Thursday, March 22, 2018

DUMPED-A Story Inspired by ThaThunderStorm on Youtube

                      (Inspired by ThaThunderStorm on Youtube )

Story under construction.................

A Hypothetical story about how my ACTUAL "Disposal" in the trash, with all of my diapers, while wearing NOTHING but a diaper, would go if I were "DUMPED" into ThaThunderStorm's trash truck from this Senior Living Center. 

It was Tuesday and it was a warm morning on this day in June when ThaThunderStorm came to empty the trash at the Senior living center. I was laying there, on top of a lot of my loose, cloth pre-fold diapers, a bunch of my unrolled, loose wet Medline Extended-wear diapers and my Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight diapers with a lot of booster pads and used wipes inside them. there were 23 packages of my left-over clean diapers scattered around inside the first dumpster and I had a bunch of my wet diapers dumped in on top of me by the janitors. My head was showing from underneath the pile of diapers on top of me so that I could see what was happening.
(See Video Link below
ThaThunderStorm pulled forward, inserting the forks on each side of the dumpster. He looked RIGHT at me from inside the cab through the driver's side window as he began to pick the dumpster up and tilt it some. He saw that I was wearing nothing but a diaper.

 He didn't care though. He just looked at me as the dumpster went up above the cab. As the dumpster began to tip over, the first of the diapers and I fell out as the avalanche of my diapers and the bags of diapers from the senior living center and other trash fell in on top of me. ThaThunderStorm banged the can a few times and then the dumpster went back down.Then ThaThunderStorm backed up and then pulled forward to insert the forks into the second dumpster that also had more of my diapers in it.
As he did, he started the compactor!
ME: WAIT! WAIT! NOOOO! Don't!!! WAIIIT! UUUUUUUUUH! MY....DIAPERS!!!!! UUUUUH! (I rise up with a pile of my diapers underneath me as the load is being compacted.I fall back down as the blade retracts. Then, the second dumpster rises up and the load inside is dumped in. Then once the load is dumped and the dumpster goes back down, ThaThunderStorm starts the compactor yet a...gain!

ME: HEY! NO! WAIT! NOT...a..GAIN! Can't we...WAIT???? AWE...MAN!!!! Do I be packed....A...GAIN???? My diaper is getting smashed against my ass and I am having my FACE forced against the trash bags!!! OOOOUMF!!!!

It was 10:30 am the day before trash collection day, and I got up and drank some milk and had some coffee at the senior living center where I had been staying for the last couple of days. They knew that I was going to be disposed of on trash day. At around 11:30 am, three janitors came to my room rolling large tilt trucks/janitorial trash carts filled with all of my diapers. I was still wearing my morning soaking wet diaper too! Just as the janitors told me that it was time to take the trash out and it was time for me to go out with it, one of the nurses came in with the last of my clean Medline Extended Wear diapers. 

She laid me down, unfastened my wet diaper, took out some wipes to clean me up with, and as she did, she dropped the used wipes into my wet diaper each time. Then, when she was done, she pulled my wet diaper out from under me, folded the diaper over, set it aside on the bed then opened the clean and dry diaper. Then she rolled me over to one side, put the diaper down then rolled me back onto the diaper before she shook a lot of baby powder into my diaper. She then pulled the front of my diaper up and fastened the four tapes.

Nurse: there you are...ALL set! OK I guess it's time to take the trash out....the janitors are here to take you out to the dumpsters. Is there...anything that you want me to do for you before they take you???

ME: Can I get some of my cloth diapers inside my disposable please????

Nurse: NOW you tell me! SURE....let me go see what I can find in their carts......all of your cloth diapers have been tossed in the trash.....

The nurse goes to the carts and fishes around until she finds some toddler sized diapers with the green stitching on the top and bottom edges. She brings them over to me and then lays me down again, unfastens the tapes inserts and layers in each of the diapers before pulling my diaper back up again and refastening the tapes.

Nurse: (Helping me back up to a standing position beside the bed) THERE! You should be PLENTY comfy now.....OK ALL yours now. (Using her left hand against my back to guide me towards the janitors and their carts before leaving me and walking away.

Senior Janitor: Hi there, You must be...the one I am supposed to take out to the trash today. We have all of your diapers here...and ready for disposal. You...look nice and comfy in your diapers.....Would you like to ride in the cart or walk beside the cart out to the dumpsters?

ME: UM.........May I ride in the cart?

Senior Janitor: you need some help climbing in?

ME: Maybe.......We'll see.

I start to climb into the cart raising my right leg up and bending it at the knee, using my knee to brace the rest of my body while I use my upper body to raise myself into the cart, filled nearly all the way, with my diapers. I hop some and almost tip the cart over.

Senior Janitor: HERE! Let me help you in...OK?

ME: O....K ....

The Janitor helps me into the cart and I lay on my back with my feet at the end of the cart before the janitor walks around and begins pushing the cart out of the room and into the hall.
The other three janitors then follow the senior janitor down the hall as they roll the carts to the back doors, then outside, down to the first and second dumpsters.

The senior janitor pushed the cart to the front of the dumpster to the far right, then lifted the lid open before coming back over to the cart.

Senior Janitor: OK son, get into the dumpster now.

Me: AL...READY???? How come my left-over unopened packs of my diapers are being thrown away????

Senior Janitor: Because, they were prescribed to you and under the law, unused prescriptions MUST be properly disposed, do you need help....getting into the dumpster? Here! Let me help you......

The Janitor and one other janitor help me climb into the dumpster and as the lower half of me slides in, I am peering over the front side of the dumpster now, looking out. I look down inside the dumpster and see a bunch of clear trash bags full of used diapers and left-over opened packs of diapers that were not my own.
Then, suddenly, packs of my diapers start flying into the dumpster bouncing off the back side and coming to rest in random places in the dumpster. Then, a bunch of my wet diapers that were in untied clear bags, were tossed in just behind me before the cart I had been in, was now empty. The Senior janitor moved the cart aside and then helped move the second cart over to the front of the dumpster to unload it. bag after untied clear bag, was tossed into the dumpster filled with my clean and formerly wet cloth diapers. Then, that cart was now empty and moved aside. The third cart filled with my diapers now was positioned in front of the dumpster. The untied clear bags were tossed in two at a time. One of the bags spilled my diapers out and still had quite a few in it yet, but the janitors didn't care.
ME: HEY! Those cloth diapers in that bag were CLEAN man!

Senior Janitor: SO???? They are trash now! Worthless rags! Now, once your diapers and our trash have been loaded in there, I have to close the lids. Are you going to...STAY in there or do I have to LOCK the lids????

ME: UUUUH! FIIINE! I....will stay in here!!!!

Senior Janitor: GOOD! Makes MY job...a LOT easier!

ME: Is THIS dumpster....the one that has the most diapers in it usually????

Senior Janitor: Yea.....It's the most empty usually......BOTH dumpsters have plenty of diapers in them on a weekly basis! THIS week, the trash man is going to have a LOT of trash to empty!!!!

ME: How long will I be...IN here????

Senior Janitor: OH about...... (Looks at watch) 12 hours or less. the trash man comes early......if I were you, I'd lay down and try to get some rest......

ME: What time IS it right now????

Senior Janitor: It's........ 11:42 am.

ME: Will there be more trash coming out here???

Senior Janitor: YEP! There will be more......More diapers, more food scraps.....and some of your cloths too!

ME: What if I want the nurse to change my wet diaper??? Will she change me?

Senior Janitor: (Looking at me like I was nuts) got your last one right before you were brought out here son. one cares if your diaper is....WET.....DRY, COMFY clean...or dirty! YOU and your diapers are....trash! You now belong to Dekalb County Waste Services! They get to do....whatever they WANT with ya now!

ME: So.....if my diaper leaks, no one is going to care??? Will there be any loose diapers being tossed in here?

Senior Janitor: I....don't know but these cheap bags DO burst when they are full of heavy and wet diapers!

ME: Does it matter what I DO in here while waiting for the trash man to come???

Senior Janitor: NO....I don't care do in there! SLEEP the entire time for all I care!

The last of my diapers in untied clear trash bags is tossed in and the diapers fall out once they land in the dumpster. I go and sit down on top of some of the trash bags and start to open them and dump them out, tossing the empty bags aside.
I hear the next cart rolling up and tapping the front of  the dumpster. Then, the first bag of dirty adult diapers is tossed in. The bag hits me in the chest and knocks me over onto my back.

3:41 I'm getting ThaThunderStorm pulls up to the dumpster I am in!

The ThunderStorm inserts the forks and raises the dumpster......

ME: WHOOOOOA!!! WHOOOOOOOOOA!!!!! SHIIIIIT! (The diapers and I begin shifting around inside the dumpster..... )

ME: WHOOOOA! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAA....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! THUMP! Crinkle, Crinkle, Crinkle! (I tumble out and onto some bags of diapers and get completely pummeled by the bags and my own loose diapers!. I am Partly on the top of the blade and above it!

4:16 I am laying there on my stomach on top of some bags and a bunch of my loose, cloth pre-fold diapers with a bunch of my unopened packs of MEDLINE Extended wear briefs, First Quality Blue large packs,

 unopened packs of pull-up adult diapers, and I am slightly wet from head to toe now! My diaper is slightly dirty on the outside......I am looking around nervously.......

4:19 As you begin to back up, the load and I shimmy and shake some.....

4:31 As the forks and the arms raise the second dumpster a little, I prepare for the next load to be dumped in!

4:33 But HOLD ON! The compactor blade is moving towards me!!!
Me:  HEY! HEEEY! I thought you were going to WAIT for the second dumpster to get dumped! WAAAAIT! WAIT! NO! Don't compact me yet! PLLLLLEASE!

4:41 As the compactor advances, the diapers and I begin to rise under the resistance against the rest of the trash and diapers inside. I rise up to just above the hopper door edge......with a bunch of my unrolled, wet #MedlineExtendedWear diapers, cloth pre-fold diapers underneath me. MY diaper is starting to buckle and press against my ass now!!! The part between my legs is being pressed against by some bags!

(I'm thinking)
ME: are....compacting me...AGAIN? Why? Just HOLD ON! WAIT! PLEASE! PLEEEEASE! NOT...again!!! AH! MAN!!!!! I don't know how much my diaper I have on...can take!!!! Baby powder puffs out from my leg elastics and from around my waist! The compactor blade begins shoving me into a bunch of my packs of my diapers, a bunch of bags full of dirty diapers, and other trash! My diaper once....again is pressed hard against my ass and the part in the crotch that hangs down, is being pressed and bunched up as the compactor advances and presses the trash and diapers against my diaper and the rest of my body!

4:51 As the compactor Retracts, the diapers and I begin to fall back into the hopper. I land on some of my diapers and half way onto the bag in the upper corner of the blade, on top of it. A bunch of my diapers and a couple of bags land on me too!

5:01 ME: UUUUUUUUUH! UUUUUUUUH! I just HAD to be... #HardPressed to do this...didn't I????

(The compactor blade forces me to do a face-plant into a bunch of my diapers, and some of the trash bags) as my diaper continues to buckle up between my legs and as it gets pressed against my ass with an unopened pack pressing up against my diaper around my waistband elastics in the back! 5:05


A sigh of relief after the compactor begins to retract. 5:15

5:26 A little disoriented, but still alive.....I am laying there on top of the compactor blade......realizing that there is another dumpster coming!

5:32 I get a bunch of the bags, a bunch of my own loose diapers, and more trash dumped on top of me, which covers me almost completely! The first of the bags of diapers land in my lap, hit me on the head (BOP!) while the avalanche of wet, dripping trash continues to spill out, my diaper and my hair gets wet!

One of the lids bumps me and brushes across my body. 5:38

5:45 I am laying there, feet facing towards the back of the truck.....I am looking upwards to see if there are any more dumpsters coming......

5:54 As you back the truck up, the branches scrape across my body and across the trash. I am thinking that there won't be another compactor cycle until the next stop! WHEW!

Then, as ThaThunderStorm backs out to the street, and then starts out to the next stop, he keeps running the compactor! The compactor runs 4 times before the next dumpster is dumped!

ME: OH! What the HELL! He is just running another cycle....JUST to be MEAN!!! UUUUUUUUUUUH!!!!!!

The second cycle starts...

ME: UUUH! Haven't I been compacted...ENOUGH yet????

The third compactor cycle begins right after the last one......

ME: OH....COME....ON! do I...HAVE to be compacted THIS many times????

The fourth cycle begins..........

ME: MY....DIAPER man!!! It's being SMASHED against my ass! I have wet diapers sticking to me and my diaper!!!! I think I JUST wet my diaper again too! (I am forced to do a face-plant into the padding of one of my wet diapers and a large bag of trash!!! )

Then the compactor stops and retracts. The truck is still in motion and a breeze is blowing into the hopper as the truck drives.

ME: BRRRRR! It's cold back here!!! WHERE are we????

ME: UUUUH! OH MAN! I sit up with my feet facing the rear of the truck quickly as the compactor blade I am sitting on, suddenly begins to slide forward! ME: AH! MAN! MAN! AH! CRAP! NOT...A...GAIN! MY diaper! I don't wanna be crushed agaiN! NOOOO! PLEASE! PLEASE! NO! UUUUUH!

6:05 As the trash and my diapers Rise, so do I once again! ME: UUUUH! THIS is NOT what I meant by #RiseandShine! I'd be #HARDPRESSED to do THIS again! I guess he is just #PackingThingsUp for the journey!

 6:14 As the bag I am on, rises (Near Center lower screen) My legs begin to fold up against my thighs and I end up doing yet another face-plant into more bags and more diapers! The cardboard box ends up having one of it's flaps being shoved against the back of my diaper!

6:16 (Lower left of the screen) by the forces! I see the Blue Awe_So-Cute Brand wet diaper laying there being forced upwards! I watch as my OWN diaper gets buckled

6:33 ME: AH! COME ON! AGAIN????? WHY! Haven't my diapers and I had ENOUGH compacting yet???? My diaper begins to burst some at the back! UUUUH! MY diaper ripped! I wanna Change now! Can we stop packing long enough (UUUUUUUUUH!!!!!!!! Packer retracts) so I can...Change????

6:57 As the packer retracts, I fall back onto the top of the blade! My diaper gets stuck to something on it along with that bag!

7:02 ME: MAN! I bet HE just wants to make sure that I get PLENTY of compacting before the next stop! I bet he is wondering if my diaper has popped yet! AH! COME ON! Is THIS the "EXTRA Packing cycles you promised me????" MAN! My POOR diapers!!!


As the packer blade retracts, a HUGE sigh of relief comes over me! WHY did THAT one LAST so long???? (I fall back down onto some of my buckled up, bursting packs of diapers, some diapers and trash bags!) 7:26

7:34 I settle in for a few seconds, look around and wonder where the heck we are right now!

8:10 I scramble up to the top of the blade to try to look out to see where we are!

8:12 The slick and smooth surfaces make it difficult to get to see where we are though! I settle back onto my back, laying with my feet facing the back of the truck once again.

8:18 The metal is really cold! I wonder if I should have worn a onesie over my diaper!!!!

8:28 ME: It SURE IS bumpy back here!!!!! Where are we??? Are we there yet????

8:35 BRRRRR! (Shivering!!!) Goosebumps riddle my body as my damp body and diaper have wind blown across!

8:56 OH MAN! HERE....we go again!!!! OOOOOOH shit!

9:00 The first of the many clear bags of trash and cardboard boxes fall down and landed on me, knocking me back onto my back, laying on the top of the compactor blade!!! A bunch of the bags land in my lap and fall in front of me! The box falls and bumps me then stops as it comes to a rest. Suddenly, the forces of the falling trash knock me off the top of the blade and onto the hopper floor!!!! Some black thing lands on my head and comes to rest on my chest! SUDDENLY, a bunch of white, plastic storage containers come falling down, landing on my face, head and body between my chest and thighs! MORE trash falls in and I become completely covered under heavy ass trash!

9:08 As the dumpster goes back down...... I am struggling to get back up onto the top of the compactor blade before you start it! I am throwing the bags off me and trying to move the white, plastic storage drawers off me but I keep falling back down onto my ass!

9:18 As the truck backs up some, I fall back onto my ass again, landing on the black plastic bag! ME: UUUUH! UUUH! I can't seem to be able to get back on the blade!!!! UUUH! I KNOW he about to start it!!!

9:24 ME: OH shit! HERE.....we...GO again!!!! UUUUUH! My POOR diaper!!! The packer blade slides me across the smooth, cold, wet hopper floor with my feet facing out ahead of me and towards the right side of the truck! The compactor relentlessly advances!!!!

9:31 I can feel the black plastic bag that I am being forced against, beginning to give way to my shape as it fills the gaps around my right side! One of my tapes comes unfastened and then sticks to something! ME: UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH!

9:47 As the compactor retracts, I fall back onto my back and to my left as the truck drives over lots of bumps! I try to quickly stand up but I once again fall back down onto my diapered butt!

9:52 ME: UUUUH! MORE???? OH! He really me those EXTRA COMPACTOR cycles!!!! He is probably giggling in the cab!!!! AH! MAN!!! I get knocked down again but this time, I fall to my right side just as the compactor blade forces me to be crushed into the bags and the cardboard boxes!!!! I can't breathe for a few seconds but I know that it will soon retract again! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH! UUUUUUH! I grunt!

10:18 I breathe....and a sigh of relief as the blade retracts! I turn my head to look up to see where everything is and what is happening......I attempt to sit up onto my butt and then try to that I can try to get back on top of the compactor blade! I get knocked back down onto my diapered ass by the trash being dumped into the hopper! I fall back onto my diapered butt while bags and two cardboard boxes hit me as they fall and tumble into the hopper! 10:29

10:36 With leaves of rotten lettuce, dirty napkins, papers, food scraps, food slime, and bottles falling all over me, pummeling me, I give up trying to get back on top of the blade! I now have lettuce, something super wet and sticky not to mention it stinks like HELL in here......all over me, one of the leaves is now resting inside the waistband of my diaper!!!!

10:51 ME: UUUUH! Here...we...GO again!!!! there is NO way that I can get up onto that...blade now! there is too much trash in here now!!!! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH! I begin sliding across the floor on top of one one of the black trash bags before being forcefully crushed! I am JUST high enough to be slightly above the edge of the blade though.....but I still end up doing a face-plant into a cardboard box and some of the trash bags from the current and last stops!

11:48 The old, wet bar rag falls down into the load as the compactor blade retracts. It then falls down across my chest where it makes me feel COLD! I am now soaking wet, covered in old, stale, stinky beer and wines, I have lettuce leaves in my diaper and sticking to me, my hair has something gooey in it and there is something dripping all over me!

11:56 Suddenly, the next load of trash is dumped in and everything is getting wetter and wetter now! My diaper is soaked! It is filthy and grungy now! I have been covered with all sorts of weird liquids and some of them are sticky and cold! The bags of trash and food scraps fall in, stinking to hell! Some rush of some white, thick liquid comes splashing down into the hopper, and it runs across the floor and gets right into my diaper!!!! ( right-side of center screen towards the blade)

12:02 ME: UUUUUH! UHHHH! UUUUH! What the...HELL! Suddenly, the trash gets pressed down hard and a bunch of the bags are now resting up against my diapered butt near the center of the load where I am! ME: HEY! HEEEEY! What is happening????? UUUUUUUUUUH! UUUUH! Four of the bags get pressed against me and knock me down onto my stomach so that I am lying with my feet facing to the right of the truck and my head is facing the left! The bags roll and crinkle as they are crushed against me!

12:05 UUUUH! UUUUH! UUUH! UUUUUUUUUUH! YUCK! What is that that is dripping into my diaper's leg elastics????? EEEEW! I am all WET again!!!!!

12:23 (and beyond the video) The compactor blade advances again and again, first the two half-pack cycles, then two three quarter cycles before the final hard pack cycle! I grunt HARD as I am crushed hard against one of the bags that bursts that has a bunch of my now filthy dirty, but once were fully washed and cleaned, cloth pre-fold diapers in it! The truck drives to the next stop!

To be continued......(Next story, Next Video, picking up where the last one left off.)

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