Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Waste-To-Energy Plant (Continued-4)

The Waste-To-Energy Plant (Continued-4)
Misses Newell finishes changing Adam's diaper and gets him up and takes him over to his mat to put him down for a nap.

Misses Newell: (Standing back up) like to.....keep your diaper or....should I.....throw it away?

Adam: May I......keep my diaper?

Misses Newell: may, here.... Now....try and lay down and take a nap. I will change your diaper again after nap-time.

Misses Newell gets Adam to lay down for a nap then hands him his diaper before going over to Aaron to change his diaper before nap-time.

Misses Newell: OK Aaron, change your diaper sweetie......come lay down for me ok? So.....which diaper would you like to wear? (Showing Aaron an array of various diapers to choose from)

Aaron: Ummmmmmm......I

Misses Newell: OH.....the.....Disney Designs diaper huh? Good......choice. It's nice.......and thick.......and so nice and.....soft......comfy.

Aaron: and I.....have to be thrown away????

Misses Newell: (Unfastening the tapes, pulling the front of the diaper down and laying it open flat.) Well, you two.....won't be out of diapers ever. Your.....former parents brought you both here.....because diapering the two of costing them too much money. They have a new baby on the way to get ready for. They....just can't afford to diaper three of you at the same time.

Aaron: When am I being thrown away miss?

Misses Newell: Well, in 3 weeks to a month from now. I....usually throw diapered trash out the day before diaper-trash day. want to be thrown away before then, I won't have a problem with it. Now.....when I am done changing your diaper, it is time for your nap. I have.....a little cloth diapered boy to throw away.
Misses Newell finishes Aaron's diaper change and then puts him down for a nap. She then tosses his diaper into the diaper pail before going back into the "disposee nursery" to begin disposal of the cloth diapered boy.
As misses Newell walked into the disposee nursery, her cellphone rang. She pulled it out and answered it;

Misses Newell: Newell Daycare.....this is misses Newell......

Pampers Diaper Corporate Rep: calling to ask you if we can sponsor your daycare with our new Pampers Lumi Smart diapers.

Misses Newell: Well.....I.....don't know Much about these....can you....tell me more?

Misses Newell looks at the article and likes what she sees.

Misses Newell: Sounds to something we would be.....very interested in. How many cases are you going to sponsor us with?

Pampers Diaper Corporate Rep: We can sponsor you six cases of our new Pampers Lumi Diapers per week in the sizes you need most.

Misses Newell: Sure. We also have a steady clientel of unwanted diapered trash that we will use these diapers on. We will also take them to a waste-to-energy plant for disposal weekly.

Pampers Diaper Corporate Rep: So....what sizes will you need most?
Misses Newell: Size 4, Size 5, Size 6 AND size 7. If you make these in a size 8, we will need those too.

Pampers Diaper Corporate Rep: All you have to do is download our new App in the Apple store or the Android Play store for the "Smart Diaper" notifications to work. 

Misses Newell: I...will download the app and install it. Thank you. Thank you so much....for Sponsoring our daycare.

Pampers Diaper Corporate Rep: No problem. You loan us some of your "Beta Product Testers" and you filled out the documents completely. We appreciate that. The cases of diapers will arrive sometime today. We shipped them two days ago. Tell us what you think. We will be standing by awaiting your feedback. Thanks again and.....enjoy our diapers.

Misses Newell: OH....I'm sure everyone will. Thanks again....ok....have a nice day....bye.

Pampers Diaper Corporate Rep: You too....bye.

Misses Newell: Sponsoring our daycare with their new Pampers Lumi Smart Diapers. All of you will get to wear the new Smart Diapers.
Everyone looks up at misses Newell with a perplexed look and then everyone goes back to playing or doing what they were doing.

Adam: Miss?

Misses Newell: Yes hon?


Misses Newell: It's a brand new disposable diaper that text messages me....when you wet your diaper. It will make things a LOT easier for me when it comes time to throw you away. I won't have to unfasten your diapers.....I can just.....walk you over to the dirty diaper pail and put you in.

Adam: What if.....I want you to add more powder before you throw me away?

Misses Newell: I...can still do that.

Adam: diaper still tell you it is wet after I am thrown away?

Misses Newell: Good......question hon....I...don't know. If it does.....I will simply just.....ignore the message then.
Nap-time hon, I have a cloth diapered disposee to throw away with his cloth diapers and his onesies.
Misses Newell then goes to throw the wet and a rolled up messy disposable diaper away before she comes back to the cloth diapered boy. Misses Newell grabs one of the white custom made 8 mil thick, plastic force-flex diaper disposal bags with removable leg holes with elastics at the legs, and she opens the bag, punches the leg holes out and then rolls the bag up like it were a shirt or a pair of pants and then she lays the cloth diapered boy down on the floor.

Misses Newell: OK.....time.....for...your recycling now hon....lift your legs up the....other one......there......(working the trash bag up and over the cloth diapered boy up to his head) now.....time to....recycle all....of your clean and dirty cloth diapers and plastic pants.

Cloth Diapered Boy: Hey! What???? Wait! Stop it! My.....diapers! They aren't ....recyclable miss!

Misses Newell: Um....yes....they are. All of your....nasty....cloth diapers are being recycled now! You and all of your cloth diapers are going to a recycling plant.

Cloth Diapered Boy: It' here!!!
Misses Newell grabs the bags of cloth diapers and starts transferring them into the bag the boy is now in. The diapers begin to settle around the boy's crotch and around his plastic pants before the next bag of formerly wet and semi wet cloth diapers began to fall and tumble into the bag, filling the bag and settling around the boy's waist, chest then shoulders. Then, misses Newell grabbed the top edge of the trash bag in her left hand, and then dragged the bag with the boy's legs sticking out of the bottom, over to where the the boy's two fully stocked diaper bags were.

Cloth Diapered Boy: taking me?????

Misses Newell: OH....just......gathering up all your.....diapers, onesies and sleepers....gotta fill your bag up....

Misses Newell put the end of the trash bag down so she could open each diaper bag to take any of the baby powder, lotions and diaper rash creams out, leaving the wipes, bottles and any pacifiers in the bags. Then....misses Newell filled the diaper bags with some of the wet cloth diapers till they bulges before zipping them closed and then tossing them both into the trash bag with the boy. Misses Newell then began to pull the tie handles up to cinch the bag closed.

Misses Newell: It's get the bag tied shut now.....then....I'm taking you outside to the cloth diaper recycling bins for recycling day.

Cloth Diapered Boy: My.....DIIIIIII.....APERS!!!!!!

Misses Newell: Taking.....(Grunting a little) the....recycling out!
(Lifting the now heavy bag up and swinging it into the 97 gallon recycling bin.)
Bye-bye diapered trash!!!

Misses Newell walks back inside and goes back to the regular clients side to see how everyone is doing over there with her new employee. Misses Newell and her new employee help put all of the regular clients down for their naps after their diaper changes. Once all of the regular clients were asleep, Misses Newell and her new employee gathered up all of the wet and messy diapers, brought them all to the diaper pail for disposal.
The end of the day rolls around and then Misses Newell and Daniel retire for the night, with the disposees fast asleep for the night. Night rolls into morning, misses Newell, and Daniel awaken and go make a large pot of coffee. As the coffee brews, misses Newell prepares all of the bottles and spill-proof cups of drinks with a mild diuretic in them to help wet more diapers faster.  Then she pours herself the morning's first cup of coffee and then goes out to the back porch to smoke her first cigarette. Daniel pours himself a cup of coffee and joins his wife out on the back porch.

Misses Newell: I have two to go out for disposal this week. One....wants to be disposed of and the other doesn't. I am going to have to add the bungee chord as well as the lid-lock to keep her in the toter until your truck comes.

Daniel: OK.....We can manage with that. This week, we have the two testing facilities, two daycares and four diaper factories to collect from.

Misses Newell: Do.....any....of the diaper factories throw away clean diapers?

Daniel Newell: Yes....all the time. The packages are sometimes damaged or mis-printed and they throw those away.

Misses Newell: Could I get you to bring home four of the damaged packs of diapers from the Fitti diaper factory and the Luvs diaper factories?

Daniel Newell: I'm not supposed to....I will bring you some of the diapers home. What do you need them for?

Misses Newell: going to use them on those being thrown away. I want to use the good diapers on our regular clients instead.

Daniel: Ah....I see......where you are going with this. You....want the....GOOD diapers for the regulars and the....other ones for the disposees. Ok....I think we can work with that. Now.....are there any of the disposees whose former parents gave last instructions for the disposal? Such as ....extra compactor cycles, maybe a pre-crusher cycle or two????

Misses Newell: I....think so, I will have to look at the paperwork.

Misses Newell puts her cigarette butt out and goes back into the house to go gather up the wipes, baby powder and some of the selections of Huggies Story-time diapers, Luvs Deluxe for him and for her, Pampers Baby-Dry, Fitti large and extra large, as well as a couple of Benton Diapers to go begin changing the wet morning diapers for the disposees. Today, is Monday, the day that Lucy gets thrown away into the diaper pail or into a custom made, special disposal bag. 

Misses Newell: Good....morning sweetie. Time to....wake up, it's diapy changing time.

Lucy: (Yawning and stretching) is it?

Misses Newell: It's ...Monday, today is your....disposal day. Ok.....which diaper would you prefer?
Lucy: (Choosing the Fitti diaper)

Misses Newell: A good choice. Nice....and soft.

Lucy: Is...this....going to be my....last diaper change?

Misses Newell: No sweetie....the next one will be. Would to be disposed of in a trash bag put into the diaper pail like you are?

Lucy: No bag please. I...wanna go in this.

Misses Newell: OK sweetie. No...problem. you want a lot of baby powder or the....usual amount?

Lucy: Whatever you think is good.

Misses Newell: OK....(Shaking a lot of powder onto her and into her diaper)

Lucy: When.....I get thrown away, will anyone care....what happens to me or what I do with the diapers?

Misses Newell: No, afraid not.

Lucy: So.....while I am in the diaper pail, you won't care....if I....rub my diaper till I diaper?

Misses Newell: Nope. I won't care. Neither will the trash men. You will be trash. No one cares....what happens to trash.

Lucy: May...I have...some milk please? When you throw me put my full bottles in with me?

Misses Newell: Sure.....I may bring all four of them to your diaper pail. Now, after it's diaper change time, it will be nap time then diaper changing time again and that, is when you will be disposed of after all of the diapers are changed.

Lucy: How nap-time miss Newell?
Misses Newell: It is usually an hour to two hours. I will tell you when it is time for your disposal. Now, I have to go change Adam's diaper and Wyatt's diaper.
Would you like me to.....bring you one of our.....custom-made trash bags? It was made to be put on like a diaper.....and it comes with very, super wide and very snug and tight leg elastic gathers and strong pull handles. It even has little plastic wires in the middle like a force-flex bag has. The bag is white with Sail boats and lighthouses on it. Cute right? If you should decide that you want me to put you and your diapers into the bag, it will be ready for you.

Lucy: saying want me to be disposed of in one of your special trash bags?
Misses Newell: I only want you to if you.....tell me you do. Yes, it would be easier to throw you and your diapers away if you were inside the bag.

Lucy: Will the bag....go up over my head?

Misses Newell: Well, I can pull it up over your head and fit ten more diapers in or....I can pull it up to over your shoulders.
Which would you want?

Lucy: Hmmmmm, May I see.....what both will be like?

Misses Newell: Sure. At diaper changing time, after nap-time.

Lucy: You say....the bag goes on like a big, heavy, thick plastic diaper with cute prints on it? Does that mean that the bag has tapes?

Misses Newell: Yes hon, it does have tapes. The tapes help hold the bag closed before I tie the top closed. Our custom trash bags all come with very wide and tight-fitting leg elastics so that the bags keep everything inside them and don't leak until they get thrown away. They look really comfy too. They also compact well in my husband's diaper trash truck.
Just ask my husband. He likes watching the diapers getting all nice and crushed.

Misses Newell goes over to change Adam's diaper before nap-time.
Misses Newell brings over a thick Fitti diaper with balloons on it over to Adam along with the wipes and the baby powder.

Misses Newell: Hi there Adam, after nap-time, the....Fitti diaper factory is coming to pick you up. They are going to use you to wet and test some of their diapers. Then, they are supposed to bring you back here when they are finished with you a few days from now. Sounds....dun and comfy doesn't it?

Misses Newell: Well, then, my husband will come and take you to....the nice waste-to energy plant with the rest of the diapers.

Misses Newell pulled Adam's slightly wet Fitti diaper out from under him, setting it onto his chest while she opened the large clean Fitti diaper and then she lifted his bottom, slid the back end with the tapes under Adam's bottom before taking the baby powder bottle, opening it and shaking a lot of it onto him and into his diaper before pulling the front up and fastening the tapes snuggly.

Misses Newell: like to keep your wet diaper or should I toss it?

Adam: May I.....take it with me?

Misses Newell: I don't see why not.

Misses Newell leaves Adam's diaper on his chest before taking the bottle of baby powder and the wipes over to Wyatt. Misses Newell then went over to the diaper stacks in the diaper pantry and took a Fitti diaper, a Huggies Story-Time diaper, a Luvs Deluxe for him and a Pampers Baby-Dry 90s diaper from the pantry shelf and brought them all over to change Wyatt's diaper.

Misses Newell: O....K Wyatt, time to....change your diaper. Which of you wish to wear hon?

Wyatt: Hmmmm. I want....the Huggies one.

Misses Newell: Good choice. These are nice and thick, soft and very absorbent.
They ought to be nice and comfy.

Wyatt: Who is being thrown away next again? Wasn't

Misses Newell: (Pulling the custom trash bag down to his ankles, then unfastening the tapes) Yes hon, you...are going to be next. That is why, I was getting you used to....being inside this trash bag. You....will be wearing it until it fills up and is time to take out.

Wyatt: When will my....last diaper change be?

Misses Newell: will be the same day of your disposal and probably about an hour or so before I take you and the bag out. Once the bag gets to a point of being too full, you won't get your diaper changed anymore.

As Misses Newell finishes changing Wyatt's diaper, the two women from the Fitti diaper factory come into the daycare asking for Adam.

Fitti Diaper Factory Woman 1: Hi, we are here to....pick up ....(looking at a clipboard with a sheet of paper with names on it) .....Adam. Is....he available?

Misses Newell: Hi, um....yes....I...just changed his diaper for you.....he has one of the Fitti diapers on. He is ready if you want to take him. Um....Adam? Hon, these two ladies are here to take you to the Fitti diaper factory. (Going over to Adam and helping him stand and then guiding him over to the first lady) I...will...get him back......after you're done with him.....right?

Fitti Diaper Factory Woman 1: Well, after we are done with him, he may be very smelly and dirty. Do you.....want....him back like that?

Misses Newell: Well, he will just get disposed of right into the diaper pail once he gets here. We have been paid to dispose of him. So, yes, I do want him back. However, if....he is so filthy that it is easier to just throw him away there, then go ahead and do so. My.....husband will come and take him on diaper trash day.

Fitti Diaper Woman 1: Well, it will be easier for go ahead and throw him away at the factory. Now....does.....he have any of his....things that we need to take with us?

Misses Newell: Actually, yes.....he came with a couple of diaper bags, one full of cloth diapers, onesies and plastic pants, the other bag has his disposable diapers, bottles, wipes, baby powder and diaper rash cream. He also has a bag of onesies and cloth diapers as well as a bunch of his Luvs Baby Pants diapers as well as four boxes of Pampers Wing-fold diapers.

Fitti Diaper Woman 1: Well....perfect. We....need more cloth diapers and the disposable diapers to use in our tests.
We test our diapers against the cloth diapers, as well as the other brands. We throw away all of the test diapers when each test is done. Did....he come with a stroller?

Misses Newell: fact....he did.Do you...want his stroller?

Fitti Diaper Woman 1: Yes, we do. We want everything he came with.

Misses Newell: Not a problem. Let me get it.

Fitti Diaper Woman 1: want him in the stroller or....should I put him into the car seat?

Fitti Diaper Woman 2: Well, fold the stroller for now, put him into the car seat till we get to the factory. We still have three more to pick up before we get there.

Fitti Diaper Woman 1: OK. No problem.

Misses Newell returns with Adam's stroller and several boxes of Pampers Wing-fold diapers that she had too many of. She put them down and then went over to her desk to grab Adam's custody/ ownership papers as well as the powers of attorney forms, and the signed letter from both Adam's mother and father granting permission to dispose of him.

Misses Newell: Here are his Power of Attorney forms, custodial forms and the signed and notarized letters from his mom and dad granting permission to throw him away. I need both of you to sign the power of attorney form and the custodial form and then ALL yours. OK Adam, you.....are going with...these two nice ladies who will take you to the nice Fitti diaper factory to be used to test stuff.

Adam: Please.....I want to miss Newell. I don't....wanna go with them!!!

Misses Newell: Sorry hon, you.....don't have a choice. belong to them. They....will do to you and with they see fit. They own you now.

Fitti Diaper Woman 1: Hi there Adam. Come with us....sweetheart. You.....get to test our diapers for us as well as some of chemicals. You will get a nice.....locking crib while you are not testing. Ok.....sweetie, go now.....say....bye-bye to Misses Newell.....

Adam: Bye Miss Newell.

Misses Newell: good....OK?

Adam: (Nodding) I will.....

With that, the first woman from the Fitti diaper company took Adam, his diaper bags out to their mini-van and got him buckled into the car-seat before putting his diaper bags down on the floorboards.
Then the sliding door closes and the First Fitti Diaper Rep woman got into the passenger side of the van and closed the door while two men wearing white uniforms put Adam's things into the rear cargo area before closing the door and then they got in to the left passenger side of the van behind the driver and closed the sliding door. The second Fitti Diaper Rep Woman got into the driver's seat, put her seatbelt on, started the van, put it into gear then drove off to the next daycare to pick up a girl whom they didn't want.
Misses Newell went back to the regular daycare clients and just in time to change six wet diapers. Misses Newell changed the six wet diapers, throwing all six unrolled diapers into the diaper disposal bag on top of Lucy inside. Then it was lunch time. Chaos ensued when each diapered little one wanted something left out of their food, and wanted different drinks. Misses Newell, got everyone sitting down eating and drinking....quietly while she recovered from the fast-paced moments in the kitchen. Once lunch time was over, it was playtime for the regular clients. Misses Newell got her new employee to monitor all of the little ones while misses Newell went to go feed the disposees. Misses Newell made grilled cheese sandwiches with ketchup with french fries with whole milk to drink.
Aaron, Wyatt and Lucy were the only three left for the time being. They all sat around the table, locked into their highchairs eating and drinking in silence. Once everyone was done, misses Newell gets everyone out of their highchairs and gets them back into the disposee play area where there are tall baby gates.

Aaron: Miss Newell?

Misses Newell: Yes baby?

Aaron: I need my diaper changed. It's wet.

Misses Newell: OK sweetie, I will get you changed after I get Wyatt in there.....alright hon? 

Misses Newell gets Wyatt out of the highchair then guides him back into the gated play area.

Misses Newell: There you .....are hon, alright, now.....Aaron.....time to.....change your on this empty mat for, I have this.....nice, thick, comfy, and soft New Pampers Lumi Smart-Diaper. It is going to tell me when it's wet.

Aaron: I.....get to......try one of the....NEW....Pampers Lumi Smart Diapers?

Misses Newell: Yep, If I think that they will work well, you....sweetie, will get to be disposed of in one.

Aaron: I like to try diapers, I....don't wanna be.....thrown away. What will happen when it's time for disposal and.....I try to not be?

Misses Newell: matter what, you.....and the diapers....WILL go into the trash. You can make things......easy can make them.....hard. Either way, you and the diapers get thrown away!

Aaron: matter what, I be thrown away?
Misses Newell: Yes, You will, no.....matter what.

Aaron: When are you going to be ......done with me? What are you.....using me for?

Misses Newell: Hon, When you arrive here, I use you to use up as many diapers as you can. of our disposal clients wants or needs one of you, they....are welcome to come and take any of you they need.

Misses Newell puts the diaper on Aaron and then puts his folded over, wet diaper down to his left with the wipes tucked inside.

Aaron: What..... happens to.....the diapers and I when the trash is taken away?

Misses Newell: husband or his employee will dump you and the diapers into his truck, when there are enough diapers in the truck, they will crush you and the diapers to make room for more diapers. They will do this.......over and over until the truck gets full. Then they take everything to the waste-to-energy plant. You....and the diapers will be left there until they decide to burn you and the diapers.

Aaron: taken someone directly to the place where they burn everything?

Misses Newell: Not......yet......though there may come a time when I will need to.

Aaron: What if.....I fall out of the diaper trash truck when they dump me in? Will you.....take me then?

Misses Newell: I...don't know. Maybe. I may just....put you back into the toter or bring you back to the porch and wait till there are enough diapers to burn a load in our burn barrel. If I get some time, maybe.....I would take you and a few of you directly to the Waste-to-Energy Plant.

Aaron: What....happens When you....take us directly to the waste-to-energy plant?

Misses Newell: Well.....from what my husband has told me, when we get there, you get measured and weighed, then, I pay, then I take you to the tipping floor and then I get you out and I leave you there for the Waste-To-Energy Plant to do with as they wish. OK hon.....go play for an hour until I change you again....ok?

Aaron: Miss Newell?

Misses Newell: Yes....hon?

Aaron: May.....I play with the diapers that you took off me?

Misses Newell: Which...ones do you....mean hon?
aron: Oh....may I play with....the ones I keep with me?

Misses Newell: Sure. I....don't care.

Aaron: May......I have a couple of those......Luvs Baby Pants diapers to play with from the box?

Misses Newell: Um.......Ok.....I will get you two diapers. They will join you in the diaper pail when it's time for your disposal.

Aaron: OK, yes miss Newell.

Misses Newell goes to the closet and takes two of the thick, white, crinkly plastic-backed Luvs Baby Pants diapers out of the box. She then closes the diaper closet and brings the two diapers to Aaron and hands them to him.

Misses Newell: Here you go.....sweetie. Enjoy.

Aaron: Thank you miss Newell.
Then, misses Newell gets a phone call on her cell phone from her husband Daniel;

Misses Newell: (answering cellphone) Hello?

Daniel Newell: Hello baby. How are things at the daycare?

Misses Newell:'s very busy as usual. The disposees are using up 7 to 8 diapers a day each and one, Aaron, is using up 12 diapers a day. He is going to have his toter filled up by next Thursday. Then, I will have to start filling up the other toters with his diapers.

Daniel Newell: a lot.....of diapers man! All the more to film on our.....hopper-cam as he and the diapers get....all....nice and packed!

Misses Newell: enjoy....watching the diapered trash being crushed.....and you and as the diapers and the diapered trash get instantly flash-burned in the furnaces.
I.....get so...."hot" and watching the whole process......

Daniel Newell: (Interrupting) .....and I.....LOVE watching all of their....lottle diapered butts, getting bunched up, the....padding and gels popping and getting all over the place and them as the diapers fold up.......bunch up and get wadded the compactor crushes a load.....makes me nearly.....blow it....right there!!!!

Misses Newell: NO....WONDER you and I are so.....passionate to one another! It certainly explains a few things!!!! Make sure that you film every load you collect and get a copy of the footage from the WTE plant of the hopper chutes so we can watch the loads and the diapered trash dropping down into the furnaces. I...LOVE......watching that!

Daniel Newell: Good.....Idea! I...will get copies of the footage from our loads.....and bring it home for us to watch. Babe? How many more diapered trash do we have to dispose of?

Misses Newell: Lucy, Wyatt, then Aaron,

Daniel Newell: Are there......any more diapered trash.....coming?

Misses Newell: Well.....I got a couple of emails from two couples who told me that they MIGHT bring two of their diapered ones by.....they weren't sure when and the second email said that they were waiting for the paperwork to go through before they brought theirs in.
Misses Newell goes back over to Lucy and asks her what she has decided about being in the trash bag or loose in the diaper pail.

Misses Newell: Hon? What have you decided? Trash bag.....or diaper pail?
Lucy: I....want the diaper pail.

Misses Newell: O...K.....let one more diaper check.......before I take you to the diaper pail and put you in. I am going to add a lot of powder to your diaper now.

Misses Newell unfastens Lucy's diaper then uses a lot of wipes to wipe her clean, dropping the 12 used wipes into her slightly wet diaper before shaking in a lot of baby powder. Then Misses Newell pulled the front of Lucy's diaper up and refastened the tapes snuggly.
Then misses Newell helped Lucy stand up and then she walked her over to the nearly full diaper pail, picking Lucy up under her arms and then laying her down onto her back, on top of all of the wet and messy diapers.

Misses Newell: have to stay inside the are now trash. I don't care what happens to you, your diaper or anything. Stay in there until it's time to get taken out to the toters tomorrow. Bye Lucy.

Over the course of that day, Lucy endured having more and more wet and messy diapers tossed in on her as she lay in the diaper pail with her legs dangling over one side. Around 2:30 pm, misses Newell's employee came over to the pail to dispose of four folded over wet Pampers, Luvs Deluxe for him and for her,
as well as a bunch of slightly wet Huggies Story-Time whites diapers. The pail was beginning to become a little full.
Lisa, decided to push down on the diapers that were on top of Lucy hard a couple of times causing Lucy to groan as the diapers below her sprung back.

Lucy: UUUUUUUUUH!!!! Why did you DO that?

Lisa: Because......the diaper pail is getting full and more room is needed for more diapers. Tonight, someone will be taking you and the diapers outside to a toter for disposal, to wait for the nice......diaper collection company to come take you and the stinky diapers away.
Then Lisa drops the diapers in and on top of Lucy and then let's the lid close down again, resting on Lucy's thighs.
Lucy began to scratch at her pelvis because she now had started to develop a diaper rash. She reached around her and found the clean Luvs Baby Pants Diaper and the slightly wet Huggies Story-Time Whites Diaper that she had been disposed of with. She began to use them as pillows to lay her head on when misses Newell came over to the diaper pail with Lucy's diaper bag filled with folded-over wet disposable diapers of hers along with the bottles, toys, pacifiers and a zip-loc baggy of wipes as well as a mostly empty bottle of baby powder. Misses Newell put the diaper bag into the diaper pail, smashing it down on Lucy's left side.

Misses Newell: There. Now, I will be back with some more nice....slightly wet and nice and wet diapers for will be time to take the trash out. The nice toter outside is waiting for you.

Lucy: Really? Is that......where I am going next til the diaper collection truck comes?

Misses Newell: Yes. As a matter of fact, that IS....exactly where you and the diapers will go. It is really....stinky in there too! Enjoy.

Misses Newell leaves for about 15 minutes before coming back with seven folded over wet disposable diapers with piles of used wipes in them and chunks of baby powder in them, for disposal. Misses Newell rolled the tall, wide 32 gallon full trash can on wheels
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outside, to the back porch, across the red-brick path to the back gate. Misses Newell pulled the can through and a few diapers fell out to the ground.

Misses Newell: Oops! Can't......have these falling these for me till I get you to the toter....ok? Such....a good helper.......

Misses Newell pushed the rolling 32 gallon diaper pail out to the toter in the alley where she stopped to flip the lid open to the nearly full 97 gallon toter.
Then misses Newell began to take the loose diapers from on top of and around Lucy as she lay there, wearing only her thick, bulky, wet disposable diaper, with her legs dangling over the side.
Misses Newell then reached underneath Lucy and picked her up under her armpits, and lifted her up and sat her down on top of the loads of diapers already in the toter with her back facing the right side of the toter and her legs again dangling over the left side of the toter.

Misses Newell: (Lifting Lucy up and sitting her down in the toter) O...K Hon....(Grunting a little) UP......and IN.......ya go....there. Now......lay down for ought to be a....little more comfortable laying down......(turning to the diaper pail and then reaching in and grabbing a large armloads of diapers) Here....come more....diapers for ya.......nice...and stinky ones! Peeeeew! Wheeeeew!
It....won't be long before the diaper trash truck will come and.....take you and the diapers away.......

Lucy: (Pouting) Miss? I.....don't......wanna here!

Misses Newell: Sorry! You're in there and belong to my hisband's diaper collection company as unwanted waste inside that diaper. You...and....all these diapers....are going to be used to generate electricity that our daycare needs. (Dropping another large armload of loose, rolled up, messy diapers and folded over wet diapers.....on top of Lucy...some of the diapers covering her face and head now)

Lucy: (Moving some of the diapers aside from her face so to see what misses Newell was doing) Hey! My.....face!

Misses Newell: Hey......get...used to this! I still have.....two more cans full of diapers and pull-ups bring out here.

Lucy: How come......there are......a lot of.....Luvs Baby Pants diapers in here that smell like some cleaners?

Misses Newell: Those? (Pointing to a pile of white, crincly, wet Luvs Baby Pants Diapers laying on her diaper she had on)
Oh....they were used as swifter wet-jet pads to clean the daycare floor after one of your diapers leaked.
(Dropping another pile of soaked Huggies Story-Time Whites diapers, Luvs Deluxe for him and for her (with cute little  flower prints all over them and some American Flag-Print diapers as well as some of the new Pampers Lumi diapers.)

Then misses Newell picked the can up, turned it over, dumping the rest of the diapers out on top of Lucy before reaching back, flipping the lid closed then she reached behind the toter, got a long bungee chord and fastened one end to the handle before stretching it over the lid and down the front of the toter to the tipping rail handle down about half way to the base. Misses Newell then rolled the now empty can back into the back gate, back through the backyard and then back into the daycare and then back where it had been before going to wash her hands. Once she was done, she came out to the disposee nursery to check on Aaron's diaper.
Misses Newell: Hey....Aaron diaper of yours......needing to be changed? May....I see? wet? take a look.

Misses Newell unfastens the tapes and pulls the front of his thick, crinkly diaper down.

Misses Newell: to be changed.......What....kind of diaper......would to wear? I....have........some Luvs Deluxe for him, I....have........a couple of Huggies Story-Time White diapers, I.....have some.......Pampers Lumi diapers, they are brand new too ( ) ( )
.....I put it on you....and as soon as it gets texts me on my phone to tell me it's time to change. Would.....YOU like to....try one?

Aaron: Yes Miss Newell.....may....I?

Misses Newell: Yes may. I....will even give of the old Luvs Baby Pants diapers to play with too......

Aaron: When may I of the Luvs Baby Pants Diapers?

Misses Newell: Well.....if you like, I can put one of them on you after you wet this new Pampers Lumi smart diaper. How do you like that?

Aaron: I like it.

Misses Newell: You....and one other, can help me use up the 10 full large boxes of Luvs Baby Pants diapers while I use some as swifter Wet-Jet pads for cleaning and for soaking up the leaky messes and spills. Now.....Aaron, how......would to help me gather up the other full diaper pails and be a big help by bringing stuff outside to the toters for disposal?

Aaron: Eh.......OK......What else are you going to make me do?
Misses Newell: Well......My husband needs a big helper at the Waste-To-Energy plant to help clean out the left-over diapers and trash from inside the back of the truck. Would.....YOU like to do that?

Aaron: I...won't get.....left there when I?

Misses Newell: Not...for the first few When it's your turn to be disposed of, then yes. You....WILL be getting really dirty, icky and stinky though. I may.....have to keep you outside in one of our toters till it's time for disposal.

Aaron: Would allowed to get drinks in bottles and something to eat? Would I....still get my....diapers changed?

Misses Newell: would get your diapers changed.....I...would bring you stuff to drink and wouldn't Get to come inside.....

Aaron: Even if it was....raining?

Misses Newell: stay outside....even if it's raining. The porch is husband isn't quite done building the little disposee nursery yet out there in the back part of the yard. It should be done here...maybe by this coming weekend.....we'll see.....

Aaron: When....will Your husband....take me to help him with unloading crushed diapers?
Misses Newell: I will talk to him when he comes home tonight and I will tell you what he says before morning. He leaves very early in the morning.

Misses Newell fastens the tapes on the new Pampers Lumi diaper and then sets up Aaron's name in the Pampers Lumi app corresponding with the diaper he has on. Then misses Newell picks up his wet diaper with 8 used wipes folded into the folded-over wet Pampers Lumi diaper and pauses before taking the diaper to the now empty diaper pail.

Misses Newell: Hon? like to.....keep your wet diaper...or should I take it to the pail?

Aaron: May....I keep it with me? I want to keep ALL of my wet diapers.....

Misses Newell: (nodding in agreement) I am....fine with that. They....ARE...your.....diapers.....Now.....Aaron? You can go play with the toys for a while until after everyone in our regular nursery gets picked up for the evening. My....husband is due back any time now.

Aaron toddles over to play with the toys while misses Newell and her employee get the regulars off with their moms and dads. After the last regular client left.....Misses Newell and her employee clean up, using two of the Luvs Baby Pants diapers on the Swiffer Wet-Jet mop. Misses Newell disposes of the two diapers in the diaper pail before sighing deeply as she walked over to the couch to sit down and rest.
A few minutes later, Daniel and his employee, Jeff walk in. They are laughing about some of the stuff that happened on the route as Daniel walks over to his wife, bends over and gives her a giant KISS  on her left cheek.

Daniel Newell: Hi....babe......You.....look...exhausted!
Misses Newell: YOU....have...NOOOO.......idea!
Daniel Newell: Let me.....get Jeff squared away....then.....I will come and sit with you for a bit.....ok?

Misses Newell: Sure.....I would like that.

Daniel Newell:

Daniel went to pay Jeff and give him a time to come back to work the next day before Jeff went home and Daniel came back inside to go sit with his loving wife, Misses Newell.
Daniel sighs as he sits down to the right
and next to his wife and he puts his left arm around misses Newell's shoulders.

Daniel Newell: many do we have left?

Misses Newell: We have.....two for disposal left, Aaron and Wyatt.
There are still two more coming sometime this week. Their mother got their paperwork completed.
Hon? You said.....that you and Jeff needed one of the disposees to help clean out the diapers that fall behind the blade and around the tailgate that get stuck after you empty the load?

Daniel Newell: need a helper. asking to volunteer for the job?

Misses Newell: wants to be sure you aren't going to.....throw him away at the end of the day....ya know?

Daniel Newell: Let me....guess.....Aaron?

Misses Newell: IS him. You....will bring him back here after you're done with him....right?

Daniel Newell: Yep....I will....he won't have a clean diaper on...though....and he will.....stink.
Misses Newell: I told him that....he will come back and go right into one of the toters until he is disposed of. He will still get diaper changes and food and drink till 12 hours before his disposal.

Daniel Newell: I....will try to have the.....disposee shelter done this weekend. I will be off work then. Jeff and Mike have weekends and I have Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays while Mike works Wednesdays and the Weekends with Jeff. Jeff likes working with me on my days. I am thinking about making him the route supervisor.

Misses Newell: a good idea. good with the diapered trash......and they are fast on the route. What....time will you need him?

Daniel Newell: Well, he will come with us at the start of our day. He can......ride in our.....newspaper cage that is just to the front of the hopper. I....kind of use it once in a while to....put strollers, stuffed animals in till we get to the Waste-to-Energy Plant.
Misses Newell: I will get him up and changed before to take him. I will give you his diaper bag to take with him. It has his bottles, wipes, powder and six diapers in it.
Daniel Newell: babe.....I probably will not be changing his diapers while he is with us. I would put some of those.....booster pad things into his diaper unless you don't care if he is soaking wet or not.....I'm not going to care....
Misses Newell: Well.....then he will....just have to get changed once he gets here then.....Speaking of things that I have to do.....ot has now been....over 2 hours since I changed the disposees. I have to go change them. Also....we have two more disposees coming tomorrow.
Daniel Newell: OK babe.....See you in a bit. I am going to go....take a shower and put on some clean clothes.
Misses Newell goes into the disposee nursery and goes over to Wyatt with a diaper bag full of six different brands of diapers, wipes, baby powder and diaper rash cream and gets him to lie down to have his diaper changed.
Misses Newell: Wyatt.....let me check that diaper of yours.... come over here to this mat hon and lay down for me... Ok?
Wyatt: Yes miss Newell. After this.....may I get some milk please?
Misses Newell: Sure sweetie. Which of these diapers.....would you like to wear for this change honey?
Wyatt: (looking at the array of diapers)
Ummmmm......I......want......the Huggies Story-Time diaper.
Misses Newell: Good.....choice. Nice.....comfy and thick. You look good in it. These diapers crush up well, even when wet. however, have the padding bunch up and fall down to the middle when wet.
Wyatt: When......will my disposal be?
Misses Newell: Some....time next week hon....unless you want to be disposed of before then......
Misses Newell pulls the white, nautical theme printed custom trash bag down to Wyatt's ankles before she unfastens the tapes of Wyatt's diaper and pulls the front down and lays it open flat. Then misses Newell reaches into the diaper bag, pulls out a zip-loc baggie of loose wipes and opens the baggie, takes out a wad of wipes then begins to open them up before using each one on Wyatt to clean him up very, very well, dropping each used wipe into the diaper. Then, misses Newell lifted Wyatt up and pulled the semi-wet diaper out from underneath him, folding the front of the diaper over as she pulled the diaper out. Then, misses Newell set the wet diaper aside before opening the Huggies Story-Time diaper up and then lifting Wyatt up once again to slide the fresh, dry diaper under before lowering his behind down onto the silky-soft inner liner. Then, misses Newell took out the baby powder and then shook a lot of it all over Wyatt and into his diaper before pulling the front of the thick, soft, dry diaper up, smoothing and tucking the wings as she fastened each tape. Then misses Newell pulled the trash bag back up that already had four of his own wet diapers inside it that are nestled around the crotch part of the bag.
Misses Newell: (Sighing) There. All.....dry, comfy now. Ready for another wet diaper in your disposal bag hon?
Wyatt: I need to stay in this...trash bag miss Newell?
Misses Newell: Well, to be quite honest, I can't take you outside for disposal. I want you and your diapers to generate some electricity. Every load of diapers and diapered trash we send down there to the Waste-to-Energy Plant, makes us between $200 and $400 as well as lowering our electric bill. You are doing a good job of using up a lot of diapers for me.....the more diapers that we have, the better. I may start changing you every half hour to an hour instead of every two hours.
Wyatt: May I have one of those......Luvs Baby Pants diapers for my disposal miss?
Misses Newell: I.....don't see why not.....not till your disposal are helping to use up the Huggies diapers. There are only six more Huggies Story-Time diapers left. I will save those six....just.....for you. Ok?
Wyatt: Thank you miss Newell.
Misses Newell: No problem hon.
Misses Newell then gets up and goes over to Aaron to change his diaper.
Misses Newell: it time for a diaper change sweetie? Come here and let's find lay down here for me....there....that-a-boy. Now....let's get your diaper unfastened.....
Aaron: Am.....I going into...the....trash truck tomorrow?
Misses Newell: Yes....sweetie.....not for disposal the tapes and laying the slightly wet diaper open flat.) Which brand of diaper like to wear? I have.....a couple of Luvs Deluxe for him, a Luvs Deluxe for her and a Pampers Ultra diaper with waistshield here...
Aaron: I want......this one with the blue part.
Misses Newell: Which?
Aaron: Yes....that one. Misses Newell? What diaper that I have not wet at all when I am thrown away?
Misses Newell: It won't matter if your diaper is wet or not. When it's time for disposal, you will go into the diaper pail no matter what condition you or your diaper is in. I will be checking your diaper one last time before you are thrown away.
Aaron: Where will all of the wipes go?
Misses Newell: I will probably just....put them into your diaper before I put it back on you.
Aaron: Will I....go into one of those.....trash bags like Wyatt is or will I go into the diaper pail like this?
Misses Newell: Well....I will let you know which it will be the day before your disposal. (Finishing up with Aaron's diaper change) Now.....if you want....I can let you go play with the toys for a bit while I go and get Wyatt's bottle of milk. like a bottle of something to drink hon while I am there?
Aaron: Yes please.......I'd like some milk also.
Misses Newell: glad to.
Then....after a short playtime, it will be time to get into your locking crib. I don't care if you sleep or will have to go in for the night until my husband takes you to work with him. Don't worry, I will be sure you have a nice, clean, dry diaper on before he takes you. 
Aaron: Will I get my.....diapers changed while I am in the truck?
Misses Newell: No hon.....sorry, you won't.
Misses Newell leaves to fill the two bottles with milk. She finishes then hands Wyatt and then Aaron the bottles before getting both of them locked into their cribs for the night and just in time too....her cellphone rings and it is the mother of a diapered boy and a diapered girl.
Misses Newell: (Answering Phone) Hello?
Mother: Yeah, hi....My name is Julie. I have two diapered ones that I can't afford any longer. I was referred to you and your daycare. I have a diapered girl who wears Luvs Baby pants diapers and I bought 40 boxes of her diapers, $6.00 a box. I also have a diapered boy who wears Huggies diapers and I bought over 30 Mega Packs of his diapers. You quoted me that the daycare fee is $250 a week, the disposal fee is $500 each. You also said that you have room for my two diapered ones.

Misses Newell: Yes....Julie, we have space for your two diapered ones. Bring their diapers.....I can't promise that they will use up all of their diapers before they are disposed of. I generally will use a few diapers as a swifter wet-jet before I dispose of what is left. I....try not to throw away any clean diapers....if the diapers have tapes that are dried out and don't work any more, I throw those away. Yep....the daycare fee per week, per client is $250 and the disposal fee for each client is $500. That fee covers the fees at the waste-to-energy plant and the transportation and collection costs. The $250 daycare fee covers food, drink, diaper changes and time.....

Mother: I....have the fees for both ready. I to get both of them really dirty and stinky before they both get disposed of. Rub wet diapers on them, don't bathe takes. there.....any...paperwork I need to fill out? I have all of the ownership documentation on both......ready to have you sign.

Misses Newell: OK.....great. When may I expect the three of you?
Mother: I can be there hour....with all of their stuff and all of their diapers.

Misses Newell: I will see you then.....when you get here and we will take care of everything then. Anything else that I can help you with?

Mother: No....see you in an hour. Bye.

Misses Newell: bye. (Hanging the call up)
Well.....we....are getting two more for disposal.

Aaron: (From inside crib) Miss? Hey Miss? Are they....going to be allowed to wear their clothes and not just their diapers like us?

Misses Newell: No.....they will get their clothes taken off them as soon as their diapers leak into their pants, onesies and shirts.....then it will be time to change their diapers.
Don't worry about these two.....they will be here for a while after both of you have been disposed of. Now....please.....settle down and be quiet. both will fall asleep.

The Next morning and day...........

Misses Newell wakes up and gets the diaper bag, then goes over to Aaron's locking crib and then raises the top then lowers the side. She pulls the still sleeping Aaron out and then carries him over to one of the Changing tables and then she lays him down. She then unfastens the tapes in Aaron's wet Huggies Story-Time diaper and pulls it out from under him. Misses Newell then pulls out some baby wipes and then uses 12 wipes to wipe Aaron clean, before taking out one of the few remaining Huggies Story-Time diapers, opening it up and then sliding the open, clean, thick, crinkly diaper underneath Aaron. She then takes the pile of wipes and drops them right into the crotch of the clean huggies Story-Time diaper before taking the baby powder out and shaking a ton of it into the diaper and onto Aaron before pulling the front of the diaper up and fastening the tapes nice and snugly. Then, Daniel came and carried Aaron and his diaper bag out to the pickup truck where he put the sleeping Aaron into the bed of his pickup with the diaper bag before getting into the cab and driving off to get the Newell Diaper Disposal trash truck fired up and ready to collect more diapers and diapered trash. Upon arrival, Daniel got out of his pickup truck and then reached into the bed and picked up the still sleeping Aaron and his diaper bag.....carrying him over to the former Newspaper cage that is now used to lock in items that can't go into the hopper with the diapers.
Daniel raised the locked expanded metal door and then put Aaron and his diaper bag into it, laying him onto his back before lowering then locking the expanded metal door with a pad lock. Then Daniel did his routine systems check before firing the truck up. As he warmed the truck up, Mike and Jeff showed up to work dressed in their blue and white coveralls with the picture of a baby in a diaper sitting in a 32 gallon trash can full of diapers on the back.

Daniel Newell: Good morning you two, ready to go get all the diapers and diapered trash that have been thrown away?

Mike: Yes sir......I

Jeff: Ready, ready, ready to.....rock and roll baby!!! Let's get to it........

Daniel Newell: I want both of you riding on the running boards for most of the morning until it's time to empty the truck at the waste to energy plant. I will switch with one of you when it's break time. I may even stop off at a place to eat for lunch......depending on how quickly we can get through the first part of our route. Ok.....get to your stations guys......ready to roll? Here.......we.....GO!

Daniel begins driving out of the yard after
warming the diesel engine up, heading to the first stop, a daycare near a strip-mall.
It takes 25 minutes to get to the first stop of the day. It is now 6:30 am as Daniel Newell and his employees pull up to the row of 8 blue and white toters.
There are a pair of legs hanging down the front of the first blue and white toter and a pair of legs hanging off the left side of the third toter. The fourth, fifth toters were over-filled to the point where the lids were flipped back. The sixth, seventh toters had 20 boxes of Pampers Wing-fold diapers and 10 boxes of Luvs Baby Pants diapers in them that had the tapes that had dried out and wouldn't work any longer.
Both Jeff and Mike jump down off the side of the hopper from the kick-board and went over to the 1st and 2nd toters. Jeff got the first toter and wheeled it over to the right-hand side of the truck while Mike rolled the 2nd toter over to the left side of the truck. 
Jeff hooked the first toter up to the tote-tipper, flipped the lid back, then began to tip the toter. As the toter rose then tipped over quickly, the diapered trash fell into the hopper and was covered by all of the loose disposable diapers from that toter. The diapered trash boy sat up in the hopper brushing away the diapers that had fallen on top of him. He was wearing a thick Pampers baby-dry with the Disney prints on the taping panel.

The boy's diaper was only partially wet when he and the load of diapers fell into the hopper.

Pampered Boy: WHOAAAAAH! (Thump! Thump!) Hey......when can I get out of here?

Jeff: Sorry son, you....are not.....not until we take you and these....filthy diapers to the nice waste-to-energy plant!

Pampered Boy: What....What...are you DOING to all of my....comfy diapers???

Jeff: We are about to....crush you and them.......we  enjoy watching your diaper bunch up, crumple up against your bottom and as the diapers crush up against you as they go into the packer container.

Pampered Boy: NOO NOOO! Please....Don't crush me!!!! Please! Is...there...ANY way that I....can NOT be crushed with these diapers?

Jeff: YES! YES! OH YES....we will!

Mike comes over to the side of the hopper with the second toter and hooks it up to the tote tipper, then flips the lid back and all the way open right before activating the tipper. the load of diapers flies into the hopper like an avalanche, scattering diapers in the hopper and quite a few onto the ground on the left side of the truck. Then, as mike puts the second toter away, Jeff comes over to the hopper with the third toter. the third toter had a thickly diapered blonde boy wearing a Huggies Disney-Print diaper that was VERY thick and VERY crinkly.

Jeff: CUUUUTE....DIAPERS you have on! too bad too....they are going to get ALL NICE and crushed up! Looks like those will bunch up and crumple up REALLY nicely too!

His left-over packages of Huggies Disney Designs diapers as well as his loose, wet and messy diapers as well as the blonde diapered boy fell into the hopper on top of all of the other diapers as well as the Pampered boy already in the hopper. Then, because the piles of diapers inside the hopper now reached over the height of the compactor blade, it was time to run the compactor and maybe even the pre-crusher once the compactor cycle ran the first time.
The Blond diapered boy and the pampered boy began to slide across the hopper floor as the compactor cycle began. The blade slowly pushed the pampered boy up and against the wall of packed diapers in the packer container as the blonde diapered boy wearing the Huggies Disney Designs diaper was forced upwards and onto the top of the moving compactor blade along with three packs of the Huggies diapers. The diapers rode along with the blade as it pushed inwards. One of the packs of diapers and the Huggies diapered boy's diapered bottom was forced up against the top edge of the compactor container entrance as the compactor blade pushed forward. His diaper began to bunch up some as his legs were forced up against his crinkly diapered behind. Then the compactor blade began to retract, the Huggies diapered boy and the three packs of his Disney Designs diapers began to slide with the blade until the blade slid out from underneath the diapers and the boy which then they fell into the hopper as Mike comes over to the left side of the truck's hopper with the fourth toter,  a very over-loaded toter with diapers falling out all over the place as the toter rolled. Mike hooked the toter up and then emptied the toter's load into the hopper. The loose Huggies Disney Designs diapers, the loose and unrolled, Pampers, Luvs and Fitti brand diapers flew in like a furious avalanche!

The Huggies Disney Designs diapered boy sat up just in time to have his lap covered in loose, unrolled wet and rolled messy disposable diapers RIGHT up to his chin in the hopper.
Then Jeff came over to the right side of the hopper with another over-filled toter that had diapers falling out of it all over the ground, hooked the toter up then emptied it. Diapers from the top of the load fell into the hopper and a lot fell out onto the ground. More diapers flew into the hopper covering the piles of loose diapers in the diapered boy's lap that now covered him past his head. Completely surrounded by diapers, all the boy could turn his head and see, were diapers. Suddenly, the diapers began to move. He was being slid across the warm, slightly wet metal hopper floor. Then, suddenly, the boy found his face being firmly pressed into the wall of other diapers already inside the packer container, while his legs were being pressed hard into the crotch of his diaper while the piles of diapers around him, were now pressing against his chest, his back, his stomach, his thickly diapered bottom as well. The boy felt his diaper begin to press up against him, the back of his diaper buckling and bunching up as the diapers were crushed against one another. Then, the compactor began to retract and the boy found himself surrounded by bags and loose wet and messy diapers as some of the diapers fell down to the floor of the hopper. Then, as Mike and Jeff emptied the rest of the toters full of packs of diapers as well as second quality diapers that weren't able to be sold to the regular market and which weren't wanted or needed by anyone. The hopper now had two diapered boys in it and lots and lots of diapers. The second boy came over to the left side of the hopper just in time for Jeff to hit the compactor button and for Mike to jump up onto the running boards as Daniel began to drive off to the next stop.
At the very next stop, There were two diapered boys wearing "modified Dry-Time diapers" laying across the first two toters, while there were packs of opened and unopened Dry-Time diapers in the third toter. The first boy in the modified Dry-Time diapers, in the first toter, was rolled over to the side of the hopper, the toter then was hooked to the tote-tipper, then, the lid was flipped open all the way right before the toter was tipped quickly and the diapers as well as the boy flew quickly into the hopper floor. The boy landed then tumbled onto his right side in the fetal position as the rest of the diapers and packs of Dry-Time diapers fell onto him and around him in the hopper. Then, the empty toter was put back before the second toter was brought over and then tipped. The second diapered boy wearing more modified Dry-Time diapers fell into the hopper and landed on piles of the opened Dry-Time diapers along with 8 opened, left-over packs of his disposable diapers as well as loose unworn diapers and a bunch of wet and unrolled-up diapers of his and others.

Both boys were laying on their tummies on top of some packages of their diapers as another toter was emptied in on top of them. Then Mike, whom had been the one whom emptied the recent toter into the hopper, started the compactor cycle. One of the boys began to rise up along with six of the packages of diapers as well as a bunch of the now loose and unworn, clean Dry-Time diapers. As the compactor continued to push hard against the load, the boy and the six packs of the diapers fell down on top of the packer blade, then a gust of wind caught them just right and blew them all off the left side of the truck and onto the ground just out of the way of the tires.
As the truck kept being filled with more and more diapers, the compactor was run a couple more times, causing a few more diapers to fall to the ground on the right side and the left side of the truck.
In the fourth toter, there were 8 opened and unopened packs of Huggies diapers that were just old enough that their tapes were no longer sticky. The entire fourth toter had been over-filled with packs of Huggies diapers, even quite a few loose clean and unused diapers with a few kool-aid stains dried up on them.

The fifth toter contained five cases of Parent's Choice diapers. Some which had been used, and the rest were unused and still in the pack. The few that were still unused and clean that were also loose, were slightly covering a thickly diapered girl wearing one of the red Santa Clause diapers. Her diaper was nice and puffy as it had thick diaper-doublers inside of it along with a pile of used wipes stuffed into the right-hand leg elastics of her diaper.

Quite a few of the wipes were sticking out of her leg elastics near her right butt-cheek at the bottom of her diaper.

The girl was covered by more and more loose Parent's Choice diapers as well as a few that were still in the clear plastic bag they came in. Mike and Jeff worked fast to get as many of the toters emptied as quickly as they could. The poor girl went over to the right side of the hopper on her knees to peer over the side of the tall and deep hopper. She got a face-full of the last full toter of diapers as Jeff emptied the toter and all of the diapers into the hopper before starting the compactor. The compactor
started to push hard, releasing the girl's hold on the side of the hopper.

It was this week that Adam had been used in a lot of varying tests which stained his entire body with blue and grey dyes from head to toe as well as being used to test other experimental cleaning chemicals. Adam was wearing a nice, thick doubled up Fitti diaper that was just a little wet. There were at least four wash cloths stuffed into the bottom part of his diaper near the back and were hanging down partly, from around the right side from the leg elastics. His legs were dangling over the front edge of the third toter which had opened packs of Fitti diapers that were used on him during the week's tests. There were also left-over clean Pampers wing-fold diapers still in the boxes they came in, stained and wet cloth diapers folded inside of and rolled inside of Luvs Baby pants diapers, two diaper bags, still fully stocked, as well as two large white force-flex trash bags full of wet and very dye-stained cloth diapers tossed into the toter underneath Adam. 
Adam had several of the opened yet partially used packs of Fitti diapers in size large and extra large sitting on his chest while three layers of unrolled and wet, dye-stained Fitti diapers covered his face, head and his diapered waist as he lay inside the toter, waiting for the Newell Diaper Disposal truck to pull up and dump him and the diapers. 
It was around 9:30 am when Daniel and his employee pulled up along side the rows of 8 overly filled toters behind the Fitti Diaper factory. Daniel and his employee jumped out of the cab and the employee, Jeff went over to the first toter. He rolled it quickly over to the tote-tipper and then flipped the lid open right before dumping all of the loose Fitti diapers into the hopper. Then Daniel emptied a second toter which had a pair of legs dangling from the front, into the hopper. 
The next stop, was a home daycare. It had a LOT of trash and diapers at the curb this week. It turns out that they also had another doppleganger/twin of Adam, that had been put out for disposal, standing by one of the over-loaded cans by the curb.  He had large amounts of wads and piles of baby wipes stuffed into the bottom end of his diaper at the right-hand side. The wipes were sticking out and hanging out from the leg elastics at the right side as his diaper sagged low and was also full of six diaper doublers that made his diaper seem a lot thicker and bulkier.

As Daniel drove up then stopped, both Mike and Jeff jumped off and went over to the toters, cans, including the one that Adam was standing next to. Jeff saw Adam standing there wearing just his diaper. He came over to Adam standing next to the over-filled toter and looked him over. Then he grabbed the over-filled can and took it over to the right side of the lodal Evo msl truck and then dumped what was in it before bringing the empty can back. Then Jeff took his work-gloved hands and used them to guide Adam over to the side of the truck.

Once Adam was tossed into the hopper, Mike came over to the left side of the truck to empty two of the toters while Jeff went back to get the second can and the few loose trash bags.
Then Mike came over to empty another full can of loose, wet and tested semi dry Luvs, Huggies and Fitti diapers. Adam sat up in the hopper as a black trash bag and a white trash bag was tossed into his lap, smacking him in the face as the loads of loose diapers began to fall allover his head, settle around his waist and legs. 

Adam: Hey.....Mister? boxes of clean diapers and my bags of leftover diapers coming in here? 

Mike: Yep! They....are going in there next. 

Adam: Wait! Could....I have you wait to run that crusher thing until the next stop? 

Mike walks over to the cab and talks with Daniel to make sure that's ok before bringing the full can with Adam's boxes of unused portions of leftover packs of diapers and his diaper bags over to the side of the hopper. 

Mike: Son, we have too many diapers in here as it is. We have to run the crusher. Sorry. Boss's orders. 

Adam: AWE......MAN!!!!! 

Mike: (To Jeff) We.....get to watch as the diapered trash gets a nice crushing! Bet you $20 that his diaper bunches up and pops! 

Jeff: (To Mike) Double or nothing! Bet you $40 that his diaper doesn't pop and he ends up springing back into the hopper! 

Mike: (Pointing to Jeff across the hopper after dumping the last can) You're ON! 

Adam: (Looking at both men) Hey! That's not nice! 

Mike: (Looking down into the hopper as he hits the packer cycle button) You're trash! Who cares what happens to you!

The compactor begins to advance and as it pushes the diapers, the boxes of diapers as well as the opened and unopened packs of Fitti diapers, as well as all of the loose tested and wet diapers against Adam and the diapers into the packer container and against all the other diapers and other diapered trash, Adam's thick and stuffed diaper began to bunch up, crumble up against his bottom as well as being pressed against all the other diapers in the packer container. Adam got a face-full of open, wet diapers that wrapped themselves forcefully around his head as the compactor blade compacted the diapers. Then, as both Mike and Jeff watched what happened, Daniel Newell drove to the next stop. 
The next stop was a large daycare next to a large cosmetic and chemical testing lab. The labs frequently use unwanted diapered people as their test subjects before eventually throwing them away.

This daycare threw away 12 97 gallon toters worth of wet, messy and even lab-tested diapers and test subjects weekly. They even throw away leftover packages of clean diapers that they have way too many of or the tapes become unusable. 

The Next week comes along and it's Monday afternoon. Diaper trash day is Wednesdays and misses Newell has two for disposal and a lot of wet, messy disposable diapers to throw out. Aaron had been returned from being used to help clean out the back of Daniel Newell's diaper trash truck. Misses Newell checks Aaron's diaper as promised, holding her breath, turning her head and gasping as she began unfastening the tapes and opening the thick, bulky, Fitti diaper that has six diaper doublers inside of it, she uses about 40 baby wipes on Aaron and she adds a bunch of baby powder to his diaper, before dropping all 40 wipes into the fold of Aaron's diaper before pulling the front of his diaper back up and refastening the tapes nice and snuggly with the wipes now sticking out of the right hand leg elastics of his Thick and bulky Fitti diaper. Misses Newell then uses another 30 baby wipes to give Aaron his last and final wipe-down, before stuffing the 30 wipes into the right hand leg elastics of Aaron's diaper. 

Misses Newell: (Standing Aaron up and stuffing and cramming the pile of used baby wipes into the bottom end of his right-hand leg elastics of his thick Fitti diaper) OK sweetie, time for your disposal. PEEEEW! You....stink!  Would you like to carry all of your saved wet diapers and wipes to the diaper pail for me? It would be a 

Aaron: It's time for MY disposal now? My diapers and wipes are going with me? 

Misses Newell: Yes hon, they are and since you and your diapers are going to the same place, you can carry your own diapers to the diaper pail while I carry these six others to the pail. 

Aaron: How stuffed all of those....wipes into my diaper like this? They are...sticking out of my diaper now! 

Misses Newell: It doesn't matter, the wipes, and you and your diaper are all going to the same place. I don't care.....where the wipes was just more convenient to stuff them all into your diaper come here and wait for me to take you to the pail....while I change another diaper. I will need to stuff a bunch more wipes into your diaper.....before you go to the dirty diaper pail. 

Aaron: my a trash bag?

Misses Newell: Well.....yeah....sort of doesn't matter hon, you are trash. Trash goes into the garbage can....for disposal. It's just easier to stuff your diaper with wipes, a diaper or two before taking you and your diaper to the diaper pail. You don't have a choice. 

Misses Newell changed a wet diaper and used a lot of wipes, which she later stuffed into the bottom back of Aaron's diaper through the right-hand leg elastics before misses Newell tucked the wet diaper into Aaron's rear waistband of his diaper before she walked him over to the diaper pail carrying all 10 of his folded over wet diapers he had saved. 

Misses Newell then opened the lid of the half way filled diaper pail, then made Aaron turn around to face her while she forced Aaron up and then layed him down in the diaper pail on top of all of the wet and messy diapers on his back, with his legs dangling over the right side while he was still holding his pile of 10 wet diapers. 

Aaron: Miss, Miss? I do with...all these? 

Misses Newell: Do.....whatever you like with them. They are yours and they are trash and now so...are you. 

Misses Newell then tosses a stack of the Pampers Lumi diapers in on top of Aaron, a few landing on his chest and two slightly covering his face. Misses Newell then let's the lid back down, resting across Aaron's thighs, before she walked back into the main part of the daycare. Aaron stirs inside the diaper pail trying to get comfortable. The smell of wetness and that familiar Patented Pampers scent floated around inside. Aaron got board and decided to rummage through all of the diapers inside the pail. 

Aaron: (thinking to himself) Oh how.....soft all these diapers are! It sure is......humid in here! 
Makes me a little excited though! I do, here! 

Aaron begins to rub some of the soft, plastic-backed diapers against the plastic of the one he has on. He...."got a rise out of himself" 
as he did. Smelling his own wetness from his diapers, Aaron began to "cum" close to climaxing misses Newell came over to the pail to toss in five more wet, folded over Pampers baby-dry, Huggies story-time white diapers as well as some Luvs Deluxe for him diapers. Misses Newell lifted the lid and saw the fresh and new "relaxed" look on Aaron's face. 

Misses Newell: we? 

Aaron: (being too relaxed to answer almost) Yyyyyes......miss.......Newell. 

Misses Newell: Here....are a few more diapers for ya...... (Tossing the stack of diapers in onto Aaron's chest near his chin) 

Aaron: How......much.....longer do I....have left in here before the diapers and I go .....outside to my toter? 

Misses Newell: Well hon, it's only Monday evening and.....diaper disposal day is on about.....a day and a half?
My employee will come and take you and the diapers out to the toters between noon and 4 pm tomorrow and you will spend the night in the toter with all......your nice.....comfy diapers. that..... don't you? 

Aaron: Yes ....miss wasn't sure like it. 

Misses Newell: Glad you do. Don't get TOO comfy in there......the trash is getting taken out soon. See you an hour or two. 

Misses Newell lowers the lid back down then walks away. Attending to Wyatt and later, the diapered boy and the diapered girl whom were dropped off by their mother whom had called earlier. 

Misses Newell goes over to Wyatt laying on his mat, playing nicely with some toy cars and croutches down so to check Wyatt's diaper. 

Misses Newell: Hi there.....Wyatt. It's...time to check your diaper hon.....could you put those cars away for me then we can check your diaper.....ok sweetie? Yeah.... that's a good lay down here for me......there......

Misses Newell leans over and unfastens the tapes and then pulls the front of Wyatt's diaper down and open flat. 

Misses Newell: Ah.....looks like it's time for a the diapers would you like? I also have some of these nice.....Luvs Barney like to wear them? They are really soft. 

Wyatt: (Reaching out and feeling the diaper) Yes miss Newell. 

Misses Newell: Wyatt? For.....your disposal, I...have something......different planned. 

Wyatt: (perking up some with interest) What is that miss Newell? 

Misses Newell: Well, the Waste-to-energy plant has enough diapered trash for a while and are not accepting any more for a while. You....and the diapers will get put into our burn barrel for final disposal. First, you get to go into our....nice.....hungry snacks on diapers and diapered trash like you. Then.......if you and your diapers need to get dried out, we put you and the diapers into our....nice, hot solar diaper dryer before you go into the burn barrel and get a nice heavy bath in Diesel fuel. you think of that? 

Wyatt: When will I get thrown away miss Newell?

Misses Newell: Well, you thrown away on Thursday or Friday since I like to burn diapers on Saturday evenings. want to go sooner, I am ok with that too. 

Wyatt: Why do I.....have to go into that.....crusher thing in the kitchen???

Misses Newell: will help squeeze out some of the wetness while we make room for more diapers. It helps to make your diaper a little drier so it will burn better. 

Wyatt: How long, will I have in there? 

Misses Newell: Oh.....probably till the bag gets full and needs to go out to the porch. 

Wyatt: Are......those bags that are in there......the ones with the prints on them, are those the ones that are made special for the compactor and have leg-holes like my diaper does? 

Misses Newell: Um.....which? mean.....the .....ones in the compactor? Yes hon, they are. They are made special for trash like you. They have six times the strength of a regular force-flex trash bag. 

Wyatt: What......are all those.....boxes of diapers over there with that baby.....pointing like that, for? 

Misses Newell: Which......ones do you mean....hon? (Looking around then her eyes catch sight of the stacked boxes in different colors.) OH.......those.....yes....those are specially made for my daycare. We are going to start using those on those of you being disposed of in the following 24 hours. 24 hours before each one of you that is about to get disposed of, you will automatically begin having to wear those special, super thick, bulky disposable, "Compactor Diapers." I...had those made so that they will crumple up nicely against your bottoms,  and even when soaking wet, they will hold together. These "Compactor Diapers" also have six times the amount of absorbent gels and padding as regular diapers do so that they will blow up nicely when super-soaked. 

Wyatt: Which way will I lay in the compactor? On my back or on my tummy? 

Misses Newell: Oh......I don't think it matters. 
The compactor will still crush you and your diaper. 

Wyatt: matter if I live or die in the compactor? 

Misses Newell: No.....not really. 

Wyatt: What are the chances that I will live to see what happens after the bag gets full and gets taken out? 

Misses Newell: Your chances are really, really good of coming out of there alive. Your.....diaper may get popped or.....ripped, you will still be alive. 

Wyatt: What happens after my diapers and I are taken out of the compactor? Will my diapers and I be taken out of that....heavy compactor bag? How long will I be in the bag on the porch?

Misses Newell: (Fastening Wyatt's diaper after adding a ton of baby powder) Well......That all depends on how full the loads are and how many bags are out there. If there are a lot of bags, then it may be a little while. I usually try to empty everything out of each bag, into the burn barrel before adding kindling and wood and then we give everything a nice soaking bath in excelerant of some kind, oil, used car oil, Diesel fuel or karosene. 
Lamp oil sometimes works well. 

Wyatt: Will I....get soaked in whatever you soak everything in? 

Miss Newell: Yes hon, my husband and I will soak you and your diaper very, very well before your final disposal. Now....if I was you, I would....get ready to be disposed of whatever you want to do won't be able to.....once you are in the diaper pail. OK sweetie? 

Wyatt: Yes....miss Newell. 

Misses Newell: (Standing Wyatt up) Ok're all can do.....whatever you need get ready for your disposal. Ok.....I have six others in the other part of the daycare to go help change. 

Misses Newell goes to the main part of her home daycare to change six diapers and then read stories to everyone. 
Meanwhile, Wyatt goes over to his mat where the piles of his diapers are, and begins to play with them, trying to simulate what being crushed with them will be like. 
Wyatt also gathers up all of his now empty bottles then brings them over to the baby gate, holding them and waiting for misses Newell to come pour some drinks into them. 
It takes misses Newell 30 minutes to come back over to the Disposee pen where she saw Wyatt sitting patiently next to the baby gate with his 4 empty bottles. 

Misses Newell: OH long have you been sitting there? What would you like in your bottles sweetie? 

Wyatt: I want milk in those two, and I want some apple juice in the other two. 

Misses Newell: No problem hon, after I fill these up, it's time to change your diaper. You will get to wear one of my....custom made compactor diapers, specially made for the compactor cycles. Then, it will be time to be disposed of. 

Wyatt: Why does it be right....then? 

Misses Newell: Because hon, I said it is time hon. Trash doesn't get to pick when it gets thrown away. 

Misses Newell goes to the kitchen, opens the refrigerator, takes out the milk and the apple juice then puts the bottle of juice and the milk container down on the counter to begin filling 
the four bottles. Once the bottles were full, misses Newell puts the milk and juice away. Then she brings the bottles over to Wyatt and hands them to him.

Misses Newell: Here......ya go sweetie. Ok.....time to.....(sighing) change your diaper. 

Wyatt: May.....I ......get a lot.....a lot of powder in my diaper please? 

Misses Newell: Yes, of.....course you may. 

Misses Newell unfastens the tapes and opens the diaper, laying open flat.

Misses Newell: Good........ your diaper is a little wet. It will be time for disposal once we're done here. 

She opens the wipes and begins pulling a bunch out. She begins wiping Wyatt off, setting the piles of the used wipes aside, next to Wyatt before misses Newell pulls the semi wet diaper out from under him, folds it over before setting it onto his chest before opening one of the custom-made thick, bulky, crinkly plastic-backed #CompactorDisposalDiapers, sliding it under Wyatt, putting the piles of the used wipes into the diaper right in the middle, before shaking in a full quarter of a bottle of baby powder before pulling the front of the "Compactor-Disposal diaper" up and Fastening the tapes. 

Misses Newell: There! OK hon, come......with me, here .....bring all of.....your diapers while I....carry your bottles. 

Wyatt: How.....many of my diapers.....are in the diaper pail? 

Misses Newell: You are about to find out hon. 

Misses Newell lifts the lid, sets the bottles down near the pail, then takes the diapers from Wyatt and sets them on the floor next to the pail while Wyatt is positioned so he can lay on his back in the pail with his legs dangling from the side. 

Misses Newell: Ok Wyatt, turn around ......and face me.....good, now slowly lay back......there....comfy?

Then misses Newell tosses the diapers in on top of Wyatt, before tossing the bottles in before lowering the lid across his dangling legs. Then misses Newell goes over to the pail that Aaron is in and sees that it is time for the load inside to be taken out to the toters. 
She gets her employee and together they both carry the heavy diaper pail outside to the toters Misses Newell flips Aaron's legs into the bag before pulling the bag's tie handles up and closed snuggly before tying a double knot. 

Aaron: Hey! Quit it! Hey, hey, I..... don't WANT to be in here! No! Don't throw me in there! Please! Please!!! It's HOT in here! Let me.....out! 

Misses Newell and her employee toss the heavy and full bag into the toter with the other bags of diapers and loose diapers before misses Newell and her employee took the empty diaper pail back inside to put a new bag in. 
The regular clients of misses Newell's daycare all get picked up and go home while Daniel comes home from working on the route of his "Newell Diaper Disposal" Maxxon truck. 

Daniel Newell: Hello babe, how...was YOUR day? 

Misses Newell: Well, I got two new disposal clients, I disposed of Wyatt and Aaron, you will have Aaron to take tomorrow, and Jessica, one of my.....regular clients, went through a lot of diapers today. How....was the diaper disposal route?

Daniel Newell: Well.....we took a LOT of diapered trash to the plant today, a few of the loads got taken right away. Most of the diapered trash that was taken right away, we got to go......stand over by the funnel hopper and watch as they sunk down into the hopper right.....until the door opened and the diapers and the diapered trash fell into the furnace. The diapers....nearly burned right away.....the......diapered trash,, took about 5 minutes to completely burn.

The next day, early in the morning, Daniel Newell, got up, put on his light blue jumpsuit with the baby in a diaper on the back, just like his truck, then went out to his pickup truck, got in, then started it. A few minutes later, Daniel left to go to the yard where he kept the now four trucks that he has. Daniel has a semi-automated side loading Lodal Evo trash truck, a White Heil front-end loader, a Maxxon manual side loader and a GMC Sierra Mini Scout manual side loader. 
Today, Daniel was driving the Lodal Evo. 
The Lodal has a mean compactor and a fast-acting pre-crusher which Daniel and any one of his employees love to use. 
Daniel warms the truck up, tests the PTO, runs the packer cycles, checks the lights, checks the pre-crusher, then waits for Jeff to arrive. 
A few minutes later, Jeff pulls up, ready and excited to collect all of the diapers and diapered trash that has been set out for disposal. 

It was this week that Adam had been used in a lot of varying tests which stained his entire body with blue and grey dyes from head to toe as well as being used to test other experimental cleaning chemicals. Adam was wearing a nice, thick doubled up Fitti diaper that was just a little wet. There were at least ten wipes stuffed into the bottom part of his diaper near the back and were hanging down partly, from around the right side from the leg elastics. His legs were dangling over the front edge of the third toter which had opened packs of Fitti diapers that were used on him during the week's tests. There were also left-over clean Pampers wing-fold diapers still in the boxes they came in, stained and wet cloth diapers folded inside of and rolled inside of Luvs Baby pants diapers which were used in experiments, two diaper bags, still fully stocked, as well as two large white force-flex trash bags full of wet and very dye-stained cloth diapers tossed into the toter underneath Adam. 
Adam had several of the opened yet partially used packs of Fitti diapers in size large and extra large sitting on his chest while three layers of unrolled and wet, dye-stained Fitti diapers covered his face, head and his diapered waist as he lay inside the toter, waiting for the Newell Diaper Disposal truck to pull up and dump him and the diapers. 
It was around 9:30 am when Daniel and his employee pulled up along side the rows of 8 overly filled toters behind the Fitti Diaper factory. Daniel and his employee jumped out of the cab and the employee, Jeff went over to the first toter. He rolled it quickly over to the tote-tipper and then flipped the lid open right before dumping all of the loose Fitti diapers into the hopper. Then Daniel emptied a second toter which had a pair of legs dangling from the front, into the hopper. 

Diapered girl (Wearing a thick, bulky, stained Fitti large diaper): Whhhoah.....oof!!! Hey! Why are my.....opened packs of diapers in here? this? 

Daniel: (Rolling his eyes and sighing) Look! in trash! You and......all......of these diapers, are going to be used to generate electricity at the waste-to-energy plant. Now.....I...don't care.....if you....sit up, lay down, or anything! In a few minutes, I am.....going to crush you and.....all these.....diapers! ....and ...NO......I......don't care.....what happens to you....OR....your diapers!!! and I....enjoy.....watching your diapers getting all....nice and crushed, as the blade, scrapes you and the diapers into the packer container as your diaper buckles and bunches up as it gets crushed against all the OTHER diapers as more diapers get crushed against you and your diaper! You.....are a "snack....for my Mac!" 

Daniel put the empty toter away while Jeff came over with a full third toter of more Fitti and Huggies Story-time diapers as well as opened and unused portions of packages of Fitti diapers used in tests that had Adam's legs dangling over the left side. Jeff flipped the lid open quickly as the third toter rose fadt and then tipped and emptied Adam and all of the diapers out into the hopper. Adam flew out of the toter, landed on top of a large pile of bagfed and loose diapers and wipes in the hopper and was quickly covered in loose Fitti diapers of his and those which were used in tests. 

Adam: Whooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaah! (Thump! crinkle, crinkle, crinkle, crinkle bang, bump, thump!) Mister.........hey......MISTER! wait.....till we the stop after the next one before the crusher on me please? I.......want to enjoy the feeling of all...of these.....diapers all over me for a bit before you.....crush them and I. 

Daniel Newell: Eh.......You.....son, are MY diapered trash now! You don't........HAVE a choice! If the packer on you......what.....are you gonna do? 

Adam: (Silent) 

Daniel Newell: Ex......actly! OK......I.....will give you......until I go to the Pampers Diaper Factory whatever you want.....before I have to run the packer! That's ..........six stops away. IF........the hopper gets TOO full, I'm gonna run the pre-crusher and the packer on you and all that....stinky mess! 

Jeff: Yeah! We, are going to.....fully.....enjoy watching YOU....and your.....stinky diapers as they get crushed! We will run dour or more packer cycles in you and the diapers! 
I will.......LIKE it too! 

Adam: How....many more of the diapers are there coming in here at this place?

Daniel Newell: Son, There are.....5 more large totes here, then 8 more at the next stop, rhen between 8 and 10 at the next, then another.........oh.....say.....6 totes at the daycare before we go to the Pampers Diaper Factory. 
The street Sweeper behind us....may be....sweeping up quite......a few diapers!
OK......Jeff.....go for it.....

Jeff dumped the toter then put the empty toter back while a woman wearing a janitorial uniform came out with two more very dirty, stained up, diapered boy and girl, approaching the diaper-trash collection truck. Daniel saw the woman then the two dirty and diapered boy and girl. He noticed that The woman was also carrying two large black trash bags and had two diaper bags slung over her shoulder.  

Daniel Newell: Hi there ma'am, have some.....diapered trash to.....dispose of with their diapers? 

Janitor Woman: Um....yes, I do. just waiting for the other woman to bring out the boxes of Luvs Baby Pants diapers and the boxes of Luvs Deluxe for him and for her that have tapes that no longer work because the adhesives dried out, to be brought out here for disposal.

Daniel Newell: Well, like US to load them for you.....or would you like to load them into our truck? 

Janitor Woman: You can load them, they belong to you now. 

Daniel Newell: Well, then come here son......I have......a nice place for your ....ride to the nice, warm waste-to-energy plant. You even get to pack all of your nice....comfy diapers in there with you.....OK....IN........ya go! (Swinging the diapered boy into the hopper feet first and then Sitting him down onto his diapered bottom on the smooth, metal hopper floor and leaving him there so to empty some more diapers into the hopper first before starting the compactor) 

As the compactor blade pushes the diapered boy and all of the loose diapers into the packer container against all of the other loose and bagged diapers and diapered trash, Jeff emptied more toters of diapers into the hopper while Daniel went to get the diapered girl over to the side of the truck.

Diapered Girl-2: Mister? Hey.....Mister! Am....I....going in there with all those......wet and stinky diapers????? 

Daniel Newell: Yes, you are! You are trash now. 
You and.....all these diapers belong to me now....until I get you and them to the waste-to-energy plant. (Picking the girl up and swinging her into the hopper, tossing her on top of a pile of diapers in the hopper.) 
IN....ya go.....ok.... it's packer.....time! 

Daniel started the compactor and as the compactor advanced, the diapers rose up above the compactor, underneath the diapered girl whom, along with four packs of diapers and 43 loose, wet diapers fell out of the hopper and onto the ground near the side of the truck. 
Daniel cursed at the mess then continued to empty the toters in. In toter 10, a thickly diapered boy, wearing a bulky Fitti diaper with six thick diaper doublers inside that made the diaper so thick, the boy could barely put his legs together and made the diaper thick, bulky and saggy between his legs. Daniel hooked the toter up, flipped the lid open then quickly dumped the boy and all of the loose wet and messy disposable diapers as well as ten leftover packs of Luvs, Huggies, Fitti, and Pampers diapers into the hopper as the compactor blade slowly advanced onto the loads of diapers already in the hopper. The boy slid across the top of the compactor blade along with four leftover packs of Fitti, Luvs, Huggies diapers as the rest of the leftover packs of diapers and loose wet and messy disposable diapers rode along the top of the compactor blade until it began to retract. Then, as the boy and the diapers fell into the hopper, Daniel put the empty toter back then got into the cab while Jeff jumped into the cab on the right side.

Meanwhile, back at the Newell Daycare, 

The loads of diapers in the diaper pail that Wyatt is in, is getting full. Misses Newell tossed in ten diapers and wipes by noon alone! Misses Newell came over to the pail with some folded over wet diapers, raised the lid, tossed the wet diapers in over Wyatt's face and his head before pushing down on them three times so as to make some more room. 

Wyatt: (Grunting as misses Newell pushed down on him and the diapers) UHH! UUUUH! 

Misses Newell: Gotta make more room in there to fit more diapers. It's almost empty you and the diapers into the nice, compactor. 
Bet you'll love that huh? 

Wyatt: Huh? I going next? 

Misses Newell: Into our....diaper crusher hon. Gotta try to squeeze some of the wetness out. 
Looks to going to be.....nice and squishy. 

Wyatt: Miss, miss! You me......that.....I am going into a crusher that will squish the wetness out of my diapers and I? 

Misses Newell: Yes hon, that is what we do to the diapers and trash. Sometimes, the diapered trash, like you, passes out under the pressure. Some of the diapers may even burst under the pressure. Then, when it's time to go into the burn barrel, you won't feel it. 

Wyatt: Miss? you do.....with what is left of my diapers and I? 

Misses Newell: Well, my.....husband grinds the bones up and sprinkles them into our garden or....he tosses them into a trash bag, takes them in our diaper collection truck to the waste-to-energy plant where they are burned for energy. 

Wyatt: Is.....that.....where ..... what's his is going?

Misses Newell: Yep! He will be going to the waste-to-energy plant with all....of the diapers we collect, clean or dirty, alive or not.

Just then, a couple walked into the Newell Daycare with their very thickly diapered boy, wearing a stained up white onesie bodysuit with snaps in the crotch, and leather sandals on his feet. The boy was wearing navy blue cargo shorts and he had a pacifier in his mouth. 

Misses Newell: Hi, welcome to the Newell Daycare. here for our daycare or.....are you here for our....other programs? 

Elroy's Mom: Hi, I am Elroy's mom, Cindy and this is his father, Tom. We....are here for your.....disposal programs. Elroy. a heavy wetter and goes through a lot of diapers. It's getting to expensive to keep him in diapers, we are having to buy these....thick, bulky Luvs Deluxe for him and these Luvs Baby Pants diapers keep him dry. 

Misses Newell: Awe......We here at Newell-Care, completely understand. Why don't you.....leave Elroy in the pen over there, have his father go and get all of his things while you and I go figure out what disposal plan you both want. Follow me. 

Misses Newell leads Elroy's mom into a small room where she keeps all of the forms, disposal plans and disposal plan descriptions and hands Elroy's mom a packet with the forms already stapled together. 

Misses Newell: through the plans, then when you see one you like, fill out the form and both of you sign it then make payment out to "Newell Diaper Disposal" ok? 
Elroy's mom: (Consulting with her husband ) 
Which of these.....would you rather choose? I want the Burn Barrel.....

Elroy's Dad: (Looking at list of plans) I....prefer the Waste-to-energy plant myself. 

Elroy's mom: How about, a compromise, we aim for using the Waste-to-energy plant, and if they don't take him, then he gets brought back and put into the burn barrel? 

Elroy's Dad: that. Let's do that. 

Elroy's mom: Miss Newell? We want a combo..... If the Waste-to-energy plant won't take him, bring him back here, put him into the pail, then the compactor then, if it's available, the solar diaper dyer then the burn barrel. 
We have the money right here for this. 

Misses Newell: OK.....fill ....out this packet here....sign these custody agreement and the liability release forms, and the adoption agreement then sign and date, here and here....then select the plan here, along with any.....special instructions that either of you wish, then my husband and I will sign and notarize the documents before Elroy can be disposed of. That....plan will be....$6,611 dollars with tax and disposal fees. 

Both Elroy's mom and dad fill out their special instructions and disposal instructions/wishes then fill out the money order to Newell Diaper Disposal before handing the packet and the money order to Misses Newell for overview.
Misses Newell reads over the special instructions and disposal wishes before accepting the money order and shaking both of their hands.

Misses Newell: many boxes or packages of diapers does he have? 

Elroy's Dad: He has......about six boxes of Pampers, three bags of Luvs Deluxe for him and six bags of Northshore Care Supply MegaMax diapers and six bags of Northshore Care Supply Supreme diapers plus......two diaper bags. One for outings and one for daycare. The outings bag has the.....Northshore Care Supply MegaMax diapers and the daycare bag has the uh.....Luvs Deluxe for him diapers in it I think. Here is his....stroller, and......a box of his.....colored onesies. They are.....quite stained up. 

Misses Newell: Well, I will put the.....Luvs Deluxe for him diapers into the diaper pantry and....I will put the.....MegaMax diapers into the hallway closet along with all but one of the packs of the Supreme diapers. for the stroller and his onesies......I will throw the stroller away, then my husband and I will use his onesies in our.....burn barrel to get the diapers started when it's time for disposal. 

Elroy's mom: says, that you have these.....special diapers for them to wear for disposal and these.....special trash bags.....could....we......see one of each? 

Misses Newell: Certainly. No problem. 

Misses Newell gets some of her "Custom-made special compactor disposal diapers" and the custom-made special disposal trash bags and she brings them over to the desk where she plops them down in from of Elroy's mom and dad. 

Elroy's Dad: These......diapers are.....super......super thick and soft on the inside! 

Misses Newell: be.....they are made for use in the the compactor. There is....a LOT of pressure in there.....and these diapers, stand up to a lot of it. They stay nice and......comfy while being crushed hard. 
These diapers also dry quickly too. That way, they will burn better when it's time.

Elroy's Dad: Ah......Are.....these diapers being used on Elroy when he gets disposed of? 

Misses Newell: Yes, they are. These diapers also have a hidden device inside them that tells me when they are wet, how wet they are, much pressure they are under. I will know when they are being compacted and how many times before they go to the waste-to-energy plant. 

Elroy's Mom: (Opening and looking at the Special Disposal trash bag) This......looks like a combination of a diaper without the padding, and a thick force-flex trash has tight fitting leg elastics around the legs! 

Misses Newell: Yes, it.....does. I got the idea from the diapers and the heavy trash bags we use. Our daycare needed some special disposal bags that would handle the weight of the heavy wet diapers and the diapered boy or girl. The leg elastics fit super tightly so to seal in all of the.....leaky messes and wetness from the diapers. These bags are even kitchen compactor safe. These bags are also meant to last for a while in the diaper collection truck's compactor without popping as well. 

Elroy's Mom: Are you......going to.......use these bags on Elroy? 

Misses Newell: I.....may......or I may not. It just...."depends on" the situation. 

Elroy's Mom: These bags are......soft, strong, thick and have these.....plastic wires in the Force-flex trash bags do! They....also have diaper tapes. 

Misses Newell: Yes, the tighten the bag up and it seals the diapers and the diapered trash inside. They also help for when we have to put the bag on like a diaper. 
The......wires help make the......bottom end of the bag super strong and the bags are rated for certain weight limits between 40 lbs and 135 lbs. We have some...... force-flex bags that we can use under these to help make them stronger if needed. Now, both prefer that Elroy be bagged or.....just thrown in loosely? 

Both Elroy's mom and dad look at one another;

Elroy's Dad: I think.....we want him in loose if you can.....if....not, then bag him and the diapers as a last resort. 

Misses Newell: Duely Noted. Is there.....anything else that you want us to do for his disposal? 

Both Elroy's mom and dad look at one another

Elroy's Mom: I think.......that we are good. $6,000. We hope this will more than cover everything. 

Misses Newell: Yes, this will certainly cover everything. We appreciate it. 

Both Elroy's Mom and Dad leave and once they are gone, misses Newell goes over to Elroy to change his diaper and remove his clothing. 

Misses Newell: (Grabbing a Luvs Deluxe for him diaper, a Huggies story-time white diaper, a Huggies Disney Print diaper, one of his Northshore Care Supply MegaMax diapers and one of the Northshore Care Supply Supreme diapers before coming over to Elroy. 

Misses Newell: Hello there sweetie, my name is....misses Newell. I.....will be your....disposal care tech until it's time for your disposal. 

Elroy: I here? I....don't want to be disposed of! Where are and dad? 

Misses Newell: Well, sweetie, unfortunately, you are here to be disposed of. I am Misses Newell, and I will be changing your diapers and overseeing your care until it's time for your disposal. 

Elroy: Why did my mom and dad decide that they didn't want me any more? What.....did I do....or not do to make them not want me? 

Misses Newell: Well, SO........sorry to tell you this, they can't afford to keep you in diapers any more. Diapers these days cost a LOT of money! You......are going through a lot of diapers. Your mom said that you wet a lot of diapers. You also like wearing diapers and didn't want to potty train. They.......tried....... everything! So, they choice other than to bring you and what's left of your diapers, clothing and things here for disposal. 

Elroy: Do you.........HAVE to.......throw me away? Please! Don't throw my diapers, clothing and I away! 

Misses Newell: Sorry hon, you, all of your diapers, clothing and things will be thrown away no matter what. My.......husband and his employees will be taking you and your diapers to a place called the Waste-to-energy plant for disposal. 

Elroy: Is it.....ok if......I hump the diapers that get thrown away? 

Misses Newell: I.... don't care do to your diapers. They are yours. 

Elroy: What.....about the ones in the diaper pail? 

Misses Newell: They are trash sweetie. It doesn't matter what happens to them or you and your diapers once you and they get disposed of. 

Elroy: What.....are those.....boxes of diapers pointing to his left on the front of the box for? 

Misses Newell: Those? Those are for when you get disposed of. They are special disposal compactor diapers that are specially made to hold up in the compactor. They have the same thick plastic as our custom made special disposal trash bags do. The plastics have these.........plastic wire grids in them so that they will hold more wetness even when they are being crushed in a compactor and they have a little more thickness than a Luvs Baby Pants diaper and one of those Northshore Care Supply Supreme diapers do. 

Elroy: Do wear those diapers for disposal or may I choose my own?

Misses Newell: Sorry sweetie, you won't be able to choose what diaper you wear for disposal I'm afraid. Sweetie? I am going to have you wearing just your diapers from now on until it's time for your disposal. 
Unfortunately, I.....have to throw all of away. I will send them to a daycare I know of, where they flush everything and all of their disposees down the special toilets they had made. They send everything to be shredded before burning it for energy in a giant furnace once everything is pumped from the "Septic Tanks" by their septic tank pumper trucks. Sometimes, I send cloth diapered disposees to the textile recycling plant or to a cement plant where they burn everything to make cement. I know "hard" it is on the disposees to get disposed of this way. 
Now.......hon? I have these new Pampers "Lumi" Smart diapers to use up and I am going to put them on you during the day for the next week. Don't worry, I am going to use the Luvs Deluxe for him diapers on you at night. 

Elroy: Do......I get thrown away in the diaper trash that goes to that the truck takes them to I have to be disposed of here in that ......pail thing in your yard? 

Misses Newell: Well sweetie, you will go into the pail, then out to the totes that will get emptied into our diaper collection truck that will take you to the waste-to-energy plant. If they don't accept you or you fall out, you will get brought back here and then you go into the pail again, then our compactor before we burn you and the diapers and pull-ups in our burn barrel. 

Elroy: What happens if...mmI end up back here and......I am not alive? 

Misses Newell: Well, we will keep you in one of the extra totes full of the diapers until it's time to put you into the burn barrel. is your diaper.....I am....taking your....clothes and your....onesie to this.....daycare I know of. They will use it during one of their.....disposals. Hon? I also have a company that quality tests diapers and cleaning chemicals.....that needs more test subjects. help them test their diapers and cleaning chemicals? 

Elroy: No....miss.....I stay....right here and hump all of these ....nice.......swishy wet diapers! 

Misses Newell: O...k hon......I will tell them that you aren't available for them. 

Misses Newell stood up, helped Elroy up and then took Elroy over to the Pen where the toys are and let him in before leaving him in the gated pen. Misses Newell then went to the regular part of the daycare to change four of the wet pull-ups and a few of the Pampers Lumi Smart diapers she is using in her daycare. While misses Newell was otherwise occupied, a couple of Daniel Newell's friends had just finished the Disposee holding room. Now, all that needed to be completed was putting in the eight stainless steel cribs with the waterproof mattresses and the two used changing tables with the L-bracket shelves to hold the baby powder, wipes and four packs or boxes of diapers as well as the drawers underneath the changing table. 
The two men worked quickly and efficiently to complete the room for use. At around 2:00 pm, the two men finished work on the holding room in the back yard of the Newell-Daycare. 
The two men spoke with misses Newell for 20 minutes, before they left and misses Newell went into the daycare to begin moving the remaining disposees into the new holding room. 

Misses Newell: Hey sweeties, I have.....a big.... surprise for you....We just finished building the nice new nursery out in the backyard. Come....with me and I will show you to your brand new nursery. Isn't this.....neat? 

Elroy: Neat-o Miss Newell! This looks like a cool place to stay. Will I.....get lots of diapers to hump? 

Misses Newell: Sure......if you want.....I don't care...WHAT you do.......with the diapers. O....K......(lifting Elroy into one of the stainless steel cribs then sliding the side up and locking it) In ya....go.....there.....Now.....I have two of my employees whom will be monitoring you in here by both video and audio. One of us.....will be back to change your diaper every hour until you go to sleep each night. You get as many bottles as you want, and you get snacks as well as two meals a day until your disposal. Remember, we.....can see you and hear you. 

Misses Newell then leaves the new disposee nursery, closing and locking the door before returning to the regular daycare. Later on that afternoon, Misses Newell, goes to the diaper pail that Wyatt is laying in to put some more wet pull-ups and some more Luvs Deluxe for her, a few Pampers Baby-dry, as well as a couple of Huggies Disney Print diapers. Misses Newell, steps up, flips the lid open and sees Wyatt laying there, looking up at her.

Misses Newell: Ready......for a few more diapers? Here.........(Tossing the wet folded-over diapers in on his face and chest, before leaning down to give the diapers and Wyatt more hard shoves downward in a packing motion. 

Misses Newell: O........K hon, now.... it's time to....go into compactor. It's going to be.....nice and stinky in there. Looks like your diaper......could use a lot of packing! It's nice and soaked! 

Wyatt: Wait! Wait! please......hold....ON! I....was enjoying the squishiness of the diapers! Please......wait......stop.....quit! Noooooo! What....are you....doing?

Misses Newell: Sorry...... it's compactor time......we need to.....squeeze the wetness out of your diapers hon! (Dragging the diaper pail ocer to the compactor, opening the compactor rhen starting to unload some diapers into the packer can) 

Wyatt: OH.......come......ON! please? Don't ........don't put there! please? 

Misses Newell, lifts Wyatt up slipping one arm under his back and the other under his legs before lifting him, rhen transferring him over to the larger and slightly wider container that is now only 1/4 of the way full. Misses Newell lays him downnon the diapers and wipes inside before emptying the rest of the diapers 
on top of Wyatt, covering his legs, diapered pelvis, stomach, chest and his head and face before sliding the compactor closed, locking the door, then starting the first compactor cycle of the hourly cycles for the first 5 hours of the evening. 

Wyatt: Wait! Wait! No, don't close me in here! My......diaper will be ruined! Miss? Oh......miss!! open up! open......up! Wait......stop.....the crusher! Make it........STOOOOOOP!!!!!  Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! 

Misses Newell walks away and ignores Wyatt's cries. The compactor slowly comes down and begins to press into the diapers and wipes that are on top of him, against him, as he is pressed at a 2:1 pressure ratio, against the diapers below him. The diaper he has on, begins to crumple and bunch up as the other diapers press in and against the front of his diaper as the rear of his diaper gets pressed into the diapers below him. 
Then, as the compactor began to retract and reset, the power shut off for the next five hours allowing Wyatt to finally get some sleep. It wasn't until about 7:00 am that the compactor door slid open again with misses Newell standing there with about 8 more soaking wet pull-ups, soaking wet morning diapers and wipes. Misses Newell also had a few of Wyatt's own piles of semi wet diapers that he had saved that she had forgotten to toss in the day before. Misses Newell also had some leftover Swiffer wet-jet diapers (Diapers used as Swiffer wet-jet pads) to toss in. 

Wyatt: Miss? 

Misses Newell: Yes?

Wyatt: to run the.....crusher in me again after you close the door? I have some time to.....sleep since I wasn't able to get a lot of sleep with the crusher coming down almost every 4 hours or so. 

Misses Newell: Yes hon, I...will. You will just.....have to pit up with it! I.... don't care what happens to you....OR .....your diaper now! You and your diaper are......trash! Now.....I have more trash and more diapers going in there in a bit. The diapers all need to be squeezed so that they dry out some so that you and they will burn better in our nice, burn barrel. 

Wyatt: No...more! please.....I.....thought it was going to feel nice but I was wrong. It feels like 
my diaper and my body are going to pop! 

Misses Newell: Well, that's what we DO with the wettest diapers and those that we deem need to get squeezed out. You just have with it! Nope! I am NOT letting you out! Yuck! You.....stink, you have......piss all over you, some......diapers must have birst because you have some........wet diaper gels in your hair and all over you.....yucky! You are......staying in there till the bag is full and it's time to take the bag out! come some more wet diapys. 

Wyatt: Hey! My....face miss! those diapers are in here with the wet padding facing me! That one just......fell open! 

Misses Newell: that sometimes. I......have to put them...... wherever there is room. Now......time to....close it again.....going to run a couple more cycles before there will be about .......four to five hours with no packer cycles again til there are more diapers to put in. 

misses Newell slides the door closed and then locks it before starting the compactor again. The blade slowly and steadily came down 
and pressed the wet diapers down hard against Wyatt's chest, face and against the front of his diaper which caused his leg elastics to begin sagging and gapping as his diaper bunched up and crumpled up. Wyatt moaned and groaned as the pressure mounted as the flat end of the compactor blade pushed all the diapers below him, down before they sprung back once the blade began to retract. 
As stated, the compactor ran again before it retracted and reset and stayed off for the next four to six hours before it was again 4:00 pm when misses Newell slid the compactor door open. The diaper below him had indeed burst and the padding and gels had sprewd themselves vastly into Wyatt's hair, now into his leg elastics,  his waistband elastics, all over his chest and all over his face. There were three open diapers with their wet padding facing against his facial skin as well as several pull-ups which had burst laying next to his head on each side. Wyatt wws sleeping, out..... nearly cold when misses Newell tossed in four wet Luvs Deluxe for him, two Huggies Story-time white diapers, three more wet Princess training pants, two more plain white bed-wetter Huggies good-nites pull-ups, and a couple pair of Huggies Goodnites boxers before she slid the compactor door closed again, then started the compactor cycles again. The loud sound of the cylinder pumps and the electric PTO woke Wyatt up from a sound sleep. Wyatt groaned with frustration, aggrevation and frustration at the pressure of the compactor blade coming down again. This time, Wyatt turned his head to his left and his face went right into the padding of a large Fitti disposable diaper that had lots of baby powder in it as the compactor came down and began crushing the padding against his face, causing chunks of powder to fly into his eyes and coat his entire diaper gel splattered face. The diaper padding wadded itself around his face as the outter plastic began to buckle up. Once the first compactor cycle ended, misses Newell came back into the kitchen after 5 or six minutes and hit the start button again to start the compactor again. Wyatt groaned in sheer frustration as the compactor blade came steadily downward and began to press the diapers down against him and the diaper he had on as he was pressed against the diapers and wipes below him. 

Wyatt: Miss!!!! NO....more please!!!!!! 

Misses Newell ignores Wyatt's moans and groans as she fixes a few bottles for a few of her regular clients. 

Meanwhile, Daniel Newell and Jeff go along their diaper collection route collecting load after load of diapers and diapered trash. 
At the Pampers Diaper Factory in their area, the Newell Diaper Disposal Lodal pulls up to the side of the 12 over-filled totes that three of them have legs dangling over the side or front of, and as Daniel and Jeff jump out and begin grabbing the first and second totes, diapers begin to fall to the ground as the totes are rolled over to the side of the hopper. 
Daniel flips the lid open quickly then activates the tote-tipper. More loose diapers fall to the ground as the load of diapers is emptied into the hopper. The toter comes back down empty
as Daniel pushes the first toter aside and grabs the second one. Again, he flips the lid back rhen activates the tote-tipper. More diapers fall to the ground as the tote quickly rises and as the diapers fly and shoot out and into the hopper.  Then, once the second tote is empty, the full tote with a pair of legs dangling from the right side is rolled over to the side of the hopper as 100 or so loose diapers fall to the ground. Daniel hooks the tote up and then flips the lid open quickly as he activates the tote-tipper. The tote quickly flies up and tips over spilling all of the diapers as well as the pair of legs into the hopper. The hopper is now piled high with loads of diapers. and Adam is srill in the hopper even after all of the compactor cycles. Daniel decides to run the pre-crusher so to force the piles of diapers in the hopper down so when the compactor blade starts, the diapers, Adam and the other diapered trash get crushed well and pushed into the packer container.  

Diapered Girl in hopper: Hey! HEY! Before anything, where are you.....taking me?

Daniel Newell: We tqke everything to the waste-to-energy plant where it is eventually burned to generate energy. Ok.... it's.....packer.....time for the trash! Ready????

Daniel Newell hits the pre-crusher switch and the pre-crusher blade quickly comes down before the compactor blade begins to advance. The diapers try to rise and insteqd are forced into the container as the packer cycles. The compactor blade begins to retract as Daniel raises the pre-crusher blade. The diapers and the diapered girl as well as Adam spring right back into the hopper again. 

Daniel Newell: OK.....time to.......take this load to the....nice Waste-to-energy plant. I am going to keep running continuous compactor cycles on the load as we drive to the plant. 
Both Daniel and Jeff get into the cab of the Newell Disposal Lodal Evo and drive directly to the waste-to-energy plant. Once there, Daniel dumps the load onto the tipping pad. The plant manager has a few of his employees go through the load and pull out all of the semi-conscious diapered trash. Adam, gets pulled out and taken to get weighed aling with the rest of the diapered trash. The plant manager comes back with one of his employees carrying Adam. 

Waste-to-energy plant manager: Hi there Mr Newell, We can't accept a few of the diapered Disposees you have here. This one and two others. You have to take them back with you. 

Daniel Newell: Dang it! Well.....ok.....we will dispose of them at home then. Jeff? Put the....diapered trash back into the hopper and then I will take them all back to our daycare and dispose of them. Got them all? Great..... let's go. 

Continued in Part 5...........

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The Covid-19 Era Death-With-Dignity Disposal

It was a Sunday morning in late August when Adam arrived at the Newell residence. Daniel and his esteemed wife, Misses Newell, had a prior a...