Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Cabbage Patch Dolls

Story under "Construction" Working on it............

Will work on this as soon as I am finished with other stories....PROMISE. It may take a while though.....before I can get to this again..... 

Like Chucky, I found myself stuck in a cabbage patch doll's plastic body! Only, I was not a bad soul......I....was merely thrust into this new and unusual existence without knowing WHY or how I would be able to get out! One day, after my body was finished being assembled, someone came over to me, carried me over to some dressing table thing, put a thick, plastic disposable diaper on me, then added some baby clothes over it before handing me off to some other people whom put me into a large box with a large window in the front. 

The box was put into another larger box filled with other dolls like me.....however, what I didn't know, was that these other dolls that looked exactly like me, were nothing like me at all! They didn't have the same version of AI that I did! Someone accidentally had loaded my chip with the Beta version of AI they were still building and testing. I had a personality, I had the ability to access the internet, I had the ability to have and carry on full conversations, ask questions, and wonder what was happening! My AI was like that of a 10 year old only new enough that it was inquisitive as a 2 year old which ironically is what my plastic movable body looked like. Once the larger box got to the store that it was going to, a store stocker opened the box and began to stack the boxes of Dolls on the shelf and as quickly as he could so that he could stock other items in the same isle that he had on his list to stock. 
It didn't take that long to stock the newer models of the dolls on the shelf. The box I was in, was behind two other boxes at the very end of the display shelf. It wasn't long after the stocker left and was done for the day, when the store opened and the girls whom wanted these dolls, got them off the shelves as quickly as they were put on them! 
One of the girls who got one of these new Cabbage Patch Dolls and brought it home. 
She started to play with it a lot. She took it everywhere she went practically. 
Then, the doll asserted itself explaining to the little girl that it knew everything about her and that it wanted to have her new owner promise that she wouldn't abandon her. This freaked the new owner out....and made her take the doll to her mom whom made her get rid of it. 
They took it to a local thrift store and donated it. It wasn't until five days later that one of the female workers received the doll in one of the reject doll bins. 

The female thrift store worker knew that all of these dolls weren't selling so, she had to sort through them all and get them all nice and dressed for their eventual pressing....engagement. 
The female thrift store worker saw this doll that stood out from the rest. She pulled it up and held it in front of her to look it over. Suddenly, it seemingly came to life. 

Doll: Hi there. What am I doing here? 

Elyssa: (Standing at my feet) Hello there little one. Elyssa, the reason you are here baby, is because someone didn't want you and donated you to our thrift store. We can't sell you, so.....I.....get to sort through all of the other dolls like you, and then some of you....are going to get thrown away in the trash. 

Doll: Why won't anyone buy me? supposed to be cute. I am Even wearing a nice....clean diaper too that someone put on me when I was made. 

Elyssa: Well! I can't have you being disposed of wearing a CLEAN diaper now....can I? I am going to change your diaper and give you a nice.....wet diaper to wear for disposal. 

Doll: Wait! I being....thrown away? Why.....are you putting a.....wet diaper on me? 

Elyssa: one wants you and we don't throw away clean diapers. 

Doll: the trash like? I...have....never been in a place like that before. I have been with little people who have loved me and grown too old for me. 

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