Monday, June 3, 2019

Can you live here with NO internet, NO wifi, NO electricity, NO running water, NO heat, NO bathroom, NO phone for 6 or more months

We've ALL seen these types of memes on social media and on the internet......daring everyone to live off-the-grid and how long you would be able to stand it before going nuts.......well now.....NOT ONLY have I done so.......I have done so multiple THE MOST MISERABLY Siberian styled winter storms and cold winds that constantly blow between 25 mph and 65 MPH, enduring the deeply embedded lava rocks scattered out everywhere, Not able to dig more than 1 to 2 feet down into the ground, enduring rogue surveillance teams that threaten your life by attempting to run you over and crash into your one vehicle that doesn't run long, all because they hate Saudi Arabians.......NOT to mention battling the ever-changing elements controlled on purpose by H.A.A.R.P, (H.A.A.R.P, I need you to make it hot like Arizona Desert until November 5 2019 for continuing the winter cold temps and snow since May and early June! Less wind.....2 to 5 MPH is required.....thanks guys......OH......while I have your attention.....I request that the first snows in the Blanca Prairie this year, measure in 5 to 6 FOOT depth in less than 14 hours......I mean that! In fact....It IS an ORDER from HRH Saudi-American Royal Prince Adam Bin Alwaleed. Not to start the bad snows until November 6th and November 7th of 2019.....Is this understood? )

I finally got a free Coachman RV that had it's engine, transmission, braking system all removed. The interior was completely gutted, leaving only the dashboard.....and one seat. I am building the RV into a fortified, warm, comfortable well insulated "bunk-house" like structure that can be pulled around behind another large vehicle. I may consider entertaining the idea of purchasing some land in this valley......though I would hesitate to do so due to the fact that this place has the lowest IQs around, the most amount of Narcissists, Psychopaths and Sociopaths per-capita in the state of Colorado! With the Rogue Criminal Sheriff's Department, The Rogue Cop Omar "Cano" Cruz Soto around, there IS certainly to be a war waged with lethal weapons that would surly discriminate him, his rogue colleges, as well as anyone allowing his behavior! I need stacks and stacks of ammo, automatic weapons as well as signs that show the land I am on is consulate land and thus sovereign territory of  Saudi Arabia as long as I reside upon the land.
I have the dumbest, complicated, mentally unstable neighbor also residing on the land......A Rick Newberry! Completely nuts, a redneck hillbilly about as smart as Jed Clampett!!!! He and his 8 chihuahuas constantly barking and getting into everything on my area!!! I am about to get some black powder and begin making little Land Mines to not only protect the land from unwanted intruders, also from unwanted cows and people as well as vehicles!!! I can buy black powder all day long without a permit and without a background check! It IS THE....only weapon I have to protect myself with.......I WILL use it to every advantage I can! Your Royal Highness, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, Since my land is a sovereign part of Saudi Arabia, I ask that you send me some of the saudi AK 47s and large ammo belts as well as the gun stands so as to protect the land and myself from Surrounding rogue surveillance teams! Since the land I am on IS Saudi Arabia.....I AM allowed to have guns on the land as well as explosives! Can someone send me shipments of defense weapons as well as tactical weapons not to mention the necessary ammo to go along with it? My life has already been threatened more than once! Some low-intelligent San Luis Cops and Sheriff's department flunkies/rejects that are rednecks and hillbillies trying to appear as if they were bad ass Cowboys when they are nothing more than weak ass minded PUSSIES!
I need more than wooden sticks to battle them WHEN they come back to attack, just for walking across a remote part of their land......might I add! The REAL question is....why they object SO much to me walking across a mere corner of what seems to be THEIR land? What are THEY doing that they don't want see? It's time to let some large amounts of lead fly! See and hear some large explosions!!! A Civil war it will become.......if they so much as budge from their land and approach the 5 acres that I currently reside upon! Watch me! Done and DONE!
Low-IQ rednecks that have guns and are roge law enforcement doing illegal well as unethical.....WILL be consequently dealt with accordingly! CA.......BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! 

It's either that or.........they get removed suddenly and do not return! the ONLY means of saving their lives........ONE chance! It's war! 
Besides......if they were NOT doing surveillance, they WHY would they need more than 950 watts of power and have multiple rotating people staying there? AH....HA! Surveillance teams MADE! 
Since I have a small amount of Counter-Surveillance training experience, I am worthy when it comes to knowing how to "watch the watchers" as well as survelling those whom surveil me! Either get them gone.....OR they face being blown to bits! It's ON! 

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