Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Waste-to-Energy Plant (Continued-3)

The Waste-to-Energy Plant (Continued-3)

Candy was placed into the diaper pail with the rest of the wet and rolled up messy diapers, Misses Newell made sure to toss the diapers into the pail on top of Candy whom was wearing only her slightly wet diaper....before misses Newell closed the lid and walked away leaving Candy's legs dangling over the side. Candy was going to be filmed as her and the diapers got emptied into the hopper of the diaper trash truck for the company's commercials. The film crew was in the alley filming takes of the diaper collection truck pulling up and stopping. They made sure to film the side of the blue packer container with the baby with a diaper on painted on the side.
Then, the film crew was setting up to show both Daniel Newell and his employee getting out of the cab and going over to the cans closest to them....before cutting.It was then....that a camera-man came into the daycare and began filming the diaper pantry closet, the special disposal trash bags with the leg-holes in the bottom with elastics that also had tapes that were used to fasten the leg-holes tighter.....before the bags were tied closed as well as the area dubbed "The Pre-Disposal Pen" where the disposees were kept before being disposed of.
Misses Newell was just finishing up Lucy's diaper change as the camera-man began to film with Daniel showing the way.

Lucy: Am....I....going to the commercial misses Newell?

Misses Newell: Yes will be.

Lucy: Who will be next to be disposed of?

Misses Newell: I....haven't decided like to be next?

Lucy: Can I be?

Misses Newell: Yes, if you want to be....we can arrange that. When would you like to be disposed of? I usually dispose of you all on Tuesdays in the afternoon....if you want to be disposed of before then.....which day and time would you prefer?

Lucy: After my last diaper change, around snack-time....on Monday.

Misses Newell: OK.....You will be disposed of then. Now....would you prefer to be bagged up or go in as you are?

Lucy: I....want YOU to choose for me.

Misses Newell: Good choice.....I will choose for you when the time comes. Now....go with me and help me carry all these wet diapers to the diaper pail sweetie.....what a....good little helper.

Lucy: (Dropping the pile of diapers into the diaper pail on top of Candy) Is....that.....what.....I...will be like when I am thrown away?

Misses Newell: Yes hon.....

Candy: Hey! Do....all those diapers be tossed in my face?

Misses Newell: They do....because that is where there is room. Here come some more.....

Candy: I....LOVE the sweet smell of the Pampers, Luvs diapers when they are wet. I also like how soft and squishy the other diapers feel.....against my skin.

Misses Newell: In just a little bit ....and all those diapers....are going to be taken out to my husband's truck and dumped in. You are going to get plenty.....of time to enjoy how squishy all the diapers feel.

Candy: Can....I play with some of those....White Luvs diapers from the boxes in the diaper pantry?

Misses Newell: Sure. I used 4 of them as Swifter Wet-Jet pads and I tossed them into the other diaper pail. I will bring them and toss them in there for you in JUST...a bit. Till what you want with the diapers already in there.

Candy: Yay!

Misses Newell closes the lid and it comes to rest on Candy's legs right above the knees as misses Newell walks away to go get the White Luvs Diapers she used for the Swifer Wet-Jet. She opens the tan, square diaper pail, takes out the six White, Luvs Baby Pants Diapers then takes them all out before taking them all over to the black diaper pail, lifting the lid, then she tossed them all in, on top of Candy.

Misses Newell: Here.....ya go hon. Enjoy them now while you can. In just a few and these diapers are going out to my husband's truck to get filmed while you're crushed.

Candy: What if.....I fall out as they dump the diapers?

Misses Newell: Well.....the street sweeper will get the diapers and then you will get pit into one of our Toters in the alley to wait till the next pickup on Friday.

Candy: How come....the street sweeper won't take me?

Misses Newell: You won't fit in the vacuum hoses hon.....unfortunately. So....when I take more diapers out, I will check to see if you are needing to be tossed into one of the toters, till they come to take you and the diapers out....enjoy these ....Luvs diapers....

Misses Newell let's go of the plastic lid and it falls back onto Candy's knees. Candy begins to play with the White Luvs Diapers that had Swifer Wet-Jet cleaner in them. She was just about to climax quietly when someone walked over to the black diaper pail, took the lid off, set it aside then the large man, one of Daniel Newell's employees, picked the can up, carried it outside, through the sliding glass doors, past the back porch, through the backyard, through the back gate, out to the alley where the film crew and the loud and scary sounding diaper collection truck was waiting.

Candy: Hey! Wait! WAIIIT!!!! I was .....WHOOOA! (Thump! Crinkle, Crinkle! Candy does a flip into the hopper and lands on her back with her Legs dangling over the right side of the hopper as the rest of the crinkly diapers and wet pull-ups fell in on top of her chest and face.) The camera-man aimed his camera lense into the hopper filming Candy's flip into the hopper and the diapers falling all over her. Then the next two toters were emptied in, covering Candy's upper body completely before the compactor started. The camera films two angles; one from the hopper then one watching Candy's legs sliding along the side of the hopper as the compactor cycled the first time. Then, the camera filmed the second cycle as Candy got her diaper crushed against the other diapers as the diapers behind her were crushed against her diapered butt.
Candy: Please! Don't.....cruuuuuuuuUUUSH.........

Daniel and his employee stood there....watching Candy and all the diapers as they got compacted twice. The film crew finished up and then left to go edit and complete the commercial with all the footage while Daniel and his employee continued on with the rest of their daycare and diaper factory route.
The next daycare was about 3 miles away. As Daniel drove the three miles, the diapers that now were crushed, buckled, bundled up and pressed against Candy and the now mashed and buckled diaper she had on were bouncing and shimmying as the truck drove along. Candy had her face and head pressed into the open wet diapers that now completely enveloped her head. She could smell the Pampers perfume strongly as something......wet and slimy....beaded on her head, in her hair and all over her hips, waist and stomach.
Her body ached from the hard compactor cycles she had been forced to experience.
Candy found herself unable to see much around her in the semi-darkness of the packer container she and the diapers were now in and near the rear of.
As the truck slowed and came to a halt, Daniel and his employee got out on both sides and began to take toters full of diapers over to the hopper. The first toter had lots of Fitti diapers, Huggies Story-time diapers, Benton Diapers as well as quite a few Pampers Baby-Dry diapers that were ready and waiting to be disposed of. As Daniel's employee emptied the first toter, about 10 to 11 loose Fitti diapers fell out and onto the ground about 2 to 3 inches from the side of the truck. Then as Daniel emptied the full toter he had into the hopper, a boy wearing a thick, fat slightly wet Fitti diaper that looked a bit too large for him, as the waistband went up past his bellybutton, fell into the hopper on top of a large, heaping load of diapers, as the rest of the diapers covered him.

Boy in thick diapers: (Sitting up from under the piles of diapers) Hey! Hey! Mister? Where are you....taking my....diapers and I?

Daniel: (Pausing before emptying another full toter) To the place that will burn you and the diapers. Lay down I can empty the rest of these diapers in there! Fine....don't....then! I....don't care.

Daniel emptied the toter into the hopper and the boy felt the full brunt of the avalanche of diapers falling into the hopper all over him. Then, Daniel started the compactor. The packer container wasn't even a quarter full. The boy and the diapers slid through the opening and were pushed to the end of the range of the hydraulics about 4 or 5 inches just inside the packer container.
Then as the packer blade began to retract, Daniel's employee emptied a full toter of diapers and another diapered boy whom had tons of blue dye and green slimy gels all over him, on top of the compactor blade. As he did, 12 loose diapers slid across the blade and fell down to the ground on the left side of the truck near the side of the hopper, scattering about on the ground. The stained and thickly diapered boy fell onto the diapers on the moving and retracting compactor blade on his right side before being covered with diapers. Then, as the compactor blade retracted out from under the boy and the diapers, the boy found himself falling down once more and being covered with more diapers. The boy sat up and got onto his knees to peer over the left side of the hopper. As he did, he got an entire 97 gallon tote's worth of diapers dumped on him! A few of the old boxes of Wing-fold diapers as well as four opened and damaged boxes of the Luvs Baby Pants diapers fell into the hopper next to the boy, in a pile.

Boy in Hopper: Hey.....sir? Sir??? Uuuuuh! Hey! Mister!

Daniel Newell: I don't talk trash...with trash son!

Boy in Hopper: Do be in here??? Please....let me get out!

Daniel Newell: Nothin' doing man! Once you're in MY're goin for a ride!

Daniel empties another full toter into the hopper then his employee empties another full toter into the hopper before hitting the packer's start button.

Boy in Hopper: Waaaaaait!!! Uuuuuuuuh!

The compactor begins and as it pushes into the diapers, the boy's hands begin to slide along the left side of the hopper. His diaper begins to mash against his butt as it gets the boxes of diapers pressed against it. The boxes begin to buckle and fold as they press against the boy's diaper plastic. The boy and his diaper slide into the opening of the packer container and he is forced up onto the top of the packer blade along with two boxes of the diapers, and a small pile of loose, unrolled wet diapers.
Daniel and his employee go grab the last toters and Daniel empties his first, spilling the first quarter of the load out onto the moving packer blade and spilling at least 20 loose diapers into the ground on the right side of the truck. Then the employee empties his toter once the packer blade retracts and the boy and the diapers fall into the hopper.
The diapers fall all over the boy and cover him completely as he tries to sit up again. He gets knocked right back down by the weight of the loads of heavy wet diapers and then the 10 boxes of Luvs Baby Pants Diapers and Pampers Wing-fold diapers that were stacked beside the last toter that the employee began to toss into the hopper.
Once the last box was tossed in, Daniel and his employee got back into the cab and drove off to the Next stop, a large orphanage home where test subjects were housed for use by big cosmetic corporations, chemical labs, diaper companies, dye companies, and even big Pharma. The diapered test subjects were kept in cribs and or large crib-like beds while not occupied. They were allowed to play in a play-room within the same nursery or desognated room. For every two beds, there was a changing table.
In the wet room, where the test subjects were brought to after returning from being used in tests....there were old dingy cribs and larger crib-like well as large blue 55 gallon plastic drums on wheels full of dirty disposable diapers. A white 55 gallon drum next to the blue one had all of the cloth items such as onesies, footed sleepers and cloth diapers.
The disposable diapers go out to be taken by Daniel and the "Newell Diaper Disposal" truck while the cloth diapers all get shredded up and either recycled into new clothing or those that are not shredded, go directly to a cement plant or to the landfill. The janitors had taken all the diapers and the dirty test subjects out to the alley where they filled and even over-filled the 10 97 gallon toters. The morning of diaper trash day, two janitors came to empty the disposable diaper pails. They came over to the first row of crib-like beds and opened the first two in the row from the end and pulled the diapered test subjects out and then brought them over to the diaper pail which was too full to put them into.

Janitor 1:'s trash time.....since the diaper pails are too full, I am allowing you to either walk along side the pail or.....I can just lay you on the top as I roll the pail outside.....which do you want to do?

Diapered Test Subject (Girl): Walk mr.

Janitor 2: Hey trashy's time to take the diapered trash out.....I am going to lay you....right on top....of all those nice....dirty diapers so we can roll the diapers out for disposal. It's diaper trash day. The....nice diaper trash men will be here soon. go! There! Now....let's get the diaper-trash out.

Diapered Test Subject 2 (Boy): Wait! No! Stop! Let.....go of me! I am...not trash! No! No! No!! I....don't wanna go in there!

Janitor 2: Yep! It's trash time! You do...not have a choice!!! You have been thrown away! You are trash! We LOVE watching diapered trash being disposed of and then being crushed! You're lucky you aren't wearing cloth diapers!!! Those who are wearing cloth diapers get to be first crushed in the bailer then the bails get sent to a shredder. Now....OUT to the trash go!

The two janitors roll the pail outside to the alley with the diapered trash girl waddling next to the the first Janitor guides the diapered trash with her left hand on her back. Once outside, they rolled the full can next to the last toter just as the Newell Diaper Disposal truck pulled up. Daniel and his employee jump out of the cab, Daniel walks around the front of the truck to the right side and grabs the first toter as the employee grabs the second toter.
Daniel stops to wait for his employee to dump the toter he has and greets the two janitors waiting there to see that the diapered trash girl and the diapered trash boy get compacted.

Daniel Newell: Hi there. Have a couple of diapered trash for us?

Janitor 1: Yes....we do. We want to be sure they get compacted.

Daniel Newell: They sure will...get a good compacting here in just a few. We will even run the packer a couple more times for you if you like.

Janitor 1: Yes....would you? We LOVE watching them getting their diapers squished! The diapers buckle nicely don't they????

Daniel Newell: Yes....they do. We like watching too. Once my co-worker is out of the way......go ahead and put her into the hopper.

Janitor 1: Sure. Thanks.

Once the employee is out of the way, the Janitor guides the diapered-trash girl over to the right side of the hopper then he lifts her up by putting his hands inside her armpits from behind her, letting go in mid air, tossing her into the hopper. The diapered girl lands in the hopper on her diapered butt facing the opening of the packer container with her legs out in front of her. Then Daniel rolls the full toter of bagged and loose diapers over to the side of the hopper and then dumps it as his employee grabs the 3rd toter.
Daniel steps out of the way rolling the now empty toter back into the row as the employee empties the 3rd toter into the hopper. The diapered girl sitting there, now under 194 gallons worth of loose and bagged diapers wonders what will come next and why she is in there with a sad pout on her face. One of the bags of diapers had fallen into the diapered girl's lap as the avalanche of diapers came raining down on her. She now had an open wet diaper with the wet padding against her hair and an open semi wet diaper resting on her left shoulder with the front hanging down the front of her shoulder.
The girl looks over to her left and sees another full toter-load come avalanching in all over her.

Girl in Hopper: Please! .....It ....stinks in here! (Pouting)

Daniel:'s .....PACK....HER.....time!!!!

Daniel puts the now empty toter down and rolls it back into place before hitting the packer button, starting the compactor cycle. The compactor blade begins to advance and as it does, the diapers begin to get scrunched, bunched up, wrinkled and they fold over as they rise slightly as they begin to push against the girl's back. The girl slides along the smooth metal hopper floor on her diapered bottom.....her head just clears the top edge of the pre-crusher as the diapers and her go into the packer container.

Meanwhile......back at The Newell Daycare......

Misses Newell was busy changing diapers of her regular clients before she began changing the disposees. A couple of new clients came to the daycare to dispose of two of their diapered twins.
One named Adam, was wearing thick Pampers Baby Dry diapers with the Polyethylene backing and his twin was wearing a onesie, with two layered Huggies Story-time diapers that were very bulky.
While misses Newell and the parents filled out the paperwork and then paid, the twins were put into the disposal nursery pen with the others.
Then, just as the twins' parents left, a mother with a boy wearing a onesie and layered cloth diapers and plastic pants.
Mosses Newell didn't want to take the boy.....however, His mom paid misses Newell an extra $3,000 to take him and she reluctantly agreed.
Once the paperwork was filled out, the mom left, leaving four black 97 gallon trash bags full of Wing-fold disposable diaper boxes as well as two bags full of cloth diapers and 10 pair of plastic pants.
Misses Newell comes over to the boy in cloth diapers and looks him over as she calls the other daycare to come and take him. The other daycare director answers and misses Newell and her talk.....then misses Newell comes over to the boy in layered cloth diapers;

Misses Newell: Hey, I am misses Newell. You are here to be thrown away. Unfortunately, we don't deal with cloth diapers. I called another disposal daycare that a friend owns and if they don't come to take you, I will just have to throw you away in the regular trash along with all your cloth diapers.

Boy in cloth diapers: Do I......get my....wet diapers changed?

Misses Newell: No....not while you are here, maybe....if you go to the other.....daycare......if they don't come to take you and your diapers, you will be thrown away in what you are wearing.
Misses Newell goes to the diaper closet and open the door. She bends over and takes a couple of the special "Trash Bags" out from the box and then closes the door. She then brings the couple of special trash bags over to where the boy in cloth diapers is.....just in case.
Misses Newell then puts the bags on a shelf up high next to where there are some stacks of diapers and a changing table.

Boy in Cloth Diapers: Miss? What.....are those.....for?

Misses Newell: Which? mean....these? These trash bags are for you honey. They are for if the other daycare doesn't come to take you and I have to throw you away. These custom trash bags....have nice little leg elastics that help keep everything inside and they fit super tightly. They also have a diaper.

Boy in Cloth Diapers: How I going here?

Misses Newell: Hopefully....not long.
You may get thrown away soon.

Then misses Newell goes over to Adam and his twin to check to see if they need diaper changes.

Misses Newell: (Taking a deep breath and then sighing) Let's see of you need....diaper changes? Adam.....come here so I can check ok....hon? Your thick baby!

Adam stands by misses Newell as she unsnaps his onesie and then rolls it up and then off over his head.....tossing it to the floor.

Misses Newell: Well now......that....IS....a thick diaper you have on sweetie. Here.....why don't we we can take a look at your diaper.....ok sweetie???? That's.....right hon...........there....ya go......

Misses Newell unfasten the tapes and pulls the front of the diaper down. She sees the three thick booster pads inside.

Misses Newell: This....explains why....your diaper is so....thick. We won't be using these in your diapers though. You will get diaper changes every 45 minutes to every hour until you are disposed of.

Adam: you mean miss? Dis....p...osed.....of?

Misses Newell: You.....sweetie....are here to be thrown away. and dad brought you and your twin here so we could throw you away.

Adam: the trash....????

Misses Newell: Well.....sort husband and I.....own a special .....diaper disposal company that comes and takes all of the.....wet and messy diapers as well as any....unwanted diapered trash we call a place called a....Waste-to-Energy Plant that takes all of the diapers and you....diapered trash.....and burns it to make electricity for us to use for our....computers, internet, TV, lights, ovens, hot water heaters, you name it.

Adam: How long.....will I before......all that happens?

Misses Newell: OH.....probably.....2 to 3 weeks.....give or take. Just long enough to fill up two toters. While you are get two assigned toters. Once the second one gets nearly 3/4 of the way full, it will be time to put you and your.....diapers into your toter. I sometimes will put you and some of your diapers into a couple of our.....special disposal trash bags. They have....neat and very comfy fitting leg elastics that help hold....everything in the bag. The bags...also have two large tapes...mlike a that the bag will seal tighter around your legs. and your...twin are here.....I am going to rent you out to a diaper factory,the cosmetic department of the diaper factory and the dye chemical department so you can make me some more money before I have to throw you both away. You two will be going back....and forth on a weekly basis. You will be spending a few days here each week, probably....the weekends and the Fridays before. During these days, you......and your.....twin will be helping me to use up as many.....diapers as you can.

Adam: I like diapers. I like....gow sweet they smell and how.....nice....and squishy.....tjey feel when they are wet. Can I.....keep my....wet diapers with me if I want certain ones?

Misses Newell: (nodding) yeah.....sure....I....don't have a problem with that hon.

Adam: Can...I also choose....what diapers I get to wear?

Misses Newell: Yes sweetie, you may.

Adam: Will I....get to.....choose the diaper I have to be.....thrown away in?

Misses Newell: Sure.....we can do that.
When you come back here from being tested, I....will make sure to change your diaper too.

Adam: Can diapers? The thin ones that my mommy uses on me? I think....they called them.....

Misses Newell: No.....those diapers are too thin. We are going to throw those away with you.

Adam: Can I at least.....get a couple with and....sleep with?

Misses Newell: Hehehe.....I will think about that. I will let you know what I decide.

Adam: What Luvs Baby Pants Diapers or my brother's Pampers Ultra diapers? The....ones with waistshield?

Misses Newell: If.....I have too many of those.....I may.....allow you to play and sleep with them. I...usually use those on my Swifer-Wet-Jet mop to clean the floors in here.

Misses Newell pulls out some wipes and begins to wipe Adam up with them. She drops the used wipes into Adam's diaper padding before folding the front of the diaper down and then she pulled the rest of the diaper out from under him as she slightly lifted him like a pro.
Misses Newell then pit the folded over slightly wet diaper down beside Adam and then she grabbed a couple of clean diapers from a stack that she brought over.

Misses Newell: O...K sweetie.....which....of these diapers would you prefer.....I have.....a Luvs Deluxe for him, a Luvs Deluxe diaper for her, a Pampers Baby-Dry, a....Huggies Story-Time diaper, a.....Cute little Benton diaper, and these.....Huggies Ultratrim diapers......

Adam: (looking at all of the choices) (Pointing to one) I

Misses Newell: Good....choice hon.....these Luvs Deluxe for him are nice...and thick.....and comfy.

Adam: my....diapers and I.....after I am thrown away miss?

Misses Newell: and the diaper you will have on....will go into a designated diaper pail full of your own diapers. and your diapers will wait until it is time to get taken out to your toter. Once you and your diapers are in your toter, it won't be too long before my husband's diaper collection trash truck will come and crush you and your diapers. He will take you and your....diapers along his route till the truck is full. Then.....he will take you and the loads of diapers to the nice.....waste-to-energy plant.

Adam: Do I do with my....diapers while I am in the diaper pail?

Misses Newell: No.....I don't. Once I throw you can do....whatever you want with your diapers. In can do what you want with your diapers now.....they are....YOUR.....diapers.

Adam: My diapers make me feel.....extra good......sometimes.....I.....wet into my diapers and they start to.....stick to me afterwards.

Misses Newell: Well.....tell me after that.....and....I will change you....ok sweetie?

Adam: Yes that.....thing.....that.....follows the truck for?

Misses Newell: mean....the....street sweeper? That follows my husband's trash truck and picks up the diapers that .....fall out or blow out onto the ground.

Adam: What....if I fall out? Will that.....thing....pick ME up???

Misses Newell: Unfortunately, won't. If you fall out, I will just....bring you over to the toters and....toss you back into it until it's diaper-trash day again.

Adam: Miss? What if.....I get some of my diapers out of my...diaper pail to play with?

Misses Newell: You...can do that.....if you wish.....they are your diapers.....when it comes time to throw you away, you will join them.

Adam: going to....put one of things....over me like you said you would.....for that.....boy......over there?

Misses Newell: (Looking around then spotting the black special disposal bags) mean.....those.....maybe....I Will if your pail becomes too full for you to go into....

Adam: Will you....put my diapers into that black thing with me?

Misses Newell: Yes hon.....I will be putting all of the wet and messy diapers that will fit in there.....

Adam: Where will I be while waiting to be taken out?

Misses Newell: You and the diapers will be kept in the bag next to your designated trash can till it's time to be taken out to your toter sweetie. you.....want to.....keep this wet diaper or should I throw it away?

Adam: May I.....keep it?

Misses Newell:

Adam: (Grabbing the crotch of his wet diaper) Thank you miss .....

Misses Newell: You're welcome hon.'s your twin brother's turn. Hey Aaron, like your diaper? I have.....some nice.....soft and comfy diaper choices you can pick from. Come....lay down for me.....that's my's get that.....wet diaper off you....ok? was time for a change huh?

Aaron: Yes miss. My diaper was wet.

Misses Newell: (Wiping Aaron's pelvis and around his balls) Do wet?

Aaron: Sometimes, when my diaper is wet....I will feel the front of my diaper. It feels SO nice.....other feels like pins and needles!

Misses Newell: Then it's good to have a nice....dry, soft, thick and comfy diaper on isn't it?

Aaron: Yes miss.

Misses Newell: Now.....(dropping the last used wipe into the padding of Aaron's diaper, folding it down then pulling it out from under him and setting it aside) Which of these nice.....soft and comfy diapers would you like to wear?

Aaron: (Choosing from an array of various brands, styles, colors and thicknesses) miss.

Misses Newell: Good choice. Luvs Deluxe Flag-Print diapers are....nice. We still have ....3/4 of a box of these left too. You could help use these up for us hon.....if you like them.

Aaron: Yes miss.....I would.

Misses Newell slides the open diaper under Aaron and then she adds a lot of baby powder before she pulls the front of the flag-print diaper up and begins fastening the tapes, smoothing the plastic and pulling lightly on the wings as she does.

Misses Newell: There.. .you are.....sweetie. Is...that

Aaron: is miss. Thank you.

Misses Newell: Now....go lay down's almost nap-time. (Helping Aaron lay down and then putting a blanket over him as Aaron grabbed the wet diaper and turned onto his left side to cuddle with it.) there....diaper changed? Wyatt? Your turn hon.

Wyatt: (looking up from what he was doing) What? Oh....diaper changing time?

Misses Newell: Yep. Is....your diaper....wet? Come here hon, let me see.....

Wyatt: Miss Newell? Can....I of those.....Pampers with the...Blue waistshield diapers or those.....Luvs Baby Pants diapers? Please????

Misses Newell: ARE going to be next to he disposed of after Candy.....I....don't see any reason why not....besides.....we have 10 boxes of them to use up.

Wyatt: Will I go into one of those....trash bags or....without one?

Misses Newell: I.....haven't decided yet.
Would be in one or not?

Wyatt: What is it be in one miss?

Misses Newell: to.....find out? I can.....let you sleep in one if you will get diapers put into it.....while you're in it....

Wyatt: Um....yes....can I diapers in there with me?

Misses Newell: Sure.....that would be fine.

Misses Newell goes to the diaper closet, gets a couple of the custom-made special disposal bags (made just for their disposal company) and then brings them over to where Wyatt is. Misses Newell then opens the first bag up and then rolls it down so it looks like a large, white pair of crincly and disposable plastic pants.
She then leans over and begins putting Wyatt's legs into the leg-holes as she incrementally pulls the bag up to Wyatt's head, just over his shoulders.

Misses Newell: There. The first bag is on. How....does it feel?

Wyatt: It's.....starting to here. There is a....lot of room in here.

Misses Newell: Good. I will begin to fill the room in there up....with diapers.

Wyatt: Am I.....going to have this?

Misses Newell: Afraid so sweetie. I can pull the bag down still and give you a few more diaper changes until the bag starts to fill up, you will need to stay in the bag though.

Wyatt: OOhhhhhhh!!! Please.....don't away miss.....I promise......I will be good. I....don't wanna be....trash! Plllllease?

Misses Newell: Sorry.....sweetie.....your parents can't afford to diaper you, we...can't keep you, no one else wants a diapered person, so.....unfortunately, how things have to be. We...have NO choice....and neither do you.

Wyatt: (Pouting) Pleeeease?

Misses Newell: No....sorry. Now.........relax and .....take your nap. I will change your diaper, after your nap. Here....drink some kool aid.

Wyatt begins to drink his Kool-aide as he lays on his mat inside the crinkly, White, custom special-disposal super-force-flex trash bag. Misses Newell goes over to Lucy and gets her to lie down on her mat so to change her diaper.

Misses Newell: Hey's time for another diaper change. Come lie down here on your mat for me.....ok sweetie?

Lucy, having a small wet spot in her diaper, comes to lie down in her mat.

Lucy: I...din't know...mif my diaper is wet or not.....miss Newell.

Misses Newell: Well, we....are going to find out. What like to wear? (Showing Lucy 6 choices of various diapers)

Lucy: Is....this.....going to diaper change?

Misses Newell: (Checking the date on her phone, seeing that it is Friday 11:00 am) No sweetie. You still have the.....entire weekend to help use up as many diapers as you can. going to change you every hour and 15 minutes so to use up more diapers, even if.....your diapers aren't soaked....your diapers are considered dirty after I put them on will use up more diapers for us.

Lucy: I choose.....the Luvs Deluxe rose print diaper.

Misses Newell: These....are nice, thick, bulky and comfy. Good.....choice.

Misses Newell finishes changing Lucy's diaper and then puts her down for a nap.
Then, misses Newell goes over to Adam to change his slightly wet diaper.

Misses Newell: (Grabbing six disposable diapers and laying them on Adam's Mat )
O......k Adam, get your diaper changed. Come over to your mat sweetie.....and choose what diaper you want to be changed into.

Adam toddles over to the mat and misses Newell turns him around then gently lays him down onto his back on the mat. Then she gets the wipes ready for use before infastening the tapes and pulling the slightly wet diaper front down so it lay open.

Adam: wear......hmmmmmm.....can I.......wear and white diaper with the......roses on it?

Misses Newell: Sure......sweetie. The Luvs Deluxe for her diaper is nice, thick and very comfy.

Adam: throw me away, can........I wear one of those.....white.....Pampers Ultra diapers with around the top or the white Luvs Baby Pants Diapers????

Misses Newell: We'll see......hon......

Adam: I like a lot...a...LOT of baby powder in my diaper.

Misses Newell: No problem hon.

Adam: thrown me away....after you check my diaper, be leaving all of the.....used wipes in my diaper like when you did for that girl that just got thrown away?

Misses Newell: You....mean....Candy? The wipes? Yep. I...will. Everything is going to the same doesn't matter.

Adam: Can you.....also give me my.....bottle with something to drink?

Misses Newell: Sure.....that....won't be a problem.

Adam: What....are you doing with my....diaper bags???

Misses Newell: They will be thrown in with you. I will take any clean diapers out, leaving any.....burp rag diapers in there along with, pacifiers and bottles. Any baggie of wipes will be left in there too. I...usually try to fill your diaper bags with your wet diapers before tossing them though.

Adam: What will happen to me once I am taken to the place where your husband takes everything?

Misses Newell: You....and all these....diapers we throw away.....will most likely get scraped into a pile of other diaper-trash that is waiting to be burned. They like to.....let the diapers dry out some before they are burned.

Adam: You mean....that.....I will just get.....left in some.....pile of diapers.....for a while.....letting my diaper and I....dry out before they take my diapers and I to be burned? How me....were....still alive when they took them to be burned????

Misses Newell: Well, my husband told me that a few times.....the plant took loads right away because they needed the moisture. That doesn't always happen though.

Adam: and your husband......ever....brought some like the place there....still alive?

Misses Newell: Sometimes, when one of you falls out of the truck, I will drive those whom fell out, right to the plant and leave you standing there at the scale-house. I end up paying for your weight though that way. So...I have to just....put you back into one of our toters till next diaper-trash day comes.

Adam: Do I....have a choice if you....put me into one of those.....special trash bags you use or not?

Misses Newell: No.....I...usually decide if you will or won't get bagged up or not.

*See The Waste-To-Energy Plant (Continued-4)

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