Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Rear-loader Garbage Day-Inspired by ThaThunderStorm

It was a warm and sunny day in August when Rose came into her thickly diapered son's bedroom early that morning to change his wet diaper, as she always did, every morning. The difference in her situation is, her son was now 14 years old.
Rose: Good morning honey, did you sleep Well?! You are soaking wet! Let me get that wet thing off and get you into a nice, dry and comfy diapy-poo shall we???
Avery: Mooom!!! not....a baby any more!
Rose: As long as you live in this house, and you wear diapers, you are my baby!!! I gave birth to you, I have diapered you since then.
Ok, here.....we go.....(unfastening the tapes and pulling the front of his diaper down so to wipe him clean)
Rose: This....ought to be...a lot more comfy......getting you.....all...nice....and clean.....THERE!  (Dropping the last wipe into the diaper before she pulls it out from under Avery, and folds it over, before setting the wet diaper on the floor and grabbing the thick, bulky, white Northshore Care Supply #SupremeOvernight diaper, opening it up, sliding the back half under Avery, then shaking a lot of powder into the diaper before she pulls the front of the diaper up and begins fastening the tapes snuggly.)
Rose: There! All.....better now. (Giving his thickly padded bottom a couple of light pats.) OK....UP...UP you, let's get you.....little mister, into one of your.....nice.....comfy onesies.
Avery: But...MOM!!! Do wear thing????
Rose: Of course you do! You wear.......what I say you will keeps your diaper covered when we go out. Today, honey, is a very, special day. Your father and I have been talking, he and I both agree that all of your disposable diapers, all of the cloth diapers, plastic pants that we bought for you, have cost us too much. We can't afford you, your diapers any more. Yesterday, while I was at work, I called several agencies to ask them to take you. You are too old for a couple of them, not old enough for another couple, and none of the foster homes in this and the next state, have room for someone who has to wear diapers. Your father called our state Representative and he referred us to this facility that told us to go ahead and just take you and all of the stuff we don't want, right.....out to the curb for disposal. This facility called the trash company that picks our trash up and told them that we were disposing of you and your diapers. They arranged for the trash company to take you as trash, on trash day, which is tomorrow.
So.....tomorrow at around 7:00 am, you and I will be standing out at the curb, waiting for the nice......trash man to come take you and your diapers away.
Avery: But, but, but.....MOM!!! Do you and dad.... have to throw me....away?
Rose: Because.....we can't afford to diaper you any longer. We have been spending over $400 per month on your....disposable diapers per month, including shipping, and.....6 months ago, we spent $359.83 on 6 dozen cloth diapers and plastic pants for you that now, we rarely use. I'm so....sorry baby, but, your father and I have already made the arrangements for your disposal. Our trash man has agreed to take you and your diapers.
Avery: PLEASE!!! PLEASE.....don't let the trash man take me!!!! I......I......Promise!!! I will try harder to get out of diapers!!! I swear!!!
Rose: My baby......everything is already set up. It is going to happen no matter what. You are being turned over to the trash man. Your father has already paid them and signed your custody papers over to them. They have control of you now.
Avery: Are you......going to throw....ALL......of my diapers and clothes away...too???
Rose: Yes, I am....
Avery: diapers that are still in the packs???
Rose: Every.....Single.....Diaper that is here baby.
Avery: Will you change my diaper before we go out there at least???
Rose: Well, we will see. The trash men don't care if your diaper is wet or not, once they put you into their trash truck, it won't matter if your diaper is wet...or not. It's all going to be trash along with you....I'm afraid.
Avery: What if I don't wanna wear my onesie tonight? Can I sleep without it?
Rose: Yes, baby, I can.
When I come to wake you up early in the morning, I will decide if I am going to change your diaper then or not.
Avery: I.....don't....WANNA be......dis....posed of!!!!
Rose: Sorry Avery, but.....the trash man already is expecting you. Our trash man......a very, cool guy indeed, that we know as ThaThunderStorm, is going to take you and your diapers, clothes and your sheets, comforter and pillow to the landfill.
Avery: Even.....if I don't wanna go???
Rose: Yes! Even if you don't wanna go!!! ThaThunderStorm doesn't care if you are wet, dry, what you are wearing or...not wearing, or what you feel like....he... is just going to grab ya, load you into the back of his trash truck, load the rest of the trash and your diapers, then, he will start that compactor.
Avery: MOOOOOM!!! You mean....
to tell are going to let...the trash man take me????
Rose: Yes baby, I am. Your father already paid our trash man to take you and your diapers. They already own you now baby. ThaThunderStorm is coming tomorrow to take you away to your new home, the....landfill.
Avery: Can I at least.....wear the diapers that....I want before you take me out to the trash truck?
Rose: Sure baby....what diapers do you want to wear???
Avery: Can I at least have 8 of my cloth diapers layered into my Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight Diapers
Rose: Sure. I will grab 8 of your cloth diapers from the trash can before your father takes the trash out to the curb tonight. I will put them into tour diaper that I put on you tonight so that when I wake you up tomorrow, I won't have to change tour diaper.
Ok baby, lay down now so that mommy can change your diaper. Your diaper doesn't look or feel that wet yet, but, I'm going to change it anyhow.
Avery: Mommy!!! My diaper is still....comfy though! Don't change it yet!!!
Rose: Son, it really doesn't matter to our trash man what you are wearing! When I take you out there to the curb, he is just going to grab you, toss you into the hopper and then run the compactor!!!!
Avery: NOOOO! PLEEEEASE! Please......I....PROMISE I will try not to wet my diapers! Promise! I....swear I won't!
Rose: Sorry, It's too late. You already belong to the trash company! We paid them to take you tomorrow morning. You are their property now!
Our trash man will just toss you right into the back of the truck and dump in more trash and and diapers on top of you, then run the compactor! He doesn't care. So.....there.....all...done. You should be all, nice, dry and comfy now for the night and the morning when I take you out to the curb to meet our trash man.
Avery: BUT, but, but......what are you going to do with my.....cloth diapers that were still inside that disposable diaper you just took off me?
Rose: OH, they will go into the trash outside which will be set out at the curb tonight, you...want it?
Avery: Yes mom,
Rose: Fine! Here! You and that diaper are both going to the same place anyhow. I don't care if you sleep with it or not, you will be packed in with a bunch of them anyhow. We live right next door to a home daycare that throws a ton of diapers away weekly.
OK babe, lay down and mommy will tuck you in one final time. There. Comfy? (Kissing Avery's forehead) Good night sweetie. Sleep well. Morning comes faster than you think. (Flips light switch off and room becomes dark) nighty night now.
Rose closes the door.
The Next Morning.....
5:30 AM:
Rose gets up, gets showered, dressed and pours her first cup of coffee. As she drinks her coffee, she begins grabbing Avery's unopened packs of clean, and unused disposable diapers and taking them out to the curb, leaving them sitting beside the full and over-loaded 96 gallon trash tote to the left of it in a row. Then, once the last pack was at the curb, Rose grabs a handful of Avery's clean and folded cloth diapers from the diaper changer drawers, and takes them out to the curb and puts them on top of the packs of Avery's clean disposable diapers. Rose comes back in three more times and carries out another heaping handful of Avery's clean and folded cloth diapers and onesies.
Once the first two drawers were emptied, Rose opens the next and last two drawers and takes out a bunch of plastic and rubber pants as well as plastic-lined cargo pants and slacks. She then carries them outside to the curb and leaves them on the stack of diapers on top of the packs of Avery's disposable diapers.
Then, Rose comes back in and goes to wake Avery.
Rose: (leaning over Avery who is still sleeping) Hey hooooney,  wake UUUUP! It's morning time. I need to take these blankets out to the curb right now before the trash man comes. Come on....waky, waky baby! (Pulling all of the covers off the bed, wadding it up and then leaving to take them out to the curb. Once his covers were at the curb, Rose came back into Avery's bedroom and got Avery up and gave him two tall glasses of white whole milk and a breakfast bar to eat for breakfast.)
Rose: Hurry up and drink your milk and eat your breakfast bar so that we can go out and wait for our trash man. I don't want to miss him.
Avery: OK.....ok!
Avery finishes his breakfast bar and drinks his milk then Rose grabs Avery's diaper bag, still fully stocked, with two bottles of baby powder, six clean diapers, a container of baby wipes, and a couple of Avery's clean onesie bodysuits still inside, and slings the diaper bag over her left shoulder before grabbing Avery's right hand and then opening the front door with her right hand, while leading Avery outside into the cool morning air then closing the door.
Rose and Avery walked out to the curb where the thick-bladed green grass met the cement of the curb, where the three over-filled 96 gallon trash totes were and the packs of his clean disposable diapers.
Rose stopped Avery and made him stand next to the last trash tote behind the pile of his onesies, clothing and packs of his clean disposable diapers while she unfastened the buttons in the crotch of his onesie and then she began to take the stained up, partially wet, white onesie off. Once she got it off of Avery, Rose tossed it onto the pile of clean ones at the curb.
Rose: I want you to be wearing just your diaper for disposal. Oooh! Your diaper is leaking too!'re trash now. Just a few.....more minutes......and the trash truck will be here. Can't you hear the truck on the block down from us? Soon, they will turn and come towards us....first, they have to stop at the home daycare next door. There will be a BUNCH of dirty diapers in there for ya.....
Avery listened for the sound of the trash truck coming and he began to shiver and shake in fear. The trash truck indeed was coming closer and closer. The sound of the Detroit diesel engine racing, and the sound of trash totes banging was a kin to the sound of #Thunder to Avery.
Rose: I...can't WAIT to see you being disposed of boy! so...excited!!!
Avery: BUT! BUT! BUT! Mooom! I don't wanna be disposed of! Can I get my wet diaper changed at least? My diaper is starting to leak and run down my leg!!!
Rose: Sorry boy! I do not clean up now are trash!
Soon, the rear loader trash truck appears as it pulls around the curve and it stops next door to empty the trash from the home daycare. They empty 5 large 96 gallon trash totes and empty two 32 gallon Rubbermaid trash cans full of loose wrt and messy disposable diapers. Then, the truck pulls forward and comes to a stop right in front of Avery and Rose standing at the curb. ThaThunderStorm jumps down, grabs the first of the cloth diapers and plastic pants and tosses them into the hopper of the trash truck. Then he grabs the unopened packs of Avery's clean Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight disposable diapers and tosses them all into the hopper. Then, ThaThunderStorm comes over to Avery, and with his gloved hands, grabs Avery's left arm and forces him to stand at the back of the truck for a few seconds.
ThaThunderStorm: OK boy.....time to get into the hoppa ya want help or can you git in on yo own? Nah.....I'll git ya in!
ThaThunderStorm lifts Avery up and sits him down on the edge of the hopper facing him, ( with his back towards the hopper) and then he pushes Avery back and Avery falls down onto his back, landing on some of the loose cloth diapers and a large pile of loose, unrolled wet disposable diapers.  Then, ThaThunderStorm began to toss the rest of the packs of diapers and what was left of the loose cloth diapers into the rear loader trash truck hopper. Avery sat up with his elbows propping him up to see what was coming next.
ThaThunderStorm brought the first 96 gallon tote around to the back and hooked it to the tipper. Then he activated the tipper. All of Avery's disposable diapers came crashing down upon him.
Avery: Hey! Sir? Please......please don't throw me away! I need my diaper changed too!
ThaThunderStorm: Sorry! You are trash! I am here to haul your mom's trash away. I don't care if your diaper is wet...or not! Almost time for a packer cycle....I can wait until the next stop to run it, but I have to run the packer then fo sho.
Avery: PLEEEEEASE don't do this to me! PLEASE!!!
ThaThunderStorm: I...have to son! You are in the trash, so this is what happens to da trash son! Git ready boy......OK.....packa time!!!
ThaThunderStorm runs the first part of the packer cycle and the blade comes most of the way down. This scares Avery so badly that he wets his already leaky diaper. Then, ThaThunderStorm starts the second half of the cycle. The scooper part of the blade extends out as it comes down and over Avery with a rolling wave of loose cloth diapers, loose disposable diapers, packs of unopened Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight Diapers and packs of unopened booster pads, folded and freshly cleaned white onesies, and 30 plastic and rubber pants. The blade slowly scoops Avery and the diapers and other trash up and pulls it all in. Avery's bulky, soaked diaper is smooshed up against his butt as a lot of the wetness leaks out and runs back down into the hopper. ThaThunderStorm sees the small river of wetness and knows that the packer has pressed Avery's diapers hard!
Avery: (Mumbling from behind the packer blade) Hey! Get me out of here! It's hot, stinky, and there are wet diapers all over me!
ThaThunderStorm ignores Avery as he empties the trash from the current stop and then, suddenly, the compactor blade releases the pressure and Avery, a bunch of the diapers and other trash, comes falling back into the hopper. As the compactor blade comes back down then stops momentarily, ThaThunderStorm starts the second part of the packer cycle. The scooper blade begins to scoop Avery, a bunch of the diapers and other trash up as it also begins to press and pack Avery, the diapers and other trash against the trash and diapers already inside. Avery moans as the packer cycle stops.
As the truck moves on to the next house, Avery's diaper is uncomfortably pressed against his butt and is leaking wetness down onto the hopper floor, which is trickling down into the hopper.
ThaThunderStorm jumps down and grabs the first trash can. It is full of blue diaper disposal bags from a diaper genie. The bags are all laying inside the large 97 gallon trash rote as ThaThunderStorm pulls it over to the back of the truck and swings the can lid back to prepare to empty it.
As he dumps all of the "diaper sausages" into the hopper, he thinks;
ThaThunderStorm: Here are some....more dirty diapers for you....AVERY!!!
Then, once the first can was empty, ThaThunderStorm brought the next can over to empty. This can had a lot of old baby clothing in it and some bathroom trash in it. The can was emptied into the hopper and then ThaThunderStorm grabbed the 3rd and last can and brought it over to empty. This can had all of the usual household trash in it. He empties the trash into the hopper then puts the empty can back before grabbing the folded playpen and the two strollers, tossing them into the hopper. Then, ThaThunderStorm starts the compactor cycle. As the blade opens up, Avery and a few of the loose diapers fall back into the hopper again.
ThaThunderStorm: OH! Back for some more packer action.....are ya?? Ready for more? Let me give it to ya!!! your...bags Sonny...boy! You're going on a nice trip to the transfer station!!!
ThaThunderStorm runs the packer cycle and it crushes Avery's diapered butt against a lot of loose diapers, trash bags full of cloth diapers, and other trash while the trash that was just loaded was also crushing against his entire body as well as his diapered butt. As the compactor cycle ended, the truck went to the next stop. As the truck pulled up to the next stop, ThaThunderStorm jumped down and began to bring the nearest 96 gallon trash can over to the back of the truck, flipping the lid open as he did. He noticed that the entire can was full of loose, wet and formerly wet cloth diapers, Luvs disposable diapers that were just a little bit wet and not rolled up, as he watched the can tip it's contents into the hopper of the red rear loader.
Once the load had spilled out into the hopper, he put the can back down and rolled it back to the curb before grabbing the next can. As he grabbed the second can, he saw a maid, a cleaning lady, wearing scrubs standing there at the curb and standing next to her, was a medium sized boyish dude, wearing only a thick, wet, cloth diaper with clear plastic pants on over it.
ThaThunderStorm: Good....Morning miss. Is he just...watching or is he out here for disposal?
Cleaning Lady: He is here for disposal. We were...just waiting for you to he ready to take him.
Diapered dude: Hey! I don't wanna be thrown away! Aren't those....MY....diapers that were thrown into that....trash truck???
Cleaning Lady: Yep! They are. You aren't going to need them where you are going!
ThaThunderStorm: Well then son, it's put you....into the truck along with the rest of the trash! (Grabs the dude's left hand and pulls him over to the back of the truck then begins to load him into the hopper with the rest of his cloth diapers, clean and wet disposable diapers.)
Diapered dude: But, but, you threw away...all of my clean cloth diapers and a lot of the packs of my disposable diapers! Hey! Don't put me in here with my diapers!
ThaThunderStorm: I don't care about the diapers or what you have on or don't have on! You are....trash and I am your trash man! I am here to haul the trash away! there! It's packer time boy!
ThaThunderStorm loads the thickly cloth diapered dude into the hopper and then starts the compactor cycles. Then he goes to get the rest of the trash emptied quickly so that the route won't be late! The dude's plastic pants crushed up against his wet cloth diapers as the blade scooped the loads of trash and diapers up and compacted it all into the container.

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