Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Time to go into the Chipper!

The Chipper-Death of the Clones

Based on what the guy in this video said about how the ELITE dispose of their unwanted "Clones" 

                                Former illuminati insider: There are 2 types of Cloning

I suddenly woke up inside a green back-lit cloning chamber full of synthetic amniotic fluids.

I opened my eyes, but could only make out blurry outlines of dark forms that were standing in front of the chamber I was in. Before too long, my body was being flushed out of the chamber and my body was fished out and brought into a large room wrapped in a warm blanket.
I was unable to walk......I hadn't learned how yet. I was taken over to a table and laid upon it. The blanket was opened and my naked body was exposed to the cool air inside this large room with a lot of lights. A female came over to the table I was on carrying something that crinkled loudly and looked really puffy.

My eyes hadn't quite adjusted yet to the lights this female in a white coat opened up this puffy thick thing, lifted my bottom up and slid the puffy, soft thing underneath me. She then grabbed some container of some powdery stuff and sprinkled it all over the lower half of my body for some reason. Then, she pulled the other half of this...thick and soft thing up and began to fasten it around my waist with something sticky. When she was done, she stepped away and went off somewhere else out of sight until a man in something white came over to the table I was on.

Man in Lab-coat: Hi, I am Jed. I am one of the genetic engineers.  I want to test your responses and take some vitals from you...and I need to take some of your blood.

Clone: going to happen here? this...THING around my...waist???

Jed: a diaper! Since you haven't gained control of your bladder and bowels yet, we typically diaper you until you are able to get toilet trained...and we ONLY do THAT.....if you don't have any defects.

Clone: UM...what are...defects?

Jed: Well, when something isn't supposed to be the way it is.....not "normal" to our species.....

Clone: Do...I...have anything like that?

Jed: We....are find...OUT!

Clone: What....will happen to me....if I have one of....those...what did you call those? De...fects?

Jed: We dispose of all of our defective clones! We will send you and the other clones that are...defective, to a chipper machine that will break you all apart!

Clone: Will it....hurt?

Jed: will.

Clone: What about this....THING I have on?

Jed: You and that diaper you are wearing will go into the chipper too! We don't care what you are wearing.

Clone: What if I don't....WANT to go into that...THING you speak of?

Jed: You won't have any choice! YOU ARE....going into the chipper for disposal, like it...or NOT!

Clone: This....THING around me....feels uncomfortable!!! It's.....cold and it makes me feel...itchy!

Jed: (Inspecting the diaper) That's because it's wet. I will....get the nurse to come and change it for you.....when I am done here. 

Clone: Why is my...mouth dry????

Jed: That's because you...are...thirsty. I will tell the nurse to bring you something to drink.

Jed draws some blood and as he does, it hurts the clone.

Clone: OUCH!  That....feels...weird! What...are you...doing?

Jed: I am drawing some blood for testing. It will take a couple of hours or less to get the results back. I will know more then, about you being sent to the chipper!

Ted gathers up his phlebotomy supplies and then takes a flake of skin as a sample before packing up and returning to his lab. A few minutes later, the nurse reappears carrying another diaper in her right hand and a bottle of some kind of juice in the other.The nurse comes over to the foot of the table and begins to change the clone's diaper. The nurse tosses the wet folded over diaper onto the clone's chest while she unfolds and opens the clean and dry diaper. She slides it underneath him and then pulls the front of the diaper up quickly before fastening the tapes.
Then the nurse pulls the drink bottle out and gives it to the clone.

Nurse: Here, drink this. It's electrolytes. It will help you hydrate.

The clone takes the bottle in his hands and holds it like a toddler would hold their bottle instinctively.
The nurse then leaves without taking the wet diaper away. A few minutes later, a couple of other men came over to the bed and helped carry the clone over to a place with a long hallway with large rooms that looked more like crib-cages which they use to keep their clones in. The man carrying the clone,
sets the clone down into the safety bed that is inside a large cage much like a dog cage only larger.
Then, one of the men back out of the cage, while one of the men starts raising the safety bed side, locking it, then both men back out of the cage and close and lock the door. The two men then leave the hallway and then a metal door is closed and locked behind them. A light suddenly flickers on over the safety bed and the cage.The Clone lays there in the safety bed that is inside the cage and wonders where he is and what is going to happen. The clone has about the instincts of a 2 year old toddler at this point. He hasn't the knowledge or experience yet nor the programming in his mind to know any better. He is operating only on his raw human instincts.

About four and a half hours go by and another man in a white coat comes into the hallway followed by the same two other men that brought him into the cage. One of the two men that had put him into the cage and the safety bed, unlocked the door of the cage, then unlocked and lowered the safety bed side down before stepping back out into the hallway to allow the man in the lab-coat to come in.

Man in Lab-Coat: Hi, My name is Jerry. I am here to tell you that we found a couple of minor defects in your genomes. We think that there is a use for you for a little while before you and a few others like you, will need to be....dispensed with! There are a few of our females that want to have lots and lots of sex with you......There are even a couple of GUYS here that want to have some sex with you.....These people will be coming in here and making you feel often as they want.
If you will be punished!

Clone: How will I be....punished?

Main-In-Lab-Coat: Protest and find out......for now, let's not and say you did....shall we?

Story Under Construction

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