to be put into one of the...diaper pails today???

Misses Newell: Mmmm..... possibly.....not sure yet. I have to talk to my husband to see if he has heard anything.

Armada: Mommy?

Misses Newell: Yes...hon?

Armada: How come I have to go into that thing that all those diapers go into in the kitchen? Do....I go in there???

Misses Newell: Yes, hon. I am afraid you do. Wet diapers don't burn as well so we squish the wetness out so that your diapers will be a little drier. I asked my husband to put you in there once it is your turn.
Armada: What did he say?

Daniel Newell: (Stepping inside through the sliding glass back porch door and sliding it closed) I.. said....Good! More trash for the hungry packer! I can't WAIT for you and your diaper to go into MY compactor! You and those....wet diapers will be mine! I am your...trash man! Once my wife throws you into one of the diaper pails, you and your diapers, are under MY responsibility! You and your.....dirty diapers going into the matter.....what!
Daniel then goes over to the trash can that Maria is in and starts to drag the can over to the compactor in the kitchen.

Daniel Newell: (flipping the lid open quickly) O......K, next one into the packer! It's diaper crushin' time! Looks like your diaper is nice....and puffy and bulging! Yep! It's ready to go into the compactor! In....ya go!

Maria: Wait! Stop! Nooooooo! I don't wanna go in there!!! Quit it! Let....GO of me!

Daniel Newell: Tough shit! You:re gonna go in there and get your diaper crushed!!! Sucks for you!!!

Maria: Moooomy!!! Moooooomy! Don't let Daddy put HERE!!!!

Misses Newell: Shhhhhh! Do what my husband tells you to and do what he wants. He is in charge of you and your diapers now.

Daniel Newell: See? Now, lay down in there on your tummy so I can continue loading all of these NASTY, wet diapers!!!

Maria: Don't put the diapers on my...head...or my face please!!!!

Daniel Newell: They're going in there any way I can get them in there!!! It doesn't matter where I put them! You're trash! Time to load the packer now!
Daniel turns the 13 gallon trash can over, causing an avalanche of the wet diapers to spill out and into the compactor bag on top of Maria's back and puffy, bulging wet diaper.
Daniel then began to spread the wet diapers out some, brushing quite a few over Maria's head and onto her face. Then, once the can was empty, he went over to the stack of Pampers wing-fold diapers and picked up one of the boxes, then carried it over to the compactor. He then put it in, pushing down on it with both hands so that it would fit.

Maria: UUUH! What....was...that???

Daniel Newell: Some more diaper trash! Ok.... it's.....packer time!

Maria: NO! WAIT! Don't!!!!! Stop! Hold....ON!!!!
Daniel slides the compactor door closed and locks it. He then selects "Manual" and then hits the button. The compactor starts up and as it slowly comes down, it crushes the unopened box of Pampers as well as all of the diapers above Maria as well as Maria's diaper! Then, once the compactor cycle ended, Daniel switched the cycle over to "Auto" for the time being and then as he got up and walked away, carrying the now empty trash can, the next compactor cycle started again. Misses Newell was now done changing the other's diapers and now it was Armada's turn to have his wet diapers changed.

Misses Newell: OK....time to change your wet diaper now hon. Have you decided on which diaper you want to wear? There are...Luvs deluxe for boys, there are still some of your Huggies Story-time whites diapers left, and some of these plain, white LUVS that you came with.

Armada: I want......THOSE! (Pointing to the Plain white LUVS diapers)

Misses Newell: you want a lot of powder in your diaper too?

Armada: Yes miss Newell. I do.

Misses Newell: Sure....I will do that for ya.
Misses Newell adds a lot of baby powder into Armada's diaper and then she removed his white stained up, onesie that got heavily leaked on and tossed it onto his folded-over wet diaper and used wipes. She then grabbed one of his baby blue clean onesies and put it on him over his thick and bulky disposable diapers.

Misses Newell: OK hon, go play for the next half hour until your next diaper change.

Armada: Are you going to.....wash my onesie?

Misses Newell: No, it is going into the trash with your diaper.
Misses Newell takes the pile of wet diapers and wipes as well as Armada's wet onesie and carries it over to one of the now mostly empty 13 gallon trash cans and drops it all in before closing the lid.
Armada goes over to play with some cars on the carpet roads and before he knows it, misses Newell comes over to check his diaper.

Misses Newell: Hey sweetie, I know you are having fun playing with the cars, but I need to check your diaper to see if it needs changed.
Misses Newell unbuttoned the snaps in the crotch of Armada's onesie and then used her index and middle fingers to feel the inner liner of his diaper for wetness.

Misses Newell: Your diaper still feels nice and dry. I think I am going to change it anyhow. Come with me hon and I will take care of it for you.
Misses Newell brings Armada over to a spot on the floor and lays him down. She then reaches over to the nearby opened box of Luvs deluxe printed diapers and takes one out. She then reaches over to get the baby wipes and the powder before putting everything down next to Armada. She then unfastened the tapes which tore the plastic backing as she went. Once the diaper was unfastened and was laying open and flat between his legs, misses Newell took out a lot of baby wipes and began to wipe Armada clean with each one. Then, once there was a pile of wipes in the still dry diaper, she pulled the dry, wipe-filled, powdery diaper out from under Armada and set it on his chest with the plastic side down and the padding facing up. Then, she opened the clean diaper, lifted Armada up, slid the back of the diaper under Armada and then she added a lot of baby powder before pulling the front of the Luvs deluxe diaper up and fastening each tape snugly.

Misses Newell: are sweetie. Nice....and...comfy again.

Armada: Can....I keep this dry diaper to wear again later?

Misses Newell: No hon, it's going into the trash now. The tapes ripped the front plastic so it's trash now.

Armada: Could I get something to drink please?

Misses Newell: Yes sweetie, as soon as I take everything to the trash.
Misses Newell takes all of the wet diapers and Armada's soaked onesie over to the 13 gallon trash can and drops it all in before going to the kitchen to make Armada something to drink.

Misses Newell: I hope you don't mind drinking from a baby bottle because that is what I have available.

Armada: OK.

Misses Newell pours the apple juice into a clean baby bottle and brings it over to Armada.

Misses Newell: Here you go sweetie.

Armada: Thank you miss Newell.

Misses Newell: No problem hon.
Armada takes the bottle and starts drinking it as he plays with the cars. Another half hour to forty-five minutes goes by and it becomes nap time. Misses Newell changes everyone's diapers before changing Armada's.
Misses Newell: Come here hon, it's diaper changing time. I am going to put you in some nice, thick, comfy Luvs deluxe printed diapers. How would you like that?
Armada: Are they....soft?

Misses Newell: Yes hon, very soft. They will keep you nice, dry and comfy for a while. I wanted to tell you, that my husband told me that your adoption papers are coming in the mail in 2 to 4 days. You have that many days before we can dispose of you. I asked if it would be alright if we disposed of you at least into the trash can and he said it would be fine. So....after nap time, you get one more diaper change, when everyone else gets theirs, and when it's time to dispose of the diapers, you will go too.

Armada:! Can I stay little longer?

Misses Newell: No, I am afraid not sweetie. It will soon be time for your disposal. I will be stripping you down to just your diaper at the diaper pail so that my husband can see how your diaper is after it gets compacted in the kitchen trash compactor.

Armada: How long will I be in the trash can until I go into the thing in the kitchen?

Misses Newell: OH....until it's full and when the compactor is empty. I want you and all of your wet diapers to go into the compactor hon. Everything needs to dry out a little before final disposal. Dry diapers burn better I am afraid.
Armada: Is that...what is going to happen to my diapers and I?

Misses Newell: Yes baby, it is. When it's time for you and the diapers to be taken out, that is what happens.
Armada: Do I get one last diaper change before I go into the trash?

Misses Newell: We'll see hon. I will give you one last wipe-down at the very least. Ok sweetie, it's nap time. Let's take you over to your play pen and get you tucked in...ok?

Armada: What if...I were to choose one of those....LUVS deluxe for her diapers to wear to my disposal?

Misses Newell: (Lifting Armada into the play pen.) Lol...I...don't care...what you choose.... it's all going into the trash anyhow. They would look silly on you though. Sure, wanted to wear those, that would be fine. Ok, lay down sweetie. Good. Now try to sleep.
Misses Newell walks away after tucking Armada in for his nap.
......three and a half hours later.........
Misses Newell comes over to wake Armada up from his nap and get his diaper changed before his disposal.
Daniel walks in the front door getting home from work. He sees his wife bringing Armada over to get a diaper change and sees that Armada is going to wear one of the Luvs Deluxe prints for her diapers.

Daniel Newell: Why is he going to wear THAT diaper? Don't we still have some of the Luvs Deluxe diapers for boys?

Misses Newell: Yeah babe he requested these diapers for his last diaper change. If it's all going into the trash, let him have whatever diaper he wants. He sweetie, like me to give you that...last wipe-down from head to diaper?

Armada: Yes miss Newell. May I also get a lot, a lot of baby powder in my diaper too???

Misses Newell: Sure hon, right after I finish your wipe-down.

Armada: Where are you going to put those wipes??

Misses Newell: They'll all go into your diaper sweetie.

Armada: How many diapers are you going to change?

Misses Newell: I have.....eight, including yours baby.

Armada: Will all of them go into the trash on top of me?

Misses Newell: Probably hon.
Misses Newell uses 30 baby wipes to finish Armada's wipe-down, dropping each of the used wipes into the padding of the Luvs Deluxe for her printed diaper that was still laying open flat. Then, misses Newell opened the bottle of baby powder and began to shake a quarter of the bottle into the diaper and onto Armada before she put the bottle down.

Misses Newell: OK baby, ready to pull your cute diaper up. This...should keep you...ALL nice and dry and comfy while you wait for disposal in the compactor.
Misses Newell pulls the front of the Luvs Deluxe prints diaper for her up and fastens the tapes.

Misses Newell: are hon. All... better. Now, you're ready for disposal.
Armada: Can I at least wait until the rest of the diapers are changed?

Misses Newell: Sure hon, but you have to move over to the pile of wet and dirty diapers and wait until I am done.
Daniel walks into the room and sees Armada laying in a pile of folded over wet Luvs diapers, Pampers diapers and a few Huggies diapers. Armada has some of the wet Luvs diapers laying on his chest and stomach.

Daniel Newell: Are you....ready for disposal son? I see that you are just waiting for diaper disposal time. You sure have a really pretty diaper on son!

Armada: Do...I...have...a choice???

Daniel Newell: No not....really.
Misses Newell completes each diaper change, tossing the folded over diapers with lots of wipes stuffed in each one, on top of Armada who is laying down on the floor.

Misses Newell: It's time for disposal now baby. It's diaper disposal time now. Let's go.
As she tosses the last Luvs Deluxe prints diaper onto Armada's face, she gets up, goes over to where Armada and the pile of wet diapers are and she picks Armada up, cradles him in her arms as Daniel helps pick the diapers up that weren't picked up with Armada and puts them on Armada's chest before misses Newell carries Armada and the pile of diapers over to the brown 13 gallon trash can which has enough loose, wet diapers in it to fill it about a quarter of the way full. Daniel pulls the lid with the swinging top off while Misses Newell lowers Armada down into the fan on top of several open and wet Luvs deluxe diapers with their padding facing up and towards him. As misses Newell lowers Armada down into the trash can, Armada's head and face gets placed right into the middle of the wet Luvs diaper. The diaper wraps itself around Armada's head as misses Newell pulls her hands away. Armada tries to turn over onto his back but ends up on his right side as misses Newell puts the lid back on.

Misses Newell: time to put the lid on....bye bye baby. Enjoy that cute diaper while you can.
Misses Newell and Daniel walk away. Misses Newell goes back to look after her own kids and the few that were brought there for daycare, while Daniel goes over to the trash compactor, opens it, checks on Maria's diaper then he slides the door closed and runs another cycle.
Meanwhile.....inside the brown trash can.....
Armada keeps trying to get comfortable. All of the wet diapers underneath and all around him down near the bottom of the can feel lumpy and slightly cold against his skin. The wet Luvs deluxe diapers wrapped around his head and face is making it hard to get comfortable.
Armada finally is able to catch a glimpse of the diapers laying on his body. Some of the diapers aren't too wet while his own diapers beneath him, aren't wet at all. Armada reaches around and pulls a couple of his not-so wet Luvs and Huggies diapers  around so he can play with them. The used wipes fall all over his chest and front of his diaper. They slide down around his leg elastics and come to a rest. As Armada is busy playing with the diapers, he doesn't hear misses Newell walk over to the can and toss three very wet Luvs deluxe diapers, two Huggies diapers and three Pampers diapers into the swiveling lid. The diapers tumble onto his diaper and a couple land on top of his chest while a few of them land with the plastic folded over, between his legs.

Armada: Hey! Don't have to throw them at me!
Misses Newell ignores him as she turns and walks away.
Armada stands up a little, bending his knees so he can stick his head out of the swiveling lid to see what is happening outside the can. As he peers out, he sees Daniel walking over to the can he is in.

Daniel: Son, lay back down in there. Don't peek out of there. You are trash now son. If I see you peeking out again, I will have to push you back down in there.
Armada lays back down into the same, wet Luvs diaper as it rewraps itself around his head and face.
Another couple of hours go by and misses Newell comes over to the trash can with four more folded over Luvs Deluxe prints diapers, Huggies diapers and some pink Luvs for her diapers full of used wipes and baby powder clumps which fall all over his waistband as the diapers land on his diaper, on his head and face and between his legs.

Armada: Miss Newell! Miss Newell! How come there are a bunch of Pampers boxes sitting next to this trash can??

Misses Newell: Because, they...are trash. One of the boxes is going in there soon.

Armada: But, they aren't opened yet. The diapers must be clean!

Misses Newell: They are baby, but we aren't going to use those in the daycare. They are trash.

Armada: It...stinks in here! When can I get out?

Daniel Newell: Son, you....are trash now. You are not getting out until the can is full and needs to be compacted. So....lay down and be quiet.

Armada: Daddy? How come Mommy stuffed my diaper with all of these....wipes?

Daniel: Probably because you and your diaper are being disposed of and it doesn't matter.

Armada: How come she didn't take my onesie off as she said she would?

Daniel: It doesn't matter what you have on, you and everything is trash now. Now.....shhhhhh! Play with the diapers or.... something.
Four hours go by and misses Newell has some boxes of Pampers wing-fold diapers to put into the trash compactor along with Maria's diaper bag. She puts the boxes down near the compactor then sets Maria's diaper bag down. She then slides the compactor door open and starts putting the first unopened box of Pampers wing-fold diapers in on top of Maria. The box rests on her diapered bottom. Her Luvs deluxe printed diaper bulging with wetness and some of the padding becoming lumpy.

Maria: That...big box of clean diaper... isn't being put in here on it?

Misses Newell: Yes, both of them are.

Maria: Isn't bag too? Are my diapers still in there?

Misses Newell: (Opening the bag and looking) Yep. They still are quite a few of the Pampers wing-fold diapers in there.

Maria: But, come they have to be thrown away? Can't they be used first??

Misses Newell: Um, we don't like....these diapers. We aren't going to use them so....they are trash.
Misses Newell puts the diaper bag in and then slides the door closed and then runs a couple cycles of the compactor to crush the box of clean Pampers wing-fold diapers down so the other box will fit.

Maria: (inside the compactor) Uuuuuuuuuh!!!!! I think......the....diaper on my head.....burst! I have some....slimy, wet stuff in my hair!!!
Once the compactor cycles stopped misses Newell slide the compactor door open and indeed, one of the wet Huggies diapers had burst and the wet and slimy gels got into Maria's hair, all over her face and down her back and some had even forced their way down into her waistband of her diaper. Misses Newell loads the second box and then she slides the compactor door closed again and runs four more cycles to make sure the boxes got a good crushing.
Inside the compactor, Maria's diaper was getting a good crushing with the full Pampers wing-fold diaper boxes crumpling against it. As the boxes crumpled, the diapers inside began to burst out of the ripped cardboard box sides.
Maria groans as the compactor blade comes down each time. She feels the padding of her wet diaper beginning to force it's way out of her leg elastics with each cycle of the compactor. Maria can't move now that the compactor bag is nearly full. There is just enough room for one more 13 gallon trash can worth of wet diapers. Misses Newell brings some more of Maria's loose Pampers wing-fold diapers over to the compactor for disposal. She slides the door open and drops the loose, clean and still folded diapers into the compactor on top of the crumpled Pampers wing-fold diaper boxes. The diapers slide off the top of the crumpled Pampers wing-fold diaper boxes and land on their sides next to Maria's diapered bottom at her left side. Then misses Newell slides the compactor door closed and starts another cycle before walking away.

Maria: MY....diaper is bursting! STOP it! PLEASE!!! Those are my clean and comfy diapers! Uuuuuuuuuh! Uuuuuh! (Maria exhales as the pressure rises!) OOOOH....plllleeeeease!
The compactor cycle stops and then some deodorant was sprayed all over Maria and all of the diapers inside. The fresh baby powder scent was very strong!
A few hours later, misses Newell brought a handful of wet folded over Huggies for him diapers, Luvs deluxe for her printed diapers ( with a lot of used wipes and a lot of baby powder clumped up inside) as well as some Pampers Baby dry diapers over to the trash can that Armada was in, for disposal. Misses Newell tossed the diapers into the swiveling lid and they landed on Armada's diaper, chest and head as he laid there playing with the diapers of his that weren't too wet at all. Armada wondered why all of these still mostly dry Luvs deluxe for him printed diapers had been thrown away as the wet diapers fell on him and spilled their wet and used wipes as well as the clumps of wet baby powder all over him. The clumps of baby powder we're now all stuck in his hair and sliding down into the waistband elastics of his Luvs deluxe for her printed diaper.
Meanwhile, the compactor was now full enough to take out to the backyard for final disposal. Misses Newell tossed in six more wet Luvs, Huggies, and Pampers diapers before sliding the door closed and running several cycles of the compactor to make tying the compactor trash bag closed, much easier. Once the compactor cycles stopped, misses Newell slide the door open again and pulled the sides of the bag up and then she began to tie the bag shut.
Maria: Wait! happening? It's getting hot in here!
The bag is lifted out of the compactor and as it is, everything inside slides down some and the sides of the bag begin to press against Maria's right side as the two crushed and crumpled Pampers wing-fold diaper boxes began to press harder against her diapered bottom. Then, the bag was put down and Maria felt the thud!
Maria: UH! Where.....are you...taking me???
Misses Newell carries the bag out of the kitchen, and out to the back porch where she leaves the bag with two others and a couple of cardboard boxes. Then she goes back into the house. Once inside she goes to entertain her little guests of her home daycare. As the hours progress, misses Newell changes quite a few more wet diapers. Since the compactor is empty and needs a new bag put into it, she brings the wet diapers to Armada's trash can and tosses them in through the swiveling lid.

Armada: Hey, hey...miss Newell? Am I going into the crusher thing or am I being taken outside once my can is full?
Misses Newell: You're going into the compactor once it is your turn. I think your adoption papers came in the mail today. If they...did, you...will go into the compactor soon.
Armada: Do

Misses Newell: Yep, afraid so.

Armada: How..  many more wet diapers are going to be put in here??

Misses Newell: OH....probably another....20 to 25 before the can will he full.

Go to Plan A The Waste-to-energy plant (Continued-1) for the rest of the story

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The Covid-19 Era Death-With-Dignity Disposal

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