Saturday, March 24, 2018

Crushing Time-Version-1

Crushing Time

                       Inspired by those whom own “Dionisio Metal and Iron

The scrapyard opened at 7:30 am every weekday morning and opened at 9:00 am Saturdays. It had been prearranged for me to be crushed and shredded inside a vehicle for my death with dignity because the death with dignity bill had passed and within that law, I am able to choose the method in which I use to die. I had told my parents that I wanted to be crushed inside of a vehicle at a junkyard.
My parents heard my desire and they worked with the only one that would take me after they called around to as many junkyards nearby as they could find. This junkyard required signing over my custody to them. Once my parents agreed to do so, the junkyard could do….whatever they wish with me and my things.
The junkyard effectively owned me as their “Property” or moreover, their unwanted property.
This junkyard had family that owned the scrap-yard where the vehicles were taken to get shredded. After some long and detailed phone calls to the scrap-yard, Jenny at this junkyard was able to make arrangements to take me and my diapers. The scrap-yard was simply going to process each vehicle as normal.
Tom and Lucy, were my foster care parents and they along with the state agreed that they didn’t want me any more if it was going to take a lot of care and a lot of money to take care of me once I was bedridden. The junkyard agreed to buy my diapers and I by the weight. John was the scrap metal yard supervisor. He was in charge of making sure that certain vehicles and other metal objects were loaded into each vehicle, and each loaded vehicle was properly crushed and shredded each day. 
John, Jenny and my foster parents had made approved arrangements for me to load a vehicle that they had chosen, with 
all of my adult diapers, size six boxes and packages of diapers, all of my cloth diapers from the two 32 gallon Rubbermaid trash cans and the 96 gallon WM trash can as well as all of the loose disposable diapers from four 100 gallon black trash bags that had also been emptied out into the vehicle. 
I arrived at the junkyard at opening time around 7:30 and dressed in a T-shirt a thick disposable diaper and shoes with no socks. Tom met me at the entrance near the scale.

John: Hi there. I see you're dressed for the occasion Let's get you and all of your.....stuff, over to the vehicle we have ready for ya. Shall we? Oh, this is Jenny. She owns this company and she is going to help load you and everything into the vehicle. 

Me: Nice to meet you Jenny. 
Hey Jenny, how is my crushing going to go exactly? 

Jenny: Well, as soon as we get you nice and comfortably loaded into the vehicle, you will have to wait your turn to be crushed. We have a list of vehicles that we have to crush today and you have 12 vehicles ahead of yours. You probably won't get crushed until near closing time this afternoon. 

Me: So, what happens if I get bored and want to take a nap? 

John: The forklift operator has been told that he is to load the vehicle you're going into, into our crusher no matter what. Once we weigh you and your things, you will belong to the scrap company and then you will get loaded into the crusher in that vehicle and then you and the vehicle will wait it’s turn in the crusher.

Jenny: Come with me and I will have all your things brought to the scale now. The company wants your weight. 
Your mom and dad will sign the document and then I will sign it and then I will get you nice and loaded up into the vehicle with your diapers. May I ask are dressed like that? 

Me: I have severe central and peripheral neurological damage that causes enuresis. 
I have to wear diapers because my nervous system causes me to loose control over my bladder basically.

Jenny: Oh, OK......Well, come stand on the scale with all your diapers for me, stand still OK? 
Jenny gets off the scale and the weight is taken and then a ticket is printed. The scale house attendant hands my foster father a clipboard, a pen and the ticket and shows him where to sign. He signs the ticket and then the scale-house attendant signs. then Jenny comes over, fills out a document with my weight, and description as sell as descriptions of my diapers. Jenny then takes the time to take some pictures of my body to show any scars and birthmarks. Then the scale-house attendant began to take pictures of all of my diapers before adding the pictures to the computer file they just generated. 

Jenny: (Motioning for other workers to come bring all of my diapers to the old Ford Contractor’s panel van across the yard and near the crusher.)
OK, I am going to walk you to the van now where we will load all of your stuff in after you climb in. Do you have everything you need? Is there anything you want before you go in? Is that diaper of yours nice and comfy? It looks wet. 

Me: I WOULD like a couple of bottles of water have them please.....

Jenny: Sure, I will get those for you after we are done loading the van. Now, once you're in the van, you won't be allowed out. You WILL have to stay put in there the rest of the time. Understood? 

Me: Yes, Understood. What if I want to change my diapers? 

Jenny: You can do that in there. I don't foresee a problem with you changing in there if you want. I personally don't care if your diapers are wet or not! Now, You belong to the scrap company now. They can do what they wish to you and with you. I won't be getting you anything more once you're in the van. 

Me: Before I go in, may I watch you crush a car? I want to know what I can expect. 

Jenny: Um, OK, sure, come with me....
Jenny grabs me by my right arm firmly and brings me over to the side of the crusher that is just now being loaded with the day's first vehicle. I notice that they added two blow-up dolls in the passenger seat and driver's seat so they can show me what it may be like when they crush me in the van.
I watch intently as the crusher starts and runs, crushing the car. Before the crusher starts, the forklift operator uses his forks to bend the doors in some, then he motions for someone to start the crusher.

Me: Why do they do that with the forks? 

Jenny: It makes the doors bend inwards so that when the crushed cars go onto the trailer, they don't stick out or a door doesn't open and hang off. 

Me: Will they do that to the van? 

Jenny: Maybe, we'll see. 
Jenny and I watch the crush test dummies getting crushed in the car and then I watch them load in another vehicle on top, stacking three vehicles on top of each other in the crusher. 

Me: Jenny, are you going to stack another vehicle on top of the minivan I'm in? 

Jenny: Yes, there will be another car, truck or van put on top. That's how we do it. 

Me: How long will it be until the van I'll be in, goes to the shredder? 

Jenny: Oh, right after the last car is crushed, we load them onto a semi flatbed trailer and when that is full, it goes to the shredder right away. They shred everything right until closing time. Then, they start again the next morning. I think your load will be shredded tomorrow morning seeing as how you and the van are being crushed so late. Then again, if we can’t get the van you’ll be in crushed today, we WILL get to it by lunch time tomorrow. OK, now you've seen how your crushing will go, it's time to get you and your things loaded into the mini van. I have one ready for you over here......come with me. I am having your diapers loaded up into the van as we speak so that you'll be nice and ready for crushing in just a little bit. I see that your diaper is wet....would you care to....change it or would you rather stay like that? 

Me: OH....I think I'll stay like this....NO sense in wasting a clean diaper......besides, the clean diapers are going to be in there anyhow.....

Jenny: Good point. 

Jenny leads me over to the van she prepared for me and when we arrive, there are two men taking my packs of diapers and tossing them into the van. Then one of the men grabs one of the large, black trash bags, opens it, and then empties it onto the floorboards of the old Ford contractor’s panel van. 
Jenny: OK, time….to….get into the van now. Need any…help?
Me: NO, I think….I can manage…..
Jenny: OK…good, now remember, once you’re inside there, you are to stay inside. You are now property of this company.
Me: Alright. Do you care what I do while I’m in here????
Jenny: As far as I am concerned, I don’t care, Nor does the company.
Me: Do you care if my diaper falls off during transport to the crusher or if I am in the middle of changing it?
Jenny: NO, I’m afraid not. Whatever is inside the van, is trash and in the shredder, everything that isn’t metal is considered “fluff” and is separated and then disposed of and then taken to the landfill!  What is left of you and your diapers WILL be taken to the local landfill.
ME: What if…I DO get out of the van? What will happen to me?
Jenny: Well, if we are opened at the time, someone will see you and they will put you RIGHT back in there! If they have to weld the doors closed, then that’s what will happen!
ME: How long will I be IN here before the van goes into the crusher?
Jenny: I don’t know yet. The forklift operator will stage all of the vehicles over near the crusher and then take them over to get crushed when he can reach each vehicle. YOU and this van will go over near the end so…you and the van may end up getting crushed after lunch sometime. Once this van is loaded, the forklift operator will take the van over there to the staging area and put it into a line and maybe even on top of another vehicle. If not, he will put the van on the ground and another vehicle will go on top. IF….that happens, then….once the vehicle on top is crushed, it will be next. OK? (Leaning out of the van and turning her head to the left to speak to the two guys loading the van with the diapers) Guys, when you’re done loading the diapers, make sure that he can’t leave the van…will ya? Thanks. (turning back to ME ) OK, well, I have to get back to the scale-house now, these guys will load your diapers into the van and then they will close and lock all of the doors. Since this is one of those contractor panel vans, it has NO windows in the back part. You won’t be able to see out and they won’t be able to see in. DO…whatever you want in there. OK….bye-bye now…….
Jenny walks back to the scale-house while the two men keep tossing all of the diapers into the van. I get comfortable in the floor where there are some old fleece blankets, an old comforter and then I see my pillow get tossed into the van along with some of my clothes. I get up and lean over to reach my pillow and one of the guys tosses in a black trash bag full of my loose but clean diapers. It hits me on my right side and the impact makes me stumble to the left and brace myself against the left side of the van.
Me: HEY! That almost knocked me over!
Junkyard worker 1: SO? Who cares! You are now trash! Junk! No one cares what happens to the crap and junk inside the vehicles! Whatever is in the vehicles, goes into the crusher with the vehicle!
Me:  How come, I gotta be crushed like this?
Junkyard worker 1: Uh…I don’t know. I think Jenny wanted you disposed of as soon as possible because she has to make some money on you by the weight of the vehicle at the scrap-yard. They pay by the weight of each vehicle. That’s why we usually fill each vehicle with as many heavy pieces of metal so to get as MUCH weight in the vehicle as possible. Since your wet diapers weigh so much, we just have to completely fill this van with as many of your diapers as will fit. We hope to get MORE for this thing than most of the others…due to the weight. Now, go sit down in there will ya? Once we finish loading your diapers, you won’t have much room to move around in there. So….If I were you, I’d get nice…and comfy somewhere in there.
I go sit down on some of the black trash bags full of my formerly wet but still heavy as hell disposable and cloth diapers. Once the men finished loading the last of my diapers into the minivan, there wasn’t much room left. The loose diapers were piled up nearly to the roof in the center of the van. The old Ford Econoline Contractor van was now almost ready to be transported over to the staging area near the crusher. Jenny came walking back over to the van carrying a 12 pack of bottled water.
Jenny: (Approaching the van with the water and coming around to the rear doors, opening one and setting the water bottles inside.) Here…is the water I promised you. Since ANYTHING that is inside a vehicle gets processed along with the vehicle, we…..won’t care if you are inside or what you look like or smell like nor will we care if you or anything in here, objects to being crushed. YOU…..and all of this…belong to our company. The company doesn’t want you or any of this so…….that’s why you are going right into this old contractor’s van. If ANYONE here sees you outside of this van though, we WILL treat you like a blowing trash bag that got loose and we will toss you RIGHT back into the van. These doors won’t lock any more, so… had better stay in there……It WILL get hot in there but since there are no more windows in the front of this thing, you should get plenty of air. Now…..I gotta get back to work now, but if this van isn’t crushed today, it WILL be for sure tomorrow after lunch. DO whatever you need to get ready. OK….Bye-bye hon……..
Jenny closes the back door and then walks away.

It got really dark in the back of the van except for the light and little bit of air coming through the bulkhead blocking me from being able to get into the front of the van. It wasn’t that hot in there yet, I felt wet and my diaper was heavy and soggy. I decided to go ahead and change my diaper. I got up, walked over to a pile of my #NorthshoreCareSupply #SupremeOvernightDiapers, a bag of their thick #Boosterpads and I got one of the diapers out then I took out four of the booster pads, meaning only to get three out. I took everything back to the spot I had been in inside the van and laid down to begin unfastening the tapes. JUST as I started to get the tapes undone, I heard the sound of the approaching forklift coming closer and the sound getting louder and louder. Then, the motor came to almost an idle as I heard the sounds of metal scraping underneath the van. Then, the van tipped over slightly to the left then it jerked and bounced slightly, as the forklift picked it up and tilted it to the right slightly as the forklift carried the van over to the staging area. The van bounced as the forklift went over potholes and holes in the dirt on the way to the staging area. The van was carried over to the very end of a long row of vehicles that were stacked two high on top of one another. The van was then set down onto the ground with the van leaning slightly to the left then it came to rest slowly as the forks let her down and then withdrew from under it. All morning long, another forklift was coming and taking some vehicles one at a time, and carrying them to the crusher, loading them, then crushing each vehicle one by one at first, then the second forklift operator loads a second vehicle into the crusher on top of the first one. The crusher takes about 35 to 40 seconds, give or take, to fully crush each vehicle. Then, the forklift operator takes a third vehicle and loads it on top of the other two crushed ones in the crusher. I begin to wonder how many vehicles are left before this vehicle will get loaded. I can see in the reflections that the row of vehicles is ten vehicles long and two vehicles high. I am near the very end…..the RIGHT-HAND end farthest from the crusher. I go sit back down to finish changing my diaper when I hear the first forklift come over and put another vehicle on top of the van.
It wasn't long after that the second forklift came and took the vehicle from on top of the van and carried it over to the crusher and loaded it. Then, the crusher was run and the forklift pushed the doors in a little to keep them from falling off or opening. Then, once that was done, the crusher began to retract as the forklift came along and lifted the van I was in up, and then as it backed up and swung around, the van bounced and the diapers shimmied and shook as the van was carried over to the crusher. I could hear by the engine that the van was about to get loaded into the crusher now, on top of the vehicle that had once been on top of the van. The forklift operator carefully loaded the van in and then backed away. Then the forklift operator applied the forks against the door to bend it in some so that the crusher would fold them down so that they wouldn't come open or fall off. Then, the loud engine started as the crusher began to come down slowly. 

(More to cum soon)


  1. This sounds like a great way to enjoy getting crushed with all those diapers nice and flat.
    I know that those crushers take five cars. I always dream of being in the second car then having three more crushed down on top of the car I was in.

    1. I almost got two junkyards here in Olympia to crush me in a car or vehicle if some kind in case I got Covid-19!

  2. Would like to read the rest of the storie

    1. Working on many stories at this time....writing calms me...and yet it also makes me super horny sometimes because I PUT so much intense energy into the story.

  3. Would like to read the rest of this storie


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