Thursday, April 19, 2018

All Washed Up at Blanca Laundry!

All Washed Up at Blanca Laundry 

Theme-song:  All Washed Up Theme-Song

19 year old diapered Adrian, whom wore cloth diapers most of the time and disposable diapers when out and about, still lived at home in Blanca, Colorado. His mother still changed his wet diapers all of the time. They didn't have any washing machine at home in their trailer, on their own land yet....which they have lived on since 2005. Jessica, Adrian's red-head mom, was a fiery personality and a terribly intelligent woman. She knew that she could wash her son AND his diapers all at the same time in the Blanca Laundromat washing machines on a weekly basis or twice a week if they could afford it. She DID too! Once or twice a week, Jessica would bring her son and ALL of his cloth diapers over to the Blanca Laundry to have them all cleaned. The owners of the Blanca Laundry would get paid $1 a pound to wash the diapers and Adrian. The diapers weighed 60 lbs and Adrian was a mere 100 pounds with a wet diaper on! 99 pounds without of course. 
THIS week however, Jessica had all of Adrian's onesies that got leaked into to wash! That was going to cost her an extra $20! She had it though so...on Saturday around 11:00 am, Jessica and Adrian arrived at Blanca Landry to get Adrian, his onesies and his diapers "ALL Washed Up!"  

Adrian: MOOOOMY! WHY are you leaving me here...A...GAIN? 

Jessica: and your cloth diapers need to be washed! The hose at home...JUST isn't doing it! This way, I can get YOU AND your diapers all nice and clean! This nice woman going to get you and your diapers NICE...and...washed up for me. I paid her to wash had better be a good boy and not give her ANY trouble while you are being washed! 

Adrian: But, BUT, MOOOOMY! I....don't WANNA be washed here! 

Jessica: TOUGH! You are gonna be! You have NO choice! Do what the woman tells you to.....I left some "EXTRA Instructions" for her if you try to act up! (turning to speak to the woman at the Blanca Laundry....)here are the laundry soaps and the dryer sheets I use for his cloth diapers. I'm NOT worried about shortening the life of his cloth diapers......with the dryer sheets.....I don't expect Adrian and his cloth diapers to make it past the next summer. 

Gloria: Why NOT may I ask? He seems like SUCH a good boy.....(Grabbing Adrian's right cheek and giving it a pinch) 

Jessica: Well, he has a rare cancer that is going to kill him soon. He has always had some illness that he is fighting since he was born. Trying to get him toilet trained was left him in other choice. 

Gloria: I...understand...I have two grand kids that are difficult to train. I will see to it that he and his diapers get nice and clean for you. 

Jessica: I will return to pick him up around 3:00 pm and if my "Extra instructions" were used, call me and then I won't have to return......

Gloria: Of course miss Jessica.....I will do that....

Jessica: Thank you Gloria......I really appreciate that.  I have brought all of his disposable diapers here as"extra instructions" are used......I will....(Looks around) put will put them in the waiting area for you...

Gloria: That is fine......

Jessica brings ALL of the six cases of unopened packs of his disposable diapers and the couple of opened packs from the back of the minivan before walking over to Adrian and giving him a kiss on his right cheek. 

Jessica: Now...mommy will be are being a good boy and aren't giving Gloria here...ANY problems! IF something goes wrong.....She knows what to do......bye bye baby......

Jessica then walks out and shuts the door behind her, goes to her minivan and then leaves. 

Gloria: Hi there Adrian....nice to see you again......I see that your cloth diapers are...really wet! Let's go get those diaper covers off ya and that wet onesie too.....then, I will get you, the diapers, the onesies loaded into one of the machines.....are you ready for a bath? Yea? Let's go get you ready for washing...shall we? (taking Adrian's left hand in her right hand and leading him over to a large and deep rinsing sink, turning him around, making him sit on the edge before helping him slide down into the sink with his legs dangling over the front edge.) 

Gloria: O...K...time to get those diaper covers off ya.....

Gloria slides the plastic backed pull-on diaper cover with a cloth material over the plastic, down Adrian's legs and then off, making sure that the diaper cover is not inside-out. Then, she puts the diaper cover into the sink while she helps Adrian back out of the sink and then has him stand in front of the sink so that she can take his onesie off.

Adrian: (Once the onesie had been taken off and Gloria was wadding it up in her hands) What were my mom's ...what did she say........EXTRA Instructions?

Gloria: Well, she told me that if your diapers get ripped or torn or the stains don't come out, I am supposed to throw you, all of the cloth diapers, your onesies and your disposable diapers, clean or not, into the trash. Now, I'm not going to lie......Some of these diapers of yours, look like they have seen better days. I.....don't know if they will come out as clean as she wants them. If I can't get them clean, she doesn't want them. If you give me ANY trouble, I have to throw you away.....and then everything that she brought here.....I'm sorry I had to tell HAS to be like this!

Adrian: You mean...that I...have to go into one of those...little washing machines with all of my wet and dirty diapers miss Gloria????

Gloria: Yes, I am afraid so......that is what we do here hon.....we wash what we are paid to doesn't matter if you are wearing the diaper or ARE a diaper......YOU...and them are getting washed! O...K.....let's get you and your diapers loaded up...shall we?

Adrian: UUUUH! I...HATE getting washed like this!!!

Gloria: I...know it must be tough but...I have to do MY job......and my JOB is to wash you and all of these diapers......OK....turn around for me....and face me hop up onto the edge of this top loading washer for

Adrian: Every...TIME I am put into this thing.....I have such a HARD...TIME getting back...OUT!

Gloria: I...KNOW this...but you have to get washed in there! OK.....wiggle yourself around that agitator there......and try to curl up around it laying on your left side for me....O...K?GOOOOD! OK, now, here come your wet and dirty diapers......

Gloria picks up one of the laundry bags full of loose, wet and formerly wet cloth diapers and begins to empty them all out of the bag and into the washer agitator tub covering him with the diapers.
Once the first bag was loaded, there was still room enough for about a quarter of another bag to maybe a half of a bag, give or take. Gloria grabbed handfuls of the diapers from the second bag and tossed them into the agitator tub hear where Adrian's head is covered with his own cloth diapers.

Adrian: (Looking up at Gloria standing at the front of the washer, loading the diapers as more and more cloth diapers settle in around him and his face.Brushing a few away from his face....)  It...STINKS like....PEE in here!!!

Gloria: It's ok....I am about to fix that for you......O....K.....The washer is loaded.....time for the soap to go in......Are you....ready?

Gloria picks up the 170 ounce Dreft bottle up and begins to fill the clear cap with some of the Dreft laundry soap!

Adrian: How long will I be in here...THIS time?

Gloria: (Holding the full cap) OH...about 46 minutes or so.....

Gloria:'s...Laundry soap's going to get ALL over you and the diapers.....close...your...EYES sweetie!

Adrian closes his eyes as Gloria pours the cap full of the Dreft Laundry soap all around inside the agitator, getting a trail of the DREFT Laundry soap all over the diapers and Adrian. Then, Gloria wasn't satisfied that Adrian got enough of the soap on him so...she lifted some of the diapers up, and poured another cap-full of the soap all down his body, starting from his shoulders and going down past his legs, then she poured ONE MORE half a cap-full of the soap into the cap, then she poured it all over his diaper that he is wearing making it drip all over it and almost completely coating the front and the back half of it.Then Gloria put the soap container down on the floor in front of the washer, then she lowered  and closed the lid before inserting some quarters into the slots.

Then she selected the hot water/warm rinse cycle and then pushed the button. The washer tun began to fill up with the rushing hot water. Adrian Screeches as the hot water makes him uncomfortable.
Gloria then walks away from that washer and goes to fill the one right next to the one that Adrian is in.....Gloria doesn't notice that there are a few of Adrian's disposable diapers scattered throughout the load that is in that bag as she gets everything loaded into the agitator.

Gloria pours in a cap-full of the DREFT laundry soap and then lowers and closes the lid before setting the Dreft container back down and inserting some quarters into the slots. Then she walks over to get the next bag full of loose formerly wet cloth diapers sitting up against one of the walls.

Gloria picks the bag up, and dumps it all into the agitator of the third washer, pushing and shoving the diapers down into the tub. Then she puts the bag in and then grabs the DREFT again, fills the cap again then pours the soap in all over the diapers before putting the cap back on and putting the Dreft container down. Then she lowered and closed the lid, added some quarters and started the machine. Then, with only two more bags worth of diapers left and no more machines, she went over to the sink to go rinse out and wash out the diaper cover. Once she had the diaper cover washed and rinsed, she hung it up to dry over the metal pipe at the end of the folding table.

While the washers cycled, Gloria got the rest of the diapers ready to go into the first washer that Adrian was in once the cycle was over. Then, she went into the next room to go sit down to wait until the washer was done.

Inside the washer,  Adrian is being swished back...and forth.......with the diapers as he and the diapers are getting cleaned. Adrian sits up the best he can, being skinny enough to fit between the side wall and the agitator, and short enough that his head barely reaches above the tub, He sits up, struggles to put his left leg around the left side of the agitator. He successfully sits up and holds onto the agitator as it swishes the load back and forth. As the Rinse cycle ended, it was NOW the pause between the rinse cycle and the Spin cycle! Adrian knew THIS cycle ALL too well!He braced himself against the wall of the tub as the tub began to spin....round, and round, and round, and round...slowly, and steadily building up speed. Once the tub was spinning at full speed, Adrian began to get REALLY, REALLY Dizzy! This made him slump over to his right side causing him to lay on the piles of the wet diapers that were beginning to get stuck to the side of the drum by the centrifugal forces.
A few minutes later, the drum began to slow down and eventually it came to a full stop. It was about 5 minutes later or so that Gloria came over to the front of the washer to check on and remove the load and Adrian from the washer.
Gloria raised the lid and saw poor Adrian all sacked out almost from dizziness of the spin cycle...leaning over to his right side with his legs straddling the agitator.

Gloria: WELL, WELL, WELL! Looks like you and your diapers are ALL...NICE...and CLEAN! It's time to....get OUT now....and go into the nice, warm dryer. OK....let me get some of these diapers out of your way for ya......

Adrian: UUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH!!! UUUUUUUUUHHHHH! (Moaning with Dizziness)

Once Gloria removed some of the diapers, tossing them right into the drier, she came back over to help get Adrian out of the wash tub.

Gloria:  Come now out of the washer now....let's get that diaper you have on...ALL...NICE...and dry...O...K?

Gloria reached down and inserted her hands under Adrian's  armpits and she pulled him out to a half-standing position. As she pulled him out, the side of the tub scraped against Adrian's back and snagged the waist of his diaper going down, tearing the surface of his diaper some.

Gloria: OOOOOPS! Look at what happened to your diaper! AH! This...looks...bad! WELL, I's a! Your mom isn't going to want...THIS diaper......It's soaking wet so, let's get you and your diapers into the dryer.....ok hon? OK....come...over here for me...and let me get you into the tumbler tub.....OK....ah...there...

(Gloria Open the dryer door and then grabs Adrian's waist and turns him to face her.)

Gloria: OK hon, sit down on the edge of the dryer opening for me......there...ya...go...ok, now I want you to lay back and scoot yourself into the dryer tumbler for me....I'll help you.

Gloria gets Adrian's legs  propped up inside the dryer and then she stands back up and then begins loading the rest of the wet diapers from the washer into the dryer on top of Adrian.

Gloria: Would YOU like to hold onto your wet diapers for me? They are going to get put all over you anyhow so it really doesn't matter. Besides, most of these diapers are looking a little too ragged now because they all have some rips, tears and snags on them. I.....really don't think that your mom is going to want any of them......there are only a few of your cloth diapers that she could still use on you.....

Adrian: Miss...? What....does it mean if my diapers and the one I have on are...ripped?

Gloria: It means, that when the dryer cycles is done, then you and all of your diapers will be going right into the trash I'm afraid. Sorry that you had to find out like this.....OK, AL...MOST loaded up here.....

Gloria loads the last of the wet cloth diapers from the washer into the drier.She then closes the door and then selects the dryer cycle and the temp before she hits the start button. Adrian and the diapers begin to get tossed around inside the drier, diapers begin to slap Adrian in the face, the back of the head and the rest of his body as the dryer tub spins. Adrian barely can handle the 120 degree heat inside the dryer for the 45 minutes. After about 50 minutes, The dryer stops. Adrian falls onto his stomach as he lays across a pile of the now dry diapers.
Gloria comes to check the load of diapers, she pulls one out and feels it. It's dry enough so she pulls the 32 gallon trash can with the double black trash bag liners in it, up to the front of the dyer and starts dropping the diapers, onesies and shirts right into the trash can.

Adrian: Miss Gloria? Is it....time to go into the trash can now?

Gloria: Yes....I'm afraid so.

Adrian: How long will I be in there?

Gloria: Well, once this bag gets full, I am going to tie it closed and then set it aside until the second bag is full. YOU may go into the second bag.

Adrian: But, BUT.......Miss! What will happen to my diapers and I after that?

Gloria: Well, then, I take the bags and toss them into our dumpster and you and your diapers will be there until the trash truck comes to take the trash to the dump.
OK Adrian, come out...of the drier........

Gloria gets Adrian onto his feet and then she goes and gets his plastic pants and puts them on over his cloth diapers. Then she takes him by the right hand in her left, and leads him over to the first trash bag that is almost full now.

Gloria: O...K Adrian, it's...unfortunately time....for you to be disposed of. Ready? In ya go......
Gloria lifts Adrian up under his arms and sets him down feet first into the large 32 gallon trash can lined with three contractor black trash bags that are 4 mil thick each.

Gloria: Baby? I need you to try to lay down in there or bend your knees so that you fit in the bag. After I toss a few more of your nice, clean diapers in there on top of you, I have to tie the bag shut. Then, My husband and I will carry the bag to the dumpster and toss it in with the rest. It's going to get REALLY hot in there so don't poke any holes in the bag....OK?

Adrian: It' in here! HEY! Are my....onesies and my disposable diapers also being disposed of too?

Gloria: Yes, everything that your mother left here, is going to be thrown away. O.....K......(Tossing Adrian's opened pack of clean disposable diapers into the bag on top of the clean and unfolded cloth diapers before tossing Adrian's diaper bag in that still had two pair of plastic pants, two printed diaper covers with Velcro on the tabs, and across the fronts, two almost new bottles of travel sized baby powder, a couple of baby bottles with some milk still in each one and a small tube of rash cream inside of it.) WELL, tie the bag closed now.........I'm going to have to push down on you a lot so that I can get these bag ends twisted and then tied so that we can take the bag out to the dumpster for disposal. Once the three other bags were filled and then tied shut, both Gloria and her husband carried each bag out to the dumpster and they tossed each one in, one at a time. Adrian struggled, fought the hardest he could to poke a hole in the bag however, since his bag had been layered over with six other bags to improve the tinsel strength, the bag was just too thick to poke a hole in. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. Adrian was profusely sweating and it was unbearably hot in the trash bag, not to mention the smells of detergent and bleach was...overwhelming. 
As the day progresses into evening, the heat inside the bag began to become cooler and cooler as Adrian and his diapers await the rear-load trash truck to come empty the dumpster early the next morning. 
Meanwhile Gloria was there at Blanca Laundry watching some TV and another mother and her clothes diapered son came to wash the boy and his dirty diapers. 

Stacy: Hi, is it alright if I wash my boy and his diapers here? 

Gloria: Certainly. If you need me for anything, I am here. 

Stacy: Well, how much would it cost me to have you wash him and his diapers? 

Gloria: Well, it's $1 a pound and there is a $20 drop-off fee. Let's get your boy weighed then the diapers and we'll see how much it will be. 

More to CUM soon.......  

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